Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1940, p. 3

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TH"FE WHITY -GAZElTE AND) ( )NESTIAY.., MARCH 27,"1l940 B'RGE I 5(G, Md. white, C.rrespadspt)d BROOKLIN, Mercis 26,-Mrs. C. 0 S, Tiiompson aud Mrs. George t Joncs vere In chiarge o! the Zaster ? programme for tise Mulsson yi meeting o1 tise Women's Mission-1 ary society orl Wednesday, held at J Mrs. Ratcll!!e's home. 'ise pro- t gramme was arranged Vo presentd tise message a! tise Madras Conter- t ence, visere 470 Christian- men aud women f!rom 70. countries met lest, - year. and empisaslusd the thougiit I Vlat tise Churcis of Christ la more truly a univensal churcis than ever before Tisose assisting lu -thc study we're, Miss Rtuth JuIl, Mrs. W.> Smith, Mrs. L. Bradley, Mrs. S. Porter andi Mns. G. H. Hunten.Ithe Introduction -for each speaker vas reati by Mrs. Joncs vlth Mrs. Thomipson readlng the acnipture passages. A very lovely solo Thine I. tise Olory, Conquenlng Son", vas sung by Mns. C. S. Tisompson. Secretarles reportiug vere Miss. Burton for Chrilstian Stewardsip iu "My Tlianko!!ering Pledge"; Miss Olver for supplies and Mns. Joncs for Temperance: Mrs. G. H. Hunten conducted he meeting. Mmi. N. J. Wite annouuced tisat -the Presbyterlal would be iseld ln OshaWa on April 18. Tise Fniendsip group were en- tertaiued en Tuesday nlgist et tise iiome o! Mr..and Mrs. W. A. Dry- dcli. 'Thectheme sange o! tiss group '7"Tie More We GeV Together" al- ways opens hs meeting lu this gzroup. Mrs. Dryden bad charge of tise devotional exercises whlcis stnesscd tise message -o! Esater. Mrs. McKlnuey gave a St. Patrick's - e'adlnz aud Miss Olver a selection from Neilie McClune's wnitlngs lor tise programme. A contest eniven- cd thse eveffing and hs was fol- lowed by cames. NoVt the lcast o! -tVie cnjoyment vas tise dainty lunch scrved by Vise bostesa assist- cd by Miss Olver. Mrs. Lyon as- -sistant leader for tisis group con- diuctcd tise cvenlng's entertain- ment. - Tise Eàeiaýlc graun vers guests of Mn. fjaiier et lier home on TueRdiar)V!ternoon visen thse mem- - - bers n~t the group quilted a quilt for -tVie Mlsslouary Bale: Durng thse aftennoon plans were made for tise Mev meeting o! tise Womeu's Asso- ciation o!fviiieh thcy have cisarge. M.ts. Ramer servedà suppes' for lier gucats and a very happy social 'hour vas cnjoyed. Mrs.- John Dryden la vlsltlug frlends ln Msuaster. Specil un servl were hcld In the 'United OhurelidurnugPaslon 'Week. -On Tucey evenlng thse Young People's 'Union lied change under. thec covener o! .Chniation ?ellowsisip, Miss Lillian Joues. Tise worsip service, wus Ieroducted througi tise poem "A Little Brown Bul-b", wibbtiste soipture lesson from St. Mark's gospel lunVis. Zas- ter $tory.' Miss Reta Panisis as- atstcd iu tus. -A duet, "Abuse" by Misses Ruths JuIl and Lucille Mc- Ne. and a solo, "'Awakesand Arise"l by Miss Lois Tardif!, were a part of tise programme. Rey. W. L. Smytise o! Pôrt Perry, was guet speaker aud spoke on tise subject 'o!. Pas- glon Week. He sald the.t Christ lad Ris lcarulug. Mis Love and Ris life ou Cialvary. If-He had noV su.!- (i ~1LLdQ BROOJ(LIN BAKERY p.- X STOVEI, Proprietor. ilrooklirî - Phone 31 Bread - -Cake., - Pies - Buns, etc. IcesCream. BROOKLUN' GARAGE S, Hfardint, Trop. »r.okUn - Phone 25-R-It Argo Gas & 011 pepaw# to & il makes of cars and trucks. Hardware Jephson's Hardware 3. 9. Jepb.son, Prop. Breokin -1 Phone 8 Hardware, Glat., Electrical Applianees, Tumps Gair. Pipe and Fittinge Insurance GEO. H. VICK Igrokln Ph... 4801 - 4M0 Insura n lI1ts brsnches LYIVIA M- 'IRRIF-M ARD'S GARAGE IL Maynard, Trop. din - Thon. 2104 MAL OuIL PDUCITS àmu, latteries & Accessorles Incsvas a Most Ii4rt aesrehlug one ais. aaked li isamrera Vo place theseielves in thée positions o! Nlchodemus or Joqeplh or lunVis. modern world, o! ta* Clitiana, In war tomn countnies today. -Mr. C. S. Tisompeon, aud Mr. Keast WVeb- ber contributed a very beautiful luet and Bey. P.-L. Juil conducted thse service. Ms. Russell Whl .0f Ottawa, waf wltli his-motiier, .D. Wlite for Vii. week-end. Mns. Donald 'oblnson pasaed away on Tusdy at iicr home lu Brooklln. Mns. Robinhon lied been Iu ber usual isealtl aud ber pas- slng vas qulte sudden wic ine as a great shock to..4ier famlly and fnlenda. The funeral vms iseld on Saturday witti Internient at Grave- side Cenietery. R.cv. P. L. jul-con- ducted tise service. Mss. Robinson leaves ta mouru lier bas ber bus- baud, Donald Robinson, on. -son, William, visa has been living at Manchiester and one daugisteir, Penelope, wvisaeai aposition st Gananoque. Mr. and Mrs. Lawsou. have taken a bouse lu Whitby. We regret so mucis bieir leavlng Brookliuwisere tisey have made mauy f niends dur- lng their time here. Boy 'Scouts, under Vise leadersip of Mattisew Agar, met lu tise base- meut o! tise Continuation Scisool ou Wednesday nigit. Fourteen baya vene present sud tise evening was speut lu scout vark. In tise Court o! Ronar the boys planued a bike for Tue«dayr, -Mardi 26. If vea-ther la unfavorable fan tihat day tise hîke will be ield on Thursday. Tise boys visi td tisank Mr. Graf! and tise trustees o! the scisool for tise use a! tise basement. The Lions Club will have charge o! th evenlng service in tise United Cisurcli on Sunday, Mardi 31&t. Tise- sermon vill be preached by Bey. P. L. Juil and a men's choir viii pro- vide tise music. The Lions and tlir leader vill meet -st Pcry Stlver's aud parade tao hurcis. Miss Lilliam Bsiley aud !rieud o! Listovell, *,ere home for the 'Buter week-end. Mis Jessle Jardine, o! Creemore, 18 vlsltlng wlth tier sister, Mrs. Miss Helen McBalu vas lu To- ronto for tise aster vacation. Mn. Dcibson and daugliter, Joan a! Toronto, ver. vtiMnM. and Mns Tardif! for Vhe iiolidays. Miss Elsie Robinson, o! Weston, ipangthýe week wth Mn.,aid Mrn. W. Smithi. Mr. a.nd Mss. Stredwlck, a!fGOs- awa, are -vitti )r and Mss. 3. Bligt The Mission Baud members .isave been maklug prepaftons for some tinie for tiseir Zaster thank o! fer- lng service vich wvil b. beld on Wednesday evcnlng, Merci 27, 111 the basemeut o! tise United Churcli, Thse main room la Vo b. lu readlness, for use tihat evenlug and la lookin-m vsey loveiy l inIs kv coat o!fvisitE and blue paint. til arc cordlal1ý of Ahburn. Mu. Lewin vil brtng Ouvrent Events, ad Vthe musical Programme is in charge b! Mirs. G. Je.!!ery and Mne. Zen Batty. Tise Bo all i 1 a Health Rule. A very luteresting feature o! the. meeting wyll be a quiz conteat.. AU tiie ladies are lnvlted Vo attend at 2.30 p.m. Wednesdy, March 27?, In Townâb.p Hall. Mr. Lloyd Prouse arrived home on Wednesday f roma the Toronto General Hospital and hits many friends will be glad to know that lie la galning in strength and. well 'on thse way Vo recovery. Néew Red Cross Red Cross sewing roonis were busy with workers -on 'hursday when a numiber o! articles were completed. Mns. Boyd sent in her usuel number o! lcnItted goocls. Ail regret that Mns. Boyd îs su! fering !vom a very severe cold. There wll be noRed ross Sew- ing Clams this week but aetlvities will b. resumed on Thursday. Apnil 4th. A speclal business meeting will be held duning thse afternoon and a large attendance is nequested. A s&pecjal requet lias been recelv- ed by thse choir o! tihe United Cisurcli, t.bat they repeat the An- themas used on Bauter aunday fr Sunday, Marci 3lsV. st the morn- Ing service. The numbers used willl b. the !irst quarter o! the Can- tata. "Crucifixion and- Ascension," by Peece and "This ls the Day",by Caleb Simper. Owlng ta severe westher and roads blocked witis snew the congregations on Easter Sunday were inucli smailer'than usuel. Mrs. E. Pascoe 18 wltb ber sister wbo 18 very 111 at ber home in En- field. Mn. and Mm. Scott, of! Hamilton, were week-end visitons wltb Mn. and Mrs. ýBent Jones. Mns. Pred Pankin bas been vis- ling friendis- in Wellan~d. Mn. and Mm. C. L. Mackey spent tise week-end in Bowmanvllle with Ms. and Mrs. R. Richardson. Miss Phyllis Richardsonl returnecl with them and is spendlng the week witb lier grandparents. miss Evelyn Lewis, of Niagara- on-the-Làake was home wlth ber parents aven Sunday. Miss F'lorence Juil, o! Toronto, spent the week-end with hen bro- ther, Rev. F. L. Juil. Mn. and Mns. Raîpli Vickeny, of Oshawa, spent Sunday et tise home o! Mr. and Mss. A. J. Cook. Mr. and Mrs-A. J. Cook invite tise ladies o! Brooklln and district ta visit tiseir, store on Saturday a! hs week ta es the demonstratian a! soups by Heinz Soup Company. Ms. a.nd Mss. Norman, o! To- ronto, spent eunday wth Mr. aud Mrs. Jeptison. Mns. Sine and childmen, of Long- ford, are wlth Mn. and Mss. 'Jepli- son for the week. Miss Garnie Barris 18 spendlng her holldays in Whitby. Ms P. L. Stovr is very illat her home here. Mss. Vickery Sr., spent SundaY wltis Mr. and MM. S. KiveIl. As many o! thse co>untry people 1were unable ta attend the Bauter Dservices owlng ta the condition af i' he noads, Easten anthems will be à rcpea.e -_by-the-choi at Visemorn Otawa-Non-Penmanent Active Militia units, wbcii undergoing training hils summrer lu MiliVany Camps, Will wear batîle dress made a! denim and a!fVise same pattern as that a! tise Canadien Active Service Force. rr: Wh-o Service Station MAC'S SERVICE STATION F. C. MeNeflan, Prop. Brooklil Sheli gas & oh - Goodyear tires Willard batteries- refreshments Tea Room TWENTY STEPS INN Facililtiez for bridge, Snowshoelng, Slelgh Rides, Tees, Etc. Mru. M. Richardson, Frop. BROOKLIN -PH0NrE 35 Transports Nrieru nL4sAssurance M B IN Contne5tm ammlty Cmpny T RANMS PO0R T FiadAutomobile A. I. MeBIEN4, rop. IwMoR un BOX S1 Transport - RaIfy & Lumber MYRILE (M. V. Luery, Correspondent) myUTLE STATION, March 25.- Easter 111es,. amarillis and plLSY- wihlows decorated the front of the church for the Easter service on Sunday evening, whlch wus in charge of the pastar, ReY. G. S.1 Gervan. Mhe Soritture lessOn WaU St. Mark 16: 1-8, 12-20. Thesermon1 WaS preached from the tect, I Cor. 15 1:20, "For now is Christ risen from the deaiJ and D3ecome the first fruits o! them that slept." The subject of next Sundayis germon wili be -"Thé Walk to Emmaus". The. St. Patrlck's supper, whicb wa.5 ta have been held lest Wednes- day evening In the cburch base- ment, was canceiled an account of the bad weatber. The Women's As- sociation wi have a supper on Wednesday evenlng April 10. Mrs.1 Hattie Hudgin bas been vislting for tbe past week in Toron- to viith ber son and. family. , Miss Elsie Smith vislted In Mont- reai on Good Friday and the week- end. Melvin Sisson, who bas been working for Mr. A. Parrinder for, several months, hlred with Mr. J. Rouiston for the year.. Tbe crows which were seen and heard last week, and which are sali to be barbingere of sprtng, would no doubt like the grauridhog on Candelmas dty, seek their winter quartera, again during the past cold speli. Miss Kathleen Wiles. of Oshawa. visited witb friends on Tbursd4ay. Marjorie Valluer is spending the Easter holiday with littie f riends in Oshawa,~ The officiai board of the church wiii meet at the parsonage on Wed- nesday evening, Aprii 3, at 8 p.m. A full attendance is desired for the purpose of transacting impor- tant business. The Young People's Union will celebrate the membersbip drive by a supper on Tuesday evening, April 2" Members of the iosing side sbouid, In tbe meantime, practise weli the art of table setting, eerv- ing and disb-washlng. for these tblngs will be their uine of business on the.t nigbt. Until the large snowrploW came tbraugh fram' the north at 12 c'clock on Good -Friclay, motoring between aur two villagesç was tied up at times. 'Holiday traffic was beavy and so was the going on the bigbway. Motorists jained 'farces -i ielping one another tbrough the drifts by kickln away and tramp- ing, the çýnow, inushing and bulirig the cars. Na shoveis were In evid- cnce, due ta the fact, no doubt, tbat it was Easter, and -forgetting- UUt> blustery, stormy Marcb wa.s 'stili rullng the weather. Misses Maud Mans»fieid and Mar- ian Bell, of Toronto, were Good Fni- day guests of Mr.- and Mrs. Harold Stredwick and Mrs. F'rancis Big Mr. and Mrs. Miîg.ate, Mr. and rMrs. Henry Short. of Oshawa, were guests on Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. T. Carey. Mr. A. E. Northeý, of Uxbridge. waz- a visitor at the borne of Mr. rJohn Grant one day iast week. f Mr. Dan Balin visited with friends ein Oshawa on Saturday and Sun- day.cb (By Staff Correspondent) OLAREMONT. Mercis 26. - tA gnoup o!fVthe Women's institule sold bot dags and caffee at Mn. James Coates' sale last Tuesday. Tise profits amounted Vo aven twen- ty dollars, tise money ta lue used in aid a! Vhs Red Cross war work. Miss Donotbv Hill, o! Thessalon. us spending, a few days with ber cousin, Miss Mergenret Kennedy. Friends o! Miss Viola Fonsytb are giad ta bear that she bas returned home from ber sojoumu in St. Micis- ael's Hoscpital. Miss Frqncers-toyst Is visiting tis week wlish Miss Heien Glover o! Hastings, The Easten pageant wbich was ta have been presented by tise chair rf the United Chuncis bas been postponed until Apnil 8, owing ta weatben conditions. Mn. and Mrs. James Lillie. a! Camp Borden, spent t-ie Easten wek-cnd vitis Mr. and Mrs. B. Cameran. X Tise annuel concert is being iseld an Fniday, Mercis 29, aV 8 p.m. iu tb. Clanemont Community Hall. Amiong thase scbeduled. ta appear on tise program are ms folaows:.tise Prouse sisters, Miss Aima Pugb, Dcvltt's orchestra. Mn. Donald Hedges, the Recisbaw sisters, Mms. Charles Gastick. Master Ross Mid- dleburst, Mr. Douglas Bootis, Mr. Robent Miller, the Spang sisters and Mn. M. Wilker.' A uovelty at- traction-a quiz pnogrem will lue couducted witby W. C. Munkan, mas- ter o! ceremonies. Goad cash awards. The pragmam 18s held unden tise auspiceslo! tise Claremont Park Board. The communlty su!! ened a gneat loss in tise deatis o!fIMr. William HUlI lu bis '79tb yean failaowiug an illness o! several months. The sym- patby o! tise commuuity is extended ta his !amlly. The Womeu's Institute met et thse home o! Mrs. Walter Wamd on Wednecday, March 20. In spite o! the bad weather seventeen ladies attended. Miss Pnyar gave a talk on "The place and power o! youug womanhood in tise- nev ena." Tise regular mouthly meeting o! Vhe Wameu's Association a! bbc United Church wiil be helci in the Sunday Schaol noom on Thursday, 1Manch 28th. et 2:30. Donations for the f aIll azaar will be receiveci at this meetingz. The ladies are alsa quiitingy two quilts. Af 1er the meet- ing the usual supper wrill b e erved. Scugog SCUGQG, March 19.-The March meetiro, -be Wamen's Associa- tion was held iu the tewnship hall on Tue-sday afternoon, and the hostesses were Miss Marjanie Mil- ner, Mrs. J. Aldred, Mrs. R. Hen- ders, Mrs. Geo. Samelîs, Mrs. C. Sameils and Mrs, F. G. Joblin. The meeting opened by singing and Mrs. Joblin leading in prayer. Mrs, F. Crozier rend the Easter Scripture lèsSOn. Mrs. G. Sameils and Mss. C. Jeffrey gave very interesting rcadings. Miss Joy Hoad gave a' green contest. Miss M Milner and Mis;s F. Carter were appointed pro- gram comrInittee for nex-t meeting. The w001 comforter and- cushion were on disu»lay whicb *was made by group ane, and several guesses on the number of yards a! tbread it taok ta make thern was received, ta raize funds for a new tea roon" îor ba-Sement under the Centre ehurch. The hostess made several things for a bazaan which made about four dollars toward the tes iroom. Eacb group is trying W h ei-P with the financial part during the camlng rnoniths. Our pastor gave a few minutes' talk on the different tplans and pnices o! the project for 1the new kitchen. The meeting then i csed by rep)eating tise Mlzpah -beniediction. Supper was served. 1The. St, Patrick~s and Bridgct dcc- oratians for the table centre -and tother' deconations braught admira- ition. l>noceeeds, $9.40. f The pupils o! the Foot school are, shavlng a couple o! week.s' bolidays cas their teacher. Miss Giadys Job- elin, is 111 with 'flu and next week Easten week. f MrS C. HI-ardy vis*ted ber frlen.d, eMrs. Ayimer Ploughman, on SundtY. STATIONI Mn,. Joseph Greentree, of Bar- flrçflY, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Green- te, o! Oshawa, were SundRy vL-sit- ors o! their aunt, Mrs. Robent Chi.i- bolM. A robin !lew-on ta the verandab for shelter from tb' coud -and starni on Thursday. It appeaned ta bc ln good condition but bewildered by the snow. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cooper and Douglas, of -Toronto, spent Eastet SundaY with Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Cook. 'An extra gang ofilýn'waâ called by the C.P.R. section foremnan te clean Out ditches, whicb were filied and pilcd highbby the snowplow and the strong winds. 1Mr. George Williams and Miss Doreen, of Toronto, visited with Mn. and Mrs. Robert Bitton aven the week-end, Mr. A. Z Ranisey le! t on Satur- day On bis northern cream route and became snowbound. On Mon- day morning be was stili et Soflya. Mn. and Mrs. Melvin Honey and baby, Jane Anne, Mn. Floyd Haney_ and Miss Audrey Black, al O! To- ronto, were Good Fnîiy callers at the borne o! Mnr. and Mrs. D. Lueny. Mrs. Robert Hoar and Miss Myr- tic, of Toronto, werc Sunday visit- Ors with relatives and friends. We understand t-bat Mr. Davlid Grant has purchased the Toronto market business, lately aperated by Mn. Joeepb Slmkln. Miss Manlene Barton is spcndlng the Easter bolidays-witb ber aunt. Miss Pearl Stinmon, of Garnie. Mr. Ruseli Gervan, of Alexan- dria, Miss Helen DohertM, of Beach- burg, Mms. Elliatt, a! Renfrew, and Mr. Allen Pitt, af Toranto, were week-end guests o! Rev. and Mrs. Gr. S. Gervan. Mn. and Mis, C. Harrison wene visqitors in Oshawa on Thursday. The auxiiiary meeting o! the Woruen's Missionary Society wlll be lheld at the home of Mrs. D. Luery on Tbursjay at1 2.30 pin. A cordial invitation is ext*ended ta aIll who are intere,ýt-d in missions to be present. The Easter Thank-offering will be recrived et this meeting. Bob \Tallier of the Ontario Regi- ment (Tank) is again in training af 1er a two weeks vacation spent at bis home here. Miss Lamna Joncs, of. Brooklin, was a Sunday visitor at thse home o! Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Cook. ' A quiet wedding took -place at the parsonage on Saturday at '7 p.m., when Mn. Harold Leslie Bray, zon .af Mr. and l4rs. John Bray, af Prospect, and Miss Dorathy Bernice ~o)h, aji~ena!Mr. and M Roy. Leach, Pf Myrtie, were unilted in -marriage bv Rey. G. S. Gervan. Miss Rut-h Leach was ber sist-erts bridesmeild. and Jack Bray attend. ed bis brother as, groamemani. A!tex thse ceremony thse bride and groom le! t for a short honieyioon trip tc Oakville and Port Hope. Upon their returu they wiil tal:e uip reridence on the farnm owned by Mrs. JaM&9 Wilscn. Skiere, who wrre on 1hein way to lhe Bethaux' hilis an Gaod Friday morniflg, found when tbey got thie lly,- Toronto, spent Easteir sunday with Mr. and Mrs. V. Parkln. Mrs. R. Hadly wae a week-end visitor with Mr. and Mr& R. V. Mowbray. mlnonds- Audley (Staff Correspondent) AUIDLEY,' March 26. -Wm. Redg. and !amily o! Oakvllle cal-' ed' on relatives here recently. Many frdm «here attendedth ie seed fair at Brooklin despite the stoimy day. Remember the ýdrama given this Friday evening ln tise cisurcis isre by tise Young People o! Centre Street, Oshawa. Geo. Puckrnn 18wearing a isappiy smile over tise arrival o! a baby girl in thýir home last wcek.. Mns. Hansford, o! Toronto, is vis- lting h.er daughters -here. M. Ponahoe, who has been em- ploved at Grasmere Farm for near- ly two years. is leaving ta go ta the nantis countryr. Mike has made maux' fniends here. The Red Cross social st R. P. Winters' on Monday evenlng o! last week was a suceess and thIs lcal unit is sending ten dolIns ta thoe central unit. About 50 attendcd and a game a! progressive euchrp was piayed fallowed by music and lunchon. A hearty vote o! tbanks -was given ta the hast and-hrxstess. Manv fnom tise Pickernn unit-were present and contnibuted ta the eve- nir'z's enkvment. Mn. and Mrs. G. S. Bryant speut Sunday witis ber parents in Ca- bourg. Now tise electiau i.- aven. we os n get daw%,n ta tise long stron.- pull a! wlnnlng tise war aud saviug' demacnacy for tise aftermath. 19'9 WIOOL CLIP Accordlncz ta tlie final official e.s- tima tes o! shorn and ipullpd wool 'nnouctiorx ln Canada for 1939, t-be total wool 13r,clctlon for that year waq 17 888.000 lb., o! whi-cb 13,611.- 000 lb. were shorn wool. Due ta ln- cneased yields per fleece. sborn wool production ln 1939 wa., 225.000 lb. aýreater than in'1938. Cash Income *jy thp 1939 wrool clip) wa.% esti- mated et-$1.416.000. comnarcd witb a cash incarneoo!$1.309.000 f nom tise 1928 clip. An increase o! .4.4 per cent. in the numben o! siseep ta b e shorn in 1940 Is foreest Intiie re- ports neceived. iCGhe yOU 5ta ,,0110 'hde-POWer a u hëdi 'W ff ot. - sO% ai 1okiatut IL ti o£ rd o eie theu s jý oail tok~,U9î op4jd: 0eratet fe 4 Alitso 'ak7ti'i" yoU sbUld Ç1ero buY Staclri qi 'el It~ D DONALD MOTOR DUNDAS STREET EAST WHITBY CLAREM ONT,. L. - VILLAGE QF BROOKLIN "Who s - BIL~~~aII2A~LLdk (Mm. A. Hooker, Correspondent) î Kinsale, March 25.-The 'WOm-N en's Institute wlll meet In- the Hall on Thursday next, March- 28, at 2:30. A qulltlng wlll be the arder o! the day. Milladies welcome. We welcome the Knapp famlly to our neigbborbood. Mi&s Glenys Stephen is spending t1be Easter vacation at ber borneln Ashburn. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs.i Cecil Disney on the arrivai of a1 yaung son.1 Jack and Gerald Hooker have re- turned home ýafter spending a few days witb relatives in Toronta. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Raine, Broug- bam, and Mr. and Mrs. Orvilie Lawtoin, Manilia, were Stinday vis- itors witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell, Sr. Mr ' and Mrs. W. Hougbton, To- ganta, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mri. W. Mulock. The Pour Square - lass met at the-borne of the leader, Mrs V. Parkln, on Tuesday last. It was a work meeting. T1he girl, tvere bu.sy rnaklng boxics ta be filied witb fruit for the -;Ick. The programme. was ln charge of Mrs. Wm. Bell. Jr.: S'cn1ntiire leeson wm, read by iEilpeen Parkin;, Instrumental by Jean Mow- bray; vocal and piar'o duet by Vel- ma and DoreýiI BaIson. Aft,,r the mneeti*ng the bostcss served lunch. Mr. Rnd Mr.q. Raly3h R. Mawbrav spent the week-end with the latter's oarents ln Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, Wrn. Kenredy. To- ronto, %vere Easter vî - tors with Mr. and Mis. P. Lennon. Miss Gertrude T,Pnnon rett'rnel ta Toronto wlth them for a few day.. There was a fair attendance at church an Easter Suxlday. The se- vere coid and bioc'ked sideroads kept manv away. Th-e pastor, Rev. R. W. McVey, gave an inspîrlng Eà.ster' message. An Easnter anthem was sung- by the choir, while _Mr. Lloyd Maodv rendered a sala, "In the Garien". Next Sunday at 2:*30. tbe sacrament of the Lord's supper will be administercd. Mr. and Mrs. McDowell and fam- ALMONDS, March 26. - We are sorry to report that Ms. J. Guy hus been conflned ta the house for the past two weeks. eWe hope he may bave .a speedy, rec-oveny.- Mrs. S. Cnawforth and daughter, Margaret, spe-ni the Easter week- end with her mother, Mrs. S8ley', of Toronto. Mr. and Mss. Tcm Gordon, Ml'. Dave Gordon, o! Toronto, spen* Good Pniday witt irM. d I * Wm. Gordon.. Mr. Arthur O'Connor and daiuh- ters, Misýses Margaret and -Helen, and son Dennis spent the Fistet week-end with'relatives ln Detr~oit \ Mr. Wm. Gordon is confined t( the bouse for the past week withi several broken rlbs. The Young People are presenlin thein Ea-ster play "Cloth o! Sen- dony", this Sunday'evenlng. MXrok 31, ln t he ehurch et 8.13 o'ciock wth Bibîcel costumes a1?d char- acters., Came and enjoy the even- lngr with the Y-oung People., SThe motion pictures of the Kinag anîd Queen beld in Almon4s Churcu recently, were greatiy eqnJoyed, but awing 'to tbe very ý-stormy night the audience was not as large a" de-' sired. These wee!ollowed byv read- ings from Mr. J.'Tems, 9feWhitby, wbloh wcre gneatly enidyeld. Mvi. Hayward, o! -Toronto, teâchrr o! l music7 class it Wbby Mol" evenings, drôpped. ln wlth-44% trie gultan and atured $hebe-* o!. the people with is IP music. This was follpwed y!ê%l -freahiments. Ail who d. iV tbcmselvoesof this OP)tltjn sed a rare treat. ý L

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