Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Oct 1939, p. 1

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Broek Tt>wnahifi Fonnd Not ' Re:aponsilblel For -the Death of Two Car PORT PERRY MAN IS NOW ON TRIAL Charged in Connection With Death of Ashburn Farm- er Near Myrtle He Wu · .Taking Home The Grand Jury returned find· in~ on two indlctmenta of ma,n- slaughter in Supreme Court Ses· slons here TUesday morning; WJ~JBY FLYER \->LOSES HIS LIFE IN WAR .SERVIGE Not Officer J. Roaa .Ander- son Wu With R:F.t. In England Deputy-Sheriff and Mrs. J. A Anderson or Whitby, received U1~ sad news last Thursday night of the. death of their · only son, Pllot OfUcer J: Ross Anderson, of the Royal • Flying Corps. The message. contaliled in a cablegram from Eng- .Iand, advised that Pll!lt Officer .J. Ross Ailderson was kllled in an aeroplane accident at Benson, Eng-. land, on Wednesday, October 18th. No. other partlc\ialrs were given, but 'Mr. Anderson Is awaiting further word. The ilad news was broken to Dep- ut.Y..Sherlff and Mrs. Anderson by HIS ·Worship Mayor Fled T. R,.owe; and by Rev. Clifford G. Park; min- 1st~ of Whitby United Church. Contactln&' Viscount Greenwood 'Friday morning Captain the Rev. A true blll was returnf)d· agaln5t Herbert Sweetman, Port Perry, and his trial commenced TUesday morn- ing, Crown Attorney Allin F . Annis Indicated to Mr. Justice McFarland that the . case woUld take at leas;. two days to complete. Nineteen wit· nesses are to be called in all by the Crown and Defence counsel J. P. Mangan, .OIIhawa barrister. , . . . Ralph Adye, chaplain of the Whitby PILOT OzyiCEB. if. B.. ANDERSON branch of the .Ce.nadhn Legion, 01117 !IOD of Deputy-Sheriff and called at the bereaved home to state Mn. J. A. Anderson, of Whitby, that he woUld get in touch. with who· loa~ his ure In ·an aeroplane Vlsc~unt Hamar Greenwood, i!f· acelclent whDe on war senlce Englimd, and· request him to take wttli. &be· B..F.C. cha~e or the dead officer's affatr..;. No blli wa.s returned .agalnl;t . 19· year-old Leonard Kydd, Brock· Township, and hls Lordship· dis· missed the case Tuesday morning without coiilllient. A, W. S. Greer, Oshawa barrlster, appeared on be· halt of the youth. ---....,...---------' PilOt Officer Anderson had letters The Grand Jury wa_, then dls- Clissed by Mr. Justice McParlano, who thanked them for their con- alderation of the cases . . The Jury for the Sweetman trlr.l Vias then select- ed, aDd the rest of the Petit Jury dl,mlssed until Thursday morning. Ablolve ~&b of Blame In retUmlng no blll against Kydd, the Granc;l Jury absol~ed the youth or an.Y blr.me in the !fer.th ,_of coa~~pa;al,. 01111 1n the car. he waa Cballenginc ~ppeal at · United . €burCh An- niv~ ,. ,1;_:, ·- r. Rotary ; Budget · Reve•ls a Lot ·of Worth . While Work At Ule meeting ot the Rotary Education In providing frc•: skn Ung Club on Tuesday, announcement of for th~ winter for Ule children of the Club's budget for the :;er.r re- the ,town. vealed something ·or the extent of Money grant to the Boy scouta. the activities eng!!se!l h) by the Money erant to the v •ctorlan Rotarians In their work. While all Order of Nurses. Ule local Ol'l!anlzatlons a:1d move· ~hrlstmas treat for the U\inates ments benef!tted by Rotary are not ot the Ontario County Home included· or mentlonec somt' of the ChriEtmas theatre party !~r th main channels In which the Olub chUdrt'n of the town. e has an acUve Interest arc as Col· Provided funds to pay for •ever· lows: al boys at Summer camp. Crippled chlldreh asslst.ed by Money· l(rant wll! be made to thr means ·or securing hosplt.al treat· Whitby .~noh or the Rect Cross ment, providing steel braces for de· Soci\!Y formed limbs, ete. Provides prizes In · recosu it lon o! MUk .provided lot· undernourlsh- high titandlng. In various cia,,, , . 1 ed children In the public and Sep- the Whitby High ' School · s a arate Schools-a dally supply fm Holds an annual dh1n~r . several months during the fall and :u1e Juulor Farmers of the "c" nlch n•inter ts . ounty " . are gues , and some ou tsta 1 Co-operation ~lth the Board ~~ ; agrlcultur~t ·Is the guest : : 1;eak1~1lng • ' ~~ 0 .. - · ·· ~ If ..... -~ ., .. .. . ... . . ........ . of introduction to V1scount Green-· woOd when he went to England, and the Viscount took quite an Interest m· the young mail's career. First District Caaualty '.,Young Andersoli's .un~ely dei.th the first e&Sualf¥ -involving a re- ar Whitby or · 06h&wa and '!~!strict seiv!iig· tn His - MaJeStY's forces since the. outbreak of. the war.· Pllot Officer Anderson wa's 26 · of and wa8 the only son . De~put;y~~eriff an4 Mra. ADder- to Ettslan'ci ,& year ago ROyal Alr·, Porce, ana, rece.lved br h1s Manifesto ·on· · · unita·d. · Not .· . '· supper . Joyatile SC!claJ. ~ur ,~ v;h~ some of the ~to!,'s brte't· speeches· and· Comp. Prentiss gave several reading&~ \ . . . . : 1 • ' t ·., . . r .\

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