Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 May 1925, p. 4

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J .J \ \ '-.. ~· .. ., J'AGE F01Ja .SUN Garment Bags WILL PROTECT., YOUR FURS AND CLOTHING FROM MOTHS Primary Department-Party at the home of Mrs. N. H. Thomas this Sat- urday, May 9th. ->I<- ST. JOHN'S CHURCH WEIITBY GAZlo. Hall, who is at present employed at · GENERAL MO'I the Oshawa Y.M.C.A., secured the I COMMENTS highest rating of 75 words per minute j DUTIE~ and is the first one in thi s district to achieve this coveted honor. Miss 1 "A ~rotective t~ .- Eva Potts also won the award with ' ·~.couom1c setuJ; to oo Port Whitby a total of 74 words per minute. l 'hun the hone rna· ' Rev. D. B. Langford, Rector 1•ducers who live in t Sunday, May lOth, 1925, Mother's Day --+- ' l ·tected, who spend · 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.-Preacher, Rev. APRIL BIG MONTH FOR 1 :and pay taxe1: to tho Cha~~. Emery. ' GENERAL MOTORS j :keep of the Governn 3 p.m.-Open Sunday School. Spe- During the month of April General , Mt. K. T. Kellar, G ... cial Mothers' Day service, to which Motors of Canada, Limited, produced ! the General Motoru of C• parents are specially invited. Mr. , and shipped the largest month's pro-! Oshawa, said thi> ID)rning · Emery will give the address. duction in their history. The opera- 1.ing the reimposinf of tht Friday, May 8th, 8.30 p.m.-Choir tions at Oshawa now include building j duties, in an inte~w. practice in the church. a large proportion of the closed bod- "A preference t!lifi' pn _-e i::O: , , tuat. .11s plenty " of 'shit- . ' a sizeable matket; : · r sane co-operative _ and with proper 'jil'li1ec: '. should stimulate both .J <;~-"' .,..._ 1de which surely are .t s of success and a ., ·tion to life , peace and .nt on to say·: "To our Jshawa, this move by .in should be apprecia~, ,glish marll:et on automo- ~ steady, running on uni- 1 nly schedules." ~ Monday, May 11th-Annual meet- ies as well as the painting and trim- ' ·economic channels lo throw ing of Women's Auxiliary at Toronto ming, and all departments are work- . of one country fa~ .. .bly to and continues throughout the week. ing at top speed, with som.e dep~- : ducers of a friendly<ft allied c. Delegates from the four branches will ~ts operating on an overtime bas1s. he eontinued. .l• , · -_...-'PUMPS AND -· THURSDAY, MAY 7th, .1925 ~ -0.~~ -MOTHER.'S DAY SUNDAY, MAY lOth the· correct way is -~FLOWERS~ T. B. JONES Member Canadian Florist Telegraphic: Delivery ' Phone 224 The Sun Garment Bag is the last word in moth bag,s. They are strons and durable. The patent fastening makes them very con-.enient to use. represent the church in Toronto. ~e ftexibili.t¥ of the_ -plant~, coupled I "Great Britain's ~t move,-it . WIN. 0 M 1 LLS ·I --+- With the ability and 1_nge!lwty of the · 'to be hoped, includes the restoration ALL SAINTS' CHURCH General Motors. orgRn_JzatJon has bee.n •of substantial preferences to Cana- For sale and repaired. Also ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fully tested . this spnng. when . it IS ·dian automobile producers. 'l'his move I (Anglican) Jm~wn that It has been ImposSible to should put impetus behind the Em- Water basinS and Stable SUp- . Sunday, May lOth. bw~d . a stock of cars ahead for the pire movement and encourage sirnilar plies. See US before buying.l · ..... 8 a.m.-Holy Communion. This is spnmg demand as has usuall;y been action in the Dominions and Colonies. W the annual corporate Communion of done ~m account 0~ the SC~rcJty of The Empire automobile market repre- e. can save you money. . w. A. matenals. !it~ Apnl production shows sents a large consumption of cars. ROSS PIPER M ' . F. sh· I 11 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Ser- a substantial mcrease over March and Speaking of the Empire, countries in Phone 301"/w. Oshawa. I n s In I I r s mon. was more than double the month of the southern hemisphere have theil· "'I 3 p.m.-Sunday School and Bible February. Most of this April produc- -=========================== Class. ti '•' was delivered to the domestic = Price $1 E. L. ODLUM Drugglsi and Stationer WHITBY, ONTARIO 7 p.m.-Evening Prayer and Ser- market and the domestic deliveries mon. represent 135 per cent. of April, 1924. · Wednesday evenings, 8 p.m.-Bible Dealers' stock are forty per cent. less 'study in Parish Room. than a year ago, and these domestic Thursday, May 7th, 3 p.m.-W. A. deliveries are mainly being turned regular meeting, in Parish Room. over to the retail purchaser, a very Thursday, May 14th, 8 p.m.-An- 1 healthy condition. nual meetinig of Bible Society in Bap-1 -- tist Church, addres~red by Rev. Dr. Boyle of Cobourg, former president of King's College University, Windsor, Nova Scotia. Directors meet in Bap- tist school room 7 p.m., an hour before the general meeting. ----+- r- MARRIAGES : SAJ,E REGISTER. · I MIDDLETON-DREW-At Methodist I I I Saturday, May 16.-Auction sale I Church Parsonage, Whitby, Mon- ! I.......... Happenings o1 househ.:>ld furniture, the property day, May 4th, by Rev. A. M. h-win, 1 IAKil of the estate of the late Mrs. Mary Frederick Charles Middleton, of Allin, Centre St. South, Whi~by. Sale! Drooklin, to Miss Winnifred Violet CONCERTS ETTED OVER $300 at 1.30 o'clock sharp. See b1lls. Wm.1 Drew, of London, Eng. N Maw, auctioneer. ---46. I HALL-CLARKE - At, King Street . The minstrel show and play given Saturday, May 1&--Auction sale of Methodist Parsonage, Osha wa, Sat- m _the Tow!l Hall last Thursd~y and Ford touring car, Ontario No. 28168, urday, May 2nd, Mabel, youngest Fnday evemngs under th~ ausp1ces of Model 1918, the property of F . N. ; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert the Whitby Women'~ lnsti~u~, netted Taylor, 27 Tisdale Street, Hamilton, ' Clarke, of Oshawa, to Mr. Whitwall over $300. The Institute, 1t IS unde: Ontario, being sold for storage and ; Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard stood, ~Ian to ~pend a part of this repairs, at the Davidson Motor Com-' Hall, Whitby. I money m some Improvement yet to be pany's office, Whitby. Sale at 7 p.m. I . decided upon at the Town Park. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. DEATHS ___..,___ -w- EASTWOOD-At Orillia on Tuesday, 1 BUYS GROCERY STOCK AWARDED GOLD MEDAL. May 5th, 1925, Louise Hubbard, be- 1 loved wife of Charles S. Eastwood, Mr. F. Curl, of the Royal Theatre, has · purchased the stock of what was · formerly known as Eaton's grocery, Brock Street north, and is selling same out, a special sale now being in full progress. · ---WO!\IEN'S INSTITUTE Among the students of the Oshawa , formerly of Whitby, Ont. Business College who recently r eceiv- 1 McGEARY-At Detroit, Mich., on ed awards for efficiency wus Miss ' Monday, May 4th, Roderick H. Me- Ruth Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geary, in hi s 38th year, beloved son Richard Hall, of Whitby, who won the of J. T. McGea ry, Toronto, and Gold Medal. This is a handsome formerly of Whitby. Funeral Wed- medal in lOk gold, in the shape of a nPRnav to Bradford, Ont. five pointed stu r. The recognition is The Women's > Institute will hold given by the Underwood ' Typewriter I the DAVIDSON MOTOR CO. Limited GENERATOR AND STARTE~ SERVICE IS ONE OF THE DEPARTMENTS In which we specialize. Come to us ~or this ·service, and we wfll be pleased to do what we can for you. We also specialize in:- Chevrolet and WlllysaUverland Cars Sales and Service, Battery Charging and Repairs, Radio and Automobile Batteries, Tops, Curtains and Upholstery Repairs, Tire Repairing, Acetylene Welding, Alemlte High Pressure Lubrication, · Raybestos Brake Service, GOOD USED CARS ALWAYS ON HAND •• Central Taxi Service. CALL US A l ANY HOUR. High Grade Gasoline and Oil, Tires and Accessories. their regular monthly meeting on Frj- Company for those attaining ·a speed day, May 15th. The annual election of between 70 and 80 wot·d~ per min- of officers for the year will tllke ute, after an allowance has been made place. of ten points for each mistake. Mis,s J Machinists and General Auto Repairs 1: Dundas Street, Whitby, Ont. ttl _ _ _ ____ _ . -...- DR. D. B. NEELY DEAD. A despatch from St. Petersburg, Fkrid. c, dulcd May 4th , ttl pot1.~ thO! death 'of Dr. David Bradley l'lleely. fonnerly of Whitby, after a brief llmeaa. _......_ NOTICE The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Whitby Street Railway and Park Company, Limited, will be held in the town of Whitby, at the residence of F. Hatch, on Mon- duy evening, May 11, 1925, at 8 o'clock, ;I to receive the report of the Directors, to elect Directors for the ensuing year and for all other. general purposes re- lating to the management of the Com- pany's affairs. Dated this 7th day of May, 1925. By order, C. F. McGillivray, Secretary. _....._ THE UNITED CHURCH (The Tabernacle) Rev. A. M. Irwin and Rev. E. Turk- ington, Pastors May lOth, 1925 11 a.m.-Morning worship. Rev. E. Turkington. 2.30 p.m.-Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m.-Evening worship. Rev. A. M. Irwin. Monday, 7.30 p.m.-Tuxis Boys. Tuesday, 8 p.m.-Young People's League. Prayer meeting will be withdrawn for Bible Society meeting, which will be held on Thursday evening in Bap- tist Church. -+- ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mothers' Day, Sunday, 1tlay lOth 11 a.m.-Rev. H. R. Horne, of To- ronto. 3 p.m.-Special Mothers' Day ser- vice. Open to all . Address by Rev. H. R. Horne. 7 p.m.-Rev. H. R. Home, of To- ronto. Friday, May 8th-Regular meeting of the W. M. S. The Auld Kirk welcomes you. -...- BAPTIST CHUURCH Mothers' Day-"Honor Thy Fathel' nnd Thy Mother"- Sunduy, l(ay 10, 1925. Special Mothers' Day Programme Sunday morning from 10.30 to 12 o'clock. Everybody welcome. Sunday evening-Pastor will preach on the fourth in the series on "The Highway to Happiness"-"The Long- ing to be Good." Monday, May 11-Junior B.Y.P.U., 4.16 p.m. Senior B.Y.P.U., Group 5, organization of contest. Come along; get in at the start. Thursday, May 14th-The annual meeting of the Bible Society will be held In this church at 8 p.m., when Rev. Dr. Boyle will spellk. Dr. Boyle was the former1President of King's Collega University, Windsor, N.S., which is the oldest university in the Empire outaide 'the British Isles. It would be well to plan to hear this ad- I dress . To-night, Thursday, May 7th- Prayer and Pralae Service will con- sider the topic, "Co-Workers with God." Everyone weleome. of the entire ~tock of what was formerly known as EATON'S GROCERY ~· ·.,~ ....... • l , 'f•',•• ~ • . ; ~.· ! . .. ....... ,., t: • • • ~· y • .. ); •;.~ . The undersigned, F. Curl, having pur~hased the above up-to-date and clean stock of groceries, will clear it out · at and BeloW( Cost Everything will be sl~ughtered until entire stock is cleared out. THE SALE f. IS NOW IN ·FULL SWING ' and continues until-everything is sold. Come Early and Get Your Share of the Bargains B~inglOffered. This is a Chance to Stock Up With Good Groceries. Remember The Place, Ea,on's Grocery Stand f. CURL, Manager, Brock St. North, Whitby, Ont. ~ ..... Cleariog at $1.95 They include the Forsyth, Tooke and Arrow shirts. They come in all fast colors, and are worth regularly up to $3.00. SPECIAL SALE PRICE $1.95 Come This Week End for These. See Our Windows. ROY W. TALLING CLOTHING BOOTS aad SHOES FURN.ISHINGS Phone 361 -..._.r . - . ·-- BROCk ST, NORTH, - WHITBY . Pure Maple Syrup Our first shipment of QUEBEC MAPLE SYRUP is here. It's Rich and Heavy. Price 75c per Quart. ~t\. T. Lawler HOME OF GOOD GROCERIES. Prompt DeiiYery. Phone 47. MOTHER'S DAY SUNDAY, MAY 10 Your MoTHER Loves CANDY. ReD_lember Her This SuNDAY, MoTH- ERS DAY, with a Box of CHoCOLATES at Murdoch's Confectionery. Murdoch's~~ Dundas St. West - .\

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