Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1940, p. 3

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PAC N THl-E WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6.,1940 ZETHRFE CRRESONECEPROM THE RURAL BRI OOýKLIN (0., Mt.White, Correspondent) 83ROOKLIN, Manch 2: - Mra. Lorne Cassldy ef t on Saturday, ta loin Mna. Ebeis ln Taranto -f nom wbicb clty bath wcnt ta Neepawa, Manitoba, wbene Mns. Cassidy willl spend a morith. Mns. Paul Wilson, who has been 'Wlth ber, parents at Mount Zion. returned home this week.' Mnr. and Mrs. W. Draper neturu- ed'to their borne on Fniday after vislting fnien'ds bn Whitby and Tor- onto for the past two weeks. MISS Brown,ý o! Ottawa, bas been wlLh her sisten, Mrs. Journeaux, for the pa.st week. Mr. James Knight -is able te ho out again aud ha now cnjaying hLý usual good health. Mn.,Alfred Rogers ls confined te - tbe bouse through ihîness. As yet, no trace o! the thieves. who broke inta Mn. W. Stevenson's stables aund atole> a 3valuale .cow thîs ,week, has.been faund. The crimiînal Investlgators, as well as t caunty police, are wonking on the -çase. Mr. and Mrs. Hermari Harris and fainilliave utoved in with Mr. and Mns. W. Harris. Eveny available biouse ln Bnokln la occupled and aeveral familles are stillh enqulring fon houses. Mr. and Mm.-Frauk Ormniston and chlldrn are rnovlug iVo thein bouse on Raillnead street this week. Miss Lilian Joncs, Miss Ruth Jui and Miss Lucille McNee enter- talned their Sunday school classes at a sjeghride party on Saturday aiternoon. Tbey chose the bis in Mn, DeHlant's pasture which -are- particularly steep and IL was a gay Party, accu speeding along on to- boggans and slecls<-At five o'cloclc they al came back te the.school- room and liad a neal supper o! the good things that boys aud girls en- Joy. a!ter such an if!tennoon o! -sport. * The Mission Baud had a special meeting on Saturday when thcy *P-racdtised sorne numbens for thein lb Ea4ter tbank-o!fening and mnade boeuses, cbunch, school, hospital, *water bottles and palm trees for a village ln India, which they are to ait up as one o! their preject.s in the study of India. Resolved, that neading la a better meahs cf education than travel was the subject debated on at the Young People's Union on Tuesday nht. Toc affirmative was taken ~Ib Miss-Rsuth Juil and Miss Edth Cochrane, while Miss LIlian Joncs and Mr. Matthew Agar took the niegative ,,(de. The debate was mest lnteresting with bath sides proving .~. ,~ Important points. Some o! the most -important were: developlug po'wens of concentratIon, learulug o! greatest characters lu history, scentlfIc, knowledge, developing imarination and readiug Ila wlthin rearli of ahi clases o! people. The speakers- fon the negratîve aise bnoiight. out mauy good points, such as: mueuh more of oun. knowi- edge- Is gained thrQugh eye; as ln travel], travel bUilds chanacten, helps conversation; new course o! study ndvocates travéel and many aLlier-luterestlug tacts wene proved.. The Judges were Dr. J. H. MeKin- neyi Mn.. N. J. White and Miss Theron_ Kiveli and. after careful cansiderathoti, the affirmative aide wus declded upol, as wirilng the debat-c, Tey proveri their pointa, !oibowed lUp their definition e! &euaion, .Andr t-tepit ho dealt wlth this not ln a tecbnl. cal way but told what b.d appoal- cd to hil brough practical obser- ration. The Influence o! the homo on boys and girls moans mucb and the responslbllity cf the parents là, most important. If parents under- ,stood or made an effort to unden- stand cilid ife the world would be the botter for It. Other Items on the programme was a synopsis of a bock on Sweclen giren by Mns. George Jones, which madle that ln- terestlng country very rosi ta hon listonens. Mri. N. -J. White gave a rerlew o! "Disputed^ Passage" by Lloyd Dougald. Mrs;ý Hanold Joues and Misa Lillian Joues. contrlbutcd a beautiful piano duet, "Enchauted Moments"', sud Mrs. Howar'd Arc- sey sagg ery sweetly the beautiful ballbd, "Our Fleeting Veans>'. Only a few answened the roll cali with a favorite characten !rom a recent book read. Funther plans wcre made fan the cuchre and dance ta be held ou March 1& ln the town- ahip hall. Red Cross News Work was contiuued this week at the sewlug' rooms on the beavy jackets wlLh a number o! thom ho- ing completed and ladies who are sdept at maklng buttonhaies t.alcng them home ta do this finishing job. Mrs. Sam Manning donatoc i vyella fla nnel for a quilt. Toc FaiLhful Few group douated six perÉonal property bagasasme weelcs ago, whicb unfartunately were not ne- ported at the ime. Mns. Boyd brougbt ln ber usual fine anray o! knitted articles whlch this week included twelre pairs o! secks, four scaryes (eue o! whlch was a sea- man's scan!, 72 luches long), four pairs of wnlsthets and four sweat- ers. Mn. C. L. Mackey, Mrs. W. A. McNeelY and Mrs. Lewin attended t.he Red Cross meeting lu Whitby on Fniday. Mn. W. Agarn gave ber home on P'nlday for a work meeting, to make articles for the Women>s Mission- any Society bale. A, quilt la ln the maklng aud sereral othen articles o! wanm clothiug wene bnought lu. Work baga were made 1*, be !itted out wlth tbnead, ucedles, etc. Dur- ing the a! tennoon Mns. Agar assist- ed by Miss Victoria Agar, sered Lea. To.e Women's Auxillary of St. Thornas Anglican church wilh hold their montbly meeting on Tours- day, March 7, at thc home o! Mns. Parteous, at 2:30 p.m. The India programme put on by the C.G.I.T. girls, was a most enjoyabbe occasion for ail who attended. Mis Noreen Cook acted a3 chairman witb the foilowlng programme given: a pag- eant a! India by a gnoup o! girls, depicting village l!. bun India. A stary o! a--girl o! lucha, "Jesodal- bai the, Goa-Girl", was told by Mrs. N. J. White. Toc C.G.I.T. girls lu thein mlddy costumes 'sang a group o! their speclal songs and aise made un an orchestra o! piano viahin, combs, kazoos sud traps wblch played the most up-ta-date papular meladies. WlLh Muriel Harding ai-d Grace Lambert as mistresses o! ceremoules, a "quiz" programmne was put on ai-d much fun rcsulted fnom this for childrcn sud adultsalaike. The Boy Scouts werc spodal guests sud did their ahane lu the applaudlng. Tables wcro arnanged ln the noam showing beautiful curies !rem India wbich were douated by fieuds, o! the VILLAGCE 0F BROOKLIN "Whos Who ~LLÎ&4 cdQ - l&&UQ0ieQ?5 Bakeries BRGGKLIN BAKERY P. R. STOVER, Proprietor.' Brooklilu Phone 31 ESrftd- Cakes- Pies - Buns, etc. Ice Cream. Garagres BROOKLIN 'GARAGE 9. Hardlng, Prop. Broklis - Phone 24-4-12 Argo Gis & 011 XePaira teail makes of cars and trucks. MAYNARD'S GARAGiE P. R. Maynard, Trop. BrooklLn - Phone 2104 IMIZRI&L QIL PRODUCT8 au.s *irm Batteries & AceUorwu r ~ ~ Yaw. Ba sServi»a Hardware Jophson's Hardware L7 S. Jephson, Trop. Brookin -Phone 56 Hardware, Glass, Eleottical Appliances, FUMPuN Gai,. Pipe and Fittingu Insurance 010. H. VICK BSrookil - ]Phone-4801 - 4802 Insurance hIaUi Is branches LYLUA M. McBRIEN, Norther u LiteAuranc Continental CaaUalty CO nay Fine 4" Automobif 1tsoiom bs ox su , Service Stations MAC"S SERVICE STATION .C.McNelian, rp Brookiu Shell tas £oU -Goodycar tires WilIard batteries- refresbments Tea Room TWENTY STEPS- INN Faclilties for bridge, ânowsboelng, sleigh Rides, TeIs, Etc. MmMn. WlUobanizn, Trop. BR0OK~N -PHONE 2u Transports McBRIIENFS TRANSPORT, A. L MOBEIUN, Trop, TranUes* q umt nlng wus court whist. Miss Ormis- ton, who rhas been wlLh Mrs. Cook for the pust year, beaveà soon for ber home at Columbus. -Miss Noreen Ormiston, wbo..bas been with Mns. Richardson-at 1«2D Stops Inn99 fan the past six- months, bas gone ta Toronto. Thie unfortunate .women witb sevenal smail cbIldren, who seem ta bave no home, axe.,stUli wander- ing ahong the highway and etreets o! the village. Tbey have spent a few days i the house on the Day- ey farmn at the forks of tLb. noad on the highway, nonth of tbe vil- lage. People bave been moit kbnd In helping them with bath food and clàthing. Mn. John Monison, brother of Mn. Wm. Mornison, passed away at thc borne o! their aister, Mn. Ster- lng. at Scarbono'. The funeral waa held.on Tuesday wlth interment i Groveside cemeteny. Mn. Clarence Saddlen, of Osba- wa, spent Sunday wltl bis mother, Mn&. W. Saddlen. Boy Scouts' meetings are becorn- ing more popul-ar each week. Nine- teen boys wene present on Wedxies- day nigbit. A good deal of business o! intenest te the boys was tallced aven and their Kbm's game played. Each meeting hs closed witb two minutes of silence. Mns. Clarence Pengelly wau able to resumne hon duties as onganlat o! the United Cbuncb on Sunday, a!- ter her ilness o! the past few weeks. Mn. Tobin, who bas been in charge o! Brocichin Station for the past four and a haif yeans, bas been' moved ta Pont Penny C.N.R. station as agent there. The family wifl lire in Broaklil until aften the school termi closes In June. Mn. Finnidgan la nelleving at Broolin until an agent is sent bore penmanently. Mr. Tobin and bis family have made many frlends and Brookln people regret that tbey are leaving the cornxunlty. On Monday evenlng, the Mission Circleheblc its March meeting at the borne o! Mn.. Agar, with an aL- tendance of Lwenty-one. Durig Uic business part o! the meeting, final plans were made for Uic tea and sale o! borne cooking ta o- beld March l6tb. The Tempenance sec- netany, Miss Cole, reponted for ber depantment. The worsbbp, service, the theme o! which wau "Into al the World,'" was conducted by the President. Bible passages wene- read by' Edlth Cochrane,' Lilian Joncs and Ruth Juil. The off erlng was dedicated by the Secretany o! Christian Stewandship, Miss Sem- ple-. Mns. Anksey and Chrissie Simipson sang a veny beautiful dueL, "Whispering, Hope.' A pen- lad o! sulent pnmyer was cancluded by the Women's "DaUy Prayor," led by Doris Batty.' The woisbbp ser- vice concluded wltb the Hymn o! Peace. The toplc o! the study was "The Mlnlstry o! Healing In 'In- dia", and was presented In dramn- atlc form by Mildned Macduf f. Olga Lakey, and Lucille MeNea. A mis- sionary challenge ta the Home Chunch surnmed Up the chapten. At the conclusion of the meeting a delbghtfub social heur was enjoy- cd. Keep in mind the tea ai-d sale village on Satunday. Mn. Ray Bitton and son o! To- ronto spent the week-end with his parentsý Mn. and Mns. Robt. Brit- tom Mr. Donald Johnson attendeci a Sunday next at il ar..anid 7 p.m. The pastor will preach at both ser- vices.j< The membens o! the Young People's Union were entertained at Claremont on Tuesday evening. On Bunday, Manch llth, tho f ifth Sunday ln Lent, the service of Mornnng Prayen will be conducted by the Rev. J. C. Clough i St. Thomas à%nglican Church at il a.m. Thie Brooklln Brancb Canadien Red Cross Society shlpped the fol- lawing gonds to headquanters hast week: 6 bospital gowns;- 40 piilow cases; 34 Ice bag covens; 20 scarves;- il pairs o! sacks, 8 pairs o! wrist- lets; r4 bed pan cavens; 3 quilts. -The annual meeting of the ,bociclin'Athletic Society was held ithe basement of the Township Ilahl on Monday evening. The follolwing off bers were elected: lonorary Presidents, W. Ti Moore, IL. A. Newman, Jack MacDut! and Drn. W. W, Baldwin; pnesidcnt, H-o- ward Arksey: vico-president, Wal- ter Nesbitt; treasuren, Leonard Routley; secretany, Wm. Manning; directors, # Levi Tardif f. Murray R-obinson,ý Myron Vipond, 9tanley Harding, Jack Vipond, Edgar Crox-. al, Mos-bey Kiveil, Wcs. Scbell;, delegates ta the O.AJL A.. Howard Arksey, Walter Nesbltt, Leonard 1 EOULOY, Wm. Manning, Jack VI_ STATIO Party lu Toronto ou 'Wednesday evenlng o!fbast weok. Mns. Carey, -Kathleen Wiles sud' ManJorbe Vallonr vislted lu Osh- awa on Satunday, Mmi. Melvin Gray, o! Ballyduf!, visited wiLh ber brother sud sistçr- 'Iu-law, Mn. sud Mmi. Elwood Mus- tors on Saturday. Mmm. Robent Chisbolm vlsited with Whitby friends on Thursday. Miss Mar Martin, o! Broklin, vishtcd wlLh Mns. Clarence Har- iou on Fnlday. Mr. sud Mmi. Jlm Wheatley, o! ronnto spent the week-end wltb Mr. sud Mmi-. A. Johnson sud family. Thc older residents o! this cern- munity wili regret to learno! the necent deatb o! Mns. Janes Hurl- but. Mmi. Hunîbut and ber late husbaud were nesidents here many yeans ago, wheu Lhey lived on the propenty owned by the late Mr. sud Mmi. William Tannis. Miss Rlda Holeman, o! Dagman, vislted wlth ber gandparents on Tuesday sud Wednesday of hast week. Mn. sud Mrs. Ernest Hunter sud family, and Mr. sud Mmi. Charles Cooper, o! Teronte, were 'visitons ou Saturday o! Mn. sud Mns. James Diclcson. Mn. and Mmm. Harold Stredwick visited on Sunday wiLh fnieuda in Oshawa. Mr. sud Mrm. Rush went ta To- ro4to on Friday wlth a lead o! bis product wbich ho supplies mauy customens with. MYRTLEý MYRTLE STATION, Mardi4, The Inc lement weather on Sunday evening keçpt the greater nuniber of church golng people in their homes. The *Ic-Y pavement made it unsafe for those who would wa4k, and the ran wau too wet to be out ini it for many minutes. .RIev. 0. S.- Gervan was- suffering frba a bad cold and was unable ta -cont$iue wlth the service after the lison read.ing and the announcements. The sermon wili bef used In next Sunday even- ing'à service, and- the subJeat la unique, as Mr. Gervan bas neyer used It before: "Jesiza sii4ing bymns," - Math. 26: 30. There are yet same empty pews, and everyone la welcoxne. The Red Cross workers met on Wednesday of lust weelc and quilted two qufits.* Another top bas been prepared andI is belng qullted in the home of an lnterested worker. Sev- eral pairs of socks are completed and more-are in the process of be- ing madle. ,'Scarves and wristlets are also'being knit. There la stili yarn on hand for socici and the Myrtie Chapter wlll be glad ta supply knitters with yarn, as long as it lasts, if they wlll asic for it. Everyone- wbo la inter ested in this work la cardially Invited ta assist. "Tlhe Man frmoni Nowbere," played by a group fromn Centre Street Chbirch, Oshawa, in the community hall on Tuesday evening of last week, was appréciated by a good 'hqnse. It was sponsored by the Faitbful Workers Sunday scbool clams. Everyone of the ten actors played bis and ber part well, and with very littie promptlng. At the close of the drama refreshments were served toa ah present by the meurbers of the clam. Mrs. Bd. Fisher, of Ashbury, spent flday-witb ber daughter, Mrs. Archie Parrinder. Mrs. John K.lrkham and John Jr., visited witb ber mother, Mrs: Con- roy, of Maberley, from Friday un- tii Mondas'. Mns. Roy Spencer, of Pertb, ne- turned home on Saturdiay morning after visiting with ber parents. 'Mie community hall was crowded to capacity on Friday night for tbe euchre and dance. Hughes four plece orchestra of Port Perry f ur- nlshed music for dancing. The men's prizes were won by Charley Bowerman, o! Port Perny and Fnank DoLwney. Mrs. Oharley Bowerman, and ý Mrs. David Duchemin took-,' home the ladies prizes. Mr. W. J. Cook, who ba& b.d men cutting on bis wood lot nortb o! Manchester, bacI the wood drawn home by truck on F'riday. By the appearance of the pile there wilhibc no cold weatben felt next year bY Mr. and Mrs. Cook. The sleet starm 0of Saturday night and Sunciay made the hlgbway verY treacherous. Mr. Lyons of Brooklin and bis gang of men were out early Sunday morning sanding the pave- ment ta ensure safety xior the tra- veling motonists. (Mns. T. C. Brown, Correspondent) BROUGHAM, March 5 - An old resideut hlnLise haLe Mm. Wesley Burk was intemred lunLise Christian Cemetery hast week, bas been a resi- dent in Cherrywood for smre ime. Mn. E. C. Thomuton, o! Woodstoclc, called on T. C. sud Mmi. Brown ou Wedniesday aftemnoon. Mr. Dean Mains baring purchascd_ Temperance Hall la making iL neady ta be uscd for bis business as agent for Case Manufacturens o! Agnicul- tumal Implernonts. Quite s number have been suffen- Ing tram colds. Toc Albert sud W. Gray f amibies belped Mr. Will Gray Sr., o! Greeni- River ta celebrate bis 88Lh birthday on Wedncsday. Weathen sud rond condlten fmil 'Àdampen Lise ardeur o! the num- erous skieni who pas hnougb the village encb Suuday. Toc H. Malcolm family atteudeci the Toîl Brothers lecture and pic- Lunes at Manlcham hast week sud wcrc delighted wiLh the cvening en- tentaimeut. A mevlug pictune demnoustmatlon o! Lthe Alice Chnlfl'xxs Agrîcultunai implemeuts was atagod bu tawn hall by Mr. Pranhc Puckering, o! Whitby, ou Tuesdny erening, the 5th. Toc crelclnole panty spousoned by W. M. S. which was to bave been beld ounLthe 6th was postponed t111 Friday the 8tb, ns the Y.P. are Le preseut Lise play, "Toc LestChurch" at s conteit o! Osh-awa Young Pea- pies Unions cf Oshawa Pmesbytery on March 6Lh. Tise unfavomable noadsansd weath- cm o! Suuday educed the number o! attendants at churcis service. Rer. Kennedy based bis discounse on Jesus' anîwen Vo Nicademus: 'x cept n man be bon again he canuot see the Klngdcm oe! Qed." Mr. sud Mmi. Howard Malcolm speut the week-end with tisein sou sud !amly at Quecuavihie. Harold Camie's recoveny bas been mathen tedieus. Green wood (May E. Brown, Cari.) Gneenw,ood, Marcis 4.-Cougmatu- lations te Walter and Mrs. Pascoc (neo Miss Margaret Esyles) wbo were mannled hast Wednesday a!- ernoon. Toc best wlshes o! erery- one goos wlLh tbem te thein new home, jusL uorth o! Broughsam. Tise Reading Club met at tise home o!fP. L. sud Mmi. CGreen hast Frlday evening. Maurice Jackson a!fPort William, vislted wlth his mother.. MDt. E. Jackson, sud J. L. Pcgg sund tain- ily a couple o! daym hast- 'reek. Rugis sud Mmi. Miller sud cihld- ren o! Pickering, spent hast Wed- neiday wlth W. W. sud Mmi. Gee sud helpod Mr. sud Mmi. Gee colo- 'brate Lise aunivrnary e!ftisoir wed- ding. Toce community exteuds te them, mauy happy retumnÎ o! the day. Sevomal o! tise hockey fans went ta Mankham hast Thursday ta ses the play-of!is. They- wenc sorny that tise KInsahe team did net wlxT eut. Toc ment pie supper had ta be postponed. Watch for tise date. The Wemen's Mlssianary Society will meet aun Tilsu sdafaternnut Ashburn (Mrs E. Brn, Correspondent) ASHBURN, March 5.-The Young Peophe',s Society hehd their weelcly meeting'on Tuesday evening with the president, Miss Phyllîs Goose, C LAR EN O H-T SiCLAREMONT, Mardi 4-Mm. and jMmi. Lav. IU held a éuchme Party lait wcek. lu the chair. IL was a misslonary Baptist Chunch Young People' meeting sud was epened wihba lsshopanrY hymn, "Jesus shall reigu whomo ere the sun"- was sung sud au explanation- c! it was read by Penn Stephens. The Scriptule nead_ iug was led by Lyle Sberwin and nead nespcnsirely. Three short mis- sionany neadingi were read by Wes. ley Bryant, Mrs. P. Beadle and Mmi. E. Hleron. .Russell Lunney teck bis part o! the meeting scmewbat di!- !enently than usual. Last Sunday'-ý Suuday Schooh bisson was studied lu a mlsslonany ligbL aud an in- tenestlng Bible quiz on the talk wus given. Dou>t forget te corne and bear the debate naxt weck. A St. Patrhck's social will be held or Tuesday, Marcb 19, when a nehgh- bouring seclety vil riait us. Miss Phorence Doble visited w-ith- Miss Georgena eynolds ou Tours- iay evening. Toc Womcu's Guild met on Wed- nesday aftemnoen of hast weck in the chu.rch basement. It was decid- ed te, hold an, open Guihd ilu the oveuing next menth. Watcb f or funther particulans. Ghad ta repent Stanley Burgess able te be ouL agalu after beingr struck lu the face with an brou mcd wbile receiving a paluful fracture te bis jaw. Fred Ashton spent hast Saturday lu Tornto.' Mn.- sud Mrs. Frank Mitchell, cf Wbitby, visited whth Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher on Wednesiay eve- nlug. Mrs. Paton, acccmp)anîed by M.ms. Doble and Mrs. Earle Beadle, me- tored to Oshawa recently. Mrs. M. Fisher has been spending a few days with hiem daughiter, Mrs. Archie Parrinde-, cf Myrle. Mr. Brawley lias purchased thse fi!ty-acre paîture land adjclniug the village (caît) frein Mma. Mary F'isher's. Congratulations to Mr. sud Mrs. Fred Stevens on thse birtb cf a sou. Lait Suuday mornng. there was a very good attendance at churcis sud Sunday Schocl, conshderhng the very icy condition cf tise noads. Rev. R. Simpson teck bis text froin Isaiah 44:17,; "The neaidue thereof hoe made a God". Mn. Simpson stated that toco!teil we give our le! t-overs te Qed instead cf giving our best as we shculd. Services ucxt Sunday at il o'clock sud Sun- day Schoci at 10 o'clock.- Valued at $251,371,O, the wbeat crop o! Canada for 1939 repmeseîits an Increase cf $45,876,OOe ,as cern- pancd with thse 1938 valuation, ac- comdiug ta the, latest off icial cati- mate. held their meeting at thc home of Mn. sud Mrs. Fred Monby ou Mon. day eveniug, Manch 4. Tise telephone men of tise Wood- bridge and Vaughan Ce. are ne- building more cf tise telephone hunes South cf the village this week. Mr. Gardon Graham cf Oshawa, spent st week with Mn. Ed. Lewis aud family. Mmi., D. Morgan le!L this wcek to take a position iu Foi-est Hill Village. Miss Margaret Graham ictumned home a!ter spending sorne weekî in Toronto. Miss Emma Brown la r:pcuding -Lometinse with, Mn. James Bushby whe is flot ln the best e! healtb. Miss Margaret Bayhes, daugsten cf Mn. and Mn. . . Eyles, was united in marniage te Mr. Walton Pascoc, son of Mn. and Mmi. E. Pascoe, on Wednes day, Pcb. 28. Miss Emmna Unan-riill bas netunui- cd froam the Brlcnbush Hospital, Steuffrille, aud la spendiug a !ew weeks with Mr. Frankc Short o! Brampton. SThe Park Board is hiolding iLs aunuol czoncert Iu tise hall ou March 29. The -flrst part cf tise programn beiug nendercd by local tal2nt. tise latter haîf taking the tonna et a 'Quiz' program, substan- ial prizes are to be given A shower was hehd on Tiiùrsday eveuing, Fcbruary 29, at the home cf Mr. sud- Mrs. Wàhter Symes,- wbien friends ga.thercd to express their bcst wisises to Mn. sud Mmi. Charles Symes. Mns. Symes befoxA h-er marmirrre was Miss Elva Davis et Stouffvilhe. Mrs. G. Bnnett ha able te be out atten some time su!fering !rom soime broken nibs. Fri!nd!' wre szxmrv te Ucar that Miss Viola PForsyts bas been taken te St. DMiChael's HOSDital Mr snd Mns. Bill Brown'speut a fewe days lu tise city lait week. Fred Shaw, cf Bircichif! skîing enthusis, of thse Toronto Ski Club. .sittei-ec a dishocated hip and spinal injuries wile siriing at Dagmar ou Sunciav. Docton Wilson, of! Ux- bridge, was called sud tise patient was taken te Tomante Genemal Hos- pital by ambulance. Mir. and Mn. Jam-es Ceates bave taken up î-esidence in Stouff ville. Mr. and Mn. Russel Pilky enter- ta.ine-d' a numben o!f fieuda at a card party' ou Friday evcning* Marchist. Mn. L. Haoey >and baby -sou rcturned home fromn Barrie ou Sun- day accompanied by MUn. Hooey motlter, Uns. Green. Mmi. Herbent Porsyth recently netuned fnom France, spent a feu' dlays lat week with fnbends ln To. nonto. Mi-. sud Mmi. Vicor Robinson of o! soldions an,' their wives on the '7anks"> entertained s number Saturday eulnng hast, the occasion being their wedding. annlvensary, Many fnom, bore attendcd Stouff. ville Commencement exorcises on Fnhday eveuing, March 1. Roy McLoid entertalnod someofe bis friends taoi tobaggau-party on Thursday evcnhng hast. Mns. Eidgar Khdd, et Ricbmond HiII, ipent a few dlays with bÎer- mother, Mmi.' Bacon, lait weekL. Dou't forget the Badminton Club dance on Fnlday night,. March 8. Music by Jacy MaciH!and bi$s ulk clans. .Mr. sud Mn.. Bob Mc%£Leod enter-. Lalned their fniendi at. a bridge party recently. Mr. R. Roberts' brother spent last week witb bis brother. / - Miss Vivien SadIen of Blackwatc, is having à muslc chais ln-uClanm-' meunt, lessous lu bath 'Vocal an& piano ta be giron. Sereral membens of th-, Broug- han !Union Masonlc 1Lddge attend- cd the aunual Inspection of Can- ada todge at Gernard St. and- Logan, Toronto, hast Fnhday ove- niug. Miss Shirley Manlon 1s c0niex.f te ber bcd, suffeilng frm a brak- en ankie. (Coutinuied on Page 9, Col-;-6) Audley AUJDLEY, March 5. - The next meeting of the Club wËI be beld on Monday evening, March. 11, at Grasmere f ar. Ahi wehcome. Rernember the- school picture show this Fniday evenlng toalad the- pupils buy a radio. Ladies wl! provide sanie eats. Keep your eyes on the Seed Pa& at Bnooklbn and set youn seed grain neady for exhibits* thene. Note the adventisement i another column.. Sevenal f rom here attended the Masonic-at-home of Donce Lodge on Monday hast. Top youra&Wle pddInpor d* 3"bi Zîswîth whip ess« I flaOÎ" wI M>n nAugfar and cinnamon. - AND AILE FORjTHE SIG TASK AHEAD With sulent yet porceptible dotorminction ausd wlthout need of regimentetion or speciol orgonizatlcn, thé. SCanadian Former has accepted. the responsibility wbich is his, ta meaintain a reedy abundence of the vital Sfoodstuifs so essentiel' for the Empire end the sucess ~'1 Ff, of its great ceuse. 1 c Diff iculties and disoppoiniments may have împeded his progress through the hrying yeers from wbith be is juif emorging, but pravided, as ho now is, with purpose nobler thon self-inter est, ho sets himself to the tosk wit loftier ambition and renewed energy. Eag er ho is for that conscious recognition within- himself of - hoving a definite and necessary port in the Empire's struggle te retoin and maintein aur dearly won and highly treosured freedonu. Zealous is ho that his contribution may b. worthy and adequate. By his side ever ready te help -make more effective the farmer's effort is the -Conadian> Implement Maîker whose co-aperatian in furnishing the mast efficient machines onablos hlm ta multiply bis output and extertd Nis octivities se thet todoy ho produces more with liss manpower and in the most economical marner yet atfained. Nover were demonds of Empire more urgent-nover was the Canadien former beftor ffted or better eq*iped te meet whatever demends may be mode. Massey- 1larris prizos proudly the distinction it bas eamied as- U-The Service Arm cf 'The Canadàion FormY' dom s i r' B rougham PAC

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