Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Apr 1940, p. 5

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THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CI*ONICLE9 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1940 SPODE CHINA Mfakea Popular Giftaf for Weddinga.and -Il Event, ' 9 pattems to choose fromn BASSETTý'S Whitby Phone 760 - Oshiawa 165 + ED ýCR-OSSI ACTIVITIES The regu.lar monthly meeting o! the ladies of thi- e te Cross Societ.y wIl b1wheld l Inthe workroom on l tii. Wedine.A4a,, April 10th, at 3 pm, PleaLse' bring mite-boxes to be Shipmnent of woollen., was msade roen the workrooni thji. week, and :on.slsted o! :-204 pairs of socks; 84 pairs o!f r le',7 hi'lnvt.s; S-5pairs f milt.L, 14 nax' "ze 16 army .';Crvesl; 22 air force> srarves; 3 arrny swèater.,; 2 navy sweaters. The !oll ,owinig donations for the week are gratrf .I-v aéMnowldged: 10 persoriAlly f rom the Junior Roec Cross oý l tBrri' hol ù esnlprpr bRg! f rom iTrgýrnia Goo<fr; o , criot(httpr orcis !rom Mr-.J. 4%. Anderson: 8 pairs o! ' ,ork.sfrn tlv' Brnevoir'nt Ffbelah Ld :2,baby j arkets and 2 pairs o! baby bootfes frorn Mrr, p:M. Brovin; 2 pairs of vWrstlets fromi Mrs. Hoi-pper: 1i scarf and 1 pA.Ir of kfro'niMissJ. . c Materiai Needed for Refugees Our con-vener for refuge gar- mei.Mrs,*J Hr'fff-ing, reports that. he-r sup p;x fmaeils x haRusted, And d tinoilonuswould be muci ppela .8111, rerdA dark pati-ern, nedprn d broadcloth-, for girls <rese and i îua.trlal for Cross -activitits in Londlon. Col. Nasmiîth is hLs i.ncle. .Women Drivers Graduate In Oshawa The second class'of womnen motor mechanics was gra.duated ln Osht- awa thîs weeic from the Volunteer Auxiliarv Drivers' Corps. In tfie Presence of officiais eto General Motors, u.nder whose aus- pices these 60 ladies went through a l0-weeks course in' Toronto, dipiomas were preseni.ed by Col. F'rank Chappel, industrial rela- tions manager e! the company. One nlght each week for 10 weeks they have been tinkering with trUck engines-, learning thé intricacies of. ,i motor car carburelor, finding out wlicn a spark plug might be miss- ing andi about one 'thousand and one other lutile repair jobs thu.i iight î'equire f ast and expert fin- gcris If one of them somne day might find bei-self seated behind the wbecl o! an ambulance or motor lony on muddy road.s In France. A11 of the graduaies decla.red themsjtlves as ready to go in a min- uîte if the call comnes for womnen drivers. Almost monthly how, classes from cit ies throughout easi- Pmn Canada will convcrge in Osh- awa, for the . final stage o! their courses. 's hir .,,tikui-kes Faunl- Toronto and district coniributed es nticut o' fr bbvgaruens 1.09,00.in last falî's Red Crcos alsorieeird.Ca.mpaign. In the lirsi four' <one forrofî~eegarmnts av ontb.s a! 1er war was declared, be akn p' f etiCrssOntario women produced 77,000 ici bu ~îîs i î'ie<isearae-pairs cf bet socles. 10,000 palirsof Mc. b rft l :u1vx1.hr be vfrati ilowt'-r,2,000hancikerchiefsr, 75 Ferivedr-~ io~~ in ->~ pairs of beci sockes; i10000 pains of ~i Co<s wokrouî. t tkes2'g pyjana.s anti 9,600 hospital gowns. dsi o! prînt to makr' a îittie girls,, At the eati of last year 4M0 as ad boomrs ud f w yrdsbranches wr-e operating in Ontario the oCier m iatirial.i wlli make instead o! the 76 lrnmediately be- ax.v aî gairnent, .-so îîrgenuîv fore.the war.+ +l+ ~let -b îl~ to'~itiîe 'ef~re Saniaritans of the Battlefield ++ + Our grandfathers lived Iln a diay when tie*Red Cross was unknown. R.A.F. Name-, Wanted Ieîg risoners were left to their captor 's fltoux iti pppal lsben devices. Wounded were lefi to the ncheç foriv Ille n('suadiand týo1vea. to perish from coid, or to ISS cS lc.iii'tvfo te o aie. lipon the battlefieid unlesthey nM hern, .a, ir ore i Gratcould if nd someone less severely iedthe RcatAi Foce u Gea woded ta drag them home. ýtàtn. Thr informatin îs neei- .m- tha, un the exeant cft ts Who Inspired Rcýd Cross? ingmeiri beuu(ýlg ei'heî' woîîuieti Qi- ilwas inspireti liv Forence Nîght- en pt~orrs-f~virthe 'ualeDuring the Crimean War, scari ire for thtni anti keep Fioencé Nightingale and thlrty- 1- elaîxe ii th Doriîîî-,-isup eght priîsoners se' sr-,il from Eng- ~~~~~~l ~ ~ ~ ac wh feriaoo oenne Icifor the Crimi. They found m. cctiuton.sunhelirvable. Dead dogs boutI fri V, ua: wu ~ loer oivlîside the so-called hospital, Enigati tejo utcRova IAir 'i ioiing every brea'b of air; rats -ce evea: mrut hi-fre ~R5gnamwrdti îtthr liiibs e -helplessly vdelartiant 0fthee sverl wuntid men: there wus absolute dred namnes are stlil îirknowa. î ,hotf fmeta qipet e ed Crngss l1est tor Toronto Men -]) so e rmvn )ordon' N Keanei-, vocational trdinition cf fîcer at Centrai ha cil Sio. I 'rotolaleav- short ','v foi- Engiand-to tebecome Liai-i l 10Col, George %Nasmiti, ly - rpplnteqçl deputv -coimmis - Irri- la brge o!- Can'«dîan Redi The driç everybLody: knows //> *i. Ur lx-( a fs4ti !r WMBLY'S CAF BEVERAI &UAWA - 1W'ho WVas the Actuai Founder? .Mkeanwliiie a Swis banker, had seran wounded lytng three deep, and 11 lie could do wRa tno a!fer them a glass of water and a cigatr. He was M. Henri Dunançi, tea! founder cd thep RecdCross. wbo admittedti lat tie wiole o!is inuspiration carne fi-ci- an Englisi wemaa. Florence NlgbtingRaie. Who Was the First Patron? T'he National Societr for tic aid o! thc Sirk'and Wouadied ta War, -adopting lite Red Circ'.-s flag and badge. *pt out f rom England to ils work o! mercy for the firat turne to the Franco-German War In 1870. Queen Victoria was the pa;. t'ran. aided by H. R. H. Priemss Ciri.stiaa. and Miss Fliorence Nigil- ingale-. In1905 thé societx becaue an Empire orgatzatiî. Ia 1912 In the Balkan wars, lb providod hos- pý..la's. chotera camps, aid for r-efu- ge-es. mcfi at every war sîrîce tilt timtuiie tur i terniion andj the Brt i+ïh Red Cross have been pi-e- sent, g heuld Uthe(iovcrnment Finance lhT arIsewer us NO, for seerl i-casonsi b 'Thè R.ed Cross u LntornAtion- Iai. sud s. pretected liv a- Coventant. a.' .oweM :t do works o! mercy Ir. War-timr wbicb no warring na- tien cou. a.ew an OiOîggev- * .rnment ti de. 1V, the, moet va'da.îe auxi- iary and supp*ement.a.ry boy 10 thc f Roy al Arm1v Mcdicai ,COrps. s-ci, - on lie eutbrcak of war, can neyer- j wdevreoped si.Mfcien :v.'-a pilv to mee1t thcdcmands on ltsseiics -For :rstance Lnthe ic ast %,sar hie -01, B EFFarvt in Frarcee W-'1hou-, a1 kingle rmoor mb L'ance. It s'as --e î.R-ed Cross wie sent ticeflust batci ~.,BSO iacMm T'hev. werec cnve-ted imotor cars gî'.'en lix- me.nbers o! tic Pubi- I I iina fe'w weeks Xi swuthe ~><~~tReti Cross wio had doctors andi WONATED nurses aailabic for the R.AU.C..to ZE3 ~cafllon. Beforethecend of thewas hac 2,171 ambu1arâm arie- T rusd Thief to Chair at 1 John S. Jephson, of Brooklln, and bis daughter,Mrs. Miidred Sin Jephson's hardware store, a.nd whlle Jephson covered hlm wlth his .38 securely to a chair until police came. Above Mr. Jephson and his dai the lntruder. Later in the morning Jephson drove of a man who trlîg IN WHITRY CHDR-CHES M -W - -- -- - a- wm mm, -ALL SAINTS' CHTJRCH p.m. Thne Sunday Sehool will meet Tii. services at Ail Siint.s' ne xt ai 2 p.m. The acholars are ail in- Sunclay. the thIrd af 1er' Easter. will t.erested in the aitendance pins be - 1eld -ai ýhe, usual times, The whlch are being presented for per- 8 amh. celebration of the Holy fect attendance. Many nft th Communion wlll be the A.Y.P.A. sciiolars were presented wlth theii monthly communion and the rector bronze pin showlng thst they__hat will preach ai mornlng prayer ai attended thirteen Sundays withou. i1 a.mn. and ai evening prayer at 7 a break. Visitors are most welcomi ai the services. 400 doctors had been emplcvied o!. CONFIRMATION CLASSES whomn 238 went abroad, It shows Time Confirmation Classes ai tie value o! prepareclness that while~ continuing at Al Saints' on Frida: 108 doctors were abroad for the Rcd ,i- j,, sinthe rin T'i-. 11 Cross ln 1914, there were only 15 la 1918B - t-be rcst haci beýn taken for lie R.A.M.C. For tbis war, everythiag Is readý-1 now. It is the first war in which the Red Cross bas been completely aclequate from the very begianing. In England, tiere has even been a vast organisation o! Red Cross Poats as part ofthie air raid pre - cautions. At every coasi-guard station and every port in -the coun- try there hai beenî since the out-~ break o! war a fully -equippet R.ed Cross Post ready -for'aI naval cas- ualtlies. -: 3. Ia limfe o! war, the public bave alwaye been generous anti anxious to contribute te goixi causcr. Th'ev like te know that their mnonc is doing irai gooti. Now were the gov- eramnent la have control, apai-t fromi the cost to the Emcbequer, there must lie red tape. filng up o! foi-ms, requ.isitioaing, andi the supplyîng 0f justthie bair necessi- tiecs. Il is the job o! the Red Croýss te Supply* vthose buman comnforts wbich malte ail tbe difference: to add that toucb o!. foretbought thlat' will make a man happy. This tbey do superiatiycî' weil. Penny-a-Week Fund In Englandth te Redi Cross oper- atés a PenaV --a-Week Fund whiclV- sfems to lie proving verv popular. In .lte fi-st fortnight 7.000 firms joined the sciieme. Where the workers agree, one penny a-week is deducted f rom their wagesý. lie emp:oyers sulpply the collecting macbirsery, bank the money an.d show ýhe Redi Cros.q re- ceipts o,,, a notie c rard each ;%'ek. rnaousands more are s.îlneetied if tie workers are te have their chance o!Ï dong their bit. Sbould tie war lasz three years, tic Brit- ish Redi Cross figure tic'.'wl, needI $600.000. This Per.ny-a-Week ?und i:Suppiv' 13.tIi'i.00or a quarter o! -Ile furci îâ peu.ues rom tie workers aoae - a -narveilo=s share. Tht'foilowinc t a'le' bas been worked out to showý what a penn,- a-,wk can do :nthie course e! a yftr. Ir. sà firm with: O>workers-buy a sterlizer dru.. 10 workera-luy a stretcher. i 20 workers-,-b-ay an anaesthetist 'a tab: e. 40 wo.-kers--buy &n operaM9 S tablàe... :A workers-buy a patîent's trol-' ley. 120 workers-ixi' an oxicie oxyger. anae-s:he',.c appa:*us. 550 workers--buyx a lia: :erx-- of 8M0 vorlters-buv a portab.e X. ray apparatua. 1000 worker-ýbu.%1anPambuance. 1100 wcn'k'rs - buy -a co.-pn;-,e tn8s:rgen:y 0op êa i-t :beaa câr.p'e ,- equ.îppediXr; ~~:ts arnbu.a.nce. Th.s is one o' flrs~ee r land ts t+,î.ng, te.fle-p :e Red Cro.u.. Per.aaps ii-mayist=i.ua;,e suguU=ios f romn Caaad2Laas on Vfl &Mndme&=s to help thc Cana- da Red oron. GunpointSPNIMETG DAY 0f QUINT The Sprlng executive mneeting-o! the Bay of Quinte Conference Branch,' Womnan's Missionarv So- ciety convenied ini Trinity United Chiurch. Napanee. on.April 3rd and COME IN AND SEE 4th. with only three absent memn- S E N S A T I1O N A L f bers. Miss E. Dunoon. Lindsay, pre- esided. over the five sessions and- the M v I guest speakfr was Mrs. L, F. Ste- phens. Hamilton. president or the Dominion 'Board who brought a timlymesae.PATHFIND, During the sessions Miss Connie Wagar. Peterboro. was, elected a@AN3TIEA O Mission Circie Secretary aM ?NIrs. W. A. Scot. Pakenham, as Secre- Don'ti !ary of Community Friendshlp. PRICES YOU OeCe nhe trensurer r itted $65.174, SAT T slght uni to Dominion Bad nd excellent, the Goodf reporte. were given P8ech serre- $Uef ta nd six presb.terial presi-1 nsunev cai dente, Miss Mabel Clazie. of Belleville, homne on furlough from Japax QX a!- ter thirty years of servi1ce, ettended t.he sessionF. The worz-Iip periods wrere based on *'Should Missions go on in Time of War" a.nd "Stewardshi." M rs. Cecil Gil lies had ri splendid - dlsplay of literature and Mrs. Pcc Mactiullen showed several press- scrap books. The other -appoint- mente were: Officers Appointed Finance COmnitt"le--Mrsq Smytlt Mrs. Corkill, Mrs. F. Sherman. Mrs. e, surprised a thief early Friday InI M automatie his daur.hter trussed hlm ughter demonstrate how the.* iedup 8.'15 p.m. a gi-oui, wil] mneet ai thie -,Praer. WHI TBY MOT-( ~~~d~ toetrtobnai rooLi n oryfoeang te lstistdy and lowed by the midwee meting of! MNen*s Asociation wlll hold a So- IDUNDAS STREET EAST cial Eveningz with the Women's Aux -_____ _____ the Beaver Boys' Bible Cl1ass ai, fliary. the Adu]'ý Bible Cla.ýss. and 8.15 p.m. the, Sunday &rhool teachére and tf- Whiteside and the Christlan On Fri'iay. at, 7.30 p.m. the Girls' ficers, at 7.30 p.m. in the- Sunday Stewardship Secretar3ý of Oshawa,. Bible Ciazs il mePt at thne home School HaIl Advisory Commtrittee - Mitu E of Miss Olive Goldri.g: the Junior On Tuesday. the riewly confîrmnedMisCWra.Ms.. -Choir pi-acti"e ç&-il be h&d'1 at. Mrs. girls will meet at th(- rectory at Dunoon.MisC .4rMs .R Wilson*s home at. î-30 p.m ,ai-d afý* 4.45 p.m. and aduits ai. 8 p.m. Cai-scallen. er Ld le re junior class- meels at 7 p.m. anti t-be adult class ai 8 p.m. Word has been received f rom Arc:'ibishop Owen that he wtlb be presei on FrIday. June 7th. to administz- ibis rite. IThose wishlnprtô join lie« classes are asked te do se, im- mediately so that the gjeeest good-can be obtalned !rom th in- struction. Those who âr 'e ai eady confîrmed but wish to brush up on theii- knowledge o! chut-h doctrine and tbe, Bible and tie Praver,ýBcok are miost cordially iavit-ed te at tend. THEEIUNITED CHFURCU OF CANVADA Tht' s0>rmon themC . ýat Whitbyj rUnitd Church next S=.îda.v moi-n-i iug ant I . AlmoîMs in the after- ruoc wll lie *"Th Angel end the Thiun der. Ti e e-'ning theîme will be -lifes Prpè)tual Challenge.«" Whlltbv S.S. mneets àt 2.15 pmýr A 1rnr imî'dsS.S. rneet.s s 1:15pm wMt- Publie Worship ait 2:30 p.n Wbit'bv Y.P.U. rmeets st 8:15 p. on Mondai'. Almoads Y.P..meet-ý at 8:00 p.mn. on Tedy Afivance notice la l'ien cf the final banquet o! lie Men's A-ca tion o! Whitbv.United Churci. te0 be held on WedInesda- evçnJ:ag. April 17ti. at, 6:30- p.m, Rev. Devin] Mai-shall will speak lipon "British .GulanR." ST. ANDEW'S PRESBYTERIA&N il30 a.m -Dviîne Worship. 220--Suadav- Sciocl and Bible 7 P rn.- %nri ervire. .Monea-'. 4 pm RpninBa-. On r-'a:of *-4s -e'ek the iWom- e,.z; -MLýzi0narY, Srciety wil]holti themr Thankof er 'ing Meetiý*ng. in tie Sun tay Schoo! Ro-om &t 3 p.n., RAPTIST CRURCH At the Bant:st 'C huî'ch nex: s 'un.- -a.ti: -15tr ý'hj A-natxersan, 'o! Mr., Ro0b in E. Nî",hoXFon. am organist. wi1M be r:ebr'ed.and 'a!t.er the e:-e- c. :.i- ri'r~ : 5 an «organ i-e- . laIn '.e morr:ýng :he mh.-,«s:*er. Re;' H Elmer Greer. wlm jdaedcate a rerm.on te McN :h'r. onz ai-d fa!t -2 ,serviP Tt-;ý r o-w be~Tb aie va:ucf o Musir 10o Worip - lTice výenrr isciz w4l Se ":. ".'at h'Saw" On. Tht.zsdav e e-n'z'Apr:l :1th aqt 8 r>ca tbei-e Ws-*I: ba sorts .:-i =.ig wihprograni'. Prie refres-- B y pU, or.NMoeda, at 9 pzrn Sundav schoc v.'x-m 'uday mora- :ag a:" 10 cSk ST. JOHN *S. PO'RT WHITBY Ire af'er' 2 ttt,- ".'S:yf' and WE:-t-:--'-dy -: Ac'r7hý-rn cf 'cro ";a C'c.!:-rverSericear730 r -4-i s-tra r ordAttv&:] :ze b-t'aYS .v" by a Sbhoc: f cepî-~o ;n Abe S'ctcs-', S-ndc Owen .an-d '*h- n-wv ýconf:rrrurdc! On > *hia 'e confirmcd boys ,re-! a'tt 1*h- 'rectoriv at 7 pi-n. 5Cr r.iricron thc Sacrement of gio.y Communion. This viii be f01. H I GH WAYS O; pl \\' -~ N ~'7 -~j-~ -t H. M. BLACK -»nager il il Il THE Y EARS agio, down.town ( cities, telephone ie ou t the sky. A netwvor< towerirug poles crowvdedç or 'more- of cross-a-ms, b creasirîg problem and haz year. From the Telephone Labor _ the. solutiorn - telephone proved by years of resi cables now cont:ain as »ma -pairs-of wires, each ciny v from the others and -ail îig int a sheath of lead. Throug like wiircs beneath the pav( the tide of downtown telep This development of telepl one-of the-great triumphs .,research. Congested bumi cities could bc served- in n Today.in larger centres, u per cent of telephone 'Ail ground. Science hes had its wýaý phone- with ail pha by day the servu cgr teaching, more human,J NHOW -t' k. - - ---------- - net fun drej of Ilai n .e 1- vr-liiiir"ý XII L'lir r-ililikilýv 1-1

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