Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Oct 1940, p. 4

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I . PAGE SIX THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND -CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 19~0 :B.:..;.I::G:-::G:_~E.:.lS.:_T __ G __ -UN---__ -s-~--- -"""'o_N_·_C __ H_ANNE _____ L __ --:-:-~-,ln-.-~-·:-: .-:;-:-, .\~~ ~~;·;;;:~, ·;:: I CHIDES HANSON.·. · ~';~~:~:~~~~=~~: _ , _ , .·. .. , . -~ - slon," saici the Premier. Mr. Hep- FOR· BE-T·· .RA-Y"" I,MU··.;_. __ ·_ outsldf of the British co_mmon ... . -MANNED-. . .. - : .,_ -::-BY. CANADIANS burn bad not studied the statement ~ . Wealth ,\ tr Training Plan. · on the agreement by Prime Minis- "As I underStand It, Mr. HllDSon ter Mackenzie King. But he added: B"R; ,,--n ··s· u-· ~s, E~ m·.....__, 'E" T is pre~entl:> engaged In the Great R.C.A. Men Claim Camou flage Beot. in Eng~d - Emplacements · Spott~ Neve: ~e. on to tenan~ _will likely be worked out. At the ;oame time, the Board has no notlo'n of permitting landlords tli benefit from improvement in real estate·values caused by war Conges- Uon. It waa stre.ssed ag-ain that·" no Somewher6 Jn England. oCt. 13-. tenBnt could be evicted for failure ID ~_strategic BritiSh defense. line to pay an increased rent. Ten- ~tfdns. Royal CanaOI&n Artillery Qnts moving into newbt..c.~;>_~tructed ainu)~ m·annl~l ' ··.super;.heavy houses may eD.ter an appeal if they IDO&sta1 dete'nse batteries i.nd in co- Co&Jder the . initial rental too high. ~~on with_ ~ar 'Brt~f~ bat;.. The .. ·~t control is having an e!• tertes. are _ready ·to unloose a death feet ln oit1es like Toronto, which do barrage~ Jf Oenn&n troops attempt not· come under the controller, it 1s _' !. ·: ;:;arid on the, shores of or:eat Brl- belif!Ved. The very !act that the or- . • · · · ganlzatlon has been set up is de· ThiS' is a .new and vtt.al Job toi ·terrinc tandlords in all part& of · th~ tb+. R.O.A.rThit unttJa ~~ of country from. rAising rentals, the oftlcers IUMl-men . ehOien from ar-. ·· tllleiy reslm!J!t& .Of the lat Division board has been Jnformed. aD4 glvt!li speclal ' ~nstruettori· on , handlln& ::~,tJif!R . British guns of t.he beavlel~r.Caiibre. -N~ly enry . .eec- Uo,n-'of Canadl. li represented ·tn the · new unit. .. · - . .;.' ":MaJor From. -'OUawa ~ - Th't; :-'D~w Job- ·ror .the a.cA. wlf d~j,aed - when Dt!!WBlJ::AP~en visit--. ecf·a Capadlan battery-:c~dN i>J' 'MaJor w. c. Thacker.y, of Ot· tti.Wa. . Thri W&tc.hed the liwf crews- INtREASED POWER DEVELOPMENT IS ASSURED CANADA work: on a maaslve . artllieey pieCe. Premi Ann "---t -Between ali rakl alanns capt. P. er ounces un:a er s. • c ... McMlll.ln. or Kingston, and W t .Di . • t N" Lltrill. ·I:U);·Haroer or saint John, a er venJon a mg- N.ll~ Order'" the men 1<1 "uncover ata Approvedby U.S. our baby." ·- _ orllliy ~ gulmera: With clock-wort • pnclllon: threw-off a huge ·. tarpauJ.. Ottawa, Oct. 15. - -Tbe United ~,peeled back the camouflagt, and State:~f ha.s agreed -to the immediate Iefealt!!d. one· of the ·- most . potent ~,'Of "W&ter diversion ·at Ni• l'ltJlS ln the . United ·Kingdom. aaar& Palls by tbe OntariO Hydro A 12-man·· gun crew '.stripped · it CommJsSJOn·, Prime Minister· Mac· for action·,. elevated the huge bar.. tenzte King. ann01,mced . at. a press J't'l into firing pqsltion ·e.nd_ can;led confeience Monday. out :liu!: -~mtrleate· moVement:~ tn- ' While no imiitedlate agreement TOlved. :in firing the cumbei'sOme tor the Construction of the long- abells. . · projected St. Lawrence seaway The Canad!am haven't fired at a scheme was announced. prellminary re&] ·objective yet, but, are ready' at engineering and other tn-v.estiga~ aU Umes for any threat. tlons have been . initiated covering ...u&htr Aeeurale"' the iuternaUonal rapids section, Mr. The gun is "m!&ht..... acc:ura_ tet ·K.fiii said, "lD order that the enUre __ ;_. · ·...- proj~t may be s~ted without 1065 8ltl Ueut. JlcM1IIan. - ' of a favorable coostrucUon season . Tr<iOP Sat-MaJ. J. A. Whitaker, final d '·I '· --'ed •-- of VanCouver.·;declarM ••Jt ta"stmple when· ec.a.:. on .~:. o::t~tU.~ ..,_ to "operate,and: as easy to handle' u tween the two Governments." 1 , a fteld' lfU1l. ~ , ' · . . nt1s • was · taken to mean that · The · c&Udlana have ·been wor~r:.. Canada. baa agreed to a start on · mi. on 't.be ,runa tor a .month. SOme .the··St. X.wrence seaway scheme ot .the\~ 11JDDt!rB 10: the 1!~ Dl- Wu. announce;d, -prellmlnary engin- 'riiloa ~ ~«;~ -t« .tlte ~· 'l1Je ~ering and other lnvestJgaUons R.C.A. ;wm·contnbute .more ... RUnners h&ve been initiated c:overlpg the later ~&o ,thJa:.umt. ~ 'lbe mqve' _em:. ILtemattonal . _rapldl!l sec:u~ Mr .. ' ptWsB tlie rell&lioe :!.be rllrl&b Klna" lllild. "ln order thli\ the en· anity .. i!·PtaclJiir\ on.c.n•dlin mill- tire proJect may be -started without . tar,. ~ •"kl~-·~·<tbe competent. lOss of · i. favorable constiucUon mamier..,·ln' whlch~t.be:Wo ·cu:e co- stason when flnal decision~ reach-· ordiiiat.lna .thefr' efforts. · · •' ·e'd. between the two Governments." . BKiepU<mal , ~ie bs been . 'lb1s ', Was· taken to mean ' t.hat. de.:elopecl to ~~·,the ~r~gt.~ ·.canada· has agreed to a start on Earl T . llcl.eod. Cbulottetown the st.. Lawrence whenever the time clalmlna: that. tt is better than that hs rlpe. to Submit the propol58l to used by Imperial ba.tterlu. the United States Senate. 'tbe guns ha.ve nrit been 8'PQtt-ed Tempora.ry committees wm be by enemy alrcn.tt despl~ numer- appolntied by the two Governinent.s ou! ralds __ o_ver __ lh_e_areo_.__ to unckrtake the Dew lh:VisUga:. . Uons. As engineers have already -~OBE:~frlJ~E~~"- -a;:!·~~~~!-~ -:yo· OOMEl;fiER· . , :::-=. p=tory .tu.,. than h .. ·1-..R-rir1·s<·co"- ··m· )... ~-.1~01· : ~~:=:~!!~::.;~::~ [J1\I· r · ~ &lob· at Niagara Palls Is the lmpor- ' ~-~ . ... ' taut part_ of Uie 1latest· are.way c:ctn- .,;__. ,.._....,_ . _,_ f ' versatlons. · · ·· • · ~-· ........... to:, A.,., or ur . . KJna- atr.ssod !.be ·-imme-· "AclditioDal · Houaln• in dl&te uUU..Uon• of addiUonar wat- . :-- ers by the Ontario Hydro, lltrd th1a . Parry Sound Barrie . na taken 1<1 mean· that Ontario ' wUl be able to increase lt.s Niagara dlver8lon without waiUng for .the _ O~~wa. peL 15 -:- AddlUooal· 0Jok1 diversion to be compteted. _,.,~ties wjll shortly be a<lded· ,. AU "t<>ld; . the lncrei.oed ·h..-..- ·to .. thOse under ' 'the JurlsdieUon of 'power to be developed from the.' ~t ,O!mtroller ~llllam. ~tm, ·It Albany watershed and Niagara dl• wu atated. .' ~ requeat.s have verslona Is placed &t more than c:om.e to1 • the Wuttme Prices and 200,000. Tn4e Board, but . ~derat.!qn · a~· 'nle Increased development at pteRDt IJ only belna liven to-.tbose Niagara is contingent upon Ontario where, the civic councll hu aaked. "qreelng to provl.de - lmmedlately for. acUOn. ' !or diversions Into the Great L&tes In ~e a.baence _of Jud&:e lrlafUn systems of waters trom the Albany lll\Weatun Canada, officlala of the River buln whJch normally now boucl dedt!ed.,. toda.y to relaaae the into Hudson Bay". ·ontario was ~laDle$ Of •coqmlunltJ.u · ~XX:ted to previoUsly refused permlss1on to go be._ added &ODD to the lilt. ahead with this proJeet apart from ~e controller hu now completed . the larger seaway development. peraonal ·surveya of the altuat1on in The . Long Lac diversion Ls now Parry Sound and Barrte, and Is virtually completed. but the OgokJ.. a~ present 1D BrandOii ·He will is 1. much larger proJ~t. The use apend. Tha~vlna ·in Rea:tna and or extra water at Niagara 1s Urn- then return to Ottawa to consul~ !ted to the amount or eXtra water with Cha.lrrnan Hector .McKbmon diVerted by Ontario lnto th·e Great and the m~ra of the W&rUme Lakes. Pr1oea Board ~ore a:olng on to Th~ we of wa.t.er for power pur- Balllu:. · In many wa.ys HalUax poses at Niagara Palb is · regulated presents' ~e moat.· difficult prob- _by international agreement. nu! lem that \he rent controller faces. Ontario GO\'emment had suggest.ed Judp MartJ.n is e-xpected to re- that 1! It a.dded to the now of the commend aome method of provtd~ Nla_gara Rtver by turning into LaJr:e 1n1 &ddit.lonal houalna' 1n P&rTY Superior water whlc:h riormally Sound and Ba.rrte .whef-. he ' retuma flowed to Hudson May through the to Ottawa: In both t:owru the con- Kenogarill and Albany Rivers. It paUon will dlaappear when war should be permitted to increase tta en\h. and lt 1s tpus difficult to in~ diversion a.t Niagara by a corre:s- tereat private capital In pfovtding !ng amount. hQualna· accornmo.sauo·n. Some St. Lawrence waterway develop- fonD ot cheap temporary construe- ment ha~ been the subJect of Iong- Uoa: on a lll&E4 scale will llkely be and repeated negotiations between ura:ed. upon the ·aovernment. the two coun~rles. Hitherto the Tbe altuaUon In larger centres tendency \\'as to emphasize navlga- ute Halifax and Ottawi. ma.y lead t1on a.,pects of such a development, to t.he recommendation that the but -.-Mt. Klng's s tatem ent vestc r- Dominlon .Houslng Act be re•eatab- day "Spoke only of power. · llshed to · ·aawt private enterpriSe Toronto, Oct, 15.-War industries Jnl ineetlna' the situation. Halltax in the Niagara System. under the hu a houainl comrnts,lon and thta terms ot the Joint Canadian-United commission mtght be financed by States agreement, were assured an the -Government In operatioN ot , additional 70,000 horsepower of permanent nature. energy from a 5.000-cubic-feel-per- Thie co~n had plans pre- second extra flow of water Into the pared &ame time qo for model low.. Niagara River power plants. Dr. coe~ apa.r;tment .cim.strucUoD. . ' Thoma.s H. Hogg, chalrman of the The first· round of protests 'from Ontario Hydro-,.Electrlc Power Com- . · - mbslon, said last _plght. landlord.s haa died , down aa the The go~ahead ordei on the com- realJ.a.tion hu ..... o1fil that appeals •• pJeUon of the $5,000,000 Ogokl water wiU be permUted. It Ia not intend- d!verslon .scheme in : the Thunder ed that the landlord abould have to Bay dl:s trict, upon' which the tm - btar any Increased lOCfl taxe.s ur mediate uUllzaUon of extra. water other direct 1nCrt&6es 1n hls COBta. at Niagara ' Palls depends, at the ~r instance; fuel -has gone up In same Ume .was virtually g-iven by price 1n the last year, and aome way •Premier Hepburn at Sl. Thomas. Ol permitting the owne~ o! ' heated J "I am prepared to give approval apartmenta }0 ,paaa tll1a direct. "ex- to HJ,·Qro tor t.be lmmediato . cOD.- ~\ ' "I under~tand that-, with this ap- 1 -·' .. :. ·.. -.'. , War ~-ork of recruiting for the · Tory p3rty." said Mr. Power in a proval, additional po~;er at Niagara : . ~ . brief ~ tatement-. will be available immediately." ' I . --~ - i,. •. · "! am not aware of the measure Ontario Government and Hydro !' Tory Leadei-~i- R~vela~· _of or h-Is succ<'SS- bUt I should say that offielals interpreted Prtme Minis- ~ Extra Bl-iti&b -. Aifnlen_ _ by betraring the _.secret not of the ter King's statement as meaning B . Char b D ··-~ Canariian government - b):lt Of Brl• thal Hydro is empowered t-o in- rmgs c· ge J r.~~ tatn, and uing cert.a1n facts into 8: crease tts ln-Clow of water at Nia- ~ .• - · · -,:...~"' _-, • .shop~"lforn political canard, he ma~ gara by 5,000 cubic feet, although Oltawa:·• oct. ·Is·':- ¥r:~ter have {lnr recruit. His name ls rut- at present It 1s only divert-ing 1.100_ Power in ,l" .sta"tel'Qent~,· S&~~y Ier." S . cubic feet from Long Lac. Dr. charged cc.nservati.~e , Leader ·lt"':a. Asked For ec1"ee1 Hogg estimated it would be t"·o Hanson wlth _betraJ1llg ~~ -- .i~tj, .. 'rhP !l!:;.n to move Brlt.l:ih airmen· years before the Ogokl di~ersion, 1 not or the ~anadlau ~~t to Cflmda for training, apart from tumbling an additional 4.000 cubic but of Brltam... . . :~ ;· -,..;,:.-,! • _ 1 .the s~lt~~h commonwealth Alr feet into Lake Superior. would be Maj. Power was co~ntiln& . on 'rraln:n<: Plan Schools, was dis- completed. Mr. Hanson's speech at;_~l~ clo:;;ed to membens of the parlta· . ~ -. -.. ' ' ~ . ' ) \ mentary pre.ss gallery confidentially retary of State for Air, would. come on Aug. lf, by Air Min.l:iter Power. to Ottawa soon to.d.J5cws the move· In an off-the-record talk on that ment and the question l)f an _an- date, ·:Ma)":'-Power asked the co-op- nounccment would ~ discussed eni.t.lOii Of the newsPapemfen In with him. meetlng a request from the British Capt, Baliour arrl~ a. few days government that the movement be later 1n August .and during 1W stay kept absolutely . secret. granted ap.---h\.tervtew t-o member:; l:le . said _ the canadian govern- of the' unb gallery ~ho .. ~sked him ment felt an imnu!<iiB.~ aruiounce-- directly about the necessity · for sec· ment should be mAde r.t ther than recy on the movemeq.t. have ·the story c:·ome ,out piecemeal "I mwt ask you gentlemen tore- but the Britbh government had in speet the eonttd!noe which baa mlnd c the safety of the airmen been reposed 1n you," Capt. BaHOur crossing the Atlantic. The British said. insisted on-secrecy lest attempts be When It .wu sugge.sted to .him riu\~ ·to slnk the ships cai-rylng the that the presenc:e of t'ara:e numbers equipment and personne-l who or Brit-Ish alrm!n tO ct-nt.r~ llke ·Would .be sailing at intervals over Kingston woiild probably' make the _t.he next few m~thE.. venture lmown to the pub1lc he N.kt Mr. Power said furtner that Capt . they would have to tate "" chan~e Harold Balfour, Brlttsh Under Sec·j on that. , Pulled Out After Leaping Into Riva Brockvtlle. Oct. 15,-Leo LauD.• rendau. t9. of 5540 Queen ,~ road, · Montreal, was rescued ~ the St. Lawrence River here MondaJ' after he allegedly entered tbe :wate. dellberately. Pollee said Launrendau was liLt&- · toring from Montreal to TOroDte with friends and alter tJ:CUII:ol: himself. for a. few minutes from hll friends at'. a hotel .here, left the buUdlng· thro\1Kh a rear ~om:. _wmt to the watiertront and Jumped mte the water a[ter removlni his ba~· and coat . . He was rescued by Pa.ul Rousselle arid Harold Charlton both of Brock• ville, who applied e.rUflcial respita• Uon e.fter getttng the man uhon. He was removed to hospitaL By Brandon Walsll ~ ~ . ' ~ THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 16, 1940 TORIES mNtEDE RANSON ADDRESS SADLY INDIStREET Indian Chiehain Buys War Savings" Stamps Premier King Declaiea Con- ·a_ervative Leaden' ()b. ject Wholly Political TH11: DOVE· OP PBAOJ! Ia uaed to tr1m a lovelY houseco&L Of black velvet.; lb wide ~ft8 are trimmed with tJyinl ....., - ln chalk-white beads. Doves over Ule· wide ak1rt too. - We wbo call. this COIDIDuMJ 'c'bome"-&nd our fint int.ata hen. We take pride in our ccimm~y, our ~tioaa uid our Jl'e9PiiJ ,._ abue tiM joys and lllm!WS Of our aeicbbon in"an: intimate vein to be found oaly ·m,lhe· lJpical CilnMon town. • 1 . . • . Sen-ice to our' COIDIDunity t.Dofita_jieople;ia the creecl of our MW1plpel". that it bu.._ builL· . . . It is ' tbatfOU!iiktioo JJIIOil_ . . . ". It brinp to you U1 intimat'!, neiPborly week-by-week history of our COIDIDUDity that CUI be found in no other new1ptper, fw no otber newapaper whares our intere.t and eoace~~n in and for our COIDIDunity. It ia becaUM- brint you all tbe home news, of peOple and .mq. Wbicll...., y~ fint·~~ tbat our .....!era ieplll!al• peal fuaily circle. The merchant or tbe man~ who wauld•pin-'the"iliter- ' eat and atteatiao of this peat family can find no mediUDlto equal the ...... frieDc!ly receptioa with wbicb tbia newapaper ia n CJind lato these many ~UDdreda of bomeo. · .. y . . . _W~ ne..-r•u of unedt an- obeervinc for the Eliot tm.-·Nri~PaJ>er .;A~tiOn Week, u •Will deticned to ~-aCquaint the people of this nat country with tb,e·mUiy eDd"importent -· > 'fice.theneWiflfllt~. ' -nd ...-tiae wWdt tbi. -~ enioya hu beers acbiitnd tblouD tlM yean it ~· cledic:eted ita ewer,. .e«ort-to the ~Mid-~ ol our ·__,..unity and our ~ In "tile ~ that &. ~ahead our ~­ biticm'willhe to· r en eilil"to-po.r, u- NII8W our·labon fOr impro•-'t and ' 1IOWth".in . all" the eo..m....ua,. ~' _r. ' • ·~ -:.. . ' '- . ..., 'I'll& Wlll'I'BY Ga\D'J'TB AHD ~!fla.B ... ~ ,, ·· ·~t, ,· .. ... . - - - -·· -- - - - - . ' -· --~ I . I /. YO!JNO thaaot- to . won whlle- TIDR&"I $20.00 a dolna Notice ' COUNTY OF ONTABIO SALE OF L&ND FOB TAXES· ~~

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