Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Jan 1941, p. 2

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THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, TH-URSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1941 N TRIOTIC, SOCIAL andý COMMUNITY ACTq h e N 'I N :ial and Personal an Moinds viit yon, er you friat aia distane; If. yeu. at@tW.ned or U 1613 entertaa Glazette and Chroiiils eWU be* d to record thee tact la tise ail and Personasi" colurna. a tolepisono 703, er, alter boua,. Qorpi. Steve Bascom, Mr. Jos. kmcom, of Ottawa, Mr. Charles laSom ,and Miss Lucille Bascom, C Toronto, spent Christmas wlth heir parents, Dr. and Mirs. H. Bas- Mr. and4 Mis. Ronaid Hall,'- Mr. to H~all, of Wlndsor, Mr. and Mis. MteW, New Markcet, Misa Penfound, vf Oshawa, Mr. and Mia. Morley lall, of Richmond Hill. and Mn. J. lmmlns and claughters, Joanne ,nd Caroline, Oshawa, were guests ýChristmas *lth other snembers of the. famlly at the home of'Mi. ,nd Mis. Richard Hall, Dundas St., Vezt. Those fromu 1hz district who at- 1eedthe. 1940 Normal School )rads reunl>n in~ Toronto on Fri- lay evenlng last were Misses Vfrla. tooke, Qwen Thosupsoli. Gertrude '*hharters and Lloyd Augustus. Miss Josephine Newsome, of To- ,onto, who is onathe staff of the dutuai Life Insurance Co., -of -New rork, vpent. the Christmas holidays vith twi, uncle and aunt, ýMi. P. j. hllivan andi Mis. Smith, 1103 Cen- re Street South. Mr. Athur -Wilson hau puirchaaed lhproperty of the late Miss Bertha, 'oCtor, Henry Street and hia& renÇt- WHITRY ec itl to -Mr. C. Woodrow who takes poaeuilon the firat of thse mentis <Miss Dorothy Holliday, Reg.N., ,of, Toronto, was ýwith lirParents, Mr., anti Mrs'. W. A. -Holliday, for Chriatmas, mis Solitt îs spendlng- some time Wltas relatives la Peterboro, Ontario. Mr.. andi Mis. A. Barber andi sens Bob anti. Paul, c! Ta rante, sent Chnistmas at .tise hoane cf.Mi. anti ýMrs, Walter Kennedy, Brook. Street South., Mrs. James Larkin and. chittiren and- Miss Doris. Smith, of, Toronto, spent Chilstmas wth their parents, Mi. and' Mrs.. V. M. Smith; Brock Street. Mr-. John Vickery, who lias been in Winnîpeg for &several months .on a big, .electrlcal contract.fer a Te- renta fi mm, was home for Christmtas holldays. Mr. and Mi&s. James Robb andi daugiters-, of Durhamn,'Ontario, spent Christmas vacation wlth. tise forzner's mother, MrÉ. George Rcbb, Perry Street. Tise auction sale o! household ef - fects of -tise late Miss Berthsa Proc-. ter while.h was heéld.on Saturday last was- very, suocessful. There was- a large crewid present lncluding buy- ers f rom Whltby 2 anti- nearby cen- tres. Everytliing. was disposeti o! at f air prlees. Mr., William Maw, auc- tioneer hati charge.o! the sale. Tise Woman's Missqionary Society,. of thse United Churcis wll meet on Phnone 618 ili Tuesday, Jùnuary 7th, in tise Seèhool room, et three o 'clock. Mrs. T. A. MCGlllivray's group will h a ve charge, of tise pragram. Miss Blanche, Cencric, -of- Ottawa, spent, a week wltis ler parents dur- lng tse OChristmas vacation. Miss Jean Sutherlandi visi ,ed ie home of lier- parents, Provincial Constable and Mrs . J. D. Suther- landi over Christmas and isas re- turnedti o resume her dutiesla thse Mail Order Department, of tise T. Eaton Co., Toronto. Miss Kay Greer, of Saskatche- wan a recent visiter at tise home o! Mr. anti Mrs. J. ,Cendric. Sgt. 'Gordon. Fairman isa.zbeen transferrect fro thtie R.C.A.F.. at Camp Bordon, ta Calgary, and laI t> this weelc for his aew appointment.ý Mr. and Mis.-W. Wlllls and.son,. Jlinmle, of Woclstock, Mr. and Mis. -0.' Husband .andi daiughter, Vleit, Mr. an'â Mrs. O'Neil andi Miss Anastasia Willis, of Toronto. and Mr. Hditb Willi s, eo Utf of Ontario, wèe-eCisristmas gucats of Mr. and .Mis.,n. t. Heard. *Mi. andi Mrs. George- Rotidis spent tise Nelv Yea.r with tise ferm- er's' parents In London, Otre - Mr. J. R. 'Stansfieid, ef Tarante, spent Chrlstmas wlth bis grand- mnother,ý Mrs. ,bRobt. Town, aiso vlslted bLs uncle, Mr. Clarence Town. Mr. S.. Yeliand of Exeter, was a visitor during tise.,holiday season at the home of Mrs. Robert..Towii. Mr. Lawrence H-effering., John Moaney,, cf New Orleans, andi Don- Hluggins, cof Trinidati, students at De La Salle College, Qakiantis, Ta-, rente,. were with tise forMer's par-_ ents, Mr. andi Mrs. J. Heffering, Kingston Reati West, for the Christ- mas, holidays. Mi.L. 'EdeMiss Lodrraine Eacles and Messrs. Charles, Eades, QÏefald WlIgstoa and Charles Wig- ston o! .tise R.C.A.F., Manning De- pot, Toronto, spent-Clhristmas with Mr. and* Mrs'. A. Raward anti Mr. andi Mrs. A. Wigston. FMr. and Mrs. Thlea. Iing andi fson, Charles, vlsited la -Mentreal', durng tise holida'y season. I Miss Patsy Wllfrld.anti Mn. John Wilfrli have gene te, Oweni Sounti for -the Christmas' halldays. MNf. and Mrs. AI., Heffering anti daughter,' Jane, spent Christmas wthtie fornar's parents, Mir. ai ) Mrs. ýJ. Heffenýing, Kingston Road -West. Mr. and, Mis. George *O'Conor, eot Detroit, Mici., spent Christmtas wlth the formtermnotheit, Mrs. J. J. O'Connor- Broçk Street. South. Mn. William iLedgett ls*Épending a few -weeks wlth friends In Dryden andtictirif t, Ontanio, before gelng te. Brookilawliere lie wlll be mcm- ployeti on tise farm of W. A. Dry- dien & Son. Mrs. Matthew Kierr -and daugis- ton,-Jean, are vlsiting wlth-.rel1atives la- Kingston, Ontario. Miss Margory Rutidy le! t iast 'fe or. Chicago, wisere she *1iil talc. a two imonths' bourse linpli-, tograpliy. + +.' *Thse negular moatiy, meeting o!, tise local -brancis, V.O.N., will be ieId ln the Lbrary, on Monday aftenpo, Jauar 6,1941, at. thret o'cIock. Mrs. Leo Gray, thse president o! thse Senior >Castle Chaptei Alumni, - was liostess ta tise Junior group of. thse alumni at their %anapal ýClrist-. mas party. During tise evenlng varieus gantes, In keeping ,wlth tise seasan, wereý enloyeti, ai mucli merrimênt resuit 'ed* !rom tise me- cisanical toys which ecdi member received.,fr6nt thl, tret, anti which, at tis etnt o!tise evening, were *donatcd-ts tht welfare department for> distribution la Chirstmas baskets. BLwhmemben aisa breuglit a contribution tewards gifts ,fem Engllsh war guests. ' -Àter- dainty refresisments were 'serveti, Miss Audrtey Lawler expressedth ie* appre- clation o! tise group for Mis. Gray'a kintinesa hI opening lier lieuse te thent, andto; th ie conimiftet whoý had prepared tise programme. RýoSxE HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL * Sohool Section Number T hree, Rural Route Na. 2, Piëkering will bold a Quiz Contest for-tise pupil on Frlday evening, January ltis 1941, at 8 p.m. Yeu are crdal Invitetitocorne anti brlag, yout * frlends. If YOU have recelvedi a let- ten be sure-'te bring-tise envelope_ wlth you. This- contest wlllb. hldt strlctiy la, accordaince wtis' tise Scisool Att. Railles anti gaines o! chance prohblted. Admission 25 fi cents. isuay31, 1941. I.ýO.De.E. Dan Chneof Date Owlngt. previous engae- mient o! th.eBarnrd Tlerney orchestmae! Oshswa, tise date o! th. I-OJ).E.d=ne. luasbeen chaited to Jaiiuary Slst, 1941. Buy Victery now. "Wliat diti you buy today?"', During happler timtez tise answer 1 matie 'lttît d.lfference ta anytising but your f amily buÀdget. Teday every purciase you malce af- fects tise efflciency of tisa Enpire's war effort, antiwisen we realize that 50 cents a day on Britisis gootis by. each Canadian coulti make.a pro- fount i dfference te Britain's fln- anc.ial position, ahl menibers, la fact everyone, is.urged te buy Canadian andi buy:Britiss. A. lette r bas been reelved front Bob Griff la thanking thse members for a Housewlfe. gîven te hlm. A letter fron thUe Children's- Aid Society, Hamilton, saïd Il- part: "Oil behaif of our Britishs chid guezts, we wlsh te thank you andth ie CUIDE. NEWS' The a-nnual Christmas tree of the 24h .O.D.E. Whltby Brownie Pack was held at thehome of the Brow Owl, Mrs. W. Stewart, Byron stzreet north, on Wednesday a! ternoon, De- ceinber 18'. T*enty-five, members were- pre- sent to exchange gifts' and spend a social, hour. An interesting fifteen, minutes was spent in.putting -magite into the new Toadstool recently' èa rned by the. Bro*ies. as part of the proceed s of their basket-day. The Tawny Owl directed the game.s. The -balloon, race was won by Bar- bara Loveil. 'ie Christmas stor,-- was entitled, "TheIcicle that had a Warm H-eart." Af ter presents were ôpened, lunch was served by ýthe Sixers. The resuits pf the year's work were given out. The Iollowlng reý- celved.- their -service star:Nay Gibsoni a new Brownie from Port *Hope; Mary Colemnan,,Marie Wood- row, Elizabeth Adye, Jcan'Arch't-* bald,- and- Mary Berlitt. Badge tes,, w;as passedb y Joan Archlbald, Nat- aile Erskine, and Mariie Woodrow. -Everyone should get ready for thse1 "BrownIe -Packs" for your icinti. don.-, ation o! toys at Chistmtas. These glUts veretaken te, the chiltiren. on Tuesday. and we.,only 'iWish we could. tell yeu how greatly they were ap- preciatti, net only by tise ch Iltrar but by their lester parents." Tlis lete referredti t ie tisree dolls, dressed and. donateti by tise "ýBrewnie Pack" as well as twc stuffeti animais. The Public I& netifieti that the- date o! tise 1.0-D-E. Dance lias beeri cisange'd te January 3lst'and will be held inla tise igh Sciseol, subjeci te tise approval cf tise Board of Educatioi., Admission $i.2& perý cou- pie. 75ets. single. A 1imited -number o! tickets wlll be seid. Mrs. D. Wil- son lias- charge of ail tickeLts. Tht workc rocin wlll reopen nexi I Tuesday, .January 7tis.. enrolment ceremony at the, end of January. Brown Owl and Tawrw Owl wlsh ail the Brownies a Hap pv New *Year with speclal Icdnd tnoughts for those. whe are 11-. (Ccntributed). Your Scoutmastcr suffered a, re- lapse on his returis frorn the New- .market Training Camp. Tise -flu. seèms to have a way.of.getting Ã"ne. down, even a veteran traince. Our next meeting will again, have to be postponed due to my absence. This time I will be away on busi- ress.- Our f irst meeting of -thse-New Year will. therefore take place on FTiday, Jan. 10th> We have a brand new 'program prepared for forty- one se lets have a good r.urn-out from tise very stait. Wishing you ail tisevery best of Scouting ln tise new year. "Chuck" King. Ljoý Angeles-.-(CP)-Deciding tisel used book business needeti some- thing, Michael' Foreman, a dealer for seven yearsi, 'started. selling books, by, tle poum.1 :25 cents for the flrst and 10 ce ts for each extra pound. VOTE TO -REUELECT DRA PE R FOR COUNCILLOR An experiencMd nan for tryinig tinies POLINGDAY MONDAYp JANUARY PHONE" 488 FOR CARS TEANNUAL HOST'ss TEÀ 0F O tise Women's Missionary 'socieu,' & ftise Unitedi Churcis w e leiselti on. Wednesday afternoon, Janu.- ary 29tinlatise scisool room fromn M:30te 5:3. Admission 25c. C01MING-ALLSAINTS' A.Y.P. 1 eV s Minstrels. Resarve Thursday, -- Éruary .201h and Friday, Fbra E 2lst, zWhitby Towýn Hall. Aclmi'.- *sica 25cents. jNEW f SERIVICE CL EA.N ER - C.I i -Whitby, local representative-t E E - Allison, shoe repair -sisop,Brook f Street-Norts;Wh'itby, Phone-707_- lou t IIlIIlI1l IIIIIIll> lIItI Obituary' ESTEEMED, PIONEER PASSER Mr. Solomon Wilson, oeaoait hi oli pianeers aI tisa Town.ship, ai' ReaciPasseti away at, his lesidýkence in Toronto Friday, December 201h., lia.d",he ived-i until, nex,.t. April ha weuld have- attâined tise ripa old, age of 87. . Thse deceasedc gentleman came -ta Canada, from .Norfolk, Englandi, *and1 went inýto the farmning. profies:ion ! which hé was always eminentiv ,suc- cesaful. He.ha4 fine:business'judg- ment and. he was a cea in everythln g' he touched. He -married, Sa rah Prowvse, of Cannington, somé 53 years.ago. ls wldôw anid threèi children, Arnnie. (Mrs. ýEd. Charleton) anid AlbertJ E. of Toronto, and Joseph, P., on the aid h)om est.ead axe left to mourin bis SÃ"m.e 20 yemarsaga Mr. Wilsoni retired from his. very active 111e tb take' a. well earned rest in' Toronto. He had a keen intellect and c-njo<,- I ed, 111e to,*tise full to the. last. lHe was deeply' nhterested in spiritüial affairs, both in his, old churci at Epsom, and in! Trinity: United Church, Torento, where ha was a. member.. Muchissympathy' is* it through- eut -tise:Townshsip of R c fr h bereaved' -family wise e, iss ;onj,ý Josepis resides 'wiso is keénenla-- grossed-in mu4nicipal aff airs 1n f actl is one :c f -thé hanaoureti iembers 'of' î the Reach tonship. Tise remlams were. laid te rest l-a 4Pine CGrove Cemeter3, Prince Àlbert. RUTH GASTON Tise deatis occurr edat *Port Whit-J by on Mfonday Decembar 3 th o Ruths B. M. Gaston,, in iler 27til Deceased who was bora In Wrhit.b7ý was tise eldest d augiter: cf Mr. m-ind *,Mrs.- Frank Gaston, Port Whifby and had been iii for sex'eral 1 nt 1. She -was a mnember. of St. John's- *Cisurcis andw'mas seld iiitise highest, esteemiîn the communitv: Surviving are lier parents, Mr.0 anti1 Mrs. F. Gàstoni, thrýee brothers.1 Alfred,, Georgoe and Ernest and t o sisters, Evelyn andi Edilli. The funeral udll be helti from tie famnily 'résidence, 1612,*Dufferin Street, Thûrsday, Janu a',, 2nd, 1941. at.2,30 o'clock. Rev., D. B. Langford wlll coadct tisesèrvice. Intermentwill bem11ade in. Union Cemetery. . .MARRIED.' 57 YEARS Mýr. and Mrs. William Smith on t WNednesday ..of.-ýthîs.we ek, .New Year's Day, celebrated tisa 57 th an- nivers-ary c f.- their wedding. .Mr. and Mis. Smiths are id andi isgilyt1 e steemned residefËts aof thi 1s to 1wn.1 Mr. Smith is.,henorary chief of tise Pire Departmezt. and-i-fornany years. waà its active isheati. The. Gazette a nd..Chroicle joins with a * hast o! othser friends in- ex tending congratulations and hatishes. Deaths GASTON-At Port 'WAhitby, on ý *Meaidayi, December '3th, » 1940 *Rutis B. M. Gaston, elasdag- ter of .Mr. and Mrs., Frank Gas- ton, in.,her: 27th year. Mie f uneral wil ltaka place from1 tise.family resideace, 1612 Dufferin street,, Port Whitby, on .'Thursdayý. Januar 2nd, .1941, at 2:30* o'clock, D.S.T. Interment la -Union Ceme ýBirths VAN DUJREN-At Whitby, on Sat- urday, December 28th, 1940, to Mr.-. and Mis.'H. Van Duren, a daugis-: ter (Margo). Wm..ihn immarei il .or« cusi- m-i Fee'd liii [11111111111111 DOWMAN & Thne old reliable reul estul Let us give you a qu otatio n or dwelling, harnitýure or store ini special Furmns for suie and rec Dowman &i TEXAS VVOMEN, 116 Dupha REPORTED OLDEST 1 ton,t Houston; Tex-, 1 Pc.27.-(bP)- j wouk Iab1Gomnz, who sasshe wXas WOmIR bornl in 182.1 _ýt Guanajuato, '1\lexi- IMeXic ('o, is list.ed ïa probab]y vtise oldest jficialI allen in -ile Tjni-.cd-' States. Luis L. camie, 1rotheElectors Of t TOWN,0F 'Y 1 hereby solicit your 'Vote an 1 e E V Monday, Jan 1 Push the a, d woî'k in col 2, Caref ul economy in ail fin 3 Thorough investigation be 4 Make large expenditures c 5. Support every reasô'nal1e, If re-elected, I shall continue A. Exp erfi VOTE 7 DRo.FeS DEPI For. i POLLI NG -DAI 10 ar. to c6 P. for Cars 'A Happy WITH: WHITBY I.0OmDEz TO THE OLCOR F WHITBY: For teis years I have served You in the capaclty of. Counellor. two. years of this as deputy-reeve, acting -on yeur -behiaîf at Couhty Council. During that trne I have endeavored to' serve, you to the besi of rny ability. 1 'have '>rt ail tlregkejýt the Interests of the town as a whole upperrnost. la my nslnd, and have deaIt With aIl matters t. that end, without fear or lavor to any slngld Individual. î amn very gratef ni for the confidence You have placed la me in, the past, especiafly during the two years that 1 served._yôu on the County Council, board. Now, I .ilnd myseif. for the present unable through my source o! ýemploymenit th continue further wlth flic' county end o! thse ivork, so 1 arn asklng you to consider my ability to, serve you as. Councillor, basing your consideration upon MY experience and upon what -1 have donc for the town during mny years o! service. Ithank you for your past support and asic you for 'support and vote at this time.' A very happy and prosperous New Year te you ail, and*,may 1941 bring us the victory of a glorious peace throughout tihe world, FRANK THREADGOLD.. for a Very Happy and* Prosperous New Year. HEALTHFULLY, AÃŽR-CONDITIO)NED Al SHOWS ýDAYLIGHT SAVING TIME. TH-URSDAY -EFRIDAY - SATURDAY Wo Shows at 7:30 and 9.30. Saturday Matine. at 1,:30 UlSUCAL LAUCOIIRIT! Ce" in.rf.IIW LUCHJI BAL RICHARD CARLSON ANN'MILLIR Prodm nid EDDIE IRACKEN dimew . I, ,FRANCES LANGFORD GEEDESI ARNAZ-HAL L.ROY PLUS THE MARCH, 0F TIME Presents, liMEXICO MONDAY - TUESDAY'. WEDNESDAY* Last Compet.-Show at -8.50. 4lE SUMSTEADS9 >N EWEST AND RSST-IMEST Umm *0 nlb.coul ie p rafby kv Cic YOUNGOWIh MSUMSTIADS '-AIso An Added"ATaction*, $mm tfmtHEmd--- f s,$ oremuetsI Pure wlth Morris .o Virginla l'N ÇornelI e WIlmjFawy ) MINO NUXTky RIDYSATURDAY, GARY COOPER i "TI meWISTERNER"' i ROC THE" AIrRF i il - 1 1

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