Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1938, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR n-IE WHITBY·CAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WFDN~AY. MAY4. 1938 Social and Personal Brevities Mi5s J . M. McKee, Reg, N., apent the week-end in Galt, the auest of her brother, C. W. McKee. + + + Mrs. John Arthurs and 1\lra. Kenneth BroWn, of Nlapra Palls, Ontario, were week-end peata at the home of Mr. and Mr3. D. B. Bes~. Dundas Street East. . ++ + The Misses Powell who bave been living in Toronto, for the winter have returned to their home on Dundas street west. + + + Mr. John Dalby, of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.arlo, spent a few daya t.bi& week wlt.h bb parents,. Mr. and Mrs. S. Dalby, Atbol Street.. + + + Mr. R. Insole and family have moved to the .Dr. MODtaoalllll' rc:sldence· em Brock street aouth. + + + The Annual At Home ' of the Whitby Branch of the OlvU ser- vice &isoclaUon wl11 be held on Priclay evening. May 6tb, at the Recre&Uon Hall, Ont.arlo H05Plt.ll. Grant Lynde's orchestra wlll be in attendance. + ..,. + The three Whitby Hardware Stoxu will close on Wedneaday af- ternoon commencing Wedne.sday, May tt.h, and cont.lnulng through tbe summer mon~ { + + + The regular meet.ln& Dund&~ ..§.l!Yt Home and School Club wtl1 MQ' loth. "nle annual elecU~ or be held In t.he School OD. TUI!6day, officers and cup and saucer show- er will be held. + • + Miss Lula Dryden baa returned home after spendinlr a three mootbs' vacaUoli in Washington. AU&nUc City, and St. Petersburr. Plorlda. Pringle, who recently completed a course in Electrical Englneerlnl: at University of Toronto, will com- mence hi& new duties at once. • ·+ + Rev. E. Riilp11 · Adye and Rev. D. B. Langford are attendlnlr the liM· stons of tbe Anglican Synod ·in To- ronto this week. + + + Mr. W. A. Donnelly, of P'ort Hope, former C.P.R. st.aUon apot here, was In town on Sunday for the un- ited Church Sunday School anol· versary se'"Vlcea. Mr. Donnelly was superintendent of t.be &chool here for some years. + + + Rev. John Lindsay. secretary ')I the Synod of Toronto and Klnpton of the P.J'eabyt.erlan Church In Can· ada, ls attending the annual meet- in& being held in Belleville tbls week. "nle Rev, Samuel Lawrence, of Whl~bJ•, IS the retlrlDg president ~ ' l !tc Synod. + + + Mr. John Dalby, who has a posi- tion iri Sault Ste. 114arie, was home over the 'A'eelt-end, arrivln& In Whitby on Saturday and leavin& Monday night. Jotm lltes his new job very well and has &lowing ac- counts of the friendly splrlt sbo1rn In that country. COUNCIL MEETS MAY l'lTH. The next regular meetiug of CouncU wlll be held on Tuesday evening, May 17th, inllteail of MOD· day, t.be 16t.b, CouneU decided on Monday, owing t6 an Important meeUng In Toronto on the 16th which some members of Councll want to attend. PUT DIAMOND IN SHAPE Tbe Properly Committee wil.s ln· + + + structed by Councll on Monday There will be a public speaking nl&ht to put. the diamond in 5hape c::omeA at. ODt.arlo Ladles' College at. the Town Part for tbe ~'a Gil ~\'~day nllbl Tbe A. L "'m7• aoftball. "1lUU WW Include ICI'IIoPiDI 111n7 ..-. wm 111e awuded to u. and u. IIIJIIIlJ or aand. open In the Kurdoch block, nnt to· the Domln1oo atort, oocupled IOC' aome years by A. B. St.ul'lw. 'nle opeoina date wm be about the middle of the pre~ent mooth, it Il l calculated br the aaanaceaaent. SCOUT APPLE DA'I' A 8t1CCZSS Oltilena responded aeneroualy &o the annual Apple Day held on su- urda.J by Wbttb)o BOJI!Ieouta. :Br~Pl' and eviY SCout. were the streeU, lleillnC to JIUIInr pedMtrlanl &lid vi5ltlnc the bomu, and they n- matned 011 Ute Job unw ~. 'lba result ,... a net. Prout of $110, an lncreNe of ~.oo over lut. yflll'. I'IUZB8 ..U&NTED AT . SUND.\Y SCHOOL 'lbe l'l1llw'7 Department · of ~ United Church Sundq School, UD- der the dlftcUOil' of tbelr IUI!If- lntendent, Nlu NeWe H&rper, coD• ctucted the annlvtraarY meet.tna el the acbool held lut. ·~daJ' after- noon. Tbe platform was Nled wttll beginners and primary atudenta, and these children d4m0natn~ wba' took place in their departmeat each Sunday. Ralph McCarl read the acrlpture for the aentce and Grant Pisber · cave -an· excelleD' oraUOn on the aubJeet "Tempe!'&DCI from a Bo7'1 VIewpoint." '1111 'MID• lister apote to the adollllceJll bola and &lrll OD. "ltleldna In the Natat DlrectloD" Ullnr atoriell, peraoDa1 experiences, and ftrloua obJeata witll telllna effect on hla audleoct. A pleaalna feature of t.he .service waa the J)lelellt.IUon of a fountabi pen to Mr. W. A. Donnelly of Pert Hope, who wu IUPII'Intendmt Of Ule Scbool for many years. TweDt,)' Archer Wallace boot prl&e& ,.. presellted to the boya and ctrla ot the acllool wbo bt.d perfect. at.tenll· record~ tor the JUt year. ANNU.U. IIUTING OF 1IOimlnl iiWIIIOti ~ ......... .,.wat&- wiDDera. + • • DDIDald Prlnlle. 11011 el w. M. PriniJe, hu beeo aJlPIIIDt.ed &o &be :staff of t.he Ont.arlo Hydro-ElectriC Power Commission In Toronto. Mr. WbUIIJ II \o baft a 11ft 9lliiJ lllr Wa.D'a lllelll .. wu btllt abop and ~ura.o&. 1FWl ..,. ·the oa.D:a aw....-• ritda.r. ai- fount.lln and t.a111e tee cr.- and ltrDOOil 'WIIb ..... _..,. ~ conlectlons service. A branch of 111!11\. '1'bl Pt ld•t. lin. W. (:. t.be weU known Dianna Sweeta will Town, ln the d\atr. Several JDM. tera of bulinela were t.aan care et. B ROCK THEATRE . WHITBY Phone 618 THURSDAY- FRIDAY- SATURDAY ALL SHOWS DA. YUGHT SA. VINC TIME-... ( "' Two Sbowa at 7.30 aad 9.30. Saturd.y Matinee at 1~ HAT TELLS MOI,E HE PICTURE T EEN TOLD BEfORE LlAC EVER 8 . _... tHAN .n- RS AI£ a£ALI.Y.Wvn AI()UT HOW W~ · · ••• CUIII DODD • RITZ f.ILq CUll lOIS·- •• 11. c.-. ···-- Ibe Becn:ttrJ • n-u-tr'a rtPGit for the year wu reacl uut wu wrr eocouracllll· '1'bl Bt.alld1nl Ollila· JDtttee reporta allowed $DWell Mil valuable work done by the CODftD• and Ule1r ooaunlUet. Durlnl U)e electiOn of officers the chair wu t.atm by IIIII Dbe1 PIA- cher. Befon ret.lrillc Mrs. '1'oWD ~011117 tbankecl the ·memben tor the11' llJl)pOrt aM. 'JlQUibt.tuln- &o her clurtnc the yeu'. ' na followiBI were theft elect.ed-Preatdent, Mia. w. c. Town; 1at Vice Preald•~­ Mra. W. A4btan;. :met VJce Preald•t lin. O'Dell; S.O.·~r. IIIII L .llc01lllal,l; Audltprl. Kill WWia an4 llrL A. Ball; ~ ~ Kra. P • .Robtril; Repreaentt.UY. ~ AJmual - l(ra. . LAVII and JI1A IWlel .,et.cber; Dlrectara - , lira. DllmODd, llrL J. H . Onn1at.on. llrL Jtoy 8Urttvant. Xn.. llalatodE and llrL Annttt.Je A Ytr1 CQI'CUal in'rit.IUon was n- ce1Y8Cltram II'- II.CKII to bolc1 &be lla:r mett.lnc al "8U11D7 Noot• Wblch wu patlfUlb' ~ .. Klna&le Branch art to be Invited &o .. 1\lUW. Afkr votAI ot t.banD were tenllered, the JMeti.PI ad· joumed. ANNIVBIUI~Y CONCBIILT AT TID OHIDD CII1JacJI BrtnPla to a . ckMe -· of &be mOl& aucc:MifUl annlYII'IIl1el lD CODDeCUoli wtth the lcbool, an ea· &ert.ainiDiat Wllleh t.ur&ct.ecl &D4 merited a 1ar'le audiiiiCI was btld lD the Unite4 Ch\U'Gh on '1'\j.qdq evtlllnJ. Prlnelp&l DIUUer on tM pncr&lll waa & ouraery rhyme faa• &a&J, '"lbe Land of Lcll)c Are." ataaed b)' the 8Cholan of tha aehool under the able cUrtcUoo · of Mrt. J~lan Beecroft. with mualc Ullder ~ d1rec&kln of Mn. VllDOil ~ Durlna the preeeot.aUoo aome . ftiJ cleVer tallnt. ,... 411Jtue4 by - rpemheq ol &41 cu&. u4 &be .. ............... ,.[ .. aDd......., ............ --•••• '"-..., a'an o. .... - ....... II&• .wl&n.41M-H >1 IItUD ~ ....... . tbll chanclet 11W1Y houri have been apent both b7 Ule dlr- ectora and pupOJ. Addlq to U.. varlet;J U\d tDJoJment of the ptci- ' aram wen aenr&l numbel'J by tile Glee Club, cUrecte4 by Jlrl. Ito-. • caa& el chu'actera In the play w. u IOlloWI : llotll•. BeleQ Xeaa: LlWe Olrl, MariOft Rowe; ~. !tut.h CliJMQI: no AQaela. Jltlm and Hut1 Aabby; PriiDar)' Depart. mmt, tmdlr cllrtCUOn of Jllalll ll&rper, Ruby Allln, MUriel Turn•; Dut.ch Drtll, Dlrtet.lan of Mr*. u.... rta: ltlna of HIM'ta. J\uth :ao...A: •' ... I. M. WILLIS L&ID TO BUT Tile funeral of the late Ml'l. J. M. • Armoanc:emeilt. W!Wa of Port Whitby wt.a held . Oil -PAIMTDI _____ G,_AND_.....__PAPBR--.-KAH--0..- Wedneeday aftemoon, 1.114 waa 1111..-W. Brown, m ·Aih Street. Jarply attended by aorrowtna rela· 'l'elepbone 4011 'Wbltb)o. uves and frlenda. At St. Jobn'a Ohureh a brief but lmpreastfe eer- nce na conducted by the rector, ...,. D. B. Lanaord, who referred to the cleceaud ..a a woman 1n wboll life Joy radlated-JOJ In the eentce of her family, ber church, IUlCl community orpnlzaUOM with wbleh ahe was act.lftly Identified. Bbl tl&d a renlua for trtendablp. and waa a woMerflll homemuet. !'« :Ill ,.an ahe na orpntst of the eburcb and at tbnes pve of her .oca1 talent. All her life abe . bt.d ..._ klenUfled wlth St. JObn'a Cburch, and had aened In variOUS ...,.aUes. "nle rector allo broulh' a m...,ge or comfort and eolace fnllll aoci·a WOrd to the bereand. Mr. Robin Nlebollloo, of the Bapuat Cb~ was at. the Ol'l&ft. PoiiOWing the service lntermenl na .ade In St. John'& cemeterJ, UM pallbearers belnl William Cor· ren. 8eymour Whitney, s. Wt.&aon. J. Kelftp, MayOr Pftd Rowe and 'V(. ODolt. Amona the numeroua ~· aantrtbutorll 'were. St. .T 0 h D 'I Cbarcb, Women·a :tnstl\ute, Ord~r el C.N.R. RaU,wq ~ \be A. lL AaaM ~. ~ <three plecle), Whltllr Ulllnl.a.o- cla&IGa. iutem Mar i.odte 1fo. . '12, I .O.O.P- t.he ~ el 'l'be WhHbJ aa.u. &114 Olllaaldl. ORDERS TAKD POR ONTARIO fX eedar ahllllles tor delivery af· tao Mq 15th. .ut tOI' prteee. P. L. Beeeroft. phOfte 1121. EXP&R't . SIIOE REPAIRING dane by J. Peel, at the rear of Aptw-Burpua atore, Brock street IIOUth, Whitby. . n.oWERS AND PO'IIBD PLANTe for Mother'a DaJ'.-w. B. Annl· ..... ; Breck 8t. I!IOUth. LAWN MOWZRS-; SJIARPZNBD &Del Bet, ealled for and dellftred. 1Jaed BlCI)'ClM lor llale. 18.00 up. Lutts Ble,ele Shop. PliOat '1'82. · PLAN TO ATI'ZND· TRZ' OaoAN ncltll In st. Andre... Qbureb on Sundq eventnr. st.arUncabOut UO. GuM\ orpnllt. Mr. - · oeen, A.R.c.o., of Oshatra; Ouest artlala, Mr. w. A. Dewland, Mra. (Dr.) Grant Berry, and others. suver collecUOn. !'.ESERVE MONDAY, MAY 11TH aDd plan to aee the 111M_.. f- U. -.ann• 11M -.., ·rl ............... -- In ftW7 -err 1n u.e ~ w1ua ~ --.. iii;liii el ................ ....., 8eboel 1118111, 8t. Andrew'l Church at I p.m. Admlalon 20c and 10e. RII!IDVZ MONDAY, MAT ITII, and plan to aee the peat IOI1Dd rom. the "Romanee and mator:v cf BrMd," ahowlnf IOIDII in everJ count~)' In the WC~rld, under aiiiPlcea or et. Andrew's Men, SUnday Behoel roeat, BL Andrew'a Oburcb, II ·p.m. Admmllon 20c and JOe. SALVATION ARMY TAO DAY, Saturday, May lfth. Help us to help otben. SPICIAL AT DRBW'S POR Jlotber'a Day, ADDle Lturle Hoatemade OhocoJ&tea.. Tbe late Mra. Wlllls, Whf* ma.ld-C • D81De was Anaata,lta WoodhOule, the d&Uihter of tne tate John and lllar7 Woodhouse, who were early MWerl here, comlnl out from Ire- land, Mr. Woodhouse beiDa a t.t&ch• • for over a quarter or a century. - bad lived all her life here, and frGm ctrlhood was Interested In 8&. John's Oh11r1:h at Port Whitby. llbe was otpnl.st there for 25 JeU1. and pve r~ for yean of her '91ICal t.alent. She was a orery acUve and muCh esteem8d member cf Uu1 WOIBII\'s Auxlllary. In c:ocunun- IV wort Mra. WlDla was alwaya tn-.ted. She I*Ye of btr Ullle and talent to the Vletorlt.n Order or Hursea, the Womm.'a InaUtute, aDd the Brock street. Home and 11cbeo1 Club. Of a mast pl-.alne Amn7AL AT BOMB OP TJU: _,,.., tin"'• Whltb)o BraJieh, OlvU 81rTlce --·J' a ....., nellhbor, . and Aalocl&Uon wlll be held oa Prt· alWQI thlnldnc of othera, ready and ao wllllnl to help 1n everr __. daJ nenlnf, Ma7 llt.h, at the ....... ltllertaUon Hall, Ontario HOI• woriL Mra. wuua had a ve17 wtde pltal. onnt LJ!Idt'a ortbeatra circle of friends who deeply rerret w111 be In attendance. 'ncteta at btr pualDc. •1m ptr couple may 11e aeeurect Left to mourn her Joss are bet trcm any member ot the .u- bUIII&ad, flve dauahttn, Mn. P. M. IGClatlon. IIDIBday, Of Brootlln, Mra. D. 1J. ==-===--=~~-:::-----­ IIAIUII, Whitby; 111r1. Onllle c. TBIIITH ,AH!!UAL JUCIIMOMD Hllllland, Tonmt<>· Kn: Raip8 '\,Jilt.botr wm be blld . . 'l'IMida.Y. 0~. V&ncouftr,' B.C., and 1111&1 M&:1 2tth. Attni:tave elaa9a for Arlu&Mla wuu. of ToraDto, t.hrle au lltllda ot hor~M otter IOOd ,_., Herbert of Ubtolf ont. wn- prt-. You are c:Onllally Invited u.aa 11 • • • to be an ezhlbltor thla year, ., or Woodatoct, and Jamta Write fer prtJIIlllt to J IJ. Bmlth Edward, of Montreal; three broth- SeCretary !Uehmond ·IIUl on' era. o. D. Woodhouse, of Nlaltra tarlo. ' ' • Palla. 01\t., Herbert A., of Mmtteal &114 a-a. w .. ot TwWd, &D4 '~ ...... Mra. .TAmil laUe, of I'Wt Whl\br, and Mra. A. T. Bataoll, or 'l'olallt.o. . SUPERFLUOUS HAIR ... ELECTIILYIIS .: so~.- AlmW H*MIUL Give Flowers for Mother's Day D Aad HOller Your Mother Hm iJ a !til opponuity for,_ ... UJ dUa aum- lous. new finish-to see for yourself the oew beauty it will give walls. woodwork aod furniture. Por ten days only, your dealer will supply you with any quantity of Neu- Glos at the special low price shown abo'fe. Just . fill in the Credit Check shown here and take it to your dealer: .,. TO MAY Nea-Gto• ana the aotr. medi- atou 6alsb that Ia aow 10 lll1ICb fa 'fOpL It Ia Ill)' to eppl)o, dries fa a f&w boan. aacl Ia ..,..ilecl to PN"Dt ...,. -..a- ...... Ita beadfal ..-1 aUda -.ble aa,oae to obtafD CDb em-. Ia bepiJIJ Yilh the mocltra treod Ia demratiaJ. AadN...Gioeia-5.U... ........ lllarb. iDk lt&IDa ud dirt CIID be qaidd, ettd ..ny -- wftb -P IIlii ...cer witboat humlas dae beMir)' ofthi1 &ac:iaetiaahlalu ~a~ &abtng ~rtbit ~~tdt MAKn~ NEU-GLOS c-1 J-r JO tl~tP •6\ ~ 4 • ~ 14 .......... T11itCndlt Qed: eetida the-...__._.. ......... :;,t::.• NEU-GLOS SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL at ll*ialllla Drica 'k~ .2.2, o.irt 11.20 Plel 70ol ~Piel - ' Jte.~ .2.8, J[opbr 1.50 Jteplar .,. 1[ ..... 501 Name ... - .... -----··-.... W. A. BOLI-'DJI'I' and COMPANY 113 BROCK ST SOUTH WHITBY JEPHSON'S HARDWARE BROOKUN, ONTARIO GIRL GUIDES CAlm OP TILVflt8 Olrele the hand I'OUD4 the wrift Mra. Robert WUlls and ~amlly Maalqe each nnaer In tum and wlah to thank the. DWIY friends bend the I1D&'er' ,Jotnta. ' ~ . ;.. · __ '· - . ·-and n ~f~'!' tlnclnUB MO'ftl banda Ill wriA up an4 ~ The Glrl Guides atltnded ln a Y 1 f lll'm'I'&UI:1 1 thl!ll ald...,.. FJidllldbi _. ~· llOd)' the Sunday School annlver- shown them durtnc tbelr recent ping the hand all over wlth tha nry service ln the United ChUJeb sad bereavement. lin&em of the other band. on sunday neninr. Pllns are well under W&7 for the rarden party ·to be held on Satur- day afternoon, .June tt.h, on the lawn of Mr. and Mra. CJeorae D. AaUey, Byron Street South, the home of captain Jarrett. Wl!lle 1t may seem a utUe blt early to taUt of selllna t.lcketa for an event a month away, the girls are starting to sell on Wednesday as there Is a competition on, the Jlrl aelllnl the m011t Ucteta recetvtnc a nice bonus. Birth HOLLIDAY-At Oshawa CJeneral HCII!J)It.al, on Monday, ,MaJ' 2nd, to Mr. and Mra. Douglas IL Hol- liday, 50f Dundas street ft$t, Whitby, a aon. FEET AND HANDS Tbe followln& are aome ot the exen:l.Se3 recommended In the Phyalcal Fitness Campallfll In Br1~ ....,...._ aiD wiUcb can be pn,c&Md a& .._:- lAd ... __ - tbt IJrR bib BeD4 and atretiCh tbl ~ - Ill or u. rear IOC' u. •• 1w n an dbecUoaa whb :raar laDdL W&l 110& a ftl7 U. dQ tar·... IIIII ralllal and lOWWIICo but ~e Browllllll lle!nl aueh en- Slt wlth one let croeaed over tile thuafuUc hlters. went on wlth other. orasp the ankle of tbll their h1tlna plans. "nley len the lq and bend the foot backwards United Ohureh Bundq SchOOl t.t eleven o'clock a.m. with thelr and fonrarda &t the antle jOinl Juncbea and waited to Whiter "nlen, with ·one hand boldine the It . tried hard to raln wbUe ~~ ankle, the ot.her band turns the Blolmtea were eatlq their lunch foot round ln clrcular luhlon. After Junehea were eaten aom~ I Try to plet pieces of paper off the played ball and others ~t u- 1 Ooor with your toea. plorlnl. On their way home about Walle on outalde edre of the teet, two o'clock In the afternoon tlle then on toes, then on heels. Brownies made plans for another Hand ~rclae3 are eaay:- hlte. This next hlte wlll be 011 Stretch the fln&en and cJ01e; re- Sat.urday, 11a:r 'ltb, provldln& the peat aeveral Umea •. weather II favorable ami lt 111 dry Clench and unclench the fllta. underfoot. Othenrlse It ~1 be Knead the hands lD tum. as If pastponed. Each one brlnl lunches WMblDc them tolether. and coneeuon. WHITBY HARDWARE STORES c-. .-. ... w.- WII• CLOSID ON WIOMESDAY AFTERNOONS for the- .......... IIDcl UDiil bthw ftOiice. W. A. HOLUDAY CO. RICE HARDWARE F. J. MciNTYRE HARDWARE Brownlea are uted to meet at ~-----------~------------lll United Cburcb Sunday School be· fort 10.30. Any WM Ylah to 10 In wadln& muat brtnl a note !rom thelr pareuta to that effect. Wedding ILULVBY-IUillt A 4ute' 'WidcUq took plaee m Simcoe United Ohutdl, Olhawa, on 8aturday, AprU 30t.h, when Rev. w. R. Tanton unJt.ett m marr~a~w COnstance lterr, )'OUJIIeat. daUihter of Mr. and Mrs. .Tame. Kftr, "TtnD Stream Parm," Whitby, to Jobn carr Harvey, 100 of Mr. and ~~n. LBT US · SROW YOU AIID QUOTB YOU P~CB ON ANY OF TRB FOLLOWING Toronto .Aaphalt Shingle• and Roofing , Qu61n or Hta$, .JMD · Aahby; IC!lave o)f lh&rta. Gtral4ine Under- WOOd; Mald, JltJtn LIII\IW'; :8ack• blrdl, bon trom c1aaaea • or 1111r OorrtJl and Mr. ~y: Olndtr· ella, JlarJ' McQuay; atapm.othw· Helen Lute; Sllttrt, 11ar1on sco&&, Bett.J Ral'dtn; GOdmot.blr, Gloria Harvey, late of Oahawa, now of Luton. Bnaland. u:l!lllf!l 1111 '1'bl JOUnl couple left Immediate-Dales' Aut~graph Spring Flowers Potted Plants CEMENT e 'I LIMB • BRICK Bollnan: Heral<Sa, Helm. Ballet Nor11\a ~ton; Pr:l\ee, Grace Hoar: Jleaablrtl of the COurt, Doro- thy Are!Ubt.ld, lhrlOI\ &ott, Pttll Xempthome, Lllll&n Batley; Old ~ COle, *'1 'BUll; Pipe ~. Bve...U Quaatrlll: BoWl BMrlr, Jfl'· uett BU&h\; P1411lera 'nU'II, Jt.ek Whltefleld, Hofttcl OliiDIDI, Ben L)'n; Htrlk1a, Bobby OOUIJ\a, DOnalcl &nlth; BaM Leader, ~ph Blown; ~· Mrs. PothtraW'a Claas. ..... Britain baa 1~ per ceat m• Private aut.omobllel than ln ln&. I ( W. A. CORMACK Dundu St. w .. t WHITBY ly for t.he Old COimtr)' wbere they hue nW~y frlen<Sa and relaUve&. UflOn their return they will l'Mide ~ Oshawa. Death LAWR&NCE-At Olh&wa Genenl Hlllplt.ll on Tueada)', May Srd, 11131, William John Ltwrenee, be· UMd h!J!iband of Mabel M•y Na..,, In hll lllat year. The tqDeraJ· will take plt.ce fl1lm hta llte residence, Lot 211. cen. 5, Wbltb)o Townahlp, Oil ThiU'Ida)', llt.y &th, at two o'clOot s. T. In· tlrmmt 1n 0ro.ft61de cen)tt6ry, INSULATION • SIIBBTROCK ' : GRAVEL • I'UBL .o~era Promp~ DeBveNd ' . .J~MES SA WDOM 6 SOliS PHONF.St Office 524

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