Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Jul 1940, p. 5

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ln.c. Settlers See~ng to Canada-Urged in Future; on· in Principles Nece·ssary Foreign.Bom Should Taught Engliah So That \ ...... L.'~--_. --.. .... J"""'L ... ' ll!, ,t,.. .J Need to' Fit Newcomen Citizenship in Canadian Traditions May ,,.,_]ffi~~~~~~~~~~L-~ i'i~'i'"j';'•j•;~~~~~'~'"'~~i":";'i"'~'"i'~'j'~'I~•~~~:NiiW1l~'f>~;~-~~;•,..~to~willl~i.,:,.;;·;-~p«.:···_~ ~~""~"'~-~..,~="'":-:·~,_.~:-~ ... ~-:-~.,~CC~ Be AL .... L~ ___ .,.....,_ ..... _,_ ~ ollolli•Y trip to flfl~rl•'s l•k•f••i l~p., ,_,. Ntlfl • t11.fl Tidm utf t•loliHiiu., rmrll-ll,.ily II li!lt•itty lllrl lip_, 1111/toyol N11f/ • ff.IS PHONE .,. SEEN AS ROTARY will/It """""""""1'/H'"'" ., ll'fl( MIISbt. Nolfl JUS >ms. DREW FIELD OF SERVICJEI of the draft. for complusory mill- tary trammg in each Province RE61STRATION IS PLANNED IN AU6. Tlt\ININ61N SEPT 70 by 622 Feet Will New G.M.C. Assembly Line Deciarea Speake Would Combat Subver-1 aive Movea a le&son 11re it; durtna the past few how interested small wort: for or agatnR a U wa do not co-operate suffer the consequences - ..... .2IDd. Will be an nlficance Oritario, where singing b known choir 1s Tallis. the Gives Oahawa Figurea for Year Booiit - Pros· Of Record Poat·De- Construction I!OutrucUon project •'- t.he General M:Olors of Canada. ltrtOirinK an expenditure has been BIVen civic ap- a perm.lt for a new building .... Issued 0. G Miller The of a brick 70 ree~ by 622 witb concrete floor and Tho firm of H A. of Toronto is In charge ' ' of $1,257,541 fl)r the Domi .. ion It is expected that compulsory training will start. in September. when space in mllltary camps will be &.\allable. The f~.::illt.les of bot.h the Domin· ion Bureau of Statistics which com- piles the decennial census and the chief electoral officer w-ho compiles the voters lists for Dominion clee· t.ion.s will be utilized Jn the reg!~. tration. Regi.stratton in each constlt•: .. ncy will be under the direction oi & registrar and a deputy regtsuar and It is hoped these officials C5."ll aU be appointed before the end of the present ~-eek Forms for the registration are now bemg prmted Canadmns \\iU ha\e to present themsehes before an oHJcial for registration No house-to-housa can\as will be mtde o.s U done in the taking of the census. Pubhc nouces of the registration v.dl be gnen through all a\ailable means of publicity and penalties ""ill be pro' ided for failure to register. Major-General Lafleche ll.ill look &"Iter the military problems of the department and Mr Justice Dav!s the legal difficulties aristng out of compU]s(lry training Mr Davia .sened as Attorney-General under Mr Garainer in Saskatchewan He held several other portfolios and br.•j the reputation up until Ul& time he v; ent to the bench a year ago of being t.he driving force 1n the Patterson Cabinet General Lafleche hu been con- nected with war and military affairs smce 1914 ~hen he left. his position as man~cr or a Montreal branch ot Molsons Bank to join the "'Van- Doos ' for service O\ crseas Serious ... creased funds .sub.scrlbed, and mueh 1y wounded in 1916 he was in hos- more, will be requJ.re4 1t the Army pital for more than a )ear before ls to fut all the calli; for .service returning to Canada to take charga pouring in UPQn It.u l&h p C K , of demobJU.u.• ion 10 Montreal &Iter Sen a tor Arthur -.e"6 an, 1 t.he "'ar C, the National Campaign Chair- In 19~ he came to Ottawa aa man. and Commissioner B Orames, TeJTitorlal C(ommander at The Sal- pommlssl.oner of the Purchasinc vatlon. Army, d~lre to express Commission of Canada, and baa hearty thanks tor the splendid .sup- served in 'arlo us Government posts port given to the Red Shle:ld .o\ppeal ever since He WILS appointed Dep. whlch because of the enormous uty Minister or Nation&.•• Defense In num~ of amall ,Uta. proved to be November 1932 remaining in tha.ti l a true refleet!on or the confldence post unW last. January, when he of the Canadian people In the Sal- •11.s appomted Military Attache witb. vaUan .A:rmy War Senrtce. the Canadian Legation In Pads. There are moral vd.ues to be constdered. When freedom b denied them thro\llb Jndlfference then w~ may expect intrigue, bitterness and perb&pa war. Moral valuea are de· pendent on reUg1ows conceptions And it t.s for we have found that rellgton and ana muat prepare and freedom stand in the way of die· the coming peace. W'".ors, that. th1a war b not. an 1m· In closing his addreaa Mr. Saund- perlallsUc one for territory alone, era Ul'l'ed that we I'U&rd our herS.· but for all that we hold dear as tage by &b.arlnc our nattonal prlvf· memben of a great democracy the Utrca "W~ ·h ' ;' 0 s I WHITBY Who" .,Uu>n~t&llep with oillY thoae whom we have very existence of which 1s at. stake, ;>t;j solld, arouot!.s ror beUeviDc w1U. aP- Dr. Macleod stated. If rellgton prectate then lnesUmable prlvileps.l . v1llllsh~ from a lmd, then democ. We must see that In future people racy fades and freedom 1& untown Prett S&wldera, tbe aueat speaker, ot other ratts are: not permitted and the very toundat.lon of business, ~-•• ••-' UDdlvtd.- w .. -tt r th to settle In Dl!r country and eDjoy d Ia ... ~ - , """" a.OoO;U. on o e the benefits ot our freedom and by morallt.y an w b ••ped out Such 8 eeated. ·~ the dinner ~tables, in aubventve meLboda' tbrouah the has descended acr055 Europe and a mc.t IChOlar)J and Jatrlotie ad·l~edlum tb pollU A-•- the outlook for dezp.ocracy 1.! dark, c1rea. :t, He Pomt.ec!' out that the ot elr cal orv~· but by no mes.m hope1eM, the ., -...Uah -""e are determined that undermine our constitution .... , ,._.. ........... and render our speaker • sugaeated Bitler ahill not succeed. But let &ate U theae "Tb:e hlstory of the Old. Land 's DO 0111 be deoelved. It 1a the BrtUah BOOd aenae to fUll of lnlplraUon and comfort, bat ' peop1ll UiPOD whom the world plna; prtYl!eifa, enjoy we must underatand the Jntelllgen~ Ita b- for tloe 101,.,..... of mind blch _,. ... d ,,,_ trus' ObriaUaD m.wai~ Ail ~-Wit- berltqe, l!!ey should, be made w •-ea ~ an - , ness the lndomlta'ble couraae return to their own country and tbe DtYlne Mind whleh 1& our hope, 't uncoaquenble apirlt ot our enjoy those prtvllegea whlch they Dr. Macleod polntecP'out we "recocntze that they are profess to admire, In conclualon Dr. Macleod urged desceDd!snts ot tllooe IPiendJd tore· 1bc clo&1na aentenoe of h1a; the rotary clubs to eet. behind the be&rera wbo put to fil&ht the Bpaq. thouplt·provoklnc addreu1 waa: "In communJ.t;y weUare movement b1 1ab aareasor and stopped the ty- our conception Of nat1ons.Jit.y let us tei cb.lns' the forela:n born, to cult1- rant NaPQleon, and procured. for ua realize the potentfal weight ot our vato their aoqualntmce and try to man.y 'Jean ot freedom from aa- lnfluence In our own Printe! and help lhem fit themselves into our areaaton. community spherea. and U we ue Canadian clUUIUhip, "which will re- Today. &Iter yean or posaeued ot the dete:rmJnaUon to sult Jn a atrolll Coree aaalnst those puraW.te our people have been play our part, th15 world wW yet thJ.n&s which assaU us from w1Lhin pelled. !:}•-'for their own preaerva- be won for aanlty, ao t.b.at men and Within them thera are great possl- Uon and for the preservation or the women m&y aaatn tra.verae ita bWtle.s for true ciUr.emb.lp and for ' UCred llbertlel of tree peopJea ev· broad acres, breatbe Jt& ~ut.ed great Jer.'tlen g ···-·;u • III')'Where, to aaa1n take up the a.tr, enjoy the wondera Ol a areat District Governor Alex Ross or award aa:atnst an enemy the lUte creaUon, and enter into the full Toronto, who prutded, asked that bt whlch thei,l\'Pf'ld has never known enjoyment ot human feUOWihlp and. the 1\0tarlan.s brtnc Utelr influence far ftendilb cruelty and barbanc tr:lendshtp, whlch w1U. mate tbi4 to bear on these new Canadian.s and clenW ot Chnstl&n prinelple.s, Mr place ot our eartbi.Y aoJOUI'll a &auqdera atated. u the people of heaven on earth • slve them a chAnce to te.ke their any country ev~ hsd the al.l.&htes~ Owing to the heaVy &bower d.ur- places tn community and m.tlonal doubt u to the lntentioru; of thi.s 1ng the progresa of the dinner. the Ute. lt. is a turlfJc problem In 1Dhum.an momt.er and ... his treach- visit to Parkwood. Gardena: had to United States as well as In Canada eroua ' al.I.J', aurely after the recen~ be abandoned. 1 and it is up to us as load citizens evtdenca ot hia inaa.UabJe lust. for to tackle the problem. It. cannot power, pu.nued at any coat to hu· be done by pollL1c1ans but only by man Ute, Uiey have at le&5~ seen Wringer Mangle• sood, "sound clttz.ens In the com· b:lm 191' ,what he ta and muat now muntt.y in which they reside roolllo that nothing but the un- Tot '• Thumb Badly Eeeoomlo Sldo SU.Ued COI1Qllwable aplrtt of the Brltbh Rotar1L.n Oeors:e Hart. pointed to people now atands between thts the· economic aide of the problem blood -·"ty • d h' · d Bobby Cowie, three-year-old aon .-.. tyr&n" an LG ream and the lower standards of living of •• ~·- u u h of fdr and Mr.& Jamea Cowie, Wat .. wor£V ~• on e succeeds which rorelgn born usually bring t.o ... -•-" be f ed into d f nut street, Whitby, waa paJnfully eu.au ore a. mo e o Canada. By appealing to thelr pridt= lit -~ to ht-• &I injured at his home Monday morning \ e com_.._, w ~· avery or oWnership and social 11La tu.s per-wouJd be a paradiae Yo hen hU right hand beean:o~~t cauaht 1n the wringer o! tbe family w~~.ah- haps a higher pl£.'11.e of llving might '"The NaUonal SpJrU" lng machine His thumb wu result. He doubted U any Rotar ian ICobtlnuina h1l &ddresa on "Eng- crushed almost to Lhe poL ... t. of beina tnowa how lhe churches ond other land, and tbe NaUonal Splrtt," Mr. amputated Dr p A CUddY was oraanlutiom are conducted and for Saunders 5&1d we mu.st dia!J..ni;uWl called and he rushed the injured that reason besides teaching them between nattonaUam and 11.5 true boy to the O~awa General Hoapi· probably we have u lot to learn from form and the pea:veralon of Lhe na· tal where every effort. b beln& them u well. t1DD&I aplrlt eftd~Dt 1n some coun-. made to save Lhe mangled t.humb Immediate put. dl.strlc~ governor ..,,,._,. naUooaUam tlut reaarda He had returned to the laundry 0 D Hertty. of BeUevWe pointed nation"' and race aa: in~ cellar after the maid had taten out that man,y Engll5h children will national .spirit b him upstalrs and in some way set be coming to, Canada 6hortJy, a.nd of patrtotbim the wringer in motion whUe the that as many at them wUl bring a l.i...>l~l,_ ~ofiiW..r . t~word. the apeater washer waa operatlna new accent. a.nd a apeeah that Ia dlf- ' < DEVERELL MOTORS IL ROBERT DEVERELL, fROP, those p-eat reUglou~S tbe Paalm.s, in "sP«ch Chanting of the !erent to what. we are accuat.omed., been part of the that. personal references and criU- ofltces but mo c1sm be refrained from. of some o ther Durlntr the afternooa d.bc.\lllkl' t.b.at at the Umted dealing 'ft:ith purely rot&r7 mat&en selections from were dealt With. John Olbloo1 put t.h.eae from tbt Jtins James version International dli'ector ot the To- of \hi Bible, "'pointed' .for chanting ront.o Club li.'Ve a \talk on clauUl• and. nowi1u well u in the Angllca n cation, while membera of t.be 1M· ~ aome Baptist Presb} side Club d.lacusaed. "Bow a New terian, U'!Ll:ted and olh.er Protestam Club Ge~ Alana• and N. 0. cburchN dwnt the Psalms Mem man, or the ~awa Club ':;:;~i bel'S of"aucb churches will be weJM work or the Crippled C 1)0111e at.tthe aenke at St '11lOIJUL\ Committ-ees 'Wilen the :;ram., Choir wUl demon At 8 SO th" assembly the cbantlnc of a. Psalm from the Oe.n05ha •Hotel for dlnllei'. tbtlr h1mnala. Next v.~k h where tbe Prosratn wu under tbi more detalli direction oC 7. • M. BteWa.i\ ~- io be lung aL the ller- dent of the Torooto Club. Sl1 Dand&a Stred W. - Pbene at -B- Bakeriea RAINBOW CAKE SHOP 1 CbariM &strop. Prop. JENNY LIND CANDIES CITY DAIRY •ICE <J¥AM' Brock SLreet North ... PboD.e 910 Rread ~ BeU:r Cakes - Plea"- Pasll'ld Beauty Parlon HELEN'S BE,t;~TY SALON i BELEN TURANSft 150 Brock Slreel Norlb .. PbfD.e 73'7 PATSY BEAUTY·SHOP Allee Smllb .. Mrs. Bruce Sturcea liM IIKOCK ST. N • P~OiNE W Speelal lD TbermiQue Reat.erltu Permanent Wavlnc. -C- Confectioner~~ ' STOCKILL'$ CONFECTIONI!RY Mia A. E. SIDCklll, Proo. !OO BNck 8\l'ef:' South .. tMu 116 Ice cream . Sell D~ - Ma'aaalll• . , -D- Dairies HILLCREST DAIRY E. A. Wuelle!O ProJt. SOl 871'0D Street South PHONI!: SOl In Jut. eaa'& beat mll.k from RWerest Dalq, Plumbing & Heating CEO. HAMERS ISO Broet Stred North Pboue, Office 963 • Nlcbts 961 Sbeet Metal Work - Furnace. Alr CondiUoaJnr - Plumbhlr -R- Reatauranta WHITBY DAIRY DIANA SWEETS 106 Dundas Street W. - Pbone •t J. Cowie, Prop. W DllDCI&I Streri Wu~ PHONE 770 -L- Lumber & Fuel WHITBY LUMBER & COAL CO. LTD. r & 'smtu.. Mrr. Ill PlDe Sine& - Phone tl 'J Lumber - Butlder'1 SappUea Ceal ,. Coke - Wood F. L. BEECROFT LUMBE~ CEDAR and ASPHALT SHINGLES BAaDWOOD FLOORING -P- Painten & Decoraton L. H. DILLINC 10'1 .EUCLID ST&EET .. PHONE SM Ha'e ,.111' won dcme now at wlllter A&ea$ lw &atoa'a W&llpapen ..- .!iPeelab In Ice Cream, Sundaes and Sodas. You"U hke our QuaUt:r aD4 Ser.,Jce. DREW'S LUNCH 115 Qa.ndu Stret:t W - Pbone 41'11 Our Ice .:rum parlor 1s a bllQ' place' You too. will Ukr: our l)odu, Sundaes and SoU Drinb. Roofing Contractors S. J. GASCOIGNE 8t SONS 1008 Centre Street S. • Phone 'JU .. 3S Je&h experience In all kllldl el roortnc .. -S- Service Stations JOHN'S PlACE J H Berlett, Prop, Ktnr at Dundas Street Wett Phone 427 BA PRODUCTS E:dde Batlerta Dunlop Tires on easy TenDI CORRELL'S SERVJCE STATION SW Cofftll, Prop. 1(9 Brock Stret:t. North - Phone Ul GOODRICH BoOTTEIUES Aa Low AI lt.'IS MEN WANTEO-A PEW MORB want~d to act as Agent& Must ba convincing talkfrs to clearly explain advantages our household nece.W- ties known as PamUex Products of- fer to btll'en.. already selling Jn Im- mense quantities Door to door canvassing necessary to show ar- Ucles and take orders for same. Unusually good commission un,. lb:ntted earnings possible. Every• body bUJOS on sight For free cata- logue and detal1s PAMILEX. 570 ::;;w;~~~~~·~~~~~~ ~ St. Clement, MONTREAL t.: AND CONOOLEUM yours from over 300 :.~t:ier~ .• ~;tu'~ ln stock You .,. to view t.hese at Furn.Jture Store. 140 Sout.h. Oshawa.. CREDIT-OlLSTOVES lee boxes. dining ano wardrobes, kitchen dressers. porcelain abo summer cot- and boat. Bradley s store. 140 Simcoe Sout..'l., SALE - FOUR ROOMED at Port Whitby, all convent- Irutt, garage, $9 00 Apply ornce concrete fram-. work at ~ Of!neral Motors, <>mawa Apply H . A. wtc- k:ett Co, Contractors, General Motors. SPRAYING- PAINT- ~h Phone. 1855, OShawa Oshawa Spraying Service Help Wanted (Female) WANTED-A SMART GIRL TO do Jight housework, at Port Whit· bY. ll\'e out Apply Box 9, Whitby Gazette an~ Chronicle. WANTED - Barred rock chlcten.s cltl'ler day old or four or nve weeb Apply 559, Whitby SALE-1931 RUGBY TRUCK I ,;_;_;_ __ -::-:--:------- sale. two ton. Dual wheels Ap- Notice N Ferg\15on, 296 Pacific Ave, FOR SALE-1929 FORD rumble seat Apply to David Myrtle Station For Rent FOR RENT by w(!ek or month Mile Apply c a. Holman. StaUon, Ont.1 FOR RENT-PASI'URE Lot. 28, Con. 3 Whitby 2858 Dundaa street or Pnd Pitton, Con COTrAOZS wm sell, near Beaverton I McBrien, Brooklin. 55 Wanted lor rabin;; and remodelllng School Whlt.by The lowest or not necessarily accepted Secretary, J A Grant. Director' and E•"!mer Ambalanee &enloe -A. G. MARLOW 11NJEIUlL SERVICE, AllllllL&NCB ........... DJ.fte&or, FaDet&l &enloe 2sa ...-sL- DR. A. S. BLACK ' Vetwinarian 8t Suraecm ONTARIO 6t DR. G. R. BOOTH Acuedited Vetoriowy 011d Bmall 4Dimal BW1W1 A.tteDUOD - to All O&UI 8&. West. o.bawa 917, Oahawa CUDD'Y &Ia. lD l111ptNted aact Cen•dla• GI1Ullteo. daSI wDitl a1 •Mente prlcet. ttl W~la> NOMINATION MEETING WHITBY TOWNSBIF Public notice Is hereby given to the Electors of the Township of Whitby. th&O!. in pursuance ot the Statutes ln such caSI!'S made and provided, I require the preaenee of the Electors of the Township of Whttby at the Township Ball Brooklin on Monday, July 15th, 1940 at 1 o"clock Jn the afternoon of ~at day for the noaunanon at Candtdatea for the office of Coun .. clllor for the rem"-Etder of tll.e year IHO Nom.lnat.lon must be Jn wrltlng and signed by two Eltcton That in the elent of a poll being required, votes will be taken on Monday, the Zbu:i day of July, tHO, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and the following will be the placea tor holdlnJ &be aaid electkm In tha dUferent PGlllDa Sub-Dln.,- tons and the DepuQ' R.eturnln& Qt .. ffcers thereof. 1'11: For PollJng Sub-Dlvlston No. 1, Ernest McGregor'! Residence, Brn- est MeOrqor, D.R o. Pw PolllDa Bub-Divisloll No. Ia, Wm. Bonnetuta Resldenc., Qeorp ScotL D.R.O, Pw Pollbl8 Bub-Divlakm No. I, John Graham's Hotel, Leslle Ball. DR.O. Pew PolliDI &ub--Dlvlalaa No.: I , Townsblp Hal~ Arthur IJo1es, D.R.O For Polllnr Sub-DIVil:lon No. t, summerhayes' Shop, Jam• Diet· mo. D.RO. GORDON F. OSBORNE Dlst.dc& MaDqtr Empire Life laauruce Co. Efti'Jtblna 1.111 Llfe luaraaee zoo a,..... St. N. - WhilbF CEMETERIES GROVESIDE CEMETERY BING::IRI~ T. CllUR. ContoUr, TAXIS <Antral Taxi Senic:e DON. J. BRY ANI' PboQ.e364 For Day aDd Nizbt Senlcl PHONB OM. WBITBr Help Win the war, bu,y War S&v- l.naa CerWicates and bond& •~ the free ahow !n the Brock 'lbet.U. on Monday evenlna' next. Jul.J l!J, ak 8.30 See full parijeulan. on Plolti ODt ODd loll ill tb!s lu1J4. 'Guests of Canada' Proper Refugee Toronto. July • -orllclals or Ute ODtario I>epartment of Welfare will receive only thlrty-alz hours' notice of the arrival or retueee chlldreo at a Canadlan port, but so efflclent 1s the 8f&tem deT1sed for looking after the lltUe strance.rs that this will be ample ume Jn whlcl't to :Set the ma- chinery lD motion. 'lbe youngsters will not be call- «! retupu. "Guest ot C&nada" Is tbe name which Queen's Park au· thoriUes feel la proper A central depot throuch which the chlldren wm. be cleared haa been establllhed Busses and private can will trans- port tbe children to tbe Vnl•etaitr GONANT EXPEIJS T1J INGRHSE SIZE OF POLIGE FORGE Plana to Add 3,000 Men to Present Strenath to SaE. auud l,"roperty of Toronto bulldltll be- housed, fed and unteer workers the picture and taken to their Children '5 Aid municipallty wW part. in the work. ~~~:~~ ed by patrloUc o serv1ce clubs. Hon Erte cross. tare. yesterday school services 1n vlslon of the of teachers Jilll youn .. t<ra in tho ml"'*(~~ <\encos. Total $813,571.33 : ---~ Gue•t Children U•e Butter Tarollto. July I, - Condltlonll 11. Britain and canada dlfter 'llliidelY. Juda:tna b,y the converaaUon and condu~' ot the :rouUtrul newcomel'l from abro&cl, now enJoytna: Cana· diaD llOMJitallty and safety, "lt'a plutul t.o see our UtUe gueata apread thtlr butter and Jam so u, of course, tboy ""'-C,..,I..U•.t do at. home." remarked one ~···~~ "'Drivina out to mate a call them the other d&J I was unable to park and a&ld we lhouJd driYe arovnd the block- you know how it 1& 1ben from the li~Ue lad in the bact 'seat I heard .. My word I What a rot~ ••a.ste of petrol ~ ._ Help Win the War, buy War Say. Inp cerutlca.tes and bonds at t.be free lhow tn the Brock 'I1le:1tre on Monday eventna next, July 15, ~~ 1.30 Be, full parUculan on ..paps OWl lll<l len Ill tb!s llisut. --A: on a that and the acceptance of the imposi- tion of a rorce which cu.ne through the sacrlf1ce of comfort and t.h .. gh:tng up of private a!fairs, which has been described as "guns are bet- ter than butter,'1 the speaker pointM cd out. WJ~ our higher ideals there is the poss..lblllty th&!. we may have to mt.•.;e sacrifices. give up some \ll our comforts, same of our monev and even our freedom U we are to successfully combat. the enemy. WhUe the battle may come b> En.gla.nd Jn all Jt.s fury, lel WI ln Canada maintain our courage and. It UghUng spirit so th6:' .. we can say • we are wUllng and ready, let u;; sefve." Col Chappell s.il.ld in clos- tnir;-' thanks and appreciation of for the splendid ad- Col. Chappell by president. of the ac.d that pro- hour for Britain -'""" --- :. the Prenc!t of Great .. . hundred m.lllion of ua think so ~~~~~~t~~~~~~ fall It :: England ODd ...maries rroups dur .. and dlac\Wed xnar.- to 'their own JX.•. ~ 'nle asaemb)J ad· at 12 noon. Dlst Governor Hodgorrt Pres , W Secy, G W. Garnett. -Chos I S~ott, Pres -Fred, Hoar, Pres, ham, Secy , J R James Sudbury-Percy M!>rr'tai!••i~;, Pres , Bert "'Redman; Allen Ty,pea of Molori&Ocl Vohklos for load., pcno...CI,u ud-taok ...,.uaaon._, watu 1aak carrier.s, etc;.; 30..cwt.. four. w)leel d.ri.e, wed as la,.d curlen; thnt- too. fou.r and 1b: whccla. for hea!f._loUa. for 'WOI'bhopa. for wieckio.a "eqW,...._ ~lour-wheel delve sua uac:ton o..d. to haul anillery, u weU 11 ~bulaaces Ud. reaui&r passen.ttr <'at't sad aadoa ~ op0dall1 '"ed o.od paloJed for Ulll1 ,par- ~ Pnse111 acbedule or dcli9eries or 1 1hese ouhtaty wbiclea roost.IMH IDOft 1bae. ~0 per.. cent or 1he COmpuy'• Pioduc .. uoo. 'Ibc rla'lt 1s workJog da)~ :ma n'::; hL, Mllltory Uso loln1 Maclo by Fonl Motor Company of Conaclo 'J'he Compu1 is eqaaecl ia maaufact'W'- in.a ,,000 mocoriud vehicles for Catu.· diaa aad O'ftfM .. p-.cromtal$. 'J'heF ia- clude Uahrtwoowbeel drin truck.. kno~n u 8•cwl .. which are used for ca.rryina Uah1 11ores. pusoanel or wtreless acu; U-cwt. uam, used 10 ttaasport henier ' '

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