Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Feb 1928, p. 3

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· ..: . February 9, 1928 ••• is publishe<l · priee is $2.00 a yeau- - _ ers in the United States>•:•-.- m.te to whiCh· the subscnption IS .P~>.o. - aaaress label. · · · . . - ADVERTISING RATES-Tran!de Glegal advertising, 12c. per line first 'insertic ) sub- sequent insertion. _ 1.J . ~ ·-- ' Rates for· contract space advertis~ade known on application. - . · Advertisements without specific ~rections will be, in- serted till forbid, and charged accordingly. Telepbones:-Bell,-23; Residence-Bell-58. Member of Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Member Selected Town Weeklies .... ·. WHITBY GAZETTE . .ANif CHRONICLE .1SCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE ~- . Jl ~~ord, has published a bioiz.aJ>.-_ 1, ' d p Ji - ·.j't ~e man, LaWr-ence: Before Mr. g ... ___ •a I over the country have commente very O ee \,ourt -Graves would undertake· the tommis- equipir. J .. ~:•Y on the recent decision of admagtf"strbate Uat . sion,"lle secured pennission from Law- montlisl-.: • · Almonte whereby a farmer, convicte o ruta !Y _ renee _ and he engaged the assistance to -Oxford wit assaulting a boy, imposed the very light penalty of $25 _ :<;"' of several members of the Lawrence to graphs ~f ; and costs. . , < 'ln_ Po1ice Court Tuesday afternoon faJ!lily, including his mother. in Syria.: : H~ With the following from the pen of Editor Britton, t'fJl~ -Magistrate Willis heard two · Thomas Edward Lawrence was born worn Europe1 of the Gananoque Reporter:, we heartily concur:-. . cru!es ··:in .. which infractions of the hi 1888 at Tremadoc in North Wales. only a· ·came~ "Alexander Ferrier, a farmer in the Township of LiqDor .Controi _Act were charged b'Y He :is not Welsh, however, but is of rnan, -it -!Day ·h: d 1 k b Chief GUllson: . - · veey -ullxed blood-Irish, Hebredean, saved ·hinl from'- 4, North Burgess, was fined $25 .00 an costs ast wee _. Y Peter'.)(_acahik . \vas charged with Sparus~ ::;and Norse. When he was brought -~ the ho~. County Magistrate KirJ4a.od, of Almonte, for Cii.l~y having liquor on his prernises'"·With- quite ;yuung, his family, after having tribe_s wh~m he visi·~- ~ -. beating Harold Bibby, ·aSfl·year-old ward of the Child· out a ~pe~it. l'he evidence disclo ~ .. Jiv~'-in several countries of Europe ;::::====:!!!:=~~~~==== ren 's Aid Society. Feirier pleaded guilty. The great that a . midnight visit was pailt and in many, parts of England, moved Province of Ontario is richer by $25.00, but what of Peter's · premises last Saturda·y- ·b.v .w_ Oxford. _ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A f th " DIVORCE the boy? He gets no recompense in return or e un· Officers Gunson and Thomas, ·and -. ;Thel1! are many tales told in Ox- NOTICE is hereby given that : · ~ .,. .. ~ ~ Page 3 -r- .... .:sent residing at Oshawa in the County of , \.the ground of adultery. ~D at the Town of Cobourg the Province of Ontario this 7th day of December, 1927 . KERR &: COCHRANE, King Street, Cobourg, Ontario, Solicitors for Applicant. merciful beating inflicted upon him by one who S~?ul? that on their arrival the lights in tbe ft?rd -~~wrence's pec~liar ways, his Charles Henry Gifford. of the City of . have been his friend and guardian. A phySiaan s front room of the house were turned stran~~ pl-anks and his almost un- ============================= ===================== examination showed the little fellow to be in a deplor· out. On entering the room · :the ~ealthy ·.rnterest ~n archaeology. This lii===========================9J C. A. GOODFELLOW &: SON, Publishers -39 able condition. His right leg from the hip to the knee officers found Peter pouring the "evi- mterest led h1m to remarkable WHITl3Y, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1928. - · h h d dence" out on the ftoor but they were achievement, however. EDITORIAL was blue, }:tis left shoulder badly bruised, his ng t an able to get hold of the bottle before In the summer of 1909, much badly swollen and his left hand cut and bandaged. He it was all gone and it was sent fb against the advice uf his friend, Dr. bore the suffering, and the trivial fine exacted from_ the Toronto for analysis where it proved Hogarth, he started on a "trek" brutal farmer goes to swell the coffers of the Provmce. to be almost pure alcohol. The de- County magistrates render some curious decisions, ·and fence was that the alcohol was A GREAT SOlDIER AT REST this is one of them. This boy might well have been secured two months ago by a boarder given a few hundred dollars as damages and the man from a local doctor for a leg rub, but It was most fititng that the flags on the Town Hall treated to a taste of the strap that he used with su~ the doctor in question when consulted and Post Office in Whitby should be placed at half cruelty on a defenseless boy. The Perth Expositor re· denied supplying the hot stuff in mast during the past week as a token of respect to the marks that the light sentence came as a ·_surprise to the question. The magistrate enlarged late Earl Haig, Commandcr·in·Chief of the British forces th k " the case until Monday next when the f th people of the community. We would in so. evidence ·or the doctor will be taken during the darkest hours o e great war. under oath. ]n a quiet spot in his beloved Scotland a day or two WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Sold to Little Girl. ago the mortal remains of this great military leader and , . Mrs. }(;ate Dennis was charged with British gentleman were laid to rest, after a grateful In January, the ~ orkmen s Comp_ensauon Board keeping J liquor for sale. The police nation had paid its homage in the great shrine of Em· awarded $5"69,775.50 m benefits, this bemg made up of charged that she had sold liquor to a pire-Westminster Abbey in old London. $478,330.10 in payments for compensation and $91,- ,girl of 11 years for two men for A man of great tact and resourcefulness, of great 445.40 for medical aid. These figures are higher than $1.60. Chief Gunson and Constable endurance and fired with enthusiasm and loyalty for for January, 1927, when a total of $538,3.74.81 was Thomas visited the woman's hou.se on ood awarded which included $76 441.29 for medical aid. January 28th, but foun_d no liquor. . the Empire he loved, Earl Haig st out among men The acddents reported last m~nth numbered 5,056, of ~e "alnextC nighbtl th«;_,_~ef acndkrnPro- both as a military genius and a man of kindly nature hi h 58 f I Th fi f D b 1927 VlnCl onsta e ut:t~rge oo an • and wonderful spirit. w c were_ ata - . e . gures or . ~cern er, ' made a raid and found alcohol which Probably no better epitaph could be penned to_ Earl were 5•655 acadents, mcludmg _47 fatahues and there· on analysis was found to be over 80 hi d d ports in January, 1927, 5,293, mcludmg 29 fatal case_s. per cent. proof spirits. The woman Haig's memory than that now ·storic or er ISS~e The total number of fatalities reported in the past SIX admitted the sale but stated that she early in 1918 when the British forces were retreatmg months' is 266 which is con·siderably above the average needed the money for her sick under the ruthless drive of German divisions far out· for any six month period since 1926. mother. The charge was proven, the numbering them. It reads: "Many amongst us now are Commenting on these figures, R. B. ¥orley, Gene~al court rul~d, and the woman was re- tired. To those I would say the victory will belong Manager of the Industrial Accident Prevention Assoaa· manded m custody for a week f'or to .the side which holds out the_ longest. There is no tions tells of several accidents that have recently been sentence. ·other course open to us but to fight it out. Every investigated by the field force of the Associations. One ------- ·position must be held to the last man; there must be of these involved the loss of the left hand of a seventeen LAWRENCE OF ARABIA no With our backs to the wall, and be· · f year old operator, when his sleeve was caught in a His Friend, Robert Graves, Gives An lievmg in of our ' cause, each one o us revolving cylinder in a textile mill. Mr. Morley states Authentic Biography of This . . must fight to The p;afety of our· homes and that in certain types of industry, close attention must be Much Talked-of Man. the freedom of depends alike upon the con A · · Paid to the type of clothes worn. Many accidents Ever since an eager mer1can JOUr- So far-= and yet so near! "' must call 1 olin by Long Distance and let him know I got here all right. Then neither of ns will be worry- ing. It's wonderful to be able to visit you like thiB. and yet keep as close toucH 'with home as if I were there. What must it have been like fn the old days, before Long Distance made it pOSSI'ble 7" "I'll place tlie call for you while you are taking oU your wraps." duct Of each Of U s at this critical moment." h fi li "th arti 1 1 k •'wocmld be prevented if operators wore tig t tting na st WJ a P cu ar Y een nose "That will be fine. Just ask This order and the • .message which it con· clothes and rolled the sleeves. Another serious accident for news discovered the "Emir Dina- for our number, 124, so I'D veyed long if the. memory of th~ people was in a laundry when the operator failed to replace the mit" in the Arabian Desert and wrote get the cheaper Station-to- of the ··eAho remembered what It meant th chi th · highly coloured leading articles on him Station rate. In a couple of and ;to achieve at such a critical mo· guard on the extractor before starting e rna ne, IS for American magazines, people have days 111 call up again, in the . . resulting in a right arm being broken in four places. A been asking, "Who is ,this Lawrence? evening, so 1 can have a few . c._ry. third preventable accident occurred at a plant when the What had he done befofe he started words with the children, too. ' ~ ladder, on which the janitor was wcirking, broke. This blowing up railways? Where is he The Evening Rate after 8.80 GRANT TO TltE BAND accident had serious results and is another instance of now and what is he doing?" ,I ••'~· .. ,...J. -~ very low." the necessity for reasonable inspection of all equipment A year ago, Lawrence was per d· 11, - II 1 \,. of the Town Council Monday even· being used. A fatality involving a machinist's helper ed to publish an abridgement of ·s ....._ vm•-'n:~tv for one year the Alary of the bandmaster was caused by a large motor truck crushing the helper ex~siv! work: "The Seven Pillars .J -·"'! ...... , • go a long way. wwards placing the Whitby Cit· between casting and the rear of the truck. Too many Wisdom · This book, however, -.. ~-d .......... """'t "-··'· My~'- hM been · "d h l. -~ -,1., th 1~st· eral- little about the man, T. E. La--·-- izens" -....... , on a .. --·'"" UU~&. ~:u ----- !ll!ftOUS ilCa Eni.3 ~'i\. Hil.P{le~o.:.u \\~uu~ t: ~- ~-- -- 'fliCiti lffi! ffliHiY ftf@I{!IlEfli to ap··m= aecompliahed in thjs ·way during the past few months_ and, ac~ordmg to the_ mvesbga~o~s made by the definite "we" but more frequentry the months and much more remains to be done, but with· lndustnal Acadent Preventlon Associations, many of credit for acltinements is given to his Out a capable leader the band could never be a success. these would have been prevented by the exercise of a friends, the Arabs. Citizens who attended the sacred concert on Sunday little more care and caution. · Within the last few weeks, Robert evening were made to1reali:z;e the value of good leader· ,-====================== Graves, a friend Qf his student days ship coupled with the co-operation of the bandsmen. 1· To say that the work of the Bar·~ on this occasion was a pleasant revelation to many 1s no exaggeratt_on, and Reeve Jackson was right when he stated _t~at With· out the moral and financial support of the atuens the Band could not continue to maintain its present high state of efficiency. Whitby needs a good band. Whi~· by will profit from such an orga~tion. The Counal has made a good move and one that will, it is hoped, not be unduly critici:z;ed. THE V. 0. N. IN WHITBY. There is no organi:z;ation in the Town of Whitby which carries on a work of mercy and of real commu· nity worth more quietly and ~~ctively than the V1c· torian Order of Nurses. In this 1ssue appear ~he an· nual reports of the various departments, sh_o~g not only the hundreds of visits paid to the Sick ':" the homes of Whitby but a very valuable work camed on among the children of the various schools in the pro- motion of better health. . . There is also the report of the Samantan Commit• tee which carries on work among the poor. After per• using carefully the statistics showing the number of families helped one naturally wonders :what would hap· pen if this committee were not on the JOb. Undoubtedly there would be a greater demand on civic relief funds if it ceased to function. • In Miss Patterson the V.O.N. evidently has ~ first class nurse, kind, considerate and capable, while a great deal of the aedit for the success of the V . 0. N. as a whole must go to the officers wh~ year ~y year carry out ·the tasks assigned to them ~th therr o?IY ward the assurance that they are domg somethmg reorth while for the community. The Gazette and chronicle asks its readers to read carefully the v . o. N . reports. Edltorim Notes. The fact that the Town Council was able this week to sell to a firm of municipal bond brokers a debenture issue of $31,000 at a price above par indicates that Whitby's financial standing on the bond market is exceptionally good. As a matter of fact, Whitby for many years has experienced no trouble in disposing of its debentures for either long or short terms at a very favorable price. Even the citi:z;ens have invested freely, confident that they will profit thereby._ • • • The City of Oshawa is organi:z;ing a Chamber of Commerce and has engaged an American expert from Chicago 'to direct the organi:z;ing. Now. if Mayor Bill Thompson ever hears this he may have the expert searched on his return to the Windy City to make sure that he brought back with him no British literature. Speaking seriously, however, it is our opinion that the Motor City could secure organiz.ing experts in Canada- men who have made a success of this business, without having to import them from another country. • • • • • General Motors of Canada, Limited, have made , ·a good start in the new year by setting up a new mon~ly production record for January. The mon~ just clooed saw 6,930 cars of all makes shipped from the Oshawa plants. Needless to say, the new Chevrolet and Pontiac lines did particularly well, but all of the other cars also had a share in establishing this splendid record which is a very substantial increase over January of last year and, as mcntionec.l above, establishes a new record for the month. With such a spendid beginning all signs point to a banner year in automobile production in Oshawa in 1928. • • • • Editor Malcolm MacBeth of the Milverton Sun be· ~· CL.rysler PRICES Effecriw Immediatel)' Coupe Roadster ,. : ': . (wllb. • · Touring .. TwQodoor OaliiW Four~oor sedan 'DeLtixe Coupe . .. · (with ramble-> ~- 870 880 930 930 DeLuxe Sedan •Jtooo.: --.: _ ..... Great .New · -~~·It; .. ••6z" · -Busuiess Co-ripe :•riso Roadster .. .. 13 70 (with .~ -a) Touring .. .. Two-door Sedan Coupe <with ......w. -> Four-door Sedan Landau Sedan .. 1375 1450 1490 1530 1600 .. I SPECIALISTS IN MINING SECURITIES LISTED AND UNLISTED STOBIE, FORLONG &. CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building BAY 11. WELLINGTON aTS., TORONTO PRIVATE WIRE SYSTEM 11 King St. E., Oshawa-Phones 143 and 144 · Phone Calls at Our Expense. Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds Yielding from 4!1. to 7., Ed. Bo'Aan standard BaH Bull~ WHITBY, ONr_. COAL for Best Results use D. L. & W. ANTHRACITE COAL All Sizes In Stock. . ALSO BEST QUALITY COKE.-'- -:-!'----._ .r ,- , - . James Sawdon, Whitby - ' . Quality Unchanged -rL>c 0 ., ....... ,.n,. FOR FREE PUBUCIIT. liev~s the general consensus of opinion i& that the town· &.na> gp"U"U-.u< ahip school board bill will be again introduced by "Every day in the week every ~~per ~ the Premier Ferguson, who ia also Minister of Education, at UJwa~o~y i. ~5...1 by U.o !rea publiat.f aedt~, aays the coming session of the Legislature, and after oppor• the Kirkland Lake Nan. which adda: And 1~ ~uld tunity has been given for diacuaaion it will be with· ICCDl ~ the bigger the concern the more m~t drawn. The bill, Mr. MacBeth ~~ays, is not popular in and ·Jarger the demands. Our wastepaper basket IS the rural sections of Ontario. The Premier has hopes, bulged out at the sides caring for these carefully V.Tlt· however, that the bill will evenruall}' become law, but ten articles and proof sheets. Rec~tly 67 m~mbers it is not believed that he will use pressure in forcing it of a press association mailed to therr secre~anes the through. Township boards would undoubtedly have free publicity matter that would have gone mto their disadvantages as well as merits, but while rural opinion wastepaper baskets for one -week. It totalled 3•140 on this measure continues hostile, it is not probable that envelopes, containing 7,014 sheets of <:0 PY that came it will find a place in the legislation which controls our IU~oaaNew Clary•ler ••7s" Sport Boedeter .. •1930 (willa ...... -> . Two-~ass. Coupe 1995 (with ramble __ !) Royal Sedan .. 2060 Four~Pass. Coupe 2060 Town Sedan .. 2205 Convertible Coupe 2265 4o ~o~~n&S~Ies~· ~ - ~ otpriceowbkb._aU,...._ ( ",; from 346 seekers of free space, whcm~ lt must cos~ . an educational system. immense sum for writing, reproductlon and mailing • • • • what in 90 per cent. of the cases is utterly ~sted, for The annual report of the Dominion Commissioner of intelligent, experienced publishers ar~ b~rrung awake Highways, which has just come to the desk of the N L ( to a condition that generally prevails m ~ada a~d Ga~ette and Chronicle, covers the fiscal year ended - ew 11Z • P• the United States. Can business stand this waste m March 31st, 1927. It sets out in detail the aid ' given Imperial "80" national publicity? Business used to be conducted d!f· the various Provinces by the Federal Government. In ferently a few years ago. The baker used t.o use a accordance with the Canadian Highways Act of 1919, Roadster •3745 baker's do:z;en. The grocer would often throw Ill s?me· and the regulations giving effect to the Act, each of the - (with rumt.J."-> thing as a little extra on a large ~rder, and the prmter nine Provinces submitted and had approved by the Five-Pass. Sedan 3945 would give advertising on a p~onuse of more to follow. Minister of Railways and Canals a programme map Town Sedan 4010 These characteristics are all gone now. The baker and showing a connected system of main trunk or market Seven~Pass. Sedan 4120 grocer had to discontinue their gener~s~ty to meet t_he roads upon the construction of which the Federal appro· cash and carry and chain store competltlon. The pnn· priation of $20,000,000 was to be applied. The Pro· Sedan Limousine 4685 ter can't exist on promises any more. Our _local adver· vinces endeavored, as far as possible, to design a plan of A-...__,__ · tising patro~s never ask for these conceSSJ~ns. Th~y roads that would serve industrial centres. as well as . '· AD .,._ '· .. L ww-~ th · f th adverus • .....,...,.,_..,.,~~=· always expec and do pay err way or ell" . • important agricultural communities, and form a co·relat· . U'NIPI_,......,;t~ · ing, the same as we . buy their goods. They .r~li:le ed system Within each Province, :uniting with connect· J A · that we have only publicity to sell and they "'!'1 11b~ly ing roads at provincial and international boundaries, 1~ ~- · · pay for it at reasonable rates. But each ma~ nn~s Jws providing a co-ordinated and continuous system of '/ ...;,:~- : ."_.DO-'""'S~ :-r.t,·. :f ,.·articles for .'.'imiJledia~e" r~lease" and~elease on ~~~· . ighways. As in previous years, much of the l"'i" :0 (wltb ramble 00&1) - Crown Sedan .. 2335 Chrysler's sensadonal rise from 27th to 3rd place in sales in 42 months is the rc· suit of a phenomenal pubUc preference that has contin· uously demanded a record- breaking volume of quality motorcars. ouastandardaofval~lilake f._- , - Chrysler more emphadcally '-.~ . · than ev.er before. the unchal- , : lenged leader of the indw#T ,? · :- in motor . car quallty. See · • · · · these ~a&s - vnchanged In '-; ~ 4: · quality-at thcJr ICDsadooal · · values. Ride in them-drive ·- . • them. . - ~ , .. \ .• Chrysler's tremendous pro- duction and rapid Kl"Owtb arc the direct result& of pubUc £eCOKQil:ion of values and sav· inKs which onlv Chrysler Standardized Qualitv c3n provide. You will thcninstandvreCog.- nhc whv Chrysler can-bv the moat astoundina price aavingl which rault from a huac and rapidlv arowina -\ -.Fourgreatlineaofcars-"52," pubUc demand-are todav · "62," "72" and New 112 more than ev~r the most h.p. lmpcrial"80"-supply. m.arveloua moto'r car values \ '.· inK every price n~cd from in their rc~pccdve price $870 to $4685-offered now 8£0UPI.t- · ~ ~ . .r-' ). - Sales and Service . ~ -~ • ~: f'l.)~.&IDS:ON M<hR CO..J.imited \ \ -: "' . . - .. ... ; , ONTARIO :- .~ ,, . D E M .. 0 N S T RAT I 0 · dates and 1 telegraphic Items by 1fta~l th~ wou..d b was performed by residents of the locality. The \ .doz.en of pages of The Northern News. As we &a1 e• her of persons employed in road construction reached a ~ ~ ' · ;. · ' ·;, . fore, our waste·paper basket . bulges .. Paper, stamps total of 26,071, and was greater tl!an in any of the past · Phones~ff ·_;e :UI.;:IIC!il4llell1Ce 345 _and the writers' work are conSigned to 1ts care. seven y~s . · :!• ?/ '· .. ·-, '

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