Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 25 Feb 1885, p. 2

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"s ~ --< .v ttlil‘l’lflc cos 1!. llles cl w is monies sum ~Inblls Lsstlsr Int-uses! «Instantaneous Pilots- m’."‘°« ‘00 There sro 124,000 miles of rsi'rtind in the United Shun, or seven than u runny miles in ‘tin re srs iii the United K‘ngdem 0 Hunt r tsic. An nnnouncament wns run In n short time since before Ibo Lithium Society of New South Wnlcs by Mr. Willinin Msoleny shot the total numbers of Austrnlinn fishes now nmounts to 1,291 i-p oies. An establishment in Blvnrin for the men ufncture nnd prcsi win; of rnilronl sleepers is side to turn out 500.000 sleepers n yenr, which is nbout one-tenth of tbs numhir e- t uired uunu'illy for the insiutenonue 01 c ermnn rsilrcu ’s. There hrs lately been constructed by MM. Cnul'iot and (lxntiot, of Psrin, s new tool to which the have givin th» name of the bi' ridicn dn ing machine. The arm is Jointed or hinged in the middle so that the drill on: be brought to my point on the table without shifting the lattir. Duel gent trnsinits the pOM r Cut iron may be so h'irdeuedns to reset cuttimi by an ordiu-iry lilo by the following method: When the inn is brought to n cherry-red bent. rprinlile same c, nuide cl potnisiuni upi ii it, rain: the temperature then l!ttle above red heat. and, lastly, dip in the temp ring tnnk. Cyanide if potussium may be lined lor case-hardening iron site with decided «if» ct. For the first time in the history of the Auridimy oi Sher c1, l‘niie places htht been oil red l y the Uovrrnment to solic‘ed members to take pirt on it diplomatic coni- niissiun. 'l‘iint lierncd body has he tit-l3: rcc -ivcd u rupiisiticn from M ['3 rry to en- puiut llii'cn lit'it‘J‘blU‘I to the international cmuinirnEon which is to meet in \Vsshingtou on the [wt .il Uetolwr ii it to determine the choice 0" a first meridian When tum-[hating the strawberry, an (xpert li-r'ivils the removal of the runners, and r: c unineudn h n. in; six inches of them attichcd to each ride of the plant. The end of thaw ruiin l‘l'i are then to be bint down and buried With the roots l'innts thus trusted are provldi- l with men at r drswiug nouriilnnviit at ouc'r nnl will thrivo iii nzl. verse Mllltillalul s which prove Litul to pl inta atrippcd of their runners. in making the fluid extract and tincturis of cinclmiin, am in flowers, kw , Mr. Alfred ll. Taylor has found it especially sirviccnble to use a purgon of the finished preparation from n prevailis riparntien to llltb’JOX'lble and i; rtii‘. ly ethane: the frog bet: 7.; applying the iwu ‘llllLl-IH of the ini-nx‘rduni; and as tl.~ rc 311') ii ml. to the (lusntity dl finished Prt Pll'iltltlli [lilii l'lll lit! lllll'd Wilt'n DOUCFI fury, it it [)Csrziliic to exhaust completely the drug Op"’i'3?,cf‘l Uli'lll l‘mf 'l‘hriinprou, iii a recent i czure, in- formal his audiri c ~ that thn magnetic p ile is now nczir lloot‘iin Felix, or more than l.000 miles. went of the gergriphicul pole. in 1657 -thv iiiiigncld: pole was due north, it hM'ing been :mtwnrd before that year. Then it be- gun to move Wayward until lfilt’, when the incriminn “cu-i i‘cnchril. '1 ill-l in now being lit-v.1 iiiy \lllllllilhlitfil, and in ll)le it Will again point duo iioi'tu. l’ro‘. TliOlllp‘lt n Siys that the \‘ll‘ll‘ig't a which will hum been observed imt only~ on tho illl‘l cti in, but in the strength oi the i :lrth’s It‘uulit'tluli, Will shoe; that the 81mm criim a trim-Li originally iiiugnelitx’l the 'rrirtli nru lil‘ll it work. For lll’lklilig i~:uln-r wot .r proof the fol- lowing inwip‘. has been prinznd: Twenty- .‘nnr pariu fil-‘li‘ :.\' l 15 nmiiw- ii. 8 mp, 24 water. ii mw ni'c'ir c ncid, rum d i.ll.i;>i1ili ex- li'nct we [nu-i ll \' irp ).;.tcd. 'l he. :1 in acid is first lliLlZJl \ii‘h the lll'r' Bta‘ll‘lllt‘, then U c alltl‘tll‘ll"1 s mp it added, oft. runrd the tannin vxtrict. in. i liiial‘y the watir. The .‘tlllfllullla m .p in t3'li-1Llllt‘li by trcttirg iluic acid wizh irrimmui .mle the smell of the littt‘l‘ in not '2- ptmiv after a prolonged flirting. 50,410 the whole mixture 3 r. l'ltlii‘i ol th p... v. r ‘PPLFJS in six parts (it ww'vr :i rim-p hi. ck c it r in B‘WElll‘t’ll, nvl- lllll‘nl\;_\-' :iilnpiz'il lurdyc 11g slim) loiither. Ii‘. my The iiiaimi‘ men .n phot: grrip‘ H token cl aurimw awn in in Hinlllm have 1'. CBlVUl llml'hula‘fi‘..L1«llfl‘Ulii (lii- Berlin l'nyaical ‘ . :i i". l: v.13 396311Luizximlning the sieve- i.-.l pi uh or «pm .w p 'rnti ly that the convenv :1 mil :.i.i x- ..rioinzii'y :il‘._'i3:riit.iti<>ns of In :\ int; ruininli prollu-‘Ml by nrlints wu‘o ‘ H r. v rsn‘risunnsvrus RIPORIIM a ...." ----4 not slings ssrvsst. nnd st the pictures on W sound to be i i sin. A holsssrissctviswsotsbsdi rent - in. “may the haught- in so being I new ‘ nvs instnnt creel. however. of the “more! senlsvs-e‘nts 0! h 0 s 0 0. 'M'.‘. II 0 been won let his s ddssrvsdlyl’hbigtrigger:V nsso reputstion. Hitherto it bns punlsd eminent surgeons to sccount for sudden drsth owned by sp- pnrsctly inndeuuste wounds in the hurt. such so those mode by the prick. without penntrntion even. cl n neeule. Herr Sohmey. s student of the l’oysioiosicnl Institute. Ber- hn, bns. however. just then ivsrsd thnt when n needle picks it certnin small I t on the liwsr border of the upper thirl c the septum cordls. quite instantnnsously the movements of the hurt nrs nrrested nod torsvcr set an- tionless in drnth. “It is now the tub of nnntomicsl investig ition." snys Prof. Kronec her, who vsrtified ihc discover“ 9f his pu- pil, Herr So‘imey. sud coininunicntcd it to the l’nysii logic 11 Society of Birlin. “to dem- onstrnte with necursoy this vitnl centre. the existence of which hss Wproved experi- mentnlly." Flints, including chips nnd cores nnd n large tomnhswk weighing four pounds, from U51, collected by 1):. U. B Guppy. of the TlllS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POOR BONDITION British GOVernment vessel lurk, were latelyv exhibited and described by Dr. Liversldge- blow the Royal Siciety of New S-nth Wei -s. Dr. Liverlldgu remarked that s me years ago Mr. Brown, the Wesleyan minâ€" smnary, brought from New-Bdtoin n soft white limestone which was quite undistin- guishuble from chalk, not only physically but chemically. and pointed out that this discoer of films alforded another very strung proof of the probable presence of true chilli ot crotaccous age in the South San ls lauds. The finite which ware shown before the siclety possesies all the c'mrnutrr'sfie of these fro ii the chalk of Europe, sud csn ngt by more inspection bedi-itinguished from t em. “.... ...â€"‘wâ€"s English Prenehers. Canon Li Mon and the Bishop of Peter. borough stand out as unquestionsbly the two “[1030 preachers oi the Established Church. There is s story of is private lol- dicr having gone to St. l‘sul‘e on on a‘tcr noon when Dr. Liddou was toprench. The printed popcr With the hymn was handed to him, ln: not tlu'lerstuu ling that it was otfered gratis he refused it with is shake of the head, saying: “You don't supp s! I should be here it I had got any money?" Mo.t of the p:ople who g-» to hear the elo- quent Union are different from this e il liur, torthey Would payâ€"and very liberally-40 get e um near the pulp t. On the nftorno Jul at the Sundays when Di. hidden is in 7:3“; di nee, the cathedral [in sent: an ex riordin- nry night with its huge have aisles rim-....cly thronged. Si for no the preachers voice will rtnch, people stand. training eyes and ears, and fortunately 1).“. hidden] voice re- sunnds well undor the dome, though now nnd then it heconr-s indistinct through thr princher‘s spanking too fast in his exnte- ment. Two other thing! ocoaa'nnnlly inir Dr. Lid lon's dihvery. S iortnees of sight nukes him often stoop to consult Bibi-2 or notes, and rig tin lie bowsthe head in a mark- ed manner when he utteis the holy name, but oh. ii lie thus hands he goes on speaking. to that his wirls fall on the pulpit cinhion end are dendcned, whic 1 produces upon p 0‘ pin who are at some little (llilulilf': ~d’ the ercct of cmtitmnl etopp iges rind gdps in the sermon No other di icch beech-s these, imwcwr, c Ill be noted in Ol'dLOKH which for beauty of liiiguoge. elevation of thought, and luciditv in i’t‘Judlilllg coull not be eur~ pureed. “'0 have heuri 1):. Li ldoii miny tinici at Oxford and iii Lindon, aml h we ol mum-d in: the impression product-ii by his i l injucnce was iilutiyn the a one, u i [1112' tor who m'ght be listening to lam. We rt member in particu‘ar, a sermon (ii hiuon the tors, “The kingdom of (ind cnmcth not with 0b$l‘l'V.ttli ii." It was absolutely mag- nificent. to hear him prophesy the gradual progrcni of the We: l1] toward a. higher state. Gary min, from the greatest to the lens , wn‘ mode to lcrl his share of the responsibil ity in advancing or rctrirdiizg the (‘thlull01 cl ninnkin l, and while the cons’qucrc-a of eVil were pointed out as extending to iucnl‘ culziblo lcngtlts, thv re Was a sublime hope- fuliites in the promise that the smallest good oll'rrmg brought to the Creator would be multiplied by him as the "five lone; were iiiiiltiplici." l m... v1 on ‘_ 'fl :1 ‘Anstrshnl‘ssss. onset lintbAnwrntts is sop-u. end its lotion snd resources so upro- tlnly st: l s? godpth thnt I0 “Wt I!) at intriots or the noisier oo- snssll tows en the ens-boned snn st pen- sent be costs-pissed. The heart oi the country boots in Adslsido. which is oi the use ct Government nnl the vsposi 1 ol the notional wsnlth It is notlisnt tbnt once in the heads 0! on enemy the s of £5,000,000 sterling coull be levied from it in n few bonus. plocinc Governments banks. nnd private ldlvldllull, slite. under 'gorocs contribution. The wholuluty of )unl “dour... hsvebscn thown upon the colonic“ themwlven Under nichltgstiun to the imp irisl Government to protect themselves, bounl by no tin 01 lsderntion to inter c .1 nml uniformity of notion, nnd iui buetl ui.h :t touchiu belief in the nb'quity nul oindpitence c the British fleet. the difierent Austridini G werninents drifted on vaguely for several years. This ntnts oi apathy wns rudely dispelled by the Runo- ankish so ire of 1877, when the Antipods- nus so ldenl ovate to their delenccless conâ€" uition. S ; diering ‘5 very popular in South Austrslis. Tiiere netsndy nod evenin- crensin fine of recrui into the ranks of the M. die. no t t, notwithstnndiug a severe medical em ntion. the inevitable wuto is ninpr previdnd for. About 30 p r cent. of ti s time upped men I'tj’)l11 for n second term of three turn, for which they receive £1 bmufy. my more enrol in the Reserve, where they nnnually nttend twalve drills nnd tire through their classes to keep up the knowledge no uired with the colors. Between Militia sud olunteers sbout three times ind men hsvc passed through the ranks, and are now more I r lees trained to the use of urine ; they form a considerable, though Ullellruliwl user-Va up n whom it Would be: nfe to rely in ones of em: rse'ioy. The rising Untitdllt‘li nrc also being ntondily dri‘dml nt 1. e State (anglicc School Board) echooll throughtout the Colony. All tench- ers have to pass in compsny drill before np- pniutuicnt, and so well do they train their biys that more than once six or seven Run‘ligs-i lids, coilewted lrom various schoolsi ave cen marched on to thw noon and b no 801:: through a on; lia‘itolinn drill with glen. scenes. Throughout the force the physique is excellent. The infantry in height, bond and age, are decidedly nu perior in the line regiment: of the prcscnt any. and the Artillery can hold their Own with their l-rethreu at home. of the rciiinrknbh. loyalty and “Lotion lur the Old Country which provmles not only the S iuth A ietrilisns. hi): all the Austrdlininu troupi, we will givn one in- stance. Within four hours of the .1”.an in Adelaide of the news of our deledt at Ms- iulr; 11-1! th-cr- hundred men. from the small dull-nee force, We have been describing, had voluii'ccred tor nctive service in the Trans- vnd, “to help our chap! ngainat the Boers.“ The offer ll'h'l already been telegraphed home when the other colonies hearing of it, instau ly began to full in? suit, on l in IWCllly four hourse 2,000 sturdy Austral iane had plum-d themselves at the service of the H me Government, eager "to help to avenge the honor of the British Big. -lt is greatly to he hoped that the colonies Will lose no time in federating for military and nsvsl purposes. At present each member of the Australa- siin group works independently, without conceit With her neighbors ~»:i statn of things which in time of peace is flp‘llfll‘u‘u, and in time of wu might become ding-r nus. liven more prising is the 'in-cesdty lor catnblisliing n coloiiiul gox’orrrncnt mtuu- factoiy of anullnrm srnunition in some cen trad locality, whence the magazines could he i‘cyl-zii'shel WlLliUth need of constant ap- pilCTllOu to the lliitisli authorities. l Oit of the populttion. which we may roughly estimate at “2,900,000, there are more. than 16,000 men who voluntarily nii- ilrrtnlis military dutiis The capital sums: spent, or about to he spent, on permanent fortilizzitmus since 1877 (without reckoning iinViil defences) amount to ti million sterling; while the estimated annual miiitnrv (‘chndl ture in calculmte'd at 1327;,000 In the fa:e of these figures no one can accuse the Ann trnli t1] colonists of too exclusively rrlying on impi r nl piotcctimi in case of war. , ,..._..‘oc 1~.â€"D M”.â€" A Full.“ h-siiie. being told recently thnt he was mnhiguouu. declared that the charge was this a, no he hid not drunk anything for year. vammmw'm W1 MW?" ‘ -. . ' *~ . . , ‘ v. r a ‘ r ... .---â€"r 1“ .Issshh 'u Insist- A‘vtilstele Isb unrest-ct fl-anolnln cs "mum Wan ,or Ian-er. “outlive, so senssns hers. "msnbard blighted“- elsewhere to bonnet. 8.“!- Otbnuwlmldc “until I - cftbe by t seem so it the lib hsd ts bi so; tor with the lingers Item the picnic order to bscsuglit, classed. sol 1, cool . nod notes. Every "not: oi flu shot to be seen in this mnrket. -sini- nestly the nutrition mullet. b‘is -'l\l0l. Gib-husbsnds. nn'l tlsh children burner" the only websnliss {rein Itolls «r counters covered with this not specie. N ushers cite thntl know of could vendors lows in pnr- nllel piles upon their tables with impunity gull sud slvcr coins often niiiosnting ti sot-res of dollirs. Agood denl of czuttin . joking. sud bnrgnining nicornpsny pn cee - ingsin this cc of trsdvi. the picturesque notivespre ernting hath ns buyers nod sellers. while n11 mood is lite. noise. flutter, and business engeruess. The scene reminds one at the Nespdiin fiph msrstt in the squsre where Musnisllo orgsnizad his popu- lsr uprising ncd rchluticnui-y revolt ~tnst bold fisher-nun, king of but three days' reign. Fish 1! n fnvur.te food 0 the Hun niinn nt nil times, which. with n bowl oi pd, molten up his usual meal 8 iellfish. shrimp especinlly, us said for snlnds a In mayon- naise. but there is no native edible oyster-1 The oyster of the Pacific. nnywnerc I have ever been. even on Our 0 l fornili onset. in canine (qunls cur Atlantic Bu»: Points. Usioasp-nkes, or East River bivalves, either on regnrls eizv, “War, or subsequent epicu- reon satisfaction. “...â€"..- The ’UIOIMM Vietcr. The uninvited visito: drops upo 1 us nt inoit inco iven'e ittimes no i sinuous, quiteu A matter 0‘ icirsc. Lka a too: rilntioo, and proscele to mike herself the on:th at home withOit mo e ado Nituml we do no; expect any great oino wt of di ‘ lance on the port of a. p 'l'r01 who is bold eaoiig‘i to in- tru-le upOi the privacy of another wiilio it special request, and we are there‘ore but little surprinel when we fiiil her inV'eitigot- ing the upper storey 0" the house, or devis- ing means for invading thi mu m thst hive been c (nod to her, or iritcrvie ving the ser- vnnt-i ; when she demands enznbles not upoi the tnbie, sud trlls in abuut the luxurious suriouudings of her last h is e s: when kiio «ring the breakfus:, ohi wilfully lies in bud till that meal is spo led, till all the delicacies p-rpsred for her delectatiovi hive lost their ielish and bcuomc indigesti- vle; when she is lllpoth‘lt if so nothing is not beirg done for her entertainment ; when sheeoinpliins of the tempezature of the dru- mg tomb in warm weather, on! the tumour o‘ the flies, the periietcuce of the mo quit. in, seeming to will-- tliit the" are n'iroynnc s to which she has voluntmrily subjected herself; or when sh»: is curious about our work. At the some time that the aggravatis us wnh‘he: peculiarities, ll.'l' nudncitws interest and ammo us; WU find Oirsrlvcs wondering wintrh: w:ll do or soy next, and if she his exhiueted her im- p‘rtincnws A'll her pecuharitics allorzl n constant theme for mirtbful thought long after she has left us. ' MW.» ~ thrillingr Bags by Weight. There 11 lrom twenty to thirty per cent difference in the weight of egg, yet the cus- tom is almost universal in tho 1'} totem mnr- kets, of selling t'ieui by tho «107.511 n: a uni form price. livvu duv'u’ eggs, which n c. nirc‘i larger, on i by Htilll‘. reg mind as r;chi r. bring no more th ‘11 “'1', Mn ll Cut Ii. n'n 9.1L“ of not half the weight, i’l ( diltggngp egg), fruits, and nuny other drainlausi‘thnt nix: iwrc sold by the dozen, thr lMlIlt'll‘ or by in mure, are sold by weight. 'l'm: pr int c - is n 300i one niil works l)'\‘llt5ficl.\ll)' lot a. l pii‘t'ci L." poi inliyfor the produc ‘r. l: operatic 13". :i or 5~ mium upon the cult/“Ultl’vil o‘ the inmi p 1. diictive Vllrlell'1tlill'lili5, viuetnhlr ruin lfe r ll stock. Thcl.-.rm fr, Wth is p xiiiatnkmg witnhiu poultry and gets the lnrgeat Wright 0" I'pgfl, line it fair reward in liisi skill and industry, The {resent custom ii A premium to l'xnb miglits, and good layers. \Ve need in dining; in the interest of lair timing in trdde, him, if necessary, it s‘ioill bu enfo'ccd by logis- letion. if this logelzi ore is Competent to fix the weight of :i li'ls‘liol 0‘ corn or p vetoes, it can easily reuul to the Weight of a dozen eggs, and thin prm o .r‘ juitice between buy- er null se'ler. aâ€" â€"~â€".â€"~---. o »-.>~â€"â€"o 0â€"4--â€"-â€"-â€"- A hearty meal taken while excessively fatigued has often destroyed life.

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