Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Feb 1928, p. 8

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Page 8 .AiJt:ttil!i'lniz: . :rrust~ting.,-and -~~~ _still a deficit of over mg ~11 attemptS of -those fast ll~ have to rom_e from somewhere. How .. Lindsay· hea~ forwards, and _dun~g could a h~y ~m under such A, __ ...-=m I a tumble, and ·a heavy crash · D1ck c;umstan~. ever hope to earry . .flAY. slipped down, and a skate penetrated The management · ~eels. .. that this JO'rse his leg, :causing .a gash _nearly tw~ statement should, be 1ssued to show ,#Jd. inc)ies long, .lind very deep. • The a')).: that the boys were not q~tters. ~­ .ntii both serice of B.all from the defence some- deed, they w~ted . ~ finish theu .1\, Lindsay what. weakJ!Ded Whitby ~· an~ by scbedul~, b~t such a thing was • ....bmbination, sOme fast: working combination Lind- ed un~ m ·the first place and .un- and the back say went in and sco_red, and the sec- pbS]ible m the second. kept: J,Uid.; . Nl ~~riod .en!led 2 to 0 .in .!avqr of What of the future: "'Well, this Is · a ' · · : --.-. Clanger Uiulsay. · ·- - · . : hard question to ansV.•er, lind it wiU A""'lfn· 'Bl' e1e§ thi!'Whltby goalie ID 'the dreSsing room of the Wb1t- remain so as long as Whitby will not . ;a opponent, ·bl!-t "handled tftem iod, it was surprising ~ note that not reaso~ w~y Wbitb>: .sh~uld not -~ve a I .. . upon ;tq.to_p more snots by boys at the end .of the second per-I support its junior players. There is no I ln~ and alertness of an old. one player seemed a b1t doWI!east. and good )uruor team, m -fact, a ·. trn»st de- l.'he ice was' -sOmewhat at.icky, although their .opponents were le!"d- sirable, for is it not the era~le of the 4't0 lS .. . :'·pt -the boys leaning heavy on ing by a sco.Ji _ot ~o .to one. high 'intermediate and senior aggregations? first time~~ r'·. ~~)lticks. . A long, ·well-di~ hopes . were ~1! ~n ~ew, Lindsay .BOWMANVILLE WINS FRO !\I on top, and \J ~ ot -J;Jy Coombs seemed to ouUuck could be heard amgmg sC?me song over OSB A:WA It was a ~).. Prent;ilf,1llld it must c:ertainly'be said in their apartment 'W~ seeme<! to • . from the start witli U.- that ·un4Say had the horse shoes have an air "'9f :!Jilp, ~~t Whitby Bowmanville litepJ)ed into the top carrying their sticks ~er : ·):s han~g high t9 get o~ of th~se kind boys were ~~·~£,a change of rung of the junior O.H.A. ladder in February 9, 1928 ... '. ..>,. ·_ . . . ' CLOTHS of . White Wash Crash, no less than thle£ e~.th~ _~tb~li9J'S by the'Whitby hoy. Whitby tried hard fortune. · ? : - < -- this group Monday night, when they reCeived cuts on 'the face. Di~ ·~an1 but did not seem to be able to get The third period started with a· rush once more held the Oshawa Juniors Whitby's small but impregnable ·ue.. their eombination working to an '!d- and the Whitby brigade put on that to a 2-1 score. A large crowd _of fence man; Withstood many a elip, and vantage._ ··The period ended with Lind- old "do or die" look, that they had in spectators packed the rink, and saw althoug~ he ·was a fit case for Pl~ ·-hos- say 1 up. . • . _. the laSt period at Port Perry and they one of the closest and most exciting pital, he never wavered, and after"~ · The seeond period . sbirted off much just started to put the old steel bla4es games ~t local fans have witnessed . . ) _ · ing -patched up· several times · b~ :w1ls the .same as the first._ _and although to work, and how- they did travel! Be- here this season. . ~ ;. in doing ~s :share with .. hi& team there was some real nice combination fore you could bu~ the dust o!f a The first period was seoreless, and LINE~ · ROLLER TOWELiNG -._'of Pure-Irish Linen Crash,_-Jth Gold or Bh.ie Border, 161n •. wlde _ . I • -· ~lih Gold, Blue ·or .Rose Bofder, ~ · 45 In~ x -45 ln. :- ~- -~ · ·· .. . . ~ - -· . . .. . ,·.... . . . ~- .. . ' 98ceach . ·\ · .. \ mates until the final gong. . · · : . 'on both sides _ the defence always skeeter's back "Whitby slammed m a the second was well advanced before . About 8.80 p.m. the big game. w~ ~Died to f~trate ·all . attacks. Big goa1; but Lindsay still had some class Rundle poked in the_ first counter, the · ludy to . Start, and the rink was well sixty -110ured forth a few more of left, and were not to be defied, and ere only one of that period. Early in the filled . with .spectators. Referee Ann- those long shots, and Rice retaliated long they retaliated, and punched one third frame Osborne ran the lead up · strong bad been &eelireci to referee with a few down the other way. Smith into the Whitby nets. Still the fray to 2-0, but Rowden cam·e through for this game, but_ Lindsay · protested and Sleightholm worked up-with a went on, and at a faster pace,.Whitl~y the -locals and saVed them from a against having him, and "Ginger" Ed- nice bit of combination, and got by the had Lind..<:ay well bottled up m thetr whitewashing by a goal that be and 'ier, of BoWlpanville, was appointed -to Lindsay defence, but the goalie sav- end of the rink, and peu~ shot after the team had earned several times in handle the game, and he did it well, ed and the huge crowd eeked out a shot on the Lindsay goalie. Now the the game. The ire was hard and keeping down rough play as mu~l) .as mournful "Oh!" .The Lindsay forward scOre stood three to two, and about fast. and the pace was .speedy en- possible. Whitby play~ very mu~ made a strenuous attempt to pene- five minutes-to go. ough to keep .every player on the ice . the< same game as they did ag&inst trate the .. Whitby aefence,. but that The)' pucked off in centre ice, and up and doing all the time, yet it ~ "'Port Perry-more ··of an offensive just l!eemed almost impoSSlble to do, manager Rice ordered all forces ahead didn't slacken even until the last min- •" 'game than defensive, the forwards for Atkinson and Hall both used their except one man, and they certain- ute of the game, OshaW& forclng the not falling· back too far, ~d bac:k I bodies to good .ad van~ It was _d~r- ly gave Lindsay a hot time for they play right to the final bell, in· an checking hard, keeping their OPJK!n· ing one of the onslaughts, and while were looking rather weary, ~d hegan endeavor to overcome the lead, ana ents right on thl! move all the time.J Dick Hall 6tood out there courageous- to show signs of fatigue, and with the hosiery bilys -endeavoring with a ' about two minutes to go Whitby little better success, to bold their win- smacked in another. This, of eourse, nings. rr========~=================~il tied the game, Lindsay tried hard to 'Near the end of the last period force the game until the end of the Bobby Annstr01ig, the referee, gave period, but the Whitby boys P~Y.ed a decision which has only been auth- beady hockey, and stal)ed them off un- orized this season, and 'WhiCh made A NICE . ·.• I til the bell rang which gave them an- many of the fans think that Oshawa 1 other breathing spell, after forcing the bad scored a tying goal. One of the . -~scyd. TOWELING of an Extra Heavy weight Italian . Linen, ,with wide Blue or Rose U.Order, -17 ln. wide 39c yd. ALL LI~EN TOWELING, Extra Wide Wldt._ 24 ln., with Red or Blue Stripe Pattern .... 3Sc yd. .... .·. i . ~ • • .!, • - . ,_ . .. :. . .. '\ . CLOTHS· with Fancy Damask Pat- ':· ~­ tern· an.. Rose, -Oold or . Mauve . ~ . Border. _,54 ln. x 54· Jn~ · · .. · ~ .•. ; • . . . . . · .-·. ::\ ·. :·· $2.26 each . . ·· . WASH . ~:t~S~ . ~~ :_ ·Ext~~ -- fiooci Quality make~ this Cloth an Out- · standlng· •Value, Blue· .and Gold Border, 36 in.-x 36 ln •. -_ · . · • • 0 ~ .:~ · L . ·:=:· - ~«: ·each • .1 ' •, ' .. 'o; .. " . _.. ./.' ·~ ... - ., \,. ' . - DINING ,· ~-~ROOI ,:SUITE 4:P<ti .. ;Qii.P' CUt Oak play so much in this period. The visitors, in an endeavor to use a little third period thus ended a tie, three all. time, to increase the chances of ·hold- And then again in the dressing ing his team's league, started "rag-. room, while the boys had their wounds ging' 'the _puck~g -it. li.round dressed up, and rested up a while, the _back o~ .his ~ o'wn goal line,. wit:hotlt manageme~t smiled With confidence, making any effort to briqg it out. and wby shouldn't they,· for just one &OOu ·as . the refetee 8aw his tactics week from this glorious night - had he employed, for the first time in this they not seen thQil' pets show their city, the rule that a faceoff shOUld worth in overtim~d everybody was be made at centre ice. This rule was happy, but the radio in the next apart- passed at the· referee's meeting -early ment was having trouble with fading, this season, and provides that. in and the songs that not long ago filled case of ragging, a fac:eoff shall, at the room with triumphant airs, was the discretion of tht !ef'eree, -be · ~silk , Rayln Gingh.mSL.~i , ... ··; ... . ,.\ ' . . .... . ': ·-· ... .. . _ . -'\~ s: -~-~ :- . . ·. • - - . • :\_•' _<6 · , • • . ..-:,..in Walnut• _ · ·wn finish, 9 pieces · -~we are ·still sh.owlng a Gooli~ ·Range /iJf \ .. •. ' . l . . . . . - '" l·. . --111 ~ ' . ' . . _.,-e: ~-:.: _' "':>,•· .... _,.,_ _llaB..i'lfr '$175.80 .: :_,_ . Pattern~ 'In thls":Pqpu,lar· ~+_.-· _e~l.~l,fo.r ~: . . ':! : ..... .,.. . ... ._ , . . ·~-... - ~ - C?. : ·-< -~'· " Sa~~ ·:pri~e this week only $14,7.00· w. c. TOWN PRIVATE ~MBlJLANCE now heaving off more or less -of a stat- at centre ice. Upon a second uno"""'"-' ic, tingle jingle, and "Ginger" Edgar the ·fac:eoff is made ten feet closer rang his little bell, and the two camps the offending telun's goal line, and on aroused from their resting abode, and a ttfiTd · de~ play, is started ten took their places on the icy battle feet closer .still,&· so that the conse- ground, knowing that a decision must que~ might .be disastrous to a 'team be renderecl. and durinc thia hMti . t.edly c:RPt •n~ftinc! O'ftrtime that the ~ . champiODS ~ ~ anally dopa ~ to U'ft , .. fUIIN.ITUR. &ad FUNERAL 8ERVI«lE wouJd 8bow their ~ the ... ~ IIJIIMd 'oat. aDd " . . ~ &, ~~ . , :.:.- __ .... ._~ -~ . wouJd :rest. with- , ., · ~ ae.;1Do!e ~ dur- ;~!;;;:;;::;;t==~~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;·=· ;;;;';··=,====· =· ~= AllCl in' w. and lforiou iDe the ..... . . . :tl battle !'or np for the eham- E'ftl7 mu Oil ,the Oaba~ · team """:i==========================:;t picmahip ·o , group the overtime pla~·ed good hockey, and whtle _Row- lr . . ~ rted off with a bang and the den did not seem to be up to his us- . - · · · -~-·• boYs from Sheriff Paxton's town soon ual f~nn during the first part of the · .. 'At the ROYA.L TU I= 4 YD had the ex-group champions cornered game, in the third h~ warmed up ·~ ft off and the whole forv.-ard line, Bun- a~d. was right there wtth the goods. WH1TBY1 OI_UllfiO d~· 'and Rice, Smith, and Sleigh~olm, B~~k and ~rundle came right through in tum swarmed around the Lindsay "'-'lth conststently good hockey, and . ..J;;;4 . blue line like a hive of bees, and they Spanton also showed u~ well. Cand- <i4i-.Friday and'-tSa~rday, February 10, '-1 peppered the goalie, from Jlll angles. ler. ,and McMullen ~ed home the .-_., r.~~~~']SIIE:R · ' Efforts of this killd must allow a_ re- biggest share of pratse for th': Bow- "' KITTY KELLY suit; and in a· 5nappy mix-tip i.n front tilamlle play Rundle alsl) givmg a a laugh. a roar. Humor of the Jewish of the Uodsay net. the evet'trying \toad exhibition. r · Irish kind. Meet the Irish Lassie. Also Smith,: lb&.iiame yo-qngster _who -twice • · ·~---·---- Fox NEWS REEL before ·ta:nded the winning go&ls, 1ll!d . . "tb C il . brough£ home the. llaOOr!, and-·as .he •. East Whi. y , ounc __ - Monday and XUesday, February A.3, 14 ·Pat. O'Malley and Mac Busch in THE PERCH OF'THE DEVIL How many married ceuples lo.ve forever? One Per eent! You'U see what 'happens to the other ninety·and·nine whe+u see Mae .-Busch fight for her happiness. . . . · AlsO B~ALO BILL . Wednesday and Thursday, Febn1ary 15,_16 Jackie Coogan in THE BUGLE CALL Follow the boys in blue with Jackie Coogan. \... A vivid romance in pioneer wilderness. · < SPECIAL MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY stood on -~~waiting wi~·.e~rn~ • The c()uncll ob ·t.he ·. ~o~ of and 'hope, ,-the puck -_la~ed- -·11:1. his East Whitby · ~t ·at- Columbus on stick four f~ in front.o~ the ~d~- Mondny, ·Feb~- 6th,_ with all the n~t, ~d ~~n ;fusj one 1_•ttl_e -~ve of members present..~ . -· his stick, · ~~:ndJ!te old g&l!le~~ ~~ _ Reeve De~hom oCc:upied the chair. ged. Lindsay t~ed . hard · to. u~,.fllings Minules of .former meeting were up, but aU the1r effo~ ·11't!!'i.'f1Loip4t- .read and ·adopted. . The final gong sounde.:·· o~. Commuru~ca · were read from victory for Whitby, and . . . . Dept. of · · c· . chways, Conant & from ths,.t seventy mlnu . . g Annis. · L. .-· FVguson,' Dr. F. J. ~odc~y~ scarr:ed, and wo . _ :high_ Rundle,. Eastern Ollte.rio Good Roads m sp1~t. crowned the new .cem;»an~ AsSOciation, ~~burg & Levinter, · · of U.e1r-group. • .- .. ·-- ;-- ; · . ~ J. Parkhill. · ·- Junior Team Was F.fiDed To · Moved _by·· Major Smith, ~econ'aed ·Quit For ta'lk of by Mr. Ross, that this Co~ncil do!late · · • $76 to the South Ontano Agncui- Finances . tural -~S'ociety, said payment to be The · -future of Junior hoCkey in mad·e at the September IIU!eting of Whitby is not '9ery brig~t at the this Council. CariecL ll::=====~F:===-=7=============~==J:IIPresent time, nor is there any hope MoTed by Mr. Ross, seconded by ,- whatever ->Gf improvement· uule.M ·"ll Mr. tins; that Roy Ball be paid $2 l!!!!!!======il~~===::=!=====i===::::;~!!!!!=!ll:;~== team .t:lm bf: pu,OnJl &0Uhd financial reba'te on dQJr. Carried . . Rf===::====s=s:::iS~;;;::~;;;::;:::::;;:::::;;:::::;:::::::;:::::::;i=:;:;;:==:==:$:5;;;::5:::::ru basis. ·In other word'li, the public mu!lt Mo-ved by Mejor Smith, seconded Ill • - support a team of junior .. hockey in l}f. ~r:. La ,US, that _c.ll Yke· be _giw~ . :. · · ; _ . .' ·, Whitby · mtrst fade fereRr f~Di the a 'rebate of $2.00 for a dog mcor-. . J •' . f··. ·-· .-..;•, •. ~ ~: :, .• · • ! .. :,F:::o·P d : _ .. .. ~· ., :· ·. ·_: News ·~- We wili.J>e pleased to give you a demonstration. . Much has 6een sai4 about the New Ford Car: You · · h~ve heard all this. Nothing said is equal to the .. . .Burp~es you will enjoy when you see this car in - .. ac'tion. . ~ ~ ...... · ' . . ..... '": . · ·. Y~u will be convinced that there is still picture. _ _. . . redly assessed. Carried. This year a t\n;t .class junior hockey Moved by Mr . . y."ame, seconded by team in Whitby, which had all the ear- MAjor Smith,- that H. L. P~ be marks of a winning aggregation, was given: one · month's ~nsion· :of_ time fqrced to quit ita aroup after.~ Ia wblcb to ~plete aDd ntam tbe home and borne pJMil with OU.wa CoUec:tol"a Roll for tm . .:.Ouried. -d Peterboro aDd OM rame 1a Bcnr~ • A by-law to p...mdi·~ro_~ U1MIDCti~ muvWe. becaUM of~ dltrl~ ·tare ·on toada m· the ~P f1f eultlea. 01 the•....:. Whlth7 ,_ Whitby~ tbe 1JUZ lt26 two, aDd the team waa jut ~ ... sfW~n three teadtn~ and pasll- lnto shape when the "quit" aign had to ed . be put up. And what was the cause! Moved. by Mr. Lavis, seconded by Briefly it was this: · · Mr. Wa~e, that the following ac- There was a double schedule this counts be paid: . year involving a big bill of expense Municipal World, supplies, $66.68; for traveUing, Peterboro being the Hydro Electric, Street Lights,' $20.68; farthest distant point, and after los- Hydro Electric, Hall Lighta, $2.16; ing over $75.00 at one game here the Oshawa Daily Times, Adv., $6.96; A. management felt that the Club could ~ Grass, S.S. No. 6, $260; E. Love, never stand up under the financial s.s. No. 6,-4100; B. James, S.S. No. strain. The receipts at this game were 4, $250; S. V. Young, S.S. No. 10, about $86.00 and the local team got $1,000; A. Trimm, · B. of H., $7.60: half, whereas the total expenses were w. T. Stevens, B. of H., $10; Wm. over $100. What was the result? Two Luke, sidewalk, $1; Argue-McLaugh- men interested in the team, Don. Wil- lin, relief, $18; 0. Conlin, relief, $49; son, the manager, and Francis J , Me- J. Russell, relief, $26.86; A. Beckett, Intyre, had to pay the bills in so~e salary, $48.60; P. G. P\lrves, salary, way, and in fact, althoug~ not gener- $60; P. G. Purves, Reg. Births, $31 . ally known, they had to ·!!~ down into E. Tummonds, snow, $3. their own pockets to meet the dub's Roads and JJridges-Robt. Sinclair, liabilities. No ilther financial assist- $10.76; V. Goodman, $32.60; G. Co<-.h~ ance was forthcoming, and the ~wo rane, $16.60; Mrs. J. Gros~, $46; House · Dr_esses and Childr •s :·-wear. ' • ' ' '\ I • • ~ , ' • ... / \ ~ 32 ln. wide, fo':merly sold '!!t 60c yd. . .~ . · · · NeW ~ow· P~~ic--,yd, ,~ :,~. ' . 'l '> .... . .-· · W. A. DE, .. v~(;~ Dry Goods and ReallY-to:w,;a.,. \¥hltby Phone 318 ...... , THOM PS_ON'S ... THE HOlJSE OF QUALITY .. SHOE POUSH, all colon · Per Tan BABBITT'S ~SER , ..... - 3 tins foe LUX J foe PORK AND 'J;~EANS, Heinz medium -.Sc 25c 27c 29c · •· 27c COITAGE ROLLS Per lb. SARDINES (Banquet) . . . ·-: ' .... 2foe ISc RAISINS. VALENCIA. , with seeds per lb.. ,.·-1 Oc ·ASK ABOUT OUR CRISCO SPECI.t\L 'FRIDAY •• ~ SATURDAY ·-- ONLV ·--- --- ORANGES . "' ' ~ ,· . - . Reg. price 6~ doz. ~~~ .49c c1oz. . ' ' ' . Thomp~Qn ,s Cash Grocery -.. Phone 21 - _ oundaa .street ·w. -·. . ,. · .· . ,. WE DELIVER , ., ...... I Local Newspape~ . • Advertising- !. .,; .. , Combats Mait .Order ·Propaganda Tile ad'rertialq m.anapr of one of \he hie man tmter-... ill a neat. addreu ..W: .., . ....,. ~-._ .... ...................... ....__..,....Ina .. ----0-3*1 ........ .. ..... .,eQ ..... .. oar trW ' tllrrito17 that . oar t.ar.u dOe. wd ... -rhe bareaa liDoa oYir · U.. papua u~~·, .......... lad. tina . where tt. muchaata are ..& ~ ID. tWr JoeaJ PQer ............. ,Jiood that tlnl- tol7 wjpl oar Utilratue. · ... · u 1!r ~-=-w:-.r:.: . •fort pat · ~ _.t.i ~·.tiiattlal7 . ·where U.. loeal ~ .ab liberal ad coutut ... "' tWr local papers.. ~· Think it over Mr • Merchant .. an II .. · .:· ...... . - . ·~-· ~clfto say about the many features which ap-r _o.n the ~ew Ford Car tliat have never before :shown m the light car :field ·· ?· We will he pleased to .give you a demonstration. men did not wish to resort to paSSlng Alex. Wallace, $42; J. B. Alhn, $87.- the plate. 76; Wm. 0¥, $48.60; Mr. Gibbs, $21; ~:=~~==~~;;;~~~~~~~~=;==~~~~~ Started With Surplu!l S. Burgoyn~ $8.25; Wm. Fields, $46; Last .year with a win•ing te&n) and Wm. Beckell, saf.50; R. Jollow, $71·- . s · · good ,~louse~ the team made monev 60; N. Allen, $Up; Mrs. E. c. Pat- . a t1 I LLER . . : .·. • tben use The · . . Gazette & Chronicle· and closed the year with a surplus of terson, $71.40; Echtb ., "'110• .. W' ~ · . $80. This year, when the hockey sea- Moved by Mr. W 1 H k · \Yi RM POWJ)£R~: · . . son opened the management purc:has- Mr. Warne, that 1 •• 1 Ill.. --....:=··- ._.:._. ..... -~ ed 'tfi f 1 d dj um to meet ~ ... BIIT&.IIauunut.,OIIBROUCIRTUR•• ·-~-new ou ts or every p ayer an a o '-'ock 8...,.., ll lbltu ·'All) ftD'IOM THI OHILD TO IIORIW. HULnt.. · · started out in a good financia:IJ~di- next at 1 o"' • vva • ~ . ' . · . , , . . · . tion. As .matters now stand, is of the Clerk. ~ Pb0i)e177 ~-4ARCOTICS-PLKASANT AS CUGAR StaadaN llh l~r · ,. . ·.· , •. ~bl.cb_goeslnto 9S ·per ce~t. · of the homes fn ·Wbltby. · . . ' . ., '

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