Pagr 6 ~THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND) CHRONICLE Wdedy eeLr3 91 The Mysterjous Star ORIIANIiEII L480R It seers as if the Chrlstrnas but where It w]]! move among the IJ IiD TuJ ASSIST of14 ilbe an unusuai one, stars and bouc brigbt it wl! appeau'. !romn an astronomical viewpoint at Eut there wll be some who see In_ __ ' least. The unique feature is that thia a sign in the sky. Their poli- RED CROSS [UND Wew sIl have ln the nigbt skies that tical views, their sentiments and spread acrosa the continent an ex- their attacbmenus will largely de- Presideait Trades and pianation of the age-long and stU]l termine the interpretation they wll L<tCn esSed sUnsolved mystery o! the Christmnas Put upof L« Sn star tIse Star o! Bethlehem). E. W. Maunder, ln bis "Astron- Out Appeal The reference ta tihe "star" is ony of the Bible" recourais an ln- brie! and vague. Toward the end fthe st ar "lgind tabefyore ts" OtaaDe -gaidlbr o! the regn o! Herod the Great thefo th strgon eoete" Ota ,Dc.2Ognzdlar Wise Mens fromn the Easat arrived and "standing over the place." Sup)- j urged by Tom Mooue, president at Jerusalem and threw Herod the poseIt were Venus ln the west ait 'xdes and Labor Iogreeot Can- Kinsg and ail the cîty into great eventiele. The Wise Mesn ln tha ades in a atatement lasued here to excitement by their question: East wouid go wetward toward support the Canadian Rae Cross Where is He that is bm-n King of Jerusalem.' followlng the star. Society's appeal for *500,00 for the .lews? For we have seen his star Gradually, however. Venus would medîcal and relief supplies for 50v- ln lthe East. .............approacli the sun and f lnally tue jtRussie. Ater îhey were questioneil by loat ln its glare. Il this had lisp - '"le privtlegeea andi rihts o! la- lierod . ..they departed and ' lo, peneci about the tinse the travel- isor enjoyed under dernocracy are the star. whicb tbey s5W in thse lers had reacheil Bethlehemn, ap- kmperll]ed isy Nazi aggreseion,", Mr. ~ta.t, ent efoe tem. ii]it amePrently near midday, one of thein Moore decJared. "The Russaasa andstod oer her th yongwent ta the well of the Inn, ta draw have valantly borne thse besant,.o! anid wee he.on water. Looking clown Into thse well ttack and 1 know the workers o! That as flot a very scientific de- he saw the star reflected fromn the Canada are anxious te shiow the ocripîlon of what happened. Whal surface of the water. This would Russtan people that tliey want te surt o! a 'star"; liow it went before have indîcateil ta thema that the do everything in thet' power te help tisent; isow it stOod oser where thse star was lmmediately overbead andthnbrntewataaucsfu Chld %vas, we do not know. Per- ifis mobservation under sucb un- conclusion. hapsit id ot o tesethigsusual crcumstances would te suf- The British workera, lie polnied lisp il id ot d thee t ing, lent assurance that they had out. are laboring night and day pro- but at least thse author ùhought it dcn uiin o usa n dad, or somebody who told hlm reacheel the rigbt thoghtso.Thee my nt hve This st<try, presenteti bere onîy at the saie time are helping ta fi- for uhat so. Thereh maithn tehavenance medical aid for Use Soviets been any *"star" at ail, that is na for what it laewBrttith thd reader I.spcia" str. reqentl a e would apply ta anv brlght object thIouts tile British Raed mCross. opelainar Freoequntlay assvreyhat hail been ln the evenissg sky shiga tbroughout the Dominion to oriary penoma e i nn ayassue toward the wet andi had disap- ben everv effort ta makethUe Can- glasea t gnfcace an ni terpter peareil as the sun crept eastward da ReCrs appeal an over- alares t ta an eventthat ma on lts journey around the sky. wl'elming aucoes in as littîs timu' Story Garbled, Yet True as possible so Usat the rnedical aid Whenthe tehonSring at T e Toenrîci tlie diet and make U3e aready sent froin the Redl Crosa Whe te elphnerigs o!th fextra milIt. cook cerbal ln milkte Rusis may 1 ulky 2isa laynd antrted n ewsaork"using ither al milIt and cooiing menteil."' ,qlk3 =è adan str li!st i w av " it ln a double boler. or haîf mIlI Ail thie meictal asi relief supplies sa astr al lstnight. I a and hal. water. In the' latter case, going freins Canada. to Russis, Mr. ab3out the sîze o! a dinner plate use ha]! Use water csled for, and Moore aaid, wil! tue alpped direct and moveil through the slty. It lit when It la absorbed, add hot milIt. by thse Red Caross throwb tsis free up the landscape bright as day andl stirring il 0f ten. freiglat aciBtis. tel] just bact o! thse Woods on thse other ide o! thse creek," one Is hearung a very unaclentific- deacrip- tien o! a celestial event. There are hlai a dozen glarixsg scientific er- rors in that story-.-Abut we t.!]] be- ileve the person who inav tbea but"her, baker. Or cindlestick mat- er, saw thse neteor. And even bIs garbîcil yarn may tue o! value wb n qdeeiphered. V Who were the Wise Mess then C anqa what dld they see? We kn 1W who tbey were. but what they sv le stiI! unknown-if they really saw f anytbing that cornes within the reaima o! astronomy, But thet' migt have seen any one o! severril <0 thinga There bas been ne lack 0I of specuatIon on the aubJect. juet after dark and look towqrd thse southeast Yotu vili seet' wO brJizht "stars" close together 'nWy OUR FRONT WINDOA AI hase been out in tise eastern s ince late ln the sumsmer and i wll 0 FULL, AND THE SHOPPI1 ibevisbl unilnex mring. Bv then U n i hae aet vrtth ARE INVITED TO INSPE themn a ,constelationi" or a «par' O EIN A D C o! stars manv timet '11ev are de- finitely asaociated ln tise observeras B Y O mind.Dozens o! inquirif,,s havae _________________ci_________________ beeus made about themn. Even ln thse cty they attract thse attention r i U B IIC I 1c o! the' mass on the street. out in the great ooen spaces whil!e there may be f ewer observer$aHL S c lr é thev are none thse legs curlous C1D I T Lacklng a consenient source Of O S satis!faction that curiosity may tur A E osemios ad ta Wonder, and from tsars It la but CANEDoses ios sn a tep to superstition That may tatANDeaigpas prove W bte a "sign",,ithe ski O.. taersatgpdI andl thcee Who lacis knowledute may f SLEIGHS lights, Christmas tree se "interpret" It.AND Our interpretatiosi may sousse] H AND. AldinLa rather proaac. The brighter Of thse WAGONS aiprcs AldnL tuwo objects la Jupiter and the dlm- mner las atw'ii. They are not tar, at ail but pianet.5, bodies somesehat akin ta thse eartb travelling aroune C. C. M. thse sun, Ibey craw near togetiset fl ch about every twt'nty vears. But on f ace tlim partieslar occasion their pasa' SKATES lascause if' bappens when tbey are ci BOOTS, pearly oposite the' sun in ou' s' H C E ..... ...: and a combinatli o! circursstances ~H C E causes tbem ta pasa and repasa f SKATES three tîmes wthin a f ev montha l t Cornet Visible in 4 8-C. Etc Borne students have suggestt'd tiaitishe cornet o! 4 BC. recorde& bw the' Chnes-e ta have been vtslbl, for seventy days was the' star th,5 I Wt'ae Mens Sw The' Wise Mess o U lou-vsiorontbfrisoogspTh M E ~ ~A R81 i i 'ine total production o!f sec] grains In Canada for tbs feeding sason 1941-4a la estimnateel at 10.6 million tons compaa'ed wltb 107 million tons ln 1040-41. Le! lover cooked potatees shoUld not tue pileel togetiser as tbey sour qulekly. Spread thern out on aa large diali. Tisera ba& been no trade ln cattls or basf between Canada ande]thse United 1Kingdom saincestise out- break of war ta Septemsber, 1939. Higiscoumerdensand, couplad with military nae] and e] or't sggs ta Britain, lias resule] lna astrong egg market lns Canada durlng tisa past f ew montisa. Pestilumou gNers Pcetumwouhonora ame »M eu- ferred ta Japaus en snotableprsu 'sio have beenusdas efr cesitaslas. CHOCOLATES AN IDEAL GIFI! C AN D Yat Christmias timne is almost as import- ant as the Christmas tree itself and almost every- one intends to include it on their gift list. '\nd of course it must be "Annie Laurie' Choco- lates ini boxes. DRE W'S SODA BAR Dumdas St. West ---------Pione_67 NID DISPLAY TABLES ARE o ýNG PUBLIC 0F W-HITBY ECT. NO URGE TO BUY.G HOOSE YOIJR GIFi NOW. A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD UNTIL CHRSTMAS.o AL CHINA MD GLASSWM We have nee. had abetter stock Iwich of china a n d " flash- fancy gla8sware,i ets at pyrex dishes of amps. alsrs SIL VER WAIE 't ETC. p Table silver, pocket knives in a wide variety. HKARDWAREQ PHONE 546 -lb Page 6 Wedn«day, Decembeir 3. 194 l'