~AGE TWO THE WHITBY CAZETTE AND CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER I 1, 1940 THE EDITORIAL POINT OF VIEW THE WHITBY GAZffiE AND CHRONICLE 'Oaiprlo co.n•• o Loadlllr w..u, Pullllobecl Ovtr7 Wec1Dad11 mornJnr b> Times Pub- ~ 11abiDa Oompaey o.t osnawa L11D1ted c .Y.. ' MUDdr Prellttent, A. a. Alloway 1/.tce Prealaent ~ OlQ'd.OD. M. GOOdfellow Director ~hp 1n CI.DI.da p 00 a year ln advanee 12.50 • a 1f1U to aubacriben in the United States or .. GCber torelan counmes l'he date to whlcb: t.be , obliiCriplloD Ia peld Ia IDdleated on tbe acldl'ea lallel. Advortlalnr rate> on •PI'Ucallcm. ll. B ORMISTON l!dltor aDd BusiDOA -- OffUce Telephone '103 ~~~---- ----------- WHITBY, WEDNE8DAY, BBP'J'EMBER 11 lKO ------ Off to Camp ' Hats off to the fme body of Wh1tby and dlstnct men who !!&lied Monday mornmg I , for N1agsra on-the-Lake for the1r two ,~ks of mtenslve tralmng Undoubtedlv they w11l return as "f1t as f1ddleo," IIA was the caoe with the company that returned fi'om camp Saturday afternoon We would hke to pay a tr.bute to all of these fine chaps who have enhsted from all walks of hfe to put themselVeB lD a j;oeltion where they Will be at le&At partial- ly trained for serv1ce If they should be needed m the defence of thmr country As their home town fr1ends have observed evemng parades durmg the past few """'k" --•nat>v have been he&td to remark on appearance and soldierly bear>ng been particularly 10 Bince the men nc!ehted their uniforms. extend our hearty congratulations to and men of the Second Ontario and be11.t WIBhell for &l!leaBant stay at Camp Niagara. llfl~tbrt is proud of them. Contact Len••• from mtroducmg new text books for a year or two at least Personally we don t thmk that our boss 01 girls would suffer greatly 1f they had to study from the same text books for a few ) ears, "1thout change It might be a good Idea to let the Ontario Mimster of EducatiOn and h1s assistants know there IS a war on and that 1t 1s qmte m order for the Department of Education to pracbse economy There was a time "hen a puptl attendmg a secondary school, mtght mhertt and use an older brother s or sister's books But • not m these days of everchangmg pohcy and curr1cub The books that Sister Susie or Brother B1ihe used m H1gh School two yeats ago ha'e been scrapped by depart- ments! decree and Papa must d1g down to the tune of four, I1ve or stx dollars to get Jumor all the new text books teacher has told h1m he must ha\ e If" e were a teach- er, we wouldn't ha'e the ner\e to Issue those hsts of books and supphes, to be taken home and presented to hard pressed parents Pare'fits have e\ ery r.ght to protest agamst th1s text book racket They ha\ e a right to howl their md1gnat10n and to de- mand relief from the educational autho~l bes down m Queen's Park If boys anrl g~rls were gettmg so much bnghter With all the new school books parents have to buy them, 1f they were bemg developed mto young mtellectual g1ants, there might be some JUStification for this racket but the boys and g~rls don't Impress us as bemg greatly superwr mentally, to those of ten, t'\\enty, yes, thirty or forty years ago- St Thomas Times Journal They Fight For Freedom A small 1tem of news from Br~tam '" sometimes b1g m sigmftcance For mstance tli1s London despatch "A German bomber and fighter forma- bon that was attacked by the new Czech squadron, among others, was between sixty and e>ghty strong The Czechs shot down a Dorn1er and a Messerschm1tt m thei)' f1rst engagement smce they fought ••·;;,:n , Germans over France" Item, it d1d not disclose eye trouble was, or whether ~!~~;:;:;•: was of a Bpecial kmd There " neW abOut the COntact lenS, It been used by optometrists for poss1bly Contact lenns in vanous de- ~;.~.ot;t"~e;~urvature are apPlied 1n ease• of ~lrilt!rl t()rnea When the cornea protrudes is distorted, lllld the use of a ~~U,:,~:~~~t~o~f correct curvature overcomeR Theae lens1111 have been used ao111etlmes l>:r actors performlnll' in a play which does jllilt call for ~hem to wear spectacles but r ho require ' ll'laaoea on account of being 'l!liort-sipteCI The contact lena fills the need and is not vlaible to the aud1ence ( Jolyop1a, or near·&IJI'ht, is caused by an over- itevelopment of the eyiball, and to correct It the weakest concave lens 1s used that will afford the best v1sion AstiJI'IIl&tiBm, a very common defect, is due to curvatul:'e of the cornea being uneven, wh>ch causes a dlatortion of the tmage on the retina, and this calls for a very careful f1ttmll' of •pectacles , Spectacles were probably mvented by the Chin•••· and are mentioned m wr1tlngs of U.e eleventh century B1-focal Jensea- glasses combmed for d1atance and reading -were mvented by BenJaiDln Frankhn No single name 1s connected with the mvention ilr development of contact lenses, and the IIPtometric professiOn as a whole may be Credited w1th a dsv1ce which has con- ferred benefits upon many School Book Racket We don't behove m petitions, but we'd rea,cbly sign and help circulate one, 1f It were in protest against the school text book Jlacket wh1ch goes on year after year One llatea to accuse the Department of Educa- tion of bemll' in snucka ' w1th the text bbok pubhshers but this contmual adopting of new liooks and diScardmg of old creates such a suspicion It has all the aspects of ;. l'acket-a racket that must hit many flllr- entsmighty Durmg war time, when the natiOn's en- errles are $Upposed to be directed toward victory and taxea are mcteaamg and likely tb continue increasing, surely the educa- tional authoutles might ha\ e refrained a ato~:I, of b1tter hate oj Naz1 en- Wlhmd that Czech a1r VIctory f19'hters m Britam's sk1es had nor forgiven what H1t!er'i done to Czecho-Slovakia after memories of GerJnan aggres· murder st1U burned m those " psrbcular Czech air squad- ~§~!~~~Hgu~n~rJa~~';]ders over England, of other Czechs, of of Hollanders, of Bel- are longmg and do when the opportumty ar- Gennan-ndden land the shll hve and mulbply 11'ho are determmed that, w1th they shall regam their free- will one day decide the ;~~:~~~~:~~~on," at this date call:d the Jewiah Army the formation of a JeWish na 11'1!11 the Allied forces agamst Italy have been disclosed m Abrahams, head of the pohb- -dEIPirb:ne~'t oi the new Z10mst 01 gamz a bon Th1s ta 1 t~~~~~d·~ev~,·~:l~op~m;ent After a year of """'• ~ free French, Polloh, Czech other legions servmg with the army The Idea of a Jewloh ia Just as reasonable- For what race has auf- under totahtar1an oppres- \!~.~~~~=~~~from one land to another as ~ maehme moved forward,, managed to fmd refuge elsewhere ,~ ... ~ a 10rry pbght Neverthe- , less the>r 1s easy by compsr~- son w1th th~ of their unhappy brethren who were to make good their escape The J ... 1 a freedom lovmg people warrior and an selves JewiSh forJned at crUJts' a'hd can become agam a .\t no t1me m the1r long have they had such to stnke a blow for them- their arch opp1essor• The llr Abrahams says IS to be It should not lack for re- At one ln sacred writ It states ' The"! open VISIOn ' Th1s would mfer tm~t -'lll'lft was no moral no~ spmtual uplift natwn At another time It the I e IS no VISIOn the people Later on we read that a ' day IS coming when our sons and daugh- ters would prophesy, our ;voung men see VISions and our old men dream dreams How true It is that when one 1s content to bve m the past or In the tmmed•ate present he appe&rB to make bttle or no pro greBS Let one a1m at nothmg and he will sureh• h1t 1t, and even though he a1ms too htgh he IS m~~Bt likely to m1as 1t but he wtll cer- tamly arr1ve aomewhere Better a1m at something than nothing Even beyond the desperate days m wh1ch we hve we can see a ailver hnmg to the black clouds For many years we have wa1ted for the storm to burst, and now 1t has come 1n all Ita fury It is not •o bad as 1t m1ght have been Every day fmds us better prepared and more able to m•et 1 ts on&laught. It IB true the Hun has made many a llghtmng stroke but the hghtnmg conductor was wa1ttng for h1m so that hiS blows, were not so damaging as th•' might ha\ e been, for he found Bntam ready for h1m Our enemy has been boastmg of h1s 11Secret weapons , Just a few days ago our paper Btated that h1B "secret weapon was about to strike but 10 the same paper was anotl\er announcementc to the effect that Lloyd's had ~uced In&urance rates on shipping in the Mediterranean The f1rst statement wu propaganda, the second a plam Simple truth. The first Item was to •eU the paper the aeeond a fact that could not be den1ed H you would know the truth don't be eatTied a.way by glanng headlines, but see what the world finan- Ciers have to !!&Y about 1t. The "Ttcker ' always tell• the stor:v and the conditiOn of world affa1rs aa told by it Ill tbe most deli- cate and acturate mterltatlonal barometer that we po&Bess The scare about ••secret "ft6apons" Is only a myth. In flanclnlt t~gh a Bnbsh paper the other day, 1t aaid: "H1story has told us that never baa A so-called "secret weapon" sueeeeded tn•'irlnnlrig a war One of the best known llritiBh military experts summed up this !won In these words "When tactics fall in diti.dence, techmcal perfection ltfOW* " In otller words, when generals realise they have ;aq hope of Wtn- llilllf a war tl!e:r lui•• to ~ to "stunts" to 6Jttricate thtm :troin defta~Thde never d--but that is a leuon that Hitler's Ger- many with lt!I talk of "aeoret 11'flapons", has eVIdently yet to Jearn Out foes seem to have caqght an apath- etic Europe napping and ha'ring mesmer- ised it ha.ve devoured it, juSI:,as a repble fasclnat88 Its prey an4 a11'allowa 1t. But we have caurht ti vlalon of a fried UniVerse, free from Hunlllah thrtlldom and all the horrors that term iln!Jlles It calla to our minda the little Scottish 11Da1den abut up In beiMIU~ Luckno" Indis, and u •he placea her, ear to the ground she catches the strain of the res- cuer's band, l!he calla out~ in Jl'lad sur- pr>se "Dinna ye hear it, the pipe~~ o' Have- lock sound,., What ean\ be Uleeter music at this momellt of our Empire's agonv than to hear of the fifty d"troyers and other uaiatance that our cousin• across the border are about to send to our relief The news that General Wolfe heata oil the Plams of Abrahant could not hAVe been more assuring, when the cry eame acroes the field of battle, "They Run, They Run " "Who run ' ' crlea out the dyillll' General "The French, Sir," IB the rsply. "Thank God I die happy " All ready our f0111 have seen the hand- wr.tlng on th~ •all They are caught m the trap they set for others. Calamity tonru•walfgers would do well to copy the exam!Jle of tlje Grosvenor House elevator man, of Lonolon, England who greets h1s passengers every mornmg with "Good morning, anothll!' day nearer victory ' Directora of Fair DeaenJe Co-Opdration The county fair, Old World In inception, rose to heights unsurpassed ln the Canada of the early years of th1s century. It came at a season of the year when harvest was over 11nd everyone had a fair amount of money The moet pleasant d&ya of the year, thoae golden September days when the sun Jl'lowed and the IeaveR fell and the ftelda were yet warJD with the summer heat, found full expression at the fair groundo Crowds ltathel'ed to see the Jmest hogs and dairy cattle and horaefleah So 1f one feel• the preuure of this "dreadful IIIBChllie are" as scnnething too strong for everyday life, there Is relief m sl11ht One only needs follow the films or even the P&radt oL falr-goel's. At the Osha\\ a fair grounds you will find the big- gest pumpkin, the finest ,JP:aln, t&Aty preserves, clever bedspread designs and beautiful embrmdery and kmttmg. Fpr there handtcraft has 1ts mmng and 1ts re- " ards Sleek, clean hmbed horses hold the1r own agamst the most gleammg and effiC>ent tractor m the world The man and not the machme IS glorified at the county fair And all th1s has been mnde posSible through the unselfish and untirmg efforts of a capable and eff1c1ent body of exeou tives In South Ontarto, more generaUy called the Oshawa Fau, th1s orgsmzatton IS headed by E W Webber Year after year these pubhc.sptnted men have roam tamed the Oshawa Fa1r, pledgmg their names to the necessary fmances With th• hope and expectation that, favored by good "eather and the co-operation of the people of the county, the mdebtedness would be wiped out Th1s year the directors have made many Improvements which penmt of better and larger displays of exhibits, and >t IS hoped that their expectstwns for a complete success of the 1940 fair and the realization of the1r hopes for wtpmg out the defiCit '"II be reahzed to the full They deserve 1t And they also deserve the co-operatiOn of 'ery citizen m this part of the county Too Much Haste A recent survey covermg IOJUrtes and deaths m which motor cars figured last year Is reported currently m a statement Issued by the Industrial Accident Preven tlon Associations The survey showed that O\Or 36 per cent of those k1lled were m acctdents attnbuted to "exceedmg the speed hm1t Under the same headmg came 'more than 22 per cent of the InJured The same record, which covers only the actions of dnvers resultmg m deaths and IDJUrtes deals wtth such other questions as operatmg on wrong s1de of road d1d not have nght of way, cuttmg m, passmg a standmg street car, passmg on curve or h1ll, passmg on wrong s1de, faded to signal and Improper stgnalhng, car ran away tn absence of driver, drove off roadway, and reckless dr1vmg Any motonsts w1th an ouncf! of common sense can exere1se control on every one of these pomts Speakmg of pedestrian deaths the report polnted out that while a pedestrian takes a smgle step and advances one yard, an auto-- mobile bemg operated at 30 miles per hou~ advances mne yards Will Sheeo Raiaing Increase? Will the opemng m Ontario of a large English wool combmg mdustry give new 1 Impetus to our fanners to extend their ac- hvttles m sheep ra1smg' The number of sheep on OntariO fanns 1s much smaller than years ago and there 1s ample room m our large farJns for a rev1val of this branch of agriculture The wmters of Canada are not supposed to be so favorable for sheep-ralBlng, but 1t depends largely on the variety of sheep No fmer ammals can be found than are owned by promment herders m this country and much effort has been expended m Improv- mg the breeds "!': The establishment of th1s combmg m- dustrv may result: m further development of sheep ra tsmg 1. • Editorial Notes I I The R A F has been bombing Itahan war faelones In other words, the war works ha\ e been given 'the works The Germans still try to tw1t Winston Churchill but they are not at their best at twittmg A Nazi fighter 18 most subtle m a 70 ton tank As more and more French colomes throv; m the1r lot w1 th Great llritsm observes th e Wmds01 Star, darkest Africa becomes one of the map s bnghter spots Reports of arrests of men on charges of fa1lm g to produce NatiOnal RegistratiOn cards " 1ll set' e as a remmder that each person should carry his card with him - othenllSe he runs the risk of trouble and prosecutton It 1s not enough that a person has regis- tered Some people are of the opimon that so long as they possess a card they are all right That IS not accordmg to the law The certof1cate must be carried at all times, and fa1lui e to carry 1t constitutes an of fence for wh1ch a !me may be imposed, GALL UP MEN FROM A TO Z FOR TRAININ6 £very Alphabebcal Cate- gory to Be Represented When F1rst CI115S Goes Ottawa Sept 11-Its machinery complete and now functioning for the calling up of men in Canada for 30 days of military training the Department of National War Ser vices awaits first recruits The procedure as outll{led by Mr Justice T c Dams Deputy Minis ter is as follows National registration of every Canadian resident of 16 yeli'rS or more has been comple ted and each registrar Jti the 13 dist r icts Into which the nation was divided for registration has been advised of th e number of men required to fill the capacity or camps In his dJSt.rlct By now these registrars hf<roe set asJde the lists of single men of 21 years or widowers of 21 years With out children and will make a dis trlbutlon of these lists In as eqult able a manner as possible according to Federal constituencies For example 1! there are 10 000 men in one constituency 6:nd 500 In another the number called from each w111 be proportionate Permitted Choice In maldng this selection the registrar is permitted a choice oi method perhaps taking the flr<;t three i.mong the A s or every third name untO his quota has been fll led A propor tion h ere will also be established but one man in eo; ery letter C£:;;egory will be caUed Notification to the fi rst 30 000 wUl be eent out right away Mr Da\ s said lndicatilig there wlll probably be a considerable space of time be tween medical examination notice to report and the time of reporting set by the Defense Department !01 about Oct 9 Officers r.m.d men of the C.A S.F the Royal C&nadlan Navy and the R C.A~ must register like other .. ttlzens when and 1t they are dls charged A warning to this effect appears in military orders Just out Men may be struck off l'l trength beeause of physical d15E:.1ll1t.les which de veloped aftell, enlbtment or other ..... ~~~, Just. IJke Travellers Und'lf the registration regulations soldiers sailors and airmen on a.otlve service were not required oo register When they cease to be on active !ler\ice they ha\e the same !ltatua a.s Ct: 1adians who wer.e out side the country at the tlme of regbtra.t.ton and must register on their return or children under 16 who must register on attainlhg that age Postmaaters throughout the country are permanent registran~ for the re~tion or such pen~orus Complete tlgures of the nwnber of alnale men and chlldle!S widowers or 21 will probablY run close tb 75 000 It Is esUmar..ed but In consld eratiob of numbers who may already be training In the Non Permanent Active Militia university studentJ; who are exempt from the !lr.st <:all and phyl'llcally unfit It iJ presumed. that the first two calls of 30 000 eadl wlll exhaust the number of men of that t'6e Men selected for training w111 not require the high degree of Ph&lcat. Iitness demanded by the can&!ian Active Service Foree Those Ill cate- gory C2 will be accepted To qU&llfy for this category a man muat merely be a.ble to stand work as a clerk a batman a. cook orderly or store- keeper Kl&'bls --o4 Not much dif!lculty will arise tha department belleves 1n connection with po.sslble disturbance to industry or business Some large firms ln re- porting their staff showed th•t au except a few younger men were married E.':ld the younger men would probably not be thooe 1n key posl· Uons whose absence would disrupt operations The Canadian Manulacturen ,As .. soclation has sent out to all 1n4U3· tries throughout the nation an ex. planation of their rlaht& with • copy of the regulations These provide that an lndllltry may lay before a board the propoeai to postpone training of one or m.ore of its men until an opporlunltJ has been given to train a substitute tor his place Del&'Y wiD be permitted for the first call only, or 11\ \'tty exceptional cases for three e&Il!l In an extraordinary case It may be that a board wm deckle to per- mit the training of a 22-year-old mr.: <1. rather than a key 21 year-old Some Pa1 DlftertDee Mr Davil'l drew attention to the regulation which provldu & heavy fine for an Industry which doel not reiru;tate an emploJee without pre .. judice upon conclusion ot h1a trdJl .. ing Some large employers have intlmated they will pay min in training the dlf!erence between thetr cs..mp pay of $1.20 a day and their regular salaries With respect to the calling of men the respomlblllty of the War Ser· ;Ices Department ends 'Rhen men receive notice to report at n.Uway stations to obtain tranJpOrt&Uon to the camps If the men fa11 to re- port however mt~ery for cblct .. ing and imposing penalUea 11111 swing into acUon under dlreotton ot' the war Services Department. TWO HONEYMOON mUPLES GOLUDE Belleville ~September uJ - Two sets of h~ come to grief when their au, tomoblles coutded on No 2 Bllb., way fifteen miles eut or hete eatll: Sunday One couple 1a ln the Bellville Hospital ~ Mrs A W Oweru Woodbine Avenue Toronto, sWJtd.ned. a tr&e• tured shoulder whlle her hu.ibl.nd escaped with head laceraUcaa. Tbe other couple Mr and Kra. ~ N Ba.er or New Dun~, Odt.;. -t caped uninjured, 1 The dual set of hont)'DloeD8:1'8 "ere tra veiling Jn •ppoette dfnc: .. lions when Baer a qar sldHWiped. the OWen auto forcm, tt 1D'o the ditch where it turned. ovlll' 'l'be Owens were Ju.se commenctnr tbtlr honeymoon while the Bam wtre returning home WhUe the OtrCw are in hosplt.al the newly weclBIItfl are awaiting repain to ~ auto- mobile. I Here's How Some Accidents Brought Grief to Motorists Once & driver get.a behind the at.eer!n&' wheel of hls aut<Jmoblle almOst anything can happen, In.surance company clalrn:s dls· cloae a.ston'-'hing stories o! how it happened & ide !rom the more or less fre ... quent ca,ea of bear.s cattle d~r pheuants hnlt5 buZZlll'dli bees and other insects damaging a car or causing a driver to 106e contra here are a few A motori.!Jt bought a rooster tied Its legs together and threw lt on the .shelf behind his head In a coupe A.s he drove home the rooster wrlg gled f ree nnd flogged t he driver on the neck and race in a hysterical at tempt to get out of the ca.r The driver lo1t control or the machine which ran through a guard rau and down an embankment Another driver was rolling along the road during a stonn A bolt of lightning hit the car behind the rear door followed a radio aerial knocked two wires from a l'lpB.rk plug ripped a hole In the SB.&Ollne tank and dug a divot In the concrete pavement-all before the driver had Ume to realize what Wtt.~ amW He w~ unhurt. A ehauf!eur drlvtna out ot a parking lot left a rear fbicli!r ~ <aU light behind Younpta't ~ tled one end of • rope to ~· tall light and the other end to a nftalt embedded pole Arsonts t.s tried to butn a lttP garage by plad ng four...aubc!e -... tle.5 of e.xplosives with dJu.i~ caoo attached In vartOUI puu dt the buUdlng The fire waa at&rtla beside the t1re ot d. car wiUl a tra11 ot oil leadlna to the expJ.Oilvea .... fore the blaze coWd. ~'~rich tbe bottles however the heat of ttle !Ire burst the tnner tube of the il..r. The concUS!ion ln tum~~~~ the blaze saving the rarare ~ A fasUdlou& car owner atarted cleaning the upboL'Jtety wlt.b. naph. th a Friction caused & at&Uc apart and exploded aome feet away un- hannect but the car waa ruined. An excited motorl.!!t poure\d. aaao- llne Into the overh•tecl radiator of hl.5 car thtnklnl lt wu watat. Recorm also ahow th&t wt*.a: • bull charge.s an automobU• Uie !Nll ul!ually wln.s WESTERN CANADA SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCUR· SION FROM ALL STATIONS IN EASTERN CANADA GOING DAILY SEPT. 13-27, 1940,INCLUSIVE Retum Lim1t- 45 Daya TICKETS GOOD IN - COACHES AT FARES APPROXIMATELY 1 l /8c per m11e TOURIST Sleeplni Cars a t fares approximately 1 3/ Be ~r mJ1e STANDARD Sleeping Cars at fa res approximately 1 5/ Bc per mn. Coot of accommodation in sleeping cars additional \ BAGGAGE CHECKED Stopover& at all points enroute 16iDc aD4 returning Similar ExcursJons from We.5tem to Eastern Canad& Dur1na' a.m. ~ Ttcket.a Sleeping Car ReliervaUons and all Information trom. IIIQ' Aflli"i ' Ask For HandbiU CANADIAN ~ATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE BROOKLIN (G 1\1 White Corr) :Brooklin Sept 10 -The Women s Association of the United Church w1ll not meet this week in their usual monthly meeting but will hold their September meeting on Tues dt:J Sept 1 'J In the basement of the church The Faithful Few are ln charge of the program Mission Circle meets on Monday evening sept 16 at 8 o cloc~ at Ute home of Mrs Allred Wilson Thb u the first meeUng of the fall term and the committee in charge are planning to make it most interest- ing and helpful Miss Chrlssle Simp- son will bring a messr..<ge of lnsplr- atlon from the School for Leaders Rev "r L. Jullle!t on Monday for Winnipeg where he will attend the Gen.ral Council of the United Church of Ca~da Rel H W Foley will have charge of the morning :ser vice on Sunday Sept. 15 with Rev Wylie taking the evening service The pastor will have chs.'l'ge of the un ices the following Sunday Sep .. Mr and Mrs Jack Parrlnder of :Detroit spent last week at the home of Mr and Mrs Will Parrlnder Mrs A Lawreuce After an 1llness of several weeks in her home at Brooklin and &'is!J wme time m Oshawe. Hospital as a result of a. !all wb1ch caused a broken hlp Mrs A Lawrence passed away on Fridt'j. Her entire married life was spent In this vicinity after coming here from Mitchell Ont where she was born In 1857 She has always taken a great interest in the work of the United Church and the former Methodist Church and was a cht.orter member or the Womena Institute and an ardent worker in that organl%.a.tlon Many friends have tried to mat.e her later years brighter by personal call:i and letters 6md were pnrticu larly kind, when she suffered th"' shock caused by her son Walter l'l acc:ident some weeks ago She w1ll be missed by a great many old acquain- tances and frlendl'l but mostly by her two sons v;ho have been with her in her old home Her son EUlott b&S been untiring In his constant care for his mother during her 1ll ness She leaves besides Walter and Elliott at home the following chi! ~ren Mrs GrUis of Malvern Mrs Robertson nnd Mrs Agnew or To ronto Mr.; Thompson of Oshawa :Mn; Webb of Alberta and the sons are Charlie of Carroll Manitoba and Stanley of Weyburn SUk Three of her G.hiJ.dren ha'ie passed a a.~ ill recent years. l4:r Will Law- rence, Mr.s Duke and Mrs Andrews The funeral wr.s held on Monday with interment at Graveside Ceme. tery Rev P L Jull had eharge 1 Miss Ruth Jull 1.s spending two • weeks in Ancaster with her aunt Mrs A W Play!alr Miss McKenzie of the Margaret Eaton School Toronto spent t.he l' week-end with Miss Jessl.e Smith Miss Victoria Agar who is attend- ing the School of Nursing in Tor· " onto University was home for the week-end Miss Velm9 Pierce of CourUce was , with Miss Allee Arnold for the week end Mr: Douglas Wllson of Goderich was with Mr and Mrs Charles WU aon for the week end Ml.ss Doris Batty spent a few day~ last week with Mrs I B Martin 1n Toronto Services in the United Church on SWiday Sept 15 will be conducted at 11 a.m by Rev H W Poley of Bowmanvllle and at 7 p.m by Rev R H Wylie or Colwnbus Brooklin lacrosse team were the victors last week In the three out of five gtunes with East York an.S were prepared through these vic- tories to meet Owen Sound 1n the ontario semi finals. Brooklin at OWen Sound Monday night Owen Sound at Brooklin Wednesday night md Brooklin at Oweu Bound on Friday nJ.ghL Red Cross activities wm continue w before the summer vaco.t.lon with a sewing meetJ.ng to be held on Thursday In the Masonic Hall Tlu: grant from the County has been dl dded. and funds are now avallable to purchase materials It is hoped that fl good many will be able to as.slst in the work as much Is need- ed at the present time The Brooklin Women s Institute are exhlbltlng thl.s week at Oshawa Fair Mr and Mrs W Heron were on s. motor t.rlp to Western Ontario on Monday Services 1n the United Church were conducted on Sunday by Rev P L Jull in the morning and Rev W H. Wylie 1n the evening Mr Jull conducted l'lpecid devotional ser vices 1n prayers of confession and intercession on behalf or the Em plre and spoke from the text in Ge 28 21 based on the story of Jacob s wrestling with an angel Many he saki ha\e this same experience God does not break a life to destroy it but to bless and to tr&nsform our weaknel'lS into strength This is a day for us to look into our ow 1 hearts for ours is an unspirltual ctvlllzaUon We have our personal as well a.a our naUonal slns We thank God. for the British spirit thm continues to fight but refuses t.o hate but are we worthy of the sac rlfice being made for us Our pray ern today be said will mean noth lng unless we put ourselv~ into them The ReY W Stocks wll1 conduct the service of evening prayer in St. Thoma.s Church on Sunday Sept 15tb. at 7 p.m. A large number of the members of St Thomas Church gathered at the Township Hall on Thursday evening to bid farewell to Rev J C Clough The evening was &pent ln playing games and solving con- tests A very dainty and abundant lunch was served Mrs Gooderham Mn. John Moore and Mn B Man- ning pauo<d tea Mr Armst.rong People .s: warden Mr W Manning Rectors warden and Mr Fred Browns Lay delegate to Synod presented th~ rector with a lovely trav~lllng bag on behalf of the members of St Thomas church The following address wu given by the Rector a wan:len We have gathered here tonight to bid farewell and God-speed to tbe Rev J C Clo;u.ah.. who has been rector of Bt Thomas 1 Anglican Church Brooklin for the past three years and who bas accepted the call of lib Grace the Archbishop to form a new parLsh In tbe ctty of Toronto For tbe put three years our church has pt'Qiipered and today U holds an enviable reCOld among the Angllean churdles Confidence and the <:O-Opera.ttve ~plrlt have inereaa. ed from year to year amon1 the rector the chW'Ch offlclals and the memben. ""he.w! highly deslrable c:ond.JtiOll! have followed 1n a large DM!arure from the wise and patient gu)dance of the rector- Your Jnvlgoratlng lt)irlt and zeal have ~tlmutated the youth of our parish You have ilven leadership tn the improvement and re-decora- tion of our church You have taken a creat Interest ln the work at the choir The eongregatloqs have tn- ereued over 50% during your rec- torate TOday we have one Of the most beauWul churc:he.a In Ontarto You may loot. with pride upon the Improvement& that have been ac:· complbhed dUrlna' your very short term aa rector of our church 'lbe members of St ThOUla.! Anglican Church regret your de parture u our rector but we know that your work wiD live on tndeff- 8. L. Blowes, formerly of the C&nad1an National Ri.Jlway ataff at London Ont haa been ~ted Trana.canada. Air Linea tmf!lc re~ntatJ.ve there nltely and act as an lnctnUve to those who follow to give their .be5t unselfishly for the good of our be.. loved church. We the wardens and lay dele gate of St. Thomas Anallcan Church Brooklin on bebaU of the member.s of the said thun:h pre. sent to you this gUt as a to-en ot our deep aplm!Ciat.fon for the val- uable services that you ha.ve ao generouslY rendered to our beloved church jn thb community and we pray for your eOllUnued. succe5.5 in your new undertaking &nd we t.rust that you may come back and aee u.s agatn 1n the future .. VILLACE OF BROOKLIN "Who's Who" - Bakeriea 8ROOKLUI BAKERY Jephson's Hardware P L STOVEC, Pro- 1 Brooklla - Pboe Sl llfe&cl - Cakee • Pte. .. B1lu. ek foe er.am. BROOKLIN GARAGE 8 Donlin&, Prop. BtooflllD. Pbone 11 a..u Arra Gu A ou Bepaln &e a.IJ make. of can ad ....... MAYNARD'S GARAGE P L l>IQDord Prop. DIPt:RlAL OD. PRODVCTII AU.:.. 'J1res Battel'tes A A c "'N Pb'mouth • r.,rp Salta 6 8uriee Transport. • Ha7 A L111UU' J 8. Jeploon, Prop. Broekla Pheat II -- - Eleelrical •-....,..., Gah l'lpo """mu- CEO. H. VICK Br 1 h"n - Phone 'ttl • &ad IDaaraact~ Ia aU Ita llraach• Senico Station MAC'S SERVICE STATION p C.llcHellaD, ...... .. b!la l,.BDlvT McBRIEN'S Woocf, Lumber&. Hay S.ft-. .......... $5 50 len,U.., C alnPe COI'da • Mb<ecl ..... ,o .. ve .... $8 50 learUto. ' oiDriO - • --........... ~ ..... ~~ $11.00 $110 extra dellftl'ed out or -c.dU..., ......... Jlou.rll aat DI'UMd .Lu.asbt:r Cu •uppiJ' &aJ' buUttq ma&erW PRO~ BJIOOKLIN D Rea4 ·~· Gazette and Chronicle M01t People Do 2.00 uer Year (Mn. "'B.beri utha, ColT) Aahbum Sept. 8 -Bums Church senJoea Sunday Sept 15 BundaY School at 10 a.m Church service follon at 11 a.m. Rev Robert Simp sOD put;or Everyone welcome A pleUlng enat took place on TUesday evenlng. Sept. a &t Chalk Late School when a J~ .. :ge number or frleada and aqquatntances gath ered in honor of llr and !4rs.. Wm Gardner wh015e marrl&ge toot plata recently !.In: Walter Kerr dlreeted at'fain ln her usud jovial manner A UtUe farm team Doris May and Kenneth Allan Heron entered the room drawing a load of bay in a small Wl.i(On &nd. l"Si.\:k and all the lovely alft.a concealed 1n the hay aDd wrapptnp Mr Gardner was kept busy for quite a whlle untymg &nd openins puce)a which he pass- ed. on !to the bride Adding to the eventna ;s. enJoYment, community :Wlsloa: and plano music W5:J indulg ed 1n The happy couple respooded tha.nJdna every one for the many iil!tl Lunch was served at the end or the evenm. Mr and Mra WUUam Brach vls· ited Mra. Agnea Brown and MlsJ. Martha Peuaon or Port Perry dW 1n& the week !4r and Mra R D Sherwin son 'LYle 5:old. niece Dor~ Isaac had a hollday on Labor daY. attending the Canatltan NaUonal Exhibition Mr and. Mra Oliver Gue:~t &nd dauahter of Toronto spent Sundoy W1th Mr and Mra. Fred Beadle Kn: M Ftaher vfalted her dir. .. Jih ter Kra Arc:h.l.e Parrinder of UyrUe recently Walter Kerr a:ot quite a shak u) lut week when attacked by e catUe but fortunately nolh Jq Wor&e than a few bruiRs and a sore shoulder resulted MJsa Betty Goose of Toronto wh~ has been spen<llnt aummer at Blrc ~ Ll.:~e vWted her parents Mr and Kra. Robert Gooee last week Doualu Cooper of Toronto :spent Tuesday with her couslns Harvey and Shirley Beadle Other visitors wJtb the family were Mr and Mrs Wibon Boc and Isabel of Beaver ton Mrs lsaK Beadle and liOn Leon5."fd. of Seagrave We welcome our t~.:acber Mt:.s MJ.ldred Hamill back to the co1n munlty after the aum.mer vocation lllr11 Dr Procunler of Ingersoll Is \bltlnc her paren ts Mr and Mrs Walter Lynde of the town Une 1L miaht be mentioned that Mr Lynde ha:s been running h1a threshing out rlt throua:b U11a diStrict !or 30 yeors !4ra Henry Doble accompanied by Mrs Earle Bet:jle was In Oshawa on Tbunday lasL Mn AJ:tbur Reynolds of tbe town llna spent Thursday with her daughter !4m. Edgar Heron. .M.n. Dyer of Enn!sk111en vislted her grandson Mr Clarence Bradley for a few daya last week Mr and Mrs. Donald PUrdy re- turned to their home in Bowman· vme crt.er spending holldaya wltb Mr Gordon Stutt&tord. Mr and Mrs Allan Horton of To-- ronto called. on relaUves in the '1'11· Iage on Sunday afternoon W M.S on Thurlday .rternoon t.h1s week Sept 12 A good ·""'en••· ance 1s requested as Important busi- ness wlll be lllTi.'ll&ed The regular monthly meeUbg of the ~dle.s Bible Clus ot BUI'Ds Church Sunday School will be helG at the home of Mra. W A. Heron Brooklin, on Monday e~ Sepl 16 Mlss Eileen Ham1ll of Manll1a re- turned home on Friday after 11 few days visit with her slater, l41as Mll· <Ired Hamlll Mrs. Croft of Blackatock apent a daY with her daugb.ter Mrs Rose Crumb during the week. Mr and Mrs Arthur Holman of Toronto with Mrs Wttl Walker lut Sunday Mr and Mra Walter P&.'tton of Brooklin called on !riendl 1n the vWase recently Ur and Mrs. Earle Beadle and aon Murray vlslted Mr and Mra James Cooper of Myrtle durin& the week: congratula.Uons to Joe &nd Llew- ellyn Richardson who took Srd md 5th prize 1n the Inter-County Cal! Club compeUt.lon at the Canadl:m NaUonal Exhl.bJUon .. Mr and Mrs Wm Wallace Q( Claremont enjoyed a vl.a1t with Nr and Mrs Fred Beadle recently The whole clvllir.ed world h ir.U the f&te of the Brltfab Empire 1u. tb.elt thoua:ht.s Ulese daya and on Sunday last all Chrlstlan people of every clime and creed joined 1n f.lay•r Ulat opprtuion and t.yranpy be ovpthro..,.n IUK1 right ptev&U We regret to beu th~ .. lir Herb Ashton met with a aarloua accklem On Friday morning falllng head first on the barn floor from a load of grain After regatnlns ~ous ness he Is now conflne(l to bed and under the doctors care We sfncerelJ hope he will liOOn recover Audley Too Speedy Drioer Yell. at Wrong Man /a Chaaed by Chi:ef ~ ~;-~~;..,~· .. ::~-:::::.:::- Bowmanville sept. u -"'I wu lr.:g"f::b~ watttna for tnl'flc t.o clear befOte mU1ng a left turn when a C8' roared paot .... -- yelled 'Get over there do you want to ~q all the road So I took llfter the car llDd clocked It 50 m p.h. ln the Umlta, Chief Conatable Syd ven .. ton explalnecl ~ court here on Prl day - 0 Mel H1Uock 45 Cumberland TonJnto. WUI floe<J. .. and In their spare "~,,i'i£o-1·ib;;;..th;e oplnlon of flye dQ'a 0D tpll nans Canad~o Air LIIJoea ·.,. ._ of speed1nJ 1n Bowman'l'ille 1ng In ~e war effort b7 on JU)y 28 Kable ~bron and Mr H cratt bollaht by the 'Traffic wu heavy and I wu uo- M.ve lett to tab up their Y:un1t.ionl and Supply able to hel.d off their car but I 1101: t::!::! dutlea •~ Narkhalb: and States polnta to tratn1n&: centres 1n the llcmae number, the chief respect.fvely. whlle our Caaada atole<l IChool opened on TUeldaJ wllh