Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Sep 1940, p. 5

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PAGE EIGHT mEWHIT~~~A~rnR~~~WffiN~A~_s_~_~ __ B_ffi_4~·~19~4~0-----------~-~----­ LAC80SSE. Fall Fair Dates Young Men Train 'At Oshawa Summer School For-Industrial War Wo~k· . . . :' ~ OSHAWA FAIR OPENS 8EI'f .. g ·The group cl;lamploilshlp lacrosse pme _held on • Monday last between Brooklin pd East Y.orlt resulted in a Win for Brooklin, the score being Brooklin 9, East York 7. The-Wednesday night game play- ed Elt Brooklin l'e$ulted in another w1n for Brooklin with Brooklin 4. · East York 3. Monday, Sept. 2, East York jump- ed back into the ~ontentlon with an 8-11 w1n over Brooklin at COSburn Park in' the thlrd game of the best- tn-five Ontario Lf&crosse Association senior B playdawn. Brooklin holds an _edge on ~e series at two game.> to one. Fourth game will be ·5."1. Brooklin on Wednesday night Rlld fifth, li tlecessary at Cosburn Park, on Friday. . Yor:tera led 3 to,2. -l to 2 and 1 to J by quarters: Llndow had three aoa!S· for the wimiers. Maxted and 'Lembke. two apiece, and Flemuig one. Lou Vipond and ~ks bad two .aOaJS each . for Brooklin, while Luther Vipond and Prosser collect- . eel the other tallies. -FOOTBALL Whitby played their last scheduled -pme of the &eason at Claremont, Saturday evening last,' and in ~ fa:;t w'ell-played game there was no . ~r~. considering six en&tments · . the team are deserving of credit for · ·tlie splendid game played. ' Watch .for announcement or playorts be- .t.een ~e above mentioned. who are ·the leading t-eams . tn the league ·IIChedule. ~MINISTERIAL ASS'N IS~UES . ~AL[TO PRAYER COOntlnu;;-;;;; P&ie 1> 'nly will be done on earth as lt i.s In heaven. Youra In fellowship with Christ. SEPTEIIBER Z-7. Apsley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. -l, 5 Blnbrook . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Sept. 6, 7. Bruce Mines .. .. .. .. . .. . Sept. 3, 4 Oentleville Addington CO. Sept. II, 7 Chesterville .. . . . .. .. .. . Sept. 3, t Clute . . . . . • • • • • . • .. .. . . Sept. t Delta .. . • • .. • .. • • • • • • .. Sept. 2, 4 Dryden .. • • • • .. .. • • • • • • Sept. 5, II Durham .. .. • • • • • • • . • • .. Sept. 5, 6 Fergus . . . . . • • • • • • • • • .. . Sept. 6, 7 Klnmount .. .. .......... Sept. II. 7 S. Mountain . . . . . .. • .. . . Sept. 5. II TaVi.stoclr: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sept. IS, 7 SEPTEMBER 9-14.. Allred .. - .. - ...... -.. - Sept. 10, 11 Almonte .. . .. .. .. .. .. . Sept. II, 11 Bancroft . .. .. .. .. .. .. . Sept. 12, 13 Bothwells eomera . . Sept. 10, 11 Brighton ...... -...... - Sept. 12 catedon . .. .. .. .. .. .. . Sept. 10, 11 Charlton .. .. .. .. • .. . Sept. 10, 11 Clarence Creek ...... Sept. 11 Oochrane .. .. .. • • • • • . Sept. 10, 11 . Rymers ..... . -...... .. sept. 10, 11 Lanark .. . . . • • • • • • • • • • Sept. 13 Lansdowne . . •• •• •• . • Sept. 12. 1-l Lion's Head ...• , ••... Sept. 11;12 Lombardy • • • • .. • .. • • • Sept. . H Marmora • . • • • • .. • • . • Sept. 10. 11 Maxville .. . .. . .. .. • . . . Sept. 12. 13 Midland ......... ..... Sept. 13, 14 New. H&mbUllr ....••.• Sept. 13. H Newington . . . • . • .. • • .. ~t. 12, 13 Norwood . .. .. . • • .. • . Sept. 10, 11 Orangeville . . . . . . . • . . 8e'r·~. 12. 14 Oro .......... - .. .. .. .. Sept. 11 Oshawa .. . .. .. .. .. .. . Sept. 9, 11 Porquls Junction . . . . Sept. 12. 13 Port Perry . .. .. .. . .. Sept. 13, 14 Powassan . .. .. .. .. .. . Sept. 10. 11 Ram& Indian Reserve Sept. 12, 13 Renfrew .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sept. 10. 13 Rocklyn ........ - .... - Bept. 12. 13 Sault ate. Marie ...... Sept. to. 12 Sprucedale .. . .. . .. .. Sept. 12. 13 Sturgeon Pa& . . • . . . . . Sept. 11, 12 Sunderland . . . • • • • • • . Sept. 11, 12 Warren .. .. .. . • .. • • .. Bept. 10. n Weiland .. .. .. .. .. • . .. Sept. 12, 14 Wellandport .. • .. • • • . . Sept. 10, 11 Wellealey ..... , .. .. . . sept. 10. u Wlarton .. . . .. .. . .. .. . Sept. 12. l:S Wlkwemlkong . . . . . . . . sept. 11, 12 SEPTEliiBER 11-11. Acton ......... ·.. .. .. . Sept. 17. 111 Ailsa Craig ..... ; • • .. Sept. 111, 20 (Continued !rom Pa3e li vides for the freel.ror-all trot or pace on Tuesday afternoon with_,.- purse of $200 provided. In ad!IV tion there will be a saddle horse race the same afternoon. At the same time judging of light and heav~· draught horses on halter and Holstein and Ayrshire cattle will take place. TueEday night the vaudeville performan.:l' provided by the noted entertainers ~arden Bros. which consists of ten acts will be given before the grandstand. . I Judging oi the exhibits in all the buildings, including flowers, fruit, handicraft, domestic pro- ducts and fine arts will be done Tuesday morning. Buildings will be thrown open to the public Tues- day noon. Monday is preparation day with the buildings open only to exhibitors. · Wednesday afternoon the har- ness ·horse race p!ogram provides for tests of speed in the 2.18 and 2.26 trot or pace classes with pu1-ses · of $175 and Sl25 offered r~spectively for those ftnishing in the money. The prize money for this year's horse races is SlOO . more than last year and S!!OO above the 1938 prize money. Wed- nesday livestock judging will in- clude light horses in harness and on halter, light and heavy draught horses in harness, Jersey and Guemsey cattle and sheep. !\lore Mercantile Displays Exhibits by manufacturers and merchants are expected to be much more interested than hP.re- tofore. Four exhibits of farm rna~ chinery will be on dis play, a de- ciden increase over .forn.er ~·ears. Mercantile displays in the :nain building will be better and more varied this year as the maximum space allotted any exhibitor is 30 feet. The main building's appear- ance will be enhanced through placing the flower di>;play in this building. Thirty feet of s!)ace across the end .:-f the building will be devoted to flowers. Members of the Oshawa Horticultural are co-operating with the board in providing a real dis Arrangements have been pleted whereby th~ Ladies' iary of the Osha'"a General pita) will operate a dining E. RALPH ADYE, Pres., Whitby ~riE.'l Asoclatlon." A prayer for all the world which many .are using at noon each day. U is' Sll88eSted that It might be read by the head of the family before ora~ Is said at meals.· Alliston .. .. . • • .. .. • .. Sept. 111. 20 Ancaster • . • ......... Sept. 17. 111 Barrie . . . .. . • .. .. • • . .. Sept .. 18. 19 Blyth .. . .. .. .. • . • • . .. Sept. IT, 111 Bonflel~ ,.. . .. .. .. • • . .. sept. 18 Bracebndae . • • • • • • . • . sept. 19. 20 B!Jl'b Palls .. . • . • . .. • Sept. 111, 20 Burford . .. .. .. • . .. . . . Sept. 1'7, 111 Clifford .. .. .. . .. • • .. . • Sept. 20, 21 OYer 150 younc men or: o.hawa 8Dd dlstriet haY e reeei'Yed 'Yalll811le Valninc In the war em~ncy SIIDI• +--------------- mer school held at Osbawa Cellqiate and Vocational Institute, with the result that many expect lo take their plAce In induslr7 and render serric:e lo their country In Canada's war effort. Photos show James Kemp, who is leanaiac the dlfflelll& Job " an:· wddlnc; Oilier,' Mitchell ~ the job ol wlndlnc a three-phase elec- tric motor; Ralph Cratc and Arthur Bathe at a miDlnz maehlne In the macblne shop, and Harold Ram· where meals will be served clurin,oriJ the fair. Proceeds will be in "0 God, the Father ·or us &Ill, Who bast ma~e of one blood ~ll nations of men, mercifully rect;lve the · prayeta that we orter for our an- ' ldoua and troubled world. 8eDd • 'l"'iY. light into our darkness, t . and gulae the natlOI15 as ont: 1famlly·fnto the ways or peace. . '1'(tU &W87 au·hatred, prejudice and ., ·, fear. . • ·., ' ·01ve·araee to an who serve and mlf~ · ,fer ~use .()1 war. 'Strengthen In · us · day by day the will to- ·understand one another, • and . 'forgive ua our trespasses, as we forgive . them that trespass agt.'inst us. 'J'o those -.rho by their counsels lead the peoples of the earth grant a right judgment, that so through them· and u.~ Thy will be done. Throtigh Jesus Christ. our Lonl. Amen." A short Intercession which may be memorized and used at odd mo- men'ts at any time during the day. . "Grant that all men everywhere ~ recognize their need or God ' tmd tum to Him. Pill my heart and theirs with the Spirit of our Lord Jeau.s Christ. Amen." I , PAUL ROWE IN C.A.S.F. Calgary, Bept. 3.-Paul Rowe, star backfield of the Calgary Bronk.s football team has Joined the Can- ad.lm 'AcUve Service Force'. He en- llated with the new antiaircraft bat- tery being formed here. He hopes to be able to continue to play for t.he BronkS E.'S long as he Is stationed bere. - Buy it \·with . your • • gr~cerles/ cobden .............. sept. 17, 111 OOe HID • .. . • • • • .. .. • • Sept. 111. 19 COldwater • .. • .. .. • .. • Sept. 111, 20 Comber . . • • • .. • • .. • .. Sept. 20, 21 Dellbarats ............ sept. 17. 18 Deaboro .............. Sept. 111, 20 ~ .... .......... Sept. 17, 10 Dunchureh ............ Sept. 18, 111 Engleban • .. .. .. .. • . . Sept. 111. 17 Exeter .. . .. .. .. • . . . . Sept. 18, 10 Penwlck ............... Sept. 17, 18 Gtit ................... sept. to, ~1 Garden River IDd. Rea. Sept. 111. 10 HalJiiurton ..... -· ..... Sept. 11 Hanover ............. .' sept. 10. 20 Hepwortb . .. . .. .. . . .. Sept. 111, 20 Huntnllle . . . . . .. .. .. . Sept. 17, 111 Klnc:ardine .. • .. .. . .. . . ~t. 10. 20 L'Ddaay . .. . .. • • • . . . . . Sept. 11, 21 Llstowel . .. . . . .. .. . . . . Be\H. 18. Jt Lorlntr .. . . .. . .. . • .. • . Blpt. 11, 11 Kacne~WBD • . . • • • • • . • .l!lept. 17. 11 Manl~ .••••..• Sept. 111, ~ Mlrkdat. ... · ........ . .. Si!pt. 1.. 1'7 Keaton! . . . • .. .. . .. .. . sept.. 111, 20 Metcalfe .. . • • • . .. . . .. • sept. :ao. 11 Mlldmay ........... ... Sept. 1'7, 18 Mohawtt Indian 'Raene CDeaeroll~) • • . . . . • . Sept.. 111 Mount rore.t . . . ·'· ..... Bept. 111. 20 Niagara-on-Lake . . . . Sept. 20, 21 Norwlck ... ...... ..... . Sept. 1'7, 111 Oakwood .. . . .. • • .. .. .. Sept. 111. 17 Orono .. . • • .. • .. • .. .. sept. 17, 18 Odessa .. • • • • .. .. .. • • • sept. 111, 20 Rlcnille .............. Sept. 1'7. 18 Rosseau . .. .. . . • .. . .. .. Sept. 18, 111 Seaforth . .. .. . • .. .. .. • Sept. 19, 20 Shegulandah . . .. .. • • Sept. 17. 111 Shelboume .... .. ...... sept. 17, 111 Shannonville . . . . • • • . . . Sept. 21 Sheddeti . .. .. • • • • • .. Sept. 111 South River .......... Sept. 17. 111 Springfield . . . . • .. .. . .. ~pt. 18. 111 StlrUng ....... ·• ...... Bept. 1'7. 18 StratfOif'd .. • . .. • .. .. • B!!Pt. 115, 111 Thorold .. .. • • .. • • .. .. Sept. 17, 111 Thorndale ............. Sept. 17, 111 Tbesaalon • .. • .. • • . .. . Sept. 11 Upsa)a .. .. .. . .. . .. .. Sept. 18· Val GIIII!e .. . . . .. .. .. Sept. 19 WUUamatown .. ..... . Sept. 17. 18 SZPI'ZIIIU!:a U-tt. Ablnldon ............ Sept 27, 28 Aahwortlh • . • . • • • . • . • . sept. 211 Atwood .............. Sept. 23, 24 Avonmore . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 211. 2'7 Bar River . . .. .. .. .. . . Sept. 25 Bayavllle . . . .. .. . .. .. Sept. 2'7 Beachburg .. .. .. .. . . • • sept. 24. 25 Beaverton . ~ .......... Sept. 27, 28 Belmont . . . . . . .. . .. . . . Sept. 28 Blac:katock .... ........ Sept. 24 , 25 Bobcaygeon . . • . • . . . . . Sept, 27, 28 Brus.sel..! .. .. .. . • .. .. .. sept. 21. 28 Cam~!lfprd . . . . . . . . Sept. 24. 25 Carp . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . Sept. 2'7, 28 Collingwood . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 28, 28 Coobvllle .. .. .. . . .. .. Sept. 24, 25 courtland .. .. . . .. .. .. sept. 28 Drayton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 24. 25 Drumbo . . .. . .. .. .. .. . Sept. 24, 25 Dundalk .. .. .. . . .. . .. . Sept. 24. 25 Elmvale . . • • • . . . . . . . . . Sept. 23, 25 Elnbro .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. Sept. 23 Emlldale .... ...... ..... sept. 24. 25 Florence . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Sept. 28, 21 Galetta C.Mohnl COrners> .. .. .. . . .. Sept. 24. 25 GeorgetoWn . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 25. 28 Glencoe .. .. .. .. . .. .. . Sept. 23. 24 Gore Bay . . . . . . .. . .. . Sept. 24, 25 Grand Valley . . . • . . . . Sept. 27. 28 Harriston .. ... ....... .. sept. 211. 2'7 Harrow . ............. . . Sept. 28. 28 Holstein .. . .. .. .. .. .. Sept. 28, 27 Jld'erton .. .. .. .. . .. . .. sept. 25 Iron Bridge . . . . . . . . . • sept. 25 Jarvis . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . Sept.. 26. 27 Kagawong .. . .....•.. Sept. 26. 21 Kemble . .. .. .. . . . .. .. Sept 24. 25 KJiayth . .. . .. .. .. .. .. sept . 25. 215 Kirk ton . . . .. • .. . .. .. . Sept. 26. 27 Lakefield .. .. .. .. . .. . Sept. 25, 26 Langton . . . . . . . . . • . . . . Sept. 28 Lucknow . . . . .. . .. . . . sept. 28. 27 Maberly .. . . .. .. .. .. .. Sept 24. 25 Massey ........ .. .. , . Sept. 24. 25 McDonalds Camera . . Sept. 215. 2'7 McKellar .. ........ .... e~t. 24. 215 Middleville .. .. . . . . .. .. Sept. 24 r THREE Vlt:llMS ·of AIITO SMASH 60 TO HOSPIT.~l shaw and James Patterson cOnnectlnc up a motor- In the electrical shop. oft King street w:est at the time. Cars driven by Mrs. Mary Kellow, 121 Gladstone avenue. OshE."Wa, and' G. Osborne, 200 Barrie· aveaue. (COntinued iroro Pa e 1) Whitby, collided at the comer or g · Bond and Division streets on Sun- MUST KEEP CANADA BRITISH the ear was that lt had been dis-~ day afternoon. osborne wa:; ping turbed violently. cast on Bond street east, and · iH.- (Oontlnued !rom l'a8e n 'The ·ear driven by Saunders was legedly didn't stop before enter!Jig not damaged ao extendvely as the Division strPet. r~· declared. ,"We can well be proud other, and the occupants were mere- An Oshaw& Railway bua going to call them fellow Canadians. And ly shaken up. R~ason for drlay of south on Simcoe street south and this thought brings me to the sec- the traffic has .not been L!C!rtalned. an eight-cylinder Nash going east on ond of my con'flctions and tha~ Is The collision was of the kind tbat King &treet west collided at t!ie we are a greet people. llaJta traffic tUld- a larre line-up • I have aeen the concentration or hid 11een formed when Pmvlnclal south-west com!r of the main in- poplllation aa lt exists In Toronto Otfle~ &:ott arrived and cleared It tersection but ended up on the and Montreal and now I hal·e since awar · southeast comer. The "No Left seen the extreme or thinness In pop- tendered by the President. Don Wil son. on motion of Rotarian W. C. Towne. Rotarian Dr. Blake Beaton made the Introduction. Following the IWlcheon, Toasts were tnade to The King an·:l the President of the United St>~tes in honour or two clti2lens of the u.S.A. who were guest.5. These were Ro- tarians Kent and Coye, of Kent, Ohio. Other gl.M!Sts Included George James, Editor of the Bowmanville Statesman. Mr. A. L. Baker and E. P. Creighton. several group ·songs were enjoyed under the leadership Of Rotarian · Ted Bowman. There was a good atten<Iance. POSTMEN HEAR ORILLIA JUNIORS PUT MIMICO ON SIDELINES Orlllia, Sept. 3.-In a game whose only excitement came In the final quarter with Coach Norm COOk screaming to his Terriers to hang on to t.he ball. Orlllia Baby Terriers eliminated Mimico Mountaineers by the narrow margin of 7-5 here last night In nn OL.A. junior lacrosse playdown. The OrllUans, taking two games . and leaving one to Mlmlco In the best of three series advance now to play the victors or the Brampton-st. catharm~ play- downs. Mlmico led last night 1-0 at the end of the first period, but were tied "·ith the Terriers 4~all at halftime. and traUed 4~7 at the next rest. The visitors scored the lone goal of the final ses.tions. Pen- alties were numerous. of the Hospital. Another new note will be a play by the Oshawa Red Cross ciety at which the various typts work done by the society will portrayed. Space far this exllubi• has been given the Red Cross ciety without charge. Believing tna t conditions have ed, the directors have ~;barge admission to the this year. Durin~ the years no charg~ m:s been because so many peop!e without employment. 'l.'his charge ";n be lMde! ~f:o~r:.~~~~~!!~l to the ground !rom or in&" 9.00 a.m. until the eludes Wednesday night. sion to the grounds will Monday nibht. Central w101;er suppUes and tation systems were fore giant pumps and turbines innnted. llr: Sendall, Mrs. Morgan and Tum" sign on the southwest corner ulatlon spread. I have confidence Mill camew. who are · in tbe hos- was broken, as was the fire alarm that the eleven million human be- pita! are expected . to recover but comlult on the southeast corner. All tngs who Inhabit this vast count.ry, It b regal'ded a miracle by .some the !ront of the bus t."::d the left averaging three ' to the square ·mile, that tbere were no deaths result- rear corner or the automobUe were are & great peoJ)Ie. We heve con- Ing. damaged. The driver of the bus 'WBll quered a .strange land from one who No cJo.arges have been laid. but an Wes. Merritt. 57 Simcoe street south., was once an enemy, we have bound Investigation Is being carried out The car bore a New York. llcenae, ·Its diverse elements together with by Provincial Officer Scott. s 1581. 1 bands or steel over almost tnsur- Two automobUe collisions occur- Walter Buskby, Columbus, macte 'mOuntable obstacles, we have tamed ntsGusstoN ·oN I M.. t WAR MEASURF]I IS er. red Juat east of Whitby ShortiY :~.Her too wide· a sweep when turning inte rJts rushing waters, we have claimed mldnlght TUesday morning_ the sec. Ule driveway at :il8t Simcoe street a place In the commerce of the Poetal Conference Held at ODd accident being caused by the south early Sunday morntng, It was world which places us fifth among traffic tie-up resulting from . the reported to the police, and · crasli'ed. all the nations. we have wrested first. Con!iderable proJ)erty dam- Into a car coming in the opposite trom over a mile below the surface ace resulted but no perosnaJ Injury direction. The driver. Robert chll- the treasurers of Midas, ;;e have was suffered. derhose, 73 OntL-:Io street, thoucht weathered the greatest economic London - Poatmaatfll~ GeneraiSpeaka Frank Smith of 13 William street Buskby " 'as ·turnlug left, and -ar- storm the work! has ever known, we west, Oshawa. was going east on ;No. tempted to pL•.;s him on the rl&ht have bathed our nationhood In brave London, Ont., Sept. -1 -War time 2 highway when, according to the id · blood shed In a righ~eous cause. we measures,-the New war Regula- 1 report, he was side-swiped by a car s Iibert E . Elcock, 41 Burke street,' ha\-e hewn and built and labored tloll3, . Cen.&Orship, Foreign Ex- . coming in the opposite direction and d I . t Kl until we have earned the right, and National driven by w. Gc!Til'l'd. 45 Head Otsha"'8 • "t-ass dr vmg w::;:N onh nghe though small In numbers to hold change and control tree • H mil · . s rcct eas un .!\Y even...,. w en In fee half a continent. And what Registration - as affecting Postal ~ti;. at to~jl After st.rikmg wns run Into by J . Nlchollis, 578 a half-continent! Of mingled races, Regulations were chief subject.5 . • & au omo e, Gerrards car Harvie street, Toronto. who in~. or many tongdes we have accom- when Hon. William P . Mulock, Can- went out of con.trol and turned o\·er n-ns run Into by Leon ParKS, 33 A~~ pllshed In a century what in other ada's new Postmaster General, op- ln the south ditch. It was badly nne street, Oshawa. . clvllizatlona has taken a mlllenlum. ened a Poatal Conference of On- wrecked. The other car sustained The front pL•:t of a light delivery But let us beware lest In our un- · tarlo Postmuters at the Hotel Lon- only minor damage. truck from Whitby was damaaed wisdom we allow the proportion of don, Lor.don .. Ontario, on September As a result of the traffic conges- when two !:!~ transports collided•at Brl~h stock to !all any lower In 4. The Poatmaster General spoke Uon, a car driven by Frr.•.lcis Argue, the corner of Dlvlsioti and Kllla our land . We can feel more proud at the noon luncheon which pre- Cannlngton, ran Into the rear of an- s treet s on sundny cvt..'llng, Percy still of our ancestry now and with- ceded the sesslom: Several officers other car operated by R. Mahf'r, 560 Wolfe, 76 Breithaupt slTt~t. Kitch- out casting any reOectlon on any- of the P05t Office Depart.ment gave Albert street, Kingston. Maher's ca~ encr driving a transport owned by one or racial origin other than our papers of great Importance to the was In tum forced ahead into the the Braniff Bros., Kltchener, collld- own, let me say without reservation meeting and & representative of the rear of r.•.1other. All three cars wer~ cd wi th the rear oi 2 Toronto-St. that I believe that no gr~t~r her!- War Savings Committee dlsc'I.LSSed damqed, but Argue's was by far the cathnrlnes truck driven by JE.'iDeS tage can be given . to a man than to thll Mle of Wll.r Savings Stamps worst. having lt.5 motor and ra~>~lo:· McMill:tn. 290 ,; Weiland avenue, St. be born or the Bml~h tradition !Uld and Certificates, In connection with smashed ln. Pro\'lucinl Traffic 0!- Cathnrlnes. Tite lnller vehicle was bloo:l.. We must keep Canada Brit- which the P05t Office Department fleer Runciman lmestl:;ated. No one making a It'!~ t:.~rn onto Dil'islon Ish." has placed lt.s facilities at the ser- was hurt in the collisions. street, nnd was not damaged. A. Le "This Canada of ours shall be vice of the Committee. Normt.~l Morris. R.R. I, Oshawa . Mr.•:lol\·e, Whlt.lly, driving a lllht, great In honour. mighty in com- In addition to the War time sub- damaged his car when he colllded delh·cry truck owned by Walter merce, glorloU! In her beauty and jects the Po!tal Conference officers with a truck at the Four Corners on Speagle, 121 Brock street, WllUby, blessed with a people free and self- spoke on. Public Rebtlons, and Air Saturday e,·enlng. He was turning was proceeding orr Division street. dGeodtermhlnlngh theiadr owhn destiinhyt, thbat .MaU, etc. MIIibroolt .. . .. . .. .. .. Sept . 26, 27 Yilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 27 . 28 Minden . • . . . . . . . . . . . . Se-pt. 2t Mitchell .. .. .. . . .. .. . Sept. 24. 25 Murlllo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 24, 25 NeU!t.adt .... ...... .... Sept. 27, 28 Owen Sound .. . . . . Sept. :!8-0CL. 1 Parts .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. Sept. 21. 2' Perth . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. Sept. 23. 2t Picton . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . Sept.. 26, 27 Port Elgin .. .. .. .. .. .. Sept. 26 . 27 Port Hope .. . .. .. .. .. . Sept. 27, 28 Ramona . . . . . . . . . . . .. . s~pt. 25 Rldgetown . . . . .. . . . . . . s ept. 26, 28 Ripley .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. Sept. :!4 , 25 Sarnla .... . ....... .... Sept. 24. 25 Schomberg .. ...... . ... Sept. 21. 28 Severn Bridge . . .. . . . . Sept. 27 SpencervUle . . . . . . . . . Sept. 24. 25 Stella .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . Sept. 24 Strathroy . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 26 . 28 Sundrldge . . . . . . . . . . . . Se(>L. 26, 2i Trout Creek . . . . . . . . . . sept. 24. 25 Utte~on . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept 24. 25 Wal~ Fails . . ... . .. .. Sept. 24. 25 Wlikesport . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 26 Wlngham . . . . . . . . . . . . sept. 25, 26 Wyoming . . . . . • . . . . . . Sept . 25 . 26 ZUrich .. . .. .. .. • .. . .. . Sept. 23. 24 I w o as m e er m !! Y. Y District oUioes will also be rep- onto King n01d got the front pa" our contribution _or oursPlve_,, bone, resented, and a demoll!tratlon of of his truck damaged In the mls- sinew. rpuscle. blOOd, mlnd. heart High-speed &ortatlon will be an edu- llllJ>. and aoul, 8hall 1Jl1'ke her mightier tiona! feature. Boll1 cars were considerably d,am- yet.. ca aged when a car driven by Albert . 'I'Qday Is the first anniversary of The purpose of the Postal Con- E. Pa\ •ne. tiO MutTL'J street, Peter~ 'Brltatn•_, declaration or war so terence Is Instructional and the boro .. ~olllded with the rear o a now we stand again at Br.italn's system has been Introduced by the csr driven by Chas. cumberland, l!02 ~. meeting a great joint peril, our Postmaster General L'!l one tending Duffcrin a\'enur. Trenton. Both a~th new found twenty five to develop greater efficiency through were proce~ding west on Klng street Years ago, seasonNI and matured. knowledge of postal arfa,lrs on the ,cast nt about 1 p.m. when the ac- I believe that our Immediate ts.sk part or those attending . Postmas- cident occurred. in the fulfilling of the destiny thd tens, Postmistresses and their a.!:- ·1·1- "'~rore ua Is to fight valiantly slstants will be !>J'esent from all sec-Another car was rammed from be- ~ "" for the right In our pust cause. tlons of the Province. hind on the highway neL..- New-· ' Worda pe'nned by Rudyard Kipling Que5llona will be Invited and In-cas tle yesterday. Charles Campbell, for the last war stand doubly good formal discussions wUI be held after 62 Dl 1 lsi on s t rcct, was drh'inl: west en Highway No. 2 when he had to now. Dr. OOdy'~ wrote In 1919. "A each paper to clear up any knott\ stop suddenly for th~ trnf!lc ahead, betW canada will not come of It- points and to give other lnrorma~ self. It must be planned for and tion. The opportunit-Y for Post- a nd was hit by the car of Alton atrlven for. But It wili come. If masters and Postmistresses and Smith, 226 Chathl!'lll avenue, Toron- there 1s kindled In the souls of our their assJstants to meet oUicers of to. Botl1 cars suC!ered appre~ dtlalu the aame flame of sacrifice the Department In a conference tf dnmase. aDd aervke which burne.;! so bright- th.la nature ls felt by the Postmaster Abom half the accidents - 11. (and we. may add burna 5o General to be a valuable way to caused by cars foiling to stop quick brl&htly aaalnl In the hearts of ·promote eaprlt de-corps, which will enough, crashing into the rear C: canada'a cltlsen :;oldlers or the be refl~ted In tmproved service to the car ahead. Some of them were · Great war." Ule public. The P<N;tal Conference or the double vnrlety, where one The s!)eaker was loudly applauded will be held under auspices or the Cilr bumps another and it In turn at Ule conclusion of ht.. addre!.s and Ontario Branch. Canadian ~t- humps tile car ahead. a · tiWDr Vote of appreciation was maa~:-~uon. Locali Merchant! Will You Help Us' .To Help You? We're partners. in a way for we depend upon each other for our success. Your ad· vertisina helps ua operate this newspaper and our neW11paper carries your advertisements to more than 3,000 readers in the district and playa a part in your buaine.e proar- We ~ot_h ltnow that adver.tisina paya ·divi- dends 1n Increased buaineas ~ith correspond- ina inereaaea in profits and •o we ask you to co-operate in a campaign to increase our ad- vertisina and your busineas. Speak to the travellers and manufacturera· representatives visiting your store. lmpreas upon them the fact that you have found the Gaz~tte and Chronicle a valuable advertising mediUm and urge them to auggest to their firma that the Gazette and Chronicle be placed upon the list of publicationa which carry ad- vertisements for their nationally-ltnown prod- ucts. EXperience has taught that advertising paya and if national advertising in the Gazette and Chronicle ia increased you KNOW that your aalea . wiU show a aharp upswing. We're partners, you know, operate. 10 let"e co- THE WHITBY CAZME AND· CHRONICLE --------------------- - -- -- ----

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