Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jul 1915, p. 3

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0 .. ,-rAUAt'tS . MOUNTING HEA vf ARTILLERY Balkan .Situation Hourly Becoming More Unfavor- able for Germany and Austria. t · A despatch from Rome saya: The Qlornale d'ltalia, commenting on the fact that the situation on the front temains unchanged, points out that ·the lull Ia due to delay caused while heavy Italian artillery ls being "'-ounted on important and domlnat- fng positions beyond the Jsonzo. As soon as thla work is completed, the paper saye, the Italian advance will be rapid. . Meanwhile, the paper continues the Balkan eltuation is hourly becom: 'ng more unfavorable for Germany hd Auatria. When Balkan interven- Markets Of The World tioll comes, the Germanic allies sue for peace. pn~r. _J;oncludes'; the will be compelled to The boyish Crown Prince of .Italy m'Otored to the railway station to meet an incoming' train of wounded soldiers from the front. He person- ally directed that a number of the men be placed in his car while he himself kept a seat and chatted affa- bly with the men 88 they drove to a hospital. An enthusiastic crowd cheered the young Prince at the station ae he walked among the wounded, shaking hands with them. $7.75 to $8; do., medium, $7.25 to $7 .50; d,o., common, $6.50 to $8.50; butchers bulls, choice, $7 to $7. 60; do., good bulls, $6 .25 to $6. 76; do., Breadatulra. rough bulls, $6. 50 to $6 · butch en' T cows, choice, $7 to $7. 50; do., good, oronl<!~· July 20.-Manitoba wheat $6 76 t $7 26 d ed N No 2 . 1NNorthem, $1.44 to $1.44 ~; · 0 • ; o., m ium, $6.76 to o. orthem, $1. 41 % to $1.~; f6.25; do., common, $4.60 to $5; No. 3, .nominal, on .track, lake ports. eeders, good, $6.50 to $7 .85; stock- Mamtoba oats-No. 2 C.W., 64 'noc· era, 700 to 1,000 lbs., $6.26 to·$7.76; No. S C.'!V., nominal; extra, No. l ca.nnera and cutters, $4 to · $5.26; feedk nomtnal·, No. 1 feed, nomt'nnl, on mtlkers, choice, each·, $65 to $100· tra 1 k do., common and medium ench $35 c a e porte. to $50; springers, $60 to ' $86 ·, 'light American corn-No. 2 yellow, ew $6 t $6 6 83~c, on track lake ports · es, 0 · 0; do., heavy, $4 to The Wheels Covered With Straw to Kee The The excessive heat · of the summer sun in Egypt a! oth m ~1-Art!llt;ry Wa~on at Cairo. upon artillery, especially upon the tires of wheels and the :r P ces ofh sumlar latttude has an injurious effect atraw to protect them from the sun. The photo~ph wa s btkas ~ur P otograph shows, are covered with Barracks at Cairo. Similar coverings for nrtille sf en In the s~uare of the famous Kasr-en-Nil the position of guns from hostile aircraft. Recen7 are, 0 c~urse, used In the fleld as a disguise to conceal dation of wounded and prisoners from the Dardanel=. :::~..;om E~t has concerned chieftly the accommo- Canal. It was reported recently from Cairo that most f th T!S:o h no .fur~er. attacks on the Sues withdrawn to aesist in defending the Dardanelles. . . 0 e •s forces In Sma1 and Syria had been ITAUAN TROOPS ru· INSISTENT Are Determined to Corry the Brldce- ' head of G~rlzla at Whatever Cost. • NEWS FROM ENGLAND ' - . NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT lOUN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. O~orr~DC!I!II· fa the Lftnd 'J'hl& Rl'ips Supremo In the Com· A despatch from London says: Pri- vate advices describe the Battle of mcrelnl World. Isonzo as the greatest fought as yet Fem_. letter-carriers have started _,n the Italian front, the attacks of duty at Gourook Post Ol(lce. the Italians being almost inceesant The Savings Bank or the. ooun~ and most determined in character. and city of :Perth, has Just attained 'The bridgehead of. Gorizia h'ns suffer- Its centenary. oed greatly from the bombardment of Out of 2,00 employees under EcKn.- 1he Italians, who seem resolute to burgh Corporation, 496 are servtq arTY the position at whatever cost wilD the ool01'9. in order to develop the operations on The new Con.valesoont Boldie!'ll' the east side of the River Isonzo. Home In crurr, bss been oocupled by men recovering from wounde, etc. The whole front along this line is About forty members of the Fal· strewn with thousands of dead. The ~k CitiEens' Tralillq Col'l!!l ha.ve :mountain slopes are also spotted with 1011ted the regular forces of the Crowrj. ·the bodles of attackers and defenders The tar diatHiatlon worklr of Dul\" alike. The new Italian offensive dee Corporation Gas Worlql, erectea seems to develop all along the front at a cost or $33,000, bss now been In the Tyrol, Carnia and Trentino. -A opened. new device has been adopted by the At a large meeting of Edinburgh Austrians. Peaks and high slopes of tnunway men, It was decided that the :-the mountains have been fortif\ed, employment of women on the care lle nd th opposed. _..-· a e men are under cover behind Consfderabloe damage was -c:alaed by roeb and great stones built up all a lire tbat broke out at me farm of around the peaks. When attacked by Paxtll'll, flouth Mains, Dum., occupied Settling the Land is need for adequ'ate organization of GERMAN great masses from below they · blow by Robert Nisbet. the project while the war is still on. S AGAIN up these fortified positions so that The arock of herrings at P'elerhea.d The soundest, sturdiest and moat pro- ~t boulden roll ,down on the Qn- Is being considerably reduced. Mr. gres.sive e'ement of the Canadian WIN PRZASNYSZ c:ominl' enemy like an avalanche. 0. T. Weet ebtped a cargo or about population sprang from such military The Italians have captured two 6,000 ba.rrela to Rusma. st<?Ck, and this blood flowing in the mlln of Austrian trenchea in the Jamft Hunter, porter of Thwnbead, • Canadian corn-No. 2 yellow, nom· ~ 6 ; do., bucks, $3.50 to $4.60; yearl- mal, on.track, Toronto. mg lambs, $6 to $7.60; spring lambs Ontarto oats-No. 2 white 69c· ewt., $10.60 to $11.60; calves, $8.50 N 8 h • • to $10; hogs, off cars, $9 .50. fr~lghts :ut'.!fde. 6Bc, according to 1\!ontreal, July 21.-Thero were no Ontario wheat-No. 2 Wl'nter per chotce .steers on the market, and the From the Toronto Daily News. vema o~ our peo.Ple, has had much Carnie Alps, according to a despatch ~~it:'ea&d bknooked down traland ln.- to do With the eager response of the reeeim from Vlllach, an Austrian u~ Y a passenger n to . . When one talks of State-aided colo- co t i th Occupy Town in Northern Poland on to th Ri the 4lUt of Bisbopbrlgp etatlon, n•••ti un ry n e present conflict. The wn on e ver Drave, 52 miles A provt-'-nal statement on .... e 11~ . ·~ on as a means of solving the ch t d tand rds Ro te orth t f La'ba h ""' "" -, 1 arac er an s . a of the peo- . u of Their Former n -wes o • c . aoolal. returl18 or Gla_,w '"'--u·011 1 • top pnce realized for the best wu car ot, $1.15 to $1 . 18, according to $8, and the lowe]' grades sold from freights outside. that down to $6, while butchers cows Pea!!-No. 2, Jll:r car lote, nominal, brou~ht from $5.26 to $~n·d bulls . un. emp oym.ent .Problem and of get- ple wh t · hab' th Th AI · ._ th d u .. - vo • ...,.~ tin o are o 111 1t e Dominion e ptne .... oops, e espatches tramW11,J1t for the "'ear end!- M .... ' I' more IDim•..,.ants on the so· II the I 'te I - . . Drive. dra ed ' _,. """ ·. mind goes back t;, earlier U:""rlDI' 'ents s qut . as mportant a consideration ·lillY, gg their artillery to the Ill, states that the trafllc receipts show lo. land .-~ as their productivity In dollars and A despatch from London says: lhef&'hta near Roekofel, which Is eitu- a decrease of about $40,000, ·.settlement by more or less cents, and therefore it Is that for Abandoning for the moment their at- aated at an altitude of 6,600 feet. A number of male teacbers . fn : direct Government intervention. It more than one reason disbanded sol- tempt to outflank Warsaw from the The Italians also are said to have Johnstone and Paisley schools ant was largely owing to the activities of diers will be welcomed 88 pion'eer s~uth, the Germans, probably under •captured two important ports south working In t~r spare time tn i.he en- accordmg to fretgbts outside. ! ll 5 25 Barley-Good malting barley, nom- e · to $6 · 60 per c , ... U'tiibs inal; feed barley, 65 to 66c, accordt"ng sold at $9 to $10, and sheep from f . $5 . 26 to $0 per cwt., while calves to retghts outside. brought from $l. 60 to $10 each u Buckwheat-Car lots, nominal, ac- t. o size an~. uall~. A weaker ;eel- cording to freights outside. d 1 • Rye-No. 2, nominal, acoording to mg .ev~ o in e market for hoge, freights outside. and mstde prices were reduced 60c M . per cwt., with sales of selecte4 Iota . amtoba flour-First patents, in t $9 60 t $10 JUte ba.gs, $7; second patents, in jute ~are. . o per cwt., weighed off bags, $6.60; strong bakers', in jute bags, $6. 30, Toronto; in cotton bags, lOc more. Ontario flour-Winter 90 per cent. patents, $4. 75, seaboard, or Toronto freights in bags. SPY EXECUTED AT TOWER OF LONDON the -company of One Hundred A88oci- farmers. F1eld Marshal von Hindenburg, who •of Gorizia. gtneerlng ftnn of John Laing & Son. ales and their successors under the Is reported to have said that he J obnstoua, ~nch regime that Quebec secured u f 1 T D would h rtl t . h Mr. James Black, a Crimean and In- ' •- se u o- ay. s o Y as oms the world 'ENVOiS dian Mutiny veteran, has d'-" at Fo• lwo present population of over 2 000- h d h · ' LEAVE ""' ·- 000 , , . 1 ave renewe t e1r attack on the dell, tn his 78th year. He was burled •• 0. ne of the· or1g' ina! company's Ch I Le M b P 1" h 'tal f bli nr es oyne, pro ably the o ts capt rom the north. · _ . 1 with run military honors In Mossgreeo 0 gallOns was to bring out 200 set- best of the seigneurs, gathered the They have not only captured a cemetery tiers from France every year free of stones from the land near Longueil large number of prisoners south of CONSTANTIN. OPLE I The de~th took place suddell!ly from ' ~ge, to provide them upon' landing and used them in building houses for Koino, according to the report issued heart trmtble or Mr. ~oeeplt McDavid Wlth free lands, and to support them the settlers. His grist mill and his by Berlin, but have occupied Prsaa- __ I Creetown, one of the best known pu.,: on the land until they became self- brewery operated upon the products nysz, a fortified town of 50 mUea lie men In the western d!Btrlot of the supporting. The King of France of- of the settlers' farms. It was the north of Warsaw, which was taken A despatch from Rome eays: It is Stewarty. l ten assumed much of the expense. custom of the day for the seigneur to by von Hindenburg in his great drive :conftrmed here that a disagreement I A memorial tablet to Dr. George When the company grew lox In its grind his t.enan~' grain. Le Moyne from East Prussia last winter, but between Enver Pasha and the two OgJlvte, fQ.r many y~ars headn:t88'ter of Millfeed, car lots, delivered Mont-real freights-Bran, per ton $27 · shorts, per ton, $29; middlings, pe: eli'orts at colonisation its privileges spent d d tak b h R 'German envoys at Constantinople I George Watson.'s College, Edinburgh. . money on roa s an other use- was re en Y t e uasians in their 'Gi!n. von der Goltz and Gen. Lima~ I has been unl'elled In Daniel Stewart's . :::e=~~:~· :~Yd.J"Pre c 0 oviunncetry. wFaosr ful improvements, so that he soon had counter-offensive. ·von Sanders, has resulted in the de- College, Edinburgh. the Employ of German Secret th a model eeigneury, supporting a This claim is. partly confirmed by ,.. • ......,_ of the latter for Berll'n The Glasgow Corporation O.a Com- Provisions. . e next 100 years, or until the Brl- large' number of ·comfortable and the Russian official report, which .....,Th~~d h . · mltteebave agreed to recommend that ton, $30; good feed flour, per ba&', Admitted at Trial That He Wu •- $1.86. &II Bacon-Long clear, 14 to 14~c per Sen-Ice. tiah occupation, the French court hmy habitants. Some of the more stated that the Russians, In the face e espatc es which brmg this the gas rate for quantities up to 600- lb. in. case lots. Hams--Medium 18 A despatch from London aaya: eranted tracts of land to seigneurs b\dJ:itrious and intelligent settlers of strong German forces, withdrew to lllewa any that many Germans in Tur- 000 cubic feet be raised from 46 cent~ to 18~c; do., heavy, 14~ to ioc· Robert Rosenthal, the self-confeased upon a modifif'd feudal system, the themselves became seigneurs. Thus, their secon4 line of entrenchments. .. ey are leaving the country hurriedly, to 60 cents per 1,000 cubic feet. rolls, 14~ tq 16c; breakfast bacon' spy, who was arrested with an Amer- erantces undertaking to bring out despite primitive conditions and many This move on the part of the Ger- and thnt as a consequence the well- Provost McCrae bas received a re- 20 to 23c; backs, plain, 22 to 2Sc: · ~ettlera and get the land under cult!- defects th · · 1 h tek th .1. .nformed Turks feel that there is ply from the Lords of the Admiralty boneless backs, 24 to 26c. ' lean passport in his possession, wu · e setgneurta system did mans as en e Dll ttary critiCll •tttle hope that the Dardanelles will to tlle memorial or the Nairn. fisher- executed at the Tower of London. ::.on. The Killl!. continued to assist much for Lower Canada ·in the early completely by surprise. It was lf8Jl- lie able to hold out. The lack of mu- !Den asking for an &xtem.ton of the Country Produce. He faced the firing squad bravely. . th ahiploa~ of immigrants, but days. Ita strength lay in ita use of erally supposed that Gen. \'On Mac- .Utions in the Turkish army is said to present ft.m.tng area. The reqUS&t was B Rosenthal, who was posing u the ~· u now, 1t was often found ditfi- what was virtually State-aid in the kenzen would, after being atrenctb· lie a matter of very serious impor- retuG1sed. utter-The market is fairly agent of a gas mantle concern, ,... cut to keep the adventurous new- promotion of settlement on the land ened, continue his attempt to reaeh bnce. asgow Town Council has passed a c~·dy ~or: butter, with supplies large. arrested because a letter from him to come~ ~ the "prosaic taek of tilling and in the support of the settlers un~ the Lublin-Cholm railway thus fore- resolution calltng on the Gove t, to otce s::.;,;;r:o P;r~i,.:~;ri~, 29~~. Captain von Priger, the head of the the soil. In those days the fascina- til they got on their feet. The earli- ing the evacuation of w:.rsaw. But, Bread an~ foods of ":ll descriptions tn view of the eearc:lty or cat'J'em:~d 26 to 28c. secret service of the German Admir- tio.n of the forest and the lure of the est chapters of Canadian history thus as in all their operations, the Ger- lllre acarce 10 the capital and else- the prevailing high price or meat, t ,'~""":'ii\11111!~~~-~-;-;ll~s-·=~~~~a!lt~y~,~w~a~s~;~;~~~B;rrit~is~·h~;i!, Indian · fur trade drew the settlers pres1mt a for carrying set- mans have· done the unexpected. Tile whne, while th? wounded aoldien ars remove the embargo on the Import&~ · "' ~tro~m~th:e:la:n~d:as~th=e=~=~=~~~!~~~~~!:a~ou~· and ftnancing new offensive will probably be cen- JNcelving very madequate attention. tlon of Canadian cattle. an American ·concern, eecurely es- era!, and extend from the Baltic The wheat crop in Anatolia Is said ~ m&«fstrates or Glasgow have cbirkena, u to mittee. He did not hold n arrival at Qu!!:;. ~ ne~oo:- land. and ·: "'"""ed t tlae Viatula. weat of Warsaw, 'for all ~onaer mentoin a HolY. War, and are employed In licensed premises to take yearlinca. dreaa- acent for an American relief aao . I Dian adapted t.e around the Eaat Pritssinn border to \o have been ruined. The Ulemas no been requested to allow women to be lone, but ariainc at his ~~~~~!:Ll;len~~~w~~!:'::!..':'Ttholli and ~ enf ' eth century ·";;;. ·.PNtf:!4.;': . ..,__ ""•~Inn ~ hi:~ ..-c:Uoa \xhorting the people , t .> be calm. the place of men who have enlisted. A. 1a a-uU; quo-'£&- • · ·:·: ____ ._.:, ·-" '~.._........ - or Go ta taka_... p~Me · a. a-- .. • · '· meetloc of the magistrates Ia to be ~to ak1~~ for :::.~ ~~~~:;.' aalute, and confeuecl laud. un~~ f:m~:-~th~l~o the v::.:Snth ceiiEr7 ~ -.~ Ia ~~~-~-~W\ta ~ l: ~A ' b~~~~.!'.:,': ~tte~; J : - . -~e created a eenll8tion by annCMJDeo twenty )'eant have not been looked No time llbould be lqet if the uiatlnc llbal 'YOD Hindenburl' h;u tried OF I'IIRJr(!'J: uo,omu to the Oorpon.llon tbe tmportaliC. ~ Baled Hay and Straw. ing that Captain von Pariger bad a after -17 H welL. Instead of be- pnemployed and th€ !mmigranta who Hie ~t elfort,· ~!Je It freed Eut \,OU1..,.. ·n In 11 malotalnlaK lt Oil Ita preeenl alte. B led h N $l 9 to $20 complete outfit for forging American lng taken to tlaeir deatination, located t-" to come after the war are to be Prussia ot the Ruul&lll, coat the Ger- d aN 2 ayl o$1~' ~n, $18; b ieJ ' passports. Carl Lody, the first man on the land, and shepherded throU&'h flBndled in a way that will be most mans an immimse number of men A Oty Ia Salt. ~ 0t ' $7n, 0 a · to be shot in the Tower, also had one, the ditficulties of the ftrat few months 'dvantageous to them and to the an~ nearly involved them. 1:0 dieaater Fire Is Now Also Sweeping a Lar~te th a w, on, . he said. The revelations caused a or years in a new country, they have ,:ountry. owmg to the muddy conditiOn of the · Dl I f In e '?r news from Galicia, we . ground. Now, however, there are Area In the str ct o have occasionally heard the . name of • w ere ey wo m only had roads or lack of roads to Canton. 1e ICE , 11oms alx miles from era-Wlonipea Wheat. sltr in London, and a report was sent been left to go b th uld · w· 1' ka Winnipeg, July 20.-No. 1 North- of it to Washington by Ambassador the . summer and drift into the cltiea contend with, but it is possible that cow. Wielicska is an intaresting em, $1.37'%; No. 2 Northern, , Paxe. . in the winter. From the · French RI>D CROSS PUBLICITY. the Germans have built rnilwaya to A despatch from Hong Kong pys: town, not for what is in It, but for ~1.84'%; No.3 Northern, $1.30~. fter hts conf688ion Rosenthal was seigneurs the immigrants got farma their northern front, as they have rene of thousands of natives ars estl- what is under it. The ~~alt mines ata. No. 2 C.w.l 60 . .,. · No. 3 C.W., speedily convicted, but his execution on nomt'nal terms I f t th d' ted h b d ed b th th th te t · th ld · "'J • n ac e con 1- done in Central Poland. ma to ave een rown y e ere are e grea s m e wor 67'%'c; extra No. 1 feea, 67'%; No. 1 was postponed from June 16 Jn order lions were so light that any settler of News of All Countries. ftoods in the Chinese provinces of and the most wonderful. They acto- feed, 66'%; No. 2 feed, 65%. Barley, to obtain more information from him. reasonable industry and intellil'ence The British Red Cross has collected Kwantung, Kwangsi and Kiangeia, ally form alh underground city. The No. 3, 70c; No.4, 66c; f~ 60c. Flax He tried to commit suicide, but was could meet them witJ>out difficulty. and administered over $7,000,000 at · WAR'S RECORD TO DATE. and the desolation in the devastated Wieliczka salt mine is two and one- -No. 1 N.W .C., $1. 61 ~ i 0· 2 C.W .,I saved in time. Nothing is known of In tjme the scigneurlcs occupied all an expense of 1 ~ per cent. The districts is terrible, according to the half miles lon.r from east to west and ___ ts an ce en . t e .er 1 e territories bordering u.pon coat of the stores management in- latest reports reaching here. 1,060 yards wide from nort to south, $1.48'rio. lh' te d ts h 1 t'l 2,228,300 Dead, 1,705,000 Pri-en h + tho rivers, which were the only eluding distribution was only 8% Among 8,770,810 CaaualtieL A fire-swept area of one mile and says n writer in the Manchester Busineaa In Montreal. h h k G rd" INFANTRY FORCE t roug transportation routes. In per cent. According to an offiCial appeal is- raging floods handicapped the wor ua tan. Montreal, July 20.--Corn, Ameri-~· time also some of the seigneurs re- An order was received for a cor.> - suC!i to-day by the French Relief So- of rescue in Canton. The city was It has seven levels, and the lowest ean No. 2 yellow, 84~ to 86c. Oats, fused to allow settlement on favor- plete hospital at Calais. In five ciety, tho French casualties from tho In darkness, the water having !nun- is nearly a thousand fe.et deep. It Canadian Western, No.3, 63 to 68~c; · CAPTURED PEAK bl · ed d' bed f · · h 1 tr• · te ed b 1 h-'ts Th d"1 extra No. 1 feed, 63 to 63~c; No. 2 l a y-sttuat water frontages. They hours there was tspatc rom beginning of the war up to June 1, dated the machmery of <t e e ec tc 1s en r y e even s ... . e ~>-local white, 61 to 61 ~c; No. 3 local began to hold their choicest lands out London a train containing a com- 1916, total 1,400,000. Of this num- light plant. ferent levels are connected by flights white, 60 to 60~c; N 9 . 4 local white, 1 of use, in the hope of ultimate pin. plete personel, 120 beds, a large ber .400,000 are report~d killed, 700,- Missionaries arrived seeking the as- of steps hewn out of the rock salt. 59 to 69~c. Barley, Man. feed, 72c. --, In 1707 the Intendent complained to amount of stores, 3 motors, and 3 000 wounded and 800,00 taken prison- alstance of the United States gunboat In the mine are chapels, tramwnye, Buckwheat, No. 2, 79 to 80c. Flour, Italian Contingent Which Was Ad- the King of tit is new "spirit of buai- ambulances. era. Cattao to aid in the work of rescue. a railway station, a ballroom, and Man. Spring wheat patents, firsts, ness speculation, which has always The Red Cross hospitals at Bou- This statement is the text for the The last report received here from several other halls, all hewn out of <t 7 10 d $G 60 t b k \"andng Tow srds Falzarego h" ,. . ; secon s, . ; s rong 11 - more of cunning and chicane than of Jogne handled 7,000 wounded in one following computation, from official Canton before communication was the rock salt with elaborate arc 1- ers', $6.40; straight rollers, $5.40 to Surprised Austrians. truth and righteousness in it." Those day. The Russian Red Cross arc sources, giving the latest estimates cut uid that the Christian hospital tectursl decoration. $6 .80; bags, $2 .50 to $2. 76 ; rolled grecJy seigneurs were the fore-run- running laundry and bath trains in of tho total casualties of all ~he Pow- wu In danger from tire. There ars sixty-two miles of pony oats, barrels, $6.26; bogs, 90 lbs., A despatch from Rome says: An · d t t "I r $2 90 ~o B $26 Sh t $28 ners of the railways and other large 'which 2,000 men· can bathe daily. era engaged in the great war:- tramways an twen y- wo mt es 0 .. . to .,... ran, . <!r .s. . · infantry contingent of the forces ad- ~ 1" d h ddl t<>8 to $34 M 11 $361 speculators who for years have with- The French Red Cross owing to the . France, Killed, 400,000·, wounded, railway. All these mea, an t e m1 mgs, .., · out te, • vnncin!f westward from Cortina to- " " t; to $40. · Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, I ward Bozen where their obJ'ect is to held accessible lands in Western Can- suspension of industry in France has 700,000; prisoners and missing, 300,- ARM FRENCH TROOPS principal passages, or streets, mee $20 to $21.60. Cheese, finest west- .' . ada out of cultivation in tho: nope of had to make appeals for money in 000; total casualties, 1,400,000. WITH A SHORT KNIFE in a sort of ce•trnl cavern. Here is erns, 16% to 16c; finest easterns, I cut tho ratlway servmg Trent, · has larger profits. · En.rland. Its hospitals contain over Great Britain - Killed, 116,000; the central raiiVUIY station, with spa- 14% to 16c Butter choicest cream- taken the Falzarego peak, 8,865 feet 000 000 bed d d 229 000 · d mlu cious waiting rooms and an excellent ,.. '" Itt•buked by Royal D .. cn-e. France has stationed Gvman pris- ing, 83,000; total casualties, 428,000. Dally Mat'l'e correspondent at British refres ment room. t 00 11 • acco - ;ryl 28 " t'o 28uc,.' seconds, 27 to 1. nigh, by a surprise attack. The forces 1, • s. · woun e ' ' ; prtsoners an • A despatch from London saya: 'Tho h I 1 k · rd .,.. .,.- on camps In Corsica and Algerta. Russia-Killed, 738,000; wou - h••dquarter• 1·n France ••y•·.• ng one v Ill r 8 e c • 7" c. Eg ... , selected, 26c·, No. 1 1· which made the attack scaled the · nd-' i to i "to • d s n"ptt'on "more ll tock, 22 to 22~c·, No. 2 stock, 19~ mountain by n route considered t'm- A R 1 d - • - u l'k "1' th 'lwat--· 1 I oyu ectee characterised the The Frc 11 ch Red Cro•s is sending 1,982,000·, prisonen and miulnc, "The French are arm1·n,. their 1 e a summer pavtton an a ral to 20c. Potatoes, per ba~t, c~r ots, . passable. Tho Austrians attempted ~ • h 1 'ced l1 · 60c. Dressed hogs, nbattmr ktlled, 14 to retake the position, ilut w••re re- seigneurs' attitude as "repugnant to supplies to tile German prisoners. 770,000; total ~nsunlties, 3,486,000. troops with a short knife for use in station, wit Its alttt Ill ga lertes to 14 ',4cf· pork, heavy Canada short · pulsed His !llnjesty's intentions," and forth- Henri Dunant, the founder of the Germany-Ktl.led, 482,000; ~ound- trench warf .. re, thus replacing the and its rows of state Y P are g earn- mesa, bb s., 35 to 46 pieces, $29; Can- i · ~ with forced their hands. They had to Red Cross, died in 1910 in poverty, ed, 862,000; prtaoner~ and mtulnc, I bayonet, which, when fixed in the ing while and iridescent.." pieces, $28.50. Lard, comP.ound, orc:l' 0 rops 0 nter. whether or no, and, however the value the society. Austriu-;Ktlled, 47,000;. ~ounded, man free play in the narrow trench- is the Chapel of Saint Anthony; t ,da short cut back, bbls., 45 to 65 1 · F --f-. D f W give free <.leeds to would-be setUera having given hi& . whole fortune to 288,000; total. casualttea, 1,667,000. I rifle, is too long a weapon to give .1 The oldest "building" in the mi~e llerces, 375 lbs., lOc; .wood patlsl 20 It seems almost incrc..>diLie that so of his land grew, no seigneur could The Argentine Republic sent 60,000 160,000; prisoners and mtssmg, 40,· ea." dates from 1691. It contains three lbs. net, 10~c; pure tterce~l 876 bs., small a thing us a drop of rain exuct more thun the original nominal francs to the 1-'rcnch Red Cross. It 000; total c~sunltles, 247,000. + altars, a pulpit and much statuary, 12 to 12%c; pure, wood pats, 20 lbs.l should injure the propeller of an rental from his tenunts. Under thia was di.tributcd equally amongst the Serbia-Killed, 64,000; wounded, all elaborately carved out of rock ealt. net, 13 to 13'rioc. · I aeroplane, but such is the case, as- system both banks of the St. Law- belliaerent countries. 112,600; prisoners and missing, 60,- Rabbit Fur for llate. But services aro now held in the mod· - t th L d S tat At f Ill t 1 t b 1 Q II • · 1 1 · 226 GOO . • • ern but equally elaborate Chapel of\...--United States Markets. ser s e on on pee or. so renee, rom · o.n rca o cow a.. The .American Red Cross ts sup- 000; . tote casun ttes, • · Rabb1t !UJ ts satd to ~e supplant- 1 Saint Cunigunde, which ie entered by · Minneapolis, July 20 _-Wheat-No. grfnt n 1 ~~ed do~a .the pro~ller re- bee, were occup.lcd, ~s were ~lso be~' \ porting 080 thousand beds in fifteen Turkey-Killed, 46,000; wounded, lnt; wool uf fel~ hat makmg lt;t Aus- descendi'ng forty-six salt st&ps. The 1 hard, $1. 40 to f1. 40~; No. 1 North- vo ve- , revo uttons a ~mute, .a• banks of tile R1cheheu and other t{l: j hospitals in Turkey. It is the only . {10,0110; prisoners and missing, -'6,- tralia, -w~ere th1rty-two _factort~s are chapel is fifty yards long, fifteen ern, $1. 39 to $1. 49 ; No. 2 Northern, ~ mn:tt"r of fact-that a rumdrop htts butary streams. For somu time put neural branch of the International ooo;· total, casualties, 181,000. In operntto~. The fur 111 constde~ I yards wide, and thirty feet higit, and .1.36 to $1.46; July, u.S6; Septem- , •t wtth such enormous force as to The Daily Ne"':s has advocated a~ch If Red Cross which is conducting opera- Japan-Killed, SOO; wounded, 910; much 11upertor to the tl~est Menno is used regularly for wonhip. '- ber, $1.11 ~. Corn-No. 3 yellow, chip n pi•>ce of the wood away. Some arrangement wtth the transportation , tiona in the Ottoman Empire. prisoners and missing, none; total fo.r th.is purpose, and milhone of rab-~ The ball~m 1•8 a hu- room, whe- '77% to 78\4c. O.sts-))lo. S white, l idea of the hardships entailed by fty- companies and other speculatora in I Th Ja Red C · con It' 1 210 11 •~ ,.v •v 60% to 61c. Flour &Jld bran un- ing through the rain at .sixty miles th W t ·n k th "bl 0 panese roaa E 18 1 d- casu a tes, ' 1 · K 'll d 2 228 300 bit akms are used annua y. the miners often hold their festivals. h ed e . es a~ wt ma . e e J_lCCeaal •liducting a hospital at Netley, ng an . Grand tote - I e • , • ; + A ml'ners' orchestra plays regularly c ang · an hour may be gutltered from the land m thetr possessiOn uv•ulable for · tt bas 8 hospital ulso in the Cltamps wounded, 4,887,610; prisoners and Duluth, July 20.-Wheat-No. 1 fact that-.:.n aviutor who recently actual productive settlers on equitable : Elysee•, Part's, and another in the missing, 1,706,000; total casualtiee, Amon .. the simple Inventions which in the hall, not only for the dances, hard, $1.47; No.1 Northern, $1.46 to h h h · • ,. b t 1 th t rta• t f vt'sltol'll. $ 1 . 46 ; No. 2 Northern, $ 1 . 40 to w~nt t ro!-'g sue an e.xpertence terms. Such a de~arture w.ould cloae "ltalinnsknya," Petrograd. 8,770,810. are awaiting evolution, and any one u aor e en e mmen ° $1.42; July, $1.45· September, alighted wtth the edge .or hts propel- up the gnps. of unttlled sedtons along Packages sent to prisoners of war · Note.-No report bas been made of which would make a fortune for The mine has been worked for at leas~ $1.13'1i.. Linseed-Cash, $1.72; July, ler frettcJ as tnough tt had been the transcontinental railways and In Cermnny tnrough the agoncy of officially of Italian lo,.cs. Ita inventor, arc: a bottle which can- eight hundred yean. It belongs .to $1. 70'h; September, $1. 74. gnawed by rats. The raindrops had greatly add to the nationul food out- the Red Cross are exempt from cus- not be reftlled; a nut for bolla which the Austrian government, and givel chipped pieces out of the blades and- put, un<.l tnercfore to the national lOIQi duties. wtll not shake loose; a smoke-conaum- work to ono thoullllnd men. Live Stock. also bruised the aviator's face owing wealth. '11lc BritiHh Red Cross bas 8~ The Close Endl. I~ appliance; II good pencil-sharpen- Toronto, July 20.-Butchers' cattle, to the force with which they hit auxiliary hospitals containing 26,000 er; and a means of driving away Boote wear out faater in aummer choice, $8 . 2& to $8.86; do., good, against his flesh. Get Soldlere On the Land. beds In addition to the military hos- A hun.rry younr cycllat had put up Ill.., than In wlll\tJ' •. - 1 ========~=====~=;;;;,:,::::==:~::======== 1 pltala. for the night at .a 'fl~side inn and W • less Se • F Can d G Aa early as tho middle of the A }'rench Red Croas medical . bulle- found the supper rather scanty, the LAST RESERVES HAVE BEEN CAllED. UPON Jre mce rom a a to ermany aeventeenth century the Carll'.,.. tin a\l_thorized by the French Mmiatry most substantial part of ' it belnc a regiment was disbanded and settled of War states that the mortality rate slnrle sausage roll. upon the soil, as were some Brltiah amo~st wounded hu been 9.48 per "Is that the beat you can do in tiM Telegrams for lransmis»ion to Ger- ~any, and via Germany to Austrio- fl\lngary, Turkey and non-belligerent ~~tries, will be accepted at the local f.flejtraph offices. The rate from To- l'Onto t~ pointe in Germany will be 56 ~ta a word, and to points beyond Parmany 64 cents a word. Such messjlges will go by wlreleu via the Sayville station, which Ia now operated by the United States Naval Department. All telegrams will be accepted at the sender's riak, must be written in plain English or plain Ger- man, and will be subject ~o censorship l)y tile Canadian, United States nnd German authorities. in Upper Canada afler the 1 way of aauaa.re rolls t" he aaked. N••polell,nic wars. Here again hlatory 1 cenl "Why," said the boat, "ion't It to repeat itself. The cloae of! + rood t" the present war should witneu thee "Oh, it's good enough, perhaps; but settlement of tens of thouaanda. off ' Among the strangest strikes on re- the ends of it don't suit me." Canadian and Bri~ish soldiera upolfl cord mllY be mentioned those of "The ends! What's the matter with lands of their own in the several Pro.l- ac:hoolchildren, executioners, prison- them t" vinces. Earl Grey has pro!'osed i~n era, beer-drinkers, . barristers, pau- "Too close together," suid the hun- London tile creation of a huge lmn- p~r>, choir-boys, mmlsters, co';"mer-- gry youth, and the innkeeper tDolc fund for thia r.ur po"" . ·! t:t : rre .l c~l travellers, and undertaken men. the hint. A c1eepatch from Zurich lilly&: It ~ r!nr more clear that Gel'ID8DJ' W called up ber laat reaarvOII &114 ' tv.r'/ antlablt Dl&ll.J!' be. iq le'ilt to the tlrhtlnc line, Ger- ..... of '5 years of age realdlq In Bwl\aerland have IIOW been callecl \0 -tit· • .. ~~ the colol'll. . The moa . coe.111 that ¢ a German o ~&zit roald• lq In Bule, who, never ha'Yinl bM1i . a aoldler; waa called on a anonth ap. A few daya a&'O the falnll7 ~el-.el! a letter from the Ruulail frontier, where the man had been sent after 1 fortn~ht's mUitary .tralnlna. • /.

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