Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 May 1940, p. 4

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~·· THE WHITBY GAZETTE CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1940 BOard Favors of Reds 1 BELLEVILLE K.'OF G. mNFERS DE6REES Rev. Mons. J. P. Nlch.obon a.e~. _ a~ .... Michaers Bane. the Academy as chairnlan. fteprtsent&.\lVe§ .,_ ., - ·· ·· team undt:T J. J. Doran. present trom -~~! ~ ~- - _ ' Grant, R. Moore, Ed. Kingst-on, Cornwall, .st. ~ar~ · MJss DOnovan, Joseph Bar- Cobourg, Trenton, IJnCiaay i~-' ~ 1inen orant. The banquet wns Peterboro. ' ~"' -~d by ladles of the Catholk . r.~;:,...._o_f_._C_o_u_n_. -'c_il_s 1 SL Michael'• Church Scene .' :.:. Wj)!llcl . 1\t. ~- :JtN_,.m, . aa to o:ct_ 0_ n I_.O.O.F. • M_ ark of Exemplificationc-Ban- PhU Phelan, of ot~wa, ~~J ~"Jt~~·s Leagu~ of Bcl!eville. latod Orand ·Knlabt ~ t.cij; !_If •)¥( --. __::_ ___ _ Belleville, on tbe 1110C0S0fV1 e~; ~,.JURY SESSION puncauon ot the c~eoree work;' Uif " nDENS AT COBOURG spoke of the wort: betna d~-- bJ, ~~f..._¥& , ' & 4 quet Follows Event ·. ;:· ~;··)l~vefllve !26th the Kn18hta ot COlumbUs In· the•.._;, ·~ · _ ~~J""" HCIIdln1 -·~ Pl!bUC~~!ae . ~lo\On, l(ay 1 - MarklnH the 126tll IIDillvenacy of the foundl.nJ Ql the ~er. zn~bers oJ Picton I. O.O.P., .U'!• ~~pm~tnt and Re- ll~ paqc~,a to St. Andrew's . Prelb)rterlan Church ye.!l-eRiay m'!rllii>J . . . !Qol~ld 1f'Olft • number of Odd- rello'trl from BellevUie· who were ~ & vlalt to that city by lqgal ~IOwa ~e prevloua Sun- clay. Ror, J. Kcllr<>J, of Oranie· Yllle, lObo 1o l111Pill31nt al Ill. An· "'"'~ .... \be Pl'"obll, tat1Da u ~ au~~ "The 'nlree Llnb ... Brltiah, F NDch, NaYal V-'a An Hit Ptotectiq T~ ~ Yay 1~Nanl llaffs or tloCh ·of UlNt' AlUid natkml JJ,ave ~ th• loU at a dellirOJer Oemian bomlMr& attamptinJ" to at trooD tranaport& __ oH the R~eoul · na ~Ums wert the Brltllh .AtrkU. the Prench Blinn an,! the JlroU5b. Orom. The tranaport.s whlol'l lbe AIJled crar; ...,. protecUnr *-··' Rfe .statNJ offlclalJy to have been ~:a~~; ~~:~~:~=~:~~= 1 !lD.toucl!ed. I ODe. • dlle lo · Of a II helaht- llled. by the war aa a large surplua - or f'ullds will have to be bullt up r--~o nieet ·deftlobJJl&atlon att-e-r hosUll- ' !!'! ......... - 1tle Une of aaUon that. Parliament .=-..t&kel' Ga UlltQt~tnt lni\U'ILnOf! ::: Will d- ... •Ill• rePQrl of tho ;:"BitOJa "Oo'm"'r'rc bomtnkin .. :: : Prov!Ddill .. -.. 'C"Wch Ia to be ~; made ·Pobllc .shortly alter Parlla- :; : ment opena. The repoft. L5 expecte-d j;; to rocotip:nend constttu~lo'npl chuna:- . ;r~• whleb wtU man PMeral unem-'li ployment tnaurance possJ.ble. Pro- :: ~n~l Go<tornll'""to .,.. aald to be 1 :I lwtrJIIJll tf flf'Of Of IJOIN .!IUCh :1 •~ ... : : ~ In mAN' mineD, lOIJI.esa .Jnsurance ·· l is an esMa.Ual .war meuure a.s It •• I • ;·1 o!tera a form of compulsory saving ;!·"'meet deprcssloD 4010,.-. ·-'.: ., :. ;.# Ocmm:aniqnes told or a heavy ~ Ol ant1-airen.ft tin- put up • tbe 1r'lnhtps which kept the -.- a...,- from tbe \roopshlp.s -.Jdc:h ~ takint the Allltd fOI'Ce!\ a.-.y from Nam...ros, evacuated la.&t ---Destroyers' chief protectiOn frorn air ·- l:s U!elr &peod and ..... of manoeu't'f't. 'nley t.re IIKJftl vul- nerable to a dl.rect bit than are C11!1aeJa or batU<ShiPO becauoe lhelr decks are not heavllj armored. A> llle ~ Navy hu- ~enled tbe toss or, an'y battle'sh.lp.!J, It was _,.od lha\ tho ......,.lhuslaotlc German !JOmbers. ~otee<l tq operate ~~ .rreat heltlll to. clodp 'anti- Wen~~ fin, ..... . lhalr mllslleo atrlte home at the and Alt hlto """' .::·tt!ood=~:.riiQiii<d' ohal)~ aeamen u.~ Mid. • . Tit• 1 AtrldJ. normau, eanled a~M)ut 110 men. 'nlere ·,.. no an- nduncemmt 1r1 to whether or not there _ wtJe IID1 I'Ul"riton. She was buU~ tn _ltsl, fitted out. u a no~ma ~or, and ..-.. tho ·~-Ill de- ~er Jait by .Britain alnce the war 'btp.n, U)e tltth alnce tbe atart or the Horw•lan eampaiJn. Brlt- &ln, hOftftr, II well mapplled w1th thltl fNt lttUe ·lhlps, havlnl atart- ed &he war wtth 1" and • number are ql\i;leratOOd to have been com- ple\td IIDee. ~t Orom ('lllunderboJt), 2,1U toDJ., wu comJ~Jeted In 113'7 In a UrlUih ahlpnrd and had ·been co- 9peraUn4 · wllh Britain in the Nor- !Niflan """'paft!n. . Otle officer and al.xt, ... fl•e men wen blllned l•t when ahe went down In operatlons oft Norway. She · ct.rrted a trew of about 200. Ttl.& Poles announ~ they had ac- cePted an offer by the Brltlsh Gov. ernmerit.. W replace the Grom l,- a dc•t..~ noT' belnr buUt. . In Paris the. Navy Ministry an· nounced- the stri:tlns or the 2,43fl- ton dttt.roJv Bison by a German atr a~tack Prlday while '01), cOnvoy duty. ll~t or her crew, wh1oh nor- matiY wyuld be 301 men, ·wt~~ ~avtd. It was Pnnce'.s flrat naval Jo.u of the war dn to enemy ac- tion. Nearer home. burst of · machine- run tire and a number ot npJo. l!l'loru Gff the aoutbeut eout of EnJland durlna the day led to Lhe belltt that Royal Air Porte fight-. ers had driven oft a Ckrman at- tempt to raid that aec\Or. "nle war Oftlce uld there ..,.. noU1tnr to repor\ from t.he AlUed encirclement or the far-nOTth Nor- Wf!lan ore port of Narvlk. Allied troops are reported besleginl be- tween 3 ,000 and 4,000 oerman troop.s who have held Narvik since 4prJI D. -~-· · Brlt.or\.1 were warned by eeml- otf,clal .apokesmen not to expect an usy or qul(:k victory at Narvlk, where the ~rmans were entrench- ed In prutUons from which Lhey would be di.<Jlo:lged , onlr ~·ith dlrtt- cully, The Air Ministry announced thA t two Sunderland flyJn1 boal3 had' been damagfld by <Mnnan m•ch .. tnq-un fire which anehor ed off Non\•ay on Sundny, but denied Ger- many 's claim that two menhelm bomber.~ had been shot down ott the :Netherland!. BeJ,JeYille, M:a.v 7.-With visitors attending from outside points. ma- jor degreea were exemplified at St. Mlohael'a Church Sunday and a large number or candidates were received. In charge of the degre~ 'll'etO Acting Grand Knight A. B. Colllns. Peterboro Council, and A . ./l. Gardiner, Stat~ Advocate for Quebec. A oompUmentary banquet wns held in st. Michael's Academy, with dl .... · :--__,~ -~CObourg May 7.-small docket or · cana an army ~utA . · .. : - ~ '· ' · . . Al h d brl ... n.. · __ .:;- ,. . 1rU listed when the_ non-JurY ses-so ear .... .., w~ r'.ua. Q l .v, .. h carter, Niagara Dbb1et; J. J. ~ ~· opened Monday Rrternoon U\.'. ris, Peterboro; Oliarkll ~-.\iii. ~I! Mr. Justice Greene. Be_llevllle: · Rev. fatf:\~ ~~ -:--,~ first case listed was an nc- _of Campbel}fard; Rev. Pa.tber ~- ilai:l. .for damagEs re..~ulting from an of Maynooth; Rev,' Pather ~· . ; •L- . d Hi 1 of Military Otatrlct- No. t · ;r.j; a -~~ut Which occurre on g 1- Colllns. Belleville; aeor-ie"lce~ "!Rt.t No. 'l on Sept';! mber 4 1939. The BellevlUe; ~1'0. Trudaur, ot ~: \-fll~· which is for SS.OOO, is and A. A. Gardiner, of lf<;m~... btoqaht by James A. Hughes. ex- Entertainment was pravi!i~, -. ~ or the estnte of the lat e .!. ~··& _: . .. ~ UTILE ANNIE ROONEY HOI-IE51; ZERO-I GOT 'THE WIM-WAM6 50METHIN' AWFUL, 'CAU5E I'M WORR'(!N' 'BOUT MR. HAPPY Ar-:1 AU. 'THE POCI!' FOLKS, TOO- James Tijcker, against Florence S. Ward, of Cobour¥. The second ~se is a dispute over the settlement of an estate, the ac- tion being brought by Olga. Gllm.our, of Peterboro; George Marcus Soper, of Clarke Township; Leonard Soper, or Toronto, a..nd other heirs or the estate of th~ late George Soper against Arthur- Soper, 0! Clat'k.e Township, executor. CONANT IMPOSES FINE ON OffiGER Constable Who Asked Min· ister to Speed Promo- tion Penalized Tlle ot.her case is another estate Toronto, May 7.-Found iUilty ot law suit brought by WUlia.m A. Insubordination. through having Pri tchard, executor of the estate sought a. transfer by "log-rolling", or Thomas A. Kelly. against Mari- nr. Provincial trafflo officer, who last cttn Kelly, Cavan Township; Ethel ·Mnreh 30 appeared before a. police Fisher, Peterboro; Bert.hn. Byles, of court Oh 1nqulry under Attorney- PeterbOro, and George Arthuf Bige - General Gordon Conant, yesterday low, of Cavan Township. The act- \\'as fined ten day;;' pay. loti is based on n. mortgage and The fine was ordered by the At- land dc~d in which the estate is in- torney-General on the recommen- ter~st€ d, the amount claimed beln.: dation or Proyincial Pollee Com- $11,958.69. missioner W. H. Stringer. Mr. Oooanl found ·that the ~ had been "lrellulnely doolrolia t1 lmprovnig himself in r.dftnclnt blo position," and accepted tbl.l fact 11 extenuating ..circutnlltanoe.. ,Evidence at Y,e bu.rinc was ~ to the effect that the or(Jcer, in ... tng transfer from the traft1o aerVtct to the reaular pol!ot force, ~ ·ut.· ed a Cal>inet Mlnlo\er -to 111.-..ana on his behalf. - · / . "It Ia ql!li.t --~ trola .., lnvestlgatiQD that tbll ebnatabl1 a~;ted entirely oontrvy to the Sn .. structlon& con~ed in tlll1te etr- cula:n o o o dlrocted ~ 'loa· rollW.g in the force'," tho Attorney. Gene.fl,l {eported. "If promotions, transfera or 'otb.R dlspo.tlt!on& ot the force ,..ere m&d.t as the ~ult or intervention bJ persons outside of the fOtoe, 1\ would completely demorallr.e the discipline and ru1n the morale ot he force ... a,. Brandop Wabl! I . J r THE WHITBY GAZETrE WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1940 BROOKLIN STATION Almonds (Mrs. Nonnan White, CorT.) last week owing to the W.A. con- BROOKLIN, May 8.-Hon. w. H. ventlon in Toronto. Moore, ·M.P., was guest speaker s.t Mrs. John Vipond is with Miss th Elsie and Mila Addle Vipond this the joint meeting or · e Junior week. Miss Addle Vipond iB: atlll ]Jl.SUtute and the Junior Farmers, con11ned to her bed, since her accl- held 1n the Township Hall on dent when her arm wa.s fractured . 'nlurad.IQ' night. He took for his Mrs. Harvey ls ·hp.ving a sale of aubject. "What do you want money household effects on Wednesday, to do for you?'• He used many u- May ~- We Ellall all regret losing lustnUons to shOw what money Mrs. Harvey from our vlllage, oould and does do and stated that The May meeting of the worn- in the pursuit of agriculture, 1n en's Missionary · Society ot the which an present were mostly in- United Ohurch will be held aa a. terestecl only 16 per cent. ol union meeting with the Mlseton Ontario' a popul&Uon carry on this Circle On Wednesday, May 15, 1n induatry. Mr. Charley Hamer, on the basement. of the church at 8 behalf of both societies, moved a p.m. The subject for study ls "Stew- hearty vote of appreclaUon to Mr. ardshtp" and this part of the pro· Moon for his interesting and gramme which is 1n charge of Mitis timely addreSs. In his repl'y to Ute Edna Burton, Mr.s. A. C. Elliott and. vote of thanks he expres£ed hls Miss Ruth Jull wlll be followed ,by pleaaure at beln& able to meet · a set or lantern slides on the work with the young- people· In this way In India.. A eordlal ~vltation Ia ex- and extended to them an 1nv1ta- · te~ded to all 00 attend this meet- tJon to his home tor their animal lng. LATl' DR. 1' .... KAISER outatandinr Osh&wa c:ltben who. n II aanounced, hat left. & . ltn.e c:olleetlon of boob to the pPbUc Library at Brooldin. plonlc in JuJy. ThLs Invitation to Mr. and Mr.s. Paul W~n are one of the beauty 5Pot.s of South moving into Mrs . Harvey" house moved into the howe lately owned. ontarto waa rraterully . accepted by this week. by Mr. Davey. · the 8TOU]lll. Miss K. Winters was The_ Scout& met on Wednesday Mt. R. Olbson, of the Dominlon oonvener of the programme as ~~ night' 1n their weekly meeUng, in Bank, wu . taken to the Oshaw ranifld, and an expression ·of the basement of the chureh with General Hospital la.st _ Week for an thanks was also- given to her. Mrs. .sixteen boys and their leader 1n appendicitis operation. He lS aaln- W Aaar. Hon. President of the Ju- attendano.e. Eight or the c~ Ina nicely. . His narent!, Mr. and niOr ItuiUtute presided for the passed their test in the Kin .s Mrs. George Gibson, o1 Kirkland business sesslo~ or this group when game. Scout work was dl,scusaed Lake, and hl.a brother, Mr. Don the officers were elect-ed for the and th~ progress chart wa.s po!ted Gibson, also of Kirkland Lake, were new year which tn this society be- to show the standing of the group. with him tor the weet-end · and gln:s on May Lst. An interesting The meeting next week ls at 7 p.m. M Hem :from the annual report sfiow- on Wednesday at the .!lchool oomer. call~ on Brooklln frlenda on on- tid that in & membership of fifty- Mr. and Mrs. Alex: Alves and. Mr. 4ay. five · there had been throughout Ll~ Alves, of Par.ry Sound, _par- Guest& at "lii:O SteiiS Inn" lhJa the yet.r an average attendance of ents _ and brother of Mr. N. Alves, week. were MIM E. :Monts4P'ecy, torty-nlne. Following the meetln8' were with Mr. and Mrs. N. Alves M.Lsa I. Neelln, Dr. and Mrs. Lash- t.he young people enjoyed their for the week-end. miller, Mi&s Adelaide La.shm111er, usual dance with music provided Mr:· and Mrn. Ralph White, of and Mr. and Mrs: Montaomery ancl by Clarke's orchestra whUe the Stratford, were with Brooklin .son, all of Toi-onto. following is the li.st 'of omeers: friends l~t Sunday and Mrs. D. Ur. Luther VIpond has returned Bon. Presldent., _ Mrs. w. Aaar; White returned with them to home frOm sudbury and wlU re· put president, !4las zora Gee; Storattord where .she wUl remain ma1n. tor the awmner. p:reaidlllt: Mn. John Dryden; vice• to~ & few welu. . Born-in Toronto, to !41'. and pnoi4K>I. 1\l!<o Dorothy Clark: ur, and >q'l· c. L. U&ck17 and 1\Co. Lowll Vlpood, on April 1'1, • lecietl.rJ•tre&Surer, K1as AudreJ !41', aD4 !4J'I. E. PaicioO apellt 8un• d&UJhtero Jl&ll; dlalzlc:t director, Miss Rota clay wlt.h - at Sollna. A number from Brooklin attend• -~~-. dlftlctora Gf the Branch, ~.Paul Obr1.ltellaen hal retum• .... _ Odd1 n erv1 held In ::0::"' -•e '"oun'~. ,., __ "erle ed. to Brooklin following his tra.d- ed I>U!:I e ows II oe GILM8 ~ ..... "-J"I ~ -. 1 0011 d Wb.ltby on Sunday a!bernoon. Holtbf :MW Lillian Jones· mem· uatlon from Emm.anue eae an Oonflrmatlon o~~erVlce was held in berlhtP committee, ~ • Grace will be with friends here for the Batty, ·Miss Helen Farley, Miss next sb: weeks prior to his ordtna- St. Thom&.s Angllc&n chtm:h on :M&ry Neal; ·auditors, Mlss K. Win· tion in June. Each Sunday he wUl Sunday at 3 p.m.. when Blshop t.era, KIM E Oreen. pianbt. Miss assist in the church service ln the Beverley of Toronto waa In ehara:e Irabelle t.yoDs: 13tand_mg commit- United church. sundaY, ~ay 19th, and the followlna Wf!fe eonttnned: ~ oonveners _ Education, !4IM he wW deliver the eennon at the Mr. and. Ml'l. LOvelock, Mr. Harry Marte WbJte· home economies tnomlng worship. Howden and Ml'. Shem.mRt. Blahop ~ Reta B~nton; health and A women's choir will lead In the Beverley alSo delivered. a most m.- ehUd welfare. MiM Margaret Agar; service of song next Sunday, May .c;pirln8 addre.s. PoUowlnl Ulo aerv• agriculture and. canadian indus- 12th, at the United church. Ice a l'eeeptl.on was held ' at the trlee, Mi&s Helen Jackson; ·Ji:glsla- Miss Doris Davey. ot Toronto, home of Dr. and Mra. Jaa. Moore. tlon, :M1I1ii: Clare Patterson; historl- was with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bailey for Mr. and !.fr.s. A. Lade, of "J;;rrn- cal reaearch and current even~ the week-end. to, are spendlnJ the week wlt.h _Mr • .M1u Pern Hannam. canadlanba.~ New membere received into the and Mra. Walter Ne&bltt. .. tion pea-ce and i.Dt~matlonal rela- Upltei church on Thursd$.y at the ... ~~~~,.hortrld1t.h .~·da~-~. ~ ~ · uoU.:S ML.e..ot Lois Tordlft· oommun~ preparatory service were Mrs. YI.IU........ .lUA .....,.._.. Jty.' a~Uvliies and relief. i.nss Velma Ohu. lfutohlnp; l&r&. L. Stain~. Bl.ia:ht. I • b,wtord.; rep~tatlvea to ail- ' ..Mro:- e.nd. Mrs. -- .J~Ohn Dryden, Mr8. , ,.Mr. ~ ~- W. J:. . a.Qal mee~ • . KJ.Ss· .. Helen-JactaoB.: :~O@.lAJl _Gibson •. Ob'-llet~ GibaOn,. :rorooto. ~.w~t:e .with and lliaa !4U1'1el Bell, 'with the die .. . Robert Gibson and Eddie Spears. paren.q, Rev. and Mra. B. trlcl director and pre.sldent. A special meetJna" or the Young for the week-end. Mr. Prank o&J.led to 'I'h women's AuxUlary or--at\ People'e Union will be held on . Baseball ·u off to • IOOd start :Bethany on Wedneaday or lut weeJc Th~ Anglie8.n ehurch will meet Wednesday night when Rev. oeo. with Ute stria practising in the where J:.!e wUl· relleve the C.Plt.. *'" "nlwid.IJ i.{a.y 9 at the home of Affleck and Mr. We.sley Cope, ot park theGe fine _evenings. tton foreman tor a time. ~ J'ohn MoorE ai 3 p.m Th1s is Emmanuel CoUege, will be "th~ Mothers' Day wm be oi:Mrved in M:ra. Helen MLtibeU !5 visiting - · · 11\lest ...-akers the United. church on Sunday next -atb relallvu in ~·•- th• meetlnl which was postponed The -~Red o:.. •• oewln• meet~-... with ..-.tal aervtcea in the Sunda;y ,., '-"'UI ...... ,,_, ...__.. .. ....,.... Mr. and Mra. R.Of Thompaol\ mo- .JUIIOB I"ABMEBS' 8iiict ... ' . .TOWNSHIP HALL. .BROOKLIN ~AY, MAY 17 l'tlt.IIIIC BY BILLY HOLE AND RJS ORCHESTRA DANCING AT 9 O'Clock ADMISSION 30 CEIJ1'S was held as usual on Thunsday af• School and churcll. At 11 a.m. Rev. tored to the 'Queen otty on Tueada.Y ternOOn and evenin~r, but the at· W. J. H. Smyth, of Port Perry, ·wnt of Jut week. tendance waa much &maller than preach and the mudo will be pro.. Boli' Vallier of the Onta.rlo' Reg!.~ usual No new wdtt wa.s started vkled by a women's choir. At 7 p.m. men&: (Tant), and who is stationed but 9, spectat' effort made to com- t.he pastor, Rev. P. L. JuU, wtll de- plete the work on hand. xra. a. liver an addre.se On ~orence_ Nllht- ,,.,••.,1P,_reoonend t In Toronto, · spent. the Manning e.Ild Mrs. B. Lyons were 1nsa.le. The sarvieea are on stand• 1 -~~te- With hia. ll'~~~t.ber ~~ 1n charge. Mrs. Boyd broUiht 1n &rd Ume. Evecyone is invited to '""" ..... for the knitted aooda five palra of honor :Yother 1n theae ·cb\ll"Ch aerv· Kr. Jack Xl.rtham spenl BUDdaY socks, three seaman'& e;c&rVea and teeS. with hla parents In !alaberley.- two sweaters. The meeting for eew- Gordon Jull Is a~lnl & P,orell• Kr. and Kr1. Elwood MalteJ'I vis- ing will be held next week u form- try Camp at Sherwood PorfiSt ited on BlJ.D,d&y with trlencls ln Ux:- erly. Camp, 1n Haliburton Oounty. 'The popular dram&, "Aunt Tilly On Sunday, May 12Ul, at. '7 p.m.. !Mra. W. Mccart and Uttle eon of Goe& To Town", wu p~entotd last the Rev • .J', C. CIOUih wUI conduct :BroOklin visited on Thurad&J with Friday night In the township hall the aervlce Ot even1n1 p~er In St. her al.ster; lin. _Prank sl.m..on. by the Brougham Young People '1bomu' AnJllcan Ohurch. . Mra. Holliday, lll&a: Bertb&3Holli- who a:ave their service!- tor -the local Don't ftlrlet the dance ln the day and Mr. J'aobon )lemmlnplLy Red Cross Chapter. A large and Township Hall on Prlday, l4ay 10, were In ·Toronto-lt.lt week al!IIDdina: appreciative . audlenoe tilled the under the au.splea~~ of the Brooklin lhe funeral of Jack Holll4Q w]J.o hall and the- Boy Scouts are to be Lacrosse Club. paasf!d &way IUtkltnlY on ~turday congratulated on the large number .. "' .. of tlcket.s sold, which brought in a The &reat.e&t depth to which a AprU. 2'ltp. Most alncere aympa.......,. splendid sum for the Red Cross aubmarlne h&l been known to de- ta ez.t.ended to the bere&'fl!d; nla- wort. acend. withoUt belnr-~ed. Lt a Uvea. l!:lpec1a1ly do. we reftr to Qla Mr. and Mrs. Reed Cook have little over too feet. mother, hia .dater. Bertha," aDd h1.s uncle, Mr. J . Hemml.nan.J. VILLA.CE OF ili.OOKLIN Mr. Jvan Law and Ina. of wrttby and Mra. Hal{lmond of Olbawu. -...ere Sunday ca.llera In the Ylllage. Gordon Harrl.wn, Who 1s .&taylnf wlth his arandm.other, !Ira. 0&5- "WhO's . Who" IJmpliA §uidt - Bakeriea BROOK~IN BAKERY p; 1L STOVBR, Proprlolor. · llroQlla .. Pbene S1 ..,_. - Cak• .. Plee • Buna. etc. Ice CnaaL BROOKLIN GARAGE a. U..rdlor, l'fop. llrooldla • PhDDe 11-BolJ ~o .. a.ou Bepaln to Ill makes ot can and · lnlcb. MAYNARD'S GARAGE· P. a. Maynard, Prop. IMPERIAL Oil.' PRODUC'I'S .\tlat Tires, BaUedH & Acceasorln Plrmo.alh A: Farro Sale~ 6 Senice Transpor& .. Ha7 a Lambel' • · • lnaurance GEO. H. VICK· · Brooklln • Phoae t,ol -· Uti Jnaureoe In· au iu brau"bbu Service Station MAC'S SIRVICE STATION F. c. MoNeQan, Prop. Brooklin SheU ras • oU - Gooc)Jear ltru WWard lt&UetiN • Hlrtahaltatl . . McBRIEN.'$ Wood. LUmber fl i(ay sorr. WOOD, 0.1 ,.. $6 II:Q STOVE .. t .. ....... : .. •" ~2~...:'v~0~.8~8-~ : $&.60 tl.OO ellltra deU..-ered' oul of BroQUn. DUd •r aoR maple allo on b•nd. .. D,fh Of ~ IUlMr Ia Oak, Pine, Bprace _or Helo\Joelr: We ean suppi.J· P¥ bulldlnf ma&ertal. ~ !'bono Braoldla. · IL (Mn. .. o. KINSALE. Yay chanP 1n time CJommeJ¥linl next surma;r, Church aervloe a.m. Bt&ndud School will meet. sunc~ay belnf ·wo•U>.,;,; blnecl ChUrch and "_ .. _ -,- aervtct wW be held a.m. Ur . .and Kn. Vlotor P&rldn M1sa Velma B&llon were recent vlaltora wiUl Mr. and. Mrs. ADson Bailon &t HamptoD.. · " M'r. &Dd Mn. 8m.lthm and Roy And KrL l!lm_. of Oahawa, call• ed on Mr. and .ur., w. llutr: on Sunday. lbt. Mark accom~ llfem to Woodbr~e. · Yr. Tom Panidalo spent w"k-end wtth h1l parenta. l4r.- ~. 8. l"arndale. . . r · M:r. and Nrt. Ralph Jt. Mowtny 1pent Sunday wlt.h ihe latt.er'l. al!- ter. Mr. and Mra. Prank Ollll.rd. in Ooboura. Mtu Olenyp St.epben spent ·tho week-end. at 'her home ln Ashburn. M:lulon Band ·will be held on Saturday neat. Ma'y nth, at nome of Yl'l. v. Parkin. All dren welcome. . MUs Gertrude Lennon is. s~­ lng a CJOUple ot weeb with l:_l,f'r Aunt Mld ~le. Nr. aud . ..-anll:: MoOlnty at 8o&Jt)oro • the pic- the, are. oever that you weN in a plule whl» .-kl1nl' tn, one. I expect to be here sOme time yet, llthOIIIh the l:IOth Upoc:ti lc go east. some Ume.• · '11\e ,· ;woman•• · ~ttoa· wW meel &l the home Of lira. Roy Thcmpaoa, 011 ' Wtdr · -, y lifter- Yay lith. Brlnl 10111' tnj\tinl &lour ar -,our . qull' bloob or any- thlnl In the .-n.y._ot .. '1bo pro- "'""' oomml\leo "' - • Kotbera' DaJ ~· Baggot~ville - dllloDa "' all .... to tue cafeo ot Usm peg ozo 4l8poee of tbom, lnatood a! abaDdonfnc them "' ronco for tb-- the Wto· cons.ln ()oluetvatiOii Depattment tay.s that wild house-cats and ibelr dtlceradanta are ...,.I .. mor-e ot a problem. . - ' . Ashb(lm ~ ASHBURN, May 'l-:MP. ~ llq. Patten moved on Prlday to o.aBrea wbere llro 1'&\ten baa beiiL . .:a,.., JIIOJWl1. Mlli !Wblew!' Pa... II ~ ... horo will! ~.-""" - Dalllo "' - bor - ,..., ' Mr. """ - ··~'"' -- - - Mr. 0(111 - -Jro1J.tciQ', ol a . t'"' 1l'la *1-W wllb - C&Bd7 -~~r. BEFO.ItE · YO·U·. r· . . ' , .... ·· . . ,. To ~over what's -IIJ sj*Miabo~t tbia lqw.ppaMl".t"....-~. , • -· , • • , , I"; . ~·w't• ,.;.· '! '·, '• ' • COMFORT -Pord:Ca completily stabilizCd. cbepje dcliv~ a_ ride ~I · •. -~~~ .. 11/j.; . Seat Cll_lhiODI have 10~ "ioatiDJ ,edp" •. 'I)e ro111' ~ tiMIJ hydraulic: rboc:k abaorben are of adjUaubl~ 4oubl~ ,type ~ 25% ~ capacity. · _ · ' · _ · · · ., • , . • I , IOOMINU~lleu Hat JIUHIIJUI in s.id~DJ ban mo,re incliei l .. IQCIIIL ""' ,..,. , cOicVIMIIMCi~Pin~~Tip Gc.nhitt oa i~a .poet -~ ·~~ , ; ' I ~ , ·'""' • J't<' ~ 1 "- qwet ectloa. . . ·. , .• " . . . . . • The ~o;_u·MetCWy·~hyr . Dealer· will ·be sled ..:, puf a -~ It ,0. diaposel-d he woa't 'ban to tell you that tbil a-,Ponl .a ltl ~ ... ~ .· lUsh in mototiqi value I · ' THE NEW-·FO· ~ · Lateat in Tranaportatio~ Are Sold By DEVERELL MOTORS -- · : Ford Salea Uld.Semce · ' . . . . \Yhitb:y, . - '. .,

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