Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1940, p. 1

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4 L'el TOWN'OFWPIUY. TAKE ýO!VER TII!- :,AL, ARMOURIESý yprratwlhof C4- What Council Lsgion W auto mg -for Headiqusr.'Did COUNCIL ENDORSES THE LEGION MOVE Departmnent Said to Be (206- Endorsed'application of Whlt- ?i mng Othier Armuries BUt~ by .ranch o! the Canadian Want Munç4alties Leglon for the use-of the build- Want Mun"cipfiti ô in4gs club quarters. TakaThamOver Passed bylaw proçdgfo ipromInfomatin gien t the the aking of the 1941 -assess- Frç inormtin gvento he ment this fail, on wbicb. next ',uIwu Oouucti on Monday evenlng years' taxation wili be based. by Os.ptain Rex Insole, it lecvi- dent that the Department of Mili- eidtonifmr'ges _ 4a and Defence bas decided to o D e tie to n ify m te close for miltary purposes at leset c rpriso bc lb. h~istorie military armoury build- taxes are two years in arrears. ing on Dundas street east, once hWaquarters o! the historie 34th Granted Whitby Boy Scouts Reglient and, In later years o! "Çýý permission to hold annual Comnpany o! the Onta.rio Regiment. Apple Day on May 4th. 'M'e Whitby building, it la beiieved. lu one ef several others of the amaller armourles to be closed in flot wish the -building t e rmain idie of(IF Alfll SITE we tmgtbe utilized for civic " I1uTST or çoaimunity purposes. Captain Insole told the Council that he was ISA~ N I L D [ authorized to asic the Town o! 'w4itby to take the building avoir wiLli a suggestion that service clubs and other organizatiolis In the town Letter From Ni tr of mlght co-operate lu iLs mainten- Transport - Expect anc. and operation. Tuhe building has not been In use for several Ato hrl week%, iii facL, uaL since the recruit- Ato hrl ing for the Ontario Regiment (Tank>, was completedluInWhitbY Prom the lion. C. D. Howe, Min- and district. . jter 0f Transport In the King Cab- Letton Wanis It imet at Ottawa, Town Clerk and Whenthe ounci cae tocon-Treasurer, John R. Frost, on Mon- pde te proosailme y Cptain day morning recelved acknowledge- nlde,. the eputlmay-rev, Frnkment o! the recciipt of a plan pre- ,Insaole-ted, utat e FraWbnbypsred by H. L. Pringle, Town Engin- Tbredgod, ntiatedtha Whtbyeer, of Lhe proposed airport lylng Branh o th Candia Léionbetween Heydcnshore Park and Cor- 1iad already made a move ta secure bett's Point side-road. the building for club hedquarters. reaiizing that'IL would be a aplen- The minister, who vlsited the site diii place not .ouly for Lhe worlc two weeks ago and. conunended up- of tue Legioil et present, but when on iL very favorably promlsiug, Le mei nowv enlisting returned send surveyors ta look lt over', <oces -front the war ta loin Lie Legion not say lu bis letter what action will ranks. Tie, deputy-reeve, who li 'a follow Lie recelpt of the plan. Lo- inem*er o! tbe Legion exécutive'# cally the feeling is that no defin- askeçi the, Coundi Vo give itsc.- î-Lie action wiil be aken until alLer ficiai approvai o! the Legion's Sýp- the élection sud unLil thc weatbcr îh plication to the Department for the more favorable for the suýrveylng cf use o! tbe building, pointîng out tic property sud the testlng o! the Llat over a long perilod of years the soil. Leglôn bad been o! vcrYr valuabie Tue plan preparect by Engincer service to Lic own iu many ways, Pringie is precisely the same as was co.operating with Lie Cauiucil sud made lu 1918 when the alrport site ail other organizations aud minist- wasc50 much inl the public cyc, be- ering La Lue nees of ail rcturned cause o! the visit cf Sur Samuel men whether Liiey were members o!fItoare, on behaîf of the British Gov- the. Legion or not. Mr. Threadgold erument. The plan shows thc very Llhought tiat Lie Légion wvas Lie excellent location o! the site sud iLs -one organization Liat was entitled c lose proxlmlty to railway, teleph-àne tote .Use o! Lbe building, sud he sud tic electricai ligit hunes, as well f eit that If it could obtalu Lt, other as, water sud sewer facilities. organizatiens coUld make arrange- Iu answer ta thase who believe meruta for the Use of IL- from ime that the WhltbY district bas little otie that the uhoities had l- chance of gettlng an alrport IL is rtaedybencaedsd that the uhrtehaai pointed out that the Federal Gev- reid-ben cntated nd hattheerument has not yet announced its Leglon we opeful* cf obtainlng its complete list of airport sites ta be request. getEpr Council Appraves utilized under the getEpr trainiregard ta theh townrtakiug Wîthregrd t th tow tainglaunched. As a mater cf fact only over Lb. building, Mayor Fred Rowe, expressed the opinion that its about 40 o! these sites'bave. so far (Qontinued ou Page 7,_ Col. 5) 1 been deslgnated. Whitby Yacht Club- Plans to Carry on During the War, Cups Presente-d, Officers Elected Ç4pte Je He Perry Remnaina tail Regimeut, tank;, Lieut. H. E.r Irwin, Ontario Regimnt, tank;t asCommodore - Hon. and S. Bascom, R.C.A.F., Ottawa. Goron onnt ugest ~ Keep Up the Morale t Gordn 'Conat Sggests W.H. Moare, M.P., personahly Withdrawal of Cup Dur- preseuted Lie Moorlanqcs Cup sud, 111 - V çep Up iu doiug so, cxpressed -ticgi-est iiig yar ~ .eep pîcasure whici ie sud Mrs. Moore Morale at Homne Says W. always had in eutertaInuhg the H. Moore ou Race Day. Mi-. Moore cengrat- ulated Lie wiuners sud expreseed Wbitby Yacht' Club has set It the pe tiat Mooriands would be salis for another succeseful season, able to cf fer iLs hcspitality te Lie ayid, notwtistandlng tiec r, emcrs o! Lie WiLby Yacht Club whici la& îomewhat depleted th for many ycars ta came. "Tic pop- rank3 o! Lie members cwîug La en- ulace at home eau do much ta keep liatmentà, wfli endeavar to carry on up tic morale e! -oui- !ighting farces asiusual. at home sud abroad. Coutinuiug Tht.s was thc declelon o! Lie Club oui- sportiug activities, suci as et iLs sunual meeting ield lIn AU yachting, ih anc wsy a! doiug i," saints' Parlsb Hall- on Friday e- statcd Mi-. Moore, appravIng a! tic. nlzig, when trophles won hast cea- Club's decision ta, carry ou as usual. ion wer. presented to the wlnuers, lu Hon. Gordon Conant officers elected, aud brie! addresses Inprsentlng Lie ConsuL Cup fer given by lion. Gardon Canant, tic Interclub races betweeu Oshawa K., .-ALLrney-Gerleral; W. H. sud Whitby Clubs, Heu. -G. D. Cou- Moore M.P.; Commodore J. Il. Peir, sut strcssed the value o! sailing lu z-y, Sud ethers, Tuer. was a splen- developiug eportsmanship sud gen- did atteudauce, aud muci enthu- tiemanly conduct.. cougratulated sasun. thLe mezubers cffhLb.Whitby Club On Active Seilvice ,ou Lieu- succeslu winuing Lie cup Names o! Wbitby Club members lasL season, sud feltLtI was ratier a nov on active service were read to remsrkable achievement for à Club te gatherlng as faiiaws: Capt. J. witi cuci limited numbers ta wlu X. Ferry, Ontario Regiment, tank; fi-cm a Club whicihsd a very large 0. Ems, viti tie R.C.A.F., lu Eng- membeship sud, more experience. land:;Lieut. Douglas Holldav.Oni- (Continucd on Paue 7. col. 5) IRANSRF1iRATI0N 0f CHRIST TOPIG LENTENSERMON By Oshawa Pastor in Pulpit Exchange at United Church Tic quictness aud inspiration o! the mountain top whlch markcd Lhe transfiguration o! Christ sud the necessity for active Christian service iuvalving sacrifices iu tic plains below, were stressed in an inspiration, lenten sermon preacied by Lie Rev. W. R. Tauton, pas tor of Simcoe Street United Churcli. Oshawa, who accupied tic pulpit o! Whbitby United Churci Sunday morning. ln a pulpit exohange 'with Rev. Clifford Park. For thie service Licre was alec an exciange of chire. Regiuald O-cen, L. T. C. M. brouglit aleug île fine choir from Sihicoe Street Oshawa, while lu the Oshawa Churcli Mrs. Vernon Rowe sud lier choir led lun tic service pi-aise. In Whltby Ed- ward Bartlett, violinist assisted Mir. Green' and choir. Bazing hie sermon Ou tic texi "4And Rec was transfigurel before L1hem", Rcv. Mr. Tanton reviewed events leading up ta thc ransflg-' uraLion. Jesus at. Lic age of 30 s Me- bqgauli Hs -sinistry, expected 'Z great response ta His preaching of Lie gospel of Lhc Kingdom, because, for onme Lhing. iL was 50 much spir t- u t: F b F i. ci s c i c i i Immediate, establshmuent, of a major airport between Oshlawa anOd Whltby wvas demanded ýby Haiarr Newman, National Governmenjt.can-, didiate, in bis address ô theLb. ecc- tLonmeeting hcld by Lhe* RIing as- sociation at Lb. Oshawa, Colleglate Saturday af ternoon. Establiah- ment o! silch an airport, h. 'decla- cd, was neçessary ta brlng the air- planée induitry ta the Oshawadis-. trict whivh was entitled te such de- velopment because o! the bigli cal- ibre cf mechanica which are avail- able i the area. He declared that Lhe Liberal gov- erumeut haci promised a survey o! tb. prosed airport site but had donc notbing about IL, making Lbe promise mcrely as' an electian bribe. Hie decla.red that If an air- port is establlshed the creation e! acroplane plants would absorb Lb. employment slack wblcb la ever wlLb Oshawa automobile znechanics now. Mr. Newman declared' emphati- cally that thc King government's tarif! policy had been tbe cause of Lmuci suffering sud depression for Oshawa's automobile mecbanlcs. lie iusisted that the Xltig.governient taday was actually bonuslng thse i- porting o! American automobiles. This was accompllshed through the fixed exehauge rate, iL being paS. cible te purchase Canadian dollars lui New York at a discount o! 14 per cent. wblle In Canadi the cet wassil per cent, the difference, ci thirce per cent. tiiereforýe servini 'am sa bonus on Anierican Importations, He deglaed - Lhaê P*mls-Kîna Fori os -ait toi wau neutral -ini the Great War and wated to be neutral in the present ône but that the Canadian ýpeoPle ,Would not tolerate sucli an anti- Êritish attitude. qeto Toclgupon the qeto!f, pren gums, Mr. Newman declared that Bren guns would not be mnadi hiï Canada during bis own lifet4fle, or "wlithln-the lifetime of my yoÜmg- est chld' Ris address was deliverec in, con- Junction wlth bis Introduction ot' Eon. R. J. Manion, the guest speaký- or- at the rally. Tribute To Dr. Kaiser Prior to Mr. Newman's address, T. x. Creigliton, president~ of the Ontario Riding Conservative Asso- ciation, who- acted as chairman. pald tribute ta the lite Dr. T. E. Kaiser. "lIt hs not enougli for us ta, say that be was a most dlstlnguisbed citizen for bis career was unique among us. Througbout bis lite he was. constantly instigatlng action for the common good of the. peoPle among whom lie lived. Oshawa would have been a mucli poorer place i whlch to live but for Dr. Kaiser's 11fe," declared Mr. Orelgh- ton. Creiglitou declared that IL lad serv- cd L wo purposes, -affordlng Uic electors boti an opportunity te meet Lie National Goverment leader, Dr. R. J. Manion sud also Ontario ridingas National gavern- meut candidate. Tic latter,. Mr. lçwmau, bad been chosen came ý (Ooetinuedï Mn Page-7, Col 1) FRIeSWLe StI Important Despite Ma- chinel Age, J. D.Tre Tell& -Rotary hc iLs wi ci at a: fa ar b3 st f. tc i c el tally in advance o e pe ig o b u r rvK I -rv K lthink that Hic message weuldc [e was sadly disappointed. There vas a willlng. Christ, but an unwihl- À *E F R S O rlg people. And se facing thle fact. ýt was Hie custom to go eut ta theM uiet places te think out Lhe recon- SA_ _ _ _ ýeve tic Divine inspiration. Dur-________________ hg Hie ministry there werc thre oui-ses open Le Hlm. Que was that Local Committee to Spon- lasL sud dccided that Lbe Red Shield [le might have fought with those War Service drive for fuxids in who cpposed Hini. and lu se dcing $or Financial Drive on Wbitby wauld be beld on Marcb ought to drive home His message, March 18 - Final Plans it, eue wcek later Lian Lie na- but this was net the Christ way. tional campaigu, owing ta Lb. close- rlie second was tiat He ceuld have to Be Completed on nesof twa other appeals recenLly let the country in whici Me'minis- Tn made bere. (Continued ou Page 5, Col. 6) T ursday Evening Of Members o! the Whitby Conit- ____This______ tee are: Rev. A. R. Sandersan, ____________ThisWeekciairman: Tucodore King; S. L. _______Treesý_S. W. Keawn; W. A. Holliday; USE 0F TAim.NTS Truc ta iLs reputa tien lu national Dr. Gaul; W. W. Noble; Lawrence Lcalamities sud special emiergencies, Agg; Mayor Fred Rowe; J. H. Orm- RF0 1RF ~FAI. the Salvation Army le again at Lie istan; Captain Sîlver. forefrout uusclflehly ministerlug La This committee will meet agalu temenin l Canadian trainiug ou Tihursday cvening o! this wcek EIJA UQAN camps, sud overseas. Thousande o! Iu tic Library Board room to com- IA M war vcteraus tic world over. not a. pîcte sarrangements for Lh i aca few in Whbtby ever remember witb appeal lu WhlLby. gratitude -their kiudly icip gîven Envcy Graves cxplaiued ta Lb. Men Had Charge of Service duriug the late wair tirough their meeting Liat tuis was Lie only ap- at S. AAre's un- caneen, hotel, radig ad wit-peai wih Le Army would make at t. niew',Su- ng roorns, billets for men ou leave, La Lb. people this ycar, the Self day- Night sud otier valued hunes cf service. Denlal and Harvest Home appeals A national committee, witb Rt. bclug dlscautlud. Thc bulk o! The venng ervie i St An Hou. Arthur Melghen as chairman, the money raisd would be used Ticw' cvening eriCc l u r iA- bas undertak 'en ta raise witb thc for tic Army~s wark among the sel- dre wsnc rgeein thurcMensuAs- co-operation cf citizens througliaut diers now weil under way. docai was u harge.fH.iMe ýn's a-Canada tic sum o! anc million dol- Varlaus members o! Lie Commit- saciaticuofwthe SFo. M.irin lare whici. the Salvation Armny needs tee wcre ioud lu their prsise of mhemeser o! ticsSession. deier te carry eut îLe much-desircd pro- wiat Lie Army iad doue fer the Lh rcia n esge f Mes P.hoir dergram a! coldiers' service. soldiers lu the lasL war, providing ti. direto f tems. P N-pr A Wiitby commnittee, called ta- many services sud comforts sud re- The resden oftheAssociation, getier by Euvoy J. Graves,. o! Osh- calling tiat Lic Army was once Tue resden ofticawa, organizer for tuis district, bcld more ou tic job lu bariracke and Robert McNee -ore.rided, and was ameigo ensa feno riigcmshr n vres assisted by Lie nastar, Rev. David ameiga Wdedyatrautann ap e- u vres Maishall, sud tic Rev. Samuel Lawrence, ex-moderator o! Lic Syn- cd o! Toi-auto and Kingston. Wil-A liam Hewis coutributed a solo. ON ACTIiV E ER IC Basing hi% *ciscaurse au Lie par- Brîef Paragraphs About Whitby and District Men Who able The Talents, Mr. Irwiu stres- ced tie fact that. there was room Have Enlisted In Service of King sud Country. for ahl linte service, of Christ, sud __________________________________ that tuis service required Liat esch Mr. sud Mrs. J6in Carter, o!flie believes that befare long b. may sud ail use te Lie best advantage Whitby, rcceived a-real surprise on be goiug ta Frauce. placed in Lhiu hauds, be they large udywethrpn ewo+ + + or small. ever ready ta luvest tieseSudyweter snFdwo4 4. . talents under Christ's3 direction. has joined thc Royal Canadian Captalu J. H. Ferry, M.C., o! the Tue two who investcd tic alertS navy, walked lu ou them, a! ter an Ontario iLegiment (Tank) was hou- given to Lieus îy their master were -ience o! camne ime. JOY was fur- ored by the Whitby Yacht Club last rewardcd sud commeuded, but suci ther added ta Lb. occasion f or it Frlday evenlug wheu b e was re- wasnet Lie experieuce of Lie otier was the. 25Lh aniln i v ersa5r y cicted Commodore. Capt. Ferry man who rollèdis talent lu a uap- o! the. weddiug o! Mr.sud Mi- h as been very active lu tiecClub kmn sud laid it away, because he Carter, which'-wqs belug ceicbrated. since iLs inception sud althaugh failed to realize that by puttîng tic mheir son le at pr'ent stationed at military service may keep hlm away talent, to goad use, lie would noL Kingstan. . from the boats in Lhe summer bis only wiu Lie faveur of lis master, h eart wlll always be with the club. but rcuder hlm a truc service lu hic *+*+ absence. Mr-. Irwiu said tiat there Signalier c. E. Pri er, wbo la witb Further letters bave arrived, fi-on was no room taday for men and No. 2 ComPa.fY, lst Bîgual Division,, Wbitby men overseas, toc late ta in- women whe failed te realîze Lhiu R.C.C.S., lu Lb. old rad., wrltes to clude i hiis ecoumn n iis Week, but i-csponsibihity. and he cloed with hepaet, i. ankMs rsr eeec ilb aet hn e a pIes tiat lu tiese days %wien se - u rndteso! Me. anl . Ferigal-er eek, wLlmae u k o wben ex many avenues o« service were open u s r at f Fb h inl ekaIe'sko hnyuha ahl Ciristiani people miglit use Lhir eu- tellsof Lie arr-al at bis camp f rom relatives sud frieuds lu ik talents te tie beet adv'antage. O! another contlugei4t o! CanadiOIs., Majesty's land, ses and air forces. The important role played by the iorse throughout the centuries ln ts varlous forms of &ervlce to man vas pointed out to Wbitby Rotary l'ub at its luncheon on Tuesday bt Hotel Whitby by James D. rrees brother of Rotarlan Samn rrees 'of Wbitby,, and Presiclent ind General Manager of the Manu- ,cturing f irm of the Samuel Trees ind Company, Toronto, and Whit- )Y. The speaker was introduced by Potarian W. M. Pringle as an out- ;tanding Toronto manufacturer, member of. Toronto Rotary Club tor 21 years, memnber of the Toron- to Board 0f Trade for a quarter of acentury; servlng on important committees; active social welf are vorker of St. George's Society in Toronto, prominent church warden and layman o! ,the Anglican Church, also a: niember of the 'Ex- ecutive and Finanüce Commlttees cof Ryclifte College; a memiberof -thz canadian Manufacturers Assxcia- tion, and if e member of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. Mr. Trees was spealdng on his classification of harnessa nd sad- dlery, and declared that the horse and cow were animais that had probably been a bigger factor in tbe developmnent of Canada than any otherý animais. Mr. Trees went rurther, delvlng into the pages of holy wrlt ta show; that lu the early Elays of the blstory of nations, from the tume of Kng Pharaoh down, thse horse had played an Important part ln wars and in the develop- ment of variôus countr les. "This. is probably the f irst# war ln history ,where a horse bas beeni little used owing ta the introduction Of mecli- anlzed flghtlng units," declared Mr. Trees, although mnany horses (Continued on Page 5, COL 3) SAIS SCIENCE liAS HEEN fiREAT HELP IN POLICE IORKi Zitizens Say& Can Help, Too, Chief Elliott to Young People Tic co-eperatian o! science wltb police werk as lic iad scen iL de-1 veloped lu 35 years wss the -Sub-( ject e! a very informative address1 dcllvered by Chie! o! Police Wil- liam j, EllioLt at tbe regular meet- Ling of tic Young Pcopic's Union, ield on Mauday eveuiug at tic United Churci. Chic! ElllatL relatcd many cf is experieuce as a police officer lu Toronto, revcaling mauy instances wiere science iad played an Im- partant raie lu Lb. detection o! crime sud tic appréension sud couvictioti cf criminals. Tue Chie! desît mare partlculai-ly witb Lbe iistary sud developîcut o!- Lie finger-print system, dating back s far as 1912 until Lb. present dày, sud demonstrated lu a amall way how finger-prints are taken, Lelliug icw accurate tie systeni had proven. Chie! Ehltt declared tuaL If science can do s0 muci ta assisL police, iow muci more eouid th~e citivens o! a commuuitY do lunre- porting ta the police infractions, o! Lie law sud giving sucl Iinforma-- ion as weuld ast lu the main- tenance cf law aud order sud Lie promotion of good çltizen-ship. -A vcry hcarty vote c! Lbaniks was extended ta Chie! Ellott fer bis klndness ln coming te tie Union sud for lits iery luterestlug address w"h wa.- favorabiy comiiented an s by tic paster, the Rev. Clif'foir Park. WRITB,ý Y RED ýCROSS ýi ,W«def R1 Fi Etab - * Noti7 M rtgaeea lished by Kitters for the of Tax Arrears Branch Covering a Period _________________ of OnIy Four Monthi- lu pursuane et lispoflçy te ADDITIONALGIT oellect ail Piiublç tax arrearff, thus safeguardlug the town's ALSO PROVIDED -finanelal position, Town Coun-___ r«Omenaton.ot th Fma'e Çouncil Qiamber Has Been Comute. that te elerknotify Hive of Activity as- &Ul mortgaees ef properties when they are'two years in ar;- Womnen in- Warý Effort rears of taxes.. Titis will neces- Have Kept Neectias ap4., sitate many S erc es aitth e.aÎ glsisy offie, a om xres, Machies )Buiy but the CoueicUbelleves ihatý -murtgagees are. entitied to know The knltting department of the when Itaxes are in arrears on~ local. Red Cross Brandi, und.er the the properties In wbtch'they are 1.caPable leadersh1lp Of Mrs. F. . JMc- financially lnterested 1Itrh as knitted, to date,, over 1,000 pairs of socks for men on, a- ive ervice. Ever sixice ~coe icet,-Red Cross Ladies, have, plied ~SK~ VERN ENT their knitting needies busily in ad- 'dition toalal other supplie made, TU H SVMF anshipments -have increased lfonl TO RESUME WURK 36 pairs. to 144. pairs; of socç ý o soldiers, sailors and" air force. ý Large quantities o! wool arrive NEW H"OH ýY weekly lu the workroom ad are sorted, weighed aud ied Into bun- (IN N Vi Ih{iIWA <les for socks, sweaters, helmets, scarves and mltts. These are dis- tributed dally toi the miany women Oshawa City Council Will who call lu for wool and Instruction i h u eeded most for the sol- Take Action Tbrough tiiers. Completed garments are aise Industrial Com. Lurned lu daily and mut be inspect-'ý ed, labelled with Red Cross tag, size labels and ied into bundies for Oshawa Council through iLs Indus- shipping. Their storeci on tic iielves trial Commission le to take immmcd- again till packing day arrives, when iate actt-on ta seek resumption cf Lhey are listed and~ shipped iu car- k th newfou-lan proin-tons ta Provincial Headiquarters, te woJ + be shipped out again daily, wiere- cl .il^bway as a reuit f a mo- ever Le goverument directs. tinadopted by Cty Councilat it§ Associated, with ,Mrs. Mcntyr meeting last niglit. IL was sponsor- in this exaicting work are Mrs. A. ed by Aid. B. A. Brown and.second- Z. Christian, Mrs. Dr. Macdçugafl, ed by Aid. Clifford Harman, with hA's. Gea. Mowat, Mrs. Bowman, Lb. preposal carrying unani.mously. asud Mrs., E. R. Blow. Iu addition Aid.'Brown stated that informa- there le an Instruction committce, tien givenby the Minister of Hîli- convened by Mrs* . FE]owm-ýan, who ways at the- recent Good Roads gave daily Instruction,, iu the mak- Convention In Toronto lndicated ing of ail knitted garmentsý and. that a moderate amnount of con- correct any mistakes'whici will nÈot. struction work would be'unidertaken pass inspection. This comlItte by the province this. year lu spîte consists cf- Mrs. A. E. È;rgss of the war. ,lInvlcw cf the neces--j ý« R. 'Fowleri MrâeP. epratL, Mrs sity of securlng earîy completion ,àC(,Mr. or.Ms.~i'" o! the four-lane ligi iy a& far a usnsd r. .elur Oshawa, CiLy Coundil sbould ap- teecpbesdèprecdKu point a committee ta work 1dW the tere lu charge of the Red Cross kéni - e ting departmnent we know that as Chamber of Commerce, qMwawa - lonLr as the goverument. calîs for Motor League, East .WhiLby towfl- hand made knitt-ed garments for its slip'an sudaLer intersted parties to arrny, navy aud air-force, WhItby formn a delegate ýo interview Hon. Red Cross will maintain iLs crdl.t- G. D?. Conant, local member ad ale, output. highways ta, urge early action. CouncilTo Take Lead Af ter the proposai was cudorscd the respousibility for inarshalliug the deputatian was placed upon the shoulders o! Lbe' ludustrial com- mittec o! wbicb Aid. W. H. Gi! ford- le chaiian. IL wae indicated Liat City Council siould take Lb. lead: lu pressing -fer resumptiou e! Lieý bl.ghway construction work. WOMAN HURT IN MOTOR COLLISION Mrs. Fred Mauuclrell, o! Oshawa, formerly o! Witby su! fered a frac- tured skull on Sunday lun an auto collision at au Intersection. Sic i-as- a passeuger lu a car driven by P'red Dobuey, Division St., whici i-as lu collision wlti another driven by Frank Morgan, Cobourg. Dabney told police a slippery pavement was La blame. loy streets rcsultlug fi-cm a eady dwnpour o! ramn made. drivlng lisai-doue thi-ougiaut thc day sud several minor accidents wcrc rcpart-ed La -police. Mrs. Maun- drellis a dicter o! Mx-s. D. J. Kean, of WliLby. Tuere's a. martial note about tic ncw cuits. A smart model 15 kiaki calored gabardine with gilt cagle buttons on Lie jacket sud tue pcinted flap pocicete ISENT TuOJAJI. Rudoif Alfono, Spanish war, Vet- eran and self .carnfessed drug ad- dict, wus sentenced to sîix months In the Ontaro Reforrnatory at Guelph when he appeared bel ore Magistrate FEbbs ln Whitbymaglstrate's court yesterday. Alfonzo, who pleaded guilty at laut week's Sburt alleged that lie had obtalned narcotics at Burwash where lie admitted -serving four months on a theit charge. "I'11, go to Kingston for twenty years ta get cured of the habit," he avowedà at that time.- 1 I hope this term willgive youi the opport.unity to cure yourself of this terrible habit." Magistrate Ebbs tlid Alfonzo in passing sentence. M-he accused was also given the option of at $200. fine or six additional months making a total of twelve months imprlsoniment. IL 'was explained to lhe court that the fine is provided for in the Opium and Narcotic Drugs Act under which the charge 'was laid after Alforiso was found by Provincial Traffle Officer Artbflr Runciman in possession of heroin tablets. ft Il n - 1! t' 'I b g. s i. ...-...-. Add to Provincial Police Staft ini This District; Mo ve Officer From Port Hope to Witby J. D. Sutherland to Work I With Provincial Off icer Clark, of O4hawa-More Crimne and Growth of District Adds to Police Duties Large lucrease lu tic volume o! work coming under Lhe jurisdiction o! Lb. provincial police iu Oshawa sud district bas been taken note o! by the -law administration authoir- Mtes aL Queen's Park. YcsterdaY A&cting Comimissioncir of Provincial Police W. Hl. Stiger cionfirmcd -for Lie whltby Gazette anid roii tie transfer o! J. D). Sutheiland, provincial officer, from Port Hepe ta Whitby, effective Mai-ch 15tb.' aTh Wliitcy, wihwork luassocation twiL , Prvnial wOffin . aHsocitik wih ov i en cat fioued at Qshawa o a uuber sto! earsswa work as umror e adouand oin notk ony asLe tciL 's gredWinbu alecnl ticditeict lu rccthyears wiothe Ligstct.Inresentlu crm, Oficte rat 'swawincimae, hlm oer Ca w dsric la-cel- ed ic steragewendiLriseadc abîllty oo nc man ta baudie. -ITis le Lb. expianatian -from Conunis- ,sioner Stringer, wio believes that Lb-e new of er ait Whltby l -prove e! real value.- Olficer Sutherlanud, wbo cames te W Whltby, le a married man, wili morýe lis famtly bei-e. Ifebas been in te empley e! the provincial police de- 5 partmfent for 12 yeairs. __________________ r~?s ~--~-~ ~. r~. ~ 10 ýtnT n it 1 1 1. - 1 ýl 1 r 1

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