Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Oct 1940, p. 5

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1 I ~ ,_ . THE EYES OF THE CAMERA THROUGH "One Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"-chineae Prove.rb . Canada's Fighting Airmen Visited By King and Air Marshal Bishop ~ who fonn the, bJ the kfnc LEFT, who b pk:tvft 1 1lilly"' Bishop. whose name wu •1 he shot down 10 German plallei,I'W'ho. llith his squadron of rt,hlen. ,p.aadiaD. ~D ef the Royal . shaJdDc haitu with the air1llfft I hoasehald word for branr) and l-. pictured, RIGHT, ehatllna- with has bft',l ('.arryinc- on the tradiUons ~Atr Foree wen haspeded neen&Q- 1 durin& .bJs IDspedhn. Air !lbnhal pllantry dlllinl" the last war when S'}aadron Leadet Ernest · MeNab. of Can:ada's flJhtinc airmen. Ontario's "A.R.P." Prepa.red r .. crat.ebes - lhro sbel hit • cas att&ek" Ia where tile an.'• Husband Held Aa Witness in Wife's.Death •' ' •I I - ' MRS. ANNE NEWELL HUGH NEWELL IS&n.Dcled ltJ' her awn slUt st.ocltln& which wal\ found around her neo.. .. , the be4J' of Mn. Aa.ae Newell. IZ, was fowt.d hidden In bashes on Centre hala4 In Torenlo lta7. Baih Alexander NeweU, estranred husband of the 4ad W'OIIIall, &lUI E1oa Lehto ·~ be.lnr held as mat.erlal wttneues. Unity's F~th~r .Aida Refugees · British tars 'from. dllfere~~t. u·11.S. aestroren eoD patulate each olher; TOP, onr the aide~~ ef their ftDela Oil their arriftl at a British port. The desil'oJen are the fln.t rlotllla' ef the 50 Ameriam destroyen recea.U, transtltl"ftdd to Britalit, Four of the destro~ n, the lraders in the parade of ~e lint Ootllla are ebowa. BOTI'OM. arririnl' at a British pan. aa an R.A.F. Flyinr boat (circ le~ ae .. as wate'&doc. Set. DenaW - Cottlncham. of the Gre1 and Simcoe Foresters., Camp Borden, b at. JB. the youncnt ser- reant. In Canada's Ac:Un Sef\·iee FoRe. Be Joined t.be mllllla three 1ean aco and earned hb stdpes. Tr-ooper Robert Gladnlck or lht Spurns Wealthy Inheritance On & tour or laspeeUon or Britain's . ddenees, General sir Alan Brooke, oommander-ln-chlef of the home forces. Is shown here. SECOND FROM LEFT, eojoyln&' an al fresco lunch wlth other army commanders ID the Shelter of a ha1 ataek. The be-ribboned soldier at LEFT Is Lletit.·Geberal Alennder, who com· mands the First Army Corps. The Kncdlnl warrior Ia Llent.·General Sir Ronald Adam, and the l'eneral taklnl' a bl\e is Brlpdler Morpn. Canada's Sailors Take Over U.S. Destroyers Officers and men or the Royal Canadian Na'91' Dia rehlnl' In alngle J~ne aloq the docks or an eastent Can.adl&n port u ther took over the destroYen acqutred from Lhe Unlted States recently. Sb. ot these ab1R now II¥ the white ·ens~p. · __ .._ No Air · Raid:.Ne.f'\'es" Her;o. ~ a n11ht.'1 I~ and shelter In sUbway station, thb London tam~ Is qu.lie un.mlndtul ot the bleb ezploslves wbleh may be above as they eoneentnte on their c:ard pme before beddlDJ' down. ·. Certain aeeUons of lhe ·BU.b1f&7 are · more deairabht by London's air raid refu&'ees than the uual shelters because of the Cftater apace and better sanitary facJUliH,• NlrhtraU uauall7 tlnU lam..Wee rrallbln& nctJoiUI tor lhe~lves and seltin& up tempof&l7 -..ekeeplna. · "Billy" Bishop .v;,,,,·f.· No. 10 Downfug 'Street . ; . ' . . . ·' . . ... , Lord Rectesdale. rather or Unity Mltford, Adolf Hltler'a •ideal A.rya1. boaut:r," makes frieDU with some or the London east enders who are be- Lac aheltered ln hb Knlcbl'\brkl&e mansion arter heine drben frem their home. b)' German bombs. Unity returned from Getm&nJ' early Ibis Jeat ,.,.... .,.... ...,.&eriousb WOIUldcd. , Three Rivers ~ciment CTankl toqbt with the Loyalbt tn.n:t corps In Spain. Beuuse he t~lnk." t.his war a continuation nf the ftaht. aplnst rascbm, he left his home lb New York to join lbe Caaacllan --....,.. Robert. Grosvenor, 611-Har.nld b~ Jd:a ef the Dake of West- minster, n.ow lhln1 ln Calu rr. h:" ralleil be1r to- an 'Entlbh estate that. may be worLh halt a million dollars. Ill'· orouenor, who lives In a ()rowded Calrarr roomlnr hnuw, t\; r tare4. t1J d.a'i ~~! lt. ·. I can't aM. all or it. I can L Cl\'en sptnd thr lll<"lQeJ' 1 aJna.d1 haYe. aDd. I don't. can what becomes of the money as Jon, N IJIII&DI' :wl.al t.be war." . . Alr Mam.l ~· w. t•BWJ" Bishop, .,bo was the leadlnc Can~dlan ace durlnr the former World war, b ahown with Prime Minlster Churchill durlnr a vblt ~o No. 10 Downlnr Stree' receuUr. Air Marshal Blahop 11 ID Eqland 1o ....rer wllb lbe air mlnlllq. 0 DEATH SUMMONS JUD6E. R. RUDDY TO HI6HER tOURT Cemetay at Port Whitby. The bearera w&e : Bla Honor Judie D. S. Coltmt.n, Whitby: Ills BOftor JudtiJ J. A. IIICGibbon. LlndU.y; Cnnm AtlomeJ A. p, Am>ll, Oaha· w&; Lleut.-col. R. B. Smith, Osha• •a: lllaj..- j . H. P<rry, 111.0., Whit- by. and Dr. R. .T . ~. Whll• THE WHITBY GAZETIE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1940 U.S., Britain Move Toward Closer Union, Greater Co-operation ~=~~~~~~ _,/PAGE~ The Sunday School Lesson: . ' . ~~r. Senk:e ., lbe .... -. .. .. !attn b, Rn. lllr. Mrt ...... ted bJ ROY. D. B. L&Diferd. (COiltiDued lMm Pqe I) By NEWMAN CAMPBELL (The International Uniform Lesson oh the above topic for October 20 is LUke 3, the Gol· den Text being Luke 3:8. "Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance.") ' I he did belabor them Cor tlieir sin&\ They gatheZ.ed about · hiin asking; "What shall ·we do then?" · · Shari With Others . John answered the people: 41le; hath two ,Coats, let him tm .. ·· . to him" that bath none; :aiad hath meat, 'let him do like.i .. the respect of hla collequa and of members ol the Motor City -po.. ll<:e force. It was the Ame ln the Dlvlslon and . other courts mer which he presld.td. tn-tbat city and tbrOUKhOUt the. COunty. In hla pta• 1n1 the legal proftsslon austatDa Tho "'""" ncn~ lllbuw ln<:lud.- 011 lbe ~: Oountr ot Ottlor· lo Law --; WIIIIDJ Rolory club; Judre ..,. 111r1. ~~~nolte, 1'0- You remember, , or · , · ! ~'·~ha~i~s, the priest, were not merely to lep8nt, a great loa · _ Upon the OCCI6ioo of hls retlr .. ment from the bench, Judie RuddJ was waited. upon December 17, 11138. ID u!e law IIIHvy or lbe O<Jurl House by the court. aad county of- fklals, and present.ed · with a handsome marble b&ae desk set u t.anllble ewidmce of the very hlah rqa111 ID wllleb be - b<ld dur• 1n1 bls lOll& and hooorable Judtclal t~h: Jlldre alld ""*· D. 1!. Oolemall, WhllbJ; uJdf* and lllrl. J. A. 111c01-. LllldoQ; Oohowa l'Oilce lle!llrlmml; Onlorlo aoun- ty Council; Judie and lllrl. L. V. o,.,.. Ool>olq; CGun!J and Dblricl Judreo" -•- and nwlt oUIIra. lllr. n,.._ Rltclrle at WhllbJ.Io q9o~ In ·ret-co ·to tile -~ ot the lale Juclle.Rudd1: · n.t lrloPuOblt lou or the late Hoi>atable Judie Rbcl41. Ia ..,, lD Whleh ~ entire COIDiftunlt.Y paru .. clpates: I ·ba4· tllt honor 'or know· lnr bllll ·-urln Pel<rllmluril · bffon he -- 1o Whllbt. lib ~kJIDce· hen hU Man a taetDr: In tho llltll1uM • ..,. • .....,, or Whit-: br m4 he will be a.dly missed by tt.te •h.)!• nMfhbef~OOd." -· Flllln&ly lbe preseDI&II<ID was made by hls friend since boJ· hood, Dr. Horace .Bascom, ab.erill and clerk of the Supmne, · Burro- late and County OOUrta. On tbat oceasloo Crown Atu:tmey Oordol3i D. Conant. Dow At.tomey·General of Ontario. ·told .Bb Honor that he repruented more the tdeal · Judie Hlr.H.ER yy· PE. :O:n~ho~:~ 1:: ~ .. c.!!~ · U ·, · been a senUeman, ·one well vel'lld PAt:rFflf: 0 ···~··' fn'CAIItN 1.(814 <JM IJCEA.N . I!l!!!!!'·· ·. -tiiJ". 0 ' ~m in the . law. a man· wtth a judlelal Of SERVIGE · mlnd whose declslons always based / . .-_..._ . By OIIABLES J. 'l'HOBABEN Both nation!!, being amon" the on the law uo he saW and inter· .. t-••·uecl f p w ll Central Pnaa C!anadian ·Writer 0 ha.,ves" as .opnnsed to the "ha\'e· .. •eted lt. and wit.h the ut.most. ln _.... ..... , rNn a: .. e r¥ f..lrness to &11 concerned. On that lhe fnm.c Unt alw&ya re&dy and CJe\·eland, Oct. 10.- Man~· ~·ears noh" of Germany,· Italy and Japan, ·wWJ.•• to - · •••·· ••-· h ~- have pulled since the embattled appear to li~Ueve that the,v have a -aslon, also. wa~en Jotm • -. ..... o.uouel wuv .. l ...... .,.,... 'u. ..,...... ....-...... cl. 1 Th f&rmen took. their stand on the vii· common chain of interest in main· Or Uxbrl•••• annooo•ced •••• the ~u .... -... con Ul oa. e ret.! ' U6 ......, ...... ~ t t h _,.. ~~- lsge green at Lexington to fight the t11.in ing a aitud:tiorl approximating County CouncU. u an •""resslon fl • e -....., was 4.le nsponse made B 1 · h d ol • h · h u " -r to the •·~-~ and -·pe · r hll re coat~ an !'lmc e t e 1m· I t e statu11 quo. . of regard and apprec.laUoa of hla in ly ";j"'ca• .-.-. aeem.. pres11ment of American sailor~" by Dependent upon their induatrilll- :servlces as Judge. had lfUlted te ~ft':'iQI u:nw!' .... ~~t in --- the Britillh n&.\'\' Jed te a second war iza.tion. au-borne commerce and dis· him the use of his office &t the 1. d · "'...,....7 · -. with Great Brii:ain. w tant outposts for most of their great court House u. lona u he wanted an · tM Dll.t.riet. Governor. •ld During tho!!e decades relations of n-calth, the United Btateil and En!{· to retain it. His Honor Judre D. that he had. recently ~ed. & let· the ft(r-ilung Briti !!h En\plre and land feel they must dafend the rre· ot ter fftlftl a ROtary OOTemor ·who· the powerful United Stntc~ hnYe sent world order to sa\'e their own B. Coleman, new Judge the toUD· adv'·ed ••·1 the ·- D-·- Clu~ 1 ,_,_ ~ .. ,. .._ .. _._...7 - ehanged 811 much B!l hall ch·ilil.Rtion economic position!! .. France 8o6 Ho · ty at that tlme, said: "I Wa;u1 I had In tho ••·••~.cd ,.· 1~ tU *•- . · d h 1 d t 1 1 d d .&aUWM.~-£aU n• w~ 1n 1tll onwar marc . an , a so a.rge y epen ant llp()n tnown you lonaer." and more aettTt than nu- beca'uae Numerous "11itu11.tions" h fl.,. e world-wide empires, found them· In church clrclea Jud&e ltuddy of the nfw avebues of servlct! nriRen between the two A'reat dem- :;elves too vulnerable and pori:ohed was a. faithful member ol All opened up on &ccount of the war, ocracie11, 1mch ns the nid gi,·en Con· before the on!!lnught ot Na:r.i Ge(· a.tnts• Anallxn Church, and a and IW. lb1a desplt.e tlie hMvy federate raider~ b.'· England durin~; mnn~·, leaving the task of fending m.tmber of the t.y Oounell of the bomblnp IJ)I'e&dlna .death ""d de· the American Civil war, the "inci- off the 0 h!i\'e·nob" to the island An&llcan Synod of Toronto. ~eniD& st.rQeUon eYerywheri.- 'l'h1l otftcW, dent" when President Gro,' er Cle,·e- empire and the United Stat.ee. on church aU&lrs wu often IOUJht hi iald. COuld say th&t be w&l- tlad lanil warned the British awa\· fr om ConaoUdatl PosltioDB and freely tenclered. Lhat M 1rU iD ofilee llt uu, time. Yene:zu(!l)a by ~ending an American After the fall .. Of !-'ranee, Great If th -.t · fleet to South Amci'ica, nnd, r •• Brit!lin 11.nd tho United Statu .!tart· In fraternal clreles Jud(e Rud•- ... ~, .llah RoUrlana. flahllric d r,q t ,..._ ... lr ~.t.. rently, the cen11orahip of American c n rapid consolidll,lion of thlir de- was a me munber and put. lllUf,er 01' w~ ,.., ll'NI, UUIUII tbul ... Clipper mail at Bermuda. rcn sh·e po~itiona. .-.rbe fint mo\·e of Cmiposlt.e Loct.ae. IJ'. oil: Alii., pnu }b11D1t11t1. What ezcuH WU Bonds Strengthen \\R:'I to include Canada under the Peterboro. there or &D3' RotarUn in can.& TheRe ~mi!.JI hrenchc!! of friend- 1\ame provi~i.ona for protection that 'lbe 4~ loved bJs bCUle, for ~~ ID.Y duty cr ftiJ)(t:lll• 11hip, however, hn,·e proved to be all the other nations of the wc11tern and his love of tbe ana~ out-of .. ' ~~t.J.:r: .. ~, .... ~"'!! ~~ ~~~ but l'hort-lived interruptions in the hemisphere long have bad under the doors toot. him frtqueDU, to on .. , .i.Uw. .... . -!"' · .. n: Wl'. ateadily growin~ bonds of unity be- . 31onroe l)qetrine. }'allowing the eon· tarlo's northland Wbertl be ~· ~ wath what ,., h .. lfl don~. tween .the English-speaking empires. elusion of the mutual defence pact · th' .umm ' • llad 1' aak ,.,_ to ld feri'Ud · f.& & The United Statea and Britnin hnc with her .no.rthern neighbor, the apent part ol e er. H areJ.-. ~ J..Q4 raponalb111~ grown elos'ar and closer together in United Sta.tea proceeded to trade .spaat. reccn\ trlnten 1D • IC!'Itb. IMI:hi · ·a.Piieti cia. ,ou.·· ... I alk their mutual aim~, methoda "and over·aga destroyera to Britain in re· wife, , had a . and 'be sorrY, for~ 1,their . months before Jesus.·~:~!:~~~ I ;~~~·~~.·~:~.rib~u~:t;1:they• were .to be John so named by . U and share ·with who had announced his off · than . ) Zacl;l&.rias. · OF John's was the "voice erien n de~ene8 buses in l;lfitieh we~·~located -in . ~~ch p1.oees. ~ould bo. f~r in:g .in the wilderness~ Pi-eo1ne tern hem1sphere JI09!CIIl!IOnll. Th1s more· ul!eful to the ·Brlb.ah and thetr the way of the LO'rd, met with immedi ate public app·r.o\'al dominiDns at this c.ritieal juncture paths straight." . on this r;i de of the Atlantic, for i t in the history of t:t.eir Empire:··With .John was not one to spe&k wu ob,·lou~ to any layman that this kind of a set·bp, the British to those· WhoDi he · ~~~f·~~:~~::: i lt~;~.: ~ueh a deal would strengthen ma· 1tould be r.elie\·ed of · much of ' the trrinll~· defcnl!e of tho vital Panama buTden of .polieirig the entire world wrong· When the :Cic:~~:~~:~};Jtii•~;~ c~nal nnd the g rea~ industrial see· while at the sa_me time fighting, a ed ~ hear him;' he · tlons of the Atlantic Rcab()nrd. wnr in Europe and northern Africa, "vipers" - a -' 1 gen~ration of - . Then, whaU ·Reports stnrted to be~all}'le if any unfri~ndly powel'-- pers." and told ·them . t~at .t)J.ey cL;eulate thn t the United Statea· po&eibly Japan..;.:.ehou1d threaten the might consider themselveS· safe ~Lght ~;c~k to bolster her position baaea of their aurrounding territory, from the wrath to come beCause 1~ the Orient by getting similar .t~e Unitea Statea 11aturally wo6.id they .were t.he l children of · AJ)-fa: n.ghcs in the British stronghold at -fnl a strong concern in their fate but that God ·could raise Up Sm,:::nporc. ..Land an inte~~st in defen!ling I <lMiclren of ~brahani:. from . the It wa!'l net )()ng before "official them. th~re":b~ui. . ' quarters" in Wn!lhington nnd LDn- 'I'rue World War d()n admitted that con \·ersntions The hi-totalitarian militarv al · were tnk\ng plaec relati-\·e to the lianee signed by Germany, ItalY and Ameriean llcquisition of usc of Bri~ .Japan sen·ed only to .delineate more ish bal!es at Singapore and in Aus· sharply the JiDJII being drawn in trnl ia and .South Africa. Trained the atl'uggle for auprenmey between American nnval nttnchcs were sent opposing ideologiea and economies. to these points and to Indio. Indusion of Russi11. in the · Proteet Interutll aUia~ce would 'lr' irtually Admittedly these bases would pro• the alignment. teet American interest!! in the Pnr What the e'·entual ~sult Will be, E;ost, bu\ they. eortninly are rather no one ean predict. One thing ·is distant to be termed bases for· the certain, h'owfl\'er. If the present direct defence of continental United trend is eontinue~, a mighty Eng· States or e\'en the western hamill· Jil!h·apoaking .union will have evolv· phere-with the exception of South ad. And afte;r the war, the Africa, where a. ba.ae rillght. be use· dllmoe:-. :ies very probably will e.on· ful in heading off any attempted ti~ue their consolidation of defences assault upon South America. to· enable them to maintain Undoubtedly·, alao, American bues policing of world commerce lanes. To mourn hla lou, dent'¥ Ia. th&t - aJ.-M be tb lead. thJ~ories of government. turn for the right to establiah Am· aurvlved ~· cme dallfblu. JIOrP'f en ..lol ;:'~' ~; • a-a1na. lwo ....._ 8obm ~. ·C...IIjiqllic; lbt ~ QoYor· ~:-::::~:-::;:::--:~;.;~::::-::~::;:;:"!~==========::;-~::::-;:-=-:;:::::-:;:=:::= cltrk and. JDllcl~._for , tbe ~\J of . .poi' ~ted; \bf - ·- tbat In with dlstinetlon and hOnor", and East. no ch&rlCes are be1n'a taken. tended for a dl.st&nce Df twuity-one Ontario, aDd W.Qlbmt ~: abo· Ql'd;r .. &o-·• pOnrtw a clQ •• w t.hit the whole of hb lite "exem- The Pacific f~ ~ .. itart.. 0 ps_W. two brotbera, Oharlea and.~ ialJit Jn'•-~ MOUiinl OQuld pllfled the fln~t tradtUoru; of the ed before the Atlantic fprtlt}caUons PQLI(II:I ( . URT Davk\.Son contended t.hat he had of 'TtlroniiO. aD4 :t1ro alateb. Mra •. be ~- froii. Uit· truth, ~, as- judlcl.ary of Canada." and· w.!fl! well advauc~ betore war a;: been foreed. to turn to th~ left, to ~ Dure and lilrL Jalm ll~ serttd, rqU&nrl • . ol tbt :P'ollbWlnK Judge Coleman's feel- was declared. . cn•old Layna'a car &nd. that be had Tol'Oilto,-u -well ~ llt:1'eral niiOII fin~ ·· won: wai · ctoM· t.Qiby tqi t.rlbute, members ot the bar tn Naval ...... ·ar:e , mi.lnt&J.nlnl \ ., · NE. · WS· only been t.,nlling a.t· a .ipted of aqd D~" ,_ . PJ' · clV~ 1D. ....... 1fW'l; ,atttndanee, ..court offl~lals,... IJtJ.gants cons~J.~~~, m.Jf. U · m.p.b • . ~Tb6-lllbt · was- peen at The ~IunaN oo KODda7 IJhr.. smliB aDd apectators were a.!ked to stRnd harboi-3' and atr. ~Grce:-: ~Uadroni. the Ume," he 4tated. noon wai attended by ~ Tbe . cJoeed. and observe-, with bOWed hca:is, one make reconnaba&n.ce . fllg)ita dally. IL----------"""'r--l "I think t.hl8 1s a inatttr for Ute JudaH. m~ben of the bir, COUDQ' with a the Areh· minute's .silence ln tribute to the Defenae lllnliter· R&taiOn·s an• 1. ~ clvU courtll tO decide," ruled Jlar·J -:;;;:~-,;:;;A;;;~~:t~::::4;t.~:;±:7;~f:j~ oUlclals. membera ol U.. COUn~ ~op -..,Jch . eet ~ing of & notable jurist and a nounctment· muted Uwt ·extension Dr. H. C. Pearson, Dun arton ·1Btrate Ebbs 1D dlitmWinl Ule CouneU of JHO i.nd othtr yean .. ; i'Orin thaf ~. e .... _ em.. noble c:ltizen. to .caDad&'i weatein. -~ ana.. corcner charged with three counts :::harae. _.,_., .... .,.,..... ot a.dminl$tenng drugs to an and friends tram. Torallt.o, Peter- lftced. ~ typn: ot .en1ct: tor Judse Coleman 's tribute wa.s as of the deten.se prlJic.J.plea adop~d a R.C.M.P. officer, 'fi'BS glveh an a.ddl- boro. Ollhawa, Whltbj, Uzbrldfe, the tndl•ldull, the cGmmualty, the follows: few .months aro wh,en the ' Atlanue !l1>nal week's ' remand ·for tr~al with A charge of -UnlawfullJ having Port Jttny md other pl&oeS. PoJ... c-hureh and the state. ..0 Saturd lng we -c lv Army Command wu crwat.ed under .,, 11 renewed at ••,ooo -hen· he BP• liquor on hL1 ~ ap.in.st lowlnr a pri'N.te atrrtee at tbf - The Tate ot · :thabti to tbe DJa- ..... lhne oad naeywms 00mr I he. dea,.the ,· •• the dlrecUon oi Y:aJ ... Gen. W. H. P. " .., ..- Davld Courier. :was dJsml£.secl • C\1 p!!a.~ in dbtrJct pollee court yes. · hcate 00 Byron stree\ I!Jout.h, & ti1Gt CloYenlor waa· meved 'by Jto. . His Honor, R. D. Ruddy, lat~ judge Elklm. terday. public; senlce was held 1ri. · AD t&rUn Dr. 0, L. M•e"o>JI&]l. o! this C'Ounty; and the hearts of 11.5 in the case dt the AUanUc A. sPecW Counsel for the Depart· B&lnts' An&llcan Church, ln charP ' all who knew hlm were tlll!-d •·ith Command, the P&elllo Command · · - · · · - - • ment of .Pu~Uc H:alth at;ked for _the of the rector, Rev. Z. 1\aJpb AdJe. JUD6E r.ottM rl~ sorrow &t the passing· ct thls kind· wlll interfere UttJe with the tunc· ~-dJoumment · in vlew of the tact In a brief DieM& .. Rn. Mr. ~ · b Jt 17, wtse And !ympathetle man . ttontnr, of ihe exl!tlnc district offi· that T.rev01'3 Stt.·ee:man. speci&t raid that Judp Ruddy had a 1ustf · .· : . ' . · ~.J\i4ge · ~Udqy filled · hl.s judlcW cera commandlna at Vlctol'la and ::rown. pro!ecul.or. bad been lnjured :::n:u~ :r'eit a:o'!m~e lnm~": ·-.p~·a~v·s· TR.I.BUT-.£ y~n_ f:~:~ 1~J~:o:u~~ h:~~~~= ?o~~~t ~~the:~~~=:! i~~~=:~:tec1dent slnce the others aud in eftmpuite&tlon 01 JI,J- · U JudJt, .sitting on cas~s when thTOU&h mlnlatr&tlon. The new command· .. The accused has no coumtl -but ~~n~= ~~:· .: ~~ L':TEJU. Dr.E· ~·Ruo· u-y·· :~~'f:~r!~~b~~~ si~c;as ~~~;! ::u:s~ s:to~o:~~ ~!l~=~:~:-~::o. the enlargement ... to do which be did weD. 'Ibate . It Q ·~ ·~Uent an4 palns~sklnlf, hl.s d~l- acUvtte.s. who knew hlm In and. out.dde at ~Ions- were · given wlth the utmost General .Alexander, u a penna· Drunk Dri.,lnc Charred this: county. where be hid sPent the . . . - • ' f&lm* and lmpartlallty. nent force offcer, haa a loDB and !:dward Phelan am,. Thomas 1reater part of his "llfe, knew how Fulfilled PG!it With. Diatinc· "I will ask yo~ to rl:e \\•lt.h me brWl~t . recqrd. 1111 propiotlon to Green, both charged with drunk w~u he ll'fed, always con.::tOua- of • . H · · " ... _ .... _ · Cor & moment'& ellence in hoaor of the rank of Yajor .. Qeneral Came drlvi.J:lg, were iema.nded one week:. the eye o1 God. In cbufch ·he wu tion on.ora .. - ~ the men\ory of this faithful, hones:t eg.rly thts· yea.r, and waa·& recognl- Stanley Va.s.s.ele.sky, convicted at. the \'ery active, belns' • m.knbei'-·ot AQ Minute·. s=••nce pt,ll~lle aenant 'rhO throughout hl!l tlon of . the _Importance ot the To- last court on & chan:e or assaulting SaJnt.\ an~ or the IA1 Coune11 o1 · • whole Ute ~xempli!led the finest ronto .post, In which he wu n!spGn• Otb Camnbell and iemanded in the Synod, his w1se couutl often - · tradition Of the judiciary· ot Cana.' sJblP. fo rthe admlnlstrl.tlon ot one custody fer sentence. was remand· btln• .......... ht. Hill lnfl• .. •ee: ___ ,.. -~ft tribu~ WU paid to d&.'• of . the lures~ mWtaiy dbtrtcts Md ed. for :sentence one more week:. ·- -- - w~ \!It . .,_, tl t,ht late Jlldp ~re ;:~~ •:: :de~e::::::. ~r:: ~.- -~.: ... ~~ .:.~~t:ti.tl~ . fi· EN ALEXANDER b~~~tB~~ tr&lnlnJ .centre at ANOTHER REMAND allty. and an abiding talth 1D Jesua ~ OOUit diJIO$ In Gahan Tu•.l 0 A sUm, crey.-halred man· with • Leslle ' E. McLean, convicted on Chrbt. As be belleved, So he Uved. dQ'· moril,iDa tmd& .rudse. D. B. . ¥ • • ·brbk manner •. Genen.J AleXander Is ~wo ch!l.rges of obtaining moiley by and his ute had an effeet on all ~ · TO HEAD p~~lflt ~2. He was bom ln ' Ceylo.n~ His false pretence$, was reman .. 1.ed an with whom he came In ConlacL Ret. 'Jilt ttibu~ wu. ~ bf!tore thj!! · : service ln the Canltdlan Arn\Y datrs addJtlonal week for sentence. Mc- Nr. AliYe also brou&bt 1 musaa* b .. ~~~ ; of . ..Qeha~" . Dinalon • . . • ,_ ·1 .~ bact: to IIllO, wh~!n he ·jolried the ·Lean his- still to be - rrted on a ot comt.Xt to Ule 1n re14 ~~ 't · tri tt ~ Royal Canadian Reclm.en.t. charge Qr 11::rJury In connection lives and frfendll. sorrow c ... (»timar. J=~'j-&tArlet ·OiUnrr roAST MILIT 'RY With &W~arlilg OUL an aPPllcaUon Following the church service. Jn.. court. , dtciUI!( that ·the lite Judre tJ Jl Banana .'rroves In Iceland are for a marlaae llc~se. tennent was !ll~e tn St. Joha.'! ktif;kl1' lild •tmicl till .Judiclll .post fcreseen by sclenUat.s WhQ declare . - _,.... , I I 0 10 \ . . On Active Service .. ' \ . . . ' ' ' . In brd~ lo ellable The O&lttle tJ><! ~to:~ a can· pie« and accurate lbl ot !be men r..., W)\1\l>ii' who 1\&vt lllllla1t<l ••th the c-A.S.l' .• tho publlahtira roq- til• n~r,u ... ot - ot the C.~sdlan flihltn& lon:Os 1o WI In ·w follb<rbii f<tiD 011d return to th1.s of!lca: · • · .... ............................ ' ...... : ........ , .... . . . . (Prinl ~um&m· Pint> Rtglmeatal No .... ........... . ....... ~ ... : .............. : . • : ... : .. Rant ....... : •• •• .•...... ' . ........................... . .. ..... .. .... . . Oni' .. .. . .. ..... .... ... \ .. .... .- ..... ! .............................. . Place and date o1 entbtmtnt ... ' . . . ···· ······ ·· ····· ·· ········•···················.··· . ' . Birtbplaoe and ace .............•.....• : ~. , .• .. .. ...•• ... ~ .•.•..••• Nllllnta and· ad~~ psreDta ' ' or .nextoftdn ·········· · ·· · ····· ··· ··· ·· ··· · · · ··· ·: · ·· ······· · Olh.tr put.J.culara ... .. .. ... ......... ......... , .. ~· · ··· ········· · ·· . .. .................................................. ~ ·········· ··· · -. .... ....... .. ............................... .................. .. ... . . .... ..... ..... ..... ....... ' ................... ................ . ' ... . - the fruit. may be gfO'II'Il . there by Man Acquitted Will Co-ordinate AU De- utlllal!lll !to hot , ;prlri~. Th .. e 100 • D. a . Davl..,on. Toronto, was ac- epr1.J.1a:s well liP trom. their volcanic quitted by Maal:strate F. s. Ebbs. on fenae ForceS in B.C. and. sources . on the western slopea, and tl carele.s.s dr.lvhlg charge aftrr H!s Alberta the •team ~rom hot. springs Worshlp . ruled:thn~ lt was a mat~r and geysers ha,s been going to, waste !M Ule ctvU cour t;> to deeld~ Olta~on , Oct. 11.-Movlng to In· cr~ase . P¥1flc c_oast do;fense, ~e Oovernme~t. yeaterday o;\:at:d · a ~aJ;lf1c c~t\ command. under Jli&Jor·Gen. R. 0 . Alexander, D.~.O. • Genetal Alrxander, who Is now .In comm111d of :Mllltary District No. 2, · Toronto, will be responsible tor co-ordinltlng all forces at 'the c:obt tor 1nt.ern&l mea6ures and for prottctlon of mUltary polnta ln an ~rea which .comprises the whole ot BrlUsh Columbia and Allierta: AU .:servlcea have la~gely. lncr.eued thtl rtoroes at the Pacific !lnee Ji~n Jolnc!:d the Axl! . . 'lbe ~ree Nlnbt~ra · of ·oefenae . bave vlilted British Columbia personally, and N&val Nlnlster Angu.s L. Macdoliald bu. not yet reLurneG · from hla .-tstern tour. In t.ddlt.lon · to the coast guard uic.U.s that have .been on· duty In the ttirtresses .at th~ coast, more mlll- tary ·· ttnlts have recently been~ moved there. I t Is expected that a .whole dtyWon wUI be concen~A~ad tn BrlUih . Columbia tn the aame way that the! Thlr<:f Divlaion is now ln the MarJtlmes' Ne Ctiancea Taken Creation of the Paeltlc command folloti's 'l't'lthln torty-elght hours .Olil,ada~s cut.tlnr off ot copper ·ex- pqrtl .to &pan. With the a1tua.t1on ror oenturl!!s, according to .Ule In- H. 'R: La.yn8 told the court that vestlg!!-tor.s.' Expertinen~ have re· h.e hacJ. been drlvlng when David· sult'!d in the rrowlnA' of a few son'a ear collided with h~. "He said bananas, and , the aelentiat_.! 4eclared I w~· colni1 ,outh, .. .&tat.ed Layng. at Relttavlk ·that. the project· could Chl~t W. J . ElUott testified that be J'rl-ade extensive tf they could Davidson llad turned left ant! Uiat obtain funds to launch lt. the ~k,ld n:iarb of hb 'vehicle ex- Meuage of.Jobn the.Baptiilt '-------------------------.J lf'OWlnr more eerloua tn the Par • L. Col. Bob rev~aled that &0 percent ' t)f '. Rame:ses 'temPle: drcua profits this year wOulct be ·banded over to t.be. Mlnbber ot NaUOD&l Det:enee' to help c.n&d& w1n the wa.r; 'n\e re- malntn& 50 ~'=""' wW, lO Into. lhe .!peclal benetn f~ fOl' crippled and .. need.y cblldren, a work which the Shrlne hu carrled on auCceM .. rul]Jr tor ;yea:ra. ' In adcUUoli, it wi~ ~atated, Col. Morton ha.s lifted to Bl\re 50 per- cent of hl.s protlta &a well to t.be Mlimter of Natkinai. Defence and Mil bt11 canad.lan war bODcb with hill rematnl.nc 10 percent. · • When asked what t..llb year's pro- grAm would Include. cOt :Y:ortolt found It difficult to restrain him•' self. With the tremeodoul mthus· iMm he invariably displays as rfns .. ma.stei of the '•work:l'a lartest pro .. fesslonal lndQ9r lhree-rlnl i:lrcua,'" he exclaimed: •"l'hhi yeat·.s clrcus Ia without doubt trie best ever. In faet 1 u:.s atupendoua: We're 1olnc to have 60 new sensaUon.s. There wlll be stelalr acts from. the Ringling and Bamuni pla.xy, darinc and death .. defytnr t.h.rlller3, so be e. u t 1 f u I Bros.dway rtrl& in a beauteous dane· lng ballet. the taraist Broadway dancing and l.crobattc revue ever preaent.ed. with t.DJ clrct.LII, darlna

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