Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Dec 1941, p. 8

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ete 'h. Ji il t t' Olt ivc in Mc rage 8 THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE Wednesday; Decenher 3, 1941 (Gu rnty C o nci to Ar Inspected slaughterings of catlle For the twelve months ended Jsly. DL ILV E P LE an calves ln Canada during thie 1941, the total production of bran, 552t a n aIVhead as compared wih 1,311,031 ilntda 8,5 oscma Ï-'ýd3eral Government toAid 1I[N~Ti( 1940. tweve months.i Pdumary MiIk Praducers TU SAIIJJRS' FVU Dairynsen Having Dif- tliey arent mlking cows there," fie Nay ea ePas ficulty Making Ends "The farmcrs feel theyre unfjust- Christmas Entertainment ly treated. they caxst get a fair Meet price for their products, and yet mee ______ail know how vital la the steady Dec. 1-"The Ontario Division o! The Ontario County Couricil streamn of foodstuff5% from Canacin the Navy League of Canada feels overseas. Winston Churchîill bas that the people of Ontarlo are anx- In session Mtonday was said 'give us the tools". But fond assked to memorialize the federsl must go with tiiem. You cian't eatust adwligtod hi ati governiment regarding the plight of steel and ail Europe is shut of f from seeing that our sailors are part- Primary miiiv producers in Lis pro- f ood exports to the British Empire. cularly well looked a.iter at Chist- vince. -Mlk prices were agreeci We as.k that' Ibis counicil make a mas-tiene, and Ib-at le why thia Prooncement to aid us" Ialr'oiLta udhsbe iin between producers and con- Elne Powell, secretary o! the Sair1%11smsF'n aabe sumers bef ore October to bring ognaton, pointed out Ibat if pnd lld iu.LodT tOtem t0 a fair les'el but now, with represen 'three hundred Ontailo Spalifg. Prealdent, today. '-Che1rks the ew age nd ric fixng eg- untynilk producers and 3,500 shou]d be made payable te Sailora' e ne wae aci ric filng reg oucer shsipping to the Toronto Cb -tmalund, 1118 Bay Street, tlations we are appeaiing 10 Y&s maket.is Toroesat r01 .8 cagii for saine pronouncement," declared F'rank L. Mason, a. former war-.Tosantoaral.h.S eag nCA E S Pl. M. Cbapman, a member of the den, was called spon by 'Narden aedrss Milla Producers Association delega- John A. MacDonald to say a feT "Su far the contribiutions fri, ae Cna n A ER AS O N A P San tion ;%hieh appcared bcfore counicil. words. Mc. Mason beartily endoraed lirmas and individauls in Ontario in WtrTa'iadPre' O N AN PN n "W2 are feeling the pincb prettv tbe stand o! tbe mllk produ"ers. Ontailo to tbe P'und, indiosite a bl PENCILS. badly and t's getting ahnost ims- -I dont know wbat thse !armnera wide-spread interest in our efforts____________ posible for a dairyman tri make wiil do if the army keeps taking Io s- th5.t the many l.bousands of ends rivet any more." Mr. Cbapman men. Every otber business la or- saflor'5Vho wîîî le our guests ait Gillette, Wilkinson and Schick RAZORS c,'ended. ganlzed ihese days and the farinera Obristmnea will be made ta feel that________ "The draft la taklng many of our sbould organise. We've got yousg we realise wbat tbey are doing for Yoigmnon the fanes and berds rien entering Industrial work aid Canada and the Empire and tbnt STATIONERY Jersey cows are going under the e-en farra owners golng to Osbavka Onadieisare tbankful for their _________ amr,f"r every day. P'armers are go- -I know of tbree. Agriculture îs efforits," he contlnued. H RO-O T E ng ut of business. Surely farni the msst Important task cAe ae But a great niany more costri-TH R O TT E <ix s. particularly where there Is tOday and we bave got to saafe- butions are necessa.ry, aa quickly -guard it," declared Mr. Masan. Tise as possible, b bhelp ua do w1hat we CHOCOLATES - Neilson's ,Hunt's Smiles 'ri 1 u ne in a faîssily, shosld lie ex- choIe questmon was referred to l'e wlab to provide for tbesa, no erser- *, !td frori tir(-dxaft. Affer ail. Ag-ultur-al CommiLt.ee for a fur- tslinment but tisaI w'ich we are hcls ultune is -the fIr, U lne of de- bter report at this session. lanning." Chckes in this war as it waa in tle "Cbristmnas dinner with al therî, C re sToa o he demis re<1 trýIimngs, Christnmas gifle, wooliens, U ie, rj cl Cgte, ias To co FcdS tlaides be M REK ityisags, cigarettes, entertain- iuipes, Cgrtt aes iarte Lighters, '.I o Shoia"e Pd oil e M R F .-Puhs MEEet rgtlgtcz ures AIlonIIIIoNElir11) t th prvidd atour a twelv service _ _ -_ tan hu ern x-ared ouofieS S16aaNovU2 -CPI-ppo n it iaeusrlCnaa ng e tr es i.eýs. He asktd tuome ass urance the generoalty of the public, for tbe FOR THE LADIES- i the governimenht ts;a farni thousands of mien wbo are coming LYrlys vnn n Prs he !lie fr-ont laie . ment of Mcbael Morris of Mont- son," said Lieut. Spading. Secrets and Du Barry TOILETRIES. Bath Saltas , tf (li re{CaieirL, pegged fsow cat real as administralor of furs and "To the thousanda of sailors wbc epltsary troducer set anc mare fur prices was announccd 3yesterday will coore to us fioen other Empire a Cutex Sets, Revion Sets, Dressbig Cases. r lus miliiiand other Ianm pro by the Wartime Prires and Trade csuntrlesanad froi Alied, but oc- li-c Thîis nmiglit %adI lead iW a foode Board. His offices wilItbe estali- cupled oountrles, tbeae Ohbltmas'aiM NSGF BO S ctage in titis grave national cr!- lished in Montreal. clînners and gifla freitbe people o! ENSGITBO E u, Il isn't thse fauit of tbe farmer. The board aiso susnounced ap- Canada will be tokens of Inter- e wanla ta put forth every last polntment of J. D. C. Porsytb of national good-will to Usose Who W By Colgate, Lentheric, Palmolive. Woodbury. lice or effort in our cause but Kitchiener as admiistat3r o! have miade tbe cause of t-be Bllt- ~_________ hat cen be do if taxa forced out mens and boys' furnlsbings wth lsb lnèpi-e, Includtng Canada, the-r Yardley, Mennen and Williams. fbusiness by unfair treat-men " offices in Toronto and appoîntment cause; the cause of freedoen." a "FresUnjustly Treated" o! John Alexander Martin of Wat- "It 1 iintbiiikabie tbat anChitasCrdTgs îneofec John Marks, Seagrave, president erloo as administrator o! rulsi d I«Iay husnao!sl i the Association ln Ontario coui- and rubtier producte. wUll viait osîr service utlasbouid nyGitWrpins v. declared "lU's very bard îo gel a The three men wîîî serve wthout go witbout aasythtng pofflible Us pro-Fnc Git rap gs 'ci i1ng wlth the poweri usaI be. remiineratlon. vide, ta imalte hlm feel that ouri t ey're aking for -Chcese for Brit- The following appintments were Cbristmas stili does mean somne- ~l ~ U d T R is and lU's be'-eomiiig so-scarre y'au aiso announcvd' D. Sqoair of To thing'" concluded Lieut. SPaldlng,, UM Ià it even get a pound of! ;beddar r*' seectv sitatt h andt islawby we asl the pubie * *W.W U Adnt a xtor ! e sttalTdeR osaUssend to Salions' Christmnas Psd Liene N 858 leese. Now ;t1iy want powered diitaoofRal aeos 1118 Bay Street, 'Toronto. Llcese N. SO Id condensed rutk The first thing Johnson of Toronto as assistant to ______ e knoo we'U be accused o! disloy- Ifi" Admînissrator of Wbotesaiv By forcing beated air o! low a ____________________ Ivy beause we can't produve ails- Trade; H. J. Hobbins, formeriy tive bumidity between boney co'nbe. 1ce and if these conditions coii- technical adviser Us tthe Sugar Ad- îî la possible to raise the gradi' o! su.' were going t0 be faced w';b mlniatration, as Deputy S9ugar Ad- boney before extraction, accor<tlng 't kind of thing' Mr. Marks as- minlatrator, and James E. Fier- ta experIments on the remet-ai of 'emeraar gie s iet'nt nturetManufacturera nAaroola- the Bey DIvisoneyDminon gaeri bEXyE ' Famareted. o(3na guon, sreMactar !ter nao- te frvo , on i ondui-ed by fotnrs and other war plants but tion, as P'urniture Adminltrator. mental Pains service. E P R ODRYOUR(~4in~ W#OW! Not a bit too early, when you consider that these birds wiII be none too plentîful and prices may advance. Let us get your turkey, goose or chicken, arnd, remember, we will be handling only the choîcest of branded beefs. We are noted for quality ôelling. SH:ieHARD'S MEA1T MARKET Phone 450 SHOE REPAIRS At No Extra Cost would acivise you to get vour shoes clsecked ovrantd repaireti for Christmas. Bring in the boys' andi girls' uhoeg so that they wulI be in shape for school. We Wish ail Our Patrons and Friends a m-MY Akbl£ Sho sService Shotp 126 Dndus St. West -WHITBY _ ole J1 'J, I i ~

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