Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 May 1940, p. 2

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.. ... , ... . . •· • J .- ' ' -.t . -· ' . :.,rn~ ·. AND CHRONiet.E Weftl;r P.l!l.lllii>e, who inll)leeted boys and . that .Cid!t public aup.. the ireateelt · Thoee · wlfo . ·nare'•:a WaT On During. the put ' few. weeks there have been numerous comments Ill the pr~jas do- the : apathetic .attitude Of many toward•' the .. present great itrunle; Canadlf iuia illready made a notable !: ~~~~~~~~~~o;~:~·~~:~::i~•anil many .homes :S the have been .af. "'"""' by &illstment. On ·the other hand 0 .Jfne:re is a.~t. body of the public which apparently not yet aroused lteelf.·to grim realities ·(,f' the eituat!on. · · No sane perilon wourd advocate a j,e.;.J. mistic gloomy outlook with no other ·In- terests eave the progr.Se of the war, and ' the fact remains that the war ahould and is, the 'prime interest af, ev8rr i!' l~anl(q~ai· lr citizen:· .Surely · we . a;ll realize · ;;;.ctn~'t,J;ne· .• vepy ;mi~tltlea ,which we tsko· ao granted are jeopardised by crlm- :!· iinal ·l. ... t: .. whose alma ·are the 'antitheoia of ~cy, hopour, and p~ogress. Surely every auz.n must be ·8l!ve' to the 'faet that the British way of life ia endangered and that the Empire Ia fighting to preserve that way of life. The. world .h.as un~e,rgone troublous times since 'th'e t\lrn' of' the' last century-<:ivilb:a- ~;ion . 'h\18• suffered . from ·growing paina, old orders hav.e j>een overthrown, ·DO\¥ . dynasties and ' pli116aophies , have ariaen. : But shining over all ' Ia the trutli-- tilat British imitit~tions are the basia ·for pro' gress and ' dev~l9pment and tho uplift of man. In Canada we have struggled and triumphed over much. In commop with the rest of the world we writhed -in the thrqes of the Great Depression• which left its b\tter mark on so many of the present generation ot youth. We have had ' fail- ures ~nd , successes, problems within. oiir . own .bpundary lines. Now, however, c.in .. ada, in cbmmon with the rest of mankind; 1is threatened .Jii.m without by a nation "'-w"'·" '" plung~ world into a sea of only a' 'tow . decadiS aao uul ' ailain demands human blood, suffering, and .sacrifices as the price for its medieval a'im of Imperialism. Let us all fal:e the fact that our nation ia, iii a fight to the finish. There can be n.o .compromise with the enemy. Too many of. us, perhaps, have been ·inclined to treat . the war· tOo lighily because there have so far been no long lists l1f Canadian caaual· · ties. Let 'us wake up to the situation. We have been warned to expect "dark days ahead" even although we are all confident of ultimate victory over the fore eo l1f ·evil. Why wait fpr tragedy to sound our awakening. Lets acquaint ourselves with whats going on and find out how we ean best· help' the cause, no matter how humble 0!11' tdntribution. There's a war on. EnfoTcing ths TTaffic Rule• in . Whitby Motorists, ' according to press reports, are· belng. warned by the , Ontario Motor Leegu~ .to drive carefully through Whitby as the police , have their stop watches checking the epeed fiends u they romp throuirh the county town. · The faci is tliat wliile some motorists ·are befng served with summonses for . speeding' the pollee are .allowing consider- able latitude. A perusal of recent informa- tions laid .by the 'police reveal that most speedera have been caught in tlie Dundas Street Sch01>l Z.ne in which notice• warn- ing niotorlatl to alow up are prominently dlaplayed. The Chief li · th~ ·authority for the aiatements :that' soine motorists handed tlcketsliave been travelling. as fast as fifty miles . aD hoilr in thiuon"' . Complaint hu. beeri :made that the Chief iite 1in' his car ~d catch~ the epeedel'l! .as they go by. The fact ie that nearly every · day ·tmf ofticer ,:,.;sits Dundaa Street Seh01>l whiclt ia located oil the bilrhway ; .. Thia ia hi• duty and ·if iwh~n ensraied.mlt h• flnda motoriatil :flagtantlY. law. there . J8. no· crlticll!!it· .when he . . - ' o.il7 Pl- lpeec!~ are .:a using Is what the PI~ Ill Ito Jaat lalue: , A oubject to weFJone·lll the otreet here again thllt aprlng-,tha~ l1f con- trOl of·tratflc and IIJieed ·throullh· the ofll. lap.• Attempt&' have been made 'to have ·a maximum . a peed !>f 36 mil"' per· hour en- forced Within the villaae limits, without auec011 110 tar. Of' courae U.e ·Province 'and the D_.tlllent of Hlghwayl contrOl the King'o Hlgbwayo, and they argue that the reatriction . of traffic to 8fi milea Ia not in the beSt llltereots l1f the ProVInce'• effort to attraCt American Touriats. However, th..ie in the ·VIllage. whoee children and older folk who.croea the street at our follr'o corner& through 50 to 60 mile an hour traffic, are not 80 muCh eoncerned abOut 'Americana aa they are. ~heir """ Uvea and the Uvea ol thoee ... who have to· cron the atreet. Human· Uvea tint, Ameilcan tour- ii\S.last. ' Aft~: all why ohould· any le'ftl· headed ·ear-driver have to be toreed by law, to uae caution while driving Ill an:r auch area. Could not tbia matter" again be taken up with the Dept. Of Highway• by our Trustee• and Twp. CounciL A ·Woman J,u•• War Challenp Speaking 1,!! a mother with a heavy atlke in the present wa~ and as a woman who hu lived actively throurh many l1f the ph ... of Canada's growth to nationhood, Lad)' Nan ton ·of · Winnipeg, speaking · pvor the national" network l1f the· CBC recently call· ed upon the women of tho DoriuJl!CIOI, .. to enlist uP.n the home fron~. .. Eeholng ~he challenge of ·Queen Elizabeth, ohe quoted Her Maj~Nty'a ~nt ·words: "Chrlatian atandards ' and value• .,:, being; Challenged at all poin~•. ·~nd a purely materl.l .concep- tion of life offered in their pl&ce. It Ia for you to take up this cltallonge." "We are sure of the courage of our men on active service," Lady Nanton declared, "but that ia not enough. It muat bo oup.. ported by the equal devotion of "the men and women who remain at home - and that will be inspired largely by tho women. Today the morale of our fight!ng"fOI'coa, · abroad 4nd at home, is largely In tho hand• of those .women who, through their homea, · qtould the attltudeo of our men." She added: "The thingo that·can under- mine our otrength on the harpe front, that· can weaken our every effort, an tho 'In· WEDNESDAY, MAY ·ailclt u fear, faith Ill the leuening of today are ~ii]•iiianiSs. We U.llrur .we can do In every In every It Ia· she -;- ·the . atmoa- 'iiveo. Think ":~~?t;1;a:nvltal !i1 and born and cui- the world . ., " on active apecial word: of. Canadian will make ·son fa now · Ci\nadian Air lll:'lUI', llllere will be aep- aration, s:;:::~M~ strength will be d we meet these thinge. known, fear fn•• .,.il.lo.ll Ill store. for. uo . .. to atlffen under como• when '~'iii ing, we Deed to God for Itt~~!= whatever tho ing." become a ali mem- the feara ~)~•ver our llvea of the un- m.,. have tendency Is the time l1f atiffen- and to go can face fa! tel'- Inn, 1>6- MotorCom- toward! tho Hu AcTe• a Stage Aa the Spring of 1940 quickene In the deep soil of .tho Pra!rlea, the Western far- . mer dlacovera he has an altogether differ- ent otatus from that of lait Spring. No longer il· he a problem cltild putting grey hain Ill the heads of governments. No longer do people·ahalte their index fingere at him and say that he never should have taken up that land Ill the finlt place. No longer do they paea him hand-me-downs and olgh for the economic futility of it aU. ;a,e Weatem farmer has become a figure ofit'at SiJDificance. lila acres are sudden- ly a world stap. Aa he sets out to make a crop, Britain· Is watching him and hop- Ing that. the gods l1f rain and frost and hail and rust and ' sunahine· will he kind. Germany Is watching him and wishing he were an easier man to . frighten and sub- due. Probably also Watching him and se- cretly hoping he makes .his crop are those other expert ·farmer&, the Danes, with the whip of the invader on their hacks, LahoT PTohlem Face• GorJemment The attitude of labor is seen in Ottawa as the question mark hanging over the efforta of the government to · maintain Canadian wa~time economy on an even keel, reports C1nadian Dow-Jones, Lim- ited. In order to prevent an Inflationary spiral, the government ·has curbed an up.. swing In living costs. Through the agency of the Bank l1f Canada, any tendency to oxceealve credit eXpansion has been re- atrained and the Foreign Exchange Con- trol Board has sought to prevent any sharp drop in the Canadian doUar. In giving war orders it has become in- creaalllgly evident ·that the British and Canadian Governments are driving hard bolralna with lnduatry. At the same time employera are eonfronted with the higher Income tu:eo and the Excess Profits Tax Act puaed by p&rliam1nt Jut fall. While all the88 controls have been ex- erciied, labor coetl remain an unguarded factor Ill the anti-Inflationary policy. The a~"~on as members of 1 ~ .~~-~=ls~on;• whlclt will probably re-the 1 · prep&re fbr the ~tianlen- ,..,,,.•uto"·• tary ieulon oi>enfiitr May. 16, . ' ~=~~"'J'jlie!:ni' ~t atrlkea Ill ahipping, ateel and coal In ·the lllduetrlea Ji&ve .focussed attention on the ,natut Ill- courae ol industrial diliputes. Labor de- , benefactor partment figUre. mow that from the be- to people 111 e-.ary .';~~c~~~~~:. tbe world. ginning of tho war to Marclt 31 there has It Is IP!fortimate that the .. srrave_ l1f mem- been a loea through strikes of 157,737 ben' .it. , the"i!:dlaon. fami(r.?lbei!lld })a 11""' ~worldng-daya, or almoet double the g!tietod' In eaJi!l"fw&en ·.lt":woal!l taka 1o total o/. '84,129 man-worktni-ilays loet in little money to have It fix. up and per- tho comparable aevan months of 1938-39. nianODtly maintained. . It: ·~ • therefore At the oame time wage increasee have cooilfortil!l to hear. an,ann~t IIIIAie been granted by employers Ill a broad list at a cJiJiner · 111 Windoor the da7 aftlr the ol llldustrleo alnce war began. A survey vlalt to ~ that twO Qmed!i.n · edi- recently completed by t.be Industrial Re- tora, m~ ol· the ·vtii.W part7, had lati0111 Section l1f a Canadian university undertaken to,.;. 'that thls ,WOrlt 'was car- ohowa that up to January 81, wage in- rlad . out. Tbe ~er· Is t!Ja~ · lt ,hu not creases of from five to ten per cent. had been c1ooe bofON, dftpita 18viri! appeal• been given by 122 .Ompanies out of 822 made. were uked for data. Increasea were noted · · t partlcular!r Ill the mining, textile, logging, .. ' . : ;.::.,_;•' .. Do Your Spriq Cl~'Gnlq No111 . l ..,1 ' Thi1 Ia the period ¢ ~ year when houoewiveo unc!ettako 1 tlii, ~oDd annual taak of bouse e!Mnlng.. P,'lllati aad wood work are ICl'llbhed to a oh~ hrlitltneeo. Curtailll are waal!ed aad ·~ad aild In 101111 lnatoncea new wallp&per I& buq. On tlie completlooi of the job there Is alwayo a feellq of pride in work .~ell. done and th• ceitt.llley that the houae will be pre- -table for aummer v!altOn. · . needle and dock tradeil. .This picture l1f rising wage coste has been developed apillat a background of a mocieat Increase In the worker's cost o! living. Ind!eea of the Labor 'Department and the Dominion Bureau of Ststietics agree that coet of food.- rents and services hu advanced only three poi eent. since the war started. Rigid control exercieed by the Wartime Priees and Trade Board has nrved to keep living coets at a mod- erato love!. · · MONEY-~ 1JJ imptt-ove !f01"! BREEDING STOCK A pure-bred bull will improve your dairy &lock, and eam its keep many times over. Better strains ·in all livestock produce increased returns throughout the year. This Bank is interested in all progres- sive farm operations and our Branch Manager will be glad to consider a loan to you for these or any worthwhile purposes. Have (1 tall: with him. THE DOMINION BANK . BSTABl.JSHKD 1871 WHITBY BRANCH, G. HEATH ROSS, Manager. GAN'T WIND UP ONE Blfi UNION JUDfiE UL<UI ha.s been repudiated and condenmed bY nearly all the members. In 1936, when the General Work- ers' unit, of which SyKes was e. member, went out of existence, Sykes became an organizer for the American Federa~lon or Labor, in· va..jing the fields of the 0 B.U. This action amounted to renunciation of his membership in lhe O.B.U. There was no evidence offered I \1{in1Di1peg Court Finds PI•• in- I t:> substantiate Crisp's claim to tiff. Not Member. Of membe,.,hlp . Therefore It follows, the judgment Organization holds, that neither plaintiff is now entitled to share In the distribution Winnipeg, May 7 - Lege.l action seeklng to wind up the . One Big Union and distribute its assets, can· not be maintained by Samuel Sykes and Allred Crisp, whose claim to membet8hlp In the O.B.U. is not valid, Mr. Justice Dy~art held 1n a. judgment delivered In King's The jlw~~:;,;,::;_ . !::.11oj~ tdaJ of U: whether Messrs. had~ <laht to ma~ota!J tton. . . ~ or!gfna.I wJndlng UJl sets or the . wa.s 19t.h, 1933, by Samuel Sykes and one, Moore, who later dloed, hi! place a.s co-plaintiff being ta.ken by Al· fred CtU>p. The two clalmed ' to sue on behalf of all other members of the One Big Union. The defendants were Wflllam Mc- Callum and five other offlcers of the Winnipeg central Labor coun· cll, which organization and the 0. B.U. were joined as defendant&. The O.B.U. claimed tha.t Sykes lost any right he otherwise might ha.ve had to press the suit when 1n 1933 he wrongfully refwed to hand over to the Labor Council cu.stcdy o! the assets of the Building Trad~ unit of the O.B.U., then delinquent. Further, 1t wa.s averied the plain- tiffs are not members of the O.B.U., and even J! they were they llave no proprietary intere.st ln the assets In question and consequently no status to sue. The Judgment uphol-ds thls view and say.s the· action was the outcome of an internal qu!UTelln the O.B.U., Winnipeg distrlct, but the quarrel wu not E.o as It appearo of the assets. Whatever rights they had are now lost by the fact tha.t they cea...ooed to be members of nny unit or the O.B.U. They have no right to share in the assets nor are they qualified to maintain or prose- cute this action. Picton, May 6.-0ne of the an sailor.s of the province, Capt. Ben Bowen, Trenton, this week 'be- gan hb 56th year ns a. mariner· on the Great Lakes. Capt. Bowen ha..s started his eighth year as master or the Olen Allan, package freight 4 er plying between Bay o( Quinte port.a and Montreal. Previous to this he wa.s master ot the M. Sicken. w:1!ch also traded between the same ports, for eleven yean. Sa1Hn8 seems to be a. tradition with the Bowen famU1', for Capt. Ben Bowen's father saUed schoon- ere 1n the sixties and his grand- father operated a. ba.rge from Des- eronto to Bay of Qulntc ports. Ca.pt. Bowen's sons are following In his footatep.o~, three ot them being ca.p- ta.tns, AN: hie, Gordon and Walter. "I starLed saiUng when I wa.s 16 YftU"a of age, from Deseronto in a schooner and have sailed every ltlnd of boat rrom a. barge to a. big lake freighter," Capt. Bcwwcn re- called. He beca.me a master In 1906 and during all t.hese years he h~ lost but one man. Still hale and hearty, he looks forward t.o manz more years on the lakes. The Olen Allan which he now com- mands i.s owned by James deO. Hepburn, Y:.P .P, In the ume oense every eltlllen ol the community should take a pr!ae In his · or her aurroundirigs. Tho ep~ eleanlnr urge •hollld not atop at ,the ltidiVidual home or rarden, but 8hould proinu' to every part ot the muulc:lpallty, · Whitby II a community welcoming awi'lmer touriatl and for that realon our dvte pride ohould be reflected in the attention we pay to cleaning up the town to inau It prelent- J · · Editorial Notes l Air warfare may never win the war, but •jWI.I ..... bomba dropped from the air have mighty able. '•' llferchanto and others should . eo-operate with the Council to aee to.lt that the un· alghtly pileo of boxes ~·: cratee at the · re~r l1f their premiiu ·are:·removed. Jlalt only Ia thia an aid to heautf but &lao cuts . down tho fire hazard. Att,nti011 m.Y be given by the householder to the ·raking and cleaning of lawns and gar:.:t..,. and .tho planting of flowers. ·No ~more laating lm· proasion can be left wit!i· tjle · ylaitor than a town full of flower& and ' ..,ooth lawna. If every citllon does t\£.·1i',r.,I\U: ·part to beautify the ·town, Whitby will malto a l11ting impreaaion 'on vialfoa:a. wbo ~Ill be motivated to return again. Every. little part bolpe. Can we depeJid oa 'rilu to' &i 7oun! perauuive powers. Price of bridea Ill Iraq, now sometimes as u high as £600, Is being reduced by par- liamentary act to £80 for "fint-<:lass" fe- males, £15 for "aecond-clala" and £10 for "third.cfaas." Well, that'a better than our ayatem of aigning on the dotted line for any old model · otter a curao,.Y Inspection l1f the paint jOb.-WIIIdeor Star: Openlni of the Niagara Parka Boule- vard, !living ....; .. to one of tlie world's . best scenic wonders, Ia a commendable move on the part of tho Provincial Govern- ment. Cioohig of the park at the opening l1f war and just when the tourist season wao elooing met with general approval, but with additional 1uarda and protection of vital power aou~a. tour!s~ can ·still get an eyeful! 9f tho grandew: at the falla, un- der t.bo now ruling, 1. Smart, ttreamllned appt<UGnce. 1. Smooth, powerful engine. 1. Greater tovlnas In gas, oil and ov•rhead, Every type ••• every cap.city from lh-ton up. FuU "Heavy-Duty" line of Diesels. Cab • .Qver-- E~gine uniu from 2 ton1. I£ you want to cut coats on long or abort haula, tee your GMC dealer. Ask him to show you a GMC that exactly 1uits your needs. QWC.It DONALD MOTOR SALES DUNDAS ' STREET EAST WHITBll I a :. It i ; 1113 :tl THE WHITBY GAZETIE AND WEDNESDAY, MAY I, 1940 WHITBY BETTER Joining Merchants In One United Effort ·To BETTER BUSIRESS SPECIALS TODDY tc DEAL, Tin 39c 40C' and '!.-lb. tin tc. Both for ........ 4·lb. Pkg. CHATEAU CHEESE 16• (Plain or Pimento) ............ Pkg. OXYDOL 22• ' ~ge Package .... ............. ...... ... . COCA COLA 25¢ In Carton Satchel ............ 6 for P. & G. SOAP 19 .. I VALENCIA RAISINS 25• " Old kind with the seeds .... 2 lbo. 5 for ......................................... . -------- SHIELDS - DIAL F OR SERVICE 583 For Cedar Posts or Trade Marked 'blue coal~ DIA,L. 5'2.4 JAMES SA WDON &. SONS COAL - COKE - WOOD - BUILDERS' SUPPUES WILSON'S MEAT MAR THRIFT SPECIALS -:- ET 669 LAST ' CALL FOR EARLY SEED POT A TOES JUST PHONE We rtve you more ror t.he same Money. Or the same for leu Money. A. G. MARLOW Authorised westln&'hoose Dealer YOU are first JudJed bJ JOur appearance. To .,et that cood appearance ca.ll at. MILLARD'S BARBERSHOP 112 Brock st. Soutb - - W. C. TOWN Furniture Speciala Every Saturday. THE REDCAP All C&D&dlall Tr.r us for ddlcolUI Dome-cooked meala Ice Cream Sort. DrlnkB STOCKD.L'S CONFBCTIONERY - WE DaiVER Busier •' ' .. tHaoR· ?Jpu $RRn (}uJl ~~ ·OF • ..... ~ .> HEEL HU,G~ER SHOES TIES~·· PUMPS, IN KID Bo oure to oee and fit the white in tbio oboe. ·. ' CAM.P. SHOES, SPOR'fco:SHOES, In canvaa~ :· inJM.~er, crepe sol-. ' ASK :fOR~· COUPONS , ' ' HERE ARE LAST WEEK'S WINNERS : ' . . . L. NO. 38~GETS . : .... -..................... ,.: .. $1 0.00 F. NO. 41&--:.GETS ... .... -................ -... - 1.00 , . L. NQ. 378~_....,G.c.ETS ...... _ ......... -............... .. LOO I. NO. 1737~TS ... ~................................ 1.00 o. NO. 984 . GETS ..... : .. _: ...... ,,:., _ _: . 't~®,: . • • .. ~- • • > • n - ASK FOR.' COUPONS. . . o·o NALD · M:OTO~R ·. SA·~E S. · . . , . '";s .. , G.M.C. · Sciles Clind $ervice ~ ~ Phon~ 304 ' ' ' .. - INVISIBLE& ,;~F~c; NO ·~ . A L L I S 0 N ; .S <: SHOE . STORE '"' (~IIU t!- ~ 'Jiro..j · MARTIN'S HOME BAKERY . BeadqUal'iers for Brea4l & ca.kea wl~ Ul&t. home-made tast.e. \\'here mau::r have learned to blQ'. ' t.helr Ca.ndJ' - lee Crtam Soft Dr'lnb - eic. Brock ~d Co~e Street. . . E. I'!~; ~9~~:nr~:;T !:~s!···j·~ .. :'):~:~~~~~~:;~~~); .. ~. Any !Pit ~of .iifn:.e.t \.fu~~-~~~~i;tti.~ tu!~~ ;..i!l<!s r·-·--,, · ~·::;~:~~= e]~~~~l!~~~~ HOTEL ROYAL beelle.n~ DinJDJ' RoOm. senlce Home COOiliDJ' sf:>vr~~~;~N IN WHITBY ·- you~ let teal ftlue for iour· money md diOre t! ~ '. . ·- , .. , . ~· · . . , ~ .. _.. . , L ;.,, ~ BooDU wJt.h Bat.b or Runntrw Water PHONE 996 &t.op at. Royal Wblle ln WhUby Arp Gaa aDd Ma:t.or Olb Slmo--w-- Greaalnl PHONE 851 IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THE NUMB~ UsTED '~ovtcM.L·.At,rA£ DpM.Ni~'~KF?R: Y()Uit.GifT. · RAINBOW CAKE SHOP Try Bettr Cakes and Pa.drl• Fresh Dall)- PHONE 970 We Repair ANYTHING Bouaht In a .;rewdleey store BASSETI'S Whitby Phone 171 Galvanized and Bronze Screening~ We bav~ a full stock of theoe neceAary protecton from theAly pelt now approachina:. GALVANIZED WIRE SCREENIN~-all ~dtha, ~8 in. t!' 48 in: • BRONZE WIRE SCREENING-18 m., 24 m., 32 m., 36 tn., 38 mMB., 481NAm.TION EXTENSION WINDOW SCREENS - S<;:REEN DOORS - CO DOORS. "' PROMPT ATTENTioN TO BEPAm .;rons • W. A. HOLLI~AY & CO. Phone 546 SHOP . SUPERIOR STORE FoT Quality and SenJice . PHONE 567 J. H. DAVEY ;.CURTAIN NETS at BARGAIN PRICES -THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SA,.URDAY we are Don"& For,et.t roiD&' 1o clear all our CURTAil< NETS •• ...,.. ·sUNDAy IS MOTHER'S DAY barpln prlo ... Fillet Nolo-1 of 49¢ · ' MarqulseUe-RaJOilAo Prices to Yd. We have •ome lovely rifts that. any mother wollld DON'T MISS THESE. be dell&'bted wtLb. • •YOU'LL LIKIO SHOPPING AT BELL'S". ' BELL'S DRY GOODS . PHONE3l8 THIS COUPON and 15. Cents EaUUe, you to a !5 cent Un or UY in ,Whitby the ETfER l!•ineu Aoaoe. Way Y. Pbonio11 465 for the . ELL TAXI. SOFT DRINKS CIGARETIES For ·uuattltY . c;~1n" ' ' WHITBY:. DAIRY . :PHONE t·7-70 ... . (• . ,.BROS. J·OST IJ'lAI. ,328. . • • • • ' li .... . ' Wlll SRN1"9f . . BUTTER 1ND GRADa Porlb. 25%c " CKUNERY • , . \ REDPATH SUGAR 20 lbs.SUI · Limit of ze lbs. to a Cultoaur Candy Special ' JELLY BEANS EGGS "A" LlKGB2"'- . "A" Pl!LLE'I'I 19c or MDlVII . ~ . ·: .. - - \ .,~~ ·. 3 lbdor25.c .• ' . . ICING SUGAR · . ~ • t ROLLED PQT RQAST lb.16~, ' · AULTCRAFT FOUR HOUR ENA,MEL this week TOBACCO · · CIGARS . · .. , I · · < ~ • • L '"' ' · ~. ·.' . .. ' .. .' .. .-ROY '- • • • ~ 1 • • ' FOWLER . . . CLO:r;H~G 'FURNISHINGS . . . ' . . ~ KONFUCUS SAY ; •• ' ' - • •Traftl East, Tnftl' Weot, - . . . . . Whll..,. Barplli. .u ..... -· . ., TOWN ·KAJ.L BUlTON SHOP ' •. ' .· .: UNoWBBJiz · ' ' . Wti.IJ.BY MPT(l~s .. Ll~ltED 24 HOUR SERVICE . ' , . . . . . . B.A.. PRODll€1'5:. . . .. . . . . . . •' . . . . . ~ ~ ·CH.RYSLER a11d· ~·P~Y:MOU!fH 1"CARS·' . . . ' ·. ' . ,. ~ \ . ' . . ... . CASE . JR"CTO.RS. ' ' ' ' . ' ,. . ' FLOOR WAX l·U.. TID • . ··JOJ:-J,l'S:. - ~·A' SERVICE ~· PRO~~ cARADIAR RATIDRAL .. . Place · ·. DUNLOP· TIRE~ . · wiN. $2SO.oo WHITBY PHONE 560 RAILWAYS 'AiiEIT ' _, PHONE427 ' ON ·TIME PAY~£NTS;· EV~~y , WEEK MciiTYRE HAIDWAIE ' Tune ift•·to Domlmo~ ·Radio ' Ev01')1: ' ~ "PANTRY SHELF" - CFR~ 8 p.m: ' . . J.~~~~~------~~~~~~~~·~--~·~· ~ .. ~·~~~· ~~·~· ~~-· ~" ~~ .·~· ~~·~--~·~· -·~ .. ~~~~~---.~---~ .. -.. ~~~, ----~.-~~~~~~~~~ ., ____ ,. ~ . ' ·~ ..

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