TI-IE WHITBY GAZETM AND, CHRONCL&,WEDNESDAY, DECEMIBER 3, 1941 r Trrm~eve~ver2v' -a-riri--vr--vl-t-;--r- ~OTIC, SOCIAL and Ç rMMTSNITYTACTIVITIES difficulty tire Canadiaen Red Crs have been the ftitaratire acene te give their heip. Sone mentirhe ~ I cal supplies was at one rof our docks O Il was comrtl destroyod ln one C r o s of Lie worat raids of tae war, but betore thre f ires hcd died down, tire . A CTIVITIES eCatadrenplcie Ca, o fre arahe,,News of NN A w in v al1u a l o asu p pie s w h I rir h a t b e en AWeekly Roview t iao bring you a apeciat rmesaage of Work 'ln Whitby. af gratitude frontirhe women of Britain wha are sharing equslly MUR@d IiiCanda an Aboa wîirthe men nat oniy lnthtiatar, xIt is ire gorarinosas toartcy hecs, t'aliai but bn the dangers anda privations people ln Whitby tirat 4=6ft h a ie stewart sies of WO. boxes sent ta the Cokiers o, erseas by irarîs. Be Theregar ontly usiessofmarhin. W ar aisysgraa- We reatize tiret LIfthe liberty rof afew weeoiuaega lisa-ugh th irralitary lt*1 meein wlbusinl l t e s ra-fuinaforlng Weonreutios rt-s ylatasurvive, thre Maxi- Whiiy Wax Effort bava arriait e rt caen ai rasso ti.t ls) tee rle n ie alr- faifr u i cerfhv>î um oeffrt ia needed. Womsen Ina rafely et tireir destinraionrand teady whe0 i a-oon talc> ede d ay efler-At r, " ca- r eg Brtaîn tirr have one tassaita rock havaeIeen rpenet witir plesure and Our ptrt i itemDgcrbe if, ~tS pm. il t-v cGrgatvie cra-die but tirs ratier irandia dolligiu. Tme aecetary, during tire tracy focr$2ra ladies af tire tow a tre welcomB. V 'Va Va-VuaVilebte, as it wero, ta usdertae teslat f ew dsys, has receiveti au- pie ut Engis V V V V Runasan Relierftruai onvaenitirhe essentiel asr servies. ber of lettera fromth ie boys witie loseran in1flr Chrstms Cloeing Tire Canadtit Qu0veruoieut ba'r And tiret la tire enlier of aur tiere have crame ta te editur a! apla-lt.a igir hoe wortroan viS clos for tira sked tire Red Ca-os.n undvrertake rcast Britishr Empire le Hiter and TfenGazette anda ijroce. ira maire u VlrstatItiseuoan an PFiday, De- e fund foc Russian relief cir the is totalaar anetirada. Hieaa-men v v Nv y are &aroc hi eMbea-ti, ant -i 0pen l ter tire objective I *0500,00cv Ovvng vu Bey cntinue ta rein destructioan ê.. R. H. Hoisufl itera un- tlas wel ira-s er. Enitters aresrouuestoti latteof saiiprine apace ilive iateriais r f-m tire skiez,cOr homes MOLy bieder date rof Novevrbear tieth b.hoAnytbîag a-e te ge t lefr extra wcol for hraiday sent wl ho imited for theire a-s- desiroyeti bt aur spii extonde receiveti ,e lrvety pareol faram youra- ppaecatedl lcrtltigfrocs lie vorkins this et ta anaeahtirtlcatttatnus irsyracramore bricks asnd mcatir. branch oftsfer'vire. t w8 eagifut etiers ,». If week.S sueu ee eruma, medical andi hvuytal i P-Ntlruthlesisto an sfaitoutitatir- tirtiatioit eot ected, eiragtirat brya iettlu VV V piles. Anyone aiahiug te ao-rise - umerety teeleti t 1livedlnWhirthy rnly schashort ettor %"14- g1ipen 1 beWek tribrate ta this fund mav eavva theit detea-inatlon andi fcaged yet eat- peaica. Xt ilà fic, aitecaraw hat up tire backgl The fllowlsg ehipaent ires benu donationanettire Redt Crss watt. otherlinkôte rjiet chains aihici unebotiy ln gond aiCanadeae- dan loionV meade te heaaqasrers:- malin. binais tire great Brittih ormmar. Bombera ef etlraecacnugirt 5~tea ir*uh hl0 For tire Naay, 15 paira c1 sea- V V V V wsattb cf Nations trgtirer. tirai ire sarl get a wrntirful He tells of op taces; 5s airves; t0 iclina;20 Message Fa-sm Lad0 LÂi--lbV v v v parmi like ihat aset away lava-a-htrs, ta Ruuilusd pairs rf ctit. Tire foiiraig ltherieseut A businuess meeting rf tire Junior morwe ,eeything iratire parcoi Nene-vi vei1 Foc the. Arty, 5 tate neci ha-ugiriby Lady Lurri k ta tha- RoeiCt-osasrf whiby 51gb B&hoirarat n ealdiet coutiste for rigiri 0on tarirai sweters; 20 paire of ats: h Canadien Bcd Cra5sando broad- wau heid Tuesday attea-noar durlug froim tire cirewtn u ga nd candy canti5 es acarvea-; SIr elmeta; 5 paire f tara- eutfain oro u-no: ame arevee of tiere ak te date Sp." Boîtier Hotmnan Safs tirai theirs al1 tt-ceir ve inmiti."As preident rf tire BiriiibRd wassgiren. mis incioded 7 pare f uines itiere l n ar ta S tai s rtflt a Hlopital Supplies,.5&ugos'CoieScity, 1 taiets opotu- cir, a. afghan squares, 4 tarer tirere. He aisires telise a-ma-aians aga graactt: 15 sturgeons capo. ity rf aending my gerrîrîga ta tve Layettes forrrefugeschIlda-en and 17 bora-aiteacfil a-teinds oaaa- eae. 'h ir l Civilan eootting, 1layette; t ginls' members ut tire Canaditisu edliev i jaithandterciiefs. A financiat v v v v thvire Raensas nlgiuriaall; 3 afghans: t quits: 5 C o Society antd v i sarma-ri ateiment wL5 matie and $25.00 wa5 Corp. ti. A . Htintey. sac of V cci qralts; 1i tintaskntted drea tirantes ta iai irw a bairsrugeneir voted ite eWhIîby B.d Ca-oas.'Me Ma. anti b» ic George Hutiiy, Our- giaa t1f aid btomere. rusly rontrihuted. hotb vu moue, otiraon rf$1ies farn Ma. J. An- Wiitbrv, cays, -dot e. liraiteoea-- a -y, ant bsc" ttuntet forast, i8irantes anti 2 andiln tin, ia t-ira- ,,îîîî as i t- i son iaas artnoataigel. peau my thanlua antiappaecitian tawa Doa- 0 qutst. canizatian rf tire Baitiai Refad Ca-v rof yow cluuely bau tust I rora-vetiomsirtrabis qi V V V rarlty ntitireGev v Sa AITIIIlflfelrITT ycstea-cay. Il sucs la a somfoa-t ta tgsp-uvtirse DilnehilFund Closes John and airer vouiay ra-efa- iiriiwI Im a tthtie peopl ina WitbY tain are bsppl Whibth iamades au excella-ni services. VOUra- ad o siup port 1i1R TA Nare tiniatine rofte men fcamtire rur na-wmi contributioni le thired Roui C-maien- have bau ant i aitIcotiuea-t-a b l f lP IKT f5 l ridjtown th.,atare saosvtrag ati Mistoan yayoa-t ko- appeal. me sum of $22.00 ias of Inestmableuaalue avd t trus is i îLI ma estys forcesoea-secs -. . -ovai or- asa ditar-is bien refi aid B bianteotaconta-ir- tirai yaar greal orgav zatvuo tsl'9,11î! II Ing tirs peopie rai tirs cSity tuaat Ee.p cter tki ut ru tins connectiran tire fat- ira forardtifadm s b gflf5gth Lo c aMca-ay Chritas andi a HaPPY ofaf cgondam loir g a t cter iras beeu, rectiledti rtngtir. * .U JN iII i Nea Yoaa-. etiao r11 Torontoa, Ont I aon ase giadte taae v v ltUI IONT CU RTJII V V VV V Doe Mae. dorade: poratunily ta tirankte - - Attea ote-trnesf-5rsyat ua esi' 1 um aimply deligiteti iti tire pa-opla-on iehalftf on a Aohrltercmsfo Pt u e epieudiai ra-prarse rf tire Whtbh norizastivu of th rtir h Re! Coinuid faram page one rata Clihtur aPecrae. asl tuyau tire t iv thret brana-i tleasc bianteet appeai I1 on- Crass Soiety sud Oailerrut aitEquaitios Craramittes of tirs Witby barber no eavinenaea--Whirtboy acre il jocit MY restent viatwit u orvecy Jolin toi a->a--xp r av oi irouaita-ri oun Cnoîr iseos almes 'I hca- e st rereined i tisandt ta maca utidciratr yu it aailaucrttiad tac aeBagîîvof Cunîlthon paoceiedti a ift bis frcm y o h"Icirt ani fore au heaM niuli nddo op yo wll eilon9ra1h.uýýeIcr'hl 111111ficnthe]y oqusi ire he asrssment cf tas ta thmairteyou for ant i tvnt >rau taoers, Ws OXDl mre afain litirs future. a- a - ýra-reivoti fani tisaa- Cens fOtro nde h 3hko ha nsiir nEnln ri h c %5a-a s iacecety, Sien Redt Ca-att Brciet> in aur wrk rrnyrfOtrrat utr 3i ua ia ieattr x ntnif-Ottr a Lois C. Fesser for tac relief ut air aaid rufrerr day af june, 1941, tas Eriosltians oerteirly appa-aciat ttra. 'ira-cou- War Effort 0 VeV V. V in Britain, ana I yt -tpaa-t-Iulratey By-Laa BNo. 14=3 vaspujad 1ý lnxitîof t e ere ntirii lse the arefla-ihn Donations ef the Week te, inani ait tta- sicson airu bale tfa-cm tii By-Laa thot tire Mu- loheg etsa irsÉriavacaePa Ciil~ DciiAitl5i 0f monsy for blanteet brouwriîng tirougirusitirse engtir tici Ccrpra-tion ni a4ppaais iardt get hers. 1t aur nuL elone gnd t tY08a- tanai fa-ta n c. E. Arnod; bmassict said iraottof Causdasfo prdus t he trsgroundthtirihie Crawty einMy eppaeciastisafor w na ae- Gazette 1111W, acatad by UmssB. Fahiergili 6 iosutttutiy-mai a aamnts %mincirnotuusoeths ihtebys h 20-t par fbaby boteon aram Ma-a. j a-e bcuusit coittle tiraucaudu Coneirl siroulti have tateen hie istcbremeatrarayarai*.0.58 onsidraraoftheare not sas fortunate. M, sinoere lavoalilli, JI Befl; 1 pair rf ntta-tipantia-rafaram of aieraai rirtirriro have Issu ttirtan tsvalue rof the tisantes te tire Cosariteabusea orteOe yeer's 8u011 Mas. R. A. Nutchieson: 2 large evcritrg tira - ivruerarrai yaia erpropriateti by theD arin-laa3kdsn otebs V- erC iea ailia fa-sMiss a rttileep; aio-. The iolatai asuipilies ahivi youa un thrvernmeut, asad sirrultihave ~~Ceicn etr i ae- vrcsb nation f serge fa-tata Ma-.L. Ag ae etusv uc rvccines, tire vaducledaitrt amiomrifram ir, h etIaa .Wishirng Yuorysa-arsucosa V tataeineticanti a Mera-y Chisttmas second iien rain f 4 sielter aoies ry teblurîtata, tira-food.ihava- ha-an dis- telasf s iaan lutirs Cerk's Cer- là ,diesrof Port Wiihy. trihuva-vioiîuxvîvît tirecona-try liiteti suraa y. V V V V maieoecof c mtih3 rai forctire airaaearf tac ir-a-tirei trie mostntreodeai tfinai, iraever" caye Hia Hanua-, Private . L Povivusey, aei a-i cf 1*M chair dosstei fac raffle hy Ma-a Vouveamui u1nrý -r isO given yen- lranet a table to cga-se aita inoranWbitby boy, irtretirai re 'ra-ning Casa Geo. Coistacte viiehomade tsitire marisertir,- rarir uttheta beart is cranrentiran. Sectoa 90, Sub- itoceiredth ie oaston rf c ita a-tiseandti arday,Jck. firsi rMeeting ftea- tirsNew xaea. tir a-crAnofy!uniRf1siaula if e. taetion 1 iof the Asustnnt At thefr, istmas prctel Ha- aeyl, 'Tt Boa-tien ielui geckoaREsceteWhitby Boy taiee tira- unuity le psy oy r-t frtatire parcedure te bie wua cpliaient miurprisa- t me. We few isys'lesY Tire follIawhza leitira cinawleto- tairîte tu va-epia-(ud work t aci rdupteai by tirs Cauxiy Casancil lutoally tirinkt iai Whltirupeoplesa-e relveia vol Ig sorts racebaet irascamle oOur- laieing rarrer-iout by your d vrceeding te tas oquaication of d5iggreta ort n e L n g-tra theraitr Ce ui tnittig oinvsr>er. Crooeus u-rtovfftce lu tire 1114n- ii a seasmeni anti aistîactiy lsile boaye voein Bta Iîiad by senti- tius &woe Octaben 29tir frvvtn ut rlurino tutire e -v-r poao- ersinthairt lstalea thact ug tira-rn tasse gifl3aà iv vir a-y ) by thi eGaves' Osie Ma-. Mottyre: tary rela- ie igoacizuttuna in ra uey irait not redore thce gere- pcciate t, for i teon I titilKeep dLthZwc h ailailites yo la aentier my p- vu enrttng rippli- ie hr-e tropara- avue valuations ifor tireairaise ctn- UP tr-gn a-î- rat s vaie aslyf preraitiraate tire Wiitty Baancir ratmut urca-vri ueeeta-i 1f v as mad t hee ssers. skysae , c ie andti s pâeat Veyhgs g tire RoedCOefor th ely pair ut Tbhe ciuraei cvueratlorauata ira lu the case et bar,thie Counny iirtatble quaaterrvand Bi isa lliet sachi amIir aere gîven ta me jui taira-ai ena-v u aar vuna r a- S C' 'unlt acceptot tae certfiaetisuai- tin usiti te tac olktaate andthie Boat Vui iefonc t I et. ma-y re a rery use- tîoaund viuurvesa-soraiace- su Mary of tac assesameut a-ll (E- peranent fla-Othîstturis Weam Aisea'to rdhâeV tit aricl aisu oî re irang tu t-ra c av i orion ar ias heelo r bra No7)anti refusa-a ia sef- hginniug lta eluta t ie avhome lu a Wornir tb fui artlelehe rabyectare as matielverte- tante. . . BSmsa fre boyhave nra 0 f,ýt t th obecton mae vrb-a y, rcevedglis fom orCo- DaItain 0f Ci o,,frociraetire conty Corciliin a-trriei ii C, yu o- alpir Adys. Jre 1il1, by tie Ilee, o! tha- mittee bra i tanes adi taa-rabby a- Salis' ,Cirnt Tuwnship o! Pickerng airuaskeetrivin lueaiitine, Amnvg ijthnOne Adye aus aie t-at tie suni rai$114,650 bi detit- yen miasai knaa et. yurpsu bec- ohaeai at C a-aifram tue asmensIl -oha t h,"trerPeter11ir Jneai11rue registt Townahp of Pickerig-ta g eOf j ut bifrare vo tMt Cavnati. Tisaka V i heeparpriatiran wvich lookplace agala for iIL yrasuneffort on beirsif ailecwlatten rn hie faIt of tlm. hit ppetas(iltire Wiriteyys. rf anY of ai yendran ta h S A V E Y O U Rt batirs Towshaip o! Pcteerin.g o -n a- tacorrsTipondai, au1ie Blai tau airicir appeorI S H% U E O UMareh 2mai 1936. anti purouani te anaaer ait Fessa-lettessanti tell yen eile MdaiCiv( tir- p-Oialns aiSsssecirxi , omre about vint w, axe dcOr in... a- Eff onl the au 95 cM ftire sceaesti ,Mac. Wo Iramaniage ta keesa rp mlih te id paIr-oa uo t'o 5@oftheAmamet At'na-as in Wiritby tacougi tire godaniti etas ite sec' pava-ai a Sy-I. aaintlatthtie r axiaette anti Cirrniolcin hc a episteln of ae a-vv.vorair oulai matrefrs assse- t a-a-ved y mie a01te boysi. JLIsasi trofus, Witbm menti aurlag re orto arm tira-Main, altbcsgh i imaoea me argu- Cana". Wiy Iut rai April. 1936, tate t of tar asti essalIy tiare or fous- ssis copan, il yc susqetyao.adrtr ucir V V v V h ta teGz Thre mavase of RAW AND COOKED BONES, tar-re rn t urert ayraf iseduiao letonartr5alc estoer PAN DRIPPINCS, and RAW FATisî NOW a thea- ssaiment ralthies propareai sessment Act rr Munivipal Act for Bmi i thaIlliehofinslliy a-a-sa-aintt letea- v wacio.os.a uc C mny M natter of Nationual IMPOrtanca- trou the Ita day rf Decombea-. anr ui cin o o 193, udlnth aucedig eas.metiod rof paoceduca-. tiera halgce!aIUa C iTira- tst mentioneai date if DIrSa- biron o formtaa cosepiait or notice War-tirno econornica dcMand thre utrmoat effort1 bey ltir muet' of course,tee tire by thie siea ta ners oft tiss Frsm Piel dat e th fnalreum y helr and&, thora bingla ant smottit farn every peroon and the Wlhitby Town Coun- Juafgerf tire Ccuoiy Crur. isadei by e massbea- of tire Coutittll cil appeala for yaasa-full Co-.operatiofl in iha SAL-t 't'eraanIao vitenue efore Imea-or Court rf Revilon tteil. i gc- At arany the' &ny complainte aeroe*ver a- de aqua-tly findtrialthe toCounty aibt, tire Cvn VAGE CAMPAIGN. ta -re Court ai Revicra on uonrn- cournait cated Lna aproper a- sstvn a aLionofAmsestar Oug lie assassinentis ln question, Ãm exscain itiese aignsent aolappeal cf tira Plae bnes cokedoruncOkE inpapr areas prviieti bySetirana78 of taa- for toeToawnsirp if Pckerig for targ agisîta PILCebanc, caood o una-okrr in pper g sse-snt Ai Theo tinte haît' lira-yeaa- 940 i)aiuy ceatifisti for mient for 1902 or boxesl. Accumulate Pan drIvi pn a nd fais tlong stars paased faa- ta, revirion thea pua-poeofa equalization, osera uan ba m a!f'ne-aollaira-n ire crifivale of' tioaglir Iata aoit crntaineti iladra ý.Coleman,.xn n tin containers, tielra- iorExRairîrt Nos1. YLac la-' upaî it hihthe Township rof Pic- nded tiret ; lit ota-- e lisCauratuCiert en -g irvit ioulai tut boy îrat 'axs a;içerusatu Mc ir 1 11h, Tira-,evden,,,titrisa-,tacira-yoa- 1",1 vaega tire a-tat ed set ou tie rsiaiday or atMroir' I an fuathenrf tira- opinon hat ire tavxilip if Do Mot U se G lass Jars 194 , ire Townsip CasrcliPur-vta- appa-llent tarnîicellistabud1d arTe Hmns, pareia-ai tsos a Courat of Bon vi- ate ertificiste. Eriifrt No. i. ns Carunay ' sar santhie minutes rf the ma-a- cvrihetid a c-rfi-i by tirel Rsldas. ia a-v, WWb. mSea-o at sesl. adI tesoatsWit- guet" = e 0 tetalla o! la.5l dfai Wa-have My actiOn yet but are aise tlimOamuses ta play tIs@ difefnta-oradomso- le Dupire- *The peo- asve tautiriius a oist iahrasma-pi aur f14tb t@r pec arthie; fui et hýea-Saraes loe altd ara- hart to & ag ssore a--articles. usIViai ftOM Cansaaa na-y yspoir, t-rpeclty U itefs jrass raf utho th# 014S brnme-tona e lana FC" ta baigirton rut bore. . . Thc Cana- iar IServiocaru tuixie i eoua- be torvs hors. 4Wndi4, a fine hiaitay abere lho neya tac arand assitire people Dcad knd.-..-"Aaa ier of lte hbne papor, a-g rQgwil$2'lI onpont- eo date vihrtira-borre i4 t»1 IgI$tso ofLonudon VuL 00 selong for te% 15sir-flodti y unir batirs. 'VV V V vimnel Major J. H Pear- is# a -f tleor ara fora- lfcity; Ws are ira rery cartes-sDnov cter han. 9 Iaiparnl - Tise pyalti itr4iengbat-t an Xdgls, 140 le athorae 14 eeg itinttl "i a-e gogai1 ,O-tty. 511. i niohitie me re SIM yoiflgMons i tiLieot itfl10 iVV V ia siaaut b#ar ln uinai baise hlat vont ta-oma nt osailfa a h ie rstrie itit cseg1b eeer 1e- eto thse sexue raf atm-, set ta reobtieiattifs o eeltirM tIsa-cah tire tsutesciptian ago- »y tie vay, coU4ilp' heriptiran tec acidie nic- Chroissmas Ont r V VV 1 otenant Jace Cils Jratge an ti as. D.,'à . Whiihy, aà ome Of »*. es fa-on tue Otfinssi a-e eta Bructea-'ol ai abwo reporta ai Camai s-tirer tracineingatWraa g, e aieirshrrmoe r-e, a-ry higi stsrtinag, in t trcaiing. me cet' pra-sonte t he iâtta ueor tisoerat af Cea- of Atirtao ,wiris$0014 re alus. JvaiaicCQW.. >d tic prosentat>il ah eena-a-ca-ira-ai vufrienda ihera-cva-ratrivaitin tiptaixi tha- Re. la. former t-artu O f Mi h. Whithv Captahi atîrnev tur anme as Camp Pet--tusO. ,V VV Oraon oaf autr raatrslà active- rer ira- coupon ra weettOiv ira-heOas- ronicle T-eWirltby usmriuice cuitndaôiat- erganisttiont ae sa- 'va-e. et vnve a eax- ill Canaduas li'ODIPS aira ara- rrutain1c env pics-iMIitithe ou hav-"l'aureLd54 a-t. anduuironlele liNot Costs .ksring a- quva OC' 2tisii-,i, "a ,v inUl Oii FL.-rero vrltiy ir- ia-- 'stea-- a-j la uveltIC ' tic a-trer - tha- -2176 Thisver--hen qeealsuy sud longlmni.tut-G mure tdom eea ratfr-It pays co prrui tira-ca-s ýtira- gaesî a-ria-ai tralsting dependiablirîy-Panra, i becar sa"bt tba- bulrti t faisr a-sa-ry t sandad, tira-na-a t942 Ponu. s-a lir ctira gev atr abuty, isuprovea perfrtuamance, a-.. virtbouts acri- fit e fPsoiWic'ifîer ag iad ail ta-ancit --a-e tihe best 5r Potiac iras Ova-! iuir. AJi tirecrshaicve tci-fa 1heiad Enju a. . . comfoa- .irig lC.na-a-Aa-aron .Asnd al vs-airts /rerngr., ;in..su ,ec-apig ar,,d -tri.1 rse-art ctly tiesatma- a, lv, hicls iras0umran, ivrtaca natta..vdenraptastion Sa-a-c% ubesa at 1942 Pontacsa-, loday, h 'Ore you aitJ i -i a asy can For- ecnembea- auaretul, arr a i, fdepaedaibf as tiray are- irr ,fautre. fa/i ru,- o Pnerac modois arc raiil /ria-S , ci (a&ds-t,» aUrli, l ivaal! CANADIAN-SUILT BY GINERL L MTORS P-4» DONALD MOTOR SALES DUNDAS ST., 9. a . WHMITEY t1 1 il IN WHITBY CHURCHES ALL SAI',TS AlGLIriai 13utday, Deim-r l t-b, tari Sie day in Aaivv. 'heira Btu e"t- A G C.îîvvîvr ]3A., milCai trvi-i' r i c 5arn-H-I C. vl ruii ilant-Hoii. Crirmîivivv loan masleprai-r {For thse couvensence of automobile ownea-s inWhîtby and District, an AUTOMOBILE b LIC ENSE BUREÀAU T l . il Opa-n InLi WHITBY 137 Brock St. South Wednesday, December lOth 7 j.avc iy;i. rand will ha- open until FEBRUARY 10. Hraurt: 9 - 6 (Including Salua-day) FEESBYTEIAlN CHLYiCH ,RY BoND, sss- 11.30 am.rn. fie v i. lvp. 2.19 plat. - 'v iuriul 7 p.m. - Tir i j vrvc . cuAictd Ai'ielsmr e 1t he tir- -r ii; 'c Tba- e tira- for tirra- taiîg pact ln tire largo mot rva a-via-cvai w'vuThou Gavru. Me' Christmnaa a-t-a-tainma-nt ln tire B. sure asuri -vi ilhL t-'ia etest. PeC ru in fte Lr' tag servite. CaSomnau tvrLtT unrfay Sa-mot Baul ci, eah Laa- 1)1:,-ca-vr , M ire ray'rirng ma-evc ouf tire r. . ICe eg-t a l"vii ii " r rirtu Men'v A.ivrt c n v.1u1it ie liraiI nr TE UNI] kg1)t i1II O rtF tvf ! L gle r ara- tieicrtiry Ociriihabraiva8op. t itatît - i'day ahsr t !a i vuMa-v s It 111tltbusviue ma-a-vautvo aie- Seavises Siv Lr,', C, va Wedadin lv it vi ruLa ru ida- au te Pt-cama - ft erira--- uf the Clurct 1 Nr].' il; t- on Bi,,v t wone. Atttc-v-l arv ,a tire EkMc-n t r rvu ,,brlifnttiî vtnv~~maLve mlorningin Wi T. ~ ia itBYtsuir The erenixigi ' 'ir Mari-.Daisn1ase ar-ite Osas-An Whîtfry Uniri . i Scirol ni esa . ' Atnda car-e, a Branaay SCiroa i ia-niv Cbtaarrsession v i i Noate- O - , iciruur 14ta, tlicarii ,Mr SUppor Wafl bire - i r rr'ti leahr ciurreuc. Alusuncas Cirr rr vr be held on Friai r ber lotir. BAPTIsI'T m ouvr Meut Eonday r'rentp Churor tue Brarnu ie' v iiva- Proyarative Ctv i, ,n ' Ti va vilbeteelrhe rniri iv tivt hêt "Sermon on tira- tri' vicir oip titis, "Pnetiical t . oiavil I ST JlOEWS CHUEL <. PORT iUIII .Ue WH1TBY eset irsramayx-uiaf i inAd-On Asse s e t iiirvuhodsy a-sui, ov ue At- n)u)Ira' tb aeivii.rïe ra theOn Monday K8xt 11 ai; sea-Vita- Thea- iier Bups' Bibi, CisuS 0111tma-at dLrr i a- Me Corn rf Neviiou o! tire teui a-- îb-andýStet 0r chooaTras'noaiWbihy itl rotai à itta-g andý ýerBibe lases t p.. n tisa-Counicit Ciramben au10 Art 1i . .McrvRPitruvul-tu eut artocte a, von Houa-au', thrr th viii . a prav îe utChitemas day rfCa-ca-mirt. 1941,triheur anai urvuvi At 7 tp -vnirtherrmi--ciiiia-etarminna-tira- rp-ra inst vite va- a- ving prayeruih fvta-vra--uiou assa-osm-ut a-uitcf tira-Tuent af for ar. Wiiîy for tira yecr tra2. IarraleýsiDforra-he nt ra iiira-1ýAit peronnt. ho haie up-eraia-t h li terea-rt yeartu ýarab ye, ogaimst tiruir -seseant. or-ea-- a-sr' it turtti aifrun 10t o 030rua-cia-ai attend. o ru ~~il wa-s oateti at tira-TraanHl Iiiu- 't aiJuviýr W AornvuMon- 1tiret rte a fa-m minrr aypelleist 1day m a p.m, tht-ucailii ra-a - alr traty fecufilon. UPA~ IZ==0o* PONTIAC FOR (~2/ Molu" PAGE FIVE =q, liii E nd