Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Sep 1934, p. 4

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,. & CHRONIC[£ -THURSDAY.: . ~- ---- · -- . . ··- - ' . . --·· ·--·-- · -"· .. . - . - . -- . . . : ' . A PAGE,OF·INTERESTING PICTURES OF-HIGHLIGHTS -INA WEEK~Y'REVIEW.'OF WORLD .'NEWS . • • , ' t · . I ... ~ ~ : , • . . , , ' , • •. . ; .. SAVORS L.4..TES'I' TRR;'")IPH Tbe flgurc11 that registered a 0 to · t - trlampb fnr AdoJI Hlt1er Jn Germany's recent plebiscite are belog'_sc..naed here hj the lea,er-cbancellor and hi~ aides In the garden of the · BerUn chanceJlery, alte~"t. .tht? ~te bad been eounted. Left to ' rJght arc Hitler, Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbehl, minister of pro~ganda; and_, Minister Kerr I. Behind them Jn unlform Js .o\.dja;taat Group-Le~der Bruckner. sHE-sPURs: RoWE ox To Rehearsing Ends In Disaster . i~' ~· .: ~ - -~FATAL . END· OF UNOFFICIAL "WAR' l'IA~'EUvim·· - . . . . - " . . . . . Rebeanlngt.;t_er a · w~r co~ht demonstration. that .might tmpresg General Chang , wtth, bls a~llliy as a mWtary P~~;;ta!Jt the life of Wong. Ouw_ab, Chtn~c adatlon student, when· hls' plane · cra8tied to U.e T'OOf of ' a '·:;liou_e m~-BrooklyD,· N.Y. Tlie disaater took ~place m ·a manciner after the propeUor of hf8 I"'OOIUb:ate•s '.l pbUae· cUpped off iho taU of Wong'll ablp. · · .. . ,, . ' ... AI· Capone Is Safely · G~ardt~d , ' ,: . l. _ f . --- · - -·· · . . . . -pL"Y , J!~FE · WlTHi CAPONE & .CO •. · AT ALCATRAZ . Wl_&h·PIUI 'from KO'fCl'llment craft brilt.Ung. on all -aides and every' precaution taken .,.mat a l'elale rald,~-Al -Capobe - aDd L42~ other : desperadoes were landed at Alc~traz ~eland : federal .prtaon, , tb.t-1"• ptO: tare ,,s~m.- the prlaon. t!'I'ID -~e as It reached- uTbe· ·Rock" tn San Francl1 c0 bli.:y.' . In the1-'f~ P'CMIIIcJ, Jeft1 oa a 'C!Oalt pard cutter, a petty otfleer 11taada ready wlth A aUb'-m..ichiiae . iUn, ' W.tchlaa u~y · "easels. Other U, S~ ;~ta kept all craft at least 300 )'ards • away .t trom I tbe 1 prison barge. . - . SCIKXCN HEI•L.-\f:Es "F.\ITH Cl1Rfo;'• Doctors U'Cli'IJ hopcrul tlmt ~-.) rnr-old \\ 1;lln•·o llu)·lo Shnr11, ,Jr., would rf'rOt't-r rrorn thr e~t.rallon on hts tur~ :·lcd . rC'~ . lii!J tlKrenfs, who nll emJJle«l n rnith rure, hid him tour days 14-om oUic('ra nnd doctort'. !11 c·nm:.1ll• tlJo Infection tljlr<'l:d. Wnlhu·C', ,!r., 1.s sl1o,111 abp,·c In hi ~ l:omn nt Fort Jl'n.)n", .-\In . wHh hlu tntlll'l' nnd !!""mulmoth••r, llr,;. l't•m l Sh:lrJIP, who rcoportcd fhc ca~f'! ro· nuthorltl!"s. 'fhc 6c,·crlt): ot tho 8\oreiHng nud tH!:Ico:o:·ntion ot the iUJurl·d lrg CAll t c 11ot cd in th~s ' J•Icturt. · · SUCCESS . NEWS:P .• PRR ASSOCIATION'S The big reason .'why .__, Schoolboy Rowe is pJtchillg. sach pbenomMI· al baJI -thi11 Y';ar_ Is the roan): lady abo\'e-Edna !lary Sktnutt, p1'1't· ty, brown-eyed miss of.~El Dor01· do, Ark.• Rowe's home town. They'll wed aftf!f' the world S('r· The oUicers of the \\'eekly NewspapN·s• · are shown a~ fo11ows : Back row, lert to right, T. Jl'. J,ancastcr, Httl'clock, Out., w. Ashr.leld, Grenfell, Sask., P. E. Rfous, DrummandOIJe, Que., T. W. J11mes, BO\\'IDRnvillc, Ont., -s . J. Dorland, Alamndn, Sask., R. s. -~ncs, ~rh~te,r Qoc., C. R. Davi~. Sussex, X.D., Fred .Turnbull, Red Deer, Alta., " '· S. HurrJs, \'ernon, B.c., ~\. L. Barrett, . Cur-ling, ~ fld. , \\. \. Udall, Bolscnln, Bask. - - . les,' says the' TJgers• __ pit('hf'r. Srated: C. \ ' , Charters, Urampton, Ont., C. Barber, Tlce--preBident, Chllltwitck, B.C.~ A, l.r. Sellar, president, Huntingdon, Que., Charles Clark, past president, H!gh River, Alta., L. J. Bennett, Carman, .Sask., E. -n. Sayles. Renrrcw, Ont.. ,_ Chicago's Big Pay Day ,26,000,000 BAcK PAY TO TEACHERS . .Tbe ·nent Bum -of $26,000,000 .was starting Into , circulation lUI tbl8 tbroag_Jauuiled n l'hlca~:o stree_t. Tho crowd ts . pnn. -or ·rbe army or l'rt~ Chicago 6('hool tenchen··1ined up to draw Re,·en months• P•l-. wbleh- tile dty was unnblo to.~gtve them until tha JtFC loaned the moD~)' _ t~ tbe -&arfl or Edatatlon, A wa.-e · or ' h11)'lng bootDed buel· JU'!SII ; ln r.U;r !itorrs nncl rredUOre rejoiced . as mtuions Jn debts 'lfere paid 'bf the ltappy Instructors. _ . . , , , · . Canadian· At~le~~~ . in . L~ndon 1'1:1\rl_ H1s Hu, nl lll,a:.l11w ... ~. rl u· membrrs or thn C 'ow~dii:IJ lldr b h I· ,, 1111 , . J»aJace.- Ho is "een here shald n_t:" hatu! ,.. n rf lr , 111 tlaughtrr«, Flor- enr:, 1-Jumh:,. of \. \\' 1 , ts ahc,._d or • Flor. r11cr•, Is l . .)ntl.• .\·l.,rr r!-- ,,1 •• ~'.:~o~::;:;: 'll:~i~~d :'\llss .H~Iuble 16. :'llarlau Motrnc. UNVEILIXG UF :1\rE~IORI.U1 Sir lVIIliam -Mulock, - Chief J'u&tioo of Ontnrlo, UD't'ells tho memorial, with _ Corporal A. Gore 1 president of tho Teterans• .aslioclat.lon ·at Dradtord, Ont and Rcl' Ala Fe mln'-t•• of Lakovto- linJted. Chur('h, assisting Ia the &en"lce, ·• • D . uy, uo ..... .... Smiling - ·But It's · Not A Filla Story BUILT LIKE A FISH, IT'S A SUTi~JARIXE A~"D IT WORKS It 1 Jooke like a big raetal llsb, ~ut it'11 renlly a sublllarlnc, vest pocket t)·pc. , Ten reet long and Wel&hln& 1000 poUDda, it ltaa a !!'pt'cd of aJx -ntHcs .an hour and BubmcrgC.!'I to a _depth of 17 feet. '111e la..-eator, BarD~)· Coauett, 30, of Chicago, Is shown ns he demonstrated the craft .at the JackBon Park 'Yacht Club In Chicago. FINAKCIEH IX S E W UOJ.,Jo~ Sir Q:cr:bert Ho_lt 11een In f~ont ccokplt in n).Jng kit tor hiK first flight attl'r llcroum ... 0 member f th Montre11 L)Bht ·:\lrJllane • ~ub, Sir Jlerl.tcrt wns ftmong thoac i\ho greeted the g.;"odwut fllerso 1 ' e United Slat~s dUt-s, With the flnancJcor lA Pilot H ess Flucstoue, rom THE WHITBY GAZETTE & CHRONICLE THURSDAY. SFPTEMBER 6, 193'4 PA"GESEVEN W.M.S. Executive of ' United· Church Held A Merting in Whitby ·----------~----- Allocationa Fixed for Ve.r- all aettveli' striving lor the nro- IJr~sa or this department. ioua Preabyteriala of the '"'· .r. R. Maecrtmmon. n! Bay -c• Qulnte Confer- Dea•erton, told an tntereottng m etory or a. pla.n, wl1erehy 1\ound ence, Amounti'ng to Tnbl& <!onreranc~es had been held in June, fi'IUowlnr the annunt S9(},0()() meetlnU. Tbl!!!e bad been found most hciJJflll. Problems wer~ dl~­ nseed and\ (lU@!tlonA answered. fhft protrams W!re urted and informal and the women felt f::ee tl) ralk or tb&lr pt-oblems an«1 plus for a furtherance of the WORK OF SOCIETY . rWELL MAINT AlNFJ) Secrelariu In Charse of all Departmenb Gave lnter- eatina Reporta of Their Activities Reportfl of 1reat ~nt'IOUfa1em~tJ.t 11'ert~ teeelt-ed ._nd llllot!atlons tor the vatloua Preab:rteriala theld!ld ;\ruountlnl to $90,000 tor the curnnt. ']'e&t, dt!elded U])OD at the nteeUDt 0( t.he lbl!culhe Of tl1t~ Women's i.Uaatonal'J' Soclett of the :aar of Qulnte Conferente of the tJnltt:!d Cburcb ot Cataadll. Mld at. the Onta.rJo Ladles' Col- lege. Whitby, In conneetion wltb tM SchoOl for Leaderfl. Re'J)rtsentattua were 'Ptesent from Whltb)', O.~~cbawa. •. Klnrtton, :9Allevmeo, Retarrew, Cobourg, Lindsay and Peterborouth Pres· bytOrlea. The .Aegrdon!l were presided o' f!r b:r MrA. 't\r. L. SmJthe, M PGmbro'ke. the president; with Mra. B. J .. Barns, fecordlng aee· rcto.ry, flllltlg thfl \'aean.cy ta.\1.;· ad by the absence tbrOUih HI- ness. ot the l!orrespon41n« sec. re-tnry, Mr!. J. s . Sill!l, or Fo:t· born. ~e't'eral aessions of the Etl'!r.u· tl,·e held. a'fd in addition to the caeoura~tlng reJ)orts from Baby Baudll, Ml11alon Clreles, C.O.I.T. groups, and nrlou9 dflpartments .... arryln« on mtulona.ry work at homo and abroad. c::onstderabJe- buslness wu transacted. The financial report was pro· sented for tbe rtrat. and aeeond quarlers ahowln« the gh·Jnas of tbe various Preab)·terles. Work ot Mission BaiKia Mrs. J. W . Macphere:on ('r woodville, uported tor Baby Bands and Mrs. D. A. ~cott or Claremont, tor Mlsslon Banda. The work or these bands is h'--'- comlnl tnore and more Important end tbete is a strain for ser't'ice for the eblldren. 'ftDrk. Financial Statf)ment- The treuurer, , MIM E. Lu- elle Bro-wn, of Bel1eotlle, teport- od u tollo~·s: Belleville •. $1,!00 Cobourg . . • l,SOO Klta&ston • , t,H4.9j: Lindsay • • • 1,393 011bawa. . • . 1,450.04 PeterbOro', 1,150 Renrrew . , 1,91Z u.oouo 1,800 U2U7 1,06$.20 1,739 .66 ~.1GO 2,246 TotAl , . .t2S,527.88 WedneAdAy Afternoon Tbe !'leutona af the Bra.nt: h Exeeutlve __.ere cOntinued on WedneJday afternoon. Mt-e. J. li:. Mabee, ""detts::a, pre· Bented the report Ot tha flne-rgetlc work being done ln the :~ture Department. 250 >:""-••rl Preaa Department, and urged the Thanksgil'ldtr le:tflets, " sending ot every ite-m of miasion~ Mile;• were .11t11t out for ary Interest ):lromphy to the lo· tlon. llal papers . Wldc·awako nel\'s· 'I'be JMretAry, 1\trs. Mftbee, paper men a.ro eager to seem·~ been asked to at fresh. interesting Hems on this burgh on W. 111. S. \fork. wl1ich is taking such ll h~d taken tb~ ovportunity [lrominent aitd Tltal part In tht troddte tbe new Study world o! today. "Builders of tho Indian a-ad bad mentioned on Jndla, maktng Uon or, "Tbe Land Mrs. R. 0. JoiliHo reported 1'-1 candidate ~recretar_r. aml rend from the "New Outlook," an Rp- peil for nnrae~. teach.,rs, aud doctors tor the foreig n field. lbdla." At the PeterbotoUJh culln meeunr. literature to nlue or .15i.82 ·,..18 eold. A letter was r"celn!d from the order that "'·e ".~:::f,,d!': Ontario Tempera.nc& Federation expected of ut!l," asking that a r~presentsttve was t90,000 to be dil'lded ~s to; .. lowe: Belie\'ille Prt'~hrterial •. f28,200 Cobourg •· 10,700 Ktn1ston 10,900 Lindsay 9,950 O.ihl\tra 11,650 Pe terboro• 10,85i1 R~nfrew 13,750 A Program Committee was ap .. pointed, eonsistlnr; of the B1•anch President. tho- Re-cording' and Cot:rea\)oucliDK Setretaries, the;, Prfllident of tho Enter taining AUiiliar)". The annua.l meeting will be held in Dell(!\'llle. Tho registration of W.:\I.S. R.t tbn School for L~o.dflrs was 72. '&labee. "w& must bot. be flent from th~ Day or Qulnte Con- IJed with the work 'W4f are now terence Dianeh. Thle: matter is APPLES" AND PEARS. dolor. Hr. who ta aattfltlecl wltb und~r eonaidetation. tho w-orlC he Is now doh~! IR dead Mrs. A. 0. Brown, to t.be opportunities uounit him. ougb , wu chosen as ret>re,ien,tn·J · · He reata and rusu." tl\'e to the, Conference with TO BE rnNTROLLED 1'he report from "Perlodlco.Js" B. t.. :Barns, Feterborougb, as lJll . was submitted by Mrs. Clare altern:~.te. Brecbln. The substrlptloua to Work In Prcsbyterlats UNDER NEW PArT ":\llsstonary MonthlY" to date The final aeulon or the axe· lJ J 4,857, a. dfltreu~ or 202. cuuve '\rts held on Thursday :lf· one eacouraxtng teat.ure ia ternoon. the deficit last yea.r was 6U, The Preltbyterlal Presldt-nl.ll it hu been cut In 3. lt. le told an encotlrar;ing story of the that a great -ileal or ' ~·;;,~~:~I work don& tn their dH'ferent slblllty rests wltlt the A Prel!byterlala, which ahowed secretary, and thAt the nry the Interest In the varlon1 de· pereon should be chosen for riartments hal never diminished Board Named to Deal With MarkefuJg of Cana- dian Fruit office. The Toronto and hopes for greater auecess In are giving el'ery Ute future are In the hearts Otta\\a, Sept. 5-Agairt the pro· Mrs. Clare showed a minds of all tho workt!i'!!. \'isions of the Markc:tin~ Act have 1rbith could be used with tton&l meeUDIA bc:cu utili~ed by ~he Go,·crnment to l(lftect at each Branch or creat totlrca of control the export of domestic pro· bJterlal meeting, thus yea.r, Tbe enntope ducc. This time the products to be th• corresponding figures system ar6 aent:raUy regulatd arc fre :th apples and Ofl&lli.aatlon. :cealous endeaTOfll pears. A board has been appointed ••world Friends,"• a made to ruch tbe anoeootlom. l'o control the mo,·cment of these little paper for children, Tbe Kiagt2om ot Ood fruits to outside markds, •nd also be In every home where there 1! 11 betnr stressed. to rctJulatc quality for export. a child. Toro•t.o Maa Nam .. ,., Brougham (Mrs. T C. 8r01-m, corrrf'lprmd. ('UI) :eROUGH.-UT, Sept. 4. - Ulrs. T. C'. nr otl'n ts ~till under ~he doctor's care. !mitering from bltrns su ;; talned h ·o weelr.s ago. :;\Irs. Yk !-i havcr nnd ?111 5!1 Dor- Is .Johllslon. trnchcrs. ba\·e :.·eoo tnrnc«l to th~ll' respectiv e schools. Sr ilool opened with n good at- tondo.nc e Tue-sdar l\ lr. ntlll i'llrs. \\' . .T. Drown an 'l romlly vr!': lt cd tbo old homcstend ou ~llll1d.1y, Tho Young People's corn roast, wh ic h Tn:ts to have been held on ~nturdny ni~;ht, did n\>~ mntorlallzc on account o[ tb<: rnln. :\Irs. Hay,Tood returned bomt Wtdneadar, from Tisltlng . h~r tnother. i'llr. WUI Burton nod family, nt DotrOit, Ylslted tb.eir relatives bero dllrlng tho \\'eek. )lr. and Mrs. Midgelr. ot Tor- onto, were with T .. and Mr6, Rob- ertson 01 r.r the Wftek-end. 'IIr. nud Mrs. Alex Rowne)', nntl son, nnd the Misses M. and Jo.; . Ro\mer. of Toronto, w~ro \' lsltor::; Ill the Dro't\·n home on sunday. 1 "' '• ;:a ~It'. Kon·at Wilson and family, of Oshawa, and Elmer and Don· aid Wilson families, o( Toronto, were Sunday \'lsitors at tho Gan- non home. AttondAnco at cburcb and Su!l- dny school was good on Sunday. Miss Ella. Wnll:t~e, ot Toron .. to • .-l!! itctl her aunt and uncle, T. C. and Mrs. Drown on Tues .. d:ty_ :\Irs. T . Kno:c returned ho:lhe lnst week , but since bas been under tho doctor 's tarE! . llln. uoor~o Phlllp spent eral dnys the past week Toronto friends. "fllls commnnily bas been represented at tho Toronto hibltion during tho week. Mrs. Bowles aud family Clo\"eland, wero calling friend!! here last weok, and viait.• ins tho .cemetery. l\Jr!'l. Dowles I!. a daughter of tho )ate GeorgtJ llubbnrd, a member of nno of the old plone~r ramlll~. )Irs. I~. 1\tatbews apant. Jut ttcl'lk 'with Toronto frlenclfl. Mr. Jobn Glllmau ta at 'Pt-e• sent not In \'ery good healtb . . 2\lr. and Mrs. Perryman an4 sona l'isited nrourbam on FtJ .. da)'. STRUGGLE IN )IEX:iCO fight · the claim and a · iener&l Pope Pius XI lias bro'ken a atltc;ol atrlke Js beln;: organiz.r:!d precedent Which has 1\r&vatled at nom& for at. leaat slxty-.flte years througllont the Republic. , by leaving the ._talls of tbe Vatlo. alshoP . J . .A. o :suiU\'an ot can and apebdlb~ a short thuo Cba'tloUetoWn ': t.Yeased a , lar11 at. , his summer estate, fifteen cross at. Ha.vre-Aubei-t, Mag, ,.- mtlea dutltde the citY. It l~ the do.lene Islabds, in memory ot tb• flrat time for t he period mtn- landing of Jac::QtJ.e! Cartlet · 404 tloned that a. Pope llU remained years Ito. Bistott· states -tb.at thl ~. away from the Vattcan Ofefb.lglit. great. sailor spout -a nl&ht. · tb'en lt iB & very beautttul , Pl&cc. In what be named " Pieuant overlooking La:ke Albano _ aDd Da)" 1 •lid ratl64 ·a . c::rosa. · Tbert Rome. At . one thne i::tn'J)~rors were many leading member'S ot fno.4o It one ot their rt_sidtM!!!! the clergy at tbe ceremony. Said but eventually It became the fat- cro!l!l Ia or oak, one foot . square orJte home of matJ.:r ot the PO\'i&S , and t~eaty relit high, When llvlnl' In the cOUntry. PiUB • • • IX: -..•aa the last to enter it tittore _ -· • ...: .... ~ • ~ break With the GO'fernDif:lit . IN Hv~~"D ,.. In 1$10, but it was need. tor Another ~eE!Ung ot t'rcHestan.ta vurpoaes of reUel· to th6 needY. on tho _ Con~i~~~~t . ot_ E~r9pe J11 ot Mexlcb l9 as&in -the seeD& ·or a J~pqrtance. - It wail . the Intern a· atruggle between the CatboUe UonaJ . Confere~ee- an_d -. :w•• -h eld Chutch ·and . the GoVernment onr· at · H.emmen Oaatte. • once tbo !I!· Education~ 'l'he , lat.ter - has prll-. lideDce,pof a. · wealthy · baron . but t1a1nied "t.bat ' 'the child is tho now devote.d._ t.o reUsio~!: ~ cot.rr,-en­ propeity or the sta'te." Whtc::h In tloD.a in~HOlh\nd~. ·Tho P residant other 1Vords meana tHe ll~•o1u· was tbe Mllll8tc:r of • SOII!ial 1 \Vfl1• . Uonary Party. The Natlonal Union . raft~ lo the Dutch Ootefumetit. D~·.­ ot Fathers of Famtue1 are out. .to 8lot61nallet' de -B_t,nlfle. ·· · lr-------...,...._ ......... _ ..... '7~~ '• . . ' .-, ' I· Hezeltiala Leadt tfte : Peopl~ to ~-Gdd • ' ~ ' ' ' ,'R ).. • "BRASS TACU 0!( TilE ~lllimA_r. llilBOOL l'A;SSQN." Br Dil, ALVIN, £. ilm.L (Tbe Internauonal u n 1t r d t m LMs6n .on the Above .t,opi~ tor· Sept. 9 i3 JI CbronlcJes-,' chapter 30, a.pecJal17 verses 1,:..9, 13, the Oolden Test betnr 'TArse 9 ... God t.s z-ra.cious and mercltnl" .) It tilust be to Abijab, daughter or Zeehariab, the mother of King HAzeklah, that w& ~W6 th6 · c:ood and. godly c.baraet~r. of tbla qood King of Judab. For llls fatbar, Ahaz.r was a father should not be, plun- det'er -of Oo4'a or the ft&ry · ... b:th ~ldte could be- (b~u.Jht ,16- sethe>r ' AbOUt their -:t.11Clfll'it. J)a ... ~ lb.ta\ ·rto •·r•U th& ' sa..Uto Bt· · alid pray. to the sA!'Ile God-" I So ' be sent urgent .tnYttfitlont to all the twelve trlbea bQIDnhtg bls b.elgbbors fn. t.he cit n:ul Man~tSdi_ awny up to Alab~' tb& l.':therno 'no.f tb . ~ ... It was more than a geiture ot h· , ffOOd will. J!:e ttJ&i1e _'A -paiialpila~~ ."· and eloqu.ant pita · Lbat , theJ re .. . · nounce tbei!' idolo!ty and returu '~ to-- tb& · true. ·GOd/ _WbOUt " ll~~ _'lifi\11 . ~~ · ~ generous eliousb Ho .:alh ;lliW ~i1t~ God or JndaiL but of .. hfieH .'~fe chlld~n of hr~J •. til rtf. 'ltiid: ti:'li-: . to tha I.Ofd, tlie'-God otr-~brliil&m.~ _..,"f..., l f!anc ' arid I4if&lt; tbat ,h4J;' frilay t:e- • turn lo the' r&tn~&nt ot ·y.)u t.b;at out·· or• tlle -<.band of ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. Everest spe'O.t Friday with their uncle, and aunt,ltc•I•tna T. and Mist Qnmmadge. OPINIONS "We must not build up false gods because we are punislu:d· lattr."- Mary Pickford. "Philosophy i~ a shark following the ship of scient<', hoping that som~thing will fall O\'trboard that it m:~.y devour."-Htnry L. U!!nck .. tn. It waa auageeted tbat temper- nne& bt taken up more deflnltely tn M.ltslon Bands, and that fl@t• fiatout!l education take a sreat"l' 111tt 111 the awardtng ot· tbe :Banntr. Stress was Iatd on the irnportan(!e ot 8Upply1DC C:O'PI~I ot "World- Friends" to the ehll· dren. Auslllarles sbollld nt that. thla bs atlufed. Elaht new bandt hi'YI bean fOrmed tbll :rear, elx from Bellnllle Pteab7ttrlal, two trom Rntrew. Mrt. Jt. L. Thornbury, Perth, I&Yt a1l tneaurqinl report. on C:O=I:T;-:-It'OD'P-1. Tbere- Jh011ht--be a aroup In eaeb. ebureb, aud there 1bould tie eo•operatlo1l be- t11'ttn the Group and. tho W.M.I. The llrla lhould fj>A>I that tbtY haT& l:a tbe W.M.s a real aupport. Helping Strana:en personnel of the l'lll'!. Nell s. Robertson report· ~~~r~~b~y~M~;~·~;·i:':'~'~i~l~:~~~~l ed aood work "betng done by th~ Weir, Stranae; a• ~_!!partm,ent, o~ Rt the secretaries had planned and There are 1enn new c.o.I.T. xroupa tn aenruw PretbJt&rta.l. Mra. Th·Rnbury told of an lt2oa1 C.G.t.T. ump be1d ta lttt.rrftetr l'retbJterlal. . Tht recommendation IJc 1t do'lltn by the Domtnlon Board 'te n-ppotnhn.tnt of an AdYifiOry Com .. ll\lttee ot Auxiliaries to eo.op~r· a.te With fOUDIIt lfOU~I, "'aa u.doned and tbt wol-k1ng out of tbt plan lett to the Prtlbl·terlat J!UIIdtDll. Minton. ClreiH Pr...- . A very fine repGtt on Mtuton OltcleJ -.ral IIY'tu by ?\11!111 V. s.,arao. DowmUI.\'Ule. There n e tout New Clreltbc. Plana for rnl- llas ID tbe autunm ha't'e been ft\ad• by th6 different Pr~sbyter· tall and tbe work on the wboJe 11 \'etr ,neouraa:!ng. There ate aenn Mlulou. Cirelo seeretarit,9, PHYSICAL CULTURE . HOTEL DAHSVILLI, tiEW YORK ' ' Phytital c.tt.re Hetti, Daan1U•, New Yarlr: carried out a rally -n·hleb wu Mrs. R. P . • w.· very succeutul, and a great hel[l tor 1\:lngston : W. Herrib .. to all who eould attend. Many for Lindsay; head office e:.:pressed theiDielves freely Hfl C. R. Carseallen, Whitby;. of the board wiH he in Otta"'a. to bow much better they under· 011b.a.ws; Mn. A. T. Brown, "The situation ,,·ith respect to the stood the work or the Strangers' PeterbotouJh, and Mn. J . L. marketing. o( fruit in the Unit~d Department after being present. C&Jian, Smith's Fall!, for Ren· Kingtl01u i ~ such that the rep:ula· The report of tbe ClrculntlniJ frew. tion of the mukt:tintt of fruit from Library bJ Mr.tl. J. T.- Dnley, PlanS were discusselt for tn~ Can~dt~. i' imptratite," actorditig to fliJ:I61U4 tntrtiiiDI Interest. Dur~ creuinl the memb~rsnlp. The the J\griculture Department, tnr the f)rlt t.brM montbl ot PrCfltdent urgetl th e women to "By rl!gulating ex(lort It i ~ antici·· Jtar. about too booka bad adopt , In tht!lr PreJbYterlals n!ld patt:tt' that o\'cr·sup!Jllcs a'nd short~ stnt. out, and auenl new Au.~:lllaries, a miafllonary for .tgcs of Canadiu fruit on ' the m!r· latJI!I Added t.o tbe list ot pray~r. It 11f81nt ver.)•, Tery n1uch of tht United Kin~dom will be era, At t.bt prestnt time to tho mlaslonarles, and atrenM l.ot>t3;;ne•1. It is al ~n :'lntitif'l;ited that 21CI b{)QkJ lfl etreu.latlon au>or1rl tho Jmpo ~ tanco ot z-ettlns the gcntrnl standar~ of ·Canadian 2& au.J:IIlArlt.l, llh!ludlnr two new and helpful ideas, and. th e app1~s ,old in th!': United Kingdom cltt and !I Million Banda. Thl& J& JnsplratJon we nave ucetved 'll w 1U be raisrd." a •rtlt. IDOtllle from JUt )'ear t~•Js conference down to our o-w-n Jterulate Shtpmeat alii tl, nl) dollbt awhls to tho aur llJarlu. . The powers 0( tht board will in· MIIIIODaf1 Readtnr Cont~~t. Allocatlon!l Set elude regulation of the amount "hleh bill been 10 en.tbuUuttc- M1\'. II. , Thompaon, or Whitby, apple~ and peat~ to any cOuntry. nlly ent~r!d upon. · eeorotary of Chri1ttan Steward- may :also prohibit t11c shipml!nt of Ol'l:anltetl For l'ear:o ahlp, rf!portM that the allotl.tlon an~· quant•tr. siz~ or quality of The Pence Secretary, Mrs. W. ' rnlit. All cxflorten \Hil be r~quircd .T. Garland, of Cobourg, str~3sed 10 obtain n Titcme \\·hlrh will be Oh· tile rreUet urse now for ' wor!d. t3.inable at o fl'icc s of the board in pearc, tho.n e,·er before, with th6 K'tntvllli!l N.S.: Toronlo, and Kcl· tt&llc eunte ot the lllt feiV B c "'ticks on tho European couttn· 0\~~1 ' .:._: eut before our eyes. How haa:ar•l· ------- OUI tba sltuauon which Jmpela Mabel htud:rln.l ·&eqtrapll.r)-- Btltlin to IJI.eroue h•r """"·" "N'urae. ~·rn 110 gltd , mum_my't; . ilft."U~ three ebildren." . G.nd altcrdt forces, dcnr! " Tht Pretll)'tet-Utla are Wtlll or• lt. SaYa lu~re Knnlaed llont thla line and are alilld ,boiD. lntc &II dt>lnl' too4 work. At the se~ Chlneee." tl~na't meetln«~ papt!!r8 no.te ue~rt ~tlvEm on World Peace. Co.nacld. In nroportlon to ftft populallnn, had mol'e elrnuure• to ltfl JhJa~ tlon for dlaarmarment than :~.nr other eountr)•. J;Jut Canada hrlA n frleD417 ntiA:bborboOd lOuth Its border. It is different Ul: Europe, ._,lth H!\ many rover:}- IDeoU, 41Uarent tan,uasea, barriers, etc. Tbe ft'reat truth rematne tl:tat the taek of educatlnl' fot peact!l 11 not With the &flt&JDla n. but "ttb tbe parent, tbe tn.eber. tbo cburcb 1\•orksr. Upon each ot ua 1-eata. an hidlfidual re!lllons lb· lilt)'- Mn. n. G. Sawlor, Stirling, ID her re~ort on Tempenntc, d&- plored tho prelllnt ctmctt ttoue brou1bt on by tha openin~ of beurare rooms. Neve r in tho nflarlence ot our wom«n ha& drinkiUI bt!lcome to unlversnl. F.\'ery paper with hlth Meals il prote!ltlnt against cO nditione and we have acuso ror C_!lef and an~ xlety. Seotea of young peoplr. h&;t tallf.n YIC!thl11 to tho e\•tl. crowde or Tl'omtn and ' ~tlrls ar1l seen tn tUeso IO·tallec3 bovero.gt: rooms; Wt tetl thla dtpartmont of 'temperance muet bo etrt~nsthsn· M la 1ltnr betore. 1'he true cbn- \ dltloH 1b.ould b1 brou~ht before &he oeople and some remfldT 1Ua111t1d, wblllh wo as W.M.S. womtn ID\llt IUPliOrt. Mr1. 8. B. Revelle r~ported .. r: "Hsllo. P~elr, I hear you ha;& an addition to your rami!}•." "Yes , two." "Oh, twins, ell'!" "No, a ba.by bor and. · zuy wife's motbor." Aezekiah Lead~ the People to' God . Heultlah - oilo o( tloo ...._ ot ~Hah'o .klnp. 1But hla father. Aha~, 'WU .. of the wom Wol· I "'olen or all the klnp; o•ea ,....ultlJic hla own· aon lo tho hld..,a llor, Idol Jloloeh.. 'lboqh bat • youns )dns a-ldal>. ~ &-~t -"'~-to . ·-· - · ..,.uclola.b9m tloo.lall4. . . ,.. .. . ' -----· WORLD'S I'AIIIl -•MACKINAC ISLAND SAULT STLMAIIlll QIOIIl81AN aAY -CLEYE~.;AND BUFFALO NIAIIAIIIA FALLS 7 DAYS, $61)!! all .,....., - ulowu. • ' • DAYS, to toad i'ro• a.rr.laad,aR ••P••••• II low It •• • • hel ef lrle· 8-.....t: 8U,.ALO. M. Y. Otjivtl+enu8ta4 ... &., bMatihtl-y lllurtltad i'oWat- .. Naa e-oiUltta ~doe_, ~._.1M el\d thfrl'• -.la¥t. c:oftrill1 yoor AJl.a.o;.. .. aOwboac Cndlci 011 the: S. S, &bAND BEE. • SUNDAY SCHOOL L£~1 . .

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