Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Feb 1928, p. 2

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, : • .. -~ I • • '> .-~· . .!'-_ : . . Banquet Served . . . ~belut' ten o•cloclc eats gaiore made thmr ·appearance aDd soon they were Page 2 1 ' : to • c hoaped ~n lobg .. .,., kindly giveo by l'St time . ani the . ;Boy . Scouts. Even at this feed on top, and , ' · ·.' . "'- was no fonnality,-a• tho eom- . ·· It was · · ·- · ·· .: -=" · • mand to "help yoursetft' was given ..... ~~r~m~~:.-~ . ·s .• _ .. :·T .- ·--· ·-~B- -. •··-iJJ. ,{()~d-·_ u;J'_ .. :.·;_ ... ..,an.U.Id ....... ~.:.4;f~~~:;§ . amount of $31,500 to pay for the new nl ,"'o t..e_ •Die{ ..-..,; . fS left, ., .. ,at boxe• of good sehool addition and equipment. The ~t irnpregnabJ.... Th n_ · ' . · · · · · : ·, · , ·. · . being turned -over to ~be annual cost .. tho ....... m"" tho eo.l,.-y .... e e va1lllge Pekoti;')lt a. little . ' : of ReHd on thO Town in.terest and principal on this _ issue Comm: .. ~ . .... ~p, . · .··,)~; :~- .. _;:.. :, . . :·-=:-.,·-·, .· . · for distribution to will be $2,049.50. The expenditure of . . . ~~~ . . . . extra> . - .. :.,.. . . $29,000 fodbi,..diOol wing wa.,ane- · · ... . , .~ ... - · extra good :, Following the banquot tioned by the Council of 1927. . . ·w_ork of Whi. •t'by v.o· .N.· . 11 In cl«lll. b;tlhf~~ social hour was spent, several Coun<>, adopted a ""'""morulation · -~"'- ·.. te"' of bu.mo.. were '""""""" of the Fb>an<e Co-ttee th"* . tho . -. . · · . -. . ' <", ,. , ··', - . omont them a plan t. install a .,.,.: tead~ of the BeU-Gouinlod< Com- · (Continued from"""" 1) · . and al"' that ~ey asked ou ,......, ..-.ail~ 'tbt'b. tho ~ti hi f th manent lighting oystem at ""' m.: pany, brokers, for the purchase of the Nurse's Bag • • • • • ..••••• ~. 9.50 ~~moral and financial support of t11e' er·'lirid brother -were .tende~~d !nea by- moria!. Last, but not least ·came the doben- ...,.. of $31,MIO at $102-0S. c., fare • , ,. ..... ,. • • 19.25 c>tu<en,.. not one of whom, ho fel~ .. t tho employees of the tanue• t B National Anthem, when the "veta" -be ...,. ..... """ was the higb..t Sto,... • · .. ... . . •• . .. •• . 12.00 <Onld' "'Y tonight that : they w""' del'• hote~ when to'keY w!: ,.,.";',i .tood at attention and ..,.g luotily, tender received, and, incidentally, the Laundry ·. · ~ · · . . . • . . . . . . . • 10.« proud of the band, and chiefly because at 25c "plate. Mr. King said that W Dortations Received pri,._ is an exeeptionally high - Telephone • · • • ·.- ••.••... ' 33.95 it waa a Whitby .,......ation banded Smith and Jam" Stewarl, who We~ Tho Offi<e"' of tho Legion deaire showmg that the 'J'own of Whitby en- -- together to give service to the people still employees of the· Company, were ~ acknowledge the following useful j~s a ~ big~ "palstan:!: wi~ brot. k- · . ~ d"fJ · . $1626.14 ~tis1 and to add to the enj.oym~nt present on -that ~cession, and it was gifts:-Mrs. Kean, chairs; tables, Boy e . on e mum<> ...,. e . e • • eren<e between ...,.;pts and an . P .. ...,. of lo<al mnunumty life. mtereoting to read of the event in an Sooubo and Ilk A. B. Alliii; ",;etures, February 9, 1928 Where to get ·th~ ... . M Cl 11 d· . ...-~-= ·:: ~.;;.·- - .. · . c e an ~&. 1 :;:~ ,~ ; _. ~ .. Where to get the best CO)I' - }>. ·.:--.. . McClellarid's-:-1:! _./).r~~~- ·. · Where to get the best ~00 -;;ifJ?::·._ · - ~cClelland's-Hard ~"So' Slabs, . Edgings and Ttes-stove length and DRY . . Where to get genuine POCAHONTAS and CANNEL COAL~ . . McClelland's CONSOUDATJON and EBONY CUBE Where to get the best SERviCE? · . . McClelland'&-prompt, efficient, clean. John -McClelland Cor:Brocl:' &. Dunlop~ Phone 397, Whitby · 'nle Relief Report expenditures fo~ the !ear was $150.59 Reeve Jackson pointed out that the old copy of the Whitby Chronicle Herb. Bratley and John Drinkrow· Tho .'Committee on Relief reporied pla<ed _on ~e nght mde of the Ieda<•. man~t of the Band'• afT':"' wa• wbieh bad ,..,. to his hand reeently. <ud table, E. Ill. Lomax; mal, .....; that eight families bad .,..;ved food and thia amoun~ added to a balan<e of now ~· the _._...., of a ,.....,ttee of "'· Baaeom, in ;, brief addrea•, and ehBKOal, John lli<Clelland • ·- and fuel from the Town d-g J'anu· $33<.68 on baud Januaey tat, loavea P'."mment .,.,....,.. and thoy, toge~~ otated that ho did not bring the BoaM Jamieaon Paint Co. through F. G: _ary, and that in one case application the sum of. $485.27.. . Wlth. the bandmaster, and the co-op- together for the purpose of having was refused where the head of the Report of Samantan ~mrruttff. eration of the band~~ themselves, ~em say nice things about him, ·but ~=======~~~~=~ ~::~;;~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ family -was idle and ·where it was re- .In February the Samantan Com- ~d brought about btg unprovements Slmply that they might before stsrt-poried he bad made no elfort to ..,. ~ttee held a home-made •ookiDII ,.le m '!'o band as a mu.;W o~~tion. ing the yea>'s wO>k enjoy a aoclal . • . Emldne; •toves, R. J, Leaeh, ~d 11'=~~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*~• cure work. The Committee also noted and afternoon tea, when we ~zed Whitby was.a good town to. live m andlhour or two together. He did, bow- " -Who J1kes Sons of En.gland. 11 that the caae of anoth"' family ,._ o= $_24-00 to holp.,.. wod<. ,., .. . the Band ~obed to make •t m""' ..,_ ev.,, appreciate what bad been ,.;d (., . .eiving ,.u.r- bebig takeo up with Du~g the summe• we bad 'Oalla Reeve J- annonn~d that this Of him, and he hoped that d-g the Washing ? " the lllothen' Allow••~ BoaM. It wu fo. "?"' and """"' fo' a famDy, .then .....,... - the tin;t of a aeries to be yea' ho would not only prove worlhy • • • Arrangements are now under way for ~e holding of a five day winter carruval in Orillia from· Thursday February 23, to Tuesday, Februa~ 28! exc1usive of Sunday, the dates ~mg . arranged ~ include the big· Kiwarus carnival. · All sizes o. L. a w. Anthracite Coal noted also that the cost to the town suppli~ grocer.ies for a sick family. given on Sunday nights during the of them, but that the Board would for Relief during January, 1928, was . Sewm~ ~or infants '!as done and next month or two. There :would be have a prosperous and bamronious . much lower than in the same month little damties for the s1c:k sent where one about the firSt Sunday m March year. · · · of 1927, notwithstanding the fact that needed. . and ~othe; about the first Sunday in 1 there ·are ,...., applieatioM. The At Cbriatma• we aent out 15 baa- Apnl. Dunng the .,......, ~= would I Brlel -"""""""' Committee acknowledged with thanks kets, some· for the sick and lonely, also be the usual outdoor concerts. five . Those who gave brief addresses assistance given to poor· families re- o~ers filled with good things for the ~ptown at the Four Comers and five ' were'· Joseph King, who moved the ceiving aid from the town from the children. m the Town Park. The Reeve opined vote of thanks to the host, Wm. Har- . United and Anglican churches also The Committee wish to thauk all that the band was worthy of the sup- den, the new member of the Board; Herb. Wilson, J. A. Patterson.' mer- t?ose who so kindly helped with dona- port of every citizen, and he hoped W. J. H. Richardson, A. T. Lawler, chants and several private citizens. tions towards the Christmas baskets. that as time went on it would be more Dr. C. F. McGillivray, the secretary· 1n .;. ... ..;.,.. with the matw of We ...., DOW supplying 2 quarls of appreciated and """""'ged and that John La•ldn, Geo'ge A. Ros• and i :famishing --work for men on Relief ~ ~ day ~ ~_family, as well as hav- all concerts given would receive a lib- H. Onniston, the latter speaking for the Streets Committee Chairman F . mg gtven . ·es. eral patronage. Be asked for a lib- the press. Many kind referenc~ were Threadgold recommended that deli.d Our fun~ · g low, so in.: eral offering reminding the cimens made to the chairman of the Boat:d for trees on th~ streets might be eut down tend ~ hoi~~- , e or something of that it took money to operate a band the very efficient maJlller in which he and hauled to tile town yard to be cut ~e kind to e ~oney and hope we w~en music, instnnnents and other had carried out his duties even under and sold .to. dealeTS. Also that 8 Wlll be well patronu:ed. · things had to be bought and other ex- extreme difficulties, particular note :Rieon~.ms--,....· established where · stone· E. J. Thomson, penses met. Be stated also t'hat the being .made of the fact that he had for the streets. The Mrs. T. Desmond, Conveners. band had no apology to offer for Sun- bee,n.targely ·instrumental in convinc- , thought that the engineer Financial Statement day evening concerts as they .were ing:~ Town Council last year that _'- :- ;~ould be able to tell where the dead Receipts held after church hours. an adaltion to the High School was J~c~' :trees1 were, an~·"also where stone Balance from 1926 .....•.. $ .73 :gentl: required, 'll!rlth the result that . ··-:~·;c:ou d ~ ~~~,. -- . Feb. ~9, Sale and tea . . . . • . 24.65 Gave Dinner to Colieagu'es e ne ssary money ,!IllS voted. . Engmeer ·. Pring~_ ·reported that Donation . . . • • • . . . . . . . . • . 1.00 • · considera'l11e trouble nad been experi- Donation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10 w .- . ·. enced in geij;ipg stone, but that he Don. Miss Bakers' pupils ( l hitby War'. Veterans 'ldlle 1.o 3cC.:!'e some short- King St. School ....•... ' Continued from page 1) · . · . . - - • 1.50 was m· te ted · ed i:: al · · · · · . · · ,_,~ · -- -- Donation ... . . . ... . . . . . • . .25 res m ueawon matters - _ _ . · · · The question of ~mishing work for Donations, Christmas bask. 2 50 ~d because the importance of having (Continued on baie 2) : ON HAND. The answer is obvious-and what to do about it equally so. There is an ever-grow- in~ list of ythitby house- WIVes · who have solved the irksome "family wash" prob- =====!!!!!!!!!!=~~=~~!!!!!!!!!!~ Also ·oTo Nut Coke. lem by sending it to this laundry. They have found among our. five different kinds of washing services one · that exactly fits their particular requirement, and FLOWERS ·· FOR EVlRY OCCASION FUNERAL DESIGNS . are now happy. Remember -soft water, the pl!rest s?ap obtainable, many rin- Sings, no marking, and each d A SPECIALTY •. wash done separately. Prices • are a pleasant feature, being ' C~ FLET.CHER Phone 234 R. GOLDRING Phorie70 PORT WHITBY easily -less than the cost of home methods. May our ~:::::~~=~======:===~===~~!!!!!!!!!!~~~ young lady explaiD all these r.-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!:::::::;:·:· ::: things to you? Phone to-day. II W. QUPtEY~ Thompson's WHITBY ~ L. f FIRE _General Insur-e __ .-- ~ Whitby, Ont. LI .......... . .J'S ·~ DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE the v.nemployed was' diseussed by the Donation .......... .. ... ·). 3.30 children properly educated had been t : t " · . "d · , .. Council in Committee of the whole, Inte.re. st in Bank . • . • . . . . · brought home to him by the fact that ~JdP.lJ :we~_ no · Up 8.1 a:t tt ·w·as .36 his own childre ec anew, an~ several br1ef appro- and with thanks and app~iation the --- school a Mr ..:_,:e . ;' t priate addresses were given. Theil! _offer of Deputy-Reeve Underwood tO . Total $35.39 "' ~· • ~aen stated tha~he were no outstanding stars in the r=:::=============a furnish men Yiith work for a few Expend~t><S -· orward to . a pleasant matter of entertainment and broad- ~===========:e~ . days at &Qc an. hour or $3.00 a day Pll •• .. . •• •$$ 1.90 an~-:;o~table ye: on .the Board. casting smiles aud good cheer for ll The Mutual Life Assurance Go'y of canada PURELY MUTUAL.. NO STOCKHOLDER -._. :was aceepted. Mr. Underwood, asked Bread · ts d "lk··· Lawler we secalre ~· Trustee. A.. T. nearly all the Co~ad~s to. ok a hand -·-: · ::. tM ChainDan of · 'Belief to aend · c ' an m• ·: as so t - tM 1MD .DOW oat of work Y • • • ·• • • • • • • ~ . 5 1 .28.80 !mood, re~llia.-:::l=.t ~==r:u\!!: ... t~~p:vr:-~-thi~ iaro,::e~f nDC:- ..._, __ .;.._.~~- .: • .. . -4\. _ ... are Groeeries for famDy ••• ·••• events of __ _.-- -...a of th · - .....,.., <~ ' · · - · ...., " -- · ....... ~-- -·.a. --n 1 00 _.. ~--_... ~- . 0111! praeticall.; ··:an· · .•. iUent :·'ii_._ ._,__ . .. .4Jently to the Currant bread f.ttlif." n . ; - . • wbo hlld sened-alhe Board m-·- . bershiJ' _,;~ _ .. ............ th ~ .. . -~·~-~ .. ,__ • w,.~ Trustee .... :_ · . ~-- mem p ap~-• .U.J18, ere .. , , J . 1r . ............ Chief of baahts . • • • -- • 1.20 asug, speaking of banguets, tne liew .euat.-a .~ntf tht ~ . - ,• . . • ~ .to DOtify him Potted meat and s&~" • • •' ~ ·, · · · · . · ·: -· -1iV9Qd had offered 'to Butter, nuts, biscuits . ._ .·· .S5 · ~ · ~~ ~t ~': was to re- Candy canes . . . . • .• :. . 2·73 _._ -.;_..~ '\' ·_ .str'~ ~~~t .. mormng at eight Candy, mixed . . . . . . . . · · ·86 . ~ • ·othe~;~ome other action 2 in!ants'&'cSts . . . . . . . . . . . ·95 lM! ~en~ . Groceries 'for family . . . . . . 1.18 Streets. CoJD.mittee ~port 3.50 streets . CQmmittee reported $22.25 ~~ting.h&d ~ bt:ld in con- Balance in Bank . . . . . . • . 13.14 -~'""'"'. wt~'Mf. ;.'M.(Campbell'a re- J~ -~boelr .part of 'the money now .. $35.39 erng ~. as security on last JGJ ·~~-c:Ontract the tel'JiiB 'o.f . . t ' . not yet been fully; ~ea· · .. ~ . · this meeting it was.~~ Band Concert · · - .. • (Continued from page 1) · ::-"' ~ .... ':l'"~ts ·rendered _againSt ihe . . "·- ~ ~ . _·ountiag to $267.74, also decided . • . ·:\ ;.; • .:.: ... • . the con~r $150 on account; hit. It was clearly demon- .. ' ' ... ;~.-a~ttee . feeling that with the strated throughout the concert that in ,._ ' · .:·. 4 '!it' af the holdback still in the Bandmaster Broadbent the band has a •. ··' · · ~ - ~r's· bands the town would be very capable and painstaking leader. . ,~~rotec:ied ·in the matter of work A Service W ortb While ~ .-~- ·' ·· ·. · , ~nd the completion of the con- In a brief address Reeve A. w . . ~t. :rtte ieport was adopted. · , . Jae~son thanked the citizens who by ·_-;.;o~. decid~ to consider. sllortly the•~ attendance on this occasion e qu~o~ of unproving Centre St. shovred that they were interested in .nd of ~king the County Council for a the Band and were anxious to see it ~t in't~mnection with it on account get along. He emphasized strongly of the Coun~ buildings being situat- tha~ ~e members of the band gave of ~ thereon. The matter will be taken thmr time and talent with but one ob- up with the ~ts.'Committee wlth- j~that of making a Whitby just in the next week. . , , · .. :· a httle better place in which to live Court of Rerislon and .to P~~ote if possible the com- . Members· of the Ceart of Revision muJuty spmt among the citizens. Un- to~ 1928 will be the · >xayor, Ree~i der Bthandmaster Broadbent, of Osh- "~ d9pllty-reeve ·and CoUIIJI,; Bowman and awa, e band._b._ad been brought up to ' Bro\ightcin, and \lle ~. session ...-Ill a s::t~ of. ~fflClency which was very be held in 'the Council Cfiamber .on ~~ m ~VIdence at .this concert. ll 'Mo~day, February 27th, at 10 o'cloelc. on tbmean a lot of time and sacrifice Coun. Broughton suggested Utat if e part of the leader and his men ·it would not mean too much expense the Fire and 'Light CommittAitl might ·consider having aome of the lights on · · the north Bide of -Dundas Street East removed to. the other side where the ·. · sidewalk had been laid. The Fire and Light Committee will inve$tigate. ·. ~ residents, llr • . Lit.very, Mr. . . ~ki~son and Mr. Ro8a, ·petitioned · ~ ~-'b- ~ .. for ~ light in the middle of • · ;L 1 ~ John Street where it was is .very dark. Referred to CoDimittee . Scli()Of IJ~ SoCiety the use of the Town Hall · Feb. 29 at the reduced · Thla is in accorclanee -.... ... --~"- decision to gr&~t coii11 .. 111. iil~1n to eaeh school oru:e a year. ." ! ' 'Tim . ' poMINibN_. ·· ·~ -· - . : • ? . : EStablished 1871 . lfyouUkeathlck- er alid sweeter syrup of the same htp fluality- uk . for- BENSONSc, GOLDENSBIUP - Writ~ for 'Recipe_ BooJ...-Free I'- -.. - LIMITED .,. TAll SERVICE ... , • ~ . . •• 0 :. • . Profits ADoted to Policyholders Annual!y. · • All Latest Featur~. . Total Disability B Double Face of PoUcy If AcddeataiiJ Killed. ene6t. . F. HOWARD ANNES Real Estate . - Insurance _ 'Loan Appointments at .Mr Bro • Off" • wning'a lee, next door Post Oftu:e.. . L. H. DILLING =~=-:=:~·~P~h~bn~c ~91~~=::::::::~ PAINTER AND DECORATOR . Intereior .Decorating ·• Specialty W . . 8 PRING :,.:;CI«»-158- _c..... · · 1-leenaed .DPiver.s. ·. P~-~-pt Se~ice. REPAIRS _CARS W4.SHED - • ':' ' 0 • IF JNSURANCE SEE DIJOLO ._ . FRANK WELLS Painter and Decorator West of Tod's Store. · Phone 404 Wallpaper to Stock Opposite Royal Hotel Phone .39, · • • LE . _.. · ... R. s. · Notary Public . . G EO. KEI L -Conveyancep and · .. · · ·u · ~- ~~, Painter .and Paper aan•er 1 .-_ ·.·-~- ·:. a s . . ·wall Papers in StocJt : nsuranc:e Agent - Estimates free. Ph~ne 85tw. WHITBY, - ONTARIO .-~u a rage u~"t~il'.ff~~ AND I Professional en· I Dundas St. West All kinds of sales promptly attended to. Arrangements for sales can be -N~xt door to Whitby House made at the Gazette Office. Terms . ,. _ . ·. · reasonable. Phone 288. _ . AR1HUR E. CHRISTIAN Barrister Soli . ete. office in c:itor, Notary Publi,. ~:esEi!!!i!!!!!iE!!!~55!!5Ei!!!IE!!JJ WHIT BY. 0 NT. MONUMENTS H south wing f · Co ... ouse. Money to loan. of u.rt Do You· . ' Want to P~vide for your depend· enta m cue of your death? ., • Establiah a fund for your child'e education? . ., • Guarantee ~yment of a . ~gage on your home? " • Provide additional eecur• ity for your buainea? " • . Provide a pension for JOur old age? · ? lc wiU be .a pluaure ~ aeD you abouc the convcnim& .way in wbida life ""'"a« will enable ~u co c1o ..,, of daue chins•. · W. J. H: ,Richardson Brook· Bt. lbltby . Phone177 ·. Standard Life luuruce Do N W . . w. H. KENNEDY/ • . • STAFFORD . Bamster, Solicitor in .. ~. j, . GRANITE AND MARBLE DEALER Court, Notary Con "'\'e "upreme ' veyaneer etc -~gston Rd. West, Whitby . WHITBY, · Ont. ' ' Phone 68 R. 3·2 Olflce-Dundaa St. - J t . Call and see my large stock -at reason· =~~~=Pu~bli~c~IJ;b;;;~i;ary~~=t=o=f=th~a able prices. All work first class. A. G~ ·BROWNI~G, N.C. - - -- Opposite Burna• G~ S NICHOLSON & SELDON UNDERTAKERS ~erective Eyesight Brodt St. North, , Whlt•l tore ·B p •• oue hoae 386 Office Phoae 392 ·. ·nR. R. T. Mad.AR.EN Ph .• · . - )'Slaan and Surgeon Residence and Olrice . Cor. :Brock and Mary Streets, Whitby is responsible for many accidents B B BBA.., that result in death and maimed bod- • • .& PN, DD.S., LD S. that co~d be avoided if the eyes D Graduate .of the Royal CoD ' were functioning properly. ental Surgeons and Uni rJge ~ Artificial eyes· fitted. J'0unt!J. ·Office over Murd~'s tyCo ot \ - 1~ i:"6.:~re. Office · hours, -g : · F. E. LUKE, Qpt. D. PH~UlE 220' WHITBY Optometrist. H. J. HUDSON D D 163·167 Yon~re Street, Toronto .·. • · , • .S, LD.S (Upstairs opp. Simpson's) -OFFICE-ADAMS' TERRACE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS The Double Traa Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO · DETROIT and CHICAGO BY.f:lON ST. N., PHONE 1Z4 . J. F. ~OlDS, . DD·S., LD.~ . ) Offjce Hours-9 to 12 .. ~:; 1 to 6 Polllo • Phone .29' WHITBY ) :·;' Office over Allin'• Drug Sto \ re • RXTRACTION- WIT~ G.AS Unexcelled din1nB ear aervie8. S 1 leeplng cars on night ttalna and A. A. ROBINSON •· ~ or ~· on princlpal -w . a,Jns. . .. - . .. . . Full informatloa fiom P7 .Grand . Undertaker and Furniture Dealer · · · ~Ticket·~~..-,'!/· J. Ko1fatt, Bell and Independent Pboiw.. Dq ~...-.ct ~pr ~.Toronto. . ...~.·__ or DJabt. . · · ' . . ·-- . BauuKLIN · . O!r.r.

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