Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Dec 1941, p. 3

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1' __ THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1941 eploresSpr e; EES. PROBLEM ARISING OVER IMSCREPANCY IN EARNINGS BETWEEN FAIËM AND FACTORY Attomney-General Spealas at Dunner to Get 10 More Days Mem4ers of -Coufty Te- Affix Licenaae ad Between Farm 39423ONTIALC Available ln fhree Outatard-ng e od beauty, greter length md coi- It! fui Unes are powered tii the farsous -the FleetiodFl efeader 2Torpdo manding dignity. Runniag boordoare L-head, ia clide, 90b. r and DeLuor-the 1942 Pontiac orodete particularf y wide at thbe fro, aoro engins. îiaa-ý,trt 'pnt i ochas t r accte au Impression ai mausive team- asier entrance and eail. Ail teaba leader Torpado Sc*Ii CaaPC. Council at Ontario-On Sales& Slip County Home o ae lp Obbta. ,Dec. 1-Manufacetur- INDUSTRIALIZE TOWNS, eru, wiosaiera and ther nup- W. H. MOORE SAYS pliera of food, f£8lo, ivettmt. -- poultrv, clalhisag andi footear J. Frank Kelly, M.P., haension rante* dalla of Gave Fine Patriotic 1Dca. 1 befoie fthe nust affix Addres;Honor Gover- tei somrs lcncae nuai nor and Wife -Wtaiîe spplieraloup tisera- for ahip aninofltheaeWonds ta 9fnlas sute peed und a retaller onU! Dec. 1f mitisaut 'UnIss oniespedy n atte- Inewiusg is litornu aebr, fâctary solutian la ta ta round te "siludra bia ta Lise probirmof afist ho teren- iotlsy reailliuneïr o andabthg éd tise terrible dlsrrpunny b- buyeros licence anitars an ail tween tise earnlngs of furmeru ansi documenta recordig sallensiicis Iboale of mec rngsged la indutry ta place Ietoteen Decc 1 ansi àr mlnlng, ou.. national strutaure Dec. 10"1 aid C. R. Morpisp. di- mil ouf fer, sud agrlnultitral pro- restaof ailicenaing. "Tisa10- dicte. nener usarnusary as tisay day extensian moy flot ta ton- are nom. mîil st cntinue ta rttem strilea as an extension of lise fittPlane or lise fondtuf fa ta ta lîcninga deadile of Dan 1 Produaed. thse Hon. "ijdon Conant. ad dons not affect la aay mon K.O.. Attornep-General andi MI' .'tise effective date of thse prîre for tis ridiag dettareai bure la an ceilag,' hea asdesi. aidrees Wedueuday nigisi. 'Na mua speaking ut tise un- trust dînner lenderesi by On..- il mas qulfaesident tisatishe eser ernar ansi Mrr James Rendi, age earnings af tise Canadien farta l tisa Ontario County Homne, ta ers lu 1940 mre leuo tisas $20Pt mamisersaof lise Caunty Councli. day net la iimocîf for hisa actui coantp andsi mu of ficiais. severuf labor. and thaedid naît tachad ex-wardano ard olies "Frankiy." uuytliag for tise help of litif hieaddd "saI. dont bsowa wist tisa andi funilî.r.urtisarmore he Point tomedy la, bott isould oot be cd <ut Lise frmer daeo flot get an tayond tise eenius of <oit race - cot oa iingl bonus, yet me don out ecataoaaluto ansi our tatesmen, heur of farinera golng on atrke, o] ta find a solution" isa covern- lisougis taey mouls isae far bt meut of Ontario. ise added. basmfte reason ta do sas thon usuell dona tiat It cmuId thin Ils jurto- srevuila ita inost trlkes. "o diction la tise mon of bofitses tn aisonnot aeoid tisa conclusion lis, forin produatt uni sas iogsansitiser a is ooetiing orong itis os uiesae and 1n giing asistance la euonoony wmisucis a frlistful dit fladlnq fanm a faor. andi expertta ch.rrapaoaty ca exist belmeen tise ea do more la f942. bat tisera mas o nînga of feurmera and tbase ai me, lt more verta tetadonc engagea I ln Ilastry or mimi Righ Wiages Paid eoco uftar making ail daductio)nà fo Mr. Conant referresi ta tiesetiis.tuxns an ote.. liomonca 5W o! sonna tisree or four tisousans Ispeak of iannlng as us e-airt menueoS Ririalansi Loke. It appearasi nduatry, ans i t lie'Mr. 001551 ha potatei out, tiat thsesmeaiisve coanliued,' adi pet, deapte tise lac bem receivIag for an elght-hosar tiaf. ho producea foa4tuif i day a mliiaum of $4.00 for asie- ta anc very existence, ith tiso me 6 fq.F under- misiil eb mould p ahi, a*t mnpi o cost 'of living fermner to mark for $2.00 o day ise. bonip. ise maxiimuam ages paisi otisere engageai in adusatry asi ,to niaftmen for an lgit-hour day mliug. unaioubtedly me-y mMPOrt amsunied ta $740, plus nst Of tant but no more as tisan ferta livng ansi contrart bonus, wmihIatsng. are raoirlng th ise beu av la sonne caunes, brought Une duiiy mantionesi Ha expreasesi tiseisop pop sp ta about $12 0f per day. t tafore long a satiufactocY nols The average mages for a 4-hou.. lion moulsi ta foulai ta tis aViti minI paiti ta tieSm men nom on prsablem. strlke ma $3365. For tisa miole Of Mr. Conant pointer] out tiis Ontario. andi latluaitog a] Indust- thase ef forts bv tise Ontarlo <Gor ries, lu thsa moatis of Aogsst. 1941. eranent tissugis Retpil, do na tise average par elpita earniaga 0f entirein or sbstaaîiaily Boive tu men engagea inla lduatro amosantesi proismaca "Thera sii hame ta b ta $2724 per meais for 48 hours. a racasting of osre eacnomic nîrsi. 'No ana mut hbegrusige men en - ture if ast farinais are ta be rn gageai in mining and! tndstsy tloeoe moresi on a basai esea pproadmi caralago or man utalany igiser :tîng tise ramuneratton reaSiseai i figures tissa aur eroomir structure siutrîaî andsioningof orbera. Mil stand," Mr Caonl s aisi, but ,e fail or neget arh do non out ni ha addsesi. "Oae cau9ot seoid tiserilonat tructure iii ouifer. Oa ocrit deflite conclusion plat tiser.. agricuturai prolurte batte iseratc la aoeinag roaag itis our eron- fore teen f rst oina value of e Omîe t-rucOture misen me compare produrttain Canada TiseProaiuct urs earniaga iti tisose ni tise o! tha faransuwrre oever as nece, tianodlun former -osfwaae rr0 W eWacanns Farinera fIncaine espect agricslturitpidarts ho re fn f-be 'esr14.Mr C at tain irat place or tise netessar pauntes rut tise atea . ro In- Itodstuff0fus tanepraduceai unies tonme oitise Cauacion former wmas ~probient isapaedily andsi t eotiaaated et 13000 Ater de- fattorily soisesi.' Mr. Cannantsasis durting f rom tiis amouait tanea. In- slto huronce, repaIrs. upkecp. rot Of Ojr ltto birasi belp if avalabie. ansi mano W H moore. M P. for Ontofl ather Iema of expanua thot farm- rialsai ansi oeIl knomo econnmio Ing Involvea. o deduction. intimatesi repiyiog tOr the Atarnicy ener ,at on average ofI$050 Perar 00010005offeresi a solu o atiseprofu Lhere wa.s a bafance lef t of $800'n'c bava got ta IndustriaUize If rons tRia amouat tisera mau e smaîî tomosanad villagen. We h furtiser deductesi tise staaersrtiee touen me roo tise fanas figure of$15)000 for interaat on hsm pacet! Itoala industriel pla tinesatinnt or tise value of bis ond. eemetr men dont ret faron ertisment. tisa frmer man Wt etis afrons taday as tisep Ici t witis a net estlasatad average ta" ,M.. Moora dettaresi He a Incarne of 8700 in 1940. gse hta h femt HTn esMr. Conant onoter! itht natsi lisot must tie afrsmt thc rotes of puy for mean engagas Inidutrialim paintlag out t hn oining ansi inaiustry an elgit- rural popuatiaus ocra not aol hour cao ansi 48 icursa a eek mere tise bois No one. homever, fe an lacreoase but raliser a datrcoa siWisO la In is ightminai. Nst ana itp of 200,000 psspuaeui1 hal. s rfgh th t a o g ntise Unitedi States hodep masii tisouglsout thr t-eue sucis basrs pradactna tas population. &pent bY a lutiner t is mrt M..Masore anpresaed tearnirot Ris tuit estensiesipurtly ta Sundoa munisenettaization of paver th most of lise ioissapaansi ardi- tomes Iroon the mer. Rnemvu af.. arily marlis more IRn egit hsoar f il at Ottwuo tay ltiiougi dadly Andi pet for ail tisaI Mr a mor emergeantemaur t Garant saisi he gats $700 a yeur be ne!-asant *Do'tletuaa Figuresi on thse mont faorabla basas tiing nom tisat mercnoat anýda the daysaof peace," nai Mc.Moore, qotlganEagiisa ms h~IMPORTANCE AND VALUE 0F decloreai tiat mhcn men isane tac maris pomertisey taisave 1ke beusta. We tmoto5k abroasi and ta teunaieroâtaniUne other feî WORKERS' INSURANCE BOOK ina. We il neyer have gondi neigihora by sinsply selerlag for a encil nighbor pollfp. We must STRESSED BY LOCAL MANAGER snderstand thici attitude ansi tisc aeekteta ort togcthcr for a nomi- mon udestanding af miat la goosi If Worker Lealvee -Job FOUND NO LICE oasi rigbt, Mr. Moore salit. H hudB i ) O H RTS A MieaeaafeHtSoudBeGielO HEB ITS J Frank Kelly, Ua.P.P. for Norths Book-And Turto It Ortario, in a very fine ptriollu Over to New Employer London. Dec. s3-f CF> - Br ts a-rsotian, broagist a mesage of hope ony ical autbinotiea lotuoîog er ia for vctory far riloin ans ibe.' ut- If Entering Another Job f"or macmonrton a aicis totest' le lies Inthetsapresant strsegle agina' new t nliof >ipfo0til5g "Intut fe tise greateat taust of atltlimes. "Wc TisaItisere blalliil neati of tm or-ns" isad fa use 1""alunpctrInr' It co sec brlisht rap of hope pressing on ono employers ansi of mar a sItr"gIiII5PIS." nythrusgisthisbcotswoeot ansi lears, rTlis e tîisi as laceistad b, o hae'deriaresi, oslise psid elaouenl morotise importance andI valse psomineat ianistlWhio sekeai'tie Stributa te tieseaocrificas bciag omadie Oftise'orkors' insurance contrt- Royal Armp Madifial Corps ta tru Sby tise Motiser Country on ast.lise- bullon baoks mas asserteil by Mr- il out. No "louay" moldiera cosla Or y hiait, Ne believasi htisItise trots of gdmunssManager of tise Osawa, fousi uGetBlti sMd ne sacrificse oouid apeli ltimate stic-lstautisorities mcsqU«otiOtsoe at tnty-oandsItilta beaase of itis Umpiaoent and daima office te, ansi crey indigsssntly repliesi e lisogis Uis opetisI m s'Tise Gazete ansi Cironile todor bava no louinesa" ut hogh, tishoe.tha w ae Ha pointesi oultisat tisle are Filoy tise army aUthrtisegi looki la reudy, att0fof Iam titre. h. arîny x- o an do hatwe cn t br nnmw more thon 144,00coaployerts ut t talion prsssora la Biritis haucs r-n tansvi drya Isat e co abrInr andsi er 2300000 mrIera incias onai plcnty ni lion werefosci '-t ig Kelly, a ouiian, led in a uns- coder tise Uncmplay-ecit Is tcarry outthUnexcpeiilent. or mîînity asng belore lits asidrems. nranne pan. Evryt onter s te Ou re ocs aliotled on Inaurante bookis t aI ncrn [aiArne loies sarenordi 0f contrlbn ion. and IL, im iuu U TB nt J. Stanley Micr, aeputy- reeve aI value wotnen tiits ara tang pa iLIUIU et Rronk ansi a teter an o! tise lat il taliemnmesiateip apparent. ai mar, misa p.opmaaci tise only toast On tiis page la reprcduced aTY l ut Of tise Oennig 'tea"Our Arnacd page fronon inauance book. ie PaFcs',saaid n e5verv fine eddsreo Actuir thmie face af it Canisptsnt 1111 ens tiiat It mas iitflng tisai me obouisi message bas been written mi c id pause for a moment et lhis time te sisaulsi he verp carafullp neesbp eu _ t- rilerr misp me la Canada eau avery inaurect morbseraai Mr fd __ n- carry an our varions aclioltica WiIis manda Dsring tise lb ie d nsout moiestatian. It mas because of mrIer la employedSlbis book ra- Munici0,tl BoudMa Pe the trurs, Irie te tise fraditlions of mins In tise rustoiy cf the.Pot- Require Supplementar>. u-, Nelson., the Royal Air. Force. which ployer Who mili place n il escis Ri hai saved Engleos f ron t Invasin. pay-ao unempîaymeut ltînoce Audit in> Many Casa ansileta, but nat least, aur mea on taromp, f tise proper dcncanirticoo to Comply witb Regula. ut landi Ha quolesi a speaiser ot a re- ta coser botistise emnpoer, and - rv t a nqîutInToronoa a iztise arlers contribution ta e taI- tione, siepreaentatime se camte finetocformaInftCoul P suronre funsi. postage "'umpi Say& c- naetrbanuelarinauof a snai tceamtsasdfib teisatsd lg mniiar-ok ota lie r Mbillersaam rictory In sititr enomuaint eucc a fu tu-.___ Ic- rf tbe struggie maa gosng lt lfondi t se rasnt teihn AL acoiat I Otro e- Other Speakerst ievaint. andat otinrter tison tinga ncpal bonksnrutias If Campbell. Ontarioa Coanfo's agri- employer ansi tise orter. hie lat- vniaai ý t fMunicipal a- 'utorat represenîatlse wisa pre- te.. ia.s tise rîgrat teai ti... iis Aifairs. P. J. Coomais. reptcaet.o- sril dictointet onip a greoter labor boautet assura hiaîoneîf tltor thse lire o! tise depertmet Infotîttasi to..hort-age an Ontario Countp lateisa praper stamp eotries Iho en nioeahr iatraCosiCo- but a railsocnt In lrra apera- madie cil yesteraiay. In preiotsîrra Lien uo unlesa aorme soltaon tas WRen tise moriter's euptoymno t tisare bail aen non icensing attu,'be s oand for tise farna Iota.. probiens -cesses, tiseemployer mns! 'handliat net cotae Unath onssi t ' J . H Orton neditar of the misastiste boot uineailateip 0, Reieorn cmpis mt ru . e o ooetead Chrantrîr G D ats - an te themrter, sta .r.prsite gonerramient regisiatitanaIn a Ihort- art, a presareprecteolalIne. 001 tdate hIftise mrer ls g.tsg ta Cta c te ret. ftersdM searra. Othsers oother Job at once. be ot or tosti "eaenm gatn iýie Pmientesi Witb Guft i toute osonem emplu,%re W Veho o gaîa tnua Daeigthlie encning tise Counts mli continue tiesa tamît entries but n maay casea or aie te-- Cooncît ansi otiserfrienssOf Dos - 1aere tisa formcr empuuu. T eft- c qutg nobrupinatria-- dit o! the 190 eccounits la .ttuuIp enor ansi Mra. Jas. Reasi. popuiae aloffmt euoin.f ielatier isat andsisoteso!fmbhenavning. If saaesee tise mrter hsaunea mh eiiomaton as I pptutur so pprceted a fine gft t aI aiereoreiJob te go s, i sol ilsle tiese n taficienret mtesir ansûta os a !,)ken of appracialion of tise book to) tisa Empioymrnt and cdUn lexpay e iedi ,ýt fine n onkt tey are aoina ln carma dCaims Office aI once, o here ha h apyr fortise aeed moneansi mrnsnde.. aiti regter au Oinemplot esiani a'aie Icensa mît lnto( e -aiti- thcir rate Tise preaentatIoo asappîy ftr inouranca taoen' sTuril asuleu further isiotosu i in - inade b, Sceve C P RKing, of Us- lag bahesboot n la an enential tiiidilsg the nappiconentano a titi' l Sbridge toma. risairman of tise part of a nIahre for taortîts. If recîmnel b3 aur deporîtarri' Mr. cCollot, Home Commlsianars. s'sd abaok et otor mialaîd tsot fact (foosine' aaorted. fRee ,prd H. bath 5Mr ansi Mrs. Reaai rapliedsi nold lte anmeaiately rtportesi ta Claytan. Tlsorais, skealinsre,,0 ion foner ooaIOtileSd tise gatisefisa tisa Empioponent and Ctuums Of .. egatlng lto asiut tirs.(fn.rlrPl pasnrtediaoefaonlutoelarloaaydlierbooks Ici tisacouru aii',tuu.s o&P- A mrke inreae I th deran c arera a ne bokifot hoas bed fo aice si d e ednos for Canauden iso rromntise itatern rsrei o cmbn f lUacpy as pet. Unitedi States accurted La tise ral bena test or dstsroyrd!ob..augh "risysve probeblo retuesi tt bp: of' ta4t bat, lu viem of tise ralattne.--neaigence nw"W ome-ne'1.i Iv shorr supples is Canadia. fhe la tisaeocvnt o! tise drain o!ftenom." lier Comhr comtri et. Ile Agrtru'tirat Supplies Boardsi s a mrier asitele hinoempiovesi, thse Causan audimtmberei ls t ' laced ih'sexcpert of boy onde.. cmploy.esoulal deliluetise bok Df5015 ent a di a reetrus us lcnete thse coployment andi Claies <Of- mean tisat it. coampitid - tire..asu seraias possible andi b- Riilos andi iasi ern tu.u)rrth ri Cenadiana - 'rien talna ereceIPt for lil fasrante peroaeInlplut yeuros ne * ru"Id 1i Hongs Konga& f irst consituntalbooks are not tranierable lW otiser "Dten bscaUae t,.a0e tir t kttee msae oe m il ta ie si mawrkersana ne sc one nhould flot aimsn't recaîve san% ri tit tiseapîs* N ban bees opene In te be Isaue tamorkcrmihoaha&seniatisey tooklt for tatnd r tCiscr astafrant. Inf assrable ampioyiment, cocept alt Ports mere DX. TOus uo t ___________________ tise end! of tise fiscal yeor, mtan may aem dratlir t , te nsbooks bearing the o&&me aerl iIntessut <ofilse taI pyer . ow-m stsî ~nsmters, mli ta issesifortisa great asany Casesn oite star neit yar by employer@ ta aIl theri mem't aven acetita 5' issurabie motters. panylng the audit Wt-ea The iportance nf a propar carea elot 01 licensem Or .~ ani use hefIne aarasicc books tamipleg mitisau- es e cuonot be orer-emsited. Ruies An auditor on clvi, o.K1 self os a Pt bi, mnteri ansi reffulaona goserning Ueir have ta tae a cisarorren o te ros Ei' atspAUL WINTER 1use Rasa been gven la detaoli andi Chasage Amesmacea A-' Yecoaom'i lbeasonscom-l t bolsi b. f ollomnai carefull5' Cae- Referrlng brili.ru'n' -a saclesi entsbeas '.iLsfuel les, tise, nr misuse of lise books ment Act. Une spraa'r Orea lue ta gumneesthse quelity- teods la def rat tise purpose (of wu 0the itefntinaft s t...is ethesft.. 5 te aane te onemploomlent Insuaence A mes- ment 'ta ravise thse »s tueyAse aise tthe tic atRmeilatue . m sutite oIfareaigbt nom nay mal meicome ap y a oliiimurs detay ansi dtsappiat- taunty cinancls. ',', au moent if and misen woOkcri lose estabiais a Fardotl. k 'ses..jobs amacser hasa a ta. Saw oD 1 iNOlAS SUB-CRAshO R Reeve J M.ftes- Sawdon a ofextra set) Sons Cacutta-rCP-HMIS SBarodla, cesseil bp Une tona t~i ra !- -. PHONE 524 'Re ulls ' e o Nacs boabeesi louaccion L ady&iter e me oras e Riisel itne oh Nie Gut r te Ras- munI a evo rttr t bai. Indi a munlitions clami. but w 1 5re'a à t IVI a -f L -" PAGE THREUI b -M j id Indu *try Earnings horsO teda ndngh, ASJS FEDERAL GOVERMENT main door bui, 'o ruef open, mokas conaider ablv more %ok f r JUf0 ~ th artke a ioIlt apsoitâSTLOSSES IN TAXATION ing ovcr the o hriisOtiet. office has ta 1'nai 0P1. O UR"",IiI" lfllE sotnty Council Claims Mr doer IJI. tlUt qIte a UME'IL Municipality With War Mr. cofue rtîs d a ie P ', <la Con- Industries in Boundaries l atoM e n tse t oiio etr-.e de- i JJJ~ BDeait Blow sirable ta boy.. t.. Pros trt' îtpo- lice lncated 8,ut *'îttttto , , 1,Onotario Couinty Couincl bellevra anegeatei an a t,:.ry brai.s- Cominîttee Reports Fire thatlwlirn rt.. Ferral Caoverrmeat tem for tise 0f'. r 1 A nnunciator System toises over large 'rtuhes of farm Cooomittee Repstss Presentrd Iland oins buildings for Indlustril 'Fie lro rpu' ttie lanî1if O'nly'; Efficient n'a. purpaser the onunictpa!ttes cMenfnitte or th,n e stdigbtis ose large ammntt in tac by mtse honrt ' ,i.'esne T Conllaittfe() t pro_ revenu. as a restilt ohoutd br com- by tecartrtep rtt-Reer'..pensaed. Stanley J. Mittet 'irde. grants ceof t n a report t"'" ontd In The commîltte on Legislatiofl $500 lur agicu.' turposes toCto'i Cosnctilttn F' rt îtigtt and Memortat, nanlng fn mind, na port PCITy a'),OSb, ign aci ' thaia reporî - t hen te- douist. thr pligtir of tise Township t ilfisools, atlit-.ý., '.i OtrP cei-. rom tsTth or ~t he.of Ptckering, subtttldasrenc- launtyoldufattotWAJ. H Ritînt, Aoi meoadaltnn tn tis ieftect ut cise am M of$1,241.44 t- a tttre.ett tott fnO ttrtn Counctt sessinn n Priday ntght, the pid to Ufarbt t 'titiegîsie in-'ta h,,tffect that the t i,ýding sTtte rrcnmmendatto asrna thos stituca for ednt ttl of t-iliontn r' goosi condtin tt' set ral Federal Goseroment b.. pettitonei pupla. onisr o, trmmendu îtin eittg au-totnmalte sonne. mruotre of redresis Pirnt report no"rRnoal aitîttendet 'o Thlereportsalol thslte by grastnrlber'oe tc, ompen- Bridge Cammit 1-, htr,1 h. e ni1tor sOs'o ..ni,5o 'sale fnr utlimate loissof taxation couricil, reveal.ed "'tl e îîttnllt . per' > efficient and Ita t il soot drevnue irn districts ohere land andI tee aines nat PlII t- u bc't, mît 5e ttiî"ed mîtis L-..Wiithi P'ire buld;Ogs w......taben an.., ansi by at tise present irt,'!,):. l, , Departi "'nI. Tise Comtsrtlee o9tutrdisa doisg ubotote a burd..nsomei diveraion at BeII ll -,t.ige t tj25 rhat vt sugettng tinormotiotn as uarrifice L'n lone munitoatlities Concession L, In't iiar.;tu or o aîîtusible rost nr sot iiio ealted tpon f0 mas.. ftnaa.îalsac. Rama. 'We are n of ri't tnos rt îtmoaenduttos rîttre. ans in ospread tbeestroee thse relouiding ta Il, i , a ut' Tut t 'porit 0f tise Fout r utnd tise nation as a whnle Tise Coin- uit present due t'r i At't- -ni l Comiaosttee rernmttînd- mîtter alto presested a resolittiofl steel," tise report t*t rtt Iht ito OliaM Pelîtu'. a t tir.s(ev disapprnnlngnof tise borîsing of JaS Prebiret aait tMtii..teil, recelve..5lua iti là allen prîsoiners of sur ut or near Tise question of -, ,tii, t-I ra, , 'rtive Octttber lot utrO Ihirbîn populuted ureasn epenialiY. eounty by thse tas t r Wtt t !j it ti tIr .pplicationt ot Mo t,.centres where essentil a mtindus- uaa of tise county ,, 'lt îi itutro,. lt theW, tuta sa1aiîîî'î-tries ore lorated, exret wberr abl- fendero mon brossal t u'rr esr helai Os.... tosdng a i.. saîttellosec esoqaro asd tiat. In this lian of caunfil 4yiPt r in i t , it' 'he Proottt u ut-t'ut'latter rase, a more amrle vigilan don't abject ta Wt tut 1i, OA ioti 'aof thuisirso. ttttguatd beInstatled toforeotull pos- saoe but the »l 1't ' ,-, in, i'itoi, fNt. R,,iltt11W M t1' ssle.break-outs uaed by other Muni at , ut t le CoutîttiClet'k it't ontinu o mie Giasa -resnt lime. Oshas r fi,-(ji lru',11 Pt-amIncît Seereurvo " Tise Cornnatltee preaente.d a re- ta bring its WoMetî ..,O'1tio tiernlingOdnninLtra tioti I uttor a.arsg lbhe. ontiuaace isere due ta the fitri-, s, tfti(i ofnIthse rotunt -v Ci IlCGard Or- motion Ia OosaWa,' trt R. ii.1i(rimittef. rrcom-ooenstr ganîzation us set us ut aupresioas pointei out. ]Ealereat (r i t ait rou:tter (t Whitnt inuligsesiaaft is Coontv Courîcl de- tise deputy praica "tetart C Itir li!a. a 101 ptne laîid oit.spire tise partilIina..titlty insoma P. Neelands, informir, ',nilIi tti'tittil i!ot nuhry toton, .5its. prnding sattllime as candi- raunty towns wltho a 1,litk, ~ t'sass ias .reate ademranifor 1were required unsît 'tiinlint Id Vice % rsa? rtrir snrires andi tirai, In the slatute t0 compensat', tise rîtîts Fa t-til ne made Or t iti, titlmeanwiie me expreas a confidence for une of tise jail. t ltKer ' potottce' adto i o,'itntth.tie present beus and esecutiva The motter Waa re' irrd in t ut' ittirs staff. Countp Property Contir tee tor a _______ ________________ tuti inneotfgotian ans i tport. RAS TWO JitaS agera Horaby. miso tîidhben # 1~ i ON 5 YEAR looting for a b9Seia ljob fr mants, now huo O. ,9lits une G U AR A NT EE D manager andi fiebi m'ran;ger o h, 3 o TRU>i CE T 1 ATý FotWorths Caa s Int4ae Tfxsa cui An tiseai aathioed ineem t foc lndialdualî ____________ - anes, csetelery boarda,sexecutrs ana PELM SLuooD ('TICUL.ATCioN ",*'j othar tuetisa Stockhiolmn iOFt - Belirerît le fient film of tise bind anar roudrTfi inOvie ot a rubit's eu nia o tisa bloMsuloomo ere rec-t t blood apeesi as lites as 1 ta a S E L a a T u sheep isteedine its a grano-a 70RV 'uttCORPORATION aceritesiuttIn tue Chsinear 72RAt ETTORONTO wteatern prut lnces._________________ _________ dlW Conado's trength 15 your arength, vaurs and yaur fellow citiZons. By aaving you co urn yaur strength inta effective pawer for war or peace. Sovcrg sg mare vWta sow thon esver before. t's wise ta anticipate the needs of tomorrow, rather thoan satisfy the impulses of todoy. You acquire a thrift habit, bringing a constructive farce inta your life and in ca broadier sense - inta, Canada es a w hole. Save cil yau ca--ift',tMe urgent thing ta do 1 0 -r A N A A - - ----

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