.. f.AGETEN THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRO~JCLE. WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, ! 940 :New Fiihting Planes Being Used by British potlery and also h.. - alloyed l with copper Jn uranium IJteel. Gftlll. Power Souroe The .Substance U-235, developed from uranium through a complicat- ed chemical process, Ls ldentUled ,.. u a chemical twin of ordlnary lo. A ' ti G after a series of bomblna atta.cb ----aj ___ --~wn .... U-238, and when · paa utome C tm """ admitted. =~ b:"cooJ-water rei...,.. en- and Undisclosed Number A Brlt!Bh bomber .. uadroft a1so 1 ~ .... . ~ form of s,..m, It Is cta!m- f F d was. saki to h&ve suffered "'some ed. by United States scientists tha.t . 0 · orWar loaa" due to Intense opposition en- one pound of U-235 ls capable of '·' G. jma countered In d&l'lllrht bombing ralda pleldlDr of• ~ ou3tpu000t 000ot 5,~~ on Qer:man. colUDllla 1n Belllum. &nd pouQdB \Naol or , , &-"....,._ London, !da,y t4.--oreat Britain Luxembourg. The task wu reported, of paoUne. · hurled a new "secret" aerial however. to have been carried out RetUring to the united states -•-~ the ~-·- war su---.,, .. , experlmentll, Dr. Q, c. Laurence, apon a.g...........,.. ~............ ~.........,. Dr Bo 1 ~ division as · Prim .... ,_, .... ~ ..... .._~•~• ------..:~ _,_.,.. en- attacbed to . y e .. e, 1n what e .&III.I.UJOI...:r ...,.,_...., ~ auow~" --.a X thorl.... aid -~bed •· P gaged •- po~"'-· the Dutch coast & radium auu. -ray au "J• a Churchill d~· IN az. AU ... ~ ibat by mt.xtng U·235 and water ent u the beg1nn1ng of "one of aceoooted toi aeveral eneMy fight- "we are able to obtain atomic energy · grea.test battles 1n history." ern, and aJ.o;o attacked enemy patrol at a rate far greater than we.-bave t ~e secret weapon k a new-type vessels, .. the communique &aid. ever been able Jn the past an<j. for turret on two-seater Boultcn The Adm1ralty 8a1d the navy bas the first time it· ha.os become even "Defiant" fighting planes, been operating conUnuously ofl the remotely eoncelvable that It might made their first ap- ·coast of Holland and . Belgium, 1n be pQSStble to use this energy a.s a the Western Front In l.iPite of "reported bombing attac:b aouree of power to operate machin- oVer Holl&nd and Bel- having been made on them." ery." The Admiralty eJoo announced Ita warships had •upporte-· A!Uecl !>P'" era.ttons on land, had bombarded . enemy troopa la.nd1n& from tbe alr on airdromes and beaches, and bad transported refugees tn:m. the war to England. OTIAWA LAUDS U-235 DISCOVERY Mines Official See.. PO..ible Market For UreDium THINK BRITAIN TONEEDHOfiS FROM tANADA Becon 8oenl Believes Supplies Will Be Taken All Ottawa, May 11 - The Bacon Bo&rd. aaid ln. a statement Friday that "it is a reasonable assumption that 11 c-da coot.!nues to prOOuee ottawa,· May o- - National Be- h011 ln. auch numl)ers as e.re aeareh oouncn aclentJata laaded. e:~:-1 P4>!Sihle under aound ft.nn economy, periments 111 the new Diliacle ~ Great Britain wtn want all of our stance, developed :from uranium and suppUea, and perhaps rooner than known. as U·235, "as opening up a now anticipated." splendid. new IICientifle trall... 'nle price of hop now Is being At the aame time one well-in- ad,Ju&ted to the average of expon formed inlnes and J'e501ll'cea depart- and dom.est.le values for the produot, ment otnelal a&Jd. that 1f tT-215 waa and the board. under e:l:la.tmla.n&hp develope.j .sufflclentJy for eommer· of Hon. J . G. Tana.rt. 1s fully clal and mWtary use it would be of aware of t.he com.pllcatlons: involved great import to canada because in tbla attuat.ion, the statement. said. most of the world's uranium ore il '11ntu domestic values are more located In tbe Domlnloo. ' 4eflned. tt 1a evident' tha.t a "A market tor un.Dium ore II cauttoua atUtude .Ia wise and neees· needed," he aald. "'U tbla new ary. The flrllt nsponBtbtllt.y oi chemical proves ita wor1.h ln future the board 11 to aee that- the produc- =~ta. it wW be a booa. &10 er pta all that Ja possible for hl3 "-Dr. B. w. BOJ!e, .u-tar Of tho lloa4ltlea lllmlablo dlrillon Of ~In-: = ._ UDCel'laiDIIeo 111 tho bacon I !~~~~! of ezpertment at OD- 11IPP1Y altuattoa. are an lnevitable Untvendty, New Yort., dla- part of tbe ]Jnl8ent CODditkm of the eloaed during' the ~-eDd. war. 'lQ 11&7 at thla time to hog YeTJ atz1.t1n& and. nry much ])IOdUcen tb&t evfll')'tt11Dc 1a rosr wblle. • - quite plain that undue pes- ~- -loequliJfoolllh." ltepoda of U>e 'l'lle - rrn.....,_ the hot~ tlon ot tbe Jllloe alta• tscm 111nce the board start- -the In eel - - December, Ol1ll -- ...... - tbolarp - .. of pork -- - hod piled p becauoe of 'ftl'!- 01111 ..,. praii8N ~ U>e Brlttm - UMI IIIIJiolents. PrleeN .. _ _ _, to t.ho - market attuatloa U pn~~eDt., the boa.M aa1d lt Sa Deeesa&l7 now to dbtribute lnlo doo1eotlc c:onoumpUIXl all hop tba.&: have currently beea ., dlapos- ot. plua hop that were being put Into a.tarage tor tbe aecount of the Ra41um,7.Ja .. inoduced from uram- board aOO Intended for export, um are' ; (segoe~w ID the Nortbwest "'It w111 not. be known tor a few ~ but ·U to DOW the on weeb at wllat prloe the domestic baa ""' had· o&hor au!flelmtl7 ftl- markol wU 1111ally aboorb tho sup- uable pr0peru. to. ~ lt com· ply. 'lh1& w111 depend to a eon· merclally ·tmJM)rtaDt 1D other ze.. alderable extent to the volume of speota.. . It haa ·been aokl aa. ,eUow bo& ma.rketlnp, 'llle period or ·•··· t>allttec!'l inel'eaalna' aeuonaJ. consumption. of or blact powder to .....- port: producta ia approa.ching:--'Por '~-~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;. a time domestle e~wnptlon may ·-, ·A. N,EW and ~ ' . ' . ' . .oamY • The Whitby Dairy, to take cere of buainC.a . expenaion ia pieaaed to an· nounce the purchaoe of the Gazette and Chronicle building to which our plant hu now been moved. We plan an inapec- tion" dey shortly. ' e With ~nlerged premiaea, our own ice making' machine and other modem equipment, we are now in a better posi- tion to serve you. ....... (/)JI.ink ltJltiflJ~ (/)~ ' . mil1i . jD'L dWtlllt.! ....... DAllY CBBOIIICI.E PRONE 770 have to be developed by means or price oorteeasiooa, but dcma.nd may soon meet aupply ." IDKIES AGGEPT RESifiNATION OF DR. R. J. MANION Hon. R. B. HllDIOil Named u Houae Leader for Party -No Convention for Year ~ Ottawa. )(a.y 14. - Comervatlve membenl ot Parliament lut nlgttt "with deep rearet" accepted the re- alpa.tloo ot Hon. Robert J, Manton u Natlooal Leader. Dedslon foUowed ninety mtnutea' d1acuaalon after a committee, whleh had been appointed to dlacusa the whole queatton wlth the doctor, re· jlorted back to the eaucus. In ten- dering b1a ftlianatJon to the caucus Dr. :ManJon stated emphatJC&lly that It waa hts per&O'llal wtah to rettn. ' At the &ft.emoon aeaslon of the caucua Hml. Robert B. Jla.noon, for· mer J.finl.ster of Trade and COm· meroe ln the Bennett Government and ·- member lor York·Sunbury, N .B.. Will choeen tempor&ry House Leader by a elO&e vote over Joeeph Harrla of Toronto. Mlr. He.n-.1 will now urry on aa leader untll a nflW' nat.IOQ&l eonlt!ntlon of the party is oaUed to aelet:t a auculiSOr to Dr. !lanlon. John R. MacNiooil, Toronto, who d:J.alnnan of the three M!&sions ~~ns yesbe:rday, gave Dut the ... t.nDCnlncemient: "'B)' a motJon duly aeoonded it ,.. ~ed. that the O&ucua ac· cede t.o tbe peramal wl.ahes of Hon. R. /· Manion, aa expreased In his letter to caucUB, and that his resJs.c- naUOD u Leader of the COnaerva- UYe Patt7 be accepted with deep ,.....~- ' Dr. ldanion waa no~ present dur.· 1na the dlacusalon . He attended the J:DOm.lna: aeaslon long enough to ned h1a le tter of resignation an4 V\1!11;1 withdrew. Acceptance o! h11 ru!gnation m.eana that- he wUI retire completely to prlva t.e ure and •• "Y6elllon T111rl" 11f111 • wlit ""I' of holld•y ttips to Dnt11/o'1 flk•l••d 11111/s-ont-dly to •ltht-dq 1.,11 witiJ tilt priviltJt oll~llllf tfi/H~III. IIHIHittiJ !10111 To1011to wilfl•ll tJf/>lnmp.id. 1 lqs It,-.,. Notrl • IJI,f# 1 lqs If Ill< ltoyol Holt/ • fi.6S MRS. liEBT DREW PRONE &75 1 lqs If II•Y<I MIIS!rokl Not</ J9JS that he will not seek re-election Parliament. · Entered Parliament ID. 1811 Dr. Manion leava public nrc after an enviable record._. After .ser· vtoe overseaa, be entered Parlla· ment as a Liberal Ulllontat tn the wartime election of 1017 and was chosen one ot tbe Government whips. He became a member o1 the Meighen •""abtnet. which was defeated 1n 1921. Por three years he was a member of the Ontario Liquor Control Board. ·In 11130 he ., .. appointed Mlnlater of Bol1way& and canals 1n the Be!mett Govern- ment. In 19S8 he was ehO&en Na· tional Leader. ~ · The resiRrJ.aUon of Dr. Manton throws the field wide open for the conservative Leaderahlp, but It ts unlikelY that another COilWlDUotL 1.111 be called for at least a year and probably longer. In the me&u. time, Mr. Hanaon, wbo hu had Parliamentary experience dating back to 1921 and 1a a top-noteb debater, will cattY on. At tbe moment, the most lltely choice tor leadersbip Ja; Ald. In many quarters to be Murdock Mac- Pherson of Regina, who stacec1 a spectacular race aga.1nat Dr. Ut.n- lon in the last eonveutlon. Though he met personal defeat last ualch In Regina, :Mr. MacPherson. ~- a good showing apinst heavy · odds. and his forthright quall~es, 011 the platform dlll'lnlr the c:ampa1an In· creued the f&vorable 1mpre.ssicm he made at the OOilven.tlou. It waa the aecond tbne within two years that the hlB~c con- servath"e Pa:ty has foa:a4 ltlelf without a :nat!onal leader. Righi Bon. R. B. llenneti. alter eleven yeara aa party chletta1D.. In• eluding flve yeans as ~e ~ ter, reoloned bec&uoe of m hoolU>. Be wa.s succeeded. by Dr. MaDloD at the national eonven.Uon whlcb. 'wu held 111 July, 1938. The question of a natkrDal ventloo to ehooee a Leader baa not yet ~ Traffic Guardian Plan Abandoned by Conant Police Chiefs Believe Vigil- antes Would Not Aid in Accident Cub; Safety Drive is u.ged drive had "materially decreased the ra.te of &ectdent:6." The plan !or traffic guardlaru;, the chief constables claimed, was unworkable because the observers would not appear in court and give evidence on the · complaints they Toronto. May 13.-Attomey·Gen· registered. era1 Gordon conant, acting on the "From the beginning, I thought advice of a Queen's Park conference tha.t this plan was the only possible of district chief conslables, has one that was immediately appllc- abandoned the traffic guardian plan able," said Mr. Conant. "All other to promote better driving and to suggestions were a. matter roc the curb accidents. The chief con- Iuture and would not meet the .stables held that a system under emergency. However, 11 the chief which Ioad vigilante6 reported o!- constables do not believe It is work- feDBeG, would be a "waste Df er- able, and therefore we cannot ex- fort" unless the complaints were pect them to give the co-.operatlon followed by prosecutions. that would make it workable, it In its place, the Attorney-General wlll be abandoned," announced the department wouid Educa.tlon of the Public and law sponsor a traffic education cam- enforcement, he continued, were the paign, · and, citing Toronto's recent two important !aeton; left, and, in .success in lowering . the e.cctdent consideration of this, the depart· rate by vigorDUS law enforcement, ment hOped to induce service clubs directed the Provincial PDllce to re- to devote a five or ten m.lnutes new their effort.s a.t curbing infrac- period once a month tD consldera· tloor; of the traffic Ia ws. tion of the problem. At the same time, he urged mu- "We w1ll supply the text and data n1dpal pollee, the Province over, to on which the dlscussion.s will ~e tJabten their enforcement of the based," said. Nr. eocant. "We are road laws. Toronto's drive, he .said. planning to start the scheme on '"b t. splendid example of what can June 1, and will &end out speakers be acbieved by aggressive enfocce· from the department, including my- ment." self, tbe Deputy Ministers anti Supplementing general irutruc· Ja.wyers in the sta.ff, ~.9ner tiona, Mr. conan~ directed Provln~ Stringer and staff tnspec~-Qt the elal Police COmmissioner w. H. Provit'lclal Police, and tru.s1\~t Mr. Btlin:s:el' to wire Immediately dls- W. 0. Robertson, general ~~er t11c1; lnspectors of the force, advls- of the OntarJo Motor Lea.gu.e, and 1n1: them to instruct their motor· others wm ~~.operate." eycle patrols to renew their en- The Attomey-General &a.td the fCftelDent elforta. press ha4 offered to oo-operate and traffic squad that the recent accklentL . . ; ~ • MANY IINJURED IN AUTO AttiDENTS NEAR BELLEVILLE Struck by an eastbound car v.·hcn he ran across the road. ll~year·old Everett Parks, of AmeUasburg Township, is in Belleville General Hospital in a serious condition. He is suffering from a severe wound at the back of the skull and a frac- tured leg. The car was driven by Norman Holmes. or Rednersville. Seven Hurt in One Smash! Provinc1a1 Officer D . Adair ln- • · \'estlgated the accident. He stated as Car Hits J..F oot the boy had been playing with EJ RoydDn Preston and had left hls m companlDn tD run across Ule hlg~ way to his home. Skid marks of tne Holmes car measured 106 feet. police sald. The brakes of the car were in good me::nanlcal ccnditlon. , Belleville. May 14.-Seven persoru; were Injured when an automobl.le crashed into P. three-foot elm trct· near the west city limits Sunday. Three of the injured are still con- fined to Belleville General Hospital Most sertDusly injured w!ls the driver, Joe Elliott, 20, Df Campbell· ford, who suffered severe concus· s ion of the brain and a posslbh• fractured skull and internal injurie.;. Sid Cottrell, 19, of TrentDn. suf- fered a frac tured pelvis and an runt Injury, and George Ferguson, 17, of Trenton, received a concussion. n hand Injury and a possible skull fracture. Less seriously Injured were : Georgina. Hunt, 19, of FrankfDrd, who received a cut on the left leg and suffered from cllock ; Lorraine Huycke, 18, of Bellcv1lle , with lei: injuries, and Jack Clapp, 17. or Trenton, whD l.iUStalned .sllght bruises. Traffic Officer Sam Ervine. uf Bellevllle, investigated the accident. Eye-witnesses said the Campbell- ford car attempted to pass a we.st· ' bound car driven by Harold Car- ruthers, of Belleville. Seeing Dn· coriung traffic, Mr. Elliott is alleged to have swerved back into line and lost control, crashed lnto the ditch and tree, 'lbe totally~wrecked ear bl'OUI'ht to a Bellev1lle garage. w .. ConditiOn Fair Dr. R. M. Anderson, of Belleville, attended the injured child and re- ported his condition as fair. On Saturday night, a west!><>und. car driven by W1Uiam J. Taylor, of Trenton. crashed into the ditch west or Belleville on No. 2 highway. Bruce Sprvulc, of Frankford, aged 29, suffere--d a serious cut over the right eye and was treated by Dr. R. s. Gib:;on in Belleville Hospital. At the sume time , Samuel Lake. of Frankford. was struck by a car driven by two CZechs from Frank· ford, while walking along the road near his home. He was rushed to Belleville Hospita l br the Czechs. Pollee ere investig:~.ttng the a"Cci• dent. If you own a lo~'ciy old shawl, either silk or wool, and are worried ~bou~ the material cracking, tate the ndvicc o! an expert and never !old it. Gather it. loosely and drop into a bo::, thus av:llding any creas· ing of the silk or wool. If yOu do this you will find your shawl 1n excellent condition and never mussed, as the soft folds shake out when the shawl 1s lifted from the box. &ANADIAN FlYER:,. The conference was told by In· I thai pubUclty had already reaped .,,. ~":~": Edward Gunn of the To- a benefit In a downward tn!nd .tn -~~----~--~~~, ~· ~~· ~~~· ~------~----~=-========~- IS 61VEN Manitoba Airman. I;Jecc•ni.t·l ed for G•U.ntry, Devo- ,. tion to Duty London, Kay u.-PUot. David Willls, bualc7 1ouna: Air Porce flyer .from St. ~~~;.[~ Man., ha.s been awarded t tlngubhed PJying Cr<lM lor p!Jant-'.1 ry and devotion to duty in a aerte, of operations, the a1r minbtry an• noWlCed. . , He was among &b:: otfleen awarded the l). P. c ., wblle three other airmen won the Dtst1n:;_ gulshed Flying Medal. Willis wu the bero of an ~ dram• 111 the cloud& hl&h ~ Berlln durlna: the ftrat pamphllt raid over the Gennan capital Jle Ia :111 and joined U>o "R.A.P. ' In 193'1. ' ... ,;t The C&Mdl&n, a abr:-footer w1DI what his I!Uperior otneerB caDed am.uing stamina,. was during Ule p&mphlet Oclx>ber. Hla - -UDtJodlli"l/· sold attenvarclo that he • ._ thought anyone eou1d do Wbat ~t great biB tous:h Can~dlan did," llD;4 told this story: .. Deeoplte tbe lUI:h t.ltltulle of 000 feet, oxyren tubta were used. At that hetcht tile a1~1htoilt physical movement involves preme exertion. · W1llls went ba.ck to the -·&oi l s:un turt'et where he gunner unconacloua frtlm ,J&<:&,,i"!' I oxys:eO. He crawled lnto ret, picked up the ~er lltted him to the noor· or fuselage. The wing commander, who wu the pilot, saw aometbing wrong because the pamphlets not been dropping, He found Canadian 1n the turret .J>ol»nol, briclts of pamphlet&, tbe lylng on the floor and the rear 1'10- ncr sealed ln b.Ls turret by lee. Sickneaa Force• ~· ; .; 2 Soldier• Home Klng15ton, May 13 - ho bert ot the Prtnoe Ed:wa.rd Regiment who proc:eeded with thfl First canadian have returned hom& on 111 health and are now the General Haapll:&l here. are Pte. Earl Stewart and . ' S. A Williams. stewart mvodl'iln the IB.'lt. Great War with the Navy. Pte Stewart will ~d~~~~',l operation, while setrt. will undergo treatment condltlon. "'1 guess the was to much lot the old aold!oora like myself," said Stewart th•• 'af' ternoon. Pte. Stewart the medical examination , ~~~~ for the men who had aeen be!ote, waa ver1 severe, NOW YOU CAN actually Jte the big differences in size, com(orc and 6ne engineering fcarures that are swijcbing so many thousands to the .. 1940 Plymouth ! The big fact is that Plymouth is the only on~ of "All 3" /ow-priwl cars that gtves you a majority of . . . the 22 big feacwes found in high- priutl cars. · See the 1940 Quality Chart at your neatest Chrysler-Plymouth· Fatgo dealet's. Then to satisfy yout- &elf still further, take Plymouth's delightful "Luxury Ride". Pl>:"'outh 4 easy ~o buy. WHITBY MOTORS DUNDAS STREET EAST YOU SEE THE ANSWER WHEN YOU COMPARE THE THINGS IACH CAR GIVES YOU 1. See the ~940 Quality Chart to find· out quickly and easily bow "All 3" low-pticed cats compate in size, safety, engineeting and valuer 2. Get new enjoyment- still mote evidence- by taking Plymouth's tbtilling "Luxury Ride"! YOU CArll BUY A PLYMOUTH ROADKINO COUPE fOR $879 Delivered In WHITBY L~,_ utd Joc.l , ... , (U .ny) onJy ntra. AU prlo;n 1u.bj.ct b:l chute without ftotke., WHITBY I '! . ·!' 'I I I' THE WHITBY GAZETIE AND CL-ASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN WHITBY. ·CH For Sale . ,'.BOUSII f'OR SALE - IN THE rown of wnttby, cluse tu the nev; ,. fout·l&ne erovtnclal blgtlWay, I JerJ destr851e 8 - roomed brlcil bouse, wti.Jl e.verY modern con\>eru~ mee bOt wat.er neating, nardwuoa nooia. I(OOd crllar, tront and back Main. prage and pteasa.llt ·sur· rouD,d.IDgs. ThLS properr; wlll be IOid at t,be right price to rlBht blly· 1n1 aDd can be seen at a.ny ttm'!i Address " /'_dvertJser", Gazette ol· lice. POR sALE-TWENTY -SIX PIGS. a1x weeks old. c. Harnson, Myrtle Station. ontario. f'():R SALE-NEW TRAILER, 7 FT. c 4 n . Good condition. Apply tD JDhn Richards, 3rd Con .. Pickering. For Rent FOR RENT - A THREE·ROOM apartment. wlth ba!h, in Brock Apartments, socOO.d floor. Apply J. Ward, 105 Mary Street West. Tcl~PhDne 826. FOR RENT - BUNGALOW, SIX moms, earner Walnut and Centre Streets, all conveniences, bllnds. fixtures, grate, electric heater !ol' hot water, wlreil fDr electric stove, hardwood floors, large cellar with stationary tubs, double garage, gar. den. Poss~ton June Ist. Apply L. W. Dudley, WhltbY,.},hDne 5~. FOR RENT-FIVE ROOMED COT~ .tage with back kitchen, newly de- corated, ¥.t acre garden land, 3¥.. miles west o! Brooklin, on No. 7 Highway. Possession June 1. Ap· ply Robt. Bentley, Brooklin, R. R. No. 1. Auction Salea SATURDAY, MAY 18TH.-AucUon sale or hoUsehold furniture, the property of J ames Hancock, 436 Perry Street, Whitby. No reserve. See bills. Sale at 1.30 ·o'clock, D.S.T. WUlla.m Maw. Auctioneer, Notice Take Notice that the Court of Revision, for the MunicipalitY of the Township of Whitby will hold Its flrst setting in the Councu Chamber, Brooklin, Ontario, on the 1st day or June 1940, commencing at the hour of 10 o'clock, S. T. tn the forenoon, to try all compiaints In regard to persons wrongly plac· ed upon or omitted !rom the As- SE.ssment Roll, or assessed at too high or too low a sum. H . W, McBRIEN, Clerk. UNITED CBURCH .. OF CANADA' The Girl Guides ot LWhltby, the Brownies, members of the I:OD.E and the Boy scoilus o! the town wid worship In Whitby United Chun:h next Sunday mornin&'• 'lbe senlce wil be designed to encourage thelt partlcipatloo. 1n the worablp, _bu' is sure to be of great interest·. to all. The pastor has chosen an ln- trigutng sermon theme, '"'11le Hu- man Menagerie." For the evening servk:e the _aub- ject eho.sen 1a "The Viee of Neu- trality." Dante, you will ~.1 reserved ihe most g)la.stly comer of hell fDr the neutraJa.; Whitby S.S. meets at 2.15 p.m. during the month of May, Almonds s.s. meets at 2 p.m. and the Church .service 1.s at 3 p.m., durina'" DB.T. FOR SALE - ONE GOOD USED bicycle, a real bargain at $17.50. Apply Bill Luke, 331 Centre street FOR RENT-THREE FURNISHEJ} or unfurnished rooms. Corner Keith and Byron Strei!:ts. A1 the YoUDI Pt!ople·- ot- tbe ' church a.re reminded .~ !Jle rally DATED at Brooklin this to 'lt.h, d!l.y Df May 1940. next Monday nlgb.t <May 20) ---:'-:---'---::--:----1 hear George Alfiocll: lllld Wealey Mortgage Sale cope on behalf of the Y P.'a --north. - FOR RENT - APARTMENT F'Oft ;;; FOLWWlNG ARTICLES rent. Apply Mcintyre Hardware, UNDER AND BY VffiTOE of the will be offered by private .sale at Whitby. Phone 560. Powers o! sale contained in a cer- the home of Mrs. Hudson, 130 By- taln Mortgage, which wUl be pro- ron street north, on Saturday, May Wanted (luced at the time of sale, there will 18th. one bed 3 ft. 3 ins., Marshall b~ offered !Dr sale by . mattress. library table, fumed oak WANTED _ BECOME A STYLE WIT.LIAM MAW, AuctiDneer, kitchen table and chairs, one sDfa, specialist and bulld a business for at one rocklng chair, leather cushion yourself. Be a "British Knitter." PUBLIC AUCTION and back, one ann chair. May be Sell beautiful dresses, suits and on Thursday, the 30th day or May. seen any tlme on Saturday. clothing for the famUy. Liberal 1940, at the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon in the Main Ball, FOR sALE-A LAROE MODERN commisdons. You can't alford not Court House, Whitby, Onta.rio, the d diU n to Investigate this opportunity. babY carriage In goo con o , BRITISH KNIT, Slmeoe, Ontario. following property, namely :- very reasonable. Apply Mrs. ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- Clough. 1616 Dufferln street, Port WANTED _ TOWN AND RURAL ta.ln pa.roel or tract of land and Whitby. repre3:mtatlves ~-nnted. Ilncrease premises, situate, lying and being I th In the TOWN OF WHITBY, in the T ..-Ta, AND. CONGOLEUM your earnings handling me o e an•-~ d ~·-- LINO~se"l-ect yours from over 300 finest lines or Olli5, Greaaes, Tires, County of •.•. uo, an """"'&& com- Rugs. t lly in s•-k You ' Batteries, Spark Plugs, Insectleldes, posed of pa.rt of lot number twenty· patterns ac ua .....,.. · 11 H slx tn the first Concession of the 1n ited to 'View these at Electric Fenee Contro er, Ol.lSt! Township of Whitby, now Town of ~AD~Y'S FtJrniture Store, 14D Paints and Roof Coating Materials. Whitby, whloh land is described ln Slm south Oshawa. Write Wa.rcD Grease and OU IJmtt- Mortg••e number 9184 to Peter coe ' ed, Toronto, Ontario. .... E-SOLID Mathlson. FOR IMMEDIATE SAL On the aald land there Is said to Mah088IlY Bedstead of fine design; MEN wANTED-A GOOD BUSI- be erected a. two·atorey tram~ also artistic Curley-Birch chamber ness paying Income and with future house. liulte· unusual Oak Book Cll8C; posslbllltles. Selling Famllex Pro· The lands will be sold subieet to large, CDngolemn Rug. May be ducts men and women an over a Reserve Bid. seen by appointment. Telephone Canada have foWld the secret of TERMS OP' SALE:-Twenty.flve 713 success. Why don't you get 1n on per cent. of the purcha.ae money to --·----~------~It too? NO OBLIGATI~b~:.. ... ~ be paid down at the tim(! of the TENDERS FOB COAL AND COD to for FREE catalogue desc '""'& 5111e, the balance to be paid withln r.ecesslty products and plan. PAMI· thirty days. LEX PRODUCTS, 570 St. Clement FOR further particulars and COD.· -s_t._. _M_o_n_treaJ __ ·-------:--I d1tions of sale, apply to:-• R. DONALD RUDDY, . WANTED - GIRL WANTED AS WHITBY, onta.rto, part Ume clerk. Apply own writ- Sollcltor for the Toronto 1ng, l.itate age, referenoe3, &ala.ry General Trusta Corpora· expected. Apply P.O. Box 258 Uon, the Trustees bereln.. WhttbJ. DATED a.t.· Wbttby, thls 14th WANTED - HOUSEKEEPER TO day of 1\l&y, AD. 19<0. • ~: ,.;~*-i~~r~~~!~ I tate charp of fann bome. Apply !lAy 18·22-29. tl Box to. ouette and Chronlele, WhitbJ. :~..;~?!&.=. : SETMAY3l AS to Katron of the ontario La4lel • College,. Whitby. HAVE THAT . i!OOP' REPAIRED now by experienctd wof:tmm. Not Ute cheapest, btit th& best. Dtt- mates given. H. Quinton, Brock street aouth. Although 18 ·peraona who attend- ed the Old ~ple'a Dinner 1n Osh- awa a yea:r aao l!ave passed to thetr l·nrwo:rd IInce U>en. none of the 18 :-::=:--::;--O::::;LD~...,F=~-;-;;m;;;:;:o:;;NED;;:;;:; were residents of Brooklin, It was IJOld ear rtns'· on Broek atreet revealed by a letter from Mrs. W. south, valued. a.a teep.-ke. Pin4er A. McNeely or Brooklln. 141'1. Me- pleaae..phone 427. Neely. enclosed a Uat of 23 Brook- UD residents wtlo are eli&lble to at- tend the Old People's Dinner this year, whleh henceforth wtll l>e known aa the Dr. Kal5er Memorlal Dinner. E18hteen. or the 23 are per· aDD8 whO a.re so yei.rs of ale or over while the other flve are OTcr 85 raris of aae. w c TOWN N. w. STAFFORD • Embl'!m<~rj Duler In Imported """ Co•dlo• l'bera1. Dlrecltor . ud . Graatlea. ~ Ambulaalle Senlce .r lo'lrri c1aa ww:1r: at moderate prtce, Phone 4.10 WblthJ Phoae ta Wbftb) The remarkable part 1a that none ot Brootlln'a nonas:enarlaDa and octogenaiiana who attended the Old People's Dlriner last yCar have died 111 the Intervening months. It Is parttculafJ.y lemarka.ble when one conal.dera ~t ao many of them are over 90 yeat'8 of age. Bet Date As Ma1 11 Plans for The Dr. Kaiser Mem- Drlal Dinner were completed last nlahl, with Prldoy, :May 31, being s~ aa the date tor tb.e function. Oeorre W. Uc.Lauahlin haa accept· ed tb.e 1nvltat1on to aerve as cllalr· man Df the committee which con· .siats of P . L. Ma.son, J. Norval WW· son and C. R. :Mcintosh along with Mr. McL&ushllli whUo B. B. Pal~'l l& aetlnc as aearet&ry. ward Movement. ST. ANDREW'S PBESBYTEB.IAN. CH1JBCH . 10:30 a.m.-Sunday SchooL"' 11:30 a..m.-Divlne Worabip. 7 p.m.-Evening servtce •. You will alwa.ya be welcome at the Auld Kirk. -- THE SALVATION ARMY Mrs. Envoy Brown, of Torollto, will be 1n cluu'ge of the aervtcea on SundaJ. 11 :00 a.m ........ Bollness. 2:30 p.m.-Sunday SChocll. 7:00 p.m.-Balvation Service. we cordially' 1nv:lte you to wor- shlp with ua. . BAPTIS_T_C_H_UBUCH Next Sunday wW be Men's SUn- day and the Men's Club will have charge of the evenlD& aarvice. There will be a large men's eborus to lead the alnglng. The theme of the mesage wW be "God In the Na- tion's Life." The morning questioh wU be "\vhy Should a. Christian JDln the Church?" Sun<lay school ' a.t 10 1:\JD, Prayer !.leettng on 'n1.1mlday at "'Provo aD lhjap; - ""' ,..,, - lo 100'1."-1 ~ ldL' .... _ ·- - - uo p.m. B.Y.P.U. npt llcndi,J _at 8 p.m. BT.JO~H, ~W&i:(BI On Bundq:J>Ol<t. Trinity Sund&y, there w1ll be .X~ Prayer at ll a.m. The Beawer Bo,a'-Blble Class · w1ll meet ~,. 2 llld. &be SUnday School and 'other Bible Classes at 3 p.m. Tbe; Sacra~Dent of Holy Communlca WU be administered at 'l p.m. ·, On 'lb~, 1:be..,lt5tll tnst .. the monthly ..,_ l.bd devotional meeting ol ;!b" Woman's AIUili&ey will · be beld.¥at the Rectory, com- menclngOf.l •pJn. . On Prldat. a;. 1 p.m., a IP'OUP w1ll meet at~ £\ectory for evan- gell.aUc atuci anc JPYer. On ~· tne · 20th lnst., the JUD.lor WA.,! .tiW bold a. wort meet- ing In t.ho ~? Bchool Hall com· menc!ngaltp.>n. · -ALL sAutts·Cmmcu · At All Saints' Church next Sun~ day, Trtn1ty Sunday, there wU be a celebra~on Df the Holy Com- munion at 8 a.tn. and 11 a.m. and evening: pra,yer and sennoo at 7 PJIL. ~e Bun'day SChool will meet at 2 p.m. 'VJ.sl~ wU be very wel· come at the services. W4 TO IIIEET The afternoon Branch or the W .A. of All B&tnt.s w:lD. hold their regular montbly b\Wness meeting on Thun;<Jay afternoon. at 3 o'clock. The OUUlt; Which is betng sent foc an IDdlan child wU be on dlspJ&y aDd an mem.berJ, and friends are Invited to be pr<oent. · ABBANGE BANQUUET The A.Y.P .A. of All Saints will meet on Monday evening at 8.15 o'clock. when It is expected that all details tor the elosins banquet on June .3 w1D1 be taken In hand. All members are W.ed: to be present so that the season's activttJes can be properly wound up and the programme for the summer months taten ln. hand, B.m- Men Want CP,R. Spur to Medonte Maintained VETERINARIAN 'lbe dinner u in paat yeara wlll be provided by ..0 oahawa bwlne.ss and nrote.sstonlll men who will act . u BI)On40I'S. A program hl\.5 been tentati.Vely drafted. tor the dinner . Registration and reception of ~ts wlll take place from 11 :30 to U :SO wl,t.h the dinner lt,eU beins: served Jeremiah De~es'Fabe Prophet. DR. A. 3. BLACK Veterinarian & Sqeon · BROOKLIN . ONTA&10 TELEPHONE 61 DR. G. R. BOOTH Accredited V eterinuy • Lal'le ~ Small Animal 8UJ'8'ery Peraonal Attention to All Calli 113 Klnc SL WC.L, O.bawa Telepbo11e 917, Oahawa MEDICAL DR.';;:~ T. MacLAREN itt) \l('en and SaJ'teOD ': .&-'lleiloe LDCI OHlt~e eo...u..., """ BrOck s.O.. m•••:rl · •;< PBONB ·m · ·~,, ""· DR. FREDERICK A. rBYBICL&N PBONB· ?U Corner Byroa· and Colbome lik ___ L_W_._D_U_D_LE--Y---1.1 12:30. At 2:00p.m. l>le Old Peo- · ple wm be :.he guesta ol the Rqent ' &epreeeadba Theatre at a thee.tre party. \ Empire Life lmurance Co. 'lbe oahawa Motor Olub hu _ aiH _ qreed to provide tramportat\on tor all Old People who are not in a Fire. Autom•blle • .\cddeat imd position to euUy arrange lfor their Blokn;eu own tra..wportaUon to t.he Oenoaha CEMETERIES GROVESIDE CEMETERY W. B. IONBS, Sealoa . ·. BrookU.D Pboae ~ · On..,.. Central TaXi Servii:o DON •. J, DRY ANT ·· Phone 364 For Day and Night Servlcr PDONB 11&1, WHITBY Hotel where the dlnrier wUl be held. Reports have been rDCelved from Br()()kl!n a.nd Whitby wtth- the for· mer providins' 23 pcraona; over M yeara Of age while Whitby baa list- ed 11 residents of that community ellatble· to attend. No report has i>een reoelved as yet from Port Perry, Columbus or PlckerlnB. Seelr: Oshawa Nama In a.dditJon to bhese rural Old People the , CDmmlttee 1s aeek.lng names of bshawa aged who qual.Uy to attend. All persona 80 yeara of •s:e who are resldtn& in. Oahawa are Port Perry Native Senior Air. OHicer wma' coiiiMANDm a. L HOWSAK Native of Por& ~. who hu been appoiDted ·stuhr air atdt offfeer for No. 4 tra~D.~Dc" commuuJ, wllb heod.-n In· Beclno-" NATIVE Of PORT PERRY IS fiiVEN. HlfiH AIR OffltE Conant Provides Trees For Base, Line School ' ·»·--: . .~ Spruce ·and Maples Planted AroUDd New .Location of School, Moved -to Make Way for New Highway Wmg Commander GeoJ'Iel uve aerv~ce. He :wu pooled ·"- Howu.m Heacla Trainiq ToZonto to cOmmand ot No.2 AmlY ~tlotl .~ ·~ Command from whScll weDt~'to WnaJa"!' ' :fit.h ~· 1 No. 110. a1 mWlllAN c~. · (The IDternatlonai Un!fCJ\111 LeO- son on the above toplo for MAT 11 Is Jareintali..D, the Qalden'" 'Tat being 1 ~ 1 ::11. "PrrVO au thing&; hclid fall that. - Ia IOOd-"l