Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Jun 1940, p. 5

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J t .:;~~~~ ~~ ... -" ;i.'~~~?. ·· ~ ... ,\ ... .; ~E-~ T~WHIT~~~~~R~~~WWN~D=~~y~·~j~U~N=E~2=6~·~19~4=0---------~---------~~~ I:· $pOJLtJJ. · ~ n- L - ..~_ Special 2% \71. j.~!. 1~ "se . Tax IMposed a;f~.~~~:&.::o:~=~ ~o,f;..._D. vn ~0./lUQR ··;":.• .:~ ·. ;"~;-.:~ · .. - Productive capacity ln e:,-,ada · · -O All Saltiie~~~:·s···· • !T· ·a .. -· on .. Incomes:~! ~~:~c~~~te:ll~t~es~~ ~~~ Last Wednesday night John's awa played a very poor game of Ia- n . . . . ' . ' X more taken up with work on war I Place took the sting out of the crosse, and they sePmed to lack ~ · · · equipment and production of auto- POLICE COURT RELATIVES: NEWS TOSUIDR,.u.,..., WITH Bandel Beelt, md won the softball their usual driving force. Bn.o,:tley, d ~- - , · L A mobiles wm have to be restricted pme by a score of 14-3, with 'Mayne the' Brooklin "gl!alle" played a won- I . m·· p' o"' : . . on . utos !! war work Is to have' priority. Any allowing only 6 bits and getting ll derful game. Lewis Vipond demon- ncrease ae . - evy surplus of labor, "elt.her In manu- A charge of careless driving . strikeouts. The Bees tried hard, but strated his ability of hitting the net ' • . . . · • facturing establishments or In against Harold W. Bryant was dls- .John's Place playet!' airtight ball. by scoring five goals. The goal get- " · · · garages," occasioned by the new missed In Whitby Police Court Tues• • ters for Brooklin were, Green, 3; w. • · ed A t obil tax, he believed, would be· ·absorbed day, after Magistrate P. s. Ebbs On P'i1day night, the Civil Ser- Vipond, 1; Lewis Vipond, 5; Luther Every Profitable Busmess taxes, where he now"pays only $18.· Tax Plac on U om es by war needs for the production ruled that there was Insufficient ;vice• stePped Into the ~ve of Bees VIpond, 1; Ormiston, 1; Cooper, 2; and Moat Wage Earners A married .~ with: no 'depend- to Free b)dustry for War and servicing of mechanical trans- evidence to warrant' a conviction. and got lO ·hlts and 16 runa. In the Pullen, S; Graham, 2; Johnston, 2. trib ents, earnlilg , ~,OOO, - la at present d Co port and other equipment. Gerald Gascoyoe told the court ~ inning Bandel Bees had ~ The score by periods was as fol- WiD Share in Con • U• exempt. Under .the- new set up his Production an nserve Revenue Incidental that he had been <driving along rally with 5 hlts and 'l runs, but lows: . tion to Canada's War tax bill Will 'be ·*"5• .r .· . Foreign Exchang~ Revenue, the Mi~ster said, was Brock street north In a _half ton ··th.., couldn't h"-'d them, as the Civil Brooklin ...... , • 6 5 5 · 4 A ldmarried · man eamlng· J4,000 "only Incidental," to the main pur- rucjr and that when he trii!d to -, "" " 1 ." ,.. __ ts wou . PBY $355 ·Instead ·.of $8-l as at ""~ of the tax He estimated 1 tum off onto a side roe.d the ac· . 8ervlce, In tbe fourth lnn!ng, tall!ed Oslui.wa . . • • . • • · • 1 • .. \.AM If · ..-- · · 1. l1lJll' and the same In the sixth present. $223he bas .tw~· Chlldren he LEVY IS IMPOSED would yield $3,500,000 In the first cident had occurred. Gascoyne saJ4 Peterboro will vlsit ·'Brooklin on --- will pay lnstead -of . ~.80, and ON SUDING SCALE! full year o! the tax, of whlch $1,- he had put his hand out of the mDina· ' Tuesday evening, JulY 2nd. The SINGLE MAN PAYS an ~arr!ed . ~~'"..earning the 1500,000 would be collected In the window and turned Into the centre N WAGES OF $600 same amow..t will ~ ~t525. · 1. present fiscal year. . of the road. He claimed that Bryant .•· The ' followinr Ia tbe balance of Peterboro teli.m has been strength- 0 In the high'er .. .iDr:iiine, IP'DllPS the _L • W uld had used abusive language and had tbe :schedule: ened by the addition of several new --- lncrease··wm also .be · felt. A mar- $2 000 MaQime 0 ' driven awsy "before I had Ume to .:·: Zl~~::::"::lav: =~~::::~~:rE!:~~ rn::~ •. ~;x ~~: ;:~ ~ce:a~:!:~~~~~~D;: . b ~~lax w:t: WHITBY TO PAY !~~::E~~:::?.~:i:; .. ' ' John's Place. 'ruesday evening. But Brooklin Is present. With· an Uicome· of $200,- E Gr t Load OVER $2a·ooo TO and promised "you'll hear from me." · 'May; JUlY ·s.-.:c1vu Service vs .. anxiously waiting for Its old rival Brackets 000 be \wlllli&Y $a9,430. ' instead of ven ea er . . Howard Toms, 'a passenger In the " BJ,udel ~. . ·and the Brooklln team feels confl- Dropped to $750 $103,698. These tlguiis i:lo not In- _ truck with Gascoyoe, corroborated :W~~:;~O-avU servtce :;e:::t !a~'f ofw~~t;n!r~ Single Penona and $1,- :=!~:~e~~c~ _ cir . municipal ~!ta:ac~~=·s~;;~. :.~= rnuNTY TH' IS YEAR ~o~v~~~::re~ld Bryant used Piic~a¥, JulY li-o.John's Place va. ilquad. 500 for Married Men The man~ $200,000. a year, were Imposed today, designed W "Mter he hit us he 'ftllt alone " Bandel Bees. who Jl8Y8. $119,000 taxes. to the Do- not to Increase the national revenue on two wheels, righted himself and w~. July 1'1-Bandel Bee! NATIONAL YACHT CLUB minion, for Instance, will pay an but to conserve foreign exchange couldn't stop," declared Toms . . vL CtvU seroce. . . CRUISERS TO VISIT OSHAWA Ottawa, Juoe 25.-Every profit- additio~ $iiJ,Ooo to the' Prov~ce and to tree Industry for Increased Makes a Substantial Con- Under ~-~~-examination by A. w. · · · ti able business and almost every ' r th aterials of war ~ ~ Prlcla¥, July, l~ohn'a !'lace vs. Next week-end, the Na OD<'J If he· lives ln Ontario, or an ad ~ productio~t o e m · tribution to Patriotic s. Greer, of Oshawa, Gsscoyne ad· ·- .OlvU Bervlce. ' Yacht Club, Toronto, power cruiser wsge eamlng Individual In Canada tlonal $15\000 tO the Province If he The dual ruoction Is achieved by tnitted that he had not auecl Bl'Y· ,~ WedDMday, July M-.Bandel B:ees va race from Toronto to Youngstown, '!,~:"trg:,~~ ~~ ebr:;, lives In· Brltlali Columbia. the Introduction of a new IICale of Work nt fOr his llcen.!e but saJ4 "he dld- . . '•-"-'a p•-- . N.Y., to Oshawa· to Toronto, will Eq"·"- swee~•~- are the _,. ____ ·taxes on automobiles, Imposed on a n•t give me time to." GB!""""e also ,...... .....,. uoder the. resolutions Included In ......,.. - ........,...., seal d lgned to be virtual --.. - ' ... ; Ji"lsda,, .. July 28-CtvU Senlce vs. arrive In Oshawa harbor' Slbout 5:30 P!nance Mlnlster J. L. Ralston's In the exceSs Profits tax atructure. sllding e es ; The town of Whitby will pay this admitted that possibly he did not . -... - _-..... e1·-..~ Suoday afternoon, rematntng over- ->-- Compa' nles_wm no lo--r have the ly prohibitive of the purchase 0 keep .his arm out "too long" to give ......... ........._ Bu .. -t .........,. ... yesterUAJ. Together, -- 1 d rs and to dlscour- yeA'!' to the Couoty of Ontario In .. ".· • . night, and lea ... - 8 for Toronto at """' .... ,.....~. option of nDulng a tax on the basis hlgher-pr ce ea the turning signal but maintalnecl ' · · ,...,. business concerns and private elti• ...... ! lble the spen"•-- taxes the sum of $20,769.12, while 'ibe ·Bro'oklln ,LAcrosse -tesm de-; 11:00 o'elock·Monday afternoon. This zens are ...,._ted to provide almost of capital employed, and the rate' of age as ar as poss uuq; only .,,9,360.00 was placed In the he uoderstood that driving over the fated 'Oabawa b;y.a score of :10-8 on fleet of erulsera will be a spectacle $200,000,oOO';;t- the antlclpated $280,- tax on· excesil ·prof!b Is Increased of money on new cars In almost ~tes when the ·Town tax rate centre line preliminary to tumlng 'l'b,__. __ . e-•-· " Brootlln. Osh- worthwhile viewing, from so to 75 per cent. · In addition, every price group. constituted a signal to that effect. ... ......., ............ 000,000. Increase In revenue over a mln1m tax la rovl f Prom an opening rate of 10 per was struck early In the year. There He claimed ,_nt had been etteed- full calendar year. . ., a um p ded OT. cent on all cars valued up to $700, was an Increase In the couoty rate ~·"a .-... c ---'·'ons of the .,._cess' The tax on eorporaQona will be not •-- _,_ ly mill lng the thirty mlie speed limit In ..,,...,,.. .... ,..,. ..,. · · th graduated scale r..,.,s ..uarp this year of three quarters of li! the Welfare CDmmlttee In main~ Profits Tax Act, a new, fiat rate le;s than 30 ·per cent. of IAcome, toe"" -nt on the exeess over for patriotic purposes, but the town that area: •·•-•- unit •··t -'th whlle · untnron...,...ted b"·•~--· .ou per ·~ M istrate Ebbs ta•-' h -·'d .,........g a comm Y eon.- "' · natto-•• defense tax apnllcable to ~..-- ~~ to """" 40 per cent o! ag 5 ~ e '"" .... th In th r•~ ... ting f es In Can ..... - .,. must pay a minimum Of 12 per cent $100 and up ..,..,; wUl get back ln cash plus $1,698.67 t all th def nd dis ose e ....., ore - every unman1ed person of their lncoim!. the excess over $900 up to $1,200, for local patriotic work. The general no · c on e ence a - ada and overseas, .both directly and over $600 a year and every married · · and 80 per cent on the excess over rate of the couoty was about the missed the charge."! couldn't regia- through their famllles In town. c:o- person earning.. over "'1""" • year; Emphasizing - h!a bellef that "a ,.1 "OO. ter a conviction on the evidence of t mmlt • ... ~ . . . • ,.. same as last year, If mythlng, n h t boy This well o~ting with the paren co - and a sharp Increase In the personal straightforward assessment of the As a result, automobUes at pres- trifle higher. . . t ese wo s. man may tee and other organlz:a~ In see· Income tax, together with a redue- contribution to the cciinmon cause" sent selling at $2,000, manufactur- have been speeding but he isn't here lng to It that thOI!e enllstlng fr<m ~ 1n exemptions, T1lll provide was the most effeettftt manner of en;' price. will cost the dealer $2,870 Por general purposes Whitby will on such a charge." Whitby are assured that the com- this huge sum. needed !or tbe de- raising funds ~~ for th~ war. under the new tax scale, while an pay In taxes $11,324.49; !or couoty "I believe the boYs are telling the munltY has not forgotten them In fense of Canada. The. full force of Colonel Ralston"polntecl .. olit that, automobUe value at $-l,OOO by the home maintenance, $1,358.94; county truth when they say thb man used their ablence. an~ th" everything these meuures wUl not be felt uotll while the tax· :burifen. waa spread manufacturer will cost , 6, 70, roads, $6,149.20; suburban roads, abusive language. It was ve17 ln- (Oimtlnued from·~. l)' possible· will be done to llahten the 1941 but during the balance of O\>er the shoulders ' of IIWIY. addl- As an UlustraUon of the manner $237.82; patriotic purposes, $1,698.67. d~creet on his part," declared the . ..._. ·an !lAnd 11'111111. orpnlatlon anxieties at. their dependants. tbla• year alone they are expected tiona! tho'usaD.ds of canadians i.nli In which the tax will affect auto- or a total of 20. cadi. ,;u underlaken, and It required . . to ra!ae ,$110,000,000 more than In increased on tbe lhouldera of those mobUe prices, the following example Unless the CouncU can sa.ve ·=~ ~u~"' ad PROMOTIONS, AT th~ S: =~~ 11~ 1s set ~h~~v: =·~the~u'= ~~C:\~=~:~on,:e ~:. 0~ =e~C:. S:e ~~f::n~~U:~~:~ WHITBY ROTAUY REVIEWS WORK OF AtTIVE YEAR ' Committee. bDe empowered · for canadians tn the Income Tax new Income tax :atlll ·ten short of should be noted, applles to the what the town estimated md what -·=~~ ~e:~:n ~~ ·J.HE Hl6·u:sruoo· L =- c:::nla;t m!:m:e; ,:;!,~ Brl= h:~~ an eumple, manufac:;~ss=~ S:~t!.ot to the :e ~D=e~ ~:~:n=t~ have Whl\bi Voluntleer Olv1l Guard, and ' .lJ . lingle peraons and. $1.200 for mar- he illustrated the ,.uJatl..ve burden Manufacturer's price-$2,000. = ~~~=JII :!~ All. E. :lliNo' ·u· N' rED .~~m= ~hle:~=~ :c::~ =: :~~~;:= ~~~ f-~~ .~:~ .. ~1.~ . :.~ .. * '10 lli "YIInr ~ ~t~ep~' talt:im ·bJ' ; the Do- - llJ1 . (J diana mu be expected to Uve, and s!tuaUon In Great llri .. - 'A mar- Tax on next $200 (20 per · :=.::;~~-:=n:!:n":i ~, ·, ! .. · . ~~sa:~~~~= ~~~mar:b=:e~.ooo ~ .... "=n!~ ~~~i-$3oo .. c40 ·~~.. 40 ·· -tiie lftii!D\ ~ men· partJI:UlarJy ... (COI1UJiued frOm Pap 1) le'fel. But above tb!s range, eve]7 Bi-lt!sh eoualn In . «:i!nt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 · 1mU1 ·bQ\h 'federal. and' piov!nelal co~. B.;. Colr, D.; Crawford, G.; wage-eanililg man and woman wlll would )~!!OIJle. TaX on excess over $1.200 »JAb~ are fUlly nrna1e4. After· this. Derltt, B.; Dowztbury, P.; ElllauD. be exPected to contribute substan· ll3 per cso per cent) .. ..... . .. .. ·. . 640 f\ .1n1 feU, \hent ·m&J be work tor D.: dane, K : Cc>: om, o.: Green, t1all7 to the Tl'easurf. 'l'tltill eo&t to de&Jer . .. ..... '$2,870 .....,nilttee' wiiiCh:ciould be appohit· ~-: , Griffin, B,; ~en; P.; · Bar· Applies te Whole ._ • 'only 1n the lowest price field will ecr ., Uliil. a8oeraJ. ccmilplHee to J.el.!d low, A.; Harper, D. Cc>; Barrla, 0.; · The new defenae tax wlll 'be·tqt-- ·the new tax not be prohibitive In eftJ:7 pcalble 'UIII&uoe , to . auth- ileroa, Lt Cc>: · Bodpon, P.; ·Hum· J)Oied On all Incomes over the ml#· ~- Automobiles now selllni ~Ue. empi»wer!d to IWuDe these ~ • . R.; _ ltf!YB. .J.; Lander, D. !mum .rtrures of $600 anc$ $l.JOO per.eenl t~ t1,000 'lri.ll cost •1.150 uoder the &ffali'l. . '1'be faa · that a Oounty (c): Lindley, B.; · Lintner. ·JL; llae- and, unllte· the Income tax, will ap- In the il:l.O;;;.o· of the new excise tax, the :VolUnteR 'OlYD' Guard Ia . a11o 118~ donald, . L.; llajcher, M.; O'!¥ll•. plj to the whole Income, not merely however, the tax iK~ being less than 2 per cent. m; 'tarme!l. 'wbkih wlll ·tnclude ·tbe D.: Pardon, R.; Psrter, L.; Rile- to that portloD exCeeding the min- will exceed that paid Prom the Sl.SOO field upward, how· ~ of '\VNN~J.:· w.. a11o ~ brOuab, B. Co>; ~te, ··v.; RoN· !mum. It Is provided, however, that aln . . A marrlett J??aD ever, the tax becomes more and • IDto -ecmaldeiaUaa.: · . . beck. G.: Jto!lr, .. !J.: ·e~. ftl· Co>: no tax under thla act shall reduce pendent& and an l.bcame more In the nature o! a oonflscar . ·ft. war~ OGmmlltee, n ~· ~:: ~!fland, D.: Y~ the Individual net Income l1elow the llvlng In Quebeei ~~ · pay, In tory ·levy, ,..u. decided lhOuld undertake 1m· mola, . s. Ce>. · · m.lnlmum figures set forth. Dominion and ~elial . Income consenes Exc!llance medJale ' m~Uoii or 'WhltbJ'a BdmUDcl. Breclln ranked. hlahflllt · "lbe act calls-for a 2 per cent levy tax, 107 per cent 'of tbe Brl~ &air, Principal purpose o! the measure capacU;y tor ·~· bome • for In Porm IA. llargaret InsOle rank• Oil the Incomes of single penons and !! 11"9.f Pt Brltlsli • Columba, la to collllerve foreign exchange, as ..;,,;;, -"·- ia ma• arrtv, e In thla ed hlshflllt. · ~ -PonD IB. ~over $800 and a 3 per cent 114 per .,t.:,f' ·• ·w payable tn. virtually all high-priced cars rold 'II'- .... _.._ T- 1 -•--• _,_,nc --•-- ov•r Grea• ..,......,,,. . a- ,1"'-tarto l'fllll• f t 1n the ARCHBISHOP VISITS PICKERIN6 GHUKGH . FOR ·ANNIVERSARY (Continued from Page 1) summary or the years' work. thank- ed · li.'ll who had co-operated with him In the duties of his office, and Installed the new president, Donald A. Wilson. , Vice-president Steve lteown pre- sented a past president's pin to the H!a Grace, exhorting all Catholics retiring president, J . M. Roblin. to_ rise to the L heights o! their. New officers of the Club are:-:-: patriotic duty, and conducted spec· President, Donald A. Wilson; vlee- lal ~ for the dead, thoae In ·president, ;J.lll. Roblin; aeeretar:r. ·J. high iJlace.s:._ln -~e. Empire and for R. ~Prosi; ~; .l!!d ~ peace. · · Dl.rietors are:~Dr., B. B.-.:sea~·a The combined choirs of St. ~- L. Odium, Ed. Bcnrnian' Ucl a. 0!' <Continued from Page 1) c1a de ~Ies. Plckerlilg, s;. Johns, Grobb.. · ' Whitby, and st. Gregory s, osha- VariOus committee chalrmm 1114 wa were under the direction of committee. e4. M.bs .Mary McBradY, organist, with yen JWD · AIRMEN tRASH CO!qltl'y bJ' ~t arranre- GRADE' XII OOMMBRCIAL-'l'be evy on .,...,..e ..-- ., .... ....,. ~ • ..... _... - V" In Canada are manu ac ured ,men~ ~ CIJII!IIIl"'"' would bring followlnc have quallfled for com· $1,200. Married persons are sub- dent. eart;~~ar r ....... W!JU!d ~ United States. The tax, In these . up-to-date aueb ~ u has merclal diplomas: Jeet to a 2 per cent t.ax If their In- 9l per ~~~·~'~~·tax. cases, wUI be computed on the duty- 111rs. s . ·:. Cafik and D. Kenneqy, _----------------.---....,..,..-"""=""":":~~ Pickering, and a. Flndlay, Osha- _,__ .. _,j, been made 80 ·bt the Ll....... ---"'all (honors)•, 01-- comes are over $1.200. , · • paid 'Yaiue of the car, and It Is ex-... ~ .. ,.. ......... -- BOWAVJIAiiTou . ~~ty Will haft a definite Lembel'l: Geota1na Ridgley; Evelyn. A slnile man earning $700 annu- peeted to add so much to the regu- Sclea u .to the number of refuleel Attlnaon. ally, for Instance, will pay a defense · The · ;Bci(iilce 8ilti'Yiee. Dominion Jar cost as to reduce their sale to :c1u.eo& , are 'UDdertaltlna to ye1;. GRADE XI COMMERCIAL-Cin tax of $14, even though he 1s ex- ~rbun~. ·~ture. hal pre- a ·negligible quant!Ly. ~ come. Thll: commlttee, 1~ wu alao order of merit): empt from Income tax. A single pared.; a'. ·- 'GD. _the maltlng, of In the domestic field, embracing : IIUIIUted, could or-ganise the c:o- Bad Huotley _ (honors>: Everett man earning· $610, who la llable to BordeaU ··~- :rtlSa · mixture automobUes made In canada, the : o~Uon. of other aa.nc!elln wei· Blight; ·Demetry Rudack; Marpr- defense tax ·or $12.20, however. will eonta!Dt "ttt-q ~ts, copper measure Is expected to have the ef- . c:om1nr auch reru,eea as arri're here ~ Wood; Lorna Puckrln; Helen be required to · pay only $10, so sulpbate ~~· Oopper awpb&te feet of cutting down the demand ;and dolna ner;ythlng poalble to Samanatt; Bveb'n Pi.now; Irene that his Income will not be brought CblueltGDe, ~"Yitr!ol) - may be Ob- for new cars, thus reducing pro- ; :make them feel "home ln Wh!~. Moore; ·l!:'Ye!yn llillr; Grace Boar; beneath the minimum figure of talned ~~ or In pulverlaed duction activity and freeing a large ; Piiii!Me, ~tee Mary O'Connor; Nora Campbell; teQO. · ranD. , . ."for matlnt ·Bonleaux portion of Canada's automobile 'l'be work of the J'lnanee Com· William Harden; Praillt Parise; 'l'bose whose Incomes are high 1.D1i1 be e1UillrJi~e <~ump lime) ·mdustrf !or the production o! war Jlllttee, t1t wu aunuted, would· ~ Margaret Holliday (conditlonall;r). enough to inate them liable for In- or hJdrated ,ume : Cchem1cal , by· materials. to' aulst wbereter and whenner · come tax as well as the defense tax, dra~>.! DJJecUons are clYen u to "It can hardly be argued that auch ass1stance would be ftlcomed, RUSH TO .. fiET: w!ll not be' allowed to deduct Uio ·~·atreriitbs of-~· =: there Is any undue sacrifice 1m- In fund ralalna ' activities for war defenae tax from their Incomes ture~ for- illtferent c:rope. __, U . posed on the Canadla:n citizen," Mr. purpoaea. It would be a promoting when calculating :neome tax. Thus, Diethodi ol use, and the ~ at. Ralston said as he announced the .tnd . CoonmiUnr acency to further a single man earning $1,250 a year small . qi.Wltities' for averaae I!Ud• measure. "In asking him to post- 'YIIoroua community contrlbuUon to N ·Tuo·utzEo IS will pay $37.50 defense tax, but ens. The leaflet may be obtained pone the purchase of h(&her-prlced war .rmida and to aaff!IU&rd the 18- Jl 1\JlL · when c:aiculut!ng his ln:ome tax he from · the PublicitY &Jid· .ears for the duration of the wsr." .~ of fundi Deeeilary to carry must do ao on the $1,250 basis and Division, Dominion of He admitted frankly that the tax, · Gil~ of'J*C!tlme orpnblatlnns AtlERMA. TH. OF WAR not on a basis of $1.212.50. Agriculture, Ottawa. . even on those cars In the so-called .In 1be ~ Regret wu ~ In the Income tax Itself, new pro- "medium" price group, was belnc ,tbat there bad been :wtde-apread vlslons will bring substantial In- Whitby ~ons Club caml~ ~ Imposed to reduce the demand for . mllunderatandlna of the purpose of cretlllell 1n revenue from persons 1n SU'eet Dance for patriotic and~- new automobUes. ;the clause ln the orlc1na1 ruolution (Continued from Pap 1) the lower Income brackets. The munlty work, WednesdaY, Jui:Y ~i'd, "While not at the moment cut- ·con~.a. comm'un.ley eamll&lln eumtnation ' that you :are entitled Minister pointed out that, even !f. at four comers. Grand prille, 1940 tlng off all production or passenger or "war cheat". The reeoluijon to becOme a :Britlah mbject," JudKe incomes of $25,000 and over were P!ymD!Jth Coach. Grand patr!oUc, ears," he said, "this tax will re- from the publl.c .' meettnc provided Coleman told Stlre. completely conflaeated, the Treas- parade. Other attracttona. See Pale atraln the demand and tend to keep merely for lnyesUpUon ·or the ·~·m IJrald I must reJect your ap- ury would receive only $35,000,000 ·P!ve. It ~ balance with lowered produc- I!Cheme, with tbe prov!ao that It pllcation .. I'm Sl,ll'e :rou can see why more than Is at present taken could not be adopted If any organ!· u W'ell aa I can," Judge Colemm through taxation. He went further u.tlon operating under the ·War Informed Fred lt&rry, whose appll- and said that !! the Government Charities Aet objected to lt. eaUori stated he was born In Ger- were to take over all the Income of Primarily, the duttea of the Com- eve17 Canadian, ln excess of $2,000 mtttee would be concerned · wl.th miD)'. per year, the Increase would be de'Y~ plana for encourqing ~eral appUcanta of Austrian only $114.500.000. With this con- wider public Interest tn the sale of origin were clOIIeb' questioned by slderat!on In mind the new regula- war-jiBVlncs stamps and co-operat- Judge Coleman in vll!w of the fact tlons wUI reduce exemptions so that lng 'with any or an government tha~ their country Is now lneorpor- thousands o{ person ~ pr9-vously campaigns of like nature; also the llted ln the German Reich. exempt from income tax Ill be posa!blllt!es of a aalvap cam~ O!sel ltuhel, one of such appll- called upon to contribute. to raise money locally by the' col- cants, declared Ui'at hla native Exemptions ror sinale 'PCfWCIDI leeUon of waste paper, scrap Iron, heath ln Austria waa now In Rou- are reduced from $1,000 to fiso, and etc~ with the co-operation of the manlati banda. for married persons from ~.000 to pUblic or any or&anlzation . wl~lng "Can You tell me what kind o! $1,500. ic to give practical ald. Theae are government' We · live under here?" In addition, the graduated sealt but aome o! the duties SU¥rested asked Judge Coleman. o! taxes has been sl.lbllt4iltlaliJ ln- 'for thla committee. "LLbere.4," wu the reply. creased. Instead of p&Jint 3 per '1'tMi Publlcl~y and Morale Com- .. I mean what !orin or ayatem?" cent on the first P50 of tau.ble ln- mt.ttee should co-opeq.te with all pUrsued the bench. · . come, Canadians w!ll pay 6 per cent. patriotic organisation:. wlahtna to "Publlc," answered ltaahel. On the next $750 of inGome the rate • 1 mate use of Its aervices In any such "Meaning publlc In the sense of wlll be 8 per cent and ou the next - j)ubl.ic!ty eampagn as they may \11\• rule by the people. That'a a , fair •1.000 It will be 12 pir oen, . The dertalte. A very lmportli.'l\t feature answer," ruled Judge · Coleman. scale Increases with ' each aubse- pt tta wort, however, would De the Kasbel, who aid he had worked on quent $1,000, slr!Lng h~eat at !n- ·~otlon of cheerfulness and a ra!lroii.od for many years and wu comes up to $10.~ On Incomes ·>liellbtened public morale, and w!lllng to bear arms In defence of over this figure th!! lnc;reue is; not ~ other things, lend U.s effort Canada, was accepted. 60 sharp, but the 'jtax· burden re- ~ dlseouraglitg dangerous and Among t-hose recommended fOI' mains proportlona'lltly heavy. ~ 'rroundiess gossip. naturalization were Poles, u~-- Outlining the eltecta of the new ~t work was assigned to tans, Roumanian, P!nnlsb.'1hredllb, Income and naLIGilal defense taxes, • . Norwealii.'ll and CzeehoalCIYfk. en, ((olonel Ral,ton quoted hypotheti- eral were employed on war cootraet· cal ea,es to llhqr htlw wage earn- ._.. .. , they atated. One and .n in&5 In varlo115 groupa would be .. ~... ..... affected. · 'when Questioned, avowed thet;f,.wtr- A single man w ith no dependents. llnln..ess to' flaht for Canad,a and et.mJng t800 a will pay a de- One ~ said he "didn't like of ts; ' prnlousl)' he Bitler at all" and mother wante(l pald' q 'O • - Aa Our Neiahbora See It wa. as .roloists. At five o'clock In the afternoon. the sOlemn benediction of the most blessed sacrament We," .. g!ven, and the· veneration of the relic :of ··f>\,. Prancis ,de Sales. A special hymn to the ~mory of the saint honored by the parl!lr was suog by 'the composer, Mrs. 8. Caf!k. over five hundred registered at the reunion held at the home of lllrs. Marla. O'Connor, oldest li '!'lng parishioner, opposite the church. on Church Street, where the theme of ·most con..asations was "Do you ·remember?'• and where luncheon and rupper were served to the visit. ors~ The lawn and tables were at· tra·ctively decorated with the arch- diocese colors, yellow and white. The celebration was concluded Monday , night with a dance In the Memorial Park here, and the grand draw, the proceeds of which will . go to the church repair fund . KIN6DOM OF 600 ~RUSAOE TO BE LAUNGHED SOON <Continued from Page 1> gate the proposed "tree show" pro- ject planned by movie interests of Cii.'llBda ln aid of the war effort. The plan to hold Sunday evening shows free to purchasers o! war sa.vings stamps was frowned upon by the presbytery, liut no resolution, was passed In view o! the fact tho.t the revlaed. plans call !or the shows to be presented on Monday nights Instead of sundays. The committee Includes Rev. P . L. Jull, Brooklin; Rev. C. G. P t:d; , Whitby and Rev. W. p. Smith, Cour- Uce. The group ot seed often Cli.'iled cockles Includes flve species found In Nortp American grown seed or In· seed tinpqrted !rom Europe. They are whlte cockle, red campion, blad- der campion, nlght -nowerlng catch- fly, and forked catch!ly. In ;;pita of the fact that seeds ot red cockle and forked eatchfly ~ave frequenUy been brought to Canada r..•nd the t:nlted States, the two species do not appear to have become es~b­ llshed to any extent In clover or grass seed-producing districts. Some new airliner transports h t11.C Br1t4ah l.liatituUoDI. · rer~~~e ~ an ~ tax eltilensh!p "tio I can help the Brit- A lab." would PI¥· IS IT A BPAIUt FROM A BIQ Fnt£7 storage for 1,000 gallon.s o! sasollne (Detroit Free Pr~.) In the wln&~o . . MiSter I Locali Merchant!::. Will You Help Us· To Help Ybu?. We're partner., in a way upon each other for bur aucceaa. __,"""'. ) vertisins helps Ul operate th1ii11~~:::z:::~ our newspaper carrica your a more than 3,000 readers illt the . ~il~:{' plays a part in your b~eaa oroll'lhliiL • I We both know that ~vertiainc . denda in increased buain~ with cJti~illlajiJ ina increaaea in profits and 1o we co-operate in a campail(n jl~~Rtcrealie'. Qiiir}11& vertisins and your buail1•esli. ; We're partner-. ~you bow, 110 operate. THE WHITBY-... ~:&. · .. 'At4D . ..

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