II-CaOital ., ....... a-:-aaa·~-· ' tiM ' :;-;...... -II P*:e OBI 15-loMflliC .......... - n-~u~e~; 11-J:cca Ill tlM --tl-M•eev"M ........ THE WHITBY GAZETfE ~ tidy job of cleaning a( the scholars \\ ent on a iish- day nlght and spent a few hours sucker fishing in the strca.ms there. They were amply repaid for th:;ir efforts and _ returned with \'Cry choice fiSh., , ~ corn.IC.Hf. ttJ6. QlllnAI. .am ~tATI~ Ash bum &ROOKLIN, May U. - The (~lrs. Robi. HeroD.- Cor.) Wofnen's Christian Tem})erance ASHBURN, May 1!.-SacrA- Unlon · met on Tuesday at · the .or. the Lord's Supper will be htrm& «J! MNt. Ge<1. :ranes. The at· obaerved at .B:urns Church on Sun- tendance ~a~ not large but !be day, May 17. Service at 11 a.m .• mee'Ung wir.s full of tntereat r.ollow'lng Sunday Sthool at 10 a.tn., ' Rev. -D. A. Ferguson, B.A. iDSJtlration. Mrs. Harold Jones, paator. Prea.ldent, had charge or. the A verY enjoyable e-vening wu meeting and with Mrs. Geo. spent. In the buement or. the JODee conducted a wOJ11hlp ser- ehureb laet Friday enning undor vie& at the 011ening ot the meet- the auspices of the Women's MI.!J~ sionary Socfet:y and Jolly Juniors 10$. Readings were giYen along Mlaslon Band. Rev. n. A. Fercu· temperance linea from the dally son, B.A., pre•lded. The lantern press and Mrs. N. Wbite contrib· slides prMented by Rev. D. M. uted a aolo, "Consolation", by ROBe, or. . St. Georre'a Church, Ca.rrle Jacobe Bond. Plans were Oahawa, were both JntereaUng and educat-Ional, Mr. Roae &iYiDir ~1:4e to attend the conventfou to a de!criptlon of each picture aa he"' held in OshaW'a on Ma,- 26, ••under the Brow or. the when Brooklin Union wJU have /i\:~~!~i~',j .. was the subject Gt c~rge or. the · q_ulet ha.tf-hour Jolly Junlon Mt.. noon. Th& following the capable lead· ~re appointed: -president. leti. en; SUnday. Sehoot J,mea rave a real mla•inn- :Mrs. Geo. Jones; press; ary prOKI"am, conalatlng o[ chor- J. White. uses and dlalorues ,before the pre. Mrs.. Greer of 'the At ' tb" were with of vote U.-S&ediDI' Ia and many are ahowlng a re- the A TTE~f·IO;N S:hlape.rs~! . We are JlliYinlr this week for e-m picked ap "by our truck 21c per lb. · ~ - Butter . ~·Fa·t Telephone Us--Charges Collect ancl have oar driver call Citizens' Club members. A dainty luncn was then served hy Mns. Neale, Mrs. E. Bryant and Mra. Me1• Bry!l.nt. ----- Kinsale Claremont Y, MAY I'J, 1936 the Oahawa. General He. Friday luL She wUl be ~··or~oed to bed for a Ume yet progres~lng as favorab)J' can be upect.ed. M:r11. W. Ward guests also fmproYing e~eadlly at- J'obna and Miss Margaret John~. her casts have not been Remember the pte social to be removed 7et. at Comm~lty Club on The Public School observed Thursday, Ma:r 21Bt. 'l.bia will be Arbor D&:r on Fr:ld&7 laat. After their duties at the achool were the laat meetl~ of the aea~on performed they and thelr teach- and a Iar1e crowd Is e:~:pectell. •til enJoJ'ed a picnic at Brlgnall'a UUca :rOung people wlll present Gully. abort pla;y. Wa coqratulate Gordon Bar- lila Haul Gregg has &one t.l land. on the hl&h lltan.d.ID& he 0!';:··1 Tcoro,oto where abe will be for a tala.ed In h1l 2D4 J'e&r A.lllocl&w Coune at the O.A.C., Guelph, alia lor - the acholanhlp won. Conrratulatlou are allo utend- ed to Bill Tomlbiaoa. on puslq 1D hill lit J'e&l' Decree Coune. Mr. and lin. 11. B. Morgan aDd lamU7, at Guelph, were ne•ta of the I. J'. Dollkfng fam- tly on Sa.nday. Tbey were accom- panied: b7 Mrs.. Jlorcau'• mother, Aln. Benu •. who returned home 1omewhat Improved tn · health after aneral weeD 1pent 1n Guelph. Mr. Vau1han 'Glol'er, of Albert Colli1e, Bellnllle. 1pent the week....,end at hll: home here. Mr. and Mn. POllJleU- and faDllllJ', of Toronto, apent Moth· Man-. 'en• Day with Jlra. Pea.p.ell's par-I cl>eeter be en.tl, Hr. and Jln. J'u. McCuJ. put lou&h. ten yean. Mr. Cros1~.-wu ~a - Mr. Joaeph Evana fa lmprc>vflog.l much loved and hlg'b.J.y ·respected In health and wu able to I'D for citizen and will' be sadly mlaaed a car rtde oDe d1.7 receau,. bY hla mail]J friends.... B88ides hiS lin. Glover ta spendlnc ;a few wife, formerly Ella OrChar4;.>:JI:e daye: with rel&Ul'el at--" L&II:efleld. lf'&ves one dauahter, "' MUdi'ed, Mn. D. Scott. ot Locu•t Hill, who 1a •t.. hol:b.e, a -bro~er:' WU- 11 taklac a coa.rae at .Mn. J'. 10n or Mancb:•ter, three elaten, dell's Beauty Parlor. lin. lled.d of Port Pei'JT. Jln. Mn. J', Valentine was taken Prentice of Pori Pel'f'7.- 'aa.d lin. St. Mtchul"e Hospital. Toran- G. Hart of Us:brldl'e. Two daUI'h- SundQ' fo7; obeervaUon tera Laura and Verna dJed white the f&m.U7 realded 1n Toronto. Mr. aud lira. DlV&UY. ronto • ..Wted. .with Mr. J'aa. Jlaatera• on Sunday. Mlla Laur8tta ~Sonlw-, Of bJ', wu .home for the ,, 1 ""'~k:~'d' Mr. and lin. Norman and familY, of Cshawa, pMQ wttb Kr. a-.d Mrs, cer Oll '"unda:J'. llr. and Jln. CtareiD.ont. aud Jlr. lOll, •ol Lonptal!, nett. with llr: and aerrow,~ A noTel bert