Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Nov 1940, p. 4

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.. ' THE WHITBY G.I\ZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, :040 the average prize £$17.71> was ~ lowest in the hlstory or the 1.Q. dust.ry; and the ·total -value drop~ to a [lgure below that or the ~ ceciing season ($5,660,722 In 1938<1: 39; $6,183,522 In IP37-38). Silver rox fur held first t>lace in order 011 value followed by mink ($2,103,77.V. with muskrat ($2,103,T14.). RECOlmS IN ,AfANUF ACTURE SET .BY CANADA'INDUSTRY l>Ql.TO WARTIME ORDERS Field Crops 1940 . First Estimate The first official estimate or the UJCO field crops Ls as rollows: com- mercl&l .rugar beet, 807,000 tons from· '18.500 acres, a yield or 10.28 tons per acre, representing an in- crease of 33 per cent on the 1939 product.lon or 605,000 toris from 61,- 500 acres. or 9.84 toas per acre. Turnlp.s, mangalds. and other root.s, 37,3«1,000 cwt. from 186,400 acres, or a yield or 200 cwt. per acre, compared with 37.636,000 cwt., from 189,600 acres. or 199 cwt. p~ acre in 1939. Alfalfa. 2.64.1,000 tons from 1,- 031,700 acres, or 2.56 tons per acre, compared. with 2,167,000 tona from 946,900 acres. with a yield Of 2.29 tons per acre in 1939: Fodder corn, 3.836,000 to~ from 496,200 acres. or 7.7S tons Pet' acre, compared with 4,514..000 tons from LrnLE ANNIE ROONEY Are Canadlau Now "'While the chUdren are With w. they are Cana.dian chlldren. and Canadians have a .reapoDslbtJity for ~:~:.~:::!I their care. ' ·"The committee wlll ~ verJ grateful · tor anY :tiD&ncla1 usbt- ance that the &metOus·hearted people ot canada, and people or Canadian ext.raeUOD everJl'ht!ft, can atve tn the cany1na: on Of th1s work.'• . Dr. Wallace aald "while the flow of chlldren to our country haa ce&sed tor the tlme bel.ol, ·we hope that this 1a merely ·a t8tpcor1 iu5penalon, and not a full stop." (·When ·the auspenaiOI:l was an- nounced at London, ~ . 1-euon 81YeD. wu the addld. . ~er of At-- lanllo -.,. duriDC tbe winter Dionth&> . . Tbe chfld mliraU.OD pla!1 wu a War measure. and like . other war me0urs It wOuld ' have lt.i. tnflU· ence iaa.g: after the" war wu OYert . Tbe chlldren· :t.lrud3' In canada were attend.lns C&nadll.n pubUe or hfah'. ~hool.i. 'l'bey w~ beeoDl.1Dr put ol ·~dian h~e. lift. eue. i:.edera . te Bom!'ll their le\ten to .. tb.elt own they · are already · m~t· ~~:·~ to their pareiits." Dr • ., u.id.. In · aU ttlie. ProVinces, up ~uada ~ hUIIWl QmP&tbY tb!mumate bl!tw..., '..ill arlae, for the human be1Dp to new · sumJU1ldiD.p Ia · not ~ D<>ll>lnc . lbat Ia . worth- la . ....,., and IIIIa Ia emlnentl)- ~whlle:" ' · u·As ·ANsWERS ·oNWARWORK: AU PREPARED ReYiew of Canede~1 .J:;ffort.; Since AIIIUit Will -be Gi'l'en to Parliameot Ottawa, NOY. 5 - War, war fln· ance and wheat wm be tbe par&• mount problema for Parliament Amo~ the major the whose InUlal at.ae · ~ on ' -~ at ~! ~ of . Thunday. 'lbe Houae of oOmmona · wu upwaid · In ....,_,, Quol>ec, and · stnate will meet on17 · to po- Tol'cuto. OUp.wa. Hamilton. Wlnc1.. roiue one· ae'ulOo. before •tartlnc 110r: and Van~ver. whlle there IIDOtber, two da)'a lat.ar. wu: a sll&ht ~ 1n W1Imlpec. Kemben .,..m apect, and an to · Outdde . of manulacturtnz lndua- receive a ret1ew ot aU that hai tr~~. loalhc. mln1Dr. bulldloC happened a1nce Aui'. ,I, .when Par- tn.clo nported ....,.tly ~~ a<l.loum-e rtJ11Dc of activity, .wt-.Ue. ahlpplnf, troops, va.tn~Dt. eql.dpplnc and db- &Dd ' raUwar coo.stnlctlon and. main· patcbJna;. tbe extent of what II be· t.mance and aervlcea ahowed. cur· inc done and planned. arl.d whether ~llm.ent, largest decline b!lnr lD. 1t b eDO\IIh. 'nle're· ta ·· a. wide . 1~d road .work. Erpenslon in lonlnl here to explore, col'eriftl' the who~ and. trade uceeded the aftrap: ol war .errcn and acoru. of qUeiU.ona put JeDrl. whUe the lnc:reue In which develop ln COimeatlon wltb min1DC wU ~low nOI'IIl&L IL 'lb.e Clofttndlent ~ ' :t. • J ' - maD7 demanda for. Information and 1 .SEES REfU6EES :~T~'"~r ~~ As ... MJ'DfD LINK who wt11 urve lb&l aome otber .me· thod than bilh tuaUon and bor• rowtnr la cHISirable for the fuUeat war effort. Without bandteapPt.DI To.OLD. ·muNTRY :=::a-&1:::. ~~:~.::";:..~ u to the methOd of ihelr caiT)'bic out abort of reaort to lnfl&tlon. Principal of Queen'• S.yo Clillclnm' 1 Letten Wideo Uodentanclioc ParUculariY memben of the C.C. P. are eaaer to diJcuas lthe wheat problem of the preaent and templattna- the fUture. The Uon la obvious-a hua:e crop, a bla e&n'f-over, a very llmlted market K.lnpton. Nov. f.-Whatever C&• and atoraae ractutie.s, utterly ex~ nadlana can do for British child~ lco...Sed. Wheat prlct!a. to what ex- aent to the DominiOn to eic:&pe the .should be rua'ranteed, perUs or war 1s ··~mall lndeed. when w~t stored Cl\ft rarms wel1hed L1al.rust what. their parent. tbe deslr~Di t.Y" ·or con- ·~ doing tor us," or. R .c. Wal· producUon te keep It with- lace, cha1n)lan of lhe Canadian bounds ot protl~ble .sale, Advisory Commlt~ lor Cl\lldieJ! of martettnr. t~ opera~ from Over1eu, aald l&$t ntsht. the Wheat Boe.rd an~ . the Dr. Wallace, princ•pal or Queen•a themes which in?Jt.e dW:us- Unlvenlty here, was apealdnr onr a naUonal network or the Canac11an DroadcuUng corporaUon. MoM than 1,500 chlklren had come to Canada un~~.· Ui~ Unlt.ed Kingdom Government ' p.lan, n!l'f;' .s~ended roa the . winter at leut. In the homes where tbey weN llf- hllf 1n Canada the children were I ,...,.~i, cartd for as memben uf the ram• '~onnm. 11Uy J>ut there would be costa ul Jlal.. 1 t . ' I raumpUon of buslneu, member• wlU be tntro- AniW L. JbcdOQaJd, L. J . BreJthaup, . and RU!· and A. H. Conaervattns. a Co!l8ervatlve pin tno'!'n u United Re- acre ~·ere 75 cwt., In 19!0, and 70 cwt. in 1939. Peas. L334.000 bushels U,307,000 1n 1939); beam, 1.516.000 bu..~els (1~527,000 1n 1939>: buckwheat. 6,- 537.000 c6,210.000 bushels <«.~.- 537,000 t6,848,000 In 1939;> nnxed. grains, 42,210,000 bushel:s (44,072,- 000 in 1939): com fo!" huskil:7 6,- 101.000 bushels 18.097 000 in 193.1)). Potatoes, 40.859,000 cwt. from 545.- 000 acres. represemh.g an in~rease of 4,469,000 cwt., or 12 per cent. on the 1939 crop or 36.390.000 cwl., FOR HIGH OFFICE I FUR PRODUCTION Edinburgh - <CP>. _ Rev. J. 1 The value of canada's raw fur Hutchison Cockburn, minister or j production in the 12 months ended Dunb 1 June. 30 1939, Is r.ow placed at lane cathedral since 1918, has I Sl4.:UI6,937, IUl increase o\'er the b~n nominated moderator of the prececting season of $1,090,583, or 8 next general assembly of the per cent. The number or pelts of Chun::h or Scotland, meeUng here all kinds was 6.492,222, compared lri May. · wlt.h 4.,745,927 in the season 1937-38, muskrat and squirrel accounted for from 517,700 acres. The yields per 494,800 acres, or ~.12 to~ per acre in 1939. the greater part of the,_.dncrease. The number of silver fox pelts pro- duced in 1939 l319.693) was greater than in any previous season1 but London. <CP)-First brick for ~ first dogs• air raid shelter was la.ld in Kensington Gardens by S1r Robt ert Gower, M.P. .,; By Brandon Walsh '-" · .!..--- ~ -lXlN'TACr HASTIL~IOU KNOW A GI-I05T NEVER WAU<6 Uo.ITIL AFlER SUIJ5ET - SO""" ANO COOK IN "THE DI'Y--nM& AND GIVE! US "TIME TO IN\IE511""'"" WHAT 15 REALLY HAPPENING IN "ntiS HOUR [ , . .· THEWHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 6, T94o :f;ORRESPONDENCE FR-OM TH.E ·RURAL CE,N!R BROOKLII Cornspon ..... , ~f>c•ii:Jtiii;.,;io;, s.:....Mrs. Carley of Newmarket are "'"t"""· McNeely. Lambert has sold his Mr. Heber Down of Pk:ker- Down will t-ake possession Kr. a.nd Ill'S. Walter KaoCarl. Ra!ph and Neil, Ill'. W. H. Qaladoo, Uld - LOla-... - to Omemn on Suoday, Ncrnmber 3 and IP'ftt Ule day With Mr. and lira. 0 . L. 1(0ft101111)e. ·it bei.Dc their 2Stb w- oumhe.....,.. Mr. Roy :arown Jan on Saturday fat Apley when be will join a party of trtend.J to 10 furt.ber north on a two-wnka buntlnl' eJi,edluon. .w,. - - of Camp --den ~PtQt • the week•end. •t the home ot h1l parent& here. 8orr)r to npar:t Mr. ~nd Mrs. T . Mot'COIDbe are both lndbpo&ed at ~l We hope they wlll · aOon bf!- feellnr better and out around again &:!I usual. _ _ Mr. aad. lira. C8pbu olbume en- tertatned a Jarae n\l!Dbv"· or their friends oo Priday e\'elllng last, when a wry happy tlln• wa. enjoyed by &11 present. PW. ll:l.ny llcQum of Thronto Scott.ish Batt.allon, who iS .st.aUon- ed at Ttlrt!e JUv~. Quebec. l" ~a weQ: with Mr. IJoyd M.or-combe. Audley MORE CASH for CREAM. Peac Qa reooyeffii tUn.... ' ·· .• ~ ....... • ,,. >Irs. M!\ltfl~ojr,IJib, .... , . ..,,..,, r.Dd C&t.bOrtne of Ptok· ASHBURN erlug, were 111eota of w. W. 1.1111 llrs. Goo .... -y. Several atteQIIOd tilt f\lneral the late lfrJ, ljtOrte of Cl!a1k on Monda7. ~ 8be wu · ~ ldlter tbo 1att ~ ·' • • ' :a BOW TO .J'ItBvDrr ·aOG .. CBOLDA . . . . ~ .· \ .. ("' . ' . . ' . . ·- ... ,; The Deputmenta of ~ lllraa917 re •nd· .--, pl9 w..r to tUe .U.. followln9 .....,.utiODE · - ~ .... I c...&utDiooplo_ .. ,..... ..... .. • --~, ... eel ........ , ._-, ...... .,...,.. d•"·hgl··· . ' ' .. a. la OAirel of u...., ta'ert' ,.II ~ ........ ~~a. - ..... dla!alocl hlo ol!o!ttr Alii) ' · lllllllr "011 ns UIL -c.-,-: '· ·' · -. rO<Pu~~... ~ua':..:: il · a., .... .-.. Ulp, lotoi :. .. ..4·ol ~' ..... ~ ...... ~too.: .. bal-. ol tM Indo ... -. 1M ..-... bop._·-·-.............. iiUa Ia ' • ,U.O . .,..p;. .~ I>J - - .. ·. ~~uti -~' ......... ; 'JOIII',iota-A .J/ • ' :• j 0 •;: t ... -...... ~-"* -~ · · "" - cllncl - ." loltolod ..... ~ -... ...... ~ .............. ~ :-..-do: ~·lol· .~ ....,... .• u ,_u.lo. ··- . ' . ..... 4lilldat. ' <I • : · - { lo. loolao. amr ~ ~....,... 3 loop q...,.. oi!U J>IG ..... loop ,.., • .... - ~ Ia lbe•daJIIM od lio<l .. at altk~ E-. ..... daoa oil ,.., ...... I ' , . 4 Buoa "" dood P9f .. IMao;J IQa oo dooplr ........... ~ w!lliool dl<i ...... ... s loop ajl- cloood """ ...- ... . -. • dowl10 tb~ DO doQt or bird. OU. uiu' tb -•& De - ....... I,_ ........ - - ~-.......... , -....-~ 7 AJW.p ~., ~ ,.. ol _, ...... .;;.. ••• " ool&lloalaJI lulolo 1M- oo!Uiu,... .. . : -- -at leut tlu'M ...... .... ,,.,. . tlaaoio .lo .u .rilil,iioP ~ ... i!ot':~ .... 7: • .. , .. - wi-\,. ....... -- - "-·- b outW Uoa,t a. 1}1..:. ~ -wll!o-·loou. . ... Wlotd ....... - _...._ lollow .. ... t1ao _ . ......._. p. I>J tb Vol· ·..,·'n•u•gt oltN fellual'De~ o1 •a 'ulW... • 13. rooc1 ~. cuo1u11J ""'•"'*' r&1lau. WtD.Joi! ._ .. io tlao _obeaQool .- taaoolodlaoioo. .· . . . ' H09 Chcllara!, lrlvlrl1 ClOillo9iowl ud 0@ opqoc~....., rapidly. The u-. s--~· put laliJ . Fac:liGe• TODAY. !'ljll okl much lo preftllt the op~Md of thlo ~J d'-•· .· ' . l&f· . OlrA·IIO · AW4 · ·DEPARTMENT OF .AGRIOJL TURE ONTAJitJO Hoa. P. W. O.wu ~ . W.J.IIMI: ~ol~ Dopolrlllalaltr • .., Ill . , -- .· . ' : I ' ~ '

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