Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1938, p. 1

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\ VOL. 74-NO. 45 WHITBY. ONT .• CANADA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1938 ONTAP1" ,.._ Jan· 'l'l'~DING WEEKLY ~==~~~~~~------------------------------------------------------~----~------~--~~~~~~~~~~~~----~------------------~ ne~ wo08bli~·,, ,..e. " REVIEWS ONTARIO ·srAliUTE c-~~ANGES ----------------------------------------------------------·~--------~~····o~~o · Whitby Lions Club Had A Busy···· Year AMENDMENTS PASSED AT LAST LEGISLATURE DETAILED TO COUNCIL . BROOKLIN SPRINfi Annual "Cie~n-Up Days'·' UNIQUE ADDRESS WORK IS DETAILED· AT THE ANNUAL VISIT OF THE DISTRICT GOVER-NOR There '• Honor Among Hoboe• FAIR PLANS ARE Are Set by Council for ATROTARY~LUB WELLUNOERWAY May 10th, 11th and 12th 10NTHERMOMETERS - ·-- oJo Hoboes have their own code vision --- ~-------------- Auiatance Giyen to Many/ What Council Did. Directors Iaaue Liat · Prizea, Sports, Attractions f 1 or e~bicS, In eommon with the ° Citizena A.ked to Perfotm It should appear again tbi.5 week. •"'J' einperature Controls In- rest of hDIIUUIIty. The lolloWJn~t I HIGH SCHOOL ACT . Local Community Organ· On .Monday Night izationa, District Govern- or is Told DENTAL WORK FOR MANY CHn.DREN Donations to V.O.N;, Wo- men'alnatit~te, Red Cron -Hockey League For Boya Spoc.sored In Brief Review Set 'f u e s clay, Wednesday, Thursday, May 10, 11 and 12, ~ annual •clean Up" Days ill Whitby. wlructed Property Commit· tee to ret prices on paintlnr. d~orattnr and ll&btllll' towD ottlces. 'I1te p1·1ze list Is out, and plan.~ are complete for Ute tweuty-eig;ttli annual Spring Fair to be held dt :Brooklin ou Victoria Day, Tuesday, May 24th. In Ut!i Community Park. Every effort. Is being made by the directors to make Ute Fair blgge: and better titan ever, and to ma.n- tain ita reputation as one of the l:e:;t a&rlcultural shows In the coun- ty. Directors are offering $1,200 in Del~ aeUon for two weeks prizes for Clydsedales, Percherons, on ap~ntment of special eom- Belgium, Suffolk and light horses, mlttee · to. revise buUdin& by- and registered shori.horns, beef law. grade. Ayrllhlres, Holsteins, Jl'rsey When District Governor L. W. --- Cattle Dlld for Ute usual big sports IPeter.an. of Wbtdsor. paid hili or- lln.nl ftt*1 ,._ 1. a. Fn.t. PJOP'UD. tidal Yiait to Whitby Llclaa ClUb on clerk :uMI areu.w, • ...... ·apana procram w111 IDclude lllvi- -n.day nen1Dc at the replar -la &e O.tarie ~ ., Ia• taUoo Ja::rwR, 8Dftball. football, Mmi-IIIGiltbly luneheon, J't!I)Cirta .__ &e -~ ... • men'• softball. chlld..-'s races, "'- ~ted r.eYnllnc to him the cetine 011 •said,.. .....k taken hone &boa.. wiUl ainlrle and double ICOIIUilunlty wart UDdertaken· and at T-&o laa& ..- 117 ...._.. IWd local tournamenta. accomplished durin& the put year, an4 two memben of Council For the particular benefits of Ute particularly for the benefit or chU- lllUe folks, Utere will be the popu- drm. The Dist-rict Governor was Decided to consider at some 1ar calf race for boys and girlli 12 particularly Impressed with the re- future date Lbe deplorable eon- years and under, also tl1e musical port pr.:o.sented by Lion Dr. Fred diUon or street sims. and to choir competition, open to boys CUddY which told what had been make no cb&nle In tralflc and girls under 18 years of age. done in Ute matter of public health 5~ until ~uired in aeconl· 'I1te muslc for the day will be and welfo.re. auce with amendment to Mu- supplied by the popular Durham 'I11c district governor, who was ' nlcipal Art. Regimental Band, or Orono, and " welcomed by President Wl11iam good program of classical and po- Da.vldson and members or the Club. lru;l.rueted Property CommU- pular nwnbers v•lll be 1·endered. · was introduced by District Deputy 'ee to &et prices 011 summer at- There will be a luncll and re- Annual T--•- T __ ..J_ . 1 Thla was &&reed upcm. d ,, Sa S ak JIUle episode IDustrates the U& on UAUay,._ DurlnJ: Ute clean up dates, ll4ay qatry, ya pe ~r point. \\"1JIIan Booth, wbo de- Wednesday and Tbur .. ,10, 11 and 12, these Important facts at T....da• Lanc:heom_ ' • lh'en ... ·- llle . lllllaree& .should be bom In mind. 1 Dalrr.wu ..,.._. 1t1f a WWt- day, Next Week ,· · C:>uncll calLs upon U1e cltizeu. ... ef111111 • llf'IM .., _, County Coun-Cl;ls- N--eed- No-- to clean up their vard.; and "~--ture OOD&roll l"ndu.rt-~ ~ I ' ..... - ., ... , lte .............. ·- --- premises. 1waa the topic of a 1lllliltUe an.1 In- --. _...,.... M& 'WIUt& 1 __ A--.int R- PLAN CLEAN UP OF Gather together all rubllish t~>.tr:!J~~ve address deUWred to Whit- any IDOft milt left on hh door- .....,.._. .-.--· -..-- In suitable recepLaclcs. such a.s 1 :by RotarlaniHa~_!hWhtelr 'll'ftk1; lunch- !ltep antll his retum. For t- sentatives on Boards of THE TOWN OFFICES ban'els, pails, bol'es, and place ~ ~the O..a tb)' 1 on ~s- days' W:rman did 110~ leave any, Ed t" --- them on tile side of the street ....., ..... en Arthur H. AI en. Pres~- uca 100 I .ta..• f th T8 ) 1 t • bat Ioree& last Thursday morn- ; D <out of Lhe way of trafticl, so "'~"• o e Y or nv~ m'!n. . iagrace to Town, Says/ Ula.l they can be p!cl.:ed up 'Com1Jany, of Toronto. was the guest· ·:!r::'nd& •: ar=~ ::.: :; A number of Important amtnd- Co ciU G Pr• easUv by tovm teams. ~er. Mr. Allen wa.~ lntrodul'ed un or - et 1Ce5 ,I • .._ p T K 1 ho lth Fr d boUle alon• with four cents and ments to municipal statutes or ltl- 1 Institute a tltorou"h ltouse- U¥ • now t.!<. w · ..- e ... " irumiaet. also of Toronto, wu a I a note on the doorstep. The terest to Whitby and eHectlve ln on Painting, New Floor, cleaning wlth · the purpose of 'vi~tor to the Club. note read u foDows: "Thank June, were enumerated to the Town N 1 :-h . I lrnprovlng Uteir properties and "There Is no law in Canada reg- .,ou -.ery much for tbe milk. Council oq Monday evening by ToWn ew -. ling · U1e town generally. )Jla~ thermometer.:." stated nne Is the botUe and the , Clerk and Treasurer, J , R. Frost, who --- The merchants are co-operattna Yr. Allfll. who explained that therf' money. Yours ~ery truly •• ~- · last week, In cornpnny with deputy Tov.·n Council on Monday eve-~ wiUt Ule coWlcU in offerini special 1l'fn! many type!! on the market. "'Two honest ltnJchts of the reeve A. M. Irwin and Coun. Walter ntnr at -ru.day, w~ and price& on lumller, lath, sbinllu. and l:ome costing only t.ltlrty-tlvoe cents. road... Titom..o:on. attended the eourse m 'IbUJ'IJ<iaJ', )t(q 10. 11 and 12, .u 1 oUter buUdlnp material&. also 1 a-- of these had been found to be municipal administration at the the annual -clean-up• clan In the 1 paint&. oila, brushes. ete. Sneral 'all much a.s two degrees in their re- . ART EXHIBIT IN University or Toronto. sponsored by nnm of Wbbby. TbJI annual lmpgnan~ I.IUIOuncement.l appear tordfDI.';. and this was dangerous the Department or Municipal At- period for 1eoeral town ete.ntnc in tWa ls5ue 011 pages 6 and 7. In the ca.ooe· or ffl"er thermometers. fairs. and to~·n beautUicaUon is being Clean Up Clvlo Offices "Loo:c for the name on them because Mr. Frost said that the Munk:l- run this year in conJWlcUon \\'lth Whlle on the subject o.f cleaning lf a man doesn't th~lt enough of WHITBY PROVED pal Act had been amended to per- the cantpalgn for civic inlprove- up Town Clerk Frost a.sked it .some- bla product to put hls name on 1~. mit others than members of th'! ments inaugu."'!!ted by the Council, tiling could be done to clean up \be It Is not ~rth\\'htle to risk ones Council to sit on Ute Court or Re- and now In full s'llilli and con- toto'Il ofCicca which he described as :: ~ i\h ad~ the to l!'peflke;- A FINE SUC~ESS vtslon to hl'ar appeals against the-.. "· tlnulng until May lS.-a campal1n tllt.hy, poorly lighted and dull. ..... · 111 nuen ~~inwen ton n edifxpaf n .ll~e·nt Roll, but U1cy must · . . w"' ner wu•a. g~ o ma Y er- have the. rome quaiiCicatlon, a:; during v.·hich citizens are asked to Kll!ally m need of . decoraUng and en\ \nle5. of the Instrument used in Council member.<. Tile Court for build, repair, clean up and fix up or 6anltary con\'emences. A gen- 'lldusb:v medicine m and mowed thl and provide v.·ork for Utose who era! discUSIIIon follov.·ed the clerk's ·l!e"n!!'al. ~Ie.! ~ these io the Hundreds in Attendance eel 5 year has all't'Rdy been appoint- need lt. request, during whlclt Ute opinion Rota.!lans. Pollowlng up the con-' , • , Tnme Act Amendment Coun. c. H. French, chairman of or every member was that the ot- tro1 of industry by temperatu~. l..ectul'e by DistingUish- An amendment to t.hc Highway the Town Properly Commtttee, told flUB, to say tile least, were no ad- Mr. Allen 'USM· a laf1re- chsrt de- _..J A . Traffic Act extends the time In Ute Counail that tile appeal Issued rertisement to the . town. pic~ the various wmperatures 11:1U rtiat Which summonses may be served bv HAS BEEN AMENDED Oovernor J . J. Brown, of Bowman- tire lor . memilers ol the pollee freshment booth on the ~:roWlds. J ville. Vlsltlng LJon.s were pre3ent force. In the eventna there will be a from Port Perry and Bowmanville. dance 1n the Towru;bip Hall \lDder UlfOugh Ute press last \\'eelt was I Deputy-reeve Irwin mid that lt uaed tor the treatment or commodl- --- otncers,.of the peace from 10 to 1~ gettln; re.sults and s\lRe.sted that Continued on Page 7, Col :H Uea In everyday use. · · -..e Ontario Boci_." of artists days. ' P'ltll were lio8en at forty d~ .... "'"' below aero on the Pahrenhelt l'Cale. tra~ exhibition · 1rh1ch was Another amendment proVides that free dental treatment had been 'j1J/f B ftT 1et19 .usoqauon. · · · · · Reports presented .showed that 6 ~0 ~N the auspices of the Brooklin Ath- ... ~~~: t:n~::edorch~~. ~~ • -: . ·fl ·Fit'::-=: ~~~:~~~~cC:~!"~:~ ~efer· -~cti.o.n ;r-,~Apg~ilJ_tment . ! L"'"'(~ -.;;-'i-..zt~··· lo.(lil !>-<In; C~IJ~ MlfNJNP J-; s oof{i retar,J-tre!!t·er, and 'I1lOIIULS Ball, th whOa Ice cream was frozen at ~- dlaplayed · 'lburad~, . Prlay. and all trattlc signals m Ontario must ty-tJw degrees, The Ideal hom~ Baturday ol ·last weelt. at Ute spat!- be standardized. This mJght mun, .tiftQ i&'m1'&- ·'111111~:-elittlt~t.h..,llJ ou.,and ,~n _aliP?Int.::d Royfl.l Bani:: lt was su~mestoo by some member!\ bUIIddfty of forty. Ttmpetature '15UJ'1cltt'\c.~ -._ SOiltll,<Rttr.I.Cted of ~U'Ir.ll. a . Cjla.l(!t' In l.h"' slc.:nal. 'I -~. 0 one c:hlld with poor VisiOn u l.d L Ll awstant EeCretary. Other otflcers Of Committe ··to . ReVISe e Jl~ had been &upplied. ~e · are 1st vice-president Mr R. Rl- " · · Club also assisted such orgaruza- - · . • · tlons a.s Ute VIctorian Order of T Clerk rr u. f chard5on, 2nd vtce-pres1dent,114r. c. Exl·. Stl•ng Town Bul.ldl·ng Bylaw Nurses to carry on Its work In OWn I.e 0 a S. 'Ib0iD1p30n; third vice-president, Whitby· the Women's Institute to New MUnicipal 114r. John Dryden. The directors help eniertatn Inmates of the Coun- • • are : · Messm. Jos. Ga.rbutt, Wm. • wucilted aa ·an·lmportant factor 1n Jarte ~ · 'l'hef'e waa a. fine at the mnm· tnt\or~ctlon of the town IU. &reatment of milt. which 'Was collection . or PainUn&s and water which nas been In use tor aome i~ at . 145 degiees. " .In eolours .well ebosen lor an exhlbl- YearS. ·It" was Utought that allrnal itreatlllr Iumber'they not orily have tlon or nrt.ed interNt. comprialng lights to control traffic would have ,to· 417 tt bUt keep 1t a· special hu- the work o! our foremost Canadian to be installed on the four comers 'lllidlty," aaid the. 8J)ealter. Many artists. tor east, · TreSt, north and souUt- ot.her interesting examples or the Impresslouate modems of Prank bound traffic. ty Home a.t ctmat.mas· the Whitby Legulation Arnold, Myron Vipond, John Ora- Snaa--.:on u_..J_ That 'N_ ew Board, it waa pointed out by the Citl&ellli' Band, in need of financial ---- bam, Jno. S. ·Jephson, Morley _....... An~ town clerk. Vital part pl'Yed by the thennorn- ·Carmichael, A.R.C.A~ a member or Health Aet Amendments eter In Industrial life, were ~t- the famous ·croup of seven: "A Amendment to the Public Healtll usllrtance; a number of students of Last week Town Clerk and Death, Geo. Browne, Wm. Lade, J. Route o f foUJioL an e Reeve A. W. Jacbon, while tn the 'lngh School to attend the Roy- Treasurer John R. Prost. deputy- Mac:Du1l, ·P. R. · Stover, Dr. J. H. 1 d Be favor of the appointment of -a :U Winter Fair, and the Chrlstma.s reeve A. Mansell Irwin, and coun. McKinney, J Patterson, 0. H. Down- Highway S h 0 U . a committee, expressed Ute op!DlGD Cheer and Welfare Fund for Christ- Walter A. Thomaon attended a ey, S. Lockyer, J. J. Thompson, P. ·Awaited that ·auch acUon waa perhaps pre-· mas baskets fo; needy citizens. In courw on municipal admlllistratlon M. HolUday, W. Nesbett, W. Heron, mature in view of the fact tha~ \be addition, the Clbb .successfully spon- at Ute Un1ver&lty of Toronto apoo.- J. Batty, K Holllday, Geo. Sa.und- route of Ute four-lane highway had &Ored tbe Whttb,v Juvenile Hockey &Ored by Ute Department of Munl· ers, D. E. Hamer, P. A. Joudneaux, STREET SIGNS not yet been announced. U I' ,11Ded. · . . . . . Read" by J:ohn Alf.o1en, a fine Act provides, said Mr. Prost, that; . At \he conclusion of the address draft.snian; "StUI LJ(e" by Joachim all medical otrlcers of health must a. ~ vote of thanks was moved Ganthler; "PPower study" by Cl&r~~ be retired at 70 years or age. They ,to the .epea)ter by Rotarian Charll!3 Hogarty, A.R.C.A~ one hi.5torical may be rctnlned longer by a mn- ;&roulbton, and four souvenirs, pre- paln"ft~ b" p 8 Challener R.C.A. nlclpallty "·IU\ the consent o! thtt aea, ted by Mr. Allen, were drawn ~... • · • • ' ror., the .Rotarla.ns. the IUCIQ' win- and the remainder landscApe and minister, but 75 Is the serVice limit. Leque, the players belnc boys lt cipal Affairs at Queen'a Park. John Howden, A. Cooper, A. Grass, went south, the reeve .said, it would and under, and expended $137.00 Monday night Town Clerk and Chu. Fothergill, Roy Onntston, Dr. SAID A DISGRACE make quite a difference, GpeDina Dlira being Rotarians Graydon scene In on and water colour, made School Act Amendments Doodrellow. R. A. Hutchison, Pred up the thirty-seven pictures c:-.:- An amendment to the Hlgll for thls- purpose. Much oUter valu- Treasurer Prost gave to the coun.- W. W. Baldwin, G. J. TobaD, wm. up miOch valuable land upon wbich abie work was done, the reports ell a comprehensive report on Mannlnr, Dr. An&u.s Black, L. Me. Off houses could be buUt. In such an :bowed, amendments made to various pro- Quay. · Many of Them. Broken event, restrictive mea.surea for • Rowe. and w. M. PriJII]e. ~tad.: . The luleK -YU ct-.. School Acts provides thai; County pla.JeC "'Day ~· ., J:. B. 0o1mcD1 - DD Ioacer appomt re• • II a ,..val& of ldl daUibter ..... &atmll Oil tbe JJouod ol Bdu-; Chief Harold W. QuantrUI, a vlnclal statutes dealinr With mat- _ Council Ma• Have to Utose who might build would be Ill member of the Club Rod chairman ter& of civic administration, pa.a!ed Elr.ur· GONFIRMED 'I order. The reeve wa.s of the opln1on of the Public sar.elly Committee, at Ute last &eSSion of Ute Ontario U Change Traffic Sipala. Utat if the highway did 10 south told of contemplated co-operation Legislature, an«J coming into ef- . . ·- It would increase Ute value of eldat• with the Boy Scouts In a.sslstlng feet in June. He also reported on AT SERVI~E HELD lng land adjacent to it. In the Action on the appointment of a · Um •h 1 d b""d llltle children t.o Cl'llSS streets at numerous subjects dlscUSIIed of in- · mean e w,e eng neer an .... • special committee to make a sur- 1ng 1 to uld ro1 _, very of the town and make recom- bull"'~- ha -~~ ~fklriDOD--. -~ Ibm 'J1Ie ......... ftl PRid Jlrll• an DO Ianier &117 -ty J1Q11U1 b""" lntel'8eCUons. Further pro-~ terest to CoWlctls and other muni- · nspec r co coot any n- 1resa 1n Utili matter would be re- clpal bodies, and many of Ute ....._. erected, ving regard to ported, the Chief said. answers given to questions b.v IN ALL ·sAINTS mendatlons with reaard to re- the type of construction and Ule strtcted bulldlna areas, 111as de- -•·tin b Udln b Ia Th Coun . Dlatrict Governor Peterson con· those In charge of Ute course. The ferred by the CouncU on Monday e . ...., g u g Y w. e - diD, A.B.CA, .. ve a .a-t <talk Prt- .._ - ~ \abo care ot by day eventng to an tnterested ani! the municipalities from which t11ey appftelaUve audience. Introduced come. Wllltby has three represen- by Rev. Dr. C&nnlchael, be told taUves on the Board appointed by first of tbe hl&tory :If Uie Ontario Ute County. DaYey, Whitby Boy, Society of artists, started in 1873 The clerk and treasurer also Jm- )>elighta LUg~ =~ t~t~~ ~~ =~fo~rt~~ ::::!.~o:~~U:u :u!ea:ef~: . lr&tulated Ute Club on its many I Gazette and Chronicle next week evening to the next meeting to b~ ell. he felt, had no desire to •tojl activities and &ood work accomp- will publish .some of the observa- --- held two weeks hence. At that Ute' erection or working men·• llahe<l, and In a brief but impres- Uons made by Mr. Pro&t which are Biabop Beverley Streaaea time. it is expected; the committee houses. Audience whose first artistic endeavours were the question box and by direct qucs- used to illustrate rarm Implements tion.s asked by Utose attendbtg the and carrtares and later to colour ~. Cowtcil was surprised to photo(fraphs. 'lbe main Idea of the learn that Ute treasurer of any mu- Soclety was to hold exh1bltlo~'l. but niclpallty Is p&sanally liable In law u"'...:!..!!l!!< has develope<! art educa- lor Ute amount of an,v cheque he - .,....,~ g...- ..-- S' if' f Sa ed will be named,. and it wUI include Tbe Counc:U Chamber was com ·'ve -""-•• ·-"e on the prln- o! na,..•~u1ar interest to Whitby Stree& 8~ a Dlsa:race ~ ciples of LJonlsm. atre&tng Ute and to the county of Ontario. lgl1 u:ance o cr .some men, Interested in thla sub- Coun. Prank Threadgold, chair· - tact that first and foremost a ser- Cowtcll, pleased wlUt the report • Rite ject and capable gtving adYI<:e, whll mb an of Ute Stre~ts Committee, ~ an ftt!~ly ~~~~h~-e~ vice club Inns\ give &erVice if It Is presented, pasaed a vote of thanks are not members of t.be council. rought to Councils attention the 00 uSpOde Chinaware" by Mr. to auccee:i. The cuJUvaUon or to Mr. Fro6t for presentm1 it. Dep- --- •n• ..,_me:::'="-· made, aDd colldltlon of &treet signs m the Da f Whltb" who is a Bllb& ca.Midatea were CDDiirmecl _.., ___ .__ town. ""l'bey are lb a deplorable vey, 0 • • frtmdMtp, ~ of lluU4in& UlJ•NeYt A. M. Inri1nul~'1h&& it llr JUch& fmbodJed iD a IIJlaw, weuld haft coaditlola and a d1llrace to tbe lecturer and authority oo the mb- up dlllt acUYIUel. upboldln& tile b&cl taltiD a IlK of &aiM Mll ' l&wlY .. ,....... IIWaop Bl•ede7 to han &be ....-ai ot &be 011- town .. be atated poln&tnl out tha' , Je!:&. The lecture. under auspices or banda of &be olltoln. nplu at- oo &be part of &be cllrk aDII &nu- at Ule. ODDf....UOO ..not bcld at ~ . Ra,il-w aM VttDir.IDAl . ,o..... ..... - ~ -r .... . ,, ........ ,.. • st. ADd~'a Ladles' Aid, was u- \»\&JJta a\ ~ ~ urer. aDil had &l~ OouDcD a lol AU ~ ~- ctnuw 7n0a.Y · · J.lllkated · by motion pictures of a with c~Wvtc& and bltemaUonal of- of valll&ble IDI~. llilb&. Pour ,_.... - and four ~ Ulroll8h the old BpOde worts tlcen, and of l'ftiT IDIIDber : work- """' RC'Itftd U. ......S rUe, lobe c h • s d d f M d in &&artordshlre, Eurland, owned In& were stressed by the speaker ~ POSE ctr1s wearing white dresses and anglng tan ar s ace 0 ern ~operated today by w. T. Cope- Til~ Dlatrlct Governor told of pro~ rnuN IL,OP s veu.s. After Ute service of confirm- . . . lalld and Sons, but 'wh1ch is practlc- cresa belnc made in Ute formation tJU ation and Ute laylna-Oil of hands, ~ Ute aame today aa It was two or new clubs in hla. dlatrict, no less . Bishop Beverley preached a timely Y. outh . F 0 r m e r D e p u t y-M. in ister ~WIIdred years qo, the Clftly cban&e ~~~u!~ sl~fmo:.':t:sd ~~·e~~ rusTOMS GHAN6E :e:~ce;,e~~:sd~~ c~:n~ ~~~ ~c:.esme : · ~~ where. lJ but neverUtelelill of deep and Umcl\' Of p bl. w If r w r s Church 'wiMell which grind and mix Ute Lion Seymour Whitney extended . • ~:Uicance lor Ute whole congre&a- u IC e a e a n Y&rloul ingredienta. a bearty vote or thanks to the Dis- Endorae Resolution Sent u'!be- bervlce of confirmation Ia t ed ~ "o!<!' ::a:= ~~re tri~t Governor. Along by Stratford City deeply significant because it brlnga In Adclreaa at Sunday Schoo\ SorsoleU. "There had been no out- Ute Ill It and atl1l m1as many parts Many Renewals, Subscriptions and ·wor.cU of Praise Tb.e Wbltb7 Gaaette and Chronicle appa-eelates the burly reapo~ or lb m&n)' aublleriben to t.he notion ~~en& out wllh re• spec\ to 'aub5nlpLion rencwaia prior to \he adnn'ce In the rate to $%.00 on \he lint of May. It abo appreelatra tbc: faet \hal 11 new o;ubacrlben have been added to lbe l!.b, abu many line eo-enb beard ou the u- cellence of tbe paper. U will be the consllwt eu- d•vor or the IJI&Ilalement to improve tbe paper' from tilDe to Ume, and to lll&inlliln Its repu- • us lace to face \\'lth our responslbU- pouring of himself and he bad DH- 1ortt." aald Mr. Davey, at the com- 1 Council lUes," s!&ted Blahop Beverley, refer-~ Annivenary Service, M. er been disturbed to his deptiJ& In -'en\ of h1s addreSs. Most of --- rlnJ to the renunciation of evil by A. Sonoleil Uraea Youth that respect he was very much ilk.! .. tate \he dlahes we use every Cuuucu. in ausion Monday n!Kht, thOI!e who had accepted confirma- • 1 ~ , thousands . of young peopl~ or our daJ for &rarited; not reallzinr that decided to support a resolution for- tlon. :E."vcryone needed grace to llvt! to Retain Cour&~e Amidlt day. ·. somet1n1e~ when Utey ask for tbe people of a couple of centuries warded to them by the Slrattord a Christian life, and human p l . Prob•--- advice they receive an au.v.er u 1110 did 110t know the Joyud com- City ColUlcll protesting the propos· .streugUt alone was not enoll8h tor erp eX1Jl8 n:ma hard to aocept as Utat which wu Or\ or beautiful China dlnner- ed transport of American cooda in tite living of Utla life. Constant thrust at the yc·unr ruler:• wan," he aald. bond thro~~~h Canada between .the prayer and communion wiUt God Bpealtilia at the Sunday evening aer- Three Ulinaa were streaaed by Ill~. Ill'. Davey went on to explat.'"l Detroit frontier and the Nlapra were ess~nUal in a world so full of vice in the Uunted ChW'Ch in con- Sorsolell aa youUt 'a rreatest pNb- ' tba&. pottery was no\ invented by River. The proposed move was for temptations, besetting human fraU- nection with the Sunday School an· lem today-first Ute queat1o11 cot rc- ani man or nation but tht.t thlll t11o modification of custom. ~IU· ity on every land. "OUr deepest nlveraary, Mr. M.A. Bor:soUel, fonner onomic relations. "The ,..ddld Oreeb, Chinese and J:Uptlana aU lations and the Stratford Council need tn lllc ill to know God and thia ~eputy-mlnkter of welfare in the thinr in life Ia a noup ot lntll114' ~uted to Its development. clatrned that It would Interfere wiUt Ia on~ pooalllle for tlte pure in Ontario cabinet, dealt wiU\ &Ome ot l{ent trained younc people wlt.h M .,_ with Ute ~Potter's Wheel", a tour~t trathc, deere~ Ute number heart," :;aid Hili Lordship, tile problemt confrontln& youU\ ln outlet for their acUviUea," .said• UM ~ discovery, DO outstandln~ ot J·aUway tmployeea, and that the Hls Lordship Uten went on to deal a challitna world. · Taldn& u his speaker. "l don't know wltat's 10&111 _.,. was produced unUI the tlon. ·,ne~tm - ·~ Issues which he knows Is not in ac- "'lbe Grange" the hom '"11111 - .... ~.)ol)lnlclpal Ac~ Oold'll'Yf\ Smith, was bequeaUted In even if Council ~ a~ the interest or art to be uset1 as a amount which wa.s not legal til!! callery. A1Eo the Boclety has lien' treasurer would be Hable if he llCIId out these travelling Exhibitions that It knowtnc Utat It wa.s wrong to do ot.'ler towns and clUes may see and so Council did not think that this become acquainted with the work r~latlon was very fair to the tree.~- of our canadian palntera. urer Mr. Brfeden atated It was possible oiher matter& concerning th~ Is- for everyone to cet keen enjoyment me or debenture~~, municipal audit,, out of plcturN by appreciating art. applications to Ute Rallway Board by knowledae of history or art. bY etc., were al&O reported upon, and knowlnr what consUtutea a fine the clerk was commended on his re- picture aa line. ryUun, form, ma.'!ll. port ~. s\,yle, proportion and · knowledce of tbe language of art. SUMMER tLOTHES FOR THE POliCE also by the ablll.ty to create a pic- ture ourselves-to expreliS on can- vas or paper what we ll4!e and feel. He then c!escribed &Ome of the pic- tures on view with personal tquci1es of the artist and what their work was moat noted for and why they had been chosen to be sent out with the e.xhlbiUOil. He aid "SUll LJfe" Wa.a in votue the last live years atarted by a Prencbman. eesanne. That landscapa painting had been rect~nt detelopment or art. origin- ally started in Enaland by Turner and catman. and Ute En&llsh in- zplred the Prench. He s~e brlerly on Ute "G!pUP or Seven" how they tnterpre\ed Canada in a new way. til deslrn. arrancement. appeal. Property Committee to Get Prices on Shirts and Belts vehicles that would be used in lone wHh four characterllitlcs of the theme t11e . .story of t11e rich YOWl!l to bo the result. Trained, readJ to dOle of the seventeenth century. truck ha.uls would be of sucb wldUt Saviour which constituted t11e ruler wl•o was askeu by the Saviour work, and no chance. He aaked &bet BJ 1'100 two great names . bad· ap- a.s to endanger other trattlc. The g1-eatest Ideals humanity could lol- tu . tell his &ood and distribute the the yout11 or today continue tbetr pe&red In British J)(Ktery, Whleldon letter forwarded to thfl Whitby low. His purity had been U1e great- money to the poor, Mr. Sorsoletl splendid and couraaeous , atUWdt and A.rtbury. Whleldon has alnce Council stated that copiea of tbe est and tills was someU1tng tor ev- said he ltad lmov.·n men who foWld and lh'e In hope for Ute future. 1IMa known aa the "Father of Pot- resolution were o be forwarded to ery man and woman to strive after i~ agonlstur to separate Utemaelves Dealing wiU1 Ute second ~t Wt1 In England". n WJII ~ 1149 Ute Minlliten; or Nr.tlonal Revenue today. "The spirit or humility Is front a quarter for the Lord's cause, problem, that of changlna l&an· that this rreat potter toot 00 a' and Traruiport at Ottawa, and to the secret of -.:•:ntentcnent in ll!e," condeDJD this man who was told to dardt, Mr. Sonoleil .said tbU &be apprenUce a · YOUill nine-year-old Prime Mlnlster Hepburn. It was said His Grace. The dan&er of sell all he lad. younc people ol today that UMIJ W natned JOI!ah Spode, wbo later moved by Deputy-Reeve Irwin and (reat knowledse waa Utat n made "I think the Utlna that Christ wouldn't ha~e dared to do tD 1dl -.me the ttrat to complete tbe seconded by CoWlcillor Prench that a person feel superior to further found wronr with that young man day. "Standards chance and aoee fGIJDula lor the comblnlna of~~ tatlou u "Ontarle Count¥'• the Coundl endorse thla resolution teaching, nn:l thr de.;ire to assi•nl- wu that he lacked acrressive hu- or us who are old haven't c~ ub witb clay, thu. ll~ucent Lea!Thl& Wed>l.f." and the motion ·carried. (Continued on Pase 'l, Col. U manitarlait mteTest" , 11Lated Mr I (Continued on Pa&e 7 Col t) · I ...,d a beautifUl whlte Mr. Bri&den Is a fluent speaker with excepU011al charm and araci- CIIl51lU!. Well ver3ed In the hLstory of art, an artls\ or DOte himself, he hat a\ hla command rreat tnowl- edle or conatrucUon or pictures and beauty or art. He was most tbor- OU1h11 enjoyed by everyone. Mr. A. Arehlbald, principal of the High (Oontinued on }>are 'l, Col. 5) . More comfortable summer dres.' Cor members of Whitby Poilce force was supc.~ted at CoWlcil meeUng on Monday evening by coun. Frank Threadgold. when Ute question of purchn.~lng a new 11uit for Constable John 'I11omas cam~ up. Coun. 'l1ncadgold contended that it "•as not right to L~lt Ute pollee otrlccrs to wear durin& the very hot weather their winter garb and s~sted blue shirts and sand brown belts such &:! are worn by Oshawa pollee be used here. Matter was referred to the Property Com- miUee to bring a. report at the next mcettns. · ' · ' • (Continued on Pace 7, Q:l!, 71 I •

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