Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Sep 1934, p. 2

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~AGE TWO The Whitby Gazette &: Cllrilicle Oatulo co .. ,. .. ,_... W...., !l'ub 1btd..__ e•ert Tb.und.Q lllctrat•c ~ flliiltit !l'nb obltif O•liiP<~ot .. OIU1ra. 14•1to4 0.. II .1lond7 Pzeatdent .t... & AJIOWQ Vlo.Pr•t dent orar4oa. • Oo04f~tow DtHe&or &bf,.ll6t6 10 Ciliada U fl 6 JOAr Ia HfH .. fl eo a- 7ear to nbleriHn b Ule Ullll~ IU'- or olb.er to e CD coua.trttl The date to wb eb till• .. llocljll~a lo jlil d lo lod eo II .. tbo ad4,... ali4! i B OlUtJsTON lldl ot aod 8Uil- llau10f To •PI>••" .lioU u R-OIM. au Whrtby Can Vote to Go /J~ Premlet Hepbul1t has dedared that no e erE!tldum un the beer and Vline issue •h ch s much to the tore today will be tak~n in Ontar o for the present at 111A8t. 1-le points out howe'l'er that mumctpal t es st 11 have the chance under the Local Opt on sect on of the L quor Cont ol Act to vote tliemselves d~y 'rJi s s a fact that same mumcipahtte~ And among tllem perhaps the 'town of Whttby !)ave apparently olletlooked l:he procedure s to secure a pet t on wtth aa many names as posA ble subo rn t saltle to the 'l'o-.1111 Council asking &at ti pleblsc te be taken at the same tilne as the mun c pal elect ons Three f fths of ~lie v.rters must then 'l'ote dey to close up the three ex stmg beer and WIDe psr o ~~ a IDSJpr ty vote does not count Iii :ttillny piUces in Ontar o where there are Iio government liquor storM the t t ens voted to keep them out I sorbe plac<il! the stores wete never opened be- ause of local opt on wh le n others the eop a v6ted dry 111 a pleb at te and ng stor.es were closed Fdl•e Econom, to Cut Far'l' Grants I zeal for economy Ontario Coun ty Ooun d adopted the short sighted Jl(Jllcy of cu n!J grants to fall faiis and plo1\'lng 'lnatehe Wtth the result that many of the Soc ~e ~ro!doting. these annual events are f 1\d ng the gomg rather bard The cut of f ft~ ents a day 1n the per d em al Iclwances as a so-called economy measure s nothing\ in comparison vlitb the loss sus talned b) people of the farnung communt t es becau the r fatr Jttllllh have been needl~Sllly\ ut Rei able nformat on re- ceiVed by \he Gazette and Chron eJe In re- cent days ~ears out this fact H)'firo 'Plana Anothllr Grab Not sat sf with raising rates for power supplie to the Town of Whitby in reeent r.eara t an almost unbelr1ble fig nre and one jch many men think like the late George W P Every are wholly UDJustitled the dro Electric Powet Com miSsion plans an her grab m the form of mcreased rates f!1j ~treet 1 ghtlng aa de- tilled oh Piit• one 'P.f ,tbts asut n., explallation >&.<the Ulll&l one and llo hardY' perlil!ilial in IIIAlly other Hydro munlelpalittes 'l'he Toronto in&ineel's have made a survey nf the coat of the aei'VICtt 1n Whttby and find that the consumers lire not puylng enouah Ultimately tbere Will come an end t.J this rate boosting and Wh tby and other llydto munlclpallttes may have to n6t only reglllter a stron; j;jrote•t at Queen s Park but liack up that protest IVitb action. Whrtb, Loae1 Faithful P111tor W th the departure to Toronto this w~~k of Rev T F Best pastor of Whitby llap. t at Church for the past s x and a half years Wh tby parts With a cltiten &f the type that it can IU afford to lose Captain Be•t as he was bttter knOWn to most c t tens because of h 11, war reeord n South Africa and n the ;reat ,..r of 1914 1918 was a succes$ as a minister Under h a lesdersh p the Baptist congre- gat on went forward even to the txtent of erecting a substantllli and well .,quipped Sunday School bu ld ng and durin, de- press ng t mes Extens ve •mprovemtnta were made to the church illttrior the congregation ga ned n numbers the('! ere many profess ons of fa tb and 68 vere bapt zed He was a man of Jrte&t energy and one beloved by b s people Capt Best also found t me to devota to I e interests of the Canadian Leltfon the Rotary Club the M nisterlal Assbelation and many other avenu~s of pub! c serVIce In a •ord he was a c t zen of the h ghest type k nd cons derate and above all a Chr stlan gentleman second to none Whit bY vm m ss h m May he sool) .rega n his former good health and be spared for many years to render to mnnk nd the aer e for h ch he was noted in Whitby o er and pulp ts g stock setting n-IE '\1: HITBY GAZETTE & CHRONICLE THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 6 1934 of the summe season to get away f om old scomes Next Surtday however should show some mproventent and 80on cond t ons viill retum to normal One m ght be pardoned for say ng that so fa as the churches are concerned the hoi day n th ngs sp r tual s ove One of the greatest p ob ems to be faced thio fall and winter is that of rna nta ning ehurch Attendance n fACe of so many other attract ons that seem to keep people a" ay among t1 em the ca I of the open oad the ablt of v s t ng outs de fr ends on the Sabbath and lnafiy others thAt need not be cited here Then too there IS much spir tuai apathy to be overcome Here n 1 es the g eat task of the m 11 ster and h s asaoc ates Ih our op nlon it !I the lfl'eAt est obstac e to church attendance n Whit by and elsewhere We linow af ~ople n Wh tby who never go to church who ha e no des re to go and who openly bout that the church means noth1ng to them We know of others who never attend church but m ght lie nduced to do ao ltete Is where m sa onary work comes n and there s much room for t Mre Roger Babson v ell' ng the SUbJect as an ecmom st says that poor attend ante s at the bottom of chui'c!h tt011bles lte J!Uggests that the physical charaeteris- t cs of cburches be bettered especiAlly •ent latlon He remarks too that the char acters of the church merrtbera must be im proved n a •ay that w ll recommend them to non-church members And he feels that records of attendance are higl ly mportanti more so than a record of the Moneys taken n It all tl e lnpl cations are taken nto ac count these suggestions are 1n portant but Mr Babson • really s gnif cant recom mendat on s th s See that sermons are v tal zed After all the success of the churth de- pends upon !ta ab I ty te make people be I eve they have mmortal souls and that t1 ose souls are n per I and can be rescued through the plan of salvat on offered from the pulpit If that des can be put over other mat ters become nc dental If it can t rest wont help much Mr Babson s suggest ons as to how the sltuat on m gbt be mproved are nterQst mg and worth sett ng down Eacl church should develop a defmlte Spiritual and nteliectua! goal and develop a cl entele aeeordingly ShOuld work for the econom e well betng of the people The phys cal characterlst cs of the church should be mproved eapectally tile ventilat on The character of the church membera must be improved to commend the church to non-attendants Recorda of church attendance are very Important and ohould be reported at an nual meetmgs Insist on r g d standards for membersb p J!ee that •erD!fns are v tallzed The )nlJuence of the home must be for church attendance A very great deal 111 gbt be sa d under each of these suggest ons What would you say f you were asked to discuss them? A D•lficult Ta1k Hon A W Roebuck attorney general of Ontario has undert&ken a tremendouo task n endeavoring to nltlat~ Iegi~latlon for Ontario Industry He proposes to have minimum wage scales for men and women and to msbtute cOdes fot employers cOdes Which be proposes to enforce by law And he is go ng further and 18 ealling a con ferenee of all pro\'lllclal min etere of labor in an effort to secure s m lar laws ln other provinees Mr Roebuck deserves cred t for hio courage In tacking thl~ problln! There lA A suspicion of course that he is endeavor mg to forestal) aim lar action b)' the fed era! govemment When the Stevens Com mlsa on has completed h • labora but nevertheless to him goea the credit for at least trying to do something to Improve cond lions n ndustry Schools are open and many parents are breathmg a • gh of rei ef wh le cb Idren are eagm-ly looking forward to the annual teachers convent on that provide holidays The Counc I anx ous to save tho people s money and enable those gett ng rei ef to purchase the most for their money ie tey lng a new rei ef oystem effect ve next week The d'!ial s are on page one of this ssue Less than half of the c t tens who were 0 ref ef th s t me last year are aeeking help tOdAy Th s s a hopeful and eneour ag ng sign alld f t cont ues may mean a substant a! sav ni' to the atepayers next ) ea Wh tby loses a a uab e c ze 1 a•sl g of M W I am Dow e hurcl wo ke te este I n a I commu lty nffa rs a f end of th~ poo and needy n d a lfcnt ema of the h gbest type h s deat s keen y eg etted General Motorl Exhtbtt At CN.E Jg Dut1tanding A Start to Success A first step towards bus ness success 11 a bank account No bus ness like man or woman today can get along Without a bank account. St•rt w th a sav ngs account. Depos t a fuied propomon ol mcome h~ever small regularly and w thout fall adJust 1ng your expenses accordingly Th1s is a start to success posSibly to finanoal mdependence Interest IS added to your sav ngs on June 30th and December 31st In each year THE DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 J H Perry Manager ...... BII.ANOiSS nU.OUGH01.1r CANADA AND OFfiCES IN NBW YORXAND l.OMIOH 111 ""' nelliiwliaa;uw::saew 1 u•weMilwe ..... etifnrmttn.HIIntniAQ = J J N CHOLAS FACJ.\N Re&eshlag at NOON WHEN ~he ch1ldren come home huniP'Y at lunch time ghe them a treat I Criop dell• c1ous Kellogg s Corn F1akea, With nnlk or croam A food full of energy, yet bght, relreahmg easy ,.to d1ge11t Try Kellogg s yourself for lunch See how keen and fit you fe~>l the rest of the day Made by Kellogg m London Ontano I'OR LUNC:H Exhibition Specials Dally except Sunday Auatat 25th to September 8th ROUND TRIP $1.15 REDUCED FARE INCLUDES ADMISSION TO EXHIBITION AND COACH TRANSPOR TATION TO AND FROM TERMINAL INSIDE THE GROUNDS Good Retumlng Until September lOth LEAVE WHITBY (Drew a) Rellllu Coo.cbu dally except S181day LEAVE TORONTO (Bay at Dundu) R•llllu Coo.cbeo 1111til SeJ>tomber 1Oth Cray Coach Lines Drew' a. WHITBY. Pbone 121 ( THE WHITBY GAZETTE & CHRONICLE THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 6 1934 'iii< PAGE THREet News and Reports from BROOKLIN NEWS Se e In on Sund~y ! 30 p tn Afed See See wee nToonoon of as week hea y Myrtle The Gazette AB R H W ' 1 3 0 6 1 1 0 6 1 2 0 6 0 3 0 5 J z 3 • 1 0 1 6 2 3" 0 6 1 2 0 ' 0 2 0 ,.. 47 AB • • 4 • • 4 4 • • I 38 Raglan A11l .. ...., Coftropo-t) RAGLAN Sep f -Mr &Dd M K nne h SQue eb. ct Bu.tra o we & week-end guests of Mr and M Cbar ee Luke n n ~lu Dorhl BraT Ia a end Dl 8 ok n con nuation 1 boo A number from b• e a ended b T<lronto Ezb bit n BASE LINE WllST BeD 6 may c•mp ctOUid on u Sa day for the aeaaon Giorae C&li.n nr hu ren d Sboa Po nt Manb to du k b n Dl M Bar,. Thomp1on Info med hU he waa • .._., Dl th a week a bu•lntel trip to Non Tbe W~rena took In •• IUJ Ul\bltloo at oo .. ii!J.tl Correspondent Staff Scugog Pickering A cleiln home mean, I a healfllg home

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