Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Jul 1940, p. 4

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Corrects . Dictator, 'on U.S. Civil Wu o1 m._ers~.t. .. ~=:~~=~~ W&ahJilaton-Norman ·ll. Davll. head of tbe AmeriCan Red Crou. 11 one man who won an argument with Hitler. said. •11ere II eonclUalve b7 lhe children of I don'\ belleve Jn per- the cblldren, but. *be should be promptly pro- It wai in 1937, and. Davia. the rovtnc ambus&dor, wu in SUrope on dlsannament. Ho t&ikecs for lwo, howa wllh the· clw>~or. Hit- ler SPf)i:e of tb,e.· Amerltlll C1vU War, and how badlY tbe North had treat.ed the South. He aid. that wa.s the "*' with Prance aDd I. G<mnaDy after lhe Pilot Oral lim> effeat; and ~..-..n\ ii.lic.;ll<>lls i aii .. that" there be CODSlderable CJPP!IO!tlon. ' , ·"I, .tor oue,!am. definatel.Y opposed :to thi reeoinmendat1on of the lnter- .nal .,_, ~en\ commitie," TrusleO warren MellOn said to<la7. "'ll war-umo espedally, oc:hool cbll- - __ ~·moukfbo foroed to p<'rtlclpote - tn proper patrtottc ez.ercbes. or they , lb.auld be expelled. Thb ls not a clae of schoolauthor1Ues lntederins; with. rellgious beliefs bu' • eerLaln aec' has set out to oppose acb.ool ~tlons in an unpatrloUc war." ~ l'fiW Behtle n 1a undentood that onlY 10 or 12 have refUsed. to salute '.!"'< ,~"'!"'t" lho National An- t.neae como ,d~=~~~,~~ with Jehovah's , -PAY'INtOME Otta- Conaidora Plan for ' ,, -Certificate. and SWnpa .Ottawa, July 1.-Tbe J>Nnln\m GovonulleDI II coaaldiOl'lnc a INQOO• • Uon' that arranpmenta be made wbeMby war aavinp cvtlflc&tes md at.am.pa could be used for pa,y- ment of ineome ~tax, ,a QoYemment o!ficlalindkat.ed Saturday. :At preaent they cannot be u:- cbanaed. unw a1z montha after pur- clu.&e, but; under the propoul tbll ex~anp could be 'made wbdner tncome ta::r: payment.l fell due. ~ OJlier that ~enta could be -l)e .. oas1ly .. PQIIlbl• to aid 1lie Oov~rnment in t.be war effort, 1t ! wu aunated t.bat lndividuall c:auld determlne wh&t tb.tY would ha~e to pay ln tncomo tax and an a •uon of thll amount; each weet « month by buytna Oe.rtlflcates 01 at&mpa. • - These woUld be tUilltd over to 8 '- Britain ealled llie 1009 clua for army· duty on SatUrday brln&1Dr the total of men callt<l to more lhon a,ooo,ooo. Por the detenae or the Britl!lh Ialea, 1,250,(100 men were already under arma. alm08t a,ooo,ooo were tra1nlna: in "'l:iroomstJck" armlea and 5,000,000 m all wUI Ia ready tO fight bf the end of July 1f the factories .can ah• them runs. An u.n41.1closed. number of New- foundland he!t.\ty artlllerymen ar- rtved 1n England to..day. A defetlle zone 2:0 mllea deep had been thrown around the enUrtl eut .. ern atld. aouthem • COI.I!Ib llll.d 12 reatonal comm.lsaloner.s had been liven absalute powera onr' the roada 19 teep _lhem ~ ot •nlu- Ptl and open for troop~. EYeJ"J' economic resource waa thrown Into lhe lloht aaatn.•t any attempt at A&nat1on blockade. 8tm a. aerlOUI problem here wu ZWII'a neut.reUty and the DaUy Mir- ror to·daY l't'fietted the increutngly popular .,lew: '"Are we 10lne to take the lead in Ireland? Or are we to be too late again? What'a the 101'- emment•a policy?" It demanded stronr actton and aald the nation "won't tolerate another dlsuter ~~~OII!Ih lack of foresight and lnttl- tlie income tax branch when the NOT MAPLE SYRUP lt•11 felt tn some clrclea th11 would Por an lnfracUon of Section 4 of lnt:ome tax payment.s are dUIH LDd ·l the Maple SUgar Industry Act by be the easleat way to sell1nc ad.ultered. maple ayrup, a • &ad at the same Ume Granby. P .Q, producer wu fined oountry. $10. at Swett.bUfl, P.Q, on June 25. 'fHE WHITBY GAZETTE WEDNESDAY. y 1 o. 1940 DOGTO~~ STUDl EtlAMPSIA tURE Co-operation With Weather Forecasters Renders Aid Say Experts vere and occaslonallY fatal convul· slons which eometimes accompany lat"l pregnancy, two scientists re- ported Saturday. A stu!ly by Dr Paul C. Fuent.ner, University of Cdifornia gynecolo- gist, and Frederick Sargent, meteor- ologist of the M:a.ssaehu.setts Instl· lute of Technology, showed that in most of these cases. technically called eclampsia, the convulslons developed within two days after pronounced. weather changes - Near one·third of the ewes oc- Ban l"ranclseo, July 9 -Co·opera.. eurred between to and 50 holm! tlon between pbysiclans and weat: _ after a •'cold frOnt" had passed over ed ro~ten should h 1 teet the local of the study, In this case e P pro j Chicago, where meteorological ehan- expectant mOthers QKa.inst the- se- ges develop 1n quek succesSion. A ---.,..----------1 cold front 1s that portion of a mov· ing mass of cold a1r which meets us to expect that all Canadians will a mass of relatlvely warm air and be abje to keep up their standard usually causes rain or storm condl- or Uvtng during this war." ttuns. He had hoped people would meet Thirteen per cent of the cases this situation by cutting down on fOllowed the passage of a "warm non-essentials They would have to front;" over Chicago. A warm front come to it sooner or later, "and is the dividing line between an probably sooner," he said. advance mass of wann &'ir and a receding mass of cold air. The weather change Is more gradual ~ than in the case of the cold .front !. and it usuallY causes tempera'tures :; to rise and alr pressure to do• crease. The report, published in de~ in The Journal of Laboratory ancl Cllnical Medicine, made no cle.lm. that we~Gher shifts caused eclamp- sia. Its authors said the caillie of eclampsia wa.s not known definite"' ly. Howe,er, the number of con• vulslon cases has decreased since pbystclans began treating expectant mothers who show e&'I'ly signs of thl condition "It should be possible," the re• searchers said "to work out pra.c· tical prophylactic (prevenUve> mea4 sures against eclamptic convulslons from weather changes. ·A well-organized service for pre• natal care should Pf."Y attention to the weather "Imminent 'front' passages are known to the official weather bu- reau earlY enough to be communi- cated to pre-natal senlces " : ' -... v .. ' .. • " ' " " " ,\ , v " .. .. •• ~ II h •• 'i BROOKLIN '-------------'--~-~ ' price wlll be high but right wUI win. All is not lost so "calJY on". There was no evening servtce. The men'.s ct\olr of the United. Oburch ual'ited in the service of pra1se at Columbu, united church on sun- day evenlng. After an illness of .some months, (G. M. White, Correspondent) I Vtpond and Miss EWe Vipond for BROOKLIN, July 9 -The mem~ the week. borne w1th fortitude and patience, bers (If Mt. Zi~onlc lodge are I Foot.ball activities tor tne week Mrs. John Allerns pa55eQ away on amuou.s to do all 1n their power to I are as follows: a aame at BtOo.klin sunday mornlnc at her home here. co~operate v;l h any organlzltlon on Saturday, July 8. when the Mra. Allems was born ln BroUgham • Brooklin team met the Hunprlana but h&s Uved 1n thlll vicinity tor engaged in :placing refugee Ci'li1dren of Oshawa. The score was 3·2 tor forty-five years. Married early 1n in homes ln th ts section of Ontario the Hungarians The final league llfe to Mr. George Chlmn, and fol- Any Masonic home that i.s able to game wUl be played on Saturdey. lowing his death for~y-four years ta.ke one or more chlldren should July 13, at Claremont. aco .she married Yr. John Allema communicate with Mr. R V. Mow- A very line ~ of aottball was By the ifl.rst marriage there were bny. ~ret.ary. A number have al- played at Brootlln on Ju1Y 2 when two chlll:iren, Tom, who died .some ready offered their hom~ lOr chll- the girls met t.he Canadian Pores· years aso.. and Mabel, now Mrs. dren but the need ls s till urgent- ters team of O&b.awa Both teams Leslie Hlll. of BrookUn. By the sec- "Inasmuch as ~ e have done It unt.o were at Utelr best ~ the score ond m~lage there are two, Mr. one of the leas~ . of the.!:e ):e have kept at even runs untn the last in- Lou Allems, Of Barrie, and J4Wi done It unto Me • ntn1 when the Pol'eSt.era came off Maraery, Allelml, who came home The Junior Red Cross, under the vlctora In & .score of 11-1. from Tofento to be with her moth• dlreetlon of Miss c. SimpsOn, met Mr. and Mr.s John Petch and aon. er jus~ ,. week before her death. on Friday for thelr afternoon or of Aurora. and Mr:s. Walker, of I There are six grandchildren, three sewing There were 22 girls present Newmarket were ruests or Mr and boys in ~· Lou Allem.s• family and a ~;plen::lid number for the hOlidaY Mr.s Edgar' Hamer on Sunday.' three Kitls 1n the Hall famUy who season The gllls have already com~ Mr Ev tt. Sh trt.t... • mourn deeply the 10M or a beloved pleted 114 handkerchiefs. popul. ere or '<qe, Brooltlthln 1 grandmother Mrs Allems was a ar mayor, wa.s amona os.e · • The Senter Red Cross met o..l'l who contributed to COlumbus member of the U'nited church and 'l'huu.O:ay in the sewing rooms at c~.u-ch for their one hundredth an- an ardeilt worker 1n the •Women'S the Masonic Hall with s.ixteen ladies niversaey He provickd. a loud AssoclatJon unUl ill-health J)l"e- present A number of Ule pyjamas speaker whleh was much app:reclat.- vented her attendance at mHtings. were completed ready for shipment ed by those who were unable to M a. net;hbor and friend she wu and also a number of garments for find seatinJ room 1D tb.e m.ur:h. g-reatly loved and a wide clrde refUgee chUdren Mrs Medland - mourn her ]OM. To her husband, :Mr. brought In a b~u~lfully-made dress Fine weat.her favored the .:.un1or John Allems, and the members of for an eight-year-old girl and a Farmers for their annual plcnJc on her faniUy .sincere sympathy is ex- donation of 10 yards or naneJette Thursday when an unusually large tended. 'The funeral was held on was also rece.ve:l for this work crowd attended at Lynbroot Park. 'lllesday; froiD. her late home with Mrs J Graham gave a completed The usutl pme.s and contests were Interment at Graveside Cemetery · · the order Of the aftemoon wttb the • quilt 1tnd Ml!.s Elsie Bell a. quUt picnic su.upez: following' Tbe result The Women's Auxlll&ry at tbe with Unlilg and battlni and th'fftd of races and contests ~ 88 fol- An;:Ucan. Church . <St. 'lbomas'l which was put on the frames and I lows : Boys" race, tst. Ross Law· held their monthly meetlnc at the the qullting started by the group 2nd R.os.s Knox Girls' ls • home of Mn. B Manning on sewing- at the hall Another com- Mazy Haml!'r· 2n.:1 Vi tJ:ise, A t. Thu.Dday wUh a good attendance pleted quilt came from the group Three-JeaM 'race ·~ KDoz ~ of members. Mrt. HUsh Draper. of ladies on the townline <west Iva. Robb Wheelbarrow e Ro presklent, conducted a devOt1o:Dal end) between Reach and Whitby. Oilll.iston ·and Vict.ort& ~ • Sh Y period followed by a brief busln¥~ The quilts are all ve!'V lovely and kfctJ.nr, Gladys Gannon and M.;; mettJn$. The rema.inder af tbe af· the gifts much appreciated Mrs Hamer Boys' swl.mmlng raoe Ver- ternoon was spent bY the ladles t.n Boyd brought the following knitted non McCarl and am Clart ·Girls' knltt.lng on their Reel Cro.sa work. gooc:t5 from the Brooklin chapter swim.mia, race Claire htt.enon after which aftemoon tea was 1 .scarf. 1 helmet. ! pairs of see- aad EYeiYta itnox DlvtDa Bfll .served 'by tbe bOateM. man's sOCk! and 18 'PT.!. of army Clark for the boys ~nd Ola!re' Pat.- :Mr. ~ Mn. Arch Ropra and t;otks Miss Lucille McNee was the ter.son for the .ir1s Pie.ea.Una family, Dr . .R. H. Wesley, Graven- lucky winner of the Red Cros.s tat- Charlie Hamer. :&nana eatsni hurst, ~. W. Strathan, )(:bs LOis ted centrepiece The commlttee tn MarguBit& Hill and Bf!l!:s!e Maunt- Ski.~, London, lira. J Hind, charge of the strawbe..."TY tea, given joy Tug-ot-war Eric Branton'.s E:l:eter .. !Ira. W. H. Brown and Mr. by the ~eel. Crr»s, appreelaW the tftm. Rtlay nee Ruel ColUn'! W. Brown. Swarthmore, Penn .. co-operation or the lad.lea in matlnl tam. Mr. tuid xn. BUlb :MciAuahUD.. :Sth:~~~;~o •h:~~ = ::. The M1ss1on Band pk:rdc was an "IbroDW, :tlf. an4 KrB. J. W. Beech. 1 Ml~ Ruth Robinson, of Schrieber, ~r,?r::t event of the week when =b~':m:Uct,..e~~ and Miss Jean Robinson and Miss • .,- chlldren and t.b.irty-one .. 20 s•:..... Inn'• ~ ct --• Grace Robinson, or Toronto, are ladles a:athered at the Community ""'to'> we .. ~. home for their 5Um.lller vacatlon Park for thla annual event. 'nle tfQ LaCl"'fllq aamea last week were The IJon.s' Cluti of Whitby and was ldea.l for the plcntc aDd e1'lltY played at Brootl1J1 &Del. ~ I detaU was earr1ec1 out tn picnic ouab. ~' ....,. on Tueodi.Y Dlfhl Brooklin bed their meetlnJ with style. The leader& howeYer toot the wu at ~tllD w1th tbe JCOre, 'l-3, supper at the Mccan Tourist Home, opportuD.Ity tG conduct a sho...ot 1n favor of ' Peterboro. On Prlday on Monday night Both the hou.se meeting to tate the place ot the night an ll!nthu.si&.sUc erowd. went and grounds have been made mo.!lt regular meetlna Hymns d with th!t ~Ya to Pe~ but attractive and the Lions• round Scripture were ·fonoweci ~=r :.. their clieerinl and the br.rd. wom. splendid accommodation there. Prosramme whJch ...., made up af of the plvera dld not .wtn . the :Mr. and Mra. Jame.~~ Wilkin ar- quMUons rni~ tb atudle!l !(&me fqr BroOklin. Tbe acore wu rived. at their hom.e at "'Greenbrae" which th := 1ii. l ~ • t.Jr$1[ In f~ tbe Pe~~ t.m. thl& week. Kr • .,WUkln: hill been tn - e =v.e Je:c;,..-..· ~ •aDd y - -~ ·~-. l ~ the John R~"ltOS]:i!til 'it Bal· ~ ... ~,ert~ - . ~ iiid - - ;o.; ..: ._: ~ ., ~--:..~~<::- L.i"~· ""~ v~ ~ tlmore for the past two months and P ty of pl1les bu ~· e-!Mdera re- • llbis~. '!l ·westOD, & :"Ssltln.c aUhough sWlin a weakened condl- petted that only a .mDall numbK with .-).dl~ -:POrteOus this ~ tlon wu able to be brotllh~ home of ~e members of the • Women's Xrs. Lenard. ~OUl!biP aM ~ Their son Mr Ray wlltln and Mlsilonary Society atlended · to ,Walter i"Osl>ltt .spcDt .SUJ>d01 .With Jl1's wukm and little aon. 'Lorne. show their :lntenlst In the b&nd. their hwballda at ~ Borden. ' of Bradenton, Jl'lorlda, motored up The winners of prl&es ~: Jean Mr. and !4t'l. A. c. Elliott spent and anived earlier In the week Mccardell, Dorothy Brown, JUlia lutM week In ·Bottcaneon with their · Vipond, Karv1n Kltell, BettY Ora- mn, ~ .. Ohlrles i'Blllott. r- Miss Dorothy LOckyer, af New ham m ... nor Porter Irvin GD)aoD Jlrs. ~ ¥ cmnan, arrlved home for her boll- Marierlr Harris, "Iberesa ToliJn' all ahcl ~ Uld ~-=': ~ days on TUesday or last weet. Ruth D6Hart, lllUiiel wuuarivon: at ~ "':dn~., e I Mr3. cartey and little son, David. Kenneth A.rtsey, DoUJlu ArtleY • ' ' (Mrs. M. V. Myrtle Station. though the number those who attended School plcnlc held of las\ week in every one had. 'a The water in the of Newmarket, are with Dr. and John Gtb.son. Ho"'-rd Rlehard50D.' M: ~~ ~h~o plom• 01f lacroeae 0!1 1 Mrs McNeely Service 1n the United church o..........,.. ~.... • ow II' 0 the • .severe t The women's Institute are' hold- conducted on sunday momlnl ": storm -l:The n~ came 1s ICbeduled. tna a special meetinr on Wedneeday Rev. p L . ..run His text wu takei. for ; .n1Ul'"aday nJ&ht at Broot!Jn night ct-o·n1ghtl at a o•cJoct when from Rev 3.2, •:ae watchful and when <Mhawa. 1r1ll be tbe vl.sltlDI Miss oranre will be lhe ouest •lmlslhoo the lhiDIS that r«naln" team ~ &Ialii al lho speaker under the department of or ln ~orrat's translation "WUe p.me Will be played. 011 Home Economies and Health The up Rally what 1s stU! left 'to you • ~;xtJitb East Y~Come -··-•'"""' lhere :~~:=~·~!:. meeting wUl be held 1n the Town-~ The church at Sardis was apparent- • e Ya/lourh &uP, __ ..;. or plecea .r.hip Hall and all are invited A Iy dead, only t.he name lived. "nle ~earns f ave pl':.LI...,. barn-or to nearbJ .special feature will be in the form clty was noted for tta conuption :r!~PL the 1~ team by 1np. A clefaittlve, CoLi. ot slides must.ratlnl the lecture. but it wu nO$. en~ hopeless and at endance. , -,:- M.iss Coon, of M:antlla, ~ vlsltina .since 50me had not det'Ued their "11le 'fN.A. of St. 'nlomu' Anlll'" the ca1111' •. aiu1~~·~1h~i·~~!:::i I with her cousln.s, Mr and Mrs lives. Hl.s subject waa cUrided under: can Church met at the home of smote made George Jeffery the headt.ncs: 1st , Personal life: 2nd, Mnr. Ben Mann~g last Thuraday that; not1:11.q waa ~l.ss Myrle Jones Is spending, her church life, and 3n1, national Ufe. atternobn. :.:Su':-esven:!~ ~~e rummer \&cation with relaUve., 1n Examples of handicapped per80l1al July 14th, the el&hth •- .... .....,. Waterloo, Neustadt and Hanover. three were cited ·~n Arthur Kann- Trln.lty, the etJ'Yice can never be replL\:fd. Mr. 1 Mr. a.:nd. Mrs. R. Stokes a'hd thetr sugh, R. L steveuon and BeeUt.r wW be held at. Mrs. Mtt.chell ban the ain.cere daughter, Mrs Phillips, and Mr. oven. In the church ne ' q.kt we Church at 'l patby ol tDa>aurioundma neiabii~· Phllllpo;, or Myrtle, Manitoba, are have aur "flfth coluDmlst" but we. bood ln tbelr ·~t lou. 'Vlslting wi ~h MLc:s Stokes too, have thoae wbo are loyal. t:" Ml'. and !Ira. Pred. J:Unton Mr and Mrs. Frank Vipond and the nation the ai91"l' Is one of 10s..sf.s1 flUil.Uy of Torooto, vl.sited. on daughter, Julia, are w1th Miss Addle but we need & deeper fait.h. Th&~ daY with tbe former•S motb.tr, Mrs. VILIACE :OF . BRO~KLIN ~,~,h . ,,. "Wh ' o.s· T'T I G) I , Bakeries BROOKLIN BAKERY P. R. STOVEC.. Pnprleter~ Brootlla .. Pbea.e ll Bread - Cakfl - Plet ~ Bunr. e&CI. lee Cream. Garages BROOKLIN GARAGE 8. Hardl.nl", Preli Brooklla • Phoae U-R·Il o\rp Gu & Oll Repaln le all makea or can aad tnaab • MAYNARD'S GARAGE ~ P . ... " M&Jnard, ~p IHI"IERIAL OIL I"BOUUVJ8 Atlu Tl~ BaUrrJet • Ac~n PlYmouth ~ Dip Sa.Jel 6 Senlee Tra.nspor& - HQ 6 Lumber - IJ.u1inDAA llanlwan, Q..... Blooltloa1 A,.UU.oeo, ....... Gal•. l'lfo .... J'llllnp lnaurance CEO. 'H. "VICK - htlln ~ .. _ citt - taa lnau.ranoe Ia an lt.l bta.Dell• MAC'S $11V'ICE STA'TION .. l .. (). lloliollut. ..... ' -Shelf ru .,. oil -Wttlanl llal- (D~ T. Qarey. ' Almonda-·

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