Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 May 1925, p. 6

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. ; , . -. \ f'AGE SIX . ia a eommon error to neglect OU1'8elves Friday afternoo S~uooL REPORTS "Sr. 11.-Goldie Levine, Bengo~h in many ways and give individual at- clothing for an · .. \, Sleep, Kathel Sleep, Malcolm Lafete. tention to business matters leaving boarding school '- Robert Wilson, Cecil Allaway, Joan our physical welfare-· until some more in the west. __. Wilson, William Thachuk. Absen~ convenient time. As a result of NOTE -Th .11 be rt Billie McAdam, Willie Harkness. Elva Due to this neglect special phases held by the Paris! of Dumbs S=t ;~ool ~~ ;!~~ I Southwell, Ri~h~rd Blow, Eli~th of preventiv~ and hygie~c meas~res day afternoon, . tht _ • .: ~ OWln. to · "d . f . ' Southwell, BesSie Cameron, MarJOry are dealt w1th by certain orgaruza- netted for the D->--ry Fund. g an ep1 em1c o mumps m S "th D · s "th · h f ti" •t · ......,.., the school-R.A S m1 , oriS IDl • tions w ose unc on 1 1s to educate ==========~ · · · Jr. H.-Martha Crswforth, BOJbbie by preparation and distribution of ac- - Names appear in order of merit. Young. curate information. The Red Cross KING STREET SCHOOL Class I.-Peter Thachuk, Margaret Society calls attention to hygiene and Sleep, Jackie Young, Robert _McCul- hygienic conditions generally. The THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1925 - . . .'•!! a... ftr! work o.: Port Chipewy- will be given by Mr. Charles Emery, ..ot .o Tt J on Sunda~ . diocese of the far north. r of Toronto. week ·.:v :'tteno e ordinatiot -~d Mrs. William Goldring, of Miss Muriel Halley, of Hamilton, at Wycliffe Co • .ege, whe .. 1 -_,r _,ch, spent a weeks' vacatlon with spent the week-end at the home of •n, Albert J. Goldring, was or- h_lS parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gold- Mr. Richard Goldring. . to the Anglican ministry by nng. · Mr. and Mrs. James Willis and Mr Lucas, of the Ma~:luinzi~ River 1 Next S?Jiday after;noon there will and Mrs. D. Heard attended the fun~ Rev. Mr. Goldnng Will take be a Special Mothers Day service in era! in Toronto of the late Mrs. M. A. the Sunday school, wben an address Husband. Sr. IV.-Nora Burt, Ralph Irwin, 1 1y. Absen~Marjorie Arnott, Floria industrial Accident Prevention Asso- Audrey Draper, Margery Hewson, Clarke, James Crawforth. . •ciation advises regarding .. accidents Charles Robertson, Ruth Park, Mar- Sr. Primer.-Peter Levine, Warren and safety, and the Eyesight Conse}-- guerite Th.Jrndyke, Helen Quinn, Jack Watson. Absen~ean Hoar, Tom· ,vation Council of Canada assists this I Neskel, Clifford Hill, Mabel Fisher, my Young. general welfare movement by giving Bobby Halliday, Drury Ridgley, Ern- Jr. Primer - Absen~ Jack Hoar, 1attention to the conservation of vis- pqysto MARTih lNOUR MAilRtE-ITE -:rJltJOJl FINISH Maundrell's Hardware est Sleightholm, Murray Neskel, How- Willie Crawforth, Grace Martin. ion~ ard Lavin. A. Nickolls, Teacher. The gain derived from vision can Jr. IV.-Kenneth Lomax, George . be more particularly realized when we Scott, Fred Newman, Vernon Harris, SEPARATE SCHOOL REPORT FOR consider the loss. discomfort handicap, George Elms, Gordon Bradley, Doug- MONTH OF APRIL, 1925 irritability, ill-health and inconveni- las Turner, Roy Hall, · Garnet Rob- Sr. IV-Irene Purves, Mary Forres- eD£e due to imperfect vision in its dif. erts, William Thorndyke, Stanley ter, 1-' rank Steffier, (Laura Larkin, ferent stages. Ward. . Otilla Bandel, Doris Grills, equal), Imperfect vision is · the cause of Absent from tests--Roy Gurney, Nellie Fallon, Frank Rosettani, Juli- many discomforts and ills of hum- Orville Dewland. ette Rosseau. anity, among which are the following: R. A. Sennett PrincipaL Jr. IV--Jimmie Giroux, Jimmie Large percentage of headaches. ' Sheridan, Katie Giroux, Wilfrid Gir- Great percentage of cross-eyes. Room IL oux, Mary Barton, Tommy Healy, .Styes, inflamed and painful lids. Jr. IV.-Sheila Lawler, Betty Od- Marie O'Connor (absent for part of Loss of nerve energy, stomach lum, Kathryn Thompson, C.:~nstance exams.), Leo St. Pierre, Cecil Green- trouble. Rainnie, Rena Hall, Dick Bassett, field (absent for exams.). Poor vision dulls the mind and Sydney Correll, Frank Clarke, Har- Sr. III-Grace Steffler, Sarah Stef- handicaps the individual. 0~- ~~~t~~;o~~~a o~~~~:~ tests - ~~~dt:S~e~:~~i:O~lynSt.Sh~e~: -~ V a Huntley, Orville Gillespie, Dor- Mary Calderone. HEN LA YED FREAK EGG. o Hadley, Phyllis Ward, Naster Jr. III--Jack Fallon, Julia Vase!~- , An egg, not much larger than a Dennis. sky, Dorothy Fallon, Helen Rosettani, horse chestnut, which was found in· Sr. m.-WJB. Bunn, Donald Prin- -Lilian Gilby, Mildred Smith, Madeline Bide an ordinary size egg, layed by g'le, Betty Lawler, Ansel Shepherd, Sheridan. . a large Barred Rock hen, was brought Lillian Underwood and Kathleen Wood Cl. 11-George Gilby, Jack Forester, to the Gazette and Chronicle office equal, Doria Reid, Clifford Mayne, Emily Bandel, Lena Calderone, . Mar- thia week by Mr. W. E. Thompsan, Edith Wilson, Margaret Mowat, Ber- garet St. _Pierre, John Bratinsitr, ;Byron ~t south. This freak in' nice Wilkinson and Marie Mayne ~y Mackie, Leo Steffler~ Peggie hen frult was found by Mrs. Thomp- , equal Edith Wright Percy Price G1roux, Ethel Purves, Gertie Luke, son Sunday morning when she went Isobei Smith Har.Jid Elms Isobei Freddie Podinsky. to cook an egg for breakfast. - -r- Tucker. ' . ' Cl. 1--Jackie o:connor, Martha ---- Absent from one or more tests _ Sheridan, l!Jary Bratmsky, Helen Tur- , Boyd Johnson, Edith Newman, Emma ans~y, Roland. Gagne, Willie Fallon, PORT WHITBY I Gillespie, Wallis Bruce, Christina An- Katie K~t. . Helen Mr. and Mrs. Ardah Brown, of To-1 derson, Ada Jubb, Dorothy Clarke, . Sr. P~m.-.'Ul~e c:~ro'::• Annie ronto, spent ~e week-end with Mr. . NotiWrllike it lor Hardwood Roors · H ~an like Iron Wrrte \0 H-.1 OfT.c:e. Moalnel ftlr rr.. J5aoldat HOME MINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY IIA.UlfDKBLL .. RA'U)1fAQ WBli'a~. on. Cleans Like China Whla ~ - 8MP ED~eled Wan UteD.IUI. Y+ ••• need to &c:rape. ecour aad .awlt •• 11n17 aome wares demand. Bot water, ..-.p, a doth-that's all you need to deq ..__ It washes like china. ... ~ daaDUneea and sur- face ol d!IU. nt wean like steel. Don't be tlui llaYe of 70ar cooking ware; tlll!dP' witla d-. plln! 11811i- "tu7, luiiq . SMP Enameled WARE ISlA 'OFrEN THE CHEAPEST- ALWAYS THE BEST. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AID SATURDAY Ready Mixed Paint at 90c per quart. colok White. Green, Brown, Buff, Slate, Cream. We have a good new stock of Indoor Balls from 50c to $1.75. and Indoor Bats from 60c to $1.50. Woodyatt Lawn Mowers, Grass Shears. Lawn Hose, Garden Seeds. 2 lbs. Martin Senour's Floor Wax for $1.00. Floor Mops at 7 5c each. Fr~d D~ Maundrell Pho•e 25 (Successor to w. M, Prl•gle) P.o. Boa 41111 George Newtvn. ~~~!~n, ~ces Bratinsky: Philip and Mrs. _HoWitt at th~ hosp~tal. ! 0. A. Blanchard, Teacher. Bratinsky, Mary Anderson, Frank The ladles of the Pansh Guild last i -------- ______ _ ... . . . . . . . . Goods delivered to all p .. rts of the towa. Sr. II.~Norma Poulton, Elsie Nor- man, Sidney Wilson, Mack Bassett, Herbert Roser, Ethel Tbreadgold, Clifton Maundrell, Billy Fenemilre, Bobbie Campbell, Fred Harris, Stan- ley Jones, Jason Bedding, Stewart Sleeman. Mac~e. ~=~=====~~~==~· =~~~===~~~~==~~~~=~~=~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~===~~~~~~~~~:;:;;;;;~ Margare£ Rowland, teacher. "Your Eyes and Health." THE DIVIDENDS FROl\1 VISION. By C. D. Tuck, Optometriat. Jr. 111.-Alice Threadgold , Hilda Burt, Maud Park, Nellie Green, Dor- othy Rice, Billy Ruddy, Arthur Moore, Marjory Heard, Ian Davey, Frank Every, Isabel Grills, Ruby Ward, Jim- my Dundas, Jean Mathison, George Bedding, Metro Mudrey, Stella Den- nis, Purcell Rodd, George Hill, Mabell McKinley, Irene Hartric}c, Clarence Sleep, Oda King, Tom" Anderson. To ·be brought to a true realization of the value of anything we have but to lose it for a time. In the pursuit of our daily business or profession it Absent for one or m.:~re1 exams.-Stewart Sleeman, Jason Bedding, Irene Hartrick, Oda King. !'tl. K. Barr, Teacher. Jr. !._:Honors-Teddy Bassett, Roy Irwin, Jenny Scott, Elmo Harris, John Mudrey, Lucille Comer, James David- BOD. Pass-Alice Poulton, Margaret Copeland, Joe Grills, Myrtle Gillespie, Herbert Hunt. Absent from one or mare exams.- Herbert Hunt. Jr. n.-Honilrs-- Alec. Scott, Elaie · Bunn, Molly McKenzie, Wilma Lav- ery, Donald Hodge, Craig Hutchison, (equal), Kathleen Heard, Mary Den- nis, Wyonda Goldring, Walter Ward, Earl Bryant, Donald Bell. Pass-Annie Mudrey, Grace· Grills, Edna Davidson, Edna Mayne, Charles Green, Robert Mathison, William Poulton, Ronald Dewland, Ruth Had- ley, Dorothy Sheard, Iva Trumble. Fail- Stephen Bascom, Ay\J:Der Ward. Ralph Coll.ill8, AzthDr Bi11, Betty FwaDemon, Eupaa Buntkf, TlloM abMDt bom ODe or moze aama.-J1oaald Dewland, Bath Had- ley, EqeDe \fantley, AnDie Kudloey, Dorothy Sheard, Iva Trumble. W. Johnston, Teacher. Jr. I.-Honors-Ella Muir, Florence. Herbert, Albert Jubb, Billie Maffey, ·Joe Lavin, Tommy Harvey, Hue! MagtJer, Dorothy Underwood. Pass-Marion Scott, Mary Halli- day, Kenneth Underwood, Elizabeth Correll, Claude UnderwO.Jd, Matt. Compbell, Doreen Willatt, William Lawler, Ronald Ward, Helen S._rd, Marjorie Moore, Cecil Bedding, Alex. Garton, Margaret Logan, Evans Mich- ael Grace Gascoigne, Gladys Park, Marlon Smith, Ruth Hartrick. Primer (order of merit) -Douglas Halliday, Adam Sczewsuk, Mary An· derson, Gladys Huntley, Alice Truro· bell, Leslie Heard, Hilda Dalby, Mich- ael Sczewsuk, Hermann Campbell, Truman ~pbell, Uoyd Dalby. M. E. Bartley, Teacher. Primel'-Honora - Ellubeth Mc- Intyre, Hildegarde GoodfellilW, Albert Jackson, Helen Gurney, Harold Gaa- coigne, Muriel Turner, Isabelle Col- lins, Donald Tucker, Vivian Rice, Kenneth Johnson, Gertrude Fenne- more, Ruby Moore. PUs- Everett Pindar, James Reade, Dorothy Wright and Ross Harris (equal), Mary Campbell, M~r­ garet B.Jpper and John Hosking (equal), Albert Bedding, Jean Capm- bell, Jack Lawder, Arthur Poulton, Bud Brag, Evelyn Underwood. Fail -Jean Thomas, Julie Borchuk, Roy Hill, Vernon Moore, llarjode Hartrick, Everett Bryant, Walter Bryant, Kenneth Sheard. Absen~ Bernard Clarke, Violet Mosedale. E. C. 'l'bolll&llo Teacher. BROCK BTREBT SCHOOL Sr. IV.-Dorothy Southwell, Thelma ~y, Herbert Neal, Jolul Gray, Gladys Mc:I..aftn, Marjode Pindar, Ernest Northam. Jr. m-Basel Arnott, Iaabella Brawley. Sr. W-Helen Levine, James Grant, Norgrove Clemence and Edith Neal, (equal), Goldoo Thomaon, P~Wa La· fete, abaeat. Jr. m-Mlb Thochuk, ThoL Rae, Jolm Lundpen, Elisabeth LuDdgren, Pat Neal, and A.pee Fenter (equal), Rbeatla lldlahoD. Abeen~ Eln Bird, John IJ.uJr;DMa, Beatdce Bow- itt. II. II. l[tuedy, 'l'Mcher. Mr. Motorist Now ls the time to have your car gone over. be- fore the busy season ope~ up. . - Get our prices on REGRINDING VALVES FITTING BEARINGS RELINING BRAKES ETC. RELIABLE MECHANICS to do your work. Hall Bros. Dundas St. West Next door to Whitby House "The Servant in the House" Sparing you travel-trouble -U m&lces ahoppiJac lighter! Spt.riDg you tnvel-time -it m&lcea ahoppiJac quicker I 8pariDg you shopping jam. -it makee aboppinc easier I SpAring you expimaa -it ~ dollam .. farther I A M latim to t.hOBe .... do nol fully n.Ue how muoh more it me,bles thsa toacwnnpljeb-atminimna liiP"*" ... _ ••• anllr ....... .-.ti·YOUB ....,-. Have You Sentin Your Answer? THE LUCKY HORSESHOE PUZZLE CONTEST Positively-Closes Wednesday, May 13th SEND . YOUR SOLUTION TO-DAY!! Remember-Every Correct Answer Receives a Re~ard SOLVE THE PUZZLE It can be dooe and someooe iB going to win a Magnificent Piano, Phonograph or other priac, absolutely without cost of any kind. THINK OF IT If you do not own a piano. h~e i8 aa opportuDity to get one for only a few minutes' work. Then: ia oothing to buy, nothing to sell. This is aimply an advertiai.Dc campaign for a Canadian manufacturer. You" may be the ludr:y per69ll to win one of the grand prizes. Read the directions carefully and BCDd in your &Dawer u soon as possible. The contest cloclea Wednesday, Kay 13th. 1st Prize $475·00 Piano 2nd Prize $150·00 PHONOGRAPH 3rd Prize $15~ Credit ~Voucher 'INSTRUCTIONS Write your D41De carefully aad plainly. To the best, neateat. moat original, correct answer wiU be &l.eu one $475.00 Piano abeo- lutely free. To the neat beat, neateat. IDOR original, con~ aaaww will be given a $150.00 Phonocrapb. To the nut best wU1 be Kiftll a •150.00 PutShulne Voucher, acceptable OG ~ PiaDO or PIQec Piano ahowD. AJ~-------------------- Prizes will be given for the best, neatest, most original correct answers. DIRECTIONS Place any number from one to fifteen ln eaeh of the Horseshoes shown above in such a manner that when added horizontally, vertically and dia- gonally, the total will be 33. It is po55ib!e to do this correctly and not use any number more than once.. When you have solved the problem, mail the answer to the Canadian Selling Agents at the address given below. · Mail your answe~; promptly, for in case of tie the prix will eo to the first answer nc:eived. THINGS TO REMEMBER Answers may be submitted oo tbia or oa a .cparate &beet of paper, 01' allf other material. There iB no limit to the aiu of the IOlutlOil. Only one member of each family abould aend a aohr tiOD. Employes of the De-papen canylnc thla aamoUDcement ahould not enter tbla coateat. Pel'- aou engqed ill aelllnc plaa.oa abould aotl eater. Thl• II a l>i.aao and PbOilO(I'Ilpb advertlalnc C~Qa­ paip. aad our hope Ia that the buutlful Pleao ud l»bonoarapb will be aW.rdod to fam~u .. who do DOt llOW OWil a plaDo or pbOilOII'&pb; for tbla ...... eon famlllu who are aupplled wltb p)aaoa abould DOt eater. All IOlutlona eatered a,... aad .awl nmalD. tbe property of the CaDadlall S .. llac ~ta. Bach ad every coetutaat eatet'lq a nPIY h .. br .....- to abide by tho dwalon of tM )lldcea, from which then abc~l be ao ..,pea~. SEND YOUR ANSWER TO CANADWi SEJ.I ,lNG AGENTS . / . ~ ... -- · OSHAWA,·ONT • .... . • ~ I

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