Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1938, p. 11

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____________ .,._ ________ TH_E WHITBY GAZETI£ AND CHRONICLE=.:,_W__:.:ED_N:...._E5 __ D_A_Y__:_._MA_Y:..._:4.:_' _I J_3_8 _________________ PA_G_E_EL_E_V_EN_ Turnesas Triumph i;;a Unique Go·U Match RHYMES WOVEN INTO Muskoka.Park Plana B k El d l) bers. It Is expected that Motor --S1Lop ~Da ers u e .rort Club m~mbers trom the Qshawa, R • " and olh~r points wW be In &\- Hope P(Jlice Monday A.M. ~endan;e. I Drop From Second to Firat- Weatherup, searched the vicinity SIT STRIKERS Stotey Roof and Thence wi;~~ ~~~~eco~d storey ware- 1 QUIT TWO PLANTS Sid alk d house had been gamed by break-IS Feet to ew . an ing a pane of glass and forcing two Disappear in Lane iron bars from the Inside of the :Port Hope, May 3.-Dropping one atorey to an adjoining roof and then scrambling over a large metal window. The · pair had apparenUy . gained the roof of the one-storev building ln t,he ~e manner as ·;he constable. Union Leaden to Talk With Gar Wood lnduatriea Offaciala sign to drop a good 15 teet to the · - ~:;,~ate:. ~:~;!A!~~· ~~ 1 t110TOR rLUB AT si~!r:~\=~~ ~;:~ h:e~:: store of R. s. Brown by Night Con- lfl (I j,lants or Gar Wood Industries, Inc .• =~y~~::~::'~:!o:~ PETERBORO TO- ~~:~=m~:n w:=.~hnt: a chase over roofs early Monda,v , pending a conference wlth .the man• m~~g down ~rodlgan's lane at 1 . HOLD DINN· ER ag~:O~pany. which ~lallra In top speed when they reached the, 1 small boats named for the racing a;:round, the two. were lmmedlatelv driver, agreed to keep the plants lost to sight and carefUl aearch by f•""'-- lth un1 Constable Harvey and Constable closed while con .... ~ .. w on Members From Oabawa, leaders on complalnta. Clarence weatherup faUed to lo- Tracy II. Doll. JJ.A.W, executive. cate the fugitives. Belleville and Other said the strilte was called because Nothing was stolen from the ·~· Cluba to Attend the company refused to negotiate a store by the pair, Elwin Brown, proprietor of the business, stated. new contract or abide by anevance Two sacks of canned goo&, drop- Belleville, April 28.-At the an· procedure unle&'l the un!on, ,.. C.I.O. ped in their Wlld flight, were found nual meeLing or the Bellevwa affiliate, would accept a 20 ~ cent by t.he pollee. One of the two sacts · Motor Club, afflllate o! the Ou• wage cut. He sald the company also bad been dropped just Inside the tarlo Motor League, M.r. J . G. wan~ to ~bollsb the Shop steward second . storey window througn Skelcher, president o! the locai S}"Stem and transfer two per cent. which the two had gained entrance club for the past year, w&S re-elect- of the wortera• bonus to foremen. to the ' store room above the atore. ed to the ~ame oCflce ror the com- ~n other plants were closed by "nle ol.Iler wa:r round on the roof inS term. He wlll be assisted by P. strikes In the auto manufacturing juat outside the window. A. PlntBton, first vice-president: ares yesterday, and 3,000 worltera Malting his rounds between 12.:11) II T. D, Ruston, second vice-president Idle. Homer MarUn, 'U.A.W. presl- and 12.4.0 o'clock tills momln~. and J. o. Herlty, secretary-treasur- dent. had been voted authority to Conatable Haney, at the rear of er. call lo,OOO Bulct and Chevrolet the store, heard a slight soun•1 Directors named were: James plant workers out a.nd he W:IS con- from the roo! or the ooe-litoreY Cooper, w. H. Middleton, J. B. I· ferrlng with General Motors oftl- portlon ol the building. Hurried In· Boyce, B. F. Jennings, H. 0. Trus· clals. He snid he would not call spection showed that a window In dale and G. B. Smlt_!l. the strike before all means of peace- second storey of the ~ had :Preslden~ Skelcher and :First . fui settll!ment had been exhausted. been broken and, hearlnir a ,car ap<O Vice-president Pinkston were ap- : ----'·----- ~=h~:rv~~ :!~~l~:~u!-etc:;; :;te!dtob:e~~~:~~-s~~~ ~l~;e~~~ ~~· THREE IN HOUSE signalled the driver, Fred Llnp.rd. tario Motor Lea:;ue. 1 tows:· Mr. Lingard guarding the eel~=~~ ~~::::o~ ::; :~ I BEAT LINDSAY MAN rear of the building, the conatable, presentation o! the annual report. , . 6tandlng on a concrete wall, man- by Treasurer J. o. Herlty. At the ' &led to reach the edBe of the root present Ume a bank balance of . - ot &be ~ laulldilli aa4 drew f'll 11 .aown, the ID06t encouraa- l Victim Set Upoa After ·w..u qp. AI be na doiJia eo, lnl balaDce aDd repor\ ~ N-.:..: __ I :-La .u. ~.bead~~~ Jdl .ap- iiDce &be rear 1121. llembenblp ! ·~ -.- in -~~-~:= n .... 'bccu ,-..-"" .. ~b.b~ ~ ~ b .. ".u--, As the COIIItable made his pomt and Ule Belleville club Js now ."" --- - rantec1 secoDd Jar&eat In member- .v/&1 up tbil ladder iD PQI'IIIlt. Ull! ship In Ontario In proportion to . Lin:lsay, IIQ 1· - Delmla SUJll. two ran across the roof and Jumped Ucences Issued. 1 \'an, ellkrtr South Ward re.1ldent, . or dropped to the roof of a one- At the meetmg, Mr. J. w . Melley, returned home Sunday ntah~ aftef storey addition at the aouth of the Oshawa, represented the Ontario visiting aome nelghbo\Ull and no- b~g~f. that of a st.atrway Motor League and .spoke briefly as ticed a llaht bUI'IIInc In hia kitchen. from ground to second noor, slopes cue.st. A resolution expressing ap- He walked In the front door and toward the front of the building. , preclatlon of the club for the work was set on by tiU'ee men. Accord· Tbe pair ran down thla to the front performed by Mr. Melley In secur- lng to his .story to poUce, he waa 11nd then, clambering over a metal ing member.s in the local club was brutally beaten and leU bleedlnl on sign dropped to the concrete side- unanlmou:~ In Its exprcWon. The the floor. He manaaed to reach 1 walk. Nall marts of their heeia 011 1 local club now embracea the whole the telephone and call pol!ce. Con· the concrete ahowed where they ot the County of Hastings wlth the stables Reeve-1 and Jack S!mnett landed. Running across the street exception of the town of Trenton. responded to the call, and after re- they dlaappeand doWD the lane- An Invitation to the annual dln- cei~ a description of the three way Juat aa the constable reached ner of the l"e!A!rboro Motor Club men, searched the nelghbortlood. the front of the roof. to be held on May 2 was accepted Later they arreste4 Gordon Me· Rega1nlnar the ground, constable and WW be attended by Past Prelsl· C&be and 0eor1e Doble, who wer. Harvey, Joined by Conatable dent T. D. Ruston and other mem- remanded ·,_ .until w~ on - - · - ·· . wt-aiid-b&tiery. San day School Lesson IIJ' DB. ALVIN B. BELL <Tbe Inten:I&Uonal 'Onlform Lesaon on the above topic for May 8 ta llarlt 11:3D-41, the Golden Text belnc Kart 11:.0, "Por he that Ia not aplnat us Ia for us."> waa to be the greatest. 'lbey ·pre- ferred to angle for crowns rather than to dangle from cra&esl In- stead of enterlnlr Into qmpatbY wlth their 1\laater In the lmpendlnl crla1s of the crosa they were fig· urtna on how they couid tum tills Wha~ Ia u that. 11 ~ the crlsla, whatever it was to be, to worl.. not Juat the other alde of their own aeltl.sh advantage. so, to '"' teach them the le.saon they needed the Atlantic and PacWc, but 00 on unselflshnas and humWty, he 0\11' a1cle aa well; IDto a mad-house . said, "lf any man would be flrat. wlt.b bardea of men ready to aprlD« he ahall be last or all, and servant at ooe another wlth worae than of all." "And he toot a little chlld m•nl•cal deetructlvenesa/ Ia It not and set him In the midst or them: .&elllahnella. either In the form of and taltlng him 1n his arms, he said pride or sreedt unto them, WbOIIOCver shall re· AaUtlo&c &o SeltialuacM cetve cme of such little children In Where ahall we find an antidote my name, recelveth me; and who- to tbla madn&a that Ia threaten• soever receiveth me, recelveth not InC dvllilatioo? Ollly ID U1e aplrlt me, but him that aent me." of Chrlat and of the cross, aa Jeaus lat4llerauce Rebuked ta1.11bt It to hla dlaclplea., saying How self-centered their thoughts "Tbe Son of man Ia clellveftd up were. la ahown ln John'a cgnres- lnto the haDds of men and they 1 sloo: "'hacher, we saw one caat.lng aball ldll; and when be ta tJlled. 1 out demons ln thy name; and wo after three daya he shall rl:le ~ !erbad him, because he followed apiD." "But &bey underatood not. not ua." But Je5\IS rebuked tbla the ~. and we.-e afraid to &K effort ol JQhn'a for a "closed shop" blm." Lite folk who know they In religion, saying, "Forbid hlm llbould CODSUlt a phys1elan or aur- not: for there is no man who ~1 pon, but fear to do ao becauae do a mighty work in my name and ...., do - ...,, to rae. tbe .. be UleJQalctl7 to .... .,u tl ... CIIIIUia ol u.lr ... • tblle ... he. tha& Ia DDt -- .. b .u.ctp~ee 4lnldM u. II' ' w ol far aa., I'W ~ 1ba11 P'* tM- dll'll _," of tbe Glml. JOU I GUP 91 nler il tii1H,· ~ n wu DO& _....., ....... tD ·u.., ra..e ,. are Olartls.-.. twrt11 I sar bat • wu eiiU' -- tbN 1b1:J 1ID&o JCIU, be lbAll 1D DO Will 1011 feared to h&Ye It .-de Ull JDOre his reward." Not "J)o they follow clear. .ua." but "Do they follow Christ" ll er-ea Vena erewu the test of rellglolls workers. He The rea.son they di'Hded the must ever be the center or gravity cross for their Muter was that In apirltual work. If he Includes "' they were unwlilllll to ahare the worker, who are we to ex:cl.ude crou themselna. Even aa he was whom he includes, even though tel1lni them of his erosa and suf· that one be able to do no greater ferlnga they were dlaPUtlni among 1 service than tbe livln& of a cup themselves as to which Of them 1 of water fOI' Je5US' li&ke? Co-operating in Service Pollee are looltlng for a thlnl man. Constable Reevet had been sworn in aa a member of the pollee force only on Saturda)'. SURVEY PLANN·ED OF A6ED TREES Will Remove Decayed Onea and Plant Othen in Peterboro Peterboro, AprU 2'1.-A aurvey of all trees on the dty atreeta to de· !A!rmlne whlcb ahOuid be removed- because of decay and size, and &lao to learn the number requited to complete tbe dty'a procram of beautuicaUon, wl1l be made aooo tollowlq a decislon Jeached at Monday nfaht'a meeting of the park committee, Mayor Hamllton and Al<lerman JUbJ favored the plantlnl of a l&l'le number of aapllnp every year and the removal of every tree that CODititutecl a bui.nl beca1110 of Ita c:ondltion. Chairman Walter Stocker told the commlUee 100 trees had been planted Within tbe put three .. aDd I.e .. 8ldblriiWd toplaD, .............. Prt•Jall+""'l& ol • ....., ... saqilt. .. -,idii.Ua~ii1aa~ir. ·• tM ,_ OWIMd ... &bl ot\7 - Hi111ard atreet. The Oranae Order wu IJ'&Iltecl permission ·to use Vlctorla Park for the 1~ Of JUly celebration here. Peterboro Cricket Club and Whit- tater's Cricket Club were Biven per. mS&slon to use Nlcholla Oval and the Peterboro Senior 8all Club were Biven Riverside Park fOI' another year, Feats for five pre&&y wen monopolised by &be quints, but the ~ lllllm! man~ to td ln&o the •ewa wUh &belr novel atant. The:r are the brothers Turnesa, .and · t11e7 d Jla:r tolf. In San Franclaco &bere are ftq Fry brothen and they also play JOif. Eaeh playiDr - ttlelr lleme eo111'Se the ads ef bro. then played a match, the -res belnr reported by t~lephone. Wlaell I& · - • nver tbe Tamesas and the tdephoae company were deelaretl the wlmlen. Sh-n addinr up tMir ..,...., UFT &o RIGHT, Mike, f'rallk. lee, l'hll and Jim. Disputes Ruling of Conant · In Li~quor Driving Charges So Higher Cow1 Is Sought + Attomey-General'a Orders Mter some blciterlng, bail Wll4 set at ~00. at 3.30 a.m. "Be smelled strongly of llquor and .&taggered. When I woke him up ·In the cell a& aJx o'cloct In &he 'mom\ii \a \H'Bittf lltm te the j11n, he waa atm under the l1lflu- ~nee of liquor. "He wu aballt?e al. :50." t~ned Retd. ne ~te askej hlm In what way be was a•:ve. .,. "He &~id the !lollce were going tCI get - for th~." explained the otncer. ,.Equalled Only by His ln~xperience," Counsel Maintains "The p:lpers ba\·e been n~king me a lot or questions. nnd 1 ft>el tha\ Pro\Jincl:il const1ble H. McKel- titis case b being wn.tched." ~~aid lsT, of Port HopE', who lnvestlpted crown Attorney BO!!l.S. "I couldn't the accident told of being a!kl!d by " 'MeBvoy to "forget about It" and allow him to go on his own baU, J'P.Iated that the defendant was Cobourg. April 28.-Alexander Evidence !(Yen allege:f that Me· a'ln\!lve when lnformrd that thl'! or- McEvoy o! Toronto Wii.S committed Evoy w:ts under tl~e lnnuence of :leer '1\"es net going to forget about tor trial on a charge of being drunk liquor wht'n his car went off the :t. wb!Ja drlvlnc wben he appeared lll&hwa:r at the foot ot a curved hlll "When T questioned Mr. McEvoy four lll11es e:aost of CObourc. leaping llefore llaat&Vat. W. A. P. camp- :t. "wver.: and ending up I" a ditch. at the scene of the accident he :JeD here TIJesd&Y. Deten~~e Caun· smelled very strongly of liquor. w •· 8.1!QD. t&lld. the eoart the· un- Pollee ahtc-:2 McE\"oy adopted a When. I was asking him questions. 1IIU&l procedure of astln( trial by UU'H\.!1\\1\g attltud~. an<l · ~ " I was at the •a.st. 111de or him and I a hlchtr court wu made MeeSS&ry bave the CL'le dropped. moved to the other !Ide becau..o:e by the recent tn.struct!ons of Attor- Rollert Hoo<;On, Picton trnn~port there was a west wind blowing," re- ney-General Gordon Conant re· driver, s:tld t11at he saw McEvoy'r. lated constable McKellar . gardlng the association of liquor car P:J.SS h :m at high speed at 2.30 -why?" asked the Crown. wlth recltlw driving. a.m, AprU 19th and land in tht "Because I don~ like the mlel! "Mr. Conant puts coUnsel in a ditch a short time btcr. When he of liquor second-hand," explained peculiar position." the defense coun· helped McEvoy out of the car. he tbe officer. sel told the court. "His recent pro- sm~lt or liQuor nnd sta:::srered. MAJ- 1 Wantetl Matter Dropped ~ ed nl b or G. E. Oltley of Toronto e:q~N".saed nouncements are equal! o Y Y the view that his dazed condition ·A\ CobOurg while the defendant his Inexperience. It II malting was "undoubtedly partially due" to waa permitted to Bet &Ome coffee In thinKS very dltflcuit, as the dice are the effect of the accident. The a cafe. McEvoy &Sited hlm about loaded by Mr. Conant'a attitude be· Major had driven McEvoy Into eo- the charges. fore . the accused gets Into court. bourg after the accident. He could "I told hlm w!lat I wu rolng to That Is why we are forced to seek smell liquor on the defendant's do aDd he aeked me to forget about a hl~rher court." breath bu~~McEvoy had freely ad- fseelnz him down there. I replied "HeJe· la a Government providing mltted bavlnl had a drink, be aa1c1. , that I bad to make orit an a~t tleverac~ rooma, and t.ben when they repon and that mch was lmpos· are patronJzed, the men ~ thnlWll Constallle PMUln slble~ When.l menL1Dne4 that~ .wu U\e-,oover.-"'"-r'Ul.;r;bir;;~~P:.i-"1'111'inM::aykSCitailbtilienG:;tl1lvlV1n-a:eld u- tom. to lay a charge of being in· Shields .rets up and giftS vent ~ a scrt.ed positively that McEvoy was toz:cated whlle In charge of a car. burst about drinkJnr, the Govern- under the 1Dfluence of liquor when he acaln asked me to fDrl!et about ment Jumps throuah the hoop," the Provlnclal Constable MeKellar IL I replied that I 1rOUJd not for- defense charged. brought him Into the pollee omee . eel nout Jt and be sald. 'So you are ------------------------ .caine to get tough.' My reply to The Golden Text 117 ...... AlvtB E. Bell Allil Alftel ~ ., [ ,.. that was that I was carrying out tbe ftlnl]atlons of ' the Attomey- Oeneral's Department. on our way ,mer to the pollee atation, he felJ nat on hill !ace when be ~tepped loft tile curb and I took him by the arm and led him aci'OSS," testified McKellar. Witness rela~ that McEvor eaDed up tt:te Crown Attorney and ~ Pleld rome time after 3.30 ~- aDd finally be wu locted up [or tbe llllb.' wtMft Ida ·NIIQMs to orown aac1 .hiitae Na 1iNalllht appana\ aclkm . -omowr,• aid def .... OGIIDIII. IMD&Iaaed 80IIIdlllll ...... rerulatJons or th~ AUGmt!Y• I[GI~~~Eal'.ll Department. Do they tell to arrrst a map for being drunlt Ia cbarge of a car whenever you ...0 Uquor on hJm?" '"TCIU don't have to answeT tha& qaeauon. officer." the ms~r~trate ln· tll1l!:ted lharply. "That is not a ~Uan." 1...,.,..,. reaulatioaa aay Ulat 'wben Is evidence of lntoldeatton a 111111.-n• is to be lald," replied eon- KcB:ellar. Qaltabl~ McXellar aplalned he tmd placed McEvoy under because in a previous In· h'! had allowed a man to ro pi'O!Dbe to aho1r up for court be waa atm mlsalnr. lrlapeetor Grant of the motofe1C}e JW.• dtrlalon of tbe provtqclal po- t.~ later IDitrueted hlm not to ("'-' IIUCh a proceclure, ~mENONNEGK BY LAH6E 006 Newfoundland DestrOyed After Second Attack on Woman Pet.rboro, May 3.-Wsa !!dna ~ wu bitten on the neck bV ~ Jup N~wtoundland dOl oo Sa\· ~ nl8ht as abe embraced her ..- after retumlnJ to her home t ror ~~t. The dOJ wu later de- The youns woman had arriVed at er parent'a home oo the Port Hope lll!l.~ Just outalde the westen1 Aa Juua journeyed with hla disciples ht' told them mo.,. plainly of hla approach· lnc eufrerlnp. "'lbe Son of man " 4kllvcncl up lllto the banda of DlCO. aml .. --~ldll)li&" I . But u he . ~o~t of aacrUlce h1s dtar- ctplea were q\llll'l'ellnJ , amonc them· aelvea u to wbJch ol them wu tt- be the rreateaL They thouabl of OlllJ them· lldva, I So Jeaua aet • little ehlld lll their midst, •Jln&', "Wholoeftr aball receive one of such Uttle chUclren lll my name. recelveth me." 1:he JJMtelt Ia the humblat •r- ..alt ol tbe &eaaL Beeauae a certain man dolnc cood In Juua' name - not of their croup John tarbade the man to continue. But Juua ... bulted thla Intolerance. GOI.oDEN _TI:XT-IIark 11:•0.) l patts and walked Oftl' to em-, .ber mother when the dos. • ~ad been lylna on the floor, ~· l.lP 011 her and aank bla ~~to her neck Just back of the ~ .A year al(o the dog nipped lbi .Jirl's face, but did llttis dam• '~~ time, however. the fam- lj ' ed the bl~r ah&IU fellow \i!ti a. vicious atreak In him, and 1e -.a shot. ---- 't'lbere Is too much of the wron~r ;ln4 ef p~lltlcs in the proc~eeutlon !f •c:dmlt." -"nlomaa E. DeW'e7· NURSERY RUGS FOR Hinge On Land Offer PRINCE AND PRINCESS Tbe DuChess of Kent belle·:es In the educational value or nursery rhymes and fables. She has had them woven Into two nursery rugs for her children.. Prince Edward'~> rug deplets a gaily colored SCOttish wooti seven favorite English rhymes. Princess Alexandra's rug is ln- 6Crlbed ln her mother'6 chll!!hwd tongue Fr~nch an!! illustrates 34 of Lafontaine's fables. One day thel!e handsome r~ each 7 ft. 6 ln. by 4 ft. 6 in,. wlll become heirlooms In the Royal famUy. Experts believe that they are capable o! three centuries of hard wear. The Scottish wool ls woven on to a twis!A!d Scottish linen ba- sta of greater strength t.l-tan that employed In maoy old English car- pet.;; still in use. The animals on the rugs ha va provided the Royal babies with their first adventures In the world or imagination. Nurse Smith ls called on to reiate how the cow jumped over the moon; this make.s the ~ntre panel in Prince E!!ward's nJI, Ottawa, April 27.-Establlshmen\ of a naUonal park In the Mustota dlstr:ct of Ontario was proposed in a resolution ~ent the Dominion Government by the Muskoka Tout· ist Development Association in 1937. The resolution was tabled ln the House or Commons Monday at the request of T. L~ Church (Con., To· ronto Broadview), who asked ror all COrT"..spondence on the 6Ubjeet. A Jetter from the Department of Mine.s and Resources In reply stated tht' Domtn:on co!lld not coruslder a national park proposal until the On. tarlo Government offered a suitable part ·site free of all encumbrance~. Should such an offer be made it wouU receive consideration. ROLLICKIN' ROLLIE RF..JOINS INDIANS: :PROMTSES TO BEJIA\'E Chlcngo, April 27 . ...,()scar Vltt . manager of the American. Le&gue- le!tdin~ Clevel~nd In~llans. allbed ~lth ~ref yesterday. Vitt wa.~ ple:l.!;cd because RoUlclt- lng Rollle Hem~!~. t-he "bad boy" of the Indian.~. had rejoined the rlub. with another proml!e tc» be- haVP. him~lf. No .. more looting at baek b.~!'!! lin~~ mth ~hln:v bottle!: :tnrl t:'l:ts ;~s. RPm~!~ promised ~lth a so!emn !nee. Port Perry Druc Store ,, Entered by '!'hie.- He is mver tired of hearing about Mi.is Mullet and the Spider, Mary M3ry Quite Con~ra;-y, and Marj:Jrie Daw on the seesaw; these are the nursery rhymes woven on the left. aad· on the rilbt three more are !:!!~~~ Jack Bomer, H~pty Damp~y. aDd Baa Baa B1aek Sheep . . '1"be ltttle Prlnee Ia to learn &o i --- CGUDt fl"CCIIl hla 1'111i &he f11urea are 1 Port Pm')', Apr!l 2!1.-Tn the eull' printed down the left side and ne 1 l10Ul'3 or Wednel'ciiiY morning wlll say the alphabet from' the let- I thlen>s brok~ into Morr:&on·a Drug ters printed across the top and bot- Store on Queen street and rlflec\ tom the Cllsh relflster. It is estimated AJi her flve names, Alexandra around $8 constituted the entire Helen Elizabeth 01 Ch is 1 loot .. and the ~;t~r. ~:>s not touched. . ga r taoe • It is beltev!'d that the b~k-ln and an!! ti1e date or her birth ln French entry mr.v be the work of two tran- are woven Into Prlncea;s Alexandra's slents. who --re noticed lolterlnsr more cosmopolitan rug, from which around the town earlier In the> eve- she will make acquaintance with n ·n~r. Provincial Officer W. H. Lafontaine's an I mal characters, Clark, Oshawa, is Investigating. among them the crow with the cheese and the fox who aslted hlm to sing, the grasshopper and the ant, the deer who aw his reflection. the hare and the tortoise. The youth who marvelled that the mighty oak could produce such small frutt as "an acorn is shown beside the tree. Below are tlie words, "Tout parle en mon ouvrage et meme les polsaons." · Each rug contains five or 51x mWlon stitches, too1t six girls a year to do, and is il:lscribed with the name of the Lon!!on needle- wort carpet artist, Pontremoll whose productions are Ukely to find their way Ultimately Into museums. 89 to 1 Ratio Anglen Hear Noiae Find Man In Store Peterboro, May 3.-Two ttQJit fishermen on their wny to a ~;trealit at t~ o'clock Sunday momlna heard a window break and tele- phoned city "POlice who caucht a man In Gordon Hudson's lfi'OCe!l' store at the comer of Lock and La~downe atreets. The fishermen were Ford Cam-p- bell and Art Mitchell. Sgt. Thomp• ron. wlth OOnstablea Murphy and Rogen5, found a large atone had been used to smash the heavy plate glass In the door and In the cellar they found Arthur WUson, middle- aged man hiding behind a plle or 0 B boxel5. Tobacco and· cigarettes were 'PPOSU oost piled on t.he count8. ·, . \ -~JFJ: ~f!._gt/.i_o _Fe.es -~lleviUe-Womm: Dies· Ottawa, April 211.-The Govern- · After Montb'a Dlneu ment•a action In ralslnjr nadlo u-~· ceMe !eea was opiJO"ed by 1.2~ cl _.,_ t · 1 persona and favored by H In COQJ• B le • ....,, May 3. - A ter an ll - munJcatioaa received by the Trans- ness of one month, Mr3. Stella port Deparbnent, the Bouse of Mary Seeker. died in Belleville Oerl- Commons waa informed Wednes-~ cral Hospital on Sunday. Born in day. Fees Were boosted !rom 12 to Sidney, Nova Scotia, ahe was a $2li0 this year. . daughter ot the late John Praln The infoimatton was contained I nnd Mrs. Praln. She was 32 JeaN in answer to a question by c. E. of age. Johnston utc .. Bow River>, who Surviving are her husband. asked how many letters, telegrams George Robert Seeker, a slates-, Ol' petitions were receiVed by the M:r:;. Clifford Lucas, of Tweed, and Transport Minister either object- I a brother, Willard Pnaln. of Belli- ing to the increase ln radio Ucense I ville. Mr3. Becker was a member fees. of ~t Church. Added A·ttraction AT11-IE ·KIWANI·s KARNI.VAL FRIDAY, MAY 6th, at 1,30 P.M. OSHAWA ARMOURIES JltL Six, p~ 9iJJA.. BcautuUl Show Girls in llillt&ry Tap, Hlgb . Kick, 8allet and Strut Numbers Four complete chan~res of costumes. ]ltL i/Wlian., ]AiD 11lree men. musical novelty with wtrumenta preaenttna: "From Grand Opera to Swing" PRMi mul .Sanfo'u:L 'l'wo men comedy act ln ".Push 'em up Tooy• !AIR!k.J~ D&mty Acrobatle contortion Speclalq ?nmj/Jillk- Dashlng Toe Non~lt,v Dftnee ADMISSION FREE ~ . ; ,•

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