Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1940, p. 10

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THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND, CHRONICLE, WEDNEDY ACH2,14 Whitby Meets Powassan ý,Tonight- At Taylor's Arena in Important Game in Intermediate PIay-Offs Muet Take. Northerners If Teain Io To Stay In~ Cbampionthip - Race- Expect Arena Will Be, ?acked For Possible Final Gaine 0f Season Ail -roads *tulle1ud to Taylor'a arena tonlgbt (Wedncsday) for thc moot Important hockey event ef bbc, seasn, vhen Wblbty A.A.A.'S inelt Povassan in tbc tourtb round Play- 61ffa. The Nortberners deteabed Whitby by a decisive score et 7-3 ln bbhe nortbern village- on Pndmy nlgbt. and bhc locals; nov well rested Up sud cager for action, are out for vengeance. Whitby inuit vWin Ibis gine if f urther honoris are*-le bu souglit, and every-hockey fan and bis vite or sweetbeart -tbould bu on deck. In thc tiret gaine et a hoec-and- home sqrlem In the O.H.A, Interme- diate "B" serl-finîls, Powassan tiawks deteaudWbltby 7-3 on P'ri- day uigbb. Whitby kepb pace for tye periodi, but could not hold off thse Hawks' third period drive. Ren- nie cf tbbc-Hawks and Dafcc of Whitby divided scSiing honoris vltb two goals each. Rennie a>iited ln thsret others. ýMembers oft he Whibby teai plîyed thus gaineatter au ail-day drive et neanly 206 miles over anov and icu covercd roads. Several drifts venu encounlered, and the boys bad On top of the Intermediate "BOP -hockey_. world last Wednesday anid faoed with possible elimination à week later. that's the situation whlch, confronta Whitby 'A.A.A.> -a they take the ce "for the crucial game of the season tonlght.. It's a tough apot but the loeal have been ln touglier. Given- good Ice and a ruI home town .crowd the boys cari PIaY to vin and when any teain doua hhat a four goal margin can erumble quicker than & strav vote b<fore the final returns. ~Win,,jIe, or draw, this la THE BIG GAME9. There won't bu an alibi for any WhItby hockey tan "0@ han't got a doctor's certifi- ,ct or some other excellent rua- 8bý fer not attending tonight's Mrp. 'fis la the pay-off, folks, Isup tb everyone of you tb &Y our part In boosting Whitby to vlctory. And nertz to wise-guys who are "caIng" the outoorne ln adra;nce. We're willling to concede that the Odds are against the locals. Trhat Can't bu denied but predIctions bave a habit 0f boomneranging on thu predictor. This columnn called Whltby A.A.A.'s to win over Sut- ton laut Wednesday under any plavinit conditions, that rnight pre- VII. We Vçere -rlght for once. Tis'lime we're saying they've got an even chance under any con- ditions of at leaht evening the count and a better *than even chance cf going on to wln by five -*oals on the gaine and one on tii. round-if the te ls faicourabip -ad If they get the right kind of suoort froin the fans. Thils Powassan bunch Isn't Invin- cible by any mine . 1Whlbby iost 9 hea1itbreaker to them n in shawaq lait year. T'he gaine couidn't hf piayud hure because of unfavour- able weather conditions. This year it goustoWhitby and playing in huip. Wrhat's a four goal lead. Whitby naiied seven in isutton luit Wednes- day 1n1the space of five minutes Pour goals tan go as quick as R flash. Wc won't be very surpriseci If' Whitby overcomes that iead-be- fore the.end of the second period. Te ruai test wilil corne mfter bhe lads mnay have - chaiked unp a siight iead or sewed. the count. Tbat's vhen the chies wiIi bu down ln ernest, ln the' fading minutes or to get-out-and'puali on one or two occasions,. They s.rrived in Powas- san shortly before the. gaine wus scheduled to start,* tired and stifi alter their long drive. They showed real f orin until.the thfrd period when, the sturiy northerners proved tq be too much for them. The Teamu Whitby - Goal, Clark; defense, Kearney and Mayne; centre,,Hoop- er; wings, Dafoe and Bagneil; subs., Heard, PhilIps, Brown, Pipher, Bragg, Watson, Hunter. Powas8an - Goal, Purdon; de- fense, Clarke, McDonald; centre, Rennie; wings, White, Langford; subs., Jackson, M. Cox, S. Oox, Scale, Hepburn. Ref ere-Deohano, First Ferlod 1-Powassan, Jackson (Ren- nie) ................... 12:28 2-Whitby, Dafoe (Ijooper) .. 13:13 3-Powa.ssan, Clarke' (S. Cox) 17:03 Penaty-Phiflips. Second PerlOd 4-Whitby, PhiUlips ......... 3:05 5-Powassan, White (Rennie) 8:40 8--Whi *tby, Dafoe .......... 11:12 7-Powassan, Langford (Ren- nie.................... 15:50 No penalties. Third Period 8-Powassan, Hepburn (S. Cox> ................. 5:05 O-Powassan, .Rennie (Lang- tord> ................. 11:20 10-Powassan, Renfle...... 14:30 Penalty--Clark. play. A lob o! heartbreakers havi Ibeen decided lu bbc lait fev min. tutes. If bbe beys cmn overcome 1 thbtieîd lu bbc firil bvo pericde s ad Iben cbeck like f icudi bbrcugl 1 te laut stanza bbcy can bring 1 borne bbc bacon and scalp bbc Pc- v assan bogey for al l ime. Thcl Sutton gaine is prebty vel muacienb hisbcry by nov and bhe ipicture bis cbanged aince then, tWe veren'b able tb make the tbrp -te Povîssan but ve're betting tha', a seven heurs' car journey doesn't heip mny-hockey team le show lbs beat. As tar as Bubbon vas ccncerned -Il vas a case cf toc rnucb staylng ppver aI bbc Wbltby end of the irink. -The ceunI vas deadiccked at the epd e! the second period. Whitby luibiaiied bbc acoring ln bbc firsi period afier vcry close-cbecking by botb leain. Dafoe broke ail alonu on oue oc. camon but missed the corner of the net by Ince. Sutten igbtenc< dovu mfter Wbitby's first score Ir bbc Initial penld and then'-kcpi applylug tbe pressure in the second trame, 'The norbberncrs vere fin- aliy revarded wlbh a score trou GIbney unlassiîbed. Play coublnued at au even clip lu 1he final ibauza until Whitb auddenly bit their stnide vltha seven goal icorlng splurge that iccc tbc gaine and lefb bbe final Issue lu ne doubb. The score sheet telle ail. Tlhe Line-Up:- SU'ITON:--Goaî, Smitb; defense, Cuiverweli and Shoope; centre, Burcheli; vingi, Milroy and Car. pentier. Alterriabes :-Brady, Gilby, Thomnpson,. Crozier, Dunn and WHITBY GAZ~E - .... ADD IN THE PENALTY BOX- Gilby. WHITBY:... Goal, Clarke; de- tense, Philipi and Watson, centre, Piper; vinga, Heard and Brown. Alernates:-Kearney, Oke, Dafoe, Hooper, Bagnel and Bragg. SUMMARV - First Period l'-Whitby, Brovn (Bragg) ... 14.00 Penalty :-Gllby. SecOnd Peniod 2-ubton, Gi-buey ....... .... 4.01 Penalties :-Piper, Ilooper, Gilby. 1Thfrd Period 3-Wbltby, Watson (Piper> 9.00 4-Wbitby, Piper ............950 I25c c c s i C. T. Ross, 43-year.7oM owner of the Royal Theatbru ln Bowmanvile, shovn Inset, was burned. to, death in his home Sundaày while lylng on a chesterticld oniy ten feet from the front door of his home. Ris vite said she believed lie was over <-me byfumes from the furnace, and the fire started from a elgar whlch fell out o! his mouth. Shown top Is the burut out sittin g room wherc Ross's body vas found, and below la the exterior of the burned home with firemen and an anxious crowd of onlookers. k. I T[~UI'I neccssiby of providing a fund fer f IU lL 111 worty students who are, unable t AN n I0r[ Arrunu cation, andl proposes Ibat the cost 8 be borne equally by tbe municipal- CI iby. bbc Province and the Dominion. regular school curriculum. Brant Moeteu M ncplCeunby 'Association deplores the y Moe to Put unicpallack of "sufficient Instruction" in WactnSho or British and Canadian histoty lu Watc onSchol Bard the public scbools- And frein a Spendi.ng Frownecl On littie icheel -s2ction in Victoria e ___Ceunty. S.S. No. 13, Fenelen, cernes Toronto, March 26-Any move to the foliowing: "That whereas lb secure représentation et municipal would be lu the lnlcrest ef Canada tcouncils on school boards wibh a to be a nation et eue lauguage, we d view te giving the coundils a incas- iher-fere petition the Federi Gev- .1ure of vetoing power over se 001l erument te give a bonus of tvro rboarl expenditures will be f2clght dollars per Pupil, pcr annuin, for vigorousiy by the Pntario Trustees' ail naines appeariug ou tbc achool and Ratepayers' Association, i a eitrb cci br nls ylearned last night. Twenty-nine 0111Y la taugbt."1 hlgh school boards and boards cf A major conceru o! bhc trustees e ducation have passed resolutions au. aeaesa hsEse ut e wl-icb wili corne before the trustees' iug wiii bu the advisabillty cf set- and ratepaý--'rs' dep5tmpnt of the ting uT, a fund te baku cane of -u- sOntario Edîîcatic41 Assoc!atiorý ture purchase of schooi sites or ad- this week, opposing any sort cf dablnsew sites or thdd uidn g c'reo muniripai representation on school anwsbe radtosIeeo 1boards.* Sucb a fund, lb la proposed, sbouid A further resolut ion f rom the b netda rvddfrI h Linoln-Coint AsocMio isofMunicipal or &bhools Acta. Other simiar tnor It "ad: "Tat.resolutions te be discussed will lu- simipr tnor. It mds- Thatcludu one urging bbat mnedical and" whereas local 'trustees arceiected dna evc emd oploy bo dies directiy undrr the control of dintlsriebmdcc pusy bbc TPeOp)i, there shotild be neotfin- lu il achools. and another that anciail .clration frein the municlinal weuld cozupel school boards te pro- couineil"The S.- vi oa de ngbbClasses wberever ten or. cf Fdlcation. on th e other hand. more ratepayers desîred thein. Is In favor of a relareseubitive cf fr i th-' City councîl l'beinq. Iflflh!e to in prpsent rit mcetinsPPof the2 J~ ~'J U U Board-cf Education, but yibhout- R UE0 T .9 power f0 votte"1 Hizh sehool boirds and Board of Fducation which have lincd up 1 N O R tI I 1tien move iielude Westcn, Forest. ~RN ,Strthro, WhtbyFort William, bricl,', North iB!'vý. Karmitviil, Psi- P N Woodstork. Brockvll". Art.hir, Eto- Posng of Depression ini birokA. Lpamniraton. Strafforci, Amn- United States Raises hprstbuirg, Cockrane, Sheiburne, BPllev'lle-, N1aç7ara - on - the - Lake. Optiflislf Tillgonbiri. Stureeon Fail.s, Bur- «---. linzbon. O!ýhanwa. Wýiqi-ton, Dundas, (The Fînancial post) Collinrrjod and CGuelnrh. Fears that the business recession -Seek Mýinimum Saiary inl the United States, If prolongud, Certain "hardy pirennial" resolu- inight check advance lu Canada' tiens will corne before the meeting bave been caseci soincybat reccntIV aeain. Onc' more an atternpb on by estirnates that bbc decline os bbc part of the policy cemmittee about at thc bettoin. Anxieby iII will be madle to M0cu1re a miniîurn this. counitry waS feit because t1*e salary cf $700 for lav public and United States 1s Such a large buyqr separate school teachers. Frorn of Canadian producta. Simcoe and Durhamn Associations The Wbaicy-Eaton Amnerican let'- aud from School Section No. 2, ber tbis veck contains thbc uu- Russell. como's a dpem-ý,nd for 50 p-r aglug comment that at a ccufef- i cent of the ccrýt cf éducation te bu ence of American economista bbc borne by the State. unanimnous opinion was that t~ A recommendatien te ho tor- business declile had run Its coure warded 'teobbc Dominibu and Pro- The nexb six mnnbs, lb 15 statcd. ýf vincial Gevprrnmo-nt', a'ike, spon-1 the van continue,,, should sec busi- scrcd by the policY COmmibte nus. good vith prîces neubral $0 urges upon bb"se Geverinents the firin. InventerY Positions vouid net _______________________deber Purchases If ôhiy becaumeI -there vas no disposition te lEt 5--Wbibby, Bragg ........... 10.01 sbclves bucoine ernpty. 6-Whtby Keaney(Dafe) l.50 The Canladian situation bas bue» 6-Whibb, Kerny (DafceeT 1050 fairîy sathsfacbory. 7--Sutn, Pipry(Brwn) .13.00 C3o1d Séather bas to corn e -ctent 8-Wlibby, DPip (oer r) i.. 14.0 Offsettbbc stimulus that thue erly 9-witby Dae (eopr) 650Easter migbt bave given Ou- muid 10-Whitby, Heard ......... 17.23 days bliere bas b c cnsiderable Penalties :-Milroy, Gipney, Car- accuieration in thendmn o pentier, Watson. 'men'is amu des niug C of and furnisblugs, but sucb dayse this ycar have becu few. Nevertheless business has been maiutaiued on a ccnslderably blgh.. er level than a ycear mgo. 7%e Pln- ancial Post Business Index fer Pcb- rutry Indicates thst vhile there vaz sorne recessbon ln brade and Indlus- ether outdoor work. Il- IIOWMANVIIIE MAN BURNED TO DEATH INMYSTERY FIRE C. Tc, Rosa, Owner andi Manager of Royal Theatre, Victim Of Tragedy Bowmmnvilie, Marcb 26 - Lylug on a, Chesterfield only ten fted frein thc front door of bis borne, C. T. Rosi. 43, ovuer and man- ager o! lbe Royal Theatre, vas burned te demIs bere Suxiday at ter- noon. Ris vife anid, treu ammil chiidren venueout- of Uic bouse at the lime, vislting fricudi. aud Ross vas alene wben somu chidreu plmying near- by noticud .imokie pounlng out of bbe bouse -Êl about 2 o'ciock ln the aft ernoon. Thu chIlldren rusbed be the borne et B. ]B. Furben, Ross's nuxt door neighbor, wbo turued lu the alarin. Firemen, thinklng tbc bouse emply, vorked for ton minutes try- lng te exblngulsb the tire without entering tbe bouse. Wben Mns. Ros arnlved frein a frlend's home she bold thein ber busband was inside. Aftor a searcb cf several minutes firemun found Uiechcarred and blackened body et Ross stretcbed out on a cliesterfleld ln tbc sitting rem, Juil heu feet froin the front door and safety. Mns. Rosi said that she belleved ber busband had libudevu atter lunch te amoke a cigar and been overcome by coal gai fume~s frein the furnace. She believed that bbc tire started from bis cigar. "'We bave been troubled witb fumes frein bbc furnace for some tirne,"' said Mns. Rowsln a breken voice, "but Tommy (ber busband> suffers troin nose trouble and cau't sincll anytblng. "I arn sure be vas having a rest and bbc fumes difted into thbc ut- bing room, and be couldn't miel tbcm. He vas an inveterate cigar- sinoker, and wlîen lie became un- try generaliy, cornpared witbh Jan- uary, bbc gencral level ms tbbc beit for any February on record. Other Individual Indices mise lu- dicate Imprevement. Nuvîprint production lu February rose 15% te 231,823 bons, vbile automobile production was about 27% bigber. On bbc other band exports cf sawn lumber fel cf f, probabiy owing to .shlpping difficulties. Car leadingi bave heid well above last ycar, bbc total to date being 18% blgber than ln 1939. Demand for cash aiso jias been strouger. bbc note circula. tien of bbc Bank of Canada show- ing the third successive increase, reflecting more active brade. Warm- er weather ls expected te speedi up1 brade as weli as construction and1 I Tho wmy toi aMus -houri. (Yen, thr@ugh his utomuch, un' the"- old lai, aM") A mnan truly belongs to the animal kingdomn when he sitis down to a well-set table! There's that aroma rising from an oozing roast. the -smoke-steam from hot biscuits and melting-butter. And the bright colors of fresh vegetables and the tat salad. And - sure - a challeniging mountain of fluffy, white mashed potatoes with brown, ,rich. gravy to crawl over it!1 Back of this invitation to hearty> eating is the story of two sharp eyes. They belong- to the housewife who planned and prepared the meal, She practiced consider- able- wizardy in the kitchen, of course. -But long -before the food even reached her house she had'assured the suc- cess of her meal. She read the food advertisements in this newspaper. She selected each item of her meal with studied care. And she set a table fit for a king .. . on an every-day.allowancel By reading the advertisements she served well...and saved moneyl Il'. 'r' Fou rth-Ro un d Playoff! INTERMEDIATE i"B"g WHITBY POWA&SSAN TAYLOR'S ARENA TONIGHT e WEDNESDAY - 8:15 P.M. c *35c- e 1IL 1- I -- il cossclous roin the umes is cigar xrObmblyf'fel on te the rug, startng the tire."ý Roi's bree, chuIdrn, Junior, 12; Danyp,4. and Jemima, Louise, o thaestmyng in Toronte vitis relativeslof their mother, and only Junior -khovs eofbistatherla demIs. Coroner Dr. V. H. Sterey salti b "did notl believe an Inquest would bt necessar.1" Sè'rved lIn Fint Was, MNE. Rocs vasborn in Eait Whlt- by Town0hlp'nd'Was educated ai MyrtJe an1d Woocibridge. Ru joined the staff of the Standard Bank as a, Junior a+dilu1912 camne- 10Boy- manvifle. On the outbreak of var e vent to Brockviule, were bu en- listed witb tbc 156fàh - Leeds and. Grenville' Regiment, laer transfer-, ring to tbe ll6th Battalion, vith which unit he sav active service in France. 1 Returning te Canaclu. Mr. Rosa served for two years vitb lise Whit- by Wateriand Lght C9mmison. Ru ruturned te Bovinanvilie In 1921' and book over tbc Royal Theatre. Iu bbceears wich followéd is entry intp the theatre business bu becamu active lu Ibis fieidand was the chartr president and organzýr of Alicd Exhibibors cf OnbarkG, a -dircor f bbhe Independent Theatre Owners and a direètor of Associated 'beatres,-Ltd. He vas a meiner -of St. John's Anglican, Churcb and piayed 'a promluent part ilu'tbe centenary celebrabbon' cf that churcb several y ars go.:1 lCeeniy interestcd ln sports, Mr. Rosm vs a former preident efthtie Inturmediate Basubail Club- ad prusident of 'the Lake Shore ',Club for a year. He vas past president cf the Rotary Club âcre, and i di- rector of the Chtrnber of Commerce and a mren-ber cf the Palestine Chapter cf bbc Royal Arcb Masons. Besides his widow and tbree chil- dren, Mr. Rossi as survived by bis mother, Mrs- Thomas W., Rosi of Whitby; bye brothers,1Ha.rold Rous, 2 Mountview Road, Toron-to; Elmur Ross, Oshawa, and two sisers, Mrs. James Robertson, Belleville, and Mrs. Cyril' Heard, Whitby. FREIGBT FARM PRODTJCTS Nineteen million, seven hundrcd and forty-four thousand, and twen- ty-two (19,744,022) tons et arin procucts were carried on bhe rail- ways of Canada lu 1939, accordng te bbc latest publshed statstics. Thiat isuin, ameiig'other agricultur- ai lproducs, includes 17,532,823 tons cf cereals, fruits, vegebables, and inll products, and 2,211,197 ons ef obier arin products, classed as animal producb.s wbicb include eggs, butter, cheese, meats, and other CAN AVE CIGARETS Ottawa - The Prisoners et War Information Bureau aunounces that Germany as lfed bbc ban pro- ibiting the sending et cigarettes te prisoners f war in Gerrany. Heucetorbb Canadians yUl bu ai- loved te mail sinekes le, country- inen in rned lu the Reich. 'IN- THEPEN.ALTY 8ox By D. 9. Kinnon !ndustrim UL4, et contracta fo MI~ have been ,a'wm*ed. t swa, and thse Fo.td Windsor, Genoet- A. Wecker saud ymt<&U. 1fr.Wuckur ilut u'IThe ard, that the sauiip d -&.Par cludlng axles, steeig g1, four-wh.el drive paria,- *11 Qà 11appreciable" part lni e, '0 pany's busineai. Orders from kmeal Iotq Ford Motos' Co., au a rEsUt d war contsaitx viiibeneilt«'" ail dematinénts cf the f81M Inci plant, but for thesemab difflcuit te estimate le whaÏ A pmployment and hours of wwk -bu effected hure, hi iaI& Mr. Wucker pointed- 1 m 1 vowrk would bgisi IauedIatel7 supplnc the parts. * SpeelIWuw Teffm According tsi au n moneu troin- Ottava, the Wàr Uam Board hu or dered 7M3( vehichi cludlng genural service trusu, ries and tractorsa ta' viiibu fur tbe tirat and second dlvii and the- auxiliarv forcea cf Canadian Active Service Porq Te contract, ,minsed i appn m ately $9,000000 hb en ab equaiy dvided betwuuss the C awa and Windsor mator oaS -The St. Catharines tanâtr& FATHER CATCIý SON AS HIE 1'ALL FROM ROQF T Céobourg, Mrcs 6.Cor action ot bis tathur, Who broke fail trom beiow, premntud - Rbuse. Cobourg youth. fro,ù po bIe serious iiury on &Smday in durlrig-a tie. Ray and bis fttis.' ers try te Put eut a--ire on the rof a bouse occpied by' Miss Na Division greet, 7Tie yoth1 percbed Up on thse - rouf yj feet against tise eavbuug. Pi Rouie vas standing sItishe bid f a ladder wvisusi b 1IS5I a ab et warnlng .trom abois an& - laJ commenced te slip o ff t1'-rooL- be feU, Mfr. Rouse caugist him,.o mthougis both veut tb tiesa gu thse force ofthtie *outia tumble i brokeniad bot)> wrm n1r..,q Il vas a two-alory' bufldlug 1-1 And

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