Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Jan 1941, p. 3

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THÉ WHITBY. GAZETT AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, -1941,ý SO.CIA-L and- COMMUNITY It Port Whitby Mr.. Ernest Goldrlng, of the R Qoidrîng grocery store,, Port WhiIt -by, bad a very bad accident la.ý week when ha fell onthe icy streel at the corner o! Maitland'and Dufl f evin str'eet, Port Whltby. A coup]e =of citizens of Port WAhitby who sam the accident summoned -a car and -.took hin. to us, home, and. frorr = there ha was take n to the Oshawu = General Hos pitai1 , where an X-raý Swas taken and a compiete exani !' nation made of bis injuries. Wf -understand heis !n -a very seriov. condition- and it will ýprobabl.v 1 sometirne before ha will, be abie tc be around again. We, were ail verý *oryto learn of this accident and ha wili be greatly missed' ln the store, where he bas1 been for tie last few years.- MISS: Margaret Kennedy, of th- -Toronto, schooil teaching staff 11 'spending -the 'Christmas h6iiday,. wih ler Parents on Brock street south. Pte. F'rank Ailoway -spent Christ- mias at bis home 'on Byron stret south. *We are -pieasqedto lie able to re- -port that Mrs. Tommy Semple, BckStreet south, who has been criticaiiy ili at' her -home, is show- ing signis-o! improvement. WE ~'sincereiy. hope that« she wiii. con- Ian tinue, to do'so. iny Miss Isabel Watson, nurse in DÈ, jve- Seckle's - Heaàlth Ciinic, Oshawa. MC. daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Sheidon ere. Watson, Maitland street, was à,, ksbier home over the week-end., Zeà Mrs. P. Baiiey, Brock- street in south, spent Christmas - week in Lnd M~ontreal. ne- Tpr. Charles W. Dunbar, of thé fi- Ontario Regiment, (Tank), spent spent Christmnas holidays. at, his home at Eastbourne., Ontario. The F'awcett famly, Brock street, sa sth, spent, Christmqs with nia- tives in Pickering. L-The marsh, fire caused. some ex, ýnd citement iast week in Port Whltby a-but the Whitby, fire trejrs. came dsý down and it was' soon brought un- der control.. ci, Miss .Wim Tor tan cf M.ma7o.dyke, daugh- a- e f r and Mrs. T. Thorndyka, rk Maitland stree.t, Port Whitby, wh< .E. bas,.been teaching schoi at Base yai LUne East, Oshawa', spent christ- mias at lier home. On. Christmas Day, the*scramant of of. HoIy Communion' was adminis- Led tara&at 8 and il1s..at St.. John's ia-ý church with, specëiai, Christmas music at the latter service. Brock Street School, will re-oper e-on January 6th, '1941.- om 1 Tbe Sac-red song comnposed by. 1S Mrs. Savage, Charles street, organ- an ist, o! St. John's churcb, Po¶t Whit. ln by, a copy qf._which was malled to Of us. , was much appreciated by ail ther mneffbe;s and fr iands of St. Johnsx ed church and we take this opportun- of ity t6 thank hier1 for -the good worlk Jshe -is <bing. Rev. Norman Goidring, of Cre- Imore, n'as home for a fawý days last week. EU[QIAL RI1iITS FUR I .t,(Continued from Page 1) rnany othar Improvements, and be atýa i he rhilie brougbt Up and ý-1 eduCated hisfamily. In fraternail «unity and :a better understanciing o!' the hoxiesr aspirations and achievemaents o! the foiýign-born, now settled and Making good in -Canada, was penbaps one, o! the- most patbetlc and earnest heard by Rotary. Club bure sinice its organi- zation because it came from a mian who had drunk deep f rom the -weli ,of adversity and- struggled to sue- cas, 'With hunger and unemioy- ment, lack o! knowiedge o! the country, and 'lik of education -as1 bard taskmasters. The voté of tba nks to Mn. Usaty wa movedby RPýotarian W. M. Prin- gie and tendered -by the president. CROP IMPROVEMENIý ASSOCIA- TION TO MEET AT STJNDERLAND Th nuimeeting.éf the On- tario County. Crop, Imp rovement Association wlll be heild ini Sunder - land on the a!ternoon, of. January 8th,- Te, l eature of the programme wxlI be the preseiltation, 0! reporta Of experimnents carried out by the Association wlth farm -rps Te' resuits -wlf be o! considerabie value to farmers i tbç couInty. Mnr, Chas. Palaier- of the, Domin- ion -uedBranch bas been secured aa s elispeaker for the occas- On 'Active Srvie~ [tlTTlM *Since the pbiaonlst week o! aeran 'Guard o! C anada. the list o! Whitby men who have anlisted in vaniotis branches o! His Jo ,Am . usn itr ___ R.C.A.M.C., C.A.S.F., l5th Gen. Majesty's fighting services now 1 Hospitali Engiand.(CniudrmPge1 overseas or in Canada on Newfound- M[toth an ofhesri.Te and, e bav recivad listo! ýcomplatu rgr .foliows: land we hav reeivd à istof MthionJohn Tait, Aircraf t- further namas, thanks to thé inter-mnRCAF Orgàn prelude, "Rhapsodv on Oid I est, of.relatives, and friands. TIleoBucTooî,Bad-Engiish ,Carols," Leser: Caroi '719, leit last week was flot. represenled É o.GnnisHreGad. -"Silent Night! Hioly- Night!"; sci- as -compléte, but was basad entireiy . m rcsinlb anidlelight. on information received Up untii tfori eogR.C.A.P.--' The March o! the - Magi Kings*,' the end o! November or. eaniy lI 1St. Piaré%, Clifford, A.C.2, R.CA.F. 'n DrnasCoa a h at December.' it %' possible that tharu *W * reading by the Rector; Anci God are still more, alsoL that some fWr, ilam RFM.ltBt-saîdle thtire ha light!. And tiar names sent'in may have been mis- talion, Queeni's-,Owni Rifles, New- - wau ight",,,Ca-roi. 742, "Stars Al picei.Iftirear, e oud p-ifoundianci. Bright. Are Beaming.!";nading. and pr9cIate information béling sent> in.. Wts . rvae :F prayer h-y the rector;, Carol. 356. it is our intention to, pubîish a ra--C O.C.rghet ndhsta e eson0c visad and complate list in a few î gtn GriAC.,RCA thei morning."ý (Conclusion of .in- weaks, a copy o! which wili go te îgtnCa.W. AC2 ..troduction* on the themfe from thi Twn Council.. Here are. somne IA.*Danknuss to Ligb) ; Carol, 745, names not inciuded last week: Maxi on active service were -liste,,:,"Twas In the Moon o Winter Anderson, Fred., Bandsman, Du!ý- Guards.' Ibus is an incorriat naine Ida ao-wittnh tJa fenin"& Haid.imaxid Rifleg. as it s houlci naad "Vetar ans' Quand de. Brebauf 1643 -A.D.); Old Engiish Aiioway, Fran k, Pte., Mi diaxd, cf Canada," which s ,tiea.officiail arl- i~ oyad thaoiv748, Regt. * hU~~~~'ite. Min -in this unit are Lieut. slMs .R omc;crî78 O'Kirk, Lancé- Corporal, Burness andi '\e Tirai Rings o!' Orient Are' Collixis, Richard,- Gunner, îrd Guardsman, A. Bruce and W. Rat- vre ytimx;crl76 Scf 47th Fild Battary, R.C.A. clif! mdte itrsSnw"sl - F Plasa ookat ta . ver ssv Mrs. G. H. Hewis, Miss .A. -IActive Service Toms, Mrs. J. T. Toms, -Miss Ja Pratkin, David, Royal Canadian j coupon on page 8 of tuis issue and C"ne niet cri Cradi e Artiiiery. 1111 it out and maili or send It to the 'Clarkhe; th cir by carol 17 * H1 Gazette and Chronicie if you.know Haàwes, Geo., Lance-Corporai, l2th o!aywohaeeisadwis Carol Sweetiy Carol."' choir andi Co-. Canadian P.C. Lames have not héretofore appear-cngeaonchrs hnJsu Holmaxi, Harry, Guarcisman, V t- id li these columns.' WsaLti hli"h i h j ladies; carol 744, "When Christ Was' o -o!Mary Fa, quai tet, Mrs. F G.Ersklna.,,Mis. W. Knight,. Mn. Leo Vamnpiîw,, Rev.,E. Raiph Adye, IN HIT Y C URC ES solo ThViràin's Luliaby,7 Reber' Pist oél," choir. and1 congreýga- BAPTIST CHURCH rlcnsdrttahtaiho- tion; 'offirtory carol, 746, "Good TIare will hae no> mei's club or. den duty axid.pniviiege, to begixi the Ring Wancaslas," choir boys 'and erayer imectixig this week as the year -wit-h God .at théa watebxniight. A.Y.P.A.; closing prayars andi bene"~ attendants of thesa meetings ara service. diction, Pourfoid Amen' (Neu- combning wth he .Y..TI. ~tiikoumm);. recessional carol 82, "O 'Watcbnig-xt Service" on Tuesday,; UNITED 'CHURCII Little Town o! -Bathleiaem"; organ, Dec. 31st,l at the Baptist Church, Al United folk are asked to plan1 postiude, Thei Haielujai Chords, * Next, Suxiday, Rev. H. Elmer tohmake'as rn'uci asthey carl .o! tha HSIindel., ônrean will spiaic on the topîc Weak o!f rayer,. which bîgins naxtit "Siack Hands", at the morning zer- ýSunday and continues for.an un- central, electric stations in Cn vice, and-Lieut. Jackson o! thé Sal- < tarore 2,91,4700jkloat vaton rmywili ha thea speaker. aunnsers theme next Sun- aapoue 4910700klwt for the Salvation Army will ha the d ay monning 'wiil bu,* "Lest Our husdnn h is e etso fo h vexing service. Sea an-" amsBheL.. ticurrent.year as agalnst 23,213,- xuncemant -on Weuk o!. Frayer m h vnig nfliat. cf 136,000ý kilowatt- hours In the cornes- serice. - the ganeral exchaxige -o! puipits in 1 pcznding peiod of iast year. - teniai Assoiation, Rev. Davidi Mar- shal wiii preaci ,in thi United Chiurch. Pull amInUncemnent ýwlll ha f ounci .ilsewhera concarxiing the place o! meeting and t ha speakur-' for eacii - week-nigit service. An- abler -group or min cou Id scarcely. hava been .-ecunred. -Wa rîpeat.,hane the an- nouncament for 'thei Thunsday îîight service [n the 'United churçh (at 8 p.m.) witi Rav. GordQxi A. Sfsco, M.A.. D.D., Sacratary o! the UitdCiurch of Canada,. as guait pneachen. The Sunday serviceat Almoncis ns at 3 p.m. Thi annual Sunday Scli,>ol mneet- ing, at Aimonds wili beha hIc on Fni- day- ev-ening o! tis Weak, at 8 p.. at tic home o! Mns. Jack Nawton ST. ANDREWS, PRESHYTERIAN7ý; UHURCH 10: 30-Sunday Scioi. 11:30 a.m.--Divine Worship. 7: 00 p.m.-Em-vening Service.* Tuesday, 7th, January, at 8- p.m.-- Service in connection witi Waek o!; Prayer, pneachen:. Rev. Rossé Came-& non. MA.. cf Dovaiýcoujt Rd. Pris- bytenian Churci, Tononto. A.Y.P.A.-ATTirl)s SERVICE, The A Y.P.A. o! Ail Saints' will attend the, wiek. o! prayer service in the taptist Churci onMonday, January.6th. It [s hopaci that al the mambers wili turn eut and go in a body to. ths service. ,Tus ià-s Lthe day of the Eplphany and.-there. wili also bu.- a Icelebration o! the- Hoiy Communion ini thè Chapel- at 'Ail Saints' at 10 amn.-on that morn- OBSERVE LITTLE CHRISTMAS January 6th h known tQ a gruat many people as littie Christmas and as a mnattur o!f act It was obsarvud as Christmas for thi finît threa centuries o!. thi Christ ian ara. 'Mis day is: ohsirved lithe Church O! Exigiand. and thae&wil ha a cale- bratioxi o! ýtii Hoy Communion ix' the Chapal at 10 am. Monday, lJanuary 6th'., ýaxd litii eveiling theineashers,- o! the congregation are 'asked- to, attend the weak o! prayen -service.:I the Baptist Churci whin the -spenker will be Rev, IlHarolci W. Lang. Editar o! Bap- tist ýS.S. Publications. ALL, SAINTS' CHUR7CI Nuxt, Sunday -at Ail Saints' Churcl#t theru wili bu a celabratioxi 1> o! the Hoiy Communiion at 8- am, axidi a.m. and uvening prayer axid surmnon at 7 pmn. Tue Sunàay School wiii meet.at 2:-15 p.m. Par- ents are asked to take note o! the clange.i.tima !rom 2. ta2:15. This is'also gradixig $unday andi al chuiidrexi are expected ta ha on hand to ha movuci ta thuir new classas for the. coming year. Tii rector wili - preach at thee-i orning service and wil take as b is subjeet, - "Tii Ap- preach at the morning.survice anid exposition o! the visit -o! the Thref Rings t0 tie baby Jesus.- At the -evening service Rev. D. B. Lang- fond wil ha the preacher axid.thi necton wil hi at -Stý. Jobn's ini con- riection wi tite genaral excbangte o! puipits heginning.*tlia wuk o! prayer. -The Weuk - o! Prayer service o! Ail Saints',wll hae on Pniday, Janu-. ary 10th«., when the speaker wio la represexiting the.Archbisliop e! To- ronta, -wiU: ha Canon R. A. Hitz, M.A., D.D.,- D.CIL.,- Generai Secre- tany o! the General. Board.- o! Ru- liglous Education of the Canadiani Churci: Visitons wiii be most waî- corne at the services. - ALL SAINTS' CHUBRCH The New Yean Séason was oh- servudat Al Saints' s lu the past with a «watcbnigiht service on New Year's Eve begin ning at 11.45 pan. Piior ta - the- service, the A.Y.P.A. were, iôats [n the iParish HaU! from il Pmn. until the time for the' service. .Ligit -rjresimnentg were served and an* hour o! f eliowsip enjoyed. The aid year bas been one o! !ew good inemonleea It bas -beun a Urnme of severe - spiritual testing. We know not Wbat. theu-New Year wîllI bring but -We 'do knol% that îf we hbegin wlth God and continue lI oui'holy !aith that we shall bu able to witbstand. all tie nhocks and sur- prises that may be lu. store .in tic future, It la said that the way ta do ' a job su.cessfully -[5 ta 'begin- well. Let, ml those wio look for, a rfevival o! iathinlutie Church and -ln the Maniy Dr. C. F., McGILLIVRAy -Secnatany-tneasurer, o! the Board o! Education, who a few .days ago passeci the 83rd. milestoxiel-i- is husy and useful life. - ELECCTORSoir Vote- To Elect As- c COINCZLLOR A ixianwitii previous mùnlcip)- -. ai - experience who can se Eyou weil,- POLLING DAY , M DAY, JANUARY 6 = WOaccc7J.UST LIKEJ .COM-MUN.ITY

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