Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Apr 1940, p. 10

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-' PAGE TEN -THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHR0NýCLL, WEDNFSDAY, APRIL 10, 1940 TS' WHITBY WINS- FOR .SECOND lI'M.E O.H.Ae'- INTER ýB. TROPHY Defeateci Seaforth în Thrll- Talbot of Preston - blew an ofsaide. ing Ganie at Stratf6r&J Friday Nighit by a Score of 6 ta 2 LGST. ONLY TWO -OF 24 -G-AMES! Fine' Record Challced Up For Season Banquet and Presentation of Cupý is Planned, Shortly (By Bob MecCuloughj Whitby A.A.A.*s submerged -Sca- forth Beavers 6-2 ta wiii their In- Bndat 1" final src by a 9-4 craunt nd'altaîn the topmost step mn Ihel,'rel ntless ýciimh ta the prvnil camipiotns-hip las P'ri- iav nlg'nt, The -game was played bel are a record crowci o! nearly thire thousanct fans, spttnq a new igili for- aîîeî4anco-.antStratford Arn Whliiby <,play wa.'s as neat àasaany that ia.s been accun thïs season and thrir ttrchiique kept the Beavers; giiesmignir)ort of the' evefllng. PIay - ing îhnpîl)oinshIip. hockey the re- duued the ifýBeavers ;iere, by piert and ctrîîn tec iem entirely-in th'e final ix'riod with, a1 five-goal scoring splurg'. 15paforth bcd evidenitix' learnied a lot from their defeat, in Oshawa on yniglit Having naoted& the pedanci Uglitning attack of stich sia 'atsas .f oe, Hcarciand Pipvr, ilIte Beaverts put on -a sus- tailned gajîging attark anîd playeci threirlr tramt ln Whîtby terrri- toî'x'.whcnever they had the chance. This systei--n.ieçted a-lot of en- hu iasm inta- th~ gazne but If ciliii't appear- ve r* strategic espec- tsi I th final frame. Five of W1htbyv'.s six goalls were solo0 efforts nAs0h Count ' Town boys were fprce(lta relv on individual initia- tive rithier *th an their uLsuai smôafh sys1em of! c6mbination. Scorlng hnioraý werc fairly eveniv divided amonig the i itby siesa-ndt no piaveVrcwuldj be singleet out for spe,- ciai m.t11lWo1 iIiwtt h> 'exceptîion of Pai ký 'l in thu'nvts. Porky'ki-' 1imag11îtiCent 1 îetiiiîndling coul ribut - ed In no10nI aIl-way ta flic victory. I 'aî h.~'etaken tîîree .average go. ta s om ane o!fh ht lie bhou, epca a laU)eled ef- fort tonMFduB~e 'n tre,, wiio s~fini witîli ia one ta brai iniif the 4îîîrrtperlad anet bla,!i- pc cd ai tnki,-hligh bullet fron t ten Til eBeatevs i. nie ouf fightîîîg in l.et '1. ra ansd piayed every- ni iiup froin the openiiig whLs1tle. honpiig It aua c Whitby offguard, Beavers Thrraten IIt ajpearcet asý if a slonewall fî alakbut Brown managed ta pul lîim.s'î oi ofthe baille -and, ra&cd tazotai olier end ef the rink ~u. t i vou~i 'r'anSîlLs te beat B 'awle" acleno frnPtake a% lie pi~o!~ lii (.sleda baî'khaiid sua!lu ae*ugoi le S'.1de's legs ta ili ,~îi a oîn~ 'rait lie 2.40 nitik itîli tdc ried liard dur- îrg .u î' (i fthie periocd but Wbtîb\ ie'aîîesi ir u'onie goal :(1îid 1-1P rw~coiaînîîîg a large bni'roý îu'irRL.ý. cheerec aind c Iî~eci'.nss~ a ansd bboed lit! î a't le însucc~fil! al- ltlav Roughrn%, Up Puy eýanta rouglien up and It .up:oe<t:be;. Oke drewq a penl- aiv aî~"iilie ,,Pcotid anîd for Beate. rik ..i'. w mhadsse-thof un..rs~p icK pis.sing In ilîcir Keane ws ack iii uifiortn sud:urwc tî agood perfccrmaice. $#'er ofbL eforts îineaFýv resull'- st-ade, the Sea!th *.i tmin.der, playti amastRfu ame and ras. a-big obstacl'e Win y' pafli Hooper puiieéd hlm ouftlin tle 1ent 'lie openi net when referce 1Whtstle Blown Mten -The third trame was a night- mare of whistle blowing wlth're- ferfe Talbot handlng out penaltUes on a whoiesaie basis, The Beavers, unsatlsfied wlth 'the trend o! pIRY were -roughing It plenty and the score wus deadlocked through Lep- pard*,s goal ln the second.. There w"alsal kînds of hlgh sticking, croms-checklng, siashing and, what-have-you with penalties going freely to, bath sies. Hubert and P'lannery of! Seaforth were off together during thec closing seconds of the match and the luti three Whîtby goals werê scored when flhc Beavers were a man short. - McFadden was the most danger- oius member of the opposition. AI- thoughLiLeppari scored bath of the goals, McFadden; buîlt Up both piays. Leppard, Bell and McFad- compoised Seafortlva "power lune." All thrcee were usuaily taled by one or othe r of the SuI1j brathers wha gathered in loose pucks, took clrop:pa.%sse.s, and checked the A.A. As thte best af their ability.. Leppard's tirst goal tram Mjc- Fadden wae shucked put - Porky" toward the end o! the second Per- lad. Leppard again force<t hLstory ta repeat itseîf about the sane ie re in the third period wlien he tooli <another hot pasa t ro 'm McF'adden. Bagneli sewed the count ln fthe second when lie turncd aill>y hilm- self nt centre ice, stickhandied his way through a horde of. Beavers, and beat Stade. Hooper broke away for one of the goals counted ln thie last period. Philips and Oke then counted one apie-ce ta boost the tall, and arresit ail Seaforth hopes of wear- ing the O.H A. laurels on their per- Macdonald Nearly Scores for kangers as Leafs Win 2-1 Ktiby MacDonald beat Maple Leats Goalie Broda'on this shot durlng .ke thfrd gante of the Stanley Cup tussie, but the rubber dise bonced tf the Post for ne score. Binge Kampman ia the Leat player tryitg IN THE PENALTY BOX. (By D. S.) - liall ne Champs! That was flie keynotc o!flthe noise ail aver Whltby as the news spreîd like wlldfire that "auir team" hàd won the Intenmediate "B" titie for tlic province. The poet who wrote "There was a sound af revelry by nighf" (anet we can stili remember living ta memarize tht couplet some years ago) must have been laoking ahcad into tlie future and visualizina Whitby's "main stem" on F'riday night. There was enough noise. fireworks, excitement and generai confusion fo justify an unknowing onloolEer intaglning that the nexf Armistice had been signcd. - + + + There weren't many taris in bcd before sunrise as tlic tawn's hockey frafernity ' if lcast those who couldn't make thp trip) turned ott in f ull force ta give t.he boys a welcome fliat, made tlic raft.crs ring. Wliat's lef f to-say about the play- crs? Not mucli thal can add' anv- thing ta whiat we ail know îircady. A grand lýunch of sparts wlth championsh hockey caiibre iri every departknent. Nearly everyone Weird Uttficiallrng, as who reads this coiumn knows thein Picton, April 8.-Two ta.rmers ln ail by their f frst names anyway. Prince Edward County report liens Ea.stern Canada Senior We stili- like tîtat word "'great" as daing unusuail hings these days. Finals Get Under Way applicd ta a chainpiongh~ip teant William Fraser, o! Athol Town- whether ifs N.HiL. or Inter. "B" sa slip, lias a Whitc Legharn which otApi .-nedosi we'li just cali them "a great team laid two cggs in one day. They Trno pi .Udroa made up o! great guys." were af normal size. 1 1 p, gmewgrig irln +' + + Harold Wiy, o! Pictan, Route i Lake Blue Devils mat.ched checkl Facts and Figures About -MThlas a lien that laid anîy anc egg, frcîc n um o upwt Champs": Whitby A-A.A.'s plîyed a but it was equal alm'ost to two. It Montreal's rough-and-ready RayaIs total a! twenfy - fliree games was also the product ai a Wht last night and grabbed a one-game througliaut the season, winning Leghorn. adv.anfage in -the Eastern Canada nineteen, losing fwo, and tieint ________________fsenior hockqy finals by vîrtue o! a two'. Eight o! tlese gimes wereje- we'eodlcsbeta ii a e 3t- vcoyifMpeLefGr gular scheduîlcd gaines tliree were w'eo desbetofti a ens. group playaff games, an--h e Dc aoew att a oe A gatliering o! 6,340 palet. CUS- niaining twelve wcre poica hing about hlm. Hc was feeling ifoiners saw the 'Rayais and Lake- playof f gaines. _roica just a woe bit downhearted aft er shores stage anc o! thc mosf biist- * * * .erîng and bruisig batties o!flice To infli +i-Otalo ntr.» y' y game, and aithougli le w-Is season liere. The liglier but mediate "B" championshlp, Whit- as hippy as anyone over Whitby's i fster Northerners stood up nably au reat win h.' mav have feit. it a 'oiIt in the hard-hitùirng Dtime. andi spîring bnows. '.'.'. DyvîuîîuîatLedCj '.nanoque, sirnmee, " - -. - - -AI coyprd h heCt-St'n Pwsa n efrhtht liedidn't figure linflie scoring Iu keepiug witli the gloriaus bell- A1ltr aaew1 teCt-Sttn awsî d Saot ninger o! Taylor's"Arena fwo weeks zenis', Baud marchlug down Brock Beavers. Mie series against Suttonf column thaz nigif. ago fliere was mn extra re!eree a4 t treet ahead o!flhe motorcede f roui went ta tour, ganes. Pawassn look-; + +' Strafford. His idea probably wm o Strafford was grected by a- siower ed like flic stumln boc bu Wl'th ie' eedo jîjaf "Give A Liffle Whlstle" (in fhe of catlièriiic wleels. - skyrockets, andt Whitby turneet tIc tables wifh one 2or-Saor~ ee puaying goori words ai the current sôngu and let f lires aet a barrage of souneto li racs oky ipms vrad rough andtifumble tacfic th t the sounis b lcpaes uds tht would make a Masple Leal seen iu towri.- you dou't af ten sec lu tic junior' But lic overesflmated the abiîlty -Gardeni hockey crowd pale by 1 - I;ankcs whcre "Doc" learucet bis istuf!. or likely ovcrlaoked entirely a rabid companlson (a-nd even If thie Leats lThe A.A.A.'s scoreet a total o! 185 'XA a teant-player lic was anc a! oltisten close by wlo lad .no idea' o! t'.ere wniunug. a, ha) goals on their oppanents Wifh 78 Whî.by'5 maiusfaysanmd' he kuaws "ýeriug thi'. gante Interfereet wlth. + + + scoreet againsi Whitby. Total goals ow ta pass flic puck plnyatfi Two feebile twrc ts was m Il lie j 'Me celebration starteti af the scored represent an average ai iglt ifine. He madle a wonderful wvouîd-be officiai coulet g et out ibrary corner wherc "a- buncli o! elght goals a gante. znte-bgck tuis scason sud no ane f romn lis post an the sidelines be- d ie boys" hati built s luge bon- + + +4.wilI deny Iliat lie was lie "psy-off fore lie was squelclied. Exil-anc ýire. To thé screechlui !Osma It took a Toronto sports writer -:ack" iu- that sensational upset o! whistle.. auto harns as Motar City tans in a ta gîve Wthitby's. championship feint Powi.ssani "Bac" is c-lfiui.ely ,ou Aiter tic final bell liadt clauged long stneamn wended tJicir home- thle first boosî if lias receipeet iu the "*up-tnaii" as fan as the Ice ane lteCîp îa ocemoe e-wand way front their team's win in print outside these pages. Buuny linos are caucerued amue everyone Toronto wtt adeteontcee'orei antiMargînseîî, a fair minded scribe ,,io kîiows him wiil wish hlm lots turned fa Its ighttul home in Trnto0f a Whiedtbhocey croawetwo realizes lIa:. ail the hockey ý_df luck. Whttby alter a fiv.e year leave o! welo ofg p fiteah'skeylro lu in Eastern Oulanlo doesnt origin- +. + +. absence. a long mund victoriaus trekc since thc greaf daca of '35. ate in Oshawa, Tarant o or Mont- Exclusive': "Bac" is iu une -for a bak o ow saredamcs wldrelias this' ta say lu his 'Sports b--- jta ,senirnu r»x csn bck to towuandtrteet aidswl . ~ .Siauls" o! IasafSaturdmy; "Cheens VWe'll give oties be*I play on au c he eri g a nd b r u o winto bg. n a s Q i wa e u- uantw o sd chee s f an W hifby. T hey w on';A Sl Gip tam so mne da . Tht Bavrsprvet t b godtiougit ft'e bouline was tae el- the O.HA. I'uîtermcedia e-B" tille We shaulti mention ail fie lads by sports and lotI aides exchîngcd brife fthc Moton' City's wln mu t andti hene will le a celebnifion t.hat aebtsae o' emt mut îal ongrlulaionsou fic ave lad a vîviet imagination, as- will put even Oshawa f0 saîe Pry"Cakdsrvsapu. insw rond.st thf li be ttiicd fliclads titi Justice fa thc o!d loco- Whiby won the tille defeating Ses- Wheu Wbitby ]os- a great netrntifd- lu ilroud.Th pignmag bckmotive 3-elloa! "W-H-I-T-B-Y' forth iu two s:.rîight gantes.Doc-' inlu"Peo." Hurst we cidu't tiink ta Whitby was hiaiteet temporailîy WHITBY". Anet we've PUrPosrl-y Dîfor. wio plsvei aud starneet 'onrbr'tbc n'ft ali l i lu Gîelpl w'hee vnyn foiut nit inl capifais because fhaf-'s fIe Oshawa Generals îwa yeans ago ùt' "Pc-rk-." can sund dors sud if lie "the inner man." Gucîphif-es lu all way If solintie"t. a member o!fte Whitby -Chant- ~' î-iemlna c1 walk.& o! lite were aaméwhat starfi- +* *pions." ann' it.em-eilwl s cd by fle icdn but penliaps fhey We caui recallaur own excite- té, + + + know noa' that it wa.c "flic champs meut a!; Bob McCullougl. cdoinz a Wiit.by hockey ft ns iu genenal %-ill A la:o!, lite creclit fon ibis vyr's- on fthc way back home'.,", grand jb o ic-itn o apprediate liai boasi front Bunuy hockey reportsý goes to Bob, Mc- It lîst beeli a long liard pull for.'ours truix if Stratfard. triephoned ti fdt we cati ail ass4ure hi lia; not Cîullougli. a c3mparative uewcomer Wýhltb but thec goot slip "1A.A.A." îlhe npwç oa!vîctorv. If wasn'î ogI u ih ir _lea ceieb'na*ion lu ta Wîîîbv but a lad wloio ' alnead'. suis nestiug safely iii barbornti last liefore te funu afarteti but lf las;ted thIe near future but tiat thene lias well kuowu and liked by t'hose o! alter a 'long anti sanetintes ardu- a long tinte anti taw was bretakia'îy already -bren anc, in the past 'mue thle hockey fraternýîil.tho h2'ue n'.,t ous voyage. Whitbv bis shîowù in tice ast bfr'hbaoit ~ly "ps"wr mean a 'tneUp til i itBob kuows :iea ul bu 1hib il au rivai Oshîaà,wa as a hc- relebnators 149(1 'anishied. 1 six rn. on, thc m«onnu of: April hockey as w-s do teveu though thp' kev. t own anite us'It intendsta b ý +* *6t1). proably wouldn't lie aying muci' keep on wiîning clîampionsm a+hepa sweeltnll'mîei+ 4'+ sud bis tcry eunte finai gante il :oîîg as it bas a liuuch of figîters sl-tn f h~i it towu aes horkey. fans nobe wd'x radoumu car- peins clsewhene in ts issu e. 'tîcl P-s;flic 1940 f iile-hloders.'- aid anti you.nz. clustered -arounet nrino commen'. Appîrcntly flic tereciae B" Champiaushîp. 'le bais to""offen congratulatbone. jcmn altif ic-u9inebt Ad5 Wr u TcPnl oH.A ' Andilen' na in iig itnobao1y lu the.qe parts,; eenis '.ery Bcx", for anoîlier year. 1 is been The' sow Whtb" iasa tui xatwarrted about 1,3-, of s pidture. > grat funi and if au.r tiret' reset,- Têanmthrêwas'ta ny4.e hnd_+ens have enjoy'cd readiag - iz onc Whtby - Gos:Clark; defense.'eain .thentch.watn'fa slied it wetO. vm. '-D3c" Difoid dquarter as muci as we lave en- i lu ti bîîîîli. Naunai!'. cen"t' wereplay for O!ziawa Juniors but lie was joved wniîing if we feel morté flan Heanti: aings. Piper anti Browu a911 prqucI ofthe' lonour anti glorv and s Whtbyboy. And whic amply-r-epaiA. s:i..Oke. Hoaper. Dafor. gnl, ,' *ie"hatiwatt but voialso itearti c'mment., sud as "Ses.fon'h wcrp' _ " - __ _________ Bragg, Kearue-,; Hunier. sub goal-'oto.esmt"t"'wncnrf' - teugilosani "tlcs"reWinning Goals -and a gooti bunchi Seaon!i-Go 3 Saee defcuse. of sPorts' Hubert andi T. Siî:s: centre, R. Mc- ' Fatidin: wxugs. Leppanet sud Bell:.-'It lsn't ail aven v %,. ifiten Mayor sus. Muin. G. Hîliebrnut. A. Hil- Rowe, au ardent fan himçeif. lunt- - tiepbranti .F Si.ls: wi.iis. çuli goalie. Md in a bri-f sc.e-i t.hat "fun:li"r Rcfenee-Charles Talbot, Preston. .'n-'iî:ion wiUll e matie nt a late.* Firsi Pertod I-%%'hitby. Brown Penn! ixrOke. Huberf, i date." Tichetmdýserve'rs a Inn- 2:45 ferd ,4ndti ih' '"e oiniz ta get a z-ca' Flan- ac OnI'.'trouble Isu Il le liard. to fluet auvpiartc langêe nough -te Second Pentod Fccammaodafe fth~-nowd that-U, 2--Seafanîi. Le'ppand ieli. R._ mytt tea af'ernt M cFadetin' 15:-15 "+ O Penalties..- Hoaper. G. Muete- Aid tfeliclub Pc-mcutivc rere brand. Plannerv 'rietîs' Iaopy ab-tut fthe whole thing Third Pertod CG'n4ix Jimmie Reidi' andi manage? 3.-Whitbv. Bîgueli . 5.20 B.4'1 Cook worc sil" fat would 4-WhN-itby, -Hooper ...14:5%3 ist ret-ît frorn ere ta Porasan. ,a-Whitb'.'.Phllips 17: 00 -icexe'cuiti'cs. ance aI'o. Bill ~-Scaortl. LeparduMe-Davîiçion. Jimmv Ros. Allie Ancien- P'addinb .17.25 'o I eescszc!bs hvv 7-Witbyq' Oke 18 00' neceîved a feir kuocks now and 8-Whî4v. nsgg'Bnon, :eu bitt re toubt vera' mucli if piper19:5. sa nvc'ub ln w~hidli tlicpiavers and Pensf l-? ili, Scl, UI~i, xecu'-î'i ~didn'+ work in tIc clos- P'launcc.oeaît4ever v a n urovîncial tune. + + +. If lu tMhe uleÂresa so! kitchen R 'vas goaci ta s"e mong fthc jr ancinsd effic;ecy you like taort- crowd the fat"s ot such hockey label your U n dsunîsters tram tm "ýold-îzers" eClarr'r Rire. "Red" Io tine ritI paper labels aconrdinê Moor-. andi Jgck Slelgltholm. tr tath ontenlte andI have becs hav- 'tSkes a vIole lot fa kecp Eti. Bor- ing difficulty lii ing ktheli labels .r7an awas' troin sny sports eves>t stly on aecllrely. %ouU itnd thât In vhtch Whifby la <-concerned and they iil a4he-re iuch mare resdiiy necdle.%s Io sav h li adte ictzp if thevy ame thratioitened, iii> jalorig rîlli the Mas or sud Deputy- glycezlaê Jrftve P'rank Thresdgoid. lim s s.ety atter the th"îi Sm etthe StaitieyClpstebtwuth Mapk~ Lests mmd thte anges. The massa? G*liup seai tht Win- m"u goa00 fer the Lests, whfIe DrIlesae.red the tirst douair. The skated off the !-ce with a menitor- loua triumph. Hard-sliooting Jahnny Mcçreedy, anc o! Winnipeg's contributions fa thie Kirkland Lake ranks, wu. the kiiig pin suiper in victory. The dark-haircd riglit wing ace whip- Ped flic puck past Goalie Andy Goidie once inflic firsf period and clicked for fwa more in tlic third ta accouint for* the minîes scaring. T- Rugged defense work andi bril- liant gokaleeping were higlilighu. af the î'ed hot show. Bill Durnan -i(iocît in fthe rivài nets, wcre 'inous lue'ery seîîse of the word, while flic opposing defense- .îîen punshed atiackiug forwards ;vîî.oiting oodye' ec!ýs caîîtinually thriougîouu. the tweuîy minutes and plaýve-.- were aiways sprawling over Ta accomplisl i vctary Blue Dev- I ut .ro.i an early dlef- izni. Tiîey' were cauglit complcteiy off guard wic'n Centreman Buddy O*Conuor clicked on a re'bouud witi'î littie more fhan a hlI min- ute a!flte gante goiie. Incompet'ni ofticiating might have riiec anc of the mosf enter- taining gaines o!flice season. Eleven petliwere nîpecd out. al fold, ."even goiag- ta Montreal. but fthe peaalîy box siionit have bren oc- "edalI e'.eiing. Pia-vers cantin- ually gof away wýth i ps, charges t'uuo,.*.i- ux'kiugen'exi;,s af - lic rrs. whl'e ibo.se lu charge o!flice ,ame evn'eucisee .their cves ta bluef-Ilue off.ide.s on two onrIlince occaslias. The handling o!f' lie gazte mîgit rastilv have met -With di s ros n'ts or pro: e.i"., Tue final perioti was only 35 sec- ti opeuing goal. H"fffruan car- nird thr puck dawu the rlgit 'oaarets sud relaveti penfcctiv ta Marin. O'C5nnor shat lu fa pick up thc iat*en'.3rebounet ant i ufit th piick ave Duruans prostrîte fort, ManIreal hati a distinct etige fa: thc finat feu minutes. but BÏup De;'ils i! thir br.su. stride tIen, snd, led lyiviltteDîck Kowcinîie. iace thx.ags liaI arouuti Goicie*s a2ge. Thec mai break came late 'viru nPenownê puleti Jo Jo GOn- oski down and a penaîty shoI 'ras ..wanded. McCreed-y jusi tti wi'l a liuazmg îlot wîde o! thec net. Perowne wa.; stil off. howeven, wlcn McCrcedy gathen-eti n a per- fect pa.siaut f nom Bc!:'inger --ta ideadiocit ma".ens a' 18:32, Frai 10 feet oui.. Jainny fizcd liard and truc. giving Goidie littie chance as FrOm112-Ton u Cab-Ovi - DONALD]1 DUNDAS- STREET EAST r-I LL I Foreést Preserv Requ ires LV Lumbering Intèrests, State mil -and Citizens Generally pu <Must Co-perate,' Forest mel Expert Telis Rotarians ta At fli luncheon meeting o!flice Oshawa Rotary Club on Monday, Prof. G. G. Cosens a!flice Faculf.y. a a! Forstry, Unverýity of Toronto, la claimed Ihaf flic Forestry Depart- lce ment shatîlet be part o!flice civilcf 'ýervice brandi wliere.flic indîv idual n(, -bc, la not tied -toany political party buit(i where a man can go ahead and work a on a farcstry program which will C accamp]Lrah samething of valuie. d None o! us want ta baud- on some-'d ,hîng o! no value, lie stated. Prof. Cosens, who is a 1923 gradu- ate a!f lie Faculty a! Foresfr, Uni- a v .erskty o! Toronto, was introduicexd by Rotanhan Col. Frank Chappeil. %(e Following bis graduation lie wa:sc engageet lu a planting andi rpforst? ilion praject for the Laurentide g Company in Quebec and .liter wa-Fun appolnted manager a! the farefst ý area of the' Spruce Falls Develop- m ment if Kapuskasing, Six. 'years PE ago lie returie to Toronto wherm, ie lias stuce served on fhe staff of the Uuiversity o! 1Torontoa andti stili retaiued as a consultant by var-a ioli,% paper companlieF. Col. Clip- ~ peli taoicI emeeting. f Forestry an d Foree'ts ac In speaking on tt' ub, etof i Foreiztry aet Pore. ta; in Ontario, Prof, Cosens went 'lisek ta the tine r a! the Jesuit pniesis ln Lower Can- ada. wbont, lie .aid, wenc thic !lr5ýet la se' <un saw milîs sud onk sud sinedf were- sent ta France for eqîerl- mental purpases. Fa)rea-t inas were c burned over. ta dean space for haro-C, .l:sandt bac craps-,and the first ia concern o!flichepfle wa.s that theyl h-id ta go fuir'lier for the-r tif.r- It a'o>dand timbrs. Reet pinp was an mû. tfavoneet lu Bnîtatu sund Frai e por for lts ;wood was ma)re like U' 'imber thaf camr- lnom the Bil-j. n"was huIlt, Tic wn1frpiat'ti 'inthen was laid asidp as it Cii ai; n- h. ve fie pitrihcotethfouigli et"" mialle for buil'..,ii;ýg vse.10-1l e'rraller 30 ta 40 Ypars fie iS.!1,) o::;-:dcr.q uotl'ecd tiat Wli;tp ie hiet nof iraff cdlad nof c'ice-!dor r.:suage'i Its shape. Wiibli ýai knowledgce expon' tradle for Can 'In d:aiî whîitepine ý-)nu develPor>cd . t vaaa anc of lie important a'a' .'n expa.iirîg expa." m!ane .fon Ca-r 'di, Prof. Ca-zen. ttr ir Timber Trade IDcvelope-d i:ale Timbers upeef ir.-t. taken !f nu ;':c Q'iebee fnonî aa vg tfie1.St. Lawn- ar ,-fli'canditith l ip" ftmler,ik i n'xtendrd1firougli ic ie Oneat. f- r"" t e eagsuH:'Tn fntsmw miii was ali e i o Oawa np:c'a.rici ",faaav ' 1:"n foXaweti fda'rmnaL e c. -pm'enftirhougitoul Ilie f-wio]e v'cio -tat by FPeatloin 'vean tic vh:.' u "outhsrn 1portio)n o! Ontarnto 'À*.' Can open ta lie markeýts -o!ft. e onidn"p Prof,-"'Co ens ;stateti. Me poin'cd l 1;. a ilmlarge anc lun theprit.'d lire b ing 700m inl oeaicmtSt v.'ith a capita. uv fte fwa: ntiîion dollars anti an annu J' c put of e"etcn ni Ilin d-F, b' product-s. T-he ntli.ý are uie . fnom abou't1300sur :s0!Pr e-rovv-n landisand àfi-ce,r dp! c-~i Vint Puip Mtilt Tic first pu:p zaud piper ,: BueDcl's admuliticbe tter buz it ras flot unIx. 1900*,.V *'Îhý o! the argu=ent, thanks 1<> atrio p: nipprlii~n a c o! penalties to DetenSeman Her- ¶ .ooped sud it retachetiit ci.iml in Murray o! the Raas, ln îhe 19-37 wih an in-veaim-en- of $175 second perioti. Royals continuallyj_____________ wre on the defensive,' but danger- ous Ilirusîs b y Kavcinak. Brown and tiilers were lurueti asîde lxii- iiau:iy b'. Geldieý Blue Devhls Assum Comuind A -fine sala effort by McCreedyt. sent Lakeshores ahead ai 2'510<Ç j thie third TIc igît wiuger plletiFo qdc tîrougl on lte night'boards andFo uk te-steci' Go.&ie anth a bUsiering 'RELIEF FR9 drive. The puck* reboundeti aven 10 thceici t, re, eMcCreedy re- 101_ $011 INRC jtrieved it anti lest the .M4ontresl' - netzman nifh anotler' lard abat HS CO frorn 20 f cet oulon the rIde.- The C u pue-k struck Go'.die's padu. but jcaromo nt mtheitnet. te stop MacDonald. The Leafs won tht, third game ot the sertes 2.1, te make the score on the serles 2-1 in taver ef the Rangers. Krkland Lake Blue Devils Win First One OverRoyals Two Eggs In One Day One of Fasteat' Games in Record 0f, Picton Hen Years Procluced, Despite ý N JUST LIKI r lit M 1 1

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