2 NORTH LEEDS LANTERN ,_â€"â€" Doom/ALLIE- The gremlins could be blamed again but in all honesty we must admit to a touch of plain stupidity. We all knew that the issues for Dec'El7 and .Jan'BB were to be combined in the December issue. but we neglected to inform our readers. Apologies all round. Please remember to advise us of dates to be added to Coming Events and the Calendar. IF you have information, problems or even praise call Brys Scovil at 272â€"33l5. PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW MAILING ADDRESS Box 267 Portland, Ontario KOG 1V0 Once again please remember that deadline means DEADLINE. The amount of typing and advertisement work that must be accomplished in the few days between deadline and layout is alarming, as volunteers we do have personal lives that sometimes intrude upon the business of the Lantern. Executive 1987-88 Editor - Brys Scovil Assoc. Editor - Betty Blackman Treasurer - Limmy Scovil Secretary â€" Susan Duncan Layout Brys Scovil, Doug Roantree, Betty Blackman, Jeff Baker, Jansje Keates DIRECTORS Jeff Baker; Marjorie Jackson; Jansje Keates; Pat Little; Eldon Albert: Jane Monaghan; Earl Mattice Billing Jansje Keates Front Covers Earl Mattice Typing Lynn Bastedo Delivery Eldon Albert Focus Feature All Directors Circulation Mrs. Margaret Keith Seeley's Bay, Ont. KOH 2N0 NORTH LEEDS LANTERN BOX 267, PORTLAND, K06 1V0 Hints to Help Us get your Ads RIGHT! ll Make sure we can READ your copy. 2] indicate the SIZE you wish to insert. 3] DO NOT write directly on logos. art work. illustrations. etc you wish us to use â€" write your required copy on a separate sheet indicating where you wish it inserted. 14] We DO NOT have an Art Department â€" requested illustrations will be as close as possible. If sending in "illustrations" logos etc. please remember: ONLY BLACK 8 RED CAN BE REPROOUOED Blue. and other pale colours DO NOT photograph. [Our printer uses a photographic process] 5]lf you take an ad [yours or another companies] from another newspaper. you are required to get permission to use it from that paper. 6] MAKE SURE YOUR AD IS IN BEFORE THE DEAD-LINE [The Wednesday BEFORE the LAST Tuesday of each month] Thank you for your coâ€"operation. Dear Editor: The world seems to be getting smaller. Our interests seem to be getting broader. The Orient in particular seems to be gaining interest. We thought that you and your readers would be interested in recent letters received from our son John in Tokyo. .John won the Trent/Nissan Scholarship which helps a third year Trent University student attend Sophia University in Tokyo. He is studying Business and Management along with Japanese. .John is the youngest of the children of Eleanor and Patrick Dickey, the Gallagher House. Portland. Sincerely. Eleanor 8 Patrick Dickey The North Leeds Lantern is a monthly Community Newspaper, distributed free of charge to all households in the Townships of Bastard 8: S. Burgess, Rear of Leeds & Lansdowne, South Crosby and the Village of Newboro. Funding is provided through advertising revenue, which pays for the cost of production While the above named Township Councils contribute towards the mailing costs. Subscriptions are available to those residing outside of those areas named at a cost of $7.50 Canadian residents; $10.00 0.8. mailings. Circulation averages 2,800/month. The aim of the Lantern is to provide a monthly newspaper of interest to the residents of the areas it serves. News from Councils. local organizations and the public is published as space permits and under the guidelines set down by the Board of Directors. The Lantern also hopes to provide a forum for local concerns and invites articles or letters from the general public. All items submitted MUST be signed for publication. I, Deadline Lantern goes to press the last Tuesday of each month. Material must be submitted NO LATER than the Wednesday prior to press date. ADVERTISING SPACE MUST BE BOOKED BEFORE THAT DEADLINE DATE. Advertising Content: The Lantern staff prepare ads for print, however the content of the ad is the responsibility of the advertiser. False or misleading advertising should be brought to the attention of the advertiser in question. Birth, Death, Wedding, Graduation Notices, etc, are not accepted as these fall under the jurisdiction of the daily or weekly papers. This is the Policy of the Directors. Calender 8: Coming Events: Items are included FREE in these areas if submitted before the deadline. Calender items, of necessity, must be brief. Coming Events items may NOT include cost, tickehsellers, etc. and should not be unduly long.It is the responsibility of the organization/s to inform IN WRITING any changes relating to weekly events listed on Calender. It is also advisable to list items for Coming Events &/or Calender on a separate sheet to an organization's news item. Planning Calender: As an on-going service, the Lantern offers FREE listing in the ADVANCED PLANNING Column. Each month's activities MUST be submitted separately. , N.B. Commercial enterprises MAY NOT use Calender or Coming Events columns unless proceeds are going to charity or local service organization. Phone Calls: NO MATERIAL, ADS, EVENTS, etc. WILL BE TAKEN OVER THE PHONE. We would appreciate ALL material, inquiries, etc. be submitted through the mail: Nwth Leeds Lantern Box 136. Elgin KOG 1E0 BACK ISSUES of the Lantern can be seen in the Elgin Branch Library. Deadline Dates are always listed on the Editorial Page of each issue. PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS: We request all accounts he paid promptly and directed to the Lantern at the above address. “- you are Paying on behalf of an organization, please ' state the organization and the number from your invoice (if not returning invoice with payment) Thsi allows us to credit the correct account. The Lantern reservélthe right to adjust Ad 8123, depending on space available. .4 While the LANTERN will continue to use the Elgin Community Room for layout and the Elgin Library facility for location of files â€" PHONE CALLS E» ENQUIRIES SHOULD NOT BE DIRECï¬â€"ï¬ THE LIBRARY [or staff). If arrangements have been made [with new executive] items. [clearly marked and suitably packaged] MAY be deposited in the Library Book Drop BEFORE the monthly deadline. [ stated in the previous month's issue] Library Staff ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE for assuring receipt by Lantern volunteers of material submitted using this method. Advertising Rates Preprinted Business Cards $5.00 3x2. 6.00 3x3 10.00 3x4 11.00 3x5 12.00 3x6 13.00 3x7 14.00 )4 page 26.00 )6 page 52.00 full page 104.00 Size assessment is taken to the nearest square inch. Ad size over 21 square inches @ 65¢ per square inch. Photo reproduction in ads 7.00 Classifieds 2â€"4 lines 200 5-8 lines 4.00 Thankyous 4.00 minimum paid with ad . , A11 classifieds should be paid for at time of insert' ion of ad. Month Deadline layout‘ Issued Feb. Jan. 20 Jan. '26 ' Jan. '29 March Feb. 17 Feb. 23 Feb. 26 April Mar. 23 Mar. 29 Apr. 1 May Apr. 20 Apr. 26 Apr. 29 June May 25 May 31 Jun. 3 July/Aug Jun. 22 Jun. 28 Jul. 1 Sept. Aug. 24 Aug. 30 Sep. 2 Oct. Sep. 21 Sep. 27 Sep. 30 Nov. Oct. 19 Oct. 25 Oct. 28 Dec. Nov. 23 Nov. 29 Dec. 2 N.B. July/August Deadline ABOUT THE COVER PICTURE. I wish to thank Sandy Merryweather for introducing me to her pair of Green Iguanas. They are native to the Atlantic coast of South America. Wilhemina and Allâ€"Bran are 01 iveâ€"green wi th' black st ripes . Sandy obtained them from the Reptile Breeding Foundation, Box 1450, Picton, Ontario, KOK 210 She heartily urges our readers to learn more about these and other living treasures of our natural world and for those able to do so, to send a contribution (tax deductible) to the Foundation, whose main purpose is to breed rare and endangered species of reptiles. Even $5.00 will get you a subscription to the HERPECULTRURIST, a fact filled newsletter. EARL IMPORTANT NUMBERS Red Cross llolenakers 359-5382 V.0.ll. Office 272â€"2343 Albulance 1â€"800-267â€"0991 ‘IOII Seniors Support 359â€"1068 Canadian Cancer Society 273â€"218!»