Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 May 1940, p. 3

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THE WHITBY GAZEITE . AND WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1940 AND PERS ~~d~~~.i~~~~: ~ SJDO(l'a meeUng 1 ln ltnO& Church, Pttterboro, \h1a 1tttt. ReV. au. IJ.n(l-KJ 1a also aecretary ol the pen- a!Oil board ot the ehurcll. + + + . ·· : ... InvltaUons are out ·fOr \be a.n- nual May Court · l!'MUval of tbe Onti.rlo Ladloo•·OoJl~ge to be bel~ on viclorl& I>aY;· Pr!day, Kay 24th by the faculty arld students. , . . ,. .. ·'Privaitl Stdney ErSkiite has ~- ~~~~'f}~:~~·~,~~~~.~ hll mUlt&ry unU. at Que-p atte:r an enforced leave iummer '1 account of illness. He is .witb · ' [ Haliurip ·uld Ptlnce · atwarit . - Oounty',LI&ht Intantey •. y , , _,,,, .. ... ,.~· . . +. + .• : ' . . ~\;·:.~~=~~~;, Rev. Da.vid Marshall and e}! Samuel Lawrence are In ~I:i[~;,~·~l~~~~ :~~~=1~the . Tbe K&J mee\lna of t.be Evening AuDliar7 or \be WhlU)y United Church Wll& held on Monc1aY, May ltb, ·ill the BUDdiJ' SchOOl room. Kl5il Zona Ott was In cbarp of the PI'OI!'UJ.ID.e. A paper on "The Mlnlltr1 of Reallnr In Indla .. was re&d by Miss Bessie Balfour. The tentative date or June 13 for the Phmtett dinner wa.> con11rmed. + + + ' 'DUOUih &b.e RlDClnUI a n d tlliOU&btlUlneu Of t.be management ol · the Block 'nleatie, OYer fifty ~'!"!'~ ol the County Home at- tbt theatre lut Thursday I·;.;;;;;;;;. u auuts. and thoroughly ODJI..,.od the picture ptOir&Dl. 'I'he mta aDd WOIDeD were \rallJPOritd to tbe ,theatre by mtmbera ot the Rotary Club. + + • ~~~l~F;~:~~f~~~~~~E~l~~~·~:r.ay meeUna: or t.he women's w111 be held 1n tho co-op-,; ~;;:~ A~~~i;i: erauve rooms on Prlday, May 11\h, ' w ~corldiOf, ·'. M•.Y at I o'Clock. This II \be IQD.ual -mliUD&" Uld. elec\lon or offlOirs. COilYeraRa ot an 1t.abdlng CC~D~D.lt­ tera are asked· to have thelr repor.s rea47. A . ccnlal lnvltatlon 111 u:- loll41nl to aU ladloo or tho town &Del. 't'loilll\1' w ·~Lend. •••• 'I'be ~ Inleruaucmll J)l.strlct COilf~ waa )l,eld. In Bamllt :m, ':"'·w.,:'::O;t;~' ~:~~~'l~ 1:fW1 8,· ~Cib 1,500 deleptes v tnm Ootarto.. QtMbec, New :.fS~i~~~:!th·:. J.::~t s treet !·~Uth, !',.I~ .. + .9 . • . :. >Mr. and Mr.s. Char1es McClellan 'WhO ·have anent " the put nve .~oflUlS ln S t. • Pe\etabU.f8, Piarlda, ~teturned ~ th.e!r:~~~ bere Wi~ it••'t l'ln a Pit ria . lit ihat "' c.,·' .... EOIIH. fiUOWI • JAMll M<CAWON • .....,. .. W1UIAM MdiANiil 0 M 1 ..... c I ]'EJ!.'!; THUIUI., Pill. SAT. n · MA.Y '11· 17·1L · .. I DEANNA DURBIN in "ITS A DAft" -:"ro,t aDd Pl!llllsJlY&nJa &tau. to at- tllld:. tbe nnt l0l4' contilhbCt or · Dtltdo .. lU &IMl 1•. A brlDJant enat of ~ IOCial pt'OII'8.Dl was Ute Jlllo"""""• Ball. on Mooday even- .,., whlch - ploeo 1n ~ ... baU- I"'OlDa of tbe RQvt.l OOilnauth\ Ro- te!. n.- &lloildlnc ,_ Wbllb)> 'ware: Mr. and Kra. Grobb, llr. Uld ..... J, Ill.-. Yr .. &DI Mn. J- R. I'W>II.' Kl'. ODd JilL D. A. Wlloon. Mr. - - · It -lD. llDd. Mr. and Uri. S . lttown. ~k·f'omlfortakole, Leu Weight, Machinel, about ANNUAL DANCE The Junior Pannera w111 hold their annual spr1q dance 1n lhO IOwnshlp boll, ~. on JI'I1Gai', Kay 11th. Muolc by Bllly Hole and blo o<Ohestra. DanclD& al • o'Clock, Modern and ok:J. time ctancea ;rvru, be~ on the program. '"111£ ROAD lot&£ CITY" A FOUR ACT COJDD'I' .......... Y.P.S. United 0..-.h •• ..._.,AY,IIAYIO •• S. SCHOOL ROOM AdmlaaiOD 211c ud 15c "' $5.00 SALON Phone 321 The Provincl.al. Prtsident Mr&. Wm. Morrison bas been appointed 6UIIW dtlopte ....,......una lhe Y\loMbt Orunwood. Chapter t.t Ut.e MaUoMI Annual metUl\1 next ft'iOD.thl, being held a.t St. John, N .IJ. In~ City, at Ute Y.M.C.A.'a DIW Jlld TPianale HUt. \he Canteen il .atatfed. b1 memben or the I .O. D& WhO Wr;t f\UJ ebarle or the cuteen, ln4 provide a eommtttee \0• 'W'eleoMfl tbe llOldleta &nd ar- l"&&l&e tor flltert.a.lnment. An eilht--block underpau tor pe- desttiW which l.a nearing comple- t ion under Slltth avenue, New Y ork, is thoiJiht to be the lonte~!! t of Its t.ype til \Ill,· JOHN SCOTT CA&ftNfta &llCl BUILDER Ea&but. GJMD On All .............. Ttt.la. PHONI! It! WHITBY YOUR THOUGHTS POT INTO WORDS F~ ~OTHER ON MOTHER.'S D.AY SUNDAY, MAY 12 Greeting Carde and Gifte ·- Uten,ive, up-to• date Lending Library -- Mclntyle~s.· ~ill Shop IN Til£ ROYAL Ml\1& 8UILDllrfO Annoancementa NOTICE ADVERTI81NO tJNDBR this headlnJ Is ~harted. for at the rate or one and oae-balr eeota per word tor flnt buserUon, mlalm11Dl c.-harp. l5c. Eaeh •absfiQDflDt eonseeuUve lns..'!lilon. lc per wont, and. ihn:e ~onseeutlve lbstrtlo'll! for ib.e price of two flnt bJser .. Uoaa. (three ce,o&s a word). MIDI· mum ebarp for three lDRl'Uohs, SOc. AU notlaea tor Uda eoiiiiDn sbeald, wheoenr ~e. be ln ....-rWila. ataUu&" n11111.ber and. Utes of Wtrtlons. to aHid lliltlate&. We will DO'& be I'CIIpODJ!ble fDI' DdstU.e. Ill aotlees .phoned. L AWN IIOWI1R8 SHARPI:N&D and repaired. caned. tot and de- livered. W. Roach, 314 COlbOrnoe •tr'eet, WbitbJ. "TKE ROAD TO THE CITY " • tour-act comeclJ presented by' th~ Y .P ..S. of the United Church, tn t.ne School room, PrdlQ1 Kt.y 10. AdmtWon 2S a.n~ 1& cents. THE A, I, 'I'ERRYBEMY PtlBLIC SPEAKING CONTE:J't' ·wm take place at t.h& COllege, Priday even- Ing, May lOth, at etgl\t o'clock. The publlc l.s invited. I!PEOIAL PRIOM ON PERMAN• ENT WAVI:S FOR MAY. PrieM from $1.98 'up. SCh,ool glrls, $1.00. Plcger waftl a& cents. WUhel• m1nea Beau.t.y SaJ.O!'h 135 Byron street non.b.. DRESSMAKING, SPECIALIZING in cJUldrm'• st'Wlnl and ta.Uor· l.n•, fine ht.nd aewlng, handmade Unaerle. Mr1. G. ltam, 'taG Centre street .'SOUth. AN EDUCATIONAL EVIININO will be well apent; in atten41nl a mov- l.ng pl.otunt, "Eaatem Boundaey" and Qulz. at the co-operattte Hall, Brock atreet .south, May at eithli o'clock sharp. Sliver IecUon, LAWN MOWERS SHARPENCJ, CALLED POR AND DELIVE&- ED. Furniture repaired, refin.Lih- ed. JOI5. H&rdlng, 130 Pine st.rMt, phone 839. RALPH VANSTONE, GENERAL Tlnamit.hing and Sheet Me~ wort. Apply 401 Green street br telephone 532. A DEMONBTRATION OP SCHOOL Mu.sle of Grades 9 and 10 and the High School Olee Club will be held on May 17th, ln Wbltby Blth School. Purtber partlcuiiUll nttt. BIC SAVI EVERYDAY AT A&.P DOMESTIC' SHORTENING 2 .... lS· SALMON aw,":/l.o•2.0· ~ 36· SPACHEnl c .. BLLI l.v..--:-2.5· TOM. JUICE · "· 3 ~ 2.5· PUFFED WHEAT QVAUA .... 7· LYOWS TEA SOAP SVNLIGH~ 10 .... 49· LARD ......... T ... a. OATS· ROBINHOOD •••. 18· nu~c:t..... CATSUP ........ ~ Sr ,, ..•. 34· ...... ..... ;::=""'=·===:::..:-P:...::E:A=;S • ·.:~~. A&. p . A&.P COFFEE n.b)J Growld YIGO&OtJI!I • WJN!Y Bokar 37c l-Ib. Bq' . MILD II JIIBLLOW . 8 o·~~~~! 33c IUCH .It nn.L-ItODdD Red Circle 29c 1-lb. Bat BREAD I.LICBD 0& UNSUca &JfN P.lOI! WJIIB WIIDLI WilDT CltACKED WIIBAT . l.ii-~15c WHOLE WHEAT s~4· SPONG£ LAYER CAKE 2 for 25· Coffee Cluster··· 15· STEAKS ROASTS BolleJeq ROIIIId, Slrlo.lD Whir, C111N! or Porterbome Bvtu:aa Rou11d, Sirloin, WlnJ, h.tt &am.J or POrterh011.M! lb. 2.1·c COTTAGIROL~ h~ HAMS Smoked. Teadttbeii-Whole or Shaak Half PORK SHOULDERS ............. H. PORK SHOULDI!RS sm .... - ..... FOWL Laqe BoiiJ.nt', • to s lbs.. •nraae BACON -. ..... ,.,.,.. VEAL ROAST ao""~ lb. 19c lb. 2.7c lb. 19c lb. 2.3c lb. 2.1~ lb. 2.3c lb. 1Sc Freah Fntita and Vqetablea BANANAS Golde• Rlpt 3 lb< 2.3c lb. 2.3c lb. St DoL 35c 6 lb~ 2.5c 2.1N.11o MUSHROOMS Fresh Cui SPINACH Fresh Curly Loef OIANGU California Navol POTATOES ~IIAGili Now Fruh, G.-..n, T•der ~~~~~~~ .. . ~~~ Cli!llii;)RENBuRNm u ·o~awn"" • rcclt 'WIIll u.o .- T APLIN SHOES L'l'O., WILL GIVE a Lecture with Lantern Slldes b) the ~lbt Dl •t.. ~a Presbyterian Church, on KODdl)', May 13th, at etaht o'clock. A.aa• plces of Ladles' Ald. 81Jver cOl• lect.l.on. Card of Tllanita The ta.mlly of tbe late Mrs. l40tl5 1rlah "' . ...,... . lllt!t - thanks to the lll&n1 'frteixl.s and nelghbort Wbo .JWl.Y* tJec 10 llb.d and Ulout:httul •t th! "tUne of recent; death ot their dear moU\0<, Mr. Edp.r Hewta11 wiahel to thank aU Delahbon Uld frltllda who helped to UDlMd bJa oan IIDd help him. get Jetued. tJn h1a ft.tm on the Lake ShOre. OW!Dg" to a nWl. of work this note of ihazlka haa been delayed. lll'l. Ollntoon OOU1no ODd d&uabw Evelyn, - to tti1Jilt ·tho kind frleodl, nelihbon &D4 all libQM w~ so k1ndl.1 pl'O'fided ·cara for their many acta of klnclnel;. e~om of aymplothy NMS. nonl &ribU*- ali the time ot tbelr aacli benavtiD.ent , stncen tht.nb 11 &Jao, ut.endtd. 'L(I Rev. E. R&Jph Ad.ye and Rev, C. Q, Park. Mr. JIDll!ll Ha'«uwt .n4 fdU11 wlah to extend libelr II.Dcen tbaDb t4 thelr lhttnuti'UI~ tnenda · .n4 ncl.ahbora and. aea.eYolent li'bot•h Lodge No. 132, I.O.O.P. fot be&UU· f Ul floral ortertnp u.d. MJ.ndbe&s and tympatby aNDd.~ ~ their recent ad beHI.vemen~ In Memoriam LA WRENC!:-In eyer IOriDI• mem- ory or a dear h\&lllaDd.•&nd t•t.blr, WUUam John 1.&1t'ftftee, WhG pas.sed away May ltd, 1031. Gone from Ull, bUt la.Yln& memor· lOA, • Death can never take away Memories tbt.~ wUI alw.,a llDtll', Whlle upon thl.s Mfth, wt ata,y, Ever remembered. by WU• &De\ fa mlly. CLARKE-In 1ovln& mamoey ot a de&r wife ancl mother, lbry Ann Clarke, who puaed aw&y Y:ay 8t.h , u~sa. Calm and. peacefUl abt 1a tleeplns. Sweett~5t. ree~ \1\t.t tollo'tra SWn We who loved her ead.ly mla her, But. t.ruat. ln Clod loO IDNt apln. Lovingly rem..abered. by her hw· band and chlldre:n ln. Whitby ane\ Ot tawa. Tbo '!"""""' ot all ncul&r -- ll!!h words 1s "anUdlaeaLt.bllament · arianlam," which mt t.ne "' doct- rine of opposltJon 'to db&stabllsh· mmli." • ......... t ... • .. .,. I• IQiodod ln • u.u..c llwat ., I ~ r J.JUU. wb..lte fl.ame. "nM!r eaCh r-eoetYM • Bell..Wo, ...., 1.-A luve aerlol nare exploded when found by ttru '"""" boys, l!arl &nd Oar! Howanl, Oil aur.o" &flitrnoaD, ll'fertly bUI'II!nlr both. Tbe flare - ,... dJ.aot.tnred. about a. lbUe north or the A1r StatiOn ln Bldnty town- ship by Ute JOWll'atcen. age II and 10, n.pecUwty. After n•minlna the object the bGya are belleved W have thrown 0\ll'ba Uout. the raoe and ~ ~ Buab.ed to \he ottloe of Dr. W •. l, JabUtm, ot 'rtentob, tbl illllllClrtD. -wen tnated and were lata aijla ti ~turn to their home&. 'nley ta ...,. 01 Yr. abd Kl'l. BDWOid et SldnoJ town&hlp. It Ia beUend the DaN wu 48 'Which had tt.Ued to 10 oft durial nlghl flyl~>& prt,Ctle<o. Chlldren ODd. res:ldenta Of tbe Cllltrlet have bela warned. on many occutom to tu,a. <1le •11 sueh dluoverlt5 c::amully • . CLEAN-UP DAYS 1-N WB·ITBY The Council of the Town of Whitby hu decreed that ,ms., WED., 'tBUB., MAY 14~ 15, and 18 SJu:dl tfL C/Ran·.up.. (/)ptp JJL llrL ]D.UJIL 4 W.lti16~ e All dtizena are aaked to clean-up their premises and ob&erve uaual reaulations for collection of oame by Town teams, piling ashes and other refuse in boxes or other suitable receptacles close to street, but not to interfere with traffic. Thio io- a civic duty and all citizena are asked to co- operate. FRED DRAPER, F. T. ROWE, Chairman of Streeto. Mayor .JEWEI.R,Y GIJ"I'S For· MOTHER We have just the jewelry uiother hh always wanted - for her person, or for araeioua hospi· tali!J'. Might we 111neat a 3-pieee Silver Tea SerVioe at $1 0, qoj. ~p; BAss-ETT'S PRONE 611,. WBII&i ~ED CROSS . ACTIVITIES . " \ Oftrseu Don&U~ Adm.owledced "'be following letter bas been re· cetvtld. by Mr. E. Bowman, treasurer or the local Red Cross Branch. Dear Mr. ~an: May I ~owledge receipt or yoUr very kln.d tetter of April 22nd, enclo61ng a remittance of $500 to the War Service Funds of the On- tarto. Division. Otnclal receipt wUI be found attached. In' mat1cg this remitt.anee, the Whitby Blanch 1s aware of the lm· portance of the overseas wort, for which tt wm help to provide. Will you therefore please extend to the Whitby Branch the appreci- ation Of the ez.ecut.tve committee of the Ontario Divb.ion for this sup- porL Yours .sl.ncerely, W . S. CALDWELL, M:D., A.sslstant Director, New Work Requested Work continues steadily at the Red. Cros.s workroom on Wednes· Nurdnc Cl.asa for Whllb)' I:D. Sepliember A Red Cross Home Nunlng Couiu of twelve lessons b expected to be started ln Whitby 1n Septem- ber. This class wUl be open to women and girls and all who wish to attend. It wUI run for lihree months, with one cla&s a week,. and cover the subjects of Health, Home Nursing and Emergendes. Purtbe:r information wm be given later. Bb1hd.a7 of Florence Nlabtillple Next Sunday, May 12th, 1s tbe ISOt.h anniverstary of the b1rUl ol Florence Nightingale, whose work in the Crimea lnsplred the found- ing of the Red Croa Soelety. 'lb.~ local ministerial a.os.WclatJ.oo lll co-- operating with the Bed. cross So- ciety in payJ..ng tribute to her mem- ory 1n the church services. da.y, "l'hunday and Prldays of each Red. Cross Boolh ali IJoDa <ll1lll Fair week, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. New The Whitby Reel croa Society work now reQU.Mted. 1s the maklcg has accepted the ln'fita.tton of the of twnl. .ahJrt.&. Other .work 1n the Lions Club to operate a relhsh- f~,.~ tb,s mat!Da·¢ hoop!"l\);. ·ment booth a~ tho. atr.et fair , c.o wiP."' .. &.¥ com-. ,.~ PI'• be held 0.. July 3rd. Probooda to Dlent.i. i.Dd quilts. Our contract for 'help local Red Cross Wo:rk.· td.akl!ic;:nve 5Ul'l1t&l caaes· a week Js' fllled. eacll 'week and the 'Miel'l'e PriDeesl AU. s... of !lft7 roqueotod by June, wt11 be Prmo:oi& ~ nribh~ ·· · · J~e. ~~ ' DoDat~ctDa for the-week are arat:e-. be&dquarten full.T, ,act;J;mwledged: 1 pair_ of A~ the eDd of a two-h<Mir wrloUets, I pair oocts and I acarf said aile wu ..... u oquJpi>Od for ibe navy, from a member; do- the people 1n canadt. ot tbe •••=•c1 nation ot money from Kiss E. Wal· dld wort of the <qanjaatlon. J&c:e:. doil!ltlon of rofupe ma~lal ED&land." 1roill Krs.: R. A. Butc.hlnaon: do· uttbn or 1 dress and bloOnten~ : 2 baby jacteta and 2 palra bootees, mad& by Mhs H. Prln&le. and a. do- nation or ela.stlo trom.'· Mis! o. :DaveY, • The Whitby Dairy, to take care of business expansion is pleased to an- nounce the putchaoe of the Gazette and Chronicle building to which our plant has no"!· ~n ·.moved, We plan an inspec· lion day shortly, e With enlarged premiaea, our own ice making machine and other modem equipment, we are now in a better poai- tion to eerve you. ...... ...... WHITBY DA·II·Y: -·~ · GAZE,.'rE aad BVU~DING - ' , . CBBONICI.E PRONE 770 PROSPELliNfi FOR &lAY DEPOSITS IN NORTHERN ·oNT. . ' , ' ! • •'

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