Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Jul 1940, p. 6

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.· 1-, ~;~-- -j- . J,T . -~.... . . ( .. ' . \. • . ~.~ s ~1 1 1 , 1 {\1 i , !1 ,, ~ ,- ·~i, ""l '1 !)•; .:. ·' ' . ~·· : , ' -PAGE:' TEN GAZE!m~·~:£\:Jijn CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 0, 1940 :. ~ill (Jn (fJfllu:lfh :--.- BOWLING· LACROSSE POLICE COURT NEWS ·,· .. Efforts of the Whitby Bowllng : Club to - get going for the season have been frustrated by :the Inter- ' terence of jay pluvlus and on Mon- day night, when the stage was all set for a grand opening, there was no break In the luck when one of the worst storms of the season al- most trnnsform~d the greens Into a lake. The club Invited local and outside bowlers to enjoy a sports soc!al evening, and the ladles had provided an attempting lunch, but . 1t was all off much to the dlsap- polntment of those In charge. However, to adhere to the old circus slogan-"The show must go on." ·this afternoon (Wednesday) the annual tournament for the D. A. J .-Swanson trophy will be play- ed on the local greens when It Is expected a number or outside rinks . will _participate. In addition to the trophy, which commemorates the memory of the late D.-A. G. Swan- son, for many years a noted l'awyer In Oshawa and enthuslaatle bowler, . four · sets or valuable prizes are be- Ing of!ered. Ladies are looking after the feeding facUlties, and the clubhous~ and greens are eXl)Ceted to. present the busiest scene of the seasar.. It r:ntght be noted that the presi- dent and directors or the club are endeavoring to o!>taln new membeni and are, for a limited tline, offering l'l~duced fees to accomplish thia end. The bowling gl'leens and clubhouse are an asset to the town and should be largely patronized by the cltl- zens. FOOTBALL In a fast clean game Claremont defeated Whitby, at Claremont Saturday last, by one aaahto nil, Cowan, goal; Ro~rs and Bedding, full-backs; BradleY;' Hunter, Camp- bell, half-backs; A. Bradley, Harris, Wagstaff, McDonough, and Steffler, forwards; Claremont play a return game on TUesday next, the 16th, 7:30 p.m. PETERBORO' DEFEATS . · . (~tJD~ trom· Paie .ll . ·BROOKLIN A tendency to ·:roll out the b~-~ 'that ~~~~- ~d social llte Peterborough edged an 8 to 5 win rei" landed Oordon Drinkwater, thef1! ~~.'~-~ a loyalty over Brooklin at Peterboro on sat- Myrtle youth, Mfore pollee court on and llhleert,~ ~~-~ ·tci· go for- urday night at George street arena TUesday, but In this .case It was a ward ,ln ~~t-.~'hope and trust. In a scheduled game of OL.A. sen-, rain barrel rather than the one I· The-~~ WU· lnf(oduced by lor "B" lacrosse. The tussle was usually connected with the song, Rotarian· .~~ x..·. ~. a.Jid the rough In spats but there were no nnd a~cordlng to Mrs. Harolc\ Tred- vote 0! ~ ~- mpyed by Ro- casualtles out of the game. . wick, the accused "threatened to- t!lr~;·,~ ~d ~;_tud\tY; _: . · · Three successive goals 1n the last dig up the barrel and bore a hole ·. V!aJ.~.- ·JrieiUI;le~ ~;xton Met- ten mlnu~ or the fourth period in lt ." . . calte, _.F.·.J. :Ncln.~. ~~ strathy, pulled Petes from a 5-all Ue to win Actually, Drinkwat-er was cbara- ~lt~J.; 0 • .11.: ~. ~awa; W. the affray. In the flrl;t period, Lu ed with threatening and ~e alleged·. ~--;m~;:Colioura; C. Hamer, Vipond and Hare for Brooklln each threat was; "I~ make her_a widow . MY.rtle !_$~U_on,:aiul~ D. Kirby, tallied whlle Klvel for Petes b:mged If she doesn't leare me alone." of_- .~~· -., ~ .. -., ~-. : · In their only goal of the frame. De;;plte -the charge, Mrs. 'l'redwlck's ·- · .. , . '·t _ . _;, _ : , Penalties were given MWer twice rain barrel, which· she claimed ha_d 'BKOfl· ·~ =THEATRE ... and Carr. been upset by vUiage youths on nu~ , · · • . ' Klvel, Cassidy and Lalth each merous· occasions, occupied-a prom:-- . .. ... ~ .1, •• : ' .~ : ~· _ _ • . ; W_ilh-2000 Teejh . To Bile 1nd 'irjp The Road Let us a how you, today, lhe world's li_aeat tire.-. Dunlop 'Fort' ••• the only tim wilh 2000 solid rubber teeth • •• over 5000 sharp edges to bite and grip lhe road and give you ellenl u-actlon, increued atabUity and greater safety in enry road ~ndition. Co~e ln. CltOoae lhe Duulop lhat belt aulta your puree and purpose from our complete range .of lheee famoue quality tires. R4 JOHN BERLm WHITBY ~~':~~:c~::~tesco~::. s:; ~aet~~ p::: -~n~~ e~~~e::r'ov~' ·::tmmR·s-r.•·Mr·· -AI fiN ... . more on a goal bY Lu VIpond. Pen-_ keep ·. the peace under reconnals•, · LI-1_:~ ~ _ -: ~~- · " ;, ! -----------=------_;_ _______________ ;_ ____________________ ...., altles -:7ere awarded W. .Vipond, ance of $50 after Magistrate P. S. · ·m\ . ' . ' '"' ' ' r ~ C ft"la to d '-'- h tax Cassidy and Lu Vipond · · P'WIN WAR every an.... n o • ..., or er, EVERYONE PAYS by the Department of National Re- amount of their Income able _ at Each team .sc · the third Ebbs read him a severe . ynunlng · . , part In a small way to show their venue here. two per cent, before AprU 10_ Jla\ when Johnston f~~ and Miller to "stay .~vray from the premlaes . :. . ·.-...: , , , .• _ . love for their country and their · Every canadian, no matter what In the same manner as they mate for the losers brought the BCOre up In future. . .C~t;lnueif',froni' Page -ll desire . to get behind the Govern- DEFENSE TAXES his job and no matter from what their ordlriary Income tax returna. to 5 to " for Pete.s. Opening ~e Chief Cotfstable ."!'· J .. Eillatt had up -a ~~oUi:army of.~dollars to ment and make sure that Canada . source his Income Is derived, must Another aspect or the defenlll-tiu fourth, Brooklin gaihed. ODI! to tie to call for "ord£r on se':e.\'al oc-. help .~· :'11'1\1 thia : '19er. _. wins this war. pay the tax, provided, of course, Is that It will relieve the Incoiat It up but Pete.s settled. all dQubt as c':s1ons a.s a num~r of persons. In · stnce;Oilb' 'Oo'vemment -secur!Ues .,------- that the amount of his Income is In Tax Department of examlnlbg a to who was ~-be . winners .on a the courtroom persisted In tltt_erlng .~· - lielila:-11014'-:-ior adinittance to HORSE KILLED IF IN BRArKETS excess of the -600 and $1,200 min- great mass of returns !rom those not three goal scoring SP.lUI'Ie. · and chattering . . In his_ s~'!-Uol_l. thiS' ~~~::tt 1a. necessary. for BY UGHTNING tJ . ima established for single· and mar- liable to payment of tax. The de- No penaltjes were atven 1n the crown Attorney Allin P. Alin1:i re- ~ ~~e;_in4uitr.Y· ,to i:arry-- all the rled persons, respectively. partment ruled to-day that tba fourth. , marked: "It Isn't ' an _encouraglna ezpeniea_ .~Yolftel" ID th•-· show. Or- BARN DAMAGED The great proportion of the tax large body of wage ee.rnera-eatbn- Oshawa visits Brooklin on Thurs- sign to view the gallery or this ~"are.tri~ ·om ce.qada Doctors, Lawyers With will be collected from the income nted at 600.000-whose salaries are day · evening . . lbls pronilses to be a courtroom." • · ·acqualn~;· : the J. vai:lolis centres at Its source-that Is collected by between $1,200 and $1,1500, w111 . nat real good g~, · East York will Pointing out that the case wall ·W!t!t tl1~-cte~ ·_or ·~e plan. At- ·During the electric storm on Man- Yearly Incomes to Be employers who virtually become as- be required to mGke Income ·tax play In Brooklln on Monday, _JulY one of hard fee!lngs 1n a stnall tempts,'·~-;~· ~ade ' to• get ra- day ev~n19g a horse belonging to Assessed sessors for the government. returns If the defense tax Ia eollec:t- 15tb. Brooklin -haa . not "defeated community, tbe Crown declared __ moua. ~~ -~-trj - appear at key Mr. Wm. Smith on Bateman's side But In the case or professional I' ed by their employers. Eaat York thls ,Year, ~ut they are .. tliat "rowdYism and hoo!lga·.nlsnl· -centres and ~-emplOyee' or every road ,was struck and killed. A barn men-doctors, lawYers, dentists and -~- ----- hoping to defeat them .on. M~nday ·11as __ already g_o~e too_ far iri· thiS thea~· ~ ~a_- Is.' worldnk at on the base line,. belonging to Fred Ottawa, July 9.-Any notion that the like-who are not In receipt of Help Win the War, buy War S&:v· evening. .- community It would seem·." · full ~ to .ensure the success Lee, wt.'.l struck and slightly dam- professional men may have har- regular salar'ies and who do not lngs 'Certificates and bonds at the ' of thlS~uiaQU'IIOfb 'cinti,~·s·en- aged but did not take fire. Out In bored that the new two per cent. know untll the year's end what their free show In the Brock Theatre on S. o·~· B. '~L· . Upset Raln Barrel . tertaininent. • . At· '·the-·coneluslan or Flckerlng Township many trees nat-Ional defense tax was to be lm- earnings may be, the tax wlll be Monday evening next, July is, ··' · · · ; · -L Mrs. Harold Tredwlclt told the our Jntentn: Wlth .. yr_ ' Btrathy' he vrere struck and blown down an:l posed only on salaried workers and collected annually. They will be 8.30. See full particular& on • ::-, .. , . · _. · ' - . . court that she had been bothel'led_ ·&ddi!d · ~t.hls ~ _lil :u. o~ti!· for crops slightly damaged. wage earners was quickly dissipated J required to make a return of the I one and ten In this Issue. • ·--·- ·- by a youth._ known as "Jiggs" whose· ~··_J_ji~· ~-=~; ~--~·~_-~:·!',~·;:~. -~_. !!·~·!!!~~=~!!!!!!;!;;!!!!!;!!!!!!!~~~~~~~;;;;;;;~~~;;;;~l~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ft-;-wuh a riill,y ·In ·tite:· IUth lnniDg real name was Gordon Drinkwater. . .• ~- • . . · · the Bandel Bees beat the Cl'lil Ser- '1We have a raiD barrel outside our vfee to the tune of 10-2. eow&n he!tl house 1D MYrtle and use the 10ft .; the Bees scoreless for ·four innldgs, water coilslclerably. He kept up- when the last or the fourth the Bees setting tt. on: Sunday nJaht, June :. got 10 hlts and 10 runs Wltb Yacko-· 30,, I was .ataDcllng In the doorway liosky gettlna 2 homers, an error to and he eame aeniu and l&id, 'I'm Gogron giving him the 3rd. With going to see ·If· the rain barrel 1a Bob MUler pitching ru tlght ball, fuil.' I ordered him. to stay off oW: allowtrig only 3 hits and' 'gettlng 16 .property. Then he said, 'The bar- strikeouts, It was hard ·for ttie rell Is ·sun. "boys. Let's tip it over.• · Civil Service to get a hit. Umpire, They tlp~d the barrel over a num- Qulnton; basea, A Rousseau. ber of times last awnmer," .stated- Games thia week are: WedneSday, Mrs. Tiedwtck..· · · July 10-Clvll Service vs. John'J She related that her .- husband Place. Friday, July 12-- John's was' In poor health and bad been Place va. Bandel Bees. ann·oyed by youtha wanderlnc on the premtSea. - . · • i . • , -- -",Jin!i tl!epa :t.Ju:eatf!Dlnr ~--¥. ENTRANt( PUPILS Onnlllton, Bruce Tripp, Hl1da Wal- over and · .up up - ~ the '.raln. · barrel _ .· · . _ , ker, William Werry. · and bore·· a hole in lt,":Kia;:-Tred-CLABEMONT Wick declared: . .. - . • ·,!.., "', . . , r OR .·· . · .. ' .. .. ~. CANADA'S IN -THE DJS't;ft)ry a::a~~i:~<H=: H~;. l!a~':n= =~ th!!n~~~-., IIi tJ . Faulkner, Lois Preb, J~es Kin-· hell ·holiie &Dlll&icl "1~. waa fUll or· ··ARE'.:4NNOUNtED -~. :r~~~:hyllla Red~ · ~~~~~{~lt -:·J~h an ~ult io·_ ;;;y· - ' .John Anthony Mildred carter boarilera, ,'Wlien aomaone who eame _.-. Wlliilot Gates' ~0 · Q · Ia ·oecti Into tl~ vWage asked for a place .. . ' waa ' : .. BrroRT! (Continued irom Page 1) H~ lhJor dtark re EveJ to stay, he sa1d;'All the hotels are · '· .. ~ :'. · . • CLAREMONT, . . ~e. 'qordon :Wllaon. • · yn full of nuts.'" . _ ' .Alien Brown, Bin oeVttt, Ada - ~POBT PEBBY: . BlUer -l.anlYflll _ , _ The Theatre owners of Canada invite you to a Special P..erformance in aid of the sale of Canada's War Savings Stamps and Certificates . : I . r I Goatlck, IOorotby E. BarloCk, Ra)' .. ·Keith Alllli. -. Eiva .J. Aahtcm, Jade . Even !Jerr -~~~~er -_ waa inJected In- HID, J~. A. Hoptim, Evelyn ire• Bowes, BW Brinkman Doria CJa'rk to the evidence when Gordon s.r- Vey, .J«;an Melton, Gladys Marler, ROOald Cjilt, Bitty ooiacult.t BobbY rison, .another· Krrtle youth, tQid ·. Everro~ Norton, Geoire Norton, Dowao)l; Plal'l Gourlle, .Betty Hall · th" court he heard ·Mra. • Tredwlek Andrew Story, Betty S~, Eric Ilae Heide, ~~~aret Roeten (HoD~ tell'Drlnk'!fater, .'You11 ha'fe·~ f!rbt Wallaoe, Mllton Walls. · ors), R. Johil Jeffrey ' Harley John- 'll',hen mtler come. over !Jere." ' ,-BROOKLIN . son, Mavla Kelry, ildftl'd Leahy, "He JDIWered that lf~n Hl~lf Garth Ball,ey, Walter Blgga, Mar. OOI'don J!facllaater, MarJOrie JIC- cq~~~es over here 111 ~ f!JI\tm' lon Blair, Dorothy Boyes, Verna cay Viola l!fcCrea Prankl.ln B against .him· not with lll!Jl ,. Bray, Nelson .Brown, Daisy Bryant, Parirtdge, ~berta Blmmonda, Oon~ "Just what did you m~n tW ~·n Wesley . Bryant, Jennie Bushby, stance ~en, Dorothy Trl.stram, Who l'ere you trying *ci ~ a Muriel E. Carson, Willllrd Cook, Aleta W~ford Lewla w lr R b slur at7" Crown Attorne . ,.:.,R, · Barbara Coultls, Mary Oavld.son et~ ' e • u Y · "f ..,....11 Gordon G. Duff, Robert l'lett Wll~ !~lr, Be ti PDwt()ll, Deane Ru8- asked Drinkwater when tile P,pa;d ·Uam ·oraham, Audrey v . Grant, • Rob1rt PI~. was called to the stand by Dtfe¥.11• , Doreen Hall, Bernice ·Hill, Mary C~~nsel D. B. Mcintyre. • Jon~ Vernon MacCarl . Stanley LIONS rARNIVAL No one. I Just said It In the· ' Ma~. Jean v. Mowb~Y. Ruth IJ · course of the conversation," repJJed ' Richardson, James Smitherman, th.~ accused. • : Evelyn Taylor John 'nlompaan FOR w· El FARE. WORK He rides up and down the side- ' Margaret Tobl~. Hazel L. Vallieres: _ • . wal~ on his bicycle and aaya 'you : Robert Wylie. Betty Appleby. don t ~lnd It I ride over the now- , B et~y Balter, Kenneth Belk, June • Tt:edwlck. He · said he had never PICKERING ATTRA(;fS ~ROWD ers, do you?'" testified Harold Bryant, David callaghan, Norma done anythl~;~g to molest Drink- Davis, Shirley Deakin, Jessie France, W!-ter In any ivay and claimed tha\ Hilary Hutchison, Molly Huggl~. (Continued from Page 1) • tne accused and other youths In Bernice liee, Helen Mabley, Mary Red Cross, L<nd turned over by them the village were conUnuall't hang- Mac Farlane, Chris McCarthy, as prizes during the evening. As a· ing around his premises and casting Forbes McEwen, Colla Neale, Vic- patriotic gesture the Llaru; Club Ill- slurs at him from across the road. tor Omelon, Pauline Palmer, John 1 , ~edwlck, who ~aid he had been ~atnlck, Muriel Scott, Dugald owed the Red Cross to operate a re- born .In ·England and lived In Can- Th 'nl freshment booth on the grounds, the ampson, omas Walsh, June s'oclety retaining all proce .... -, wt·'ch ada. for six ye~. stated that he Wells, Grace White. """ " was lit pa0r health · and would have PORT PERRY realized the- sum of *132.3:1 to fur- proved no match tor Drlnkw!lter 1n Wlllard Alderson, John Cawker, ther Its war work. "We are all In- physl~ oom~t. . Kathleen Day, Aurey Deshane, terested In the Red Cross and want Gordon Harrison te.ttUied t2lat Myrt-le Dawson, Ora Dowwn, Helen to do our part In helping to win the Drlnltwa!A!r had rema!'lted : "It she Franklin, ji:dna Oauld, Eva Ooode, WL'l'", the president said, as he •n- doesn't leay"e me aione I'll make Wllllam Hayes, Welsey Jacltson, nounced the winners. · J:ier 'II wi~ow." . ' Pauline Jemison, Doreen Johnson. The carnival drew a. large crowd . . Jan : llarilia' Fua John MacGregor. Emerson MacMll- from town and countryside. It was Drinkwater denied· ever threaten- Jan, HaroJ.d Mark, Verna Moase, started with a patriotic parade, In lng Tr&iwlck 'altho)lllh he admltt d Cameron Northover, Aileen Oke, which were some very fine flOats, upsetting· the .raln barrel on aever~l Lois Parr, Helen Peel, Doreen Pet- bands, etc. In the parade were the occasions. · enon, Norma Ploughman, Joyce OshfJ\Va Sea Cad ts l'h b " " Render Eileen Sornberger Walter e w • an,.; Where do you eome from?" ask- , • Bowmanvllle Legion Band; Whitby ed the Crown . • ~oan~~Yj0~~d~?s~~~~·~~~n :~~; Citiz-ens' Band; members of the 'nle accused replled that he had Jean Watson Robe l Willi • Bowmanvllle Lions Club Boys and originally been In Toronto and that ' 19.:; ams. Girls' Bicycle Safety Club, all rid- , "the boys play Jokes In Toronto the Hlrh School Entran lng gaily decorated wheels; Port same as they do here." WHITBY ee Perry Band, b~ess floats, Red "I suppose you thlnlt you can 10 Helen Allard, Evelyn- Balmer, Hll- Cross ambulances, etc. It was one anywhere you pleaae," commented :Ia Barnett Agnes Bielby Helen of the best parades In years. Chair- the Crown. Bratley, D~vld Bremner. 'Norman man of the carnival committee wa3 'This kind of thin!!' goes on In Corner. Jean cowun·g. George De- William DavldiSOn, the new pres!- too many vlllages. It Isn't an en- laney, (i(lrdon Ellison. Harry Fletch- dent, and the secretary Dr. F. s. coural!'lng sl~m to view the gallery er, William Foster, Evelyn Oaston , Mills. of this courthouae. Unless efforts Ruth Geisel, Donald Harvey, Mll· Whitby Red Cross Society won "'ere being made to "get goats" we dred Hill. Darlene Hodgson, Beryl first prize and the Boak farm second wouldn't have a crowd down here Parwn.s. Laura Pascoe, Ronald Pas. prize, for the best Red Cross ambu- gawking at these proceedings." coe, Verncn Powell. John Prlct', iance. In the class for br.mds, Bow- Drinkwater maintained stoutly Eileen Puckrln (Honors), Jack Scott manville Legion Band came first that he had never made threaten- <H?n orsl. Douglas Shortt JD5eph nnd Whitby Citizens' Band second. Jng _r.emarks and claimed that on Szekeres, John Whitmore, Donald In the patriotic floats "Dinny" Con- one occasion Tredwlck told a small W?Od· Stanley Yaceb05ky. nors and wm. Ellison, employees of boy to divulge the names of those PICKERING Whitby Mot.ors came first, while who had been "upsetting the rain Howard Bath, Norma Brooks. Ann Whitby Dairy and the Roblin barrel" on pain of being slapped. Brown. Gordon Brown. Gwendolyn Creamery shared the second prize. "I told him to leave the boy alone. Burr. Howai•:I Collins, Dorothy 11 spec!~~ nward was also made to but I never -Jald ' a hand on him ," Featherstone, Robert Howe, Walter declared the accused . M cF 1 1 M Ra J h the Boys and Girls' Bicycle Safet.y a ar ane. na ac e, o n Club, sponsored by Bowman r ille "This Is a case or boys congregat- Mowat. Leonard Pearson, Doug!~ Lion's. lng around a certain locality and · Pill,:, Rhoda Wnde. ';['eddy Warren. bothering somebody. Unfortunately BROOKLIN . It affects some more than others, ~ J?Ouglas Arksey, Mabel Avis, Elea- Help Win the War, buy War Sav- especially where there Is Injury In , nor Batty, ~ct t.y Buechler. Tom lnss Cert.ltlcates and bonds at the the family," ob!erved Maglatrate , Coplbear, :Vic .or Cookson. Evelyn ·free shaw In the Brock Theatre on Ebbs In placing Drinkwater on 11 r ~avidson, t-~arlon D~ vidson , Barbara Mon1ay evening next, July IS, L•: reconnalsance of $SO. ,Fish~~· Francis Greer, Doreen Oroat, ~.30. See ruu particulars on pages "Stay away from there In future. ; -.Ja~c Hopk~r. HUJh Knight, Dean one and ten In this Issue. · 1 the cad! warned Drinkwater. ' I. • MormAY EVENING,JULY l$th ·at 8.30 p.m. This performanct is !Jeing given i?J the Motion Picture Industry for the· sole purpose of stimulating the im~ mediate sa/1 of War Sav1ngs Stamps and Certificates. • 1_. ·:'I'IIBRB WILL BJ: NO CBARGB POR ADMISSION.. WI: ASK YOU TO ·;PURCHASE, AT TBB ·aox OI'I'ICE or YOUR TBJ:ATRB, A MINI· ~UM 01' 2'11'0 ZS¢ WAR-SAVINGS ~~~a EACB PURCHASE WILL ,BifTJTLB YOU TO A COJIPLDIJ:NTARY TICBBT Or ADMISSION TO -II SPECIAL PBRrOp!ANCB. ..,.... Sf'JIMPII BDIJU1I FOUII PIIDPD'I'F • •• liN INfmB'l'ltll:llf' IN "'"D I'U'niiiB OP CJINJIDJI. lave a fine evelliag's eatertaiameat,, ud show your loyal· tJ ·to Caaada hy atteadiag ia the lugest aambers -possible. ALL BXPBNSBS IN CONNECTION WITH THESE PERFORMANCES ARE BEING BORNE BY THE MOTION .PICTURE INDUSTRY. i\eJbember the Date: I ' MONDAY EVENING, JULY 15th at 8.30 o'clock ~ . . .. A•J•i•END a SPECIAL PERFORMANCE al the BBOCI TIEITR.E WBITBY This advertisement contributed by Th~ Gazette and C~onicle to the Theatre Night Win-the-War Ca~paign ~f the Motion Picture Industry. • ·.

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