Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Apr 1940, p. 1

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111E G 0N. 40 WHITBY, QN i., CANADA, :DNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1940> E WUE W W ~ W - W -1LOPPOSES à HOUýR NIOHÃŽSI R.quuct of Business Asso- dation iW Turned Down After a Lengthy Discus- soion Monday Night MANY ARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST Iktt. ment ofJ Business aIaim is Given Consider- ation-Factor ini Request is Extra Hour cf Sale in O0"a«a Hotels By Vote « 5to.3 Town Council on Mondy night after_ a iengthy t discussion turned down a request frostheicWhltby, Better Business Ausstion ths.t lu the besù inter- 'as 0f retaif business in Witby local bevérage rooms be ailowed te romain open until 12 o'cloclc at niglit durlng da.ylight savlug p'royioug te the discussion a let- Ufertrm thc Whitby Ministeriai Amsocation protcsting against the propo.ed extension was ordered te b# _!IIsd wlitout comment. 'ibos voting te grant the Busi- muesAmocatiou's request were Ooemlllors Roblil, Thomnson and _L&rkn, and for an ameudment te plaqe Uic letter ou file were Mayor pRom, Deputy-Reeve FP.Thread- &M , sd ouneUllorsDraper, Agg fi motion to rue thc conunuxu- eatisa wu -mov«i by IDeputy-Ree-ve. '1himdgoid and the amendment te grant the. request by Coun. J. M. No Depuations Ç9mbt the. dLscusiou Mayor BOYS aMthSt he haci aready ex- ~' pruwed hW aopinion -at the' lust sest1ng sud had. notilg furthcr teM wdr. - but lie iuvi dthe> comentr, oeu..Walter Thomson expressed te. Wis tat some represcutatives- et the »etter Business Association bel COme ote cmeeting te explain why the houri 0f beverage sale Iu hotols effected theni. iaSo Rowe off ered the explana- tiab, ateting that he had requested the Wht>y Ministerîl Association nt te>send a ceputation to the meeting, but mcrcly a letter setting îorth its views, and ou this account ' ho M dnet thlnlc it wus fair te al.. »ow the'-Business Assciatien'.s re- pruentatives te corne before thc OOWiCil whcn they tee, alrcady had Not Concls .,Business OWe have been asked te de seme- tbfng that we should neyer have tNon aaed te, aud te shoulder the reponslbîlity and abuse that îs bouud to corne ne matter what we de,99 »dM ayor ERowe, who added: "to U do what Is rigit, that lu whet the Council is here for." gays Hgoiel Bebind Move Ceun. Water Thenison could not »I &Wihr thc business men of Whit- trWould lage business te Oshawa t when Uic stores at that place were eiosed at 10 o'ciock; uer could he goe om business could be effected. when Mot Whitby stores werc clOeo long before 11, whlch was the hur for Uic beverage roorna te close. "'It seems te me that thc viiole Ideî, bas origiuated with the hetels, and that they are forcing it on Uic Business Association for (Continued on Page 7, Col. 4) ýMin isters Oppose Extending -Houra 0Of Beve rage Sale. Whitby Ministerial Associa- tien Is opposed to the petiti@ii of the Whltby Better Business Association, presented to Coun- cil for extension of1 the bouts cf sale cf alcoholic beverages i the Town of Whitby, mmpecila- ly for the monthuhI which Dayiight Saving obtains. At a meeting of the associaioir, beld en March Z8, at the rectory of the president, lrev. E. Baîpli Adye, a resolution was, passed te be forwarded te the tCouncll and the press and reads as foi- icws: ."Meved by Rev. Elmer Green, and second.ed by Rev. Douglas Langford, 'Tha4 In tbe consid- ered eýpinion cf the WIVIdby Ministèrial Association hit s un- xecessary, unwise, and inadvis- lible to extend the heurs cf sale in the beverage recms of Wit- by, and we do requesi that the present elosing- houx of 11:00 p.m. be not now altered:, and that a copy cf ibis resolution be forwarded to the Wbiiby Council, and a cepy forwardcd te The Gazette andi Chronice for publication subsequeni to the ne'xt meeting cf Council." [IONS CLUB AT ON SUNDAY NIIBT Rev. P. L. Juil Commencis Code of Ethics and Work 0f Helping Others Members of Whltby Lions Club' and their ladies attended In a body the evening service in Brookllu- United Church on Sunday and lis-, tened fo an inspiring sermon by the minister, Rev. P. L. Juil. Speclal nusIc was furnished by a rnen'à choir. There was a fine cougrea- tion for this service, the details of which were arranged by Lion Percy Stover. of flrooklin. 'nie minister was asslsted Iu the service by the president of the club. who expressed his appreclation te the Rev. Mr. JuIl, the men's choir and organis.t, the church officlals, and Mr. Stover. Rev. Mr. Juil read the code of ethics of the Lions Club and a brief outline of some 0f'the werk being carried on by the Club Iu Whltby and Broolklin, statlng that service clubs had much to offer te the conrnunity iu humanitarian and other speice, and that they mlght work hand ini baud wlth the church. iluman- suffering gnd poverty w'ere still a matter ef divine con- cern and human reponsibility, Rev. Mr. Juil stresse'd in his ertmon ba.sed on the Old Testament story of the wid ow's cn:ise of où, whlch multiplied and solved her problcm of debt di'srharge and future hap- liness, when she carried out the 1 inýtructions of the prophet to whorn she appealed in her distress. help- ed lu. her t.ask by neighborly kîno.- Factors -entering into the solution of the widows perplexing problem Wu H,.MOORE'S MAJORITY 1$ CUT BY .100 BYSOLD1ER'S VOTE AS VOTINO -FIGURES ARE REVEALED Chiâf Electoral Officer Tele-' raises W. H. Moores total vote te Vote Osha 12,101 aud 1H. A. Newman's to 7,867, grapn ot to gurwl .Yvng the Liberai candidate a final Officiai Liberal Can-' rajority of 4,234. 1 Officiai confirmation of the elec- didte'. Majority is Nowý tion result is expected this week 49234- Officiai Count as Returning Off icer M gaopn Made Tuesday ECxectly 100 votes were whittled frosi W. H. Moere's winning maj- Orly et 4,334 by . tic resuit of the Ontario idlug soidier vote telc. graphéd 'te Returninoe Officé'r Jo- seph P. Mangan, I.C., by Jules Caatoeay, Chie! Electeral O! fi- cci. Oshewa soidiers serving with IS Majestyes services lu Canada and Ouest Britain pollcd 202 votes for Hamu A. Newman, defcatcd Na'tional Governinent candidate,. and 102- votes '<or William H. Uoore, victerlous Liberal candidate. Addition o! Vie soldier ballot piles tic result et tic balîoting. Tic result et thc vote as it now stands is as follows- Moore Newman SOshawa............ 6741 Whitby . ..... Port Pery ... Pickering Tp. lVitby Tp ... E. Witby Tp.. Reaci Tp........ Scugog Tp ........ 1,064 364 1,404 577 554 65 4,094 696 304 885, 418 869 366 43 Civilian Total . 11,999 7,665 Soldier ,-Vote .... 102 202 Grand Total .... 12,101 -7,867 CAilL BY DETH Payient 0f TaxeslAm 0f, UtiIit Rats A CiisOffige When Towni IFm Uiding Ronovated--is Suggostd, 1EV. A. y. BABl Former rector of. Ail 8MRW CliurcI4 Whitby, and outt.dit ciite in younger d"14 ,wb. puas wUky hi Toronto lut weck. STREETS9 CELLARS FIJOBED, LITTLE DAMAfiE REPORTED' Sudclen Thaw Causes Town amd Counity office"I Mucli Concern Several atrectsinl Whltby wer fiooded ever tic week-end wti the suddeu larrival of sprIng-like we- ther, because it vas found tiat drainswcrc f rosnu owlng te the vcry severe freat lunVthe early part of Merci. Because o! tic tact that meuy cellars vere !leeded Bguperintfaident Herbecrt L. Pringie o! the Public Utillty Conaslon vas deluged with oeils on Bunday trom, bouse- holdera, and a gang o! mon work- cd bard and long, Vo-relieve tic situation. Ne acricus damage, horw-. ever, wus reported. ý One e the wmrt ficôda ï 6t~d et Vie corner of Centre and John stuet.s vere ou acouait o! fromen drains a large arcs as !leeded . viti water geing up aveu thc aide- wallc. IV vas nccmessrto dig a trench aiticheintersection off boti streets lu arder te carry Vie vater away and aise te close of f part o! Centre- street nerVi frein tWaffic. Tic tiew cme 'se uddenly Viat Public Utlltyr Commission officiais sud town foreman John HM w ere put te Vicir wits end ta lnew viat te do. By Tuesdey afternioon Vie situation badii ecu muchiiproved. Conditions would have been mnuci worîe bcd a rali oocurcd on Bat- (Contlnued on Page 9, toi. 5) DEAn SUMMINS Rev. A. F. Barr, Librarian Toronto Newspaper, _Passes at Toronto Rer. A. F. "Biddy" Barr, Teronte Daily Star librarian, sud former recter et All Saints' *Churci, Whlt- by, passed -away lu Torante on Weincsday laitIlu is 65ti year. St.rickeu a few ycars ago by a heart attacic, he neyer fully rccovcrcd is strengti. Hlu end came peacefully. Ail Saints, as tic name ofthVe parisi wlth whlch he was associat- ,e<J came truc in-tic second case et Whlt.by, is first rectosip, foi- lowlng e curacY 5t AIl Saints. Te- routo, lu 1906. He remalned at Wiitby until 1911, wien he turned is thougits -te newspapcr work sud jeined Vie Star staff as% a re- porter. Tis action was lu atrrct ac- cord with is family history. Hia father, Charles D. Barr, registrar et tic couuty et Victoria, becamne a tamous member of tic prees e! Canada as editer of tic Lindsay Warder. Twe years later, thc greet war havlug breken eut, he became secretary o! Curtissu Airpianes. ancl Metors Ce., tien beginuing opera- tiens in Canada. He thus became assoclatcd wlth J. A. MeCur'dy, anc efthVe pleneers o! aviation lu Can- ada. This firm eperated* the tiret flying sohool in Torontoansd was active in pioncer acronauties dur- ing tic two years in wich he was connectcd withILit Wheu tic geverumeut took ever tic Curtiss plant>lun 1917 to make ýmilitcry airpianes, Mr. Barr le!t tic f lui te become 'secretary o! tic Russell Co., tien engagcd lu war contracte fer tic Imperial Muni- tions Board. During 1917 sud 1918 he was as- sistant registrar under the Mlltary' Service Act fýr Toronto sud de- voted muci o! i$ time te estab- Iisiing'on a sound basis ticeinili- (Continued, on Page 9, Coi. 5) Councillor Mille.Thinks Saving to Be Effected Miglit Pay Part' Coat of Alterations - Reports to 'Côuncil ona Visit to IBrampton Civic -Building suggetîon, that when the tine. caefrMakIng extensive lrn- provemeiits .tte cTowu's municipal builing , consideration mlght be glven te the collection by the towu of &Ul tailu and water and. light rates was made by Coun. Dr. P. S. 'Milii on. Monday evening, when he ,prescnted te Ceuncil a report on a meent visit made by bis oommittee te the recesitly reuovated municipal building lu the Town of Brampton. Ouch Mifl sald that the commnit- tee foUMn the building lËi the Coun- ty Town a! Peel much srnailer than the oeeil Whltby, so that on this account comparisons were net as applicable sthey rnight be. Tie building, he isaicI, had been -a resi- dence and had been renovated at a cost 1cms than four thousand dol- lars. It was about a quarter o! the1 se o! the eue lu Whitby. Shown through the building by the. Mayor of Brampton, the com- mIttee !ouud ehat the municipal, sud 'public utillty offices were di- vidcd and locat>ed on ýeach side o! the building, aise that ail accounts were pald there with same staff as exists ilu Whitby, although the town in population lu larger by 1,5W0 people. The banks had been entireiy eéliminated lu the matter of civie collections. In Brampton aIso there was a larger amssmeut, and naturally a larger tax roll. He feit that the savlng te be effected Aged Votera At' Brooklini 92 -and 97, Caat Ballots R. R. bwiray, sge 9U, and Wlliam Pile, 97, and nearly 99, - eeamcng ibose who exercised' terfranchise IBrookËlin -la thec féderai elections on Match 26. Tbelrcombied ame num- -ber 19le aud ihey were probably ambong Uie.oldest votera ln Can- ,*di. A, visit to the polie was a wpecial effort on the part of IL RMowbray,. veteran and out- afiSding Lîberal and former lwarden, berause lie han been- seriously liifor severai weeks. ln the case cf Nouagenarian Pile, lie tg living wltb bis daughter cuiside cf Brcoklin, a.nd the rmacl bad to be shovel- led eut for hlm and other vo1ters Mr. Pile, toc, is a Llb- eral in polities. by the Town ef Whltby ln coileet- ing its own taxes and utlllty rates would go a long way towards the pay- ment of alterations to the building. The cointtee round a well- appoiflted Council Chamber used excluslvely by the Council wlth each councilior having his own locked desk.' Desks were arranged in horse-shoe shape with the Cierk lzn the centre and the Mayor 'on a raiséd dais, and adjolning the Chamber were offices for the tewn engineer and council- committee roonis. Alterations in* Brampten cost under four thoussand dollars,- but it was flot necessary te chu»g the heating system. 1 I (Çontinued on Page 9, COI. 5) Extra Annual Cost To Thé Town 0OfNew Streoet Lighting Is $392- IIdp En ieerltsRtrat Purchase of StandaMýs and School Pupils Light Fixtures and Coat Have $1, 714.00 of Installation Paid for In Penny Bank Out Of Surplus P.U.C.___ Fun&s Street Lighting Much hnproved Addreslng Whibby Rotary Club et Its noon luncheon at Hotel Whltby Tuesday, D. H. Nattress, Municipal Engineer for tic Eastern Ontario branci o! tic Hydre Eiec- trie Prwer system, statcd that tic total extra cost anuualiy te tic Town e! Wiiby of the new street llgiting systemn was $392, aller al deductions had been made for thc ,old lights taxlen clown,, including the colored lights in the business sec- tion. ic engincer also macde clear thc tact tiat tic Public Utility Com- mission bad flnauced boti tic pur- chase of tic uew standardst and their installation frein surplus funds, rcpresenting accruecd profits froni tic operation et previous years.- He stated aise that tic charges for tuis new installation weuldj have been tic saine had debentures been lssued lu place of surplus funds, otierwise tic Public Utility Commission would be takng tunds collected from. ahl classes o! power sud lig'ht consumers and using thein froin street lighting purposes only. These declarations ot Mr. Nat- tress set at rest Vie contentiaus questions o! who paid for tie new street llghting systein and iow muci tie ceut was to tic tewn Pupils cf Whitby Public Schoels had a total of $1,714.00 ln the Penny Bank at tfe cund ef February, 1940, accordlng te figures just releaseti from head office. At the same trne lasi year the deposits, amounted te $1,787,30. The decrease of $73.0 is rcally net vcry mucb wben present ecenoil conditions are taken Into consideratien. Per- cen'tagc of pupils ilu cdiscbeol making deposits lu: King Street, 33-, Dundis Street, 26; Brcck Street, 21. King Street having tie larges!, sehool population la naturally in the lead. Total ameunt on deposit in ail sebools cf the province is $1,451,861.63. cf Whit.by, which werc recently lu the limeligit because cf a discus- sien which took pince lu Oshawa city coundil, when certain steVe- ments werc credited te Aldermnan John Stacey. Mr. Nattress pointcd out that tic Public Utiiity Commission supplcd the capital fer tuis uew installation just as it had for ail otier street lights lu Whitby, and did net b&- row meney frein tic muuicipality. Tie uew installation, he peinted eut, consisted of 30 five-hundred watt units mouuted ou standards maintained at au annual cost o! $48 per lamp or a total cost cf $440 Continued on Page 9, Col. 7) ON ACTIVE SERVICE Brief Pararraphs of Wbitby and. District Meni Who Have Enlisted ini Service of King and Country. The editer was pleased on Mon- ln ferwarding letters sud parcels day te receive a call frein Private te their pDroper destination. Pte. William Brown-.-o! tic Canadian Brown expeets te be cent overseas Postal Corps, Baze Peut Office, iu lu tic near future. Ottawa. Private Brown, who has been stationed et the national Mrsd r.Ch.Pierav capital for a menti, wa.s hom-e for Mran s.CuFaerhv shet lavewlt bi f n'ily." Y)",received--a letter !rem tiei son, e shr ev ihhsfml."ilPte. Ciarlie Fraser, who lu Lu AI- es he Is more popularly knowýn, j5 a veera, o th lutwarandwasdersiot witi tic Canadian troeps. teuveternof Vi t w bar sudf thas s spring lu Vie Old Land, now, tCesura er ! iitbynd br a n e iche notes. He would like Vo beau Cf aadi a L eon odfoutaenum str frein W itby fricuds o w o m 1is ofe! yeafs at meibr o!d t eutonaddrcss lhas been given. He notes tie emporary staff et Ouhawa. Ac- tatak oalreCnda cordiug te Bil, Uic bace peut office, brea'd company, he sud otiers te whilciahl mail for overseas Ca- have radios in their camps. Wicu nadin VoopsS snt ud srte, ~he wrote he was looking forward Vo a vcuy busy place, haudliug as muci alevLuotamtn as 180 bags o! mail peu day. Speak-- Lug te Tic Gazette sud Cirouicle It is uudeusteod tiat men o! the he empiasized tic importance o! Ontario Reglusent (Tank), Oshawa, iavlug nmail puoperly adduessed witi wîi remain lu tie Moter City until tic number sud miiitary unit et tic sometime lu May and tien move soldier and tie werds "Base Peut eut Vo some qther place lu Canada O ffice; Canada"l cleauly writteu. to cemplete -ticir training befoe This is a hclp te tice mail sorteus going overseas. 1 - )RDI B. M. BLACK Manager of Oshaw& Brancb of -the Bell Telephone Company, whlcb includes the Whltby exchbange, wbo hag bat completed the en- viable record of 45 years' servie f or the conipany. DAMAfiE AWARD FOLLOWS [PISOD1E IN LOCbAL HOTEL Cout Tenmu Beer Glass Throwing Viciolu Amsult John Kayel was awarded $300, plus, costa 0f Uic action, lu a dam- age, suit agaist Herna Pascoe, Whitby townsip, heard by Judge D. B. Coleman lu County Assime Court Tue jay. A number of other civil cases éën-the dockct wcrc set over for hesring on dates set by Judge Colemnan. Kayel'a. darnage suit only lasteti a few houris ad was the oute of "an episode lu a Whritby >' AteI serne mentis ago. P0 îad been subsequently flncd lu lice court ôn mai àssault charge jing ,YOn ig iaction-in throwing lwa &beer akat :ye. - astÃ" e i a that tirne that he had n e iant ta throw the glass but t 1 Yhen .bç tlrew the, beer h&,o. j -old on-t t Kayel's expenses as lternlzed te the court couslstcd cf $s.00 taxi fare home frorn Dr. R. T. MacLer- en's office; $x5 for medical atten- tion, anudl1cm cf $50 worth et work througih is injuries. In addition to these out-of-pockct expeuses he asked $500, damages making a total o! $568. .Dr. R. T. MacLaren testiflcd that Kayei's lips had beu scvcrely scarred, necessitating stitches, and. tiat several front teeth had aIse been knocked eut. He eould net posslbly have recovered from is (Centiud on Page 9, 'Col. 4) fIlVEN A CHANCE Had Long Record' of Good Service - L oses Positio John Ottweil Tucker, for ycars a guard et Vie Ontario Hospital, Whltby, was given a year's suspend-, cd sentence ln district police court, Whltby, Tuesday after be pleadeti guilVy te e charge of theft o!fIss tien $25 worti o! bcddlug from Vihe hospital. Whcn askcd te plead Tucker startlcd thc court by saylug, "I plcad gullty te tic charge o! Vaking with tic intention e! returnlng." ."Ticre's ne suci ples ln tit court," said Magistrate Ebbs. "Elier you piead guilty 'or net guiity"l, re- markcd -Vie cadi. Provincial 'Officcu W. H. Clark said that on Instructions receivcd he had visited e bouse lu Toronte where he f ound tic accused sud aise tic beddiug consistiug o! sheets sud pliUow- cases. Off Icer Clark sald he obtained a stetemeut frem Tuckcr lu wblci thecmnusald, "My lady friend lives here and I but I inteuded te returu it." Cuowu Attorney AllUn F. Annis termed Vis daim. by tie accused "au obvious attcznpt te be funuy." "Public Institutions cen oniy be cenductedl on tic boshs of thc hou- esty o! thiecmployccs," declauOd tic Cuown. W. H. Kennedy, defense counsel, ield tint Tucker had et lcast been honest lu ils intention' te return tic goods even if he siould net have teken th ien utic tint place. He iad a long perlod o! service et tic hospital sud had just gene bacli te Toronto on the day iu question, Mr. Kennedy declarcd. -(Continued on Paue 9, Col. 7) What.,Coucil Did On Monda>' Night In Brie f Review ay a vote or 9 . 32turued down a proposai cf Whitby Bet- ter BusinessAssociation to per- mit beverage zooms t. remain open until 12 st nlght during emmer months. Paused bylaw enacting day- iight uaving tti>nl Whitby at 12:01 a.m. on April 28th, and eontlnuing until- September 29týi. Inutructed the Mayor eng Chef Constable f., dimscus with bus companles the question or parking cen beavily-travellod streets. Neard a report fom ic h chairman ef Property Commit- tee on e visit te Brampton -Town Hall wbe rementI ir- *provemenis, lu rhlch Whutby mligt be hItereîted, wcrc made- Passel smong seml-mouthiy ecounts $48 for relief. SEEN IN FINANC ES TOW~N 0F WHIITBY Interesting Figur"s From tlhe Annual Report on Municipal Affairs Some Imprevernent lu Uic Jinan- ciel postilirof !the Town of Wbit- byV la refiectcd lun bhe nnual' re.. la prepared by thc Ontaxie Depart- ment o! Municipal Affairs. Thc latesi of these reports, wbich cov- ers the year 1938, has just been re- ceived by Uic Whitby Gazette aud Chronicle frein the Hon. Eric cross, Minister o! Municipal Affairs. It WUI be luterestlng te compare Wbitby's position wlth that o! cli-; er tewns lu Uhc province. Thc geyv- ernimeut report takes the figures submitted by .94 towns inu ounties throughout the province aud strilces an average. Tic perusal of tic re- port shows tiat Wiitby compares favora;bly with the average ,of these towns. Iu tihef lrst place Uic average per capita assesscd valiiè lu Ontario towns lu $592, whilc thc Whibby fi1- gure lu Vils category lu $688. Thc average per capita total levy lu tic province is $29.65 as conipared with $31.00 in Wiitby. The average per capita- tax arrears lu tic province, lu $11.21 as against 810.10 lu Wiit- by. Figures for per capita deben- turc debt show tic provincial av- erage lu towns lu $72.22 as compar- cd witi $61.30 lu Whitby. Tice last figures given deal with per capita total dcbt. 'Tic average in Vie 94 tewns o! Uic province lu $93.18 as comparcd witi $99.02 lu Wiby. Goo<l Progres Ncw let us look -at tic pregress made lu Wiitby durlng tic years 1937 and 1938 as S*et forthf by tie Departient o! Municipal Affairs. Iu 1937 tic per capita total assess- cd value wau $696.00. Tis dropped (Contiatued on, Page 9, Col. 7) Hint Droppe by Inspection Off icer During Visit to Unit in Oshawa- Regi- ment Had Expected to Go Overseas at Early Date Hopes o! Ontario Regiment (Tank) soldicus that Vhcy wouI.d be proceedlng overseas et au early date' were dampeucd ovèr Vie week-end by iuts dropped by Brigadier-General R. 0. Alexander durlug a routine inspection visit te tic Oshaýwa- unit. Tico! ficer com.. mauding Mllltery Distriét No. 2, lndlcated tiat wile tic Ontario Reglant mugit expcct te leave Oshawa IV would not procced over- seas Immedlatelyý but would prob- abiy enter more intensltied -tank corpîs Vranlng et-some other Cana- dian point. No atatement *was, made by the, Fear Serious 'Accident on- Dundas -Street West Where -Busse&sStop to Take On and Dscïï g BAN ON PAING WOULD HURT STORES Chief Elliott Makes &me, Suggestiong and He wd the Mayor WillInerview Bus-Concerns Tic Derplexing problera et bus parking ou narrow streetes, p&rtlca- lerly Iýundas Street West, was dis- cusscd at sorue leugti by tie Tcwn Council on Monday nigit. It w-l] be taken up witicth bus companica by Mayor Pred Rewe sud Chic! - William Elliott, witb tic hope of reacing some satîs!ectery conclu- sien, tie Coundil decreed.; Coun. R oblin called Counéi1'& tU' tention te tie danger luvolveé Inl busses stepping In thc middle Of tic street teD disciarge pa&Seges and remauked tiat some day a.»Mï eus accident mugit occuz, P - u larly on Dundas Strcet-West, -ler busses gvins east sud, vest vere uow stepplug. Wants Central Depot Mayor Rowe was o! tic oplulil tiat Vie bus station aheuld ne lu on tic maini street, sud tiat It a toe bad Vohâve te prohibit car frorn parking -ou biýsinesstreets wiich mingit benefit merchants 'te puovide bus ee.ffHis eWarsiP tav' oied a central bus dePOt. Chic!-'o! Police Bltit eaPreead thc opinion tiat ticelieut place for' busses te stop goiug 's'est vas »on Vihe nc>rti sjde o! tic 13ank of Cani- Dýerciýý di1ig. where there-"w, for tua! tic' liglits would be more convenlent. Thc Chic! sald tiat s proposai Vo prehibIt parkEing 40 teet west !rom Alllu',s conter te alloV tic busses Vo pull -lu wa Objecteti te oni tie ground tiat pas-, seugers iad te go a few steps east to get ou tic bus. Tic Chie! f evored tic bauùiing ot parking -40 feet frein caci corner ou Dundas Street East sud West., beti sicles. la tic interests of safcty. WIth rffgar7 'Vo busses ýgoing east 'the iet thougittint tic best stop was iu tuent o! tic peut Of fice,. althougi at tie present _time passeugeus were being -dlscharged furtier wes't lu front o! tic taxi stand. To pueihÃŽit parking in front et tic post Offile would noV mean tiat -a man couId net pull up wit-b is car te geV IlI& mail. Streets T"e Narow Coiu. Roblin stated that th1e streets were far tee narrow foi dou- ble parking o! busses andti tat- some day there waS going te be aL serious Jaru wiici mÃŽgit resuit In an accident.- Deputy-Reevc Threadgold sug- gestedJ that Counèil e.ould -ap- proaci tie bus1 companies te .sec if soine arrangement could net' be macle whici would be -jatis!actery t ai concerned. Ou 'Dundas Street West he ebserved at Vie pueseut tue it was. vcrdangereus - Vo turn eut te pass a paýrked bue-. Tic question, was reerued Vo Vie Mayor and tic, Chie!, and before long tic officiaIs O! tie- Gray Coach sud tie Colacutt Coach Line will be appuoacicd. Expect OnUério Regimont (Tank) To Leavo - Oshawa. For Furtlior Brlgadier-General Alexa.nder as te wien Vie Regîmeut'would bo lcav- lng Osiawa or te wliýat point'theY would preeeed for thicir additioflal training. usîng Olti Y.M.C. In Vie meantime 'thc Ùnît bei started Vo use the additional spaçe puovided for its training purpose lu Vie old Y.M.C.A. building. Mil building. wiich' was vacatcd at tie tîme tic Cana.dîan ,geverument. took it over au tic side for Ou- awa's projeted né* federal build- ing, bas becu -cleaucd sud put in condition for use as unit lecture reemi. Tic Regiment wMl receive de- talled instructioIn 1I imeligroupa. lu tic varicus phases-o! thi train- ing in Vils building which Oas taken over for this purpas today"" Classes Lu map ueadlug, motor me- chanics and tic mauy etier 51w- cializecd phases o! tank corps mWt. tary requirements will be'held. t7j (Oontinued on Page 9, Coi. 4) IL IS WOI TrainingBof ors Going Oversess M 4 , 4 w

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