THE WHITBY CAZETIE AND CHRONICLE. WEDNF..SDA Y, MAY 4. ·1938 I .. ~ : . PACE NrN"!f Gen. Motors Payroll Over · ,. Six Million Last Year Municipal Taxes Paid by Company Sixteen Per Cent. of City's Total, Of. 6cial States $22,500,000 INVES~D IN LANDS, BUILDINGS Employees Benefit by ln- . aurance Scheme -Those Over 35 Have From 11 to 42 Years' Service ~-------------------------- $27,000; for telephone tolls and tclc· grams, abOut $80,000 and to the ex- press companies (equally divided) approximately $27,000; freight and transport $2.600,000, sales, excise tax and duties, $4,700,000. Speak· lng briefly on tile tran~port angle of the Oshawa industry, Mr. Cot· ton :;aid U21 freight cars had c.ome In and 10,694 loaded freight cars had gone out from the factory, while the tot3l tonnage by truck W3.5 52,500 tons in and out. Sold 81,998 Jobs in 1937 The stationery department last year used 72 tons of paper, 633 pounds .of Ink, 26,680 stencils. 320,· 600 carbon sheets and 31,356 lc3d pencils. Unfolding a stat~tical record of speaking of production. the Ge-neral Motors or Canada. Limit- amount for all Canada last year e::i. Clyde L. cotton. comptroller of was 227.049 units. there being 20,· the OshaV~.·a plaut. gave the mem-1 049 units imported. General Mo- her• ,.. ··-~ ,... - ·---·~ Rotary Club " tors of Canada sold during the mo~ ~ . · · ·. · - 11 nd Interest- past year 81.998 cars and trucks. of lng \\·ord picture of th~ motor bus!- which 27.928 were exported. A fe\\" comprisin;t everything from ot the exports were on wheels but pencils and puts, t:> bulldlngs and most of the bulk W&Jl knocked down payrolls. at the luncheon meetlnr and plac&d In crates. the comptrol· of the Rotary Club In the Hotel ler stated. For the we of com- Oeno..'<ha on Monday. par:aon ' in production and imported Norman Grainger. manager ol cara, Mr. Cotton said that In 1936 Parts and 5ervioe. General Moton the Canadian production was 172,· of C:lnada. Limited, Introduced the 062 can aud truck.:. while the im· apeaker as a New England cana- ports that year were 9,903. These dian. Mr. Cotton was born In the figures would make one realize the New England States and came to extent to Which Imported cal's are C:l.nada ten years ago. For a time coming Into Canada' under the 17\:. he W&Jl employed at St. Catharlnes per cent. duty. an-d later came to ~hawa. Before SeWn: Zones jo!nlng up with General Moton. he Going out Into the broader field, apent ~Several years in the United Mr. Cotton told the Rotarians there States Navy. were five n1aln selling zones for the Ten Milliona For Oahawa outlet of General Motors products, Delving Into General Motors these being at Vancouver. Regina, atatJ&tics. Mr. cotton said that of Toronto, Montreal and Moncton. the torty-!lve mUllon dollars spent He estimated that there W815 a in 1837 for materials and services story behind each one of these zones by the company, approximately ten which the general sales manager million of thi., W&Jl spent by the might ~ prevaUed on to tell at Oshawa plant and wu exclusive of some future date. Then there are payrolls. · In the break down of five main retail branches, situated the total tnto the ..-ar1oua cbannela at Realna. Saskatoon, Windsor, T.:>- of apeodt&ww, Ule compttoller TOilto &Del Kolll.l'eal, the speaker ai4 \bat the tuea of tbe cam~ p&lnted out ancl aa well flore puts waa IIIIJIOXIIDatel7 11 per cml ot BDcl avY1ce depota at Vancouver. tile cl&,'a total. (Tbe d~'a &o&ai cali&l7. a.rtn&. WbuUJIII BDcl Ia ~ a ~ clallara) '!be koial ll&uflm'l. m ttMU&Yl t& J;)~Mwa. taxa. JDcludlnc aU duties, etc .. Mr. Ia. t.b... aemce depots. aupplled Cotton sald, W3.'! upwards ot Beven br ttM paris department at Oshawa, mllllons there are approldmately '15,000 In· Speak·in~ of the CD.St of power, dlvldual ltema covering car11 u Car water ·an;S ll&ht. the utultiea provfd. back 815 1918, or just so long as ed by the mw.lcipallty, the total there l~ a demand for them. In an b approximately $147.000 and Ia so analysta of tho various .])arts car- per cent. ot the total power ot the rled they cover everythlpg trom a city; about ~ per cent. ot the trame to a fuae, from a· rear axel licbtlnc ot the cJt.Y; eo per cent. of to a tan belt, It waa pointed out. the total used by Industrial comu- $ZZ.t100,000 lnvea&ed mens ot water; lS per cent. other General Motor:~ of can a d a, than lnduatrlal water supply, and Limited, hu an Investment In 23 per cent. overall of the utilltlea. 1 and a and bulldlnss of $22,· Amounts paid to the Olhawa 600.000. the comptroller Mid. The postmuter Jut year totalled nearly land owned In the name o! the the company approximates 110 acres, there being 26 acres In Osh· awa, 31 acres at Walkerville, 35 acres at Regina and other amounts at Brantford. HamUton. Montreal, S?.skatoon, w;,;mlpeg; St. Cathar· ines, etc. There are· G9 buildinga ln Osh- awa with a floor space of approxi· mately 2,680,000 square · feet: 18 buildings at Walkerville with floor space of approximately 286,000 square feet: 9 buildings at Regina with 447.000 square feet: one at Saskatoon, 31,000 .square Cect; two at Winnipeg, 90,000 .square feet: one tach at HamUton, 41,000 square feet; Toronto, 40,000 square feet: Montreal. 32,000 .squBI'e feet. In the 102 bu!lding.s there is a total area of 3,135.000 .square feet of floor space, too speaker stated. In the Osh:n·•, plant the-re are 2,515 electr:c motors -of all sizes with a total horse power of 12.234. Other statl.stics of the Oshawa plant Included ten miles of convey- OI' ch!lin, and the manufacture of 802,000 r.ublc feet of ·acetylene gas !01' welding purposes. 'n1e chief expall!'lon at the local plant last year was the erection or the over- head body bridge at an approxl· n1ate co.:;t of $100,000. Thl.s l.s or steel construction, 1.100 feet long, operated by eleetrlc!fy for convey- Ing auto bodies from the west plant to the north plant and re- place.:; the old trucking method of transporting the bodies. The con- veyor L< completely enclosed and the chain J.s synchronized with the assembly Unes llild working out fine 11nd up to expectations. Oshawa's Payroll Of the total ·of $8,133,000 Cana- dian payrolls last year the total payroll Cor Osh9.wa_ alone WM ap- proximately $6,234,000. Mr. Cotton :;tated and exprPssed the hope that the bulk of this had been :;pent In Olshawa. In each department of the Osha- wa plant there J.s a first aid station with a central headquarters which Ia slmllar to a small hospital, the comptrollPr stated. Two nurSM are engaged as well M two fully quali- fied Cirst a:d men. In each depart- ment there are three 1-hour periods during each working day. Coincident wlt.."'l the firat aid de- partmeqt there Ia a full time Afety, enJineer who Ia worklnc constantly ~ ~':! E!~ 1!~ la \l\!. y..l£t and educate the employees to bu- ard.s :md mall:_, tMm safety con- ~cious at all tlmes. Compared with 81 other plants In Canada and United States, Oshawa rank6 about the middle In regard to accidents- It is neither good nor bad, Just aver- age, the speaker pointed out. Imurante Scheme The company throughout the In· duatry operates an Insurance scheme for lts employees which covers Indemnity for ·deaths, accl· cienta and slckneaa. For ·· death, the ber.eflclarles arc paid $2,qoo. In the case · of accidents tho employee Is paid $14 a week for 13 weelta The to Mother ~~M on other's Day" SUNDAY. h.a ' ~~UlY Btb EYcn l.&ou .. J. . li ~ )'ou r~:_, o ten. pue y -"""' of h-~ our tho .... Worda on .. Moth . ugbra iato • • • caU h er 8 Day., and l ' er on Lon n· t • alllloat lil£ dro g. .ltfanee! .her! The c PPtng in oa 'll 801llld of Wt gi.,.e 1J • )'OUJ' l"oice plq, er J uat a lll'c aa any 'fl 1 lllucb gl t You can ae d a . Low lVIG APPL-y A~T RATES Oa Alot&er' D L DAy el> • ay ery SWJ4.o , aad 00 -· ... 7-.:. 1f: 7 ~ .. ~a& 1"•- ~~L "lite-, . .. ••n....,_ cost of the insurance to the em• ployee 1.s $1.23 a month and the company pays the balance. Speak· lng of the premiums and the bene. fits derived at the Oshawa plant In 1936 Rnd 1937, Mr. COtton said that Jn 1936 the employees had paid $89,000 and had drawn benefits to the amount of $10.100, while 1n 1937 they had paid In $87.459 and recelv· ell benef!ts to the amount of $!18.· 905. This would tndic:ate that the other plants had better records t.hnn Osha wa, although some wem not quit(! so good, but be!ng that tile premiums v.ere bulked Into one fund the benefits are paid ou~ when and ·where they are necessary, 1t was pointed out. The Social Side Speaking of the social side of the industry, Mr. Cotton mentioned the annual picnic at Oshawa which last year 'co.~t the company $4,600. Then, too. the company sponsors a base- ball team and a hockey team and opens the doors of the auditorium on Mary street to a General Mo- tors Badminton Club, a Camera Club. a Stamp Club. a Choir. Bridge Club, hM gymnasium equip. mcnt and dances are frequently held by the employees. The War Veterans' Club. recently organized, meets at the auditorium. Fifty-two per cent. of the em· ployees are over 35 years of age and 31\2 per cent. of the employees in this group have had from 11 to 42 years service with the company. Tber~ are a few over 70 years of age who are on the payrol1, which .spea~ well of the care and guld· ance given the . employees by the two ~doctors employed by General Motors, the speaker ~ald. . The company owns some real cs- ta te ln the city lUi well M the 26 acres on which ll.s Industrial build· lngs are situated, Mr. Cotton stated Of the 119 houses built by the company, 69 have been .sold, 32 are under contracts and 18 are rented. The company own.s 118 lots, 27 Qf which are Improved properties, hav· lng pa vemen t.s, sidewalks, :;ewel'li. etc. There are 91 lots which are not Improved properties. The hous- ing schen:es ~eemed necef.r.ary at the time it was Instituted, the comp· troller pointed out, but at the pres. eni time the company is more In· tereated In bulldllll cars Ulan In retJ e.state. Car BepreiCDta In Da;ra Work in concluiltn, ·ihe moat'intereattnr BDclintormatlve addresa. Mr. Cotton s:~.ld It had been ascertained that there were, roughly speaking, 100 working hours put Into every car manufactured In Oshawa. which was equal to two weeks work at eight hOUI'li a day. Thl.5 dld not take Into consideration the time spent on materials purchMed for assembly. It has been estimated by the Canadian Automobile Cham· ber of commerce that each auto- mobile In Canada represents 87 daya of work. and covers a wide Cleld o! activity _from the mines, trom the .forests, proce.s.sing, trans· portatlon and every Item of work !rom ihe raw materials to the fin· !shed product. Mr. Cotton told the Rotary Club that ~t _wa.a hla ~~ntlcm. Jp . · the niemben otthe Club an U111 people of o.mawa up-to-date on automobUe atatlstlca and give them the facta and figures each year. · Volclns the thanka and apprecla. tion ot the Club, President Huah Hall told the apealcer hla talk had been moat enlightening and the Club would be glad to hear him next year. ------ HEALTH BOARD- AT HOWMANVILLE fiiVEN 'THE fiATE' Council-Controlled Board Created at Special Seuion JOBLESS RELIEF msr $44,338, t go IN GANADA JN·J ~7 Ontariota Per Capita Relief Coat& Higheat In Dominion Ottawa, May 2.-The report of the Dominion COmml.~sloner of Unemployment Relief whlch hu been submitted .to Parllament ahowa that for 1937 tJle cost of rellef to the Federal Treasury amounted to $4f,338.190, the third higher fllure since 1930. It WM exceeded only by the tot-als of 1935 and 1936, whleh stood at $49,499.000 and $47,184,100 respectively. A better ahowlna would have been made last year had It not been for heavy expendltura ln tbe drought area. $17,241.12S In all. Nevertheleu. the money has to be foand for whAtever p\lJ'l)OIIe. It 11 needed. .In the !Mt seven yeara the Domln!on hu spent $308,742.8511 on relief, which Ia additional to the eJt· pendlturu of provtncea and munl- clpalltles. I Compar:ng the rellef situation durins March of thla year with that ot April, 1937. there hM been llttle material Improvement. In M&n:h 1.069.272 were receiving material aid, and a year ago the figure stood at 1,155,597. Tbat over 1.000.000 persons ahould still be on the relief rolls In the Do- minion after 2'..2 years of operatum of the King -government's pollcles scarcely providl!.!l evidence that low tariffs are u e!!ectlve 815 the Prime Minl&ter would like the country to believe. A rather astonishing variation In the per c11pita COELS o! relief In the provinces and reveral of the Iarrer cl ties was revealed by the Mlnl.ater of Labor. Mr. Rogers. In part 1t la accountoo for by the dlt!erence In living costs In the country and by a varying seal~ ot generosity or par· :;·mony. by the administration om. clala. ftr a nine-month period endlna Deoember 11. 11117. the averase per a• Sill 8i ltl~ Ulia\lillaul Ule I)!mlnJOQ waa .U3. In tbe pro- vinces the per capita COlt wu u follow': P.E.I., $2.24; Nova ScoUa, $U9; Quebec, $6.10; Ontario, •U'J; Manitoba, $8.50; Saskatchewan, $5.45; Alberta, $6.'78, and Brltllh Co- lumbia, $'1.6'7. In the larger cltles the per capita coat of rellef wa.s u fbllow,: Hall· fax, $US; Montreal, $7.65; Halnil· ton. $8.61; Quebec, $U4; London, $8.75; Ottawa, $9.«1: Toronto, p.ts; Wlpdsor, $U7; Winnipeg, $9.115; Re· glria, $10.37; Calgary, $10.2t; Ed- monton, $9.41, and Vancouver $9.03. 1 61VEN $268.20 ~ .AS.DAMA6ES~N mURT A~TJON ~· · 9 * ,.... Meat-K...-r Really keeps meat FRESH;;~ ·* ...... ............ lor fresh •ese- ubles. !ruiu and salads. *~ 0Yen-proof; sped· sUy dc:Yeloped to keep leftoOvers. * .,.... .... .,. Under any and all conditions; 66% Reserve power. * z-...,. Ownera a•era«e food suinss or $9.00 a month. 8 hours out o£ 12 it uaes t10 ~at all. ~· . • . . : • • • .. .. ~ -: • Re~e's the Ref~ige~alol' that appeals to evei'Y woman If you designed it yourself ••• you couldn't . The big newHamidnw~with ample humidity think of a single thing that Westinghouse storage for salads, fruits and vegetables. crterlooked in making this the most complete, The improved Sanalloy High-Speed Frostet up-to-date and economical refrigerator. with Ejecto-cube Instant·Release Ice trays; · Here's the new Meat-Keeper .•• covered and The bigger. handier Stor-Dor; and. best of all, - ftlltilated ••• keeps meat FRESH in your home the famous Westinghouse Super-Power Mech- jast u your botcher keeps it in his store. anism; . precision-built, Hermetically-sealed, . Only Westinghouse has it! !>'tal:Automati,c; with its Kitchen-Pro•ed Sav· , The new Thermoware Dishes in which you togs an food. tilDe and money. . caa SERVE, STORE and HEAT left-o.,ers; Comeinandseethekindofrefrigeratoryou'T• · they won't crack or break with the beat! always wanted. - ~ VISIT YOUR - WESTINGHOUSE DEALER TODAy-. ! - MARJ.OW and STROWGER 123 BROCK ST. SOUll-1 WHITBY PHONE Record Entriea For Durham Cy. 738 Music Festival · Arbitrators Bring in Bou~dary Road Award . . . . --- -. + . - . - - -- . . Bowilulnvllle;-Ma~ 2.-An nil t~· Upkeep of Nine Miles of The award Ja divided Into three recon1 for entries In Durham coun• · n~tiona. "A" !lata the bciundary ty•a annual Music Festival Is re. Road Between City and roads, stves Ule!r Jenrtb, and ported by F'estlval offlc!al,. Entries r__ Whitb T hi makes.the division. "B" atatea tor the Ma,y event now total ov~l" L!Qt Y 'OWD& P "the awartf ahall take efl~ aa 400, an Jncreaae of 25 per cent. ovel" · Equitably Di'Vided from Jan. 1, 11138, and each party the 1917 f!!!tlval. Ortlcinls nrc now Port Perry Couple BI"'UUbt to this award ahaU be i'eapoulbl' busfiy engaged In drawing up the' A · A • Q-L --~- for lt.s own costa ln maintenance achedule tor the festival, and con··· ction ia&nlt .... The question o 'the boundary rn _their entirety of the respectlft stderable difficulty Is being ex.: awa Man ro.ds between Ea&t Whitby town· . nllocat!ons U outlined In cJause: peneneed try;ng to .sQuare tM . ___ ablp and the clty of Oshawa, which · "A". Clause "C" explalns that the tour hundred entries Into the Mr. and Mra. WUllam Jeffr.y, ot baa proved a contentious matter award only takes Into conaldera- three da.y festival. . Port Pe""", were awarded .,..'ln for some time, may now be seL· tlon the maintenance costs and not The Festival Is .schC'dulrd to- · .. J -::::\. tled for good If the councils of capital expenditures such u the damages by His Honor Judp L. v. bot..h municipalities decide to ac- construction of concrete culvert~~, openti a,t_._BthowmanvtU!te Mday 1othd, O'Connor, ot CObours. In Ulelr cept the award handed down by bridgea, or pavements. con nuu"" e nex wo ay.•, an .. damage sutt against Mr. Drua ot the two arbitrators s 0 Carnell I Ald --•.... Dafoe wanted to concluding on May 13th with the o.mawa. The case was hear4 1D • • • ' • ....... ..., I1'Uid eoacert by all sold-medal· · county court Frldav and waa an Ollbawa, an<l D. J. ltean, Wbltby, tocnr wb7 an .aceaall, far •11 bad .... A_ .... ~ _.._ _. Po • J countr roads auperbltenclent, .. to been tend wben be ~ ..,.. - ....... .,. .... wanner~~. J'O actJon for damaaes arising out of the )IOI'UoDa of the roada which I that ~ tl bad lleeD an ulde tun&telJ the offlcera hed expect-"_ an automobUe accldent which t.oolt _"h ........ ,_uta ali8Uld llllbltaJft. _ , u._ =::L a-:o: = -::.:;; ;;;6 aiaiii -til 1 eelliJderlble tnereue fl\ m• . place on the Port Perry..Qahawa acu u&u.:..-&nJ' 10l' me wan; • .u-. 'IJUDOIII VS. aad 10 provided thn-e ad• road on the night of December ltb Mr. cameu preemt.d tile de- ! ha did -' 1leUeft OOIIDOil ....._. J1dcaton. wbleh means that· last. The plaintlf!a were repre- cl.alon of the arbitration board to the amount of wortt Which me ar- more than one aectlon or thP. res .. · sented by A. w. s. Greer, ot o.h- the councU committee meeting bltratlon entalled, and $15 wu tbe tival wm be able to prorl'e<j a11 awa, and the defendant by Allin tan Monday, and lt was received lo~est he could poatbly charge. once. Thl.s also means thnt the f'. Ann15, of ~awa. end tUed. It will probably come U(l I sympathize wl\h you In your · adjudicators will not be :;ubject- The evidence presented by both for approval at the regular council error or Judgment In the rush or ed to the almost inhuman num• : plalnUtfa wu to the ectect that meeting next Monday night. Mr. public duties," Mr. camel! told ber of hours that they have been Bowmanville, May 2.-In a man- u1ey had been proceedlns north ltean 1s presenting a duplicate councU. All members ~ agreed r k , t . , ner atrongly smattering of central o.lons th' road which runs rrom CGpy ror the approval or the East I that the $15 ahould be paid. 0~=~~o:~ed -~e~aswe~:a[l,~ ad• Europe dictatorship, Town Council Port Perry to Oshawa ant! were on Whitby councU. Jlldlcators wUI be Dr. H. A. F:-lck--- at a .special seSI5lon wiped out all their rlaht side ot the road when The two men were appointed. C,O%& ONTARIO AC~~:PRIL er. o. Roy P'enwlck, anrl Mrs. oppclllUan to Ua plan to ;ct rid the ddencl&ll~'• car came acr0111 IIi'. Carnell by the local counCil REPORTED D Hlckinrbottom, the rorm!'r for- - Of the Public Health Nurae, am and bit them. e&\111111 ccxwderable end Mr. Kean by East Whitby general festlvl\1 work . Mr. Fen• ualDc a lqal lc4:bniea1Uy u a damace &o lhe car, &Del l'elllll.lnl c6\lncJI, In an effort to arrive at " There were 4.aJS acctdenta re- wick for the school c!lorusee lllat. of their action, wlped out Ill .Mlblequent pain and •uttertna \o deciSion satJ&factory to both par- ported to the Workmen'a Compen· elasaes. and Mrs. Hick1nsbottom- lniU::~~~~-~th ~ :! Kra. JeffrQ. !:nt!mgth:he ~~h~a:S.~~ =~~~ ~p~. ~~=' wt~ for the elocution classes. ' membera :of the old· Board who Provincial Officer W. H. Clark. totalled, each municipality paying 5,075 dur!Dr March, and t,805 dur- One Quite Enou,h! supported the nursing aervlce have of O!lhawa. testlfled that ht ar· haU. Thla was found to be un.sat- Ins April • ,ear 810· 'lbe bl!netlts · "Do you ll""nd your time wit!\ H.M.BLACK been notlfled of their dl.sml•!al , rived on. the acene of th~. accJdent latactory to the township who pay awarded amounted to ·$5111.478.011, nuales?" .. ~ and a new member appointed to at approximately 7 p.m. 'lbe Jef· a lower wage scale than the ~ty $t10,465.29 of which wu for com- .. "No·, on'v I the Board. frey car, which had been proceecl· end-- did not reel they shOUld have pelll5aUon, and $108,013.77 for medJ· marr!K." &J with the one The t.echnlcality upon willch Ins north W815 on tho eu~ .tde, .to pay a ahare of the clty'.s wages. c:al ald. Counc~l has based Its action 1.s facing north, and the Druz car wu After conterencee hac2 been held i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;Bji Section 13 ·or the Public Health facin& 50Uth west," he stated. Tbe ~ delesatlona heard. It was de- Act which provJ.i:led that tn e\·ery road wu covered with anow and It elded that each councU should look town h:win~ a population of leu wu difficult to determine wbera ~ the complete upltaep or-,,por. than lour thousand, the local the centre line wu. :t1oD of the roada, the problem Board ahall consbt of the head or The defendant Druz told tbe beiDa- to dlvlde the nine mll~ or the . munlclpallty, the Medical Of· court that hla car started to IIDd load atUTP.l!Jldlnr the city equtta IY. fleer ot Health. and one resident on the allppery road u he CBIDI 'l'bla the ar6ffi'aUon board waa ap. t pom~d to do. ra epayer. The former Board waa over the hlll. He then t.rie4 w 'l'be two membera of the board compoaed In a like manner, only &Wini off the road, he atated, bUt cUftded the boundary roada Into 11 It had three resident ratepayera wu atruck by the Jetfrey car Jua~ aulldlvlalons, the length of each 815 membera under the aectlon u hb car came to a atop. aubdlvlslon stven 1D feet. The total which provides that towns of Tbo bench rulect that tllert wu Jlamber of teet or bound&l7 roada, more than tour thouaand shllll no evidence to aupport thll &aU· according to the award, Ia 48,72'7. have a board composed of th-e mony and on the other ll&Dd Olhawa hu been made respon.stble Mayor, Medical Otflcer of Health evidence ot the other wiW... for' the complete maintenance of and til~ ratepayers. allowed that Drua either lhouJd DOt Its of the subdlvlalona or 18.529 The crux of t-he whole altuatlon be drlvinr a car or had JOlt MDt.rol ~-· of road. Alth0\18h lea than la that the ua~or'a flrures are of lt. Damasea of $12& were aUow· l!all the number of feet. the clt.Y the baala upon which population 1. nslbUI ... t t 1s JUdged, and th~c figures ~Show ed Mr:~. Jeffrey for InJuries received -..urnes respo "J' or some o BowmanvUle with 3860 people. and 41113.20 wu allowed to l\lf. Jef· the more widely tavelled roads. frey, lncludllll d&D\Ise to tbe oar. I In handing down the award, Mr. Tho Dominion Cenaus figures alve The plalntl!!s were aiven Juclament cameu pointed out that the board 1 th:nt~wn~! po~~at!~~ ~w4080~hlnd with coats and the de!enclaaW• had been able to come to an agree- -~ them, u In the clll!e of the Band counterclaim for fl,OQ w815 dllmiiMd ment without calling In the services Bylaw. councU hu rid Itself of with cosl4 Of a third arbitrator allowPd for · lll the ortstnal appointment. The 1 - cppruitlon to I~ plan to oust the 1110RRISBUBG BHIPl'AaDIJ roads had been divided. he said, Public Health Nur~e. The ap- ABE. SAVED FROM FLAIU& end each councU had been made I pointed member11 of the former I ,..apDI\alble tor the payment In Its Board were Deputy Reeve C. 0. Morrl.sburg, May 2.-0ovemment f!Urety or the costs Incurred by Morr~. CouncUior B. B. Furber ahlpyarcta at Morrtsbura were 1n e&crl council. Eacll councll J.s al- aud B. H. MorLioc:k The new danaer t.llls afternoon whtn a ~'*"<~ only those sections which are Board IS com~ed oi the Mayor, larse bam op the waterrroat farm ent.lrely within Ulelr boundary and Medical Oftlcer of Hea!U1, ~nd of Rlch11rd Eaaton, next to ~- ~ary In cues or Ingress and CouncJlor Jack Ounn. 8o with a ahlpyarda, burned to the P'OUQd. !llnU , Board which now favours the The ahlpyarda' staff fOI!iht to aave The. board had held three aepar· abolition of the Heal~ Service lhe buUdlnp In the yarda. Two aa. meetlnas and had gone over the councU wlll have no di!tlculty farm buUdlnp and a thnlb1Dc an the sectlom carefully. stated In having Its completely council· mlll were l011t, oU1er farm build· Mr. cameu In handing In an ac- controlled-rubber-lltamp Board of inKS belnr sli&hUy damaged In \bl count of $15 to cover all costs to Health do 114 dJctatlon. blue fanned by a atroua wllwl. the dt.)'. F. 1.~ BEECBOF~ With the u .... eo..t.q ud t;ific:ieacr •. • Lumbu e Cedar Shinalea • Aaphalt Raofing • Gyproc • Hardwood Flooring e Interior Trim • Mouldinga, Etc. ESTIMA"f15 CIVEN FREELY Telephone 627 CORNER PINE & MARY STS. I· ... - ..... ~-~----~-