Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Sep 1940, p. 1

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Toronto Furrier Traces Cycle of Seals, Beaver, Silver Fox, and Other . Animals- One Fur Coat To Coat $100,000 · BRING GREETINGS OF. TORONTO KIW ANIANS 1totarian Jim Cowie Reports $£00 Realied From Street Fair. . Operated Jointly With the LegiOn-Turns Over Two Cheques ·for $400-0ne Received for Legion by R. M. DevereB lARGER REGISTRATJON AT O.LC.· AS . COLLEGE ·· OPENS RDR ·67TH Y~AR A 1arter number or puplb rerla· nec:eaur:v repairs completed. .•· tered at t.he Ontario Ladlea Collen 1:f111 x.a~ Ross,~ .. w~rh.as yesterday than was the case In 1839. occupied the poe~ of . ilchool DUI'II! 'l1lls ia the 61th academic; year, and for the put year, has left the •tatf, Dr. o. R. Carscallen·. J'rlnclpal, and hav,lq been ~ to ~~ :.w- membera or his staff have been busy vice, Dr. carseallen reporta. Her with preparations for the- opening place has· not- beetrftlled· as ye\ but for aome days past. wtlt be done· IIO· very ahortl)'. Included In the student body thla Two chanps ln. the tee.chlna itart year w1ll be a 1roup of board era have . beft1 ~de; Kill Aim&beile frOm S&lnt HUda's School ln WbJt.. Hendry, B.A. II t.attnc Ule publk by, · England. These chl\dren are achool, repla.clnl Mlaa Joyce SCythes. !l'l'aCUe8$ from the German bOmbed Mlas Mary Acton, B.A., wiU thli areu. In addition, th~ w111 be a year bi lD O;liarle of ~- !lOUHhold ... . number from the same school, who Science Depf.ftment, fciiiD1irt:Y ,~­ wUI attend as day students and tall:e ducted bT. .... Mary EcktnJey. The residence In private homes ln the compJete) lat ·or meui~ 'p( the town. faculty Ia as tcUcnra: · -. . · ,_, • , Durlna the summer, extenalve al· Rn. c. R. oaracauen, ·~· .D., teratlona have been made In the Pr!nc(pal. Jilsa A. A. ~. )(. Iarre achoot· kitchens to mat~ them A., ne.n... • 1{, B. ~ Qarmap: K. better equipped to handle the ad· A., Modern Jlisfu.7. ~= dltlonal demands which will be JUdr;a.(d, B.A., ~ea ud . . DtOellal'Y to cater for the laraer I MW Nb Tulcir, .B.A.,.ata student body. They have also been . and , SCience. lila& WUma 'l'ql1, B. re-deconted. Other parts of the A., LOwer SchOol. lila& Anzliiielle IDbool ~vo-beeQ 10110 QIJr AZI4-t.bl .<Qmtlnllld . c..aa ~a..Qoi.:.'O>. ~-... .. . . __ _ , .... ,,, r • T . ·' 9fflcers and personnel of "D" COJilP&IIY, Ontario Regbnent,· Sec· ond Battallon, N.P.A.X., who went to camp Niagara for two week! bia!Wng O!l Monday, are as fQU.ows: ~- p. •B." ·Mcln~, . Q•C.; Beccild· in COmmand-Cap,, Q. A. ~;· Second Lleutenan.~: .~ z;err; Whitby; Sei:ODd Lieutenant- RosS ·Morrison, Pictertni; .. 1:1. ·ecc!:g.(lol Lieutenant-E. L. Astrop, Wh,lth-., c. s. M.-w .. J. vancierYoorti. ll.S. - J. s. Jory; ~eants - J. WUde; T. W. E. La~ler; COrpgnla -R. C. Hutchinson, R. S. Irwin, B. J. Blyant, . D. G. Gaine, · J ; E. Allan, P. C. Robinson, 'p, J. Malley, B. L. Allison. They w1ll be In charae of the 110 me.'Otbera ·or "tr. OolnpaDf who went wl.tb them. SVHOOL PUPILS SAVINfitHELP •• ' 1 • t • m··WINTR(: Penny Bank ~ by Local SdioiUa Show ' · S~eSUID Peter ·Tauaky F.& to Rally l:'ollo • Se . __ .. ' ,. I" wmg · ... _ . Open tiona D SEPTEMBER I I, 1940 N . . . . . . . .· . - ~ ~ - ~ L,E'ti~E ( .. ' -- R- b. Alexander taking tbe All . tiie boys b&ve been Ja· -'-· " ' ' -· ··~ fa~e'wttit8, and plenty and ' bedding. Tber!! ~-- ·~AJjiljj~·:]:':~ laige Dne-up ·at tbe c:Ook- 11 ahartly after ttle . BattaUon ~~~ed Into camp. Your C:orres- reaiets to state· tbat he was ln the llne-up, a mistake ~:.:l tJii~-;"lu,.;,... Intends to repea,t ._, :.•··--·- Ja ~ .wttb Sol!Uers, there bld&'falrlO be an 'ezteptloilafiy keen -~YilrY ,between and the·~ who In- quartered iight next comll&liY 11nes.. . band of tlie_ TOronto . SCot- the : Ontart.o'a · own -~,~1;,1 bnoll• · ht•n•~'ln plajlng us mtc(camp appreciated by all: . houae". Ia IOUJidlnf apln so · your ~den~ must tor reuo0a stated befilrehalld. ~~pw)zifemibera or t.be Wh!tbf Oomp- IOocl healtb· and the best and send their beat to the home. Local Men Leave 'For Active· Duty Three more Whitby :romi& mal have ... - · the call to aid ' tlielr ~~. · GOnion ~. AI(' oi-'Jii:. aDd MrS. ~ ~."~ DoUW Be1i. - of ~\ ... lin. ~~. Bell b&~. left. ,_ tmn- . ..... . la tile ~· ea.;.., .. n Air .._ a& JlnDIIOD. Manitoba. JoJm E. icmn 1au eniJsied a. · a ~- wireless Openltor, ·. A.C;·. J. ancl, 11 at&Umecl at No. 1 1 MaluiiD&' Depot, Toronto. ' ·Tb-l&ds' left for duQ> over Ule .' -treek"uicl. '. ; · "I am aiad to' aee that you are teylng JOUr utmost. Your , steady i.plieeranee on p&rade ts very com- menClable, ,'After the tet!imes& I have aeen· amOng you I am aUre "D" COD:IPUly wlll;be a credit to the bat· .&.1&') .... ,~ words Major J. · cOmmand

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