Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1938, p. 10

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r ... ......,. el IIPUar G-'11&1 ... ..._.-.we. pWq ._.., n. ~ el ........_ at '1'111M117 ....._ 'Def wiR .. - ~ u IMiaa Kterf7 elflcen &e . K.iDc Geerp VI .......,..._ .._ ......_ -. wlllcla ca-. witll tile peat r;arclen party at Bucklnrham Pal- - a& iM ... e1 llllr. Indian ertlerUes are a tradition of the Brltlah royal famll:r. Tho quartd .1.1 bound to attract attention and Is typical of Nepal's contribution to the army In India. Small, wlr:r, brown men, they are wear1nr the national headdress, which also forms pari of their lull- dress uniform. u..n,. JUchmaD. stare and radio en&erta~Der who plnetl fame aa paa- aenrer on Dick MerrW's notetl roantl-trip transatlanUe ftlcht, Is pictured with his bride, the former Basel Foi-bes, Follies clrl, cuUinc their wed- dlnr cake. The eouple were marrletl at Blchman'a M.laml home and left for a hone:rmoon trip to Europe. lllaorfs put on &heir best llreas "'\sa. what there were of the- eeUeney, his Iaiiy anti party tlown the ltlver Npl'll&wahla to the seene to &ate part In the ceremonies at tb., 1111ft11nr of a new home for their of the ceremony. Such a crowd traveUetl In the craft that the orna- "kinc" Korold, at Auckland, New Z........ Lertl Galway, sovemor-r;eli- mental flr;ures carvetl on Its outer surface were almost submercetl. Crew era1 of tho dominion, wore bla fill .,_ mUorm to attend. A war I members adtletl to the color of the scene with their war-palnL Lortl canoe, lavlab17 decoratetl and III&IIIL. Galwa:r appears standlnr; to the left of her excellency as the canoe -- ~ tbls full crew, took his ex- 1 makes lis way down stream. Chamberlain Goa y,.,.;,.. Salute for the Fascist Conquerors of Lerida Ia seen In a cbaracterll· tlo an&llnr stance. Do left Loot. when tho Brltlsh-ltaUan arree-t Lenc aec:ustomed to the clenchetl fist salute of th8' Spsnlsh ro\'emmcnt forces, the~ men anti ~en or wu alrned for tho trout 1treama e1 Let-Ya, Spain, are ttylnr oat a new one-that of tho t'asclsts-s Lerlda chan~d hands anti was oocuplecl northern ScotlaDd, s&a:riDC with iM liT t~ victorious lnsurrents alter weeb of lntenslft flrhtlnr. This was one of the Important towns tUen. Marqaea of Londonderry, Brl&ala'a liT ftallco's troops In their drive alonr the Arapn fronL chid exponent of frlenclablp wHit Nad German:r. Obaenera In~ "- a1 C D l' I. B r 1.• the premier's eholce of ~oUIJa7 u vne ~nan an emo l•n altaUnlp manaaea to Berlin to pave the _,. meanlnr he would soon send Uul for a liml1ar arreement· with Ger· ID&D)'o Despite heart.brokm pleas of a 12-year-oltl cbUd brlile and h"' 37-,.ar. old h11Sbancl, authorities ended their manlar;e of a week anti made the rtrl a tem~rary wart! of 'he state, eommlttinr her "' a detention home as an lncorrlr;lble. The order was Issued bT Juvenile eoart after traanl offteera leametl of the marrlar;e of Almira Mae Wells to S:un•el Me· Chesney when the7 checked her absence from the sixth r;rade. "I loft her so. 1· would have done It over apln, evm If she were ten," n:elabn• ed MeChesney when poUee lnterferred at their home al ltdloboth. DeL Easter is Day of Suffering for ·Refugees ·· Entire British Population Prepared For Air Raida In Spain. Euler came to aeorea of reraa- In the ---ftllell ,._ of the P:rr~ as they aourht to escape the rapidly advanelnr f- ef Fn.Deo, ~ fteelDC to Fn.Dce. Man7, like this :rounr loyalilt father, were not 11raaec1 to withstand the extreme c:oltl at hlrh alUtades. Be ftnally meeeetletl 1u breaklDC thl'OUfh ·with hll ehUII to reach haftll a' Lachllll, where bunclretla han~ ftocked. Ben .. a aelf-explanat01'J dlarram of the "dlvlDC bomb.. which; accordlnr to predlcUODS of IAsle P. llalleW, Stamford, Conn., exper1 011 aerlal maniUona, wDI be ued In the next war. BT meana of tbll bemlt. .,._Mr. Barlow, one man could clestro:r a S'J,OGO,IM batUesblp ancl IIWI have a chance of llvlnr to tell ....- lt. The bomb would be launched from 10,000 feeL Ita pQot would rultlo It dlredly above the ,battleahJJI Ia a allde to 3,500, where be w~uld pat . the bomb Into a vertical dive, trtpplnr; It lOGie from hla paradlate _. nbber boat. Coneentrated foot! and water are a&owetl In tbll boat, deslroed to l&ay aftoat for ilaJL ......, won fame as an IJIYIIIdelt of t1~oUU011 bombll In the worfcl war era. .1 \! llf WORK IS WELL ALONG STUDIES U.S. WOUS PLANS ,CARNEGIE NEPHEW VANISHES • lldtaln's ambassador to ltaiT, the Earl of Perth, finished his confer- enen with Forelrn Minister Count Galellno, April 11, In the attempt U rektnre friendly relaUons be- ttreen Rome and London. Lord lbrott!l"h nc«otlatlon~ In record Pertla Is c:redtled with havlnc put This ye:~.r the British rovernment will spend $40,000, 000 tralnlnc c:lvUians to protect themselves lroa air at:ackli, and In provldlnr them with equipment. " buolt of I.JUitrucUona llllued b:r the homo olflco ..... every home to take special precautions of lls own tu prepare shelter rooJDL Alread:r hundreds of ,.._ of relure have been bu.!!t like the one above. Lined with steel plata It Ia banked with earth and eonsU.- ' ed so as to make It alr-tlcht when In use. Inside a tarre rroup can take shelter. Government l.nllnle- llona urre c:ivWans to "pass the time readlnr, wri.:Or or playlnr cardl and llule& ramea" (LOWEB) ,.... waltiDc for word b7 radio that tho attack Ja onr. tl..e. He may. make arranrements fer War !ltlnlater Hore·Btlbha to p .. Italy on a "eoartes:r ylalt" thill -.er to cement the rrowlnc lrleatlhlp between emplm. Rl. Don. Marp.ret Bontlfteld, once British labor minister, aclmltted on arrlnl In New York, April 111, that Britain Ia enJoylnc a trade boom, but dalmed It ball "nil& devclopetl out . of nal~~r.~l tradiDI". Encllsb bnslness bas been artlflcblly stlm· ulated by the rearmament pro- rram. she said. She Is In Unlled Stat~s to atud:r broad·scale publlo workl aehemea. Twenty-elrht-,.ear-llltl Aatlrew CAr· nerle Wblttleltl took off from Roosevelt Field, N.Y., Ia a JIO'ftl' rlltler, AprU 111, anti he baa no& been seen since. Search parUea are conrentratlnr alonr the ~ eeut of Lonr Island So~cl and aeons of hanrars are belnr sarehetl for his machine. Wbltflelll Ia a nepbew of &he late "nclrew camerte. He has been married leiS than a JNI"• q- ! ' . Flies for Firat Time After Crcula Two :rean aro Aviatrix 1\laxlne Bowartl and her ftlcr-hasbantl. Benny. were InJured eerlously while eompetlnr In the Bendix Troph:r race. Now luU7 reeovered, Mn. Howarcl Ia detemllnetl to .resume her ft)'inr career. On Easter Suncla:r she went oat to a Chlcaro field with bel' huabantl, said f00d·b7 and dlmbetl Into an a~t>oplane wlbrh she lm• mediately new to Wpblnrton, D.C. She made the Dlcht for the pur• poll or replnlllr" her prlnte pQot'l UcenH.

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