Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Jul 1940, p. 2

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Y I 0, 194il" E POINT ·oF VIEW · years as a director and was treuurer. The writer recalls a conversation ·with him In recent years In whiclt he referred to the College as one of the best edu~tiliD&I In- stitutions to be found any\vhete and the showplace of Whitby, · !~~~~;i&lii~~ service which was congregations, 1011!;· com muster over · 600 most recent THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE A member of the United Chureh, he served as a trustee, giying . good service. · In the great fraternal cause . of lllasonery, iii.'l:;"TII'e idea that, ·not should months .and it does Ol!~cr-c~~ Leadmc w~ Published every Wed.neaday mOl'Illni: by T.lm .. Pu)). ll.shlng. ComP&D:r of ()aha... Llmltod. . c. .!of. Muildy, President; A. R. Alloway, 1Vlce-Preatdent; Graydop. M. Goodfellow, Director. A.niwhere 1D C&nada -$2.00 a year 1n advar:u:,.; ~.50 · a year to sublcribera lD the OnJted S\atea or otber foreJgn counU'les. "lbe date to which tile aubscrlptlon l& paid 1s tndlcated, on . the ad.d.rea la~. Advertl.s1rig rates . on appltcaUon. J . H. ORMISTON,1 EditOr and Buslnea ManaiW. OUJce Tel~onea: 703 ~d D6. WHITBY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, IHO. Whitby' Can Take Some . . . Gueat Children Local committee handling the placing of "Engl\sh chl.ldren who are to .be guests of .Canada until after the war is over are anxi- ous to know how many can be placed In Whitby. ProvinciBI ioverninent baa right- . ly decreed tliat.'these children are not to· be ref~ to .as war refugees. They are very welc'imle guests In 'this country, a great many of them coUld pay their way if their ' parents and liuardians were llllowed to send ' -a:noney .out. ot"Britaln;· :whUe there are a · great many public spirited Canadjane who . , w;oU!d be glad to dig deep lnte their poekets to· keep others who might not have funds. · Citizens taking .these chUdren, we feel sure, : will have no thonght of :lln.i.nelal reward. Commenting on this question The Cana- dian' Statesman, which said last week that ' the reeponse to an appeal for ·the ~ning of BowmanviUe ·homes, ..ail discouraging, has · · this to aay: - · "Terrific bombing raids are already cut- - lng their horrible and devasting shadow he served well, and won honors.·· · lllr. Bassett, · a natiw · of Oahawa, ren- dered some valuable Sfll"Vice to tlie Motor City. He acquired and improved property there, and was a valuable member of the Court of Revision at a thne when rildiCi.J changes were beii.g made in the' city' a . as- sessment system, requiring the "fdsdom and &dvice of men of his ·type. . At sixty years of. &ae:•Mr. Baaaett waa a eO.np&ratively young mail( but hls ll{e was:.&:tun and· fruitlul oiie,.and the·"to.m <if ·Whitby is the better betauae lie Uvi.l In !~:tors~ mari:v ~ ; !i~ .. i iJooci . eltizmi; a public spirited".man,:a community builder. · Farmen Facing Labor Sliortap . One of the presslntr ."problema .. of. the moment is a shortage ·of; farm . labOr througl!o)lt OtiiariO: According, to . an at- tidal of .tiui On~o D"!,'&rbnezit of. Afri· cultUre; 81\d. ~.COIIJltr&iriculfural otf!clala, manJr" h!r,CI ' !lieD have '9!'1iated In ·the ~:V ~e&Yi!it'~e!i employers withi>ut ~i!Ci,..te ' mabpiwer(at a v.,.Y . inopportune t!Die. . ~~m Ions have a1ao d~ the t&rm · tor,~ii~:, 'fhe·D~~t ja ~de..v­ our!Jjjr .. to, meet · the altuatloli by rushbig school; i~oja,· ieafj~-With the ~ ment aa aVailable for ':tmiH roi:lr, 'w·-the localltj,_ . ·:iu:o.t j.('.iteed qf ,heip. Ail aloQ It haii ¥en. i:On~ed that It ~ longer ::.~a:;.~J.~=-f~ :: llltuatlon facing the fumer;ahOUid Jlot -be mlnlmbl(d. . . • . - :~ to understand "'.1 prevail in a town out, was in former its true exemplifica- tion. is all the more xk:,ee~n~~~~~~~~~~'!:;:'~thatthe two o holding but one the organizl.tion in Whitby was de- and in other parts counties, Home ill!~~are being formed tE the march. In as we can as- of a nothing doing, ·the last war 'f,ctlon, but we In case of rltrht now, Is tho · . over-'the British Isles and swift action alai.e . • • > ' ,__ ....... --- • ' , . wfll aave ·the chUdren Of those areas. ·.It fa · ..' perl\&pa natural· that Pl!fellta ln. England .~J~_,peop,Je II! thla. country ~uld not enter · 1n Whitby, might ..e: ll11fte8t. t~~..e u. .III&IIJ' men either with no Job. or wwldilr part.tfm8 In the factories; who Dilcht be · -NGJio(tql:JfRepatration of some aasiBtance to the farmers, putlcu-. , - .. · . : -.· .•1,: Iarli' at harveat time, If they had a lnin!l ...._ __ to ·Jeeve town f.or the f&l'IIUI. In d8ciamj ..Durfllt·the past eight months it baa been &i.~~~~~~~;~acb~emEe~nn;til~,the danger actn• · · that.'actlon DoW· · )f'~.,.; ' . ·on next winter'• relief needs, tb.e ~- . . •weeted from time to time ~t Canada ilhonld tiike Into cOiialderatlon thCIM <ibo: .· .~ld have. natiOQal rilrlstration but until . ln .aumnier and fall ilaya triid to at lf&rti.'·f '~·'IJMk ' little li~ l!ee'YI ,dO!le about it. type .of maaa. neVer .bMft·.a~ ~~:=~= It' io ·a• rUJ test of Chrfa- :.\ ll~ilcratl~ prmclpleL . Caii the. • of·ili{s· country.measunt up to .It? . ··'We -think· tliey wfll without a m0111ent'a ' .. hellltatlon. ·· Those who.agm to .take these chndren_ahould do so with their eyas ~n. , · It .muet .be remembered that present .Plans · eall .for free IiOerd, lodging and clothing. ~ They will be In your home at least to the . : end of the war and ·poasibly for some time · ·, · · thereafter; It may take the chDdren some · : tim~ to adjust themselvea to completely · new .environment. · But here at last Is somethlntr that Is a - ·direct personal contribution to the main- •' tenance of our beloved Empire. It meana . · ~ving the lives of' thouaanda of helples; : . childre.n. ··The. Einp(re Ia caUing and will ' _meet with a reedy response in thia county and In th.la community."· Early registration with the local com- . mittee Ia urged so that other details C:an : be completed without delay, A · ·c~mrn~nity Builder Paaau With the passing last week ·-;;r Richard Norman Bassett, the. Town of Whitby lost _ a real community builder who will be great- ly missed: · · ;. Into "th~ commercial, civic and commun- . ity life of Whitby Mr. Bassett fitted well. ._~He was a keen, shtewd, business man, but . one who because of his faith In the town was not afraid to invest his money in ' it. He acquired many business properties, made extensive alterations and Improve- :~ menta to , them, and to a very large extent was responsible for the fine appearance of the business section today, His work in . this respect was an example to others and the town benefited not only in appearance : but In the matter of taxes. He · was the • town's largest ratepayer. · . . ·. i. . · At J"-'!t time, however, PriDie Minister Mae- . ::bJWe· Xing announced .In the House of . ·ComJn&na that national reaiatration of all Jlfll'l(lal wauld be p~ed with immedi- ately. The war has now entared a new·phase Why Not a' Holiday itt Ontario Cor~;nty1 When restrictions on account of the war keep Canadian& on their own soU, and holi- day planners muat travel in Canoda instead of the United States, .the ruult may' not be a bad orie. There are so many Canadian• In Western Canadoi who have not been east, so many eaetemers who have not been west, such a large number at Ontario people who have not been west, suCh a ·latge num- ber of Ontario people who htve not been in Quebec ail.d the Maritimes, that a boom in home ·trav8J wouid not be amlu In buildintr up a better understanding Wltbln · the Do. miti'iori. · · · There are many. peoPJe In Whitby and diatr{ct, . we· feel . aura, who have not made a tour evl!ll of Ontario County; or the·neltrh- boring county at Simcoe, and on thiS" ac count .they do not reaiiU' ·the many fine pJ.cea where a quiet holidAy. ean be spent. .- Ja fact imPressed tlie edltcn; on a recent parllal tour of the colinty in company with County Road . Superintendent. D. J. Kean. In the townahipa of ·Rama and ·Mara. in the north end at the colinty, ~cufarly, there are lovely placei. by. the :nter, cot- tages and camping facilities p.lore, and fine roads. leading to them. Nearby In Sim- coe county Is the famoue Lab Couchichil)g and myriad lakes. In the south· end Of Ontarill. count)' we have ouch places as Pickering Beach, Frenchman's Bay, Lyn)lrook Park and others. So, wbUe the· ~ime Ia opportune,_ and the desire for a nice quiet holiday at 10.. coat Is In the hearts of many, why not holiday this. ·year in Ontario · or ac!,jolnlng eOuntlee leave vacation money at home 7 · and lt ·Is o~vlolll! that ·thlil atep IS impera- tive If the war Is to be. prosecuted to tho beat of the country' a alilllty; Every i;ien!on In ~· country can con- tributa In ioine m ... u~ftO the war effort. Many men can perform a more valuable national ."aervice in apecl&~Jaed tasb than in . the fron~ line. N'tiOI\al registration woUld reault ,In· "the authorities havintr a deflillte lead· as to tjl~ ·~_ltlll of each per- IICIII. and an indlcatlcin ~~ task for which he ·Is most' iwtid.'~ ~1~-·· of war. During the . Jiamedlate. days ahiJed war pre1111ure III. • . to·•iiefeUe dlaaticoi!Iy. The Brltla(i ecm\mon~Ot Nations hu now assumed·th~ ~tirfJ;Ui:den; of.tlie battle for those peoplu · wbcf pfize·· ~om of thought and the tal!k. ll a difficult one. So difficult Is It that 'it · Win require tho sincere effort of every .~on in the Com- monwealth, an effort .\wfilcl. can only be given when eaeh lndivi!'Uali io working ef- ficiently and effectlvely\in hl8 -p~r niche. National regilttatlon11, the first step to- warda this desired condition., Most of us In thl~. country are anxious . to do our part as we re&Jize If. we faD· fo do so we will lose ev~"lfl priz{ '>The I!Overnment will find that !~ move will meet no opposi- tion but will lie greeted with ellthuaiaam as it Ia ralized that .latlonal registration means that vitaL lnfolm.t16n wfll be placed at the disposal of the government and will be avaUable when most needed-nd that day is not far off. · ' We Can Al(Lehd 11 Little . . Underwriters' Association is undertak:ng, as a. patriotic effort, to_ approach all em- ployers and help them institute plans in their own stores, factories and offices whereby each employee can indicate that he is willing to have a part of his salary deducted each week or each month to bur . war savings certificates. Charge Youth Congress Subversive In Outlook Employers '\lid employees are urged to take advantage of this war savings certifi- cate plan and make it a success. We can. not all be soldiers, ·We cannot all be em- ployed in vital war industries, but we can all save a little and lend it to the Govern- ment. Seven Groups Withdraw After Defense Regula· tiona and Mobilization Law Criticized in Report WARNS THE U.S. OF SABOTAfiE Montreal. July 8. - Delegates af seven organizations withdrew from an open se.sslon of the filth Cana- Head of G-Men Declarea Aliena Already Active- Says Time to Act Royalty'• Faith a Source of Strength dian Youth Congress last nJght as the corikress climaxed three days o! meetii:tgs by adopting a. reporL, parts of whleh. objected to secUons of the Defense of Canada. Regulations. New York, July 8.-A warning to both industry and labor to beware of sabotage 1s issued by J . Bdgar Hoover, chief of the Pederal Bur- eau of Investigation, In a Sianed ar- ticle In The American Magutne iD which he reveals" that "'sab eats"· already have been responsible for serious acts involving bot.b. private and gO\'erllmental operations con- ne::-ted with national defence. The faith of our King and Queen in their ro~al decision to not allow their daughters, Pnncessea Elizabeth and Margaret Rose to leave England, as thousands of other children are being evacuated, is deeply en- couraging. The decision makes clear their determination to share fully the fate of their people in the approac!ling Nazi at· tack, and wiU greatly hearten the people of the British Isles. · It would have been easy to send the Princesses to the safe baveil of Canada and where we should have been honored to care for them. And then we must honor their Majesties who are sharing the dang- ere that will most fikely come shortly. Their decision to have the children remain shows what faith they have In our future victory. Such· faith and courage will be a source of strength to Britain in her hour. of trial. Freewill OHeringa to Effort War One section of the report express- ed ".strong protest aiainst. the abro- gations ot t-raditional British rights of habeas corpus," and added that "the nst. majority (of congre~ delegates) felt that the Govern- ment had betrayed Its election pro- mises by introducing enabling l~gis­ latlon for mobilization." The latest delegates tQ withdraw were some or those representing the National Co-operative Gammon- wealth Youth Movement, and the 20th Century Young Liberals or Winnipeg. Earlier, d~leiates - leav- Ing the congress included represent- atives of the South Winnipeg Young Llbetals' AMoclatlon. the Greater Winnipeg Young M:en'.s LibeJ"al Club, L& Jeunesse CanadiEns de Manitoba, the Montreal Board of Directors of the Young Women's Christian Association. 1:1ii.d the In- ternational Milliners' Union or MontreaL In some cases, the withdrawal was not complete, delegations splh- tlng ln their stand over support or non-support of the congress. Delegates supPorting the with- drawal s&id that the report "does not represent the true dews of Cana.d~an youth." About forty delegates represent- Ing young people's organizations tn Toronto left the congress early In order to make transportation con- necUons back to Toronto. They left The Minister &'t Finance has POCeived a • •tatement ..,.~ng that they con- curred in the action of the congress. piece of white blotting paper with a $1. o. H. Glslason announe<>d the biU. On the blottlntr paper little Peter wtth<lrawal or the South Wlnnlpeg Wale, of Portsmouth.. o.nt., had written Young Liberals' ~oclatlon. He pld he had received. a communtcatlo:t theae appealing worda: 11I am Peter. I am from offlctala o1 h.b organization in five years ol<l. I am sending you my dol- Wlnnl- claiming th•t the con- cress waa ".subversive" in Hs out-Jar to help win the war." Peter's gift is look. one of a atill increiaa.i:ilg list . of freewill or... withdrawal or the t~o organizations • r1n to Can d • · ...u rt, Wllllam Langevl..n announced the • e P · a a a-war "'•0 he ~<~~re.ente.!, the o .... ter Winn:- Miu M. G. J".An&On, "TOronto, aends $2, ... _peg Young Men's Liberal Club and 000; Colon~. c. ~ !,facnutt, Montreal, $1,- l:::.Je~":"' tw~"":!'.:'~m~1':.n. ~.; 000; the Victoria Yai:ht Club, Lindsay; On- nol oo.ncur ln the pollct,. or the tario. $100. . From. S!unuel Payne, Mont- co-. he •ald . real · · In a.nnounclng that the Y.W.C.A·. , comes &II -. Imperial Oil dividend Montreal directors were leaving the cheque for $5.68. ' Congress. Mbs wrna mack ,.,d Mias lauet B.- Rosa, Athelstan, Que., that membership in It "involves the countenancing or certain policies aenda $80, with the remark that she had and attitudes contrary to the prac- hoped to _give $100, but regretted it was lice ot the Y.W.C.A." ..It cannot be empha.sfzed t.oo strongly;• he writes. "that. now Is the time to act to ]:lrevent the de- struction or the impediment of vital tndust.rie.s. After a while the job might be too bfg. We ue al- "~ndy hearing the rumblings of the storm. · "There have been many mystu- lou.s efforts at inCend.Ja.rJs.m, Injury t.o working parts of warcn.ft and other activitJes of the 'sab cat• to cause destruction. There will be more or this unless thousands of factories in America, UJXm whk:h ~;o much or our popuatlon depends for a llvlng, realfze that we are caught 1n a world torn with ~e between violently opposing ·rorees. "Sp~!!.l agents of the PBI re- cently ob~aln!:>d a confesion from a mechanic employed In a United St.a te.s Government torpedo .station t-hat he had place-:! emery dust In ~e mechanism or a precise Imple- ment of warfare. Not Acelden1al "It certainly lo; not always aceJ ... dental that large cran& have bf'Ok ... en with their loads ln mld·alr or that gear units, used 1n the opera .. 1 Uon of ammunltJon holsts on bat .. tle.shlps, han· been found to be loaded with Ma:ry met.l &havlnp designed to catLSe ~erlous damage. Or that. on a number of occa.ston.s. foreign materlal.5 such as wddiD« wire, screw drivers. rues, wrenches and ot-her short-circuiting material h•ve been dbeoverM amona the ..,..... terminals ot the general cant.-ot systetrl.S of ootne of our naval "W'85- sel.!i. Paul l"oum1er, representing the not possl~le at the preeent time. Mrs. Mary International ll<llllners' Union, said .A. BaUUe; Edmonton, endorses to her ef- that "'the pollcy that wt11 be pur- fort a government annuity cheque for $42... .sued by the Congress in future l.s . entirely In disagreement wl.th our 02. Albert Kr&ieWiki1 &· naturalized Can- union.'" He took -particular excep .. &dian of Pou8h birth, who is attached to uon to • pa .. ase in the "'Port the 3rd Divi"at"onal. Royal· Canadian Armu ·..-hlch exp,. .. ed opposition •to the J pitting of the youtha or one land Service Corps, Montreal, givas $3 instead ••rJnst tlle youtha· of· another.• "A certain tiavai U!!ael ruffeftd some months ago from aabotap . The valves or the reserve on tanb and the all-treating tanka tn tbe port and 5tarboa.rd eqtne rooms had b~n opened, causing -~~ . to be completely empti~f ot ou ·m· addition. metal bolt&. nuta. af.eet woo) and other d~trucUve mater.~ la.J.o; were found In eng1nes uct: deli- cately balanced machinery. Wbtn the PBI was eaned upon to Jmes .. tlgate the ease, speclal •rents found that. more than '100 men had acceM to the ]:llaces where tb1l sabotage had OOcUrrec! "'JnformaUon ~ ~ abtafned by the PBI that sabotage aaehls In America are working In dose unJ..oion, especlally In activities re-- IaUng to eommerclal ahippina earoo rylng supplies to Eurooe-. M:etal time bomb.!, "both in~Lary ID4 · ~cWv-e. have been round aboard v~ets. of purchaailitr a War Savinga Certificate. Pournler "'d that I!' namm and ta.se.lam were to be aeteated. It Auruatine Smith, a native of P.E.I., but would neee.ssltate the pitting or the now an American citizen living at Bow, youtha of one country against Wtahlngton, contributes $6. Capteln J. H. thoae ar •notll.r. MANY SEEKINfi TO ,4IDCHILDREN Orr, Vancouver, baa turned over his May pension cheque of $26.60. Other contri- butors are Mr. and Mrs. W; ·R. · Padolas, Nesbitt, Man., $5 ; Murdo D. McKenzie and Mn. Meuie McLeod, Lake Megantic. Que., $10; Norman Reid, Westneath, Ont., $2 - this being the-dUference between the pur- chase price and the· maturity value of a $10 War Savings Cartlticate; J. Brown, Freemont, Sask., $6. ' ""I1le first move hu been made to plac~ American fndwtry upon a eonunon-sen.se baals of Protec- tion ro that the Job or the aaboteur will be made more difficult and the detection of &abotage eu!er. But Go\-errunent •&encfes are not mt.ra .. cle workers. Human energy and a very limited pel"30nnel ean acoom· pUsh only so much and no more. Therefore, the more that budneu ado):l~ a EY.stem of nonnaJ aate- Buards. the quick-er we shall be able to approach a feelfng of naUoilat · safety. Bellevillo Meeting Post- The way in which Canadians, obscure as well as important, poor ail weU as rich, are voluntarily llll!king contriblitions to ·the conduct of Canada,'• partielpation in the war must prove moat encou"'glng to those in charge of national atralra. poned Y eaterday at BeUe- viUe Pending Conference Accidents Increase June Report Sh~wa -BeUe\'lUe, July, 8-A meeUng or Toronto, July B.-There were e ... t:iUperlnt.endents or Childrens' Aid 206 accidents reported to The wcwk. .. 8oc1eUea: from Ottawa to Oshawa, men'.s ComPtnsaUon Board durtng the month ot June . .,.J compared. scheduled for Belleville was ~t- wltb 5,945 during May, aftd 3,201 paned on lnstrucUoru from the durlng June a. Y!ar ago. provincial headquarters __ or the The benetlta &Warded amounted society, pending a provincial con- to SSS0,009·71 • of Whleh $«3,to2.45 . r was for comperuaUon and. $108,807.-1 ference which has been called for 25 was for mt!dlcal ald. Editorial Notes Toronoo on Monday. Tbla bring, the lolal benenta B. W. Heise, prqvineial secretary · uwarded during the halt yrar end.• ---------------- or the Chlldren's Aid Society, not.!- lng June 30 to $3,457.257.20, aa COlli.• Remember that every reform was onee only one m-n's ·private opinion.-Kiwanis Magazine. Sociological note - It Is rriuch better to move slightly to the Left, than to remain so far to the Right, that you have nothing left. tied Superintendent T. W. Ruston, of pared With $J,03D,l36.8S durln.l \be the local branch, that. the question corresponding period or 193lt . of providing homes tor Brltbh The accldenl.3 reported, durl.n.c Ule "gueat children" would be dealt first slx monttu numbered 3:3,311. with and a eoncrete program map- ·as compared with 26,6&1 durtnc t.be ped out at the Toronto meeting. The same period last nar . quesUon v.•as to have formed the ma.ln feature of the meeUng orlgln- ENGLAND'S MYSTERY GtaL . ! ' ally ct.•lled ror BeUevOie yesterday. UAS FIVE LIVES ' It was felt that the local aoctetles The Amertcan Weekly with &be ahoukt have a flnn foundation as July lf l..!s.sue or the Det.roit Bun• · the basta of a.ny p1'011pect1ve work da.y Tlme11 reveals the atrana:e .,._ But Mr. Bassett was not content to con- fill• all his energy and faith in business ~ e~~rprises. For two years he was mayor, giVIng the town good business administra- tion, while, for many years he sat on the . PubHc Utility Commission. He was very Spirit or Unity Seema to be Lacking ' Time was in Whitby when the eplrit of unity among local churches won wid"'!Proad comment in Canada in secular and religious publications. In the summer months dQr.. ing the church holiday season, this was par- ticularly marked, when churches un,l~ .for community aervices, and when wiloa ..._ vleee were largely attended, givlq m:inJ... ters at least one good eongregatioa. ,'Fqday The announ~ement ~ -Ottawa laat week that the Governnt~t1 Is go~g ahead '!rith two large munition factories and has .also expanded the Britlah E"'mplre Air Training sch8111e to include ~tr& tleldo means that )luge expen,dlturee wiU have to be made and that Canadians will of necessity have to pay the bills, as their contribution to the price of freedom from poaslble dictatorship. T k . In c&rlng for the British r:hUdren. coUection o! a. lnysUc YOWll lid. an e and airplanes are responsible for With res:ard to the local sltuaUon. who claims $he ts new enjoytnc: her quick movement in events in this war as Buperf9tendent Ruston declared fUth IUe on thb l!arth. She t.ella ol compared to the ponderous and slower' temp that appUcaUons to care for BriLW\ experiences \\"lth Nero'a wl.fe youngsters "were coming Into ht3 Prance's Revolutloni.st.s, Th• PU~· of the Great War. More C03tly, and marc oft1ce very rapidly. "I can say that grim.s and earlier men of hlltcQ'. devaating, as well. Lhe number of a.ppllcations received Be l!iUre to get The Detrott Bunda~" deeply interested in good lighting and it ' is a pleasure to note that his ambition to , have ·a modern street light system In the . busim!s(section was realized. He a)ways .;,he!~ that It ~ould be a valuable aBBet to ·'· ,_ ~~~own In many ways, at very little extra ( · cost. · ;...-Another interest of Mr. Bassett was the •. ~ On\jll"io •. La<Uv' . CoUei~ Jle 11rved tor ' ;.,. I . the situation,seem. to ha\'e ~for on Day after day 'men imd women and even children ask one another what they can do to help ~ Our ,..urces ,inay not make . It poasiiJ1e ,for usr to ,purchase war bo~da at '500, or. $100, "but every one of . us can buy war aavings ·at&lnpa .and war , ~\!fo:P ~~ 'f.h• ~~ Life r The spirit of the men of the R.A.F. Is demonstrated by the citations accomP,.ny. lntr deeorations conferred upon some of them, including that awarded a young flight-lieutenant who, single-handed, at. tacked between 50 and 60 German fighters and do:wned one of.thQIII. '-· • ' to date ha.s been \"ery llatisractory. Times. Much work remains .to be done 1n ------------ Ule matter of Inspecting the homes and qui.Url£ittons. and we w111 go llhead with thal after the confer- ence In Toronto next week ," he said. -According to Mr. Ruston, the ChU- ren'a Aid Society will be ln charge or placing the children, with eac!1 province being a.llot.ed a certain .number to care for. i f) WH·ITBY SHEPHARD'S MEAT MARKET MEATs, FISH, POULTRY, FRUIT PBONfi o&5l Joining Merchants In United EHort To Make Whitby A Sh·opping Centre~Cash Prize$ Weeki) We Make It Worth While ' MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE ··· SALMON 15c P•C SOAP LUX SOAP CERTO 25c CANADA Corn Starch 9c WELCH'S Grape Juice IIIED1l1111 . 27c Ro'hlry-Legion Street · Fair, Wednesday, July 31st SHIELD'S CROCERY Phone 583 DURING JUNE, JULY and AUGUST NO DEUVERIES WILL BE MADE ON SATURDAY AFI"ERNOONS JAMES SA WDON & SONS FUEL AND BUILDERS' SUPPUES WILSON'S MEAT MARKET Ctoice Meats. Groceriea.Fruita- Always the Best at Lowest Prices. Shop here, aave money. Aak for Coupons. JUST PHONE 669 We PTe :rea JDal"tl for tbe same Moue,-. • Or Ute same for Jess Money. A. G. MARLOW W. C. TOWN Furniture Specials Every Saturday. WE DRIVER . WHITBY Our Stock is Still Complete With All Summer ~ines af Attractive Prices .-· Special. For This Week r.tearing Lot; V. doz. Suits, Men' a Sport Panta and Shirts, regular $4.50 for ............................... - ........ suit $3.75 Get a Ticket on the Rotary Car with a $5.00 Purchase. CASI .. A~ Westln&hoase Dealer TOD ant tint Judl"td b)" JOU ........ ~ 'l'o tel Ul&t 10041 appearance call al: MILlARD'S BARBERSHOP THE RED CAP All Canadian Home-cooked meals paad pa.,ade ] , ·. too, SIW lbey come, a shoppen. Yoa, Whlllly •• .• ••k caa lola lbe lol' · coapoas. lU Brock &t.. SoutiL MARTIN'S HOME BAKERY ·~ fo.r ~had • Cakes willa U..t Hate-made iaste. HOTEL ROYAL Ice Cream SoU Drtnb\ STOCKILL'S CONFECTIONERY \\'here lll&IQ" have learned to buy their c&nd,- - Ice Cream Sort. DriD.b - et.e. Broek bd Colborne Streets ·).; .~ ·.· .--.f -•n ................. : IIOIH Cctoldq - WlUl Batll. at allllllbq- Water PBONB M st., a& .. ,.. WJd1o m WhiU.r SID CORRELL'S SERVICE STATION Arp Gas and Motor 00. Slmon1zlnc- Washlnc • Greosln& PHONE 851 $10~0.0 ~~-·- · ~1¥'£8 RAINBOW CAKE SHOP TrJ -CU.. ... dP-l!'noh- We Repair ANYTHING Boqht in a Jeweller)' Store BASSETT'S WHITBYBmER PRONE 1'11 Phone 671 A ·New Showing of .. Cift Coods in ENGUSH CHINA and EUROPEAN GLASS GOODS! See WindoW Display and Note Price Tickets ENGLISH BONE CHINA CUPS and SAUCERS: Newest Destps ..... ....... •• •••••••• ••.. JIG GL.&S8 CREAM. SUGAR u4 RELISH SETS: 3 Pieces ... .... .. . ... .......... . ......... ... '15CI GL&SS 8BERBI;T8 and PLATES: Z Sets (t PI~) for ... .. , ... , , . , . , .... , ......... .... I5CI GLASS CA.K.II: SETS:. A New tt-Plecie Assorlmeut ····· · •• ·•• ••••••• •··•••••••····· · ··· tLJI CIDNA TE& SETS: U P1eeeo ....................... ....................... . .... • ....... - :11-PIBCE DINNER SETS .. ." .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. • .. .. - HOLLIDAY'S H.ARDW ARE Brock St. South AT SUPERIOR STORE For Quality and Service PHONE 1167 J. H. DAVEY I.I.'S DRY GOODS See the Window of DRESSES on Sale SATURDAY. Values to $4.95, at, Each $1.95. No Refunds and No Returna on These. "You'll Like Shopping at Bell's" EMPIR~ PAINT SALE A Product of BENJAMIN MOORE CO. LTD. GALLONS · e .EMPIRE HOUSE PAINT $2.79 e EMPIRE PORCH PAINT Qt1ARTS e EMPIRE VARNISH UY ia W1>itbJ> 11M ETI'ER B..a.- Auoc. w • ., y Pboaiaa 465 fWIIM ELL TAXI. SOFT DRINKS CIGARETIES TOBACCO CIGARS AGG ~·' ·· COUPONI UFEBuov..-lil$0: .-.. . . • Coupon• Here BBOS .. · A,lii_B __ U., __ Get a CMipMl aDd tab a ride. ~ ..... In-"""-· ·II!"" BOD'S TAXI NO. 610 P&BI< JUST OUTSIDE ' . ' COQD,'USED AT . U .. BEAT:ABLE 1938 PoNTIAC COAcH $610.00 . 1938 DODGE COACH $555:00 1936.i:JODGE SEDAN · . $430~00 .... ·"': COLLINS CASH ~ . Brock St. ~th . :·., IIIPPf -.. ~ . ' . . .... ~ ShoP Ia ' ,ROY . . .. ' F~JfLER .. PRICES ' - 1933 ·PON11AC SEDAN $2.60.00 1938 BUICK SEDAN $785.00 1131 CBBVROLBT PAHKL TllVCI[ $125.00 . lJll CIIEVB.OLET SI!DAN DBLIVEBY 'rR.tJCK. $525.00 . '. ~ . ... .. .. bJoti..t OKE RADIO SERVICE . PBONit.,t . (:ei&l'ee,. ,..,., L--c\M, ._..... nm TUCK-SHOP -.a.;. o .... Q_ ~ • .,.... - ·so. - BL "'· ;tBDi . . . . rt7 · .; .. HEWIS MEAT-MARKET. • ·,if' hob--~· . PBONB .lit . .__ ... _.._ .. . .. · M. B. cONNOR . - "BI'tldli: BL a-tiL _ - WldUif ., . . -.~ · IT'S,:Id.L Ovt:R ·TOwN Ill INVISIBLE ·soLEING, · NO NAILS ALLISON'S Stt:OE STORE (Ked .. An: llnL) ·MARCUS CLOTHING . . . I ' PATIERSON'S c . ..DAIRY · GOU>EN·RJCH B&IIBY •IIIIUL Plion ...... ... .- Gel 0.. I"I'IIICM ...... .,....,..., ... .. ·Ei.idlic .. ·:'·,·::~ ~.1 a£:J.BicEtiTPJI-·., ,. :;-:;.,,. -......- ,• "lHE·BUTiEJt 111AT . ' ~ " ~ IIETI'ERS .1HE· JIREAD"! 't • • • ., ... •, ... ,--r ..... ...,.... .. "'- . ' ~ · ~ . ...... &D>IrOa olr . . ._,. RoiLIM1 ·~ .CREAMERY ~ • • J : WHITBY ·· MOTORS LIMITED . 24 ~OUR sEkVIcE. . ' \ ." .'·; . \ . B.A. PRc;>,DUcTs . CHRYSLER- an.d ·.PLYMOUTH CARS' . . \ . ~ . --- . C.A.SE ~ 'TRACTORS D~ND.AS • . - PHONE ,47. D O ~It-IION ~.,Q~UVERY · . ,OJW ~.bQUI" before -· • lll&tUrdi.y before e. p.m. . ;) I ~ . ' ' ,..... I ' l ,) Large Bottle oaomiD....- J,c'lb. TbaDit You , ' POWDIR BAKING · 2·8c 79c GET YOUR NEEDS NOW •• John's Place- B.A. SERVICE· a: PRODUCI'S · F. J. Mci1TYRE1 HARDWARE . CANIDIAI IATIIIAl IAILWAYS AUIT .PHONE427 D ON nME PA,VMJ~ New Local POTATOES BOLOGNA ·, ql~ 35c lb. 10~ ..

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