In 1836 an Anglican missionary by the name of Thomas Green began holding services in at least three settlements in Burford Township. In 1838 Green became rector of Wellington Square in Burlington and his work was continued by Reverend George Petrie, who arrived in Canada in 1839. Under Petrie, the first public Anglican worship in Burford took place in a schoolhouse across the street from where Holy Trinity Church now stands and on September 26th, 1842 his first confirmation class was presented to Bishop John Strachan. The land on which the church is located was provided by William Hearne, a cabinet maker and undertaker, who owned a large amount of land in Burford. Construction of the church began in 1843 however it was not completed until 1852 due to a lack of funds. By that time George Petrie had been a victim of a cholera outbreak five years prior. He and other parishioners were buried on the church land prior to completion however there are no headstones for many of those who were buried during the early years. Petrie was succeeded by Reverend St. George Caulfield who oversaw the completion of the church for a total cost of thirteen hundred dollars.