'9., T- HE WHITBY GLAZElE AND CHRONICLEt VWEDNESDAY. TANUARY" 31, 1940 CLA5IFEDADVERTISURG t Agents Wanted d A&GEN WANTED-SELL WUT Every Household Needs - Fimilex salesmen Uve, sellng guarsnteMc Fanillex Prodpcts. Quick ani4 sUre sales - FAIR PROFITS.-RUPEAT ORDERS. Get facts and Catalogue today: FAMILEX PR0DUCM 570 St. Clement,' Montreal. Boy Wantcd WANTED-BOY WIT BICYCLE, for delivery. Apply Superlor Store, Broclc Street North. For Rent -Notîce to Creditors- IN THE MATTER OP THE E]S- 4TATE OP ALFRED C. MACE, JR., late of the Townof Harriston, in the- County of Westchester, in the State of- New Yorkc, one of. the United States of Arnerica, Adver- tising Managler, Deceasedt. Ail person'i having claims againât the Estate of the above-mentioned Alfred C. Mace, Jr., deceased who dled on or a'?cut the 6th. day' of July, 1934, arè hereby notlfied to send 'in to the unders'gnedý execu- trix of the WilI of the said deceased or hetr solicitors on or before the lst day of March, 1940, full parti- culars of their dlaims. Inediately al ter the said date the saici execu- trix wll distr'bute the assets o! the sald deceased having regard onîy to cIaJ.ms of whîch she shall then bave notice to theexcl usioci of al others, and she will not be liable to any person cf whose claim she shall not theri have notice for the assets 10 distributeci or any part thercof. -DATED at Toronta th's' l5th day of January,- 1940. Anna Margaret Mace, 8900 Graystone Ave., New York, NY. By Me.s;rs. Blake, Lash, Anghin & Cassecls, 25 Kin-g Street West, Toronto, her Solicitors herein, Mortgage Sale UNDER AND BY VIRTTYE of the powers containcr ini a mortgage which wil lte produècd at the time of the sale, there 'illi1bc offereci for sale by Public Auction on SATUR- DAY, FEJ3FUAPZY 31-d, 1(.40, at the \hour cf txo-thirty o'clcc-k ln the à îernoon at the prernses, -505 Byr0m. Street South, Whltby, by William Maw, Auctic-neer, the fol- lowhig property, namel3l: ALL AND SINGULAR those cer- tain -parcels or tracts of li id and premi ses situattc, lying andi being in the Town of Whitby in the County o! Ontario, and being composed of Town Lots Thirte-en and Fourteen ln the Fil th Double Range of Lots west of Brock Street as laid out on thç Municipal Plan of part of Lot TWenty-seven in the First Conces- sion of the Town.ship now the Town Sf Whitby SAVING AND EXCEP- TING those portions of the said lots 13,and 14 conveyed by one Charles M. Wîlcox to one- Robert Beatty by D)eed dat.ed the 20th of May' 1915, andi register--d in the Regstry Of- fice for the Registry Division o! the County of Ontario as Numuber 7466 for the Town of Whitby. On said lands Is a dwelling house lni a reasonable state o! repair. ALL SAI!) LANDS will be put up ln one parcel, and will be offered for sale ,sjubjeç4 to a rere bld, .- T IERMS: 10 per cent. 'of the pur- çhase money to be jaid down at the tixne of the sale and tUe balance to be Paid wthln thlrty days. F'or further particulars and con- ditions o! sale, apply t<q WILLIAM MAW, ESQ., Auctioneer, Whitby, Ontêirio, or W. E. N SINCLAIR, K.C., Barrister, Etc., WANTED-BLACK'MITRS AN VIL medium weight, also one or two Pairs of Blacksmiths tongs. Apply E. C. Price, 420 Eucld Street, Whitbhy. Phone 798. A gain o! 31 per cent ln logging production apcl an increase o! 24 Per cent lu water-borne exports for tUe first nine months o! 1939 is reported by British Columbla'3 lumberlng industry. Up Vo the end of September the log zecale amount- cd' to 2,333,295,593 board feet and water-borne exports otalled 1,090,- 082,035 board feet. F. L. BEECROFT WHITBY PHONE 627 Lumbher, Interior Trim, Cedar and Asphait Shin- gles, Hardwood Flooring, Wall Boards, PIy .Wood, Rock WooI Insulation. Estimates Given on Complete Houses. Bring Your Plans& PROFE SSIONAL CARD S UNDERTAKING _ MONUMENTS___ W. C. TOWN N. W. STAFFORD Fuerl.Diecer ad,Émle- Dealer ln lmPorted and Canadian Ambulance Service Gaie Phone 410 - Whitby Fîrst class work at moderate pr1eeu Phone 462 - Whithv A. G.- MARLOW- EA VU-NERAL SERVICE, AMBULANCELEA J. M. Black, ý W. J. HARE, B.A. Director, Funci ni Service Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 738 - Brock St. -SouthSccsotoAG.BongK E ~)ffice. 110 BROCK STREET bN M E G E S elopho-ne: 392 Whtby FUNERAL HOME 117 King St. East, Oshawa R. DONALD RUDDY 6. J, Strowgr, F. J. Meagher (larrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie Fuiserai Dîrector. Manager Office at the Court House, formerly PHONE 907occupiod by A. E. Christian. Mdoney to Loan MURRAY A. ROBINSON Phone 339 Whitby Ambulance Service Funeral Director and Furniture DUNCAN B. McINTYRE Phoo o, Dealer. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary BrooilnOnt. Office: Brook St. South DR. A. S. BLACK' Phono 809 whitbly Veterinarian & Surgeon NUAC ]BROOKLIN . ONTARJOISUAC TELEPHONE 6Z L. W. DUDLEY VET'ERINARIAN Representint »1 - National Lif e Inaurance Co. DR-G. R. BOOTH - also - ' Accredited Veterinary Fire, Automobile, Accident and Large and Small Animal Surgcry Siekness Personai Attention to Ail Cails 323 Kingý St. West, Oshawa CEMETERIES Telephone 917, Oshawa MEDICAL. GROVESIDE CEMETERY W. H. JONES,- Sexton DR. R. T. MacLAREN Brooklu Phonoe2505 Ontari. Phyideian and SurgeonTA S Residence t ni! Office TAXIS_____________ corner Mary'\and Brook Sts.-, Wbiiby etava evc PHONE j87CetaTaiSrvc DON. J. BRYANT DR. FREDERICK A CUDDY Phone 364 PHYSICUAN Corner Byron and, Coiborne. Bts. For Day and Night. SerIce PHONE 712 PROSE 364, WOJT j i Another Getrnian Suicid v-w The 9,521 ton German liner WM tg IShOwn burnlng off -Cape Point, Sou&t fI~aft er the captA4n, folIowint Nazi sea tradition, had opened the seoc- sud s»t the fhip> ablame when slghted by a BariW, Patrol planfe. Ait members of the crew w're reported reseued, but the ship went to the bottom in the same manner as did the German luxury liner Columbus when ucuttled off the coast of the UYnitedi Status. 1WI[L ANNUNCE ONTARIO BUDGET IN NEAR_ FUTURE Ontario House Will Not Re- cess, Premier Hepburn 1 Announces FOR RENT - FRONT GROUN!) f loor apartment with bath. Apply J. Ward, Whltby. -Phono 826. For Sale E*OUSE FOR SA.LE - IN' TUE I'own o! Whltby. close tou te new four-lane provincial hlgbway, a very- desirable 8 - roomed bzlck bouse, wilh every modern conveni- ence, hot water heatlng, x1iardood f loots, good cellar, front and" back stairs, garage and pleasant sur- roundlngs. Tis properry will be sold at the rlgrht price to right buy- ers, and van be seen at any Umc Address "à &dvertiser". Gazette ôt- fice. FOR SALE-USDD1 TIRES AND) tubes for sale. Apply Johns Place. B.A.- Service station. Dunda.s street west, Whitby. Phone 977. FOR SALE - BATTERIES ' OR sale, $4.95 up; easy terms. Johns Plade, B.A Service Station, Dundas Streeî West, Whltby. Phonc 977. FOR SALE - GUITAR WITH Case. Apply Mrs. Rowley, corner Keith and Byron Streets. FOIÇ -SALE> - ONE ONI*Y NOR- theru electrie long and shortwave battey set complete wlth batteries, $28.95- Brandon Radio, 114 Brock- Street North, Whitby. Wanted to Buy e s f t, c o 0 YoP.S SIIO Rev. Harry .MeIIow Named President, Jack Garnet, Vice-President BeBîlevîlle, Jan. 30-Annual édec- tlIon o! officers for tUe Bay of Quinte Conference Young People's Winter ScUool was held. Rev. Harry Mellow, Gorc's Laudiug, w--s named president, with Jock Garnet, Port Hope, vice-president. George Greer, Wellington, was chosen secretary-trcasurer; Rev. R. A. McRae, HMilton,. book steward: Rev. Andrew McLaucUlin, Have- lock, historical reporter: Rev. A.H. Riekard, Colbornc, dean., Featurlng tUe program yesterday werc dramatlcs, three one-act phays_ belng presented bu young people's societies o! tUe Belleville and South Hastings Drama Le:igue. before a large audience. Miss Mary Lock- hart was lu charge o! tUe program, whlle Miss Jessie Tulte was adjudi- caler. Prize-wlnning piay. was "Are You Llstening?" byVUte Quaternion 'Young People's Lea7ue o! Belleville. Mlldred Bouter directed and tUe eust lncluded Jean Shorey, Bob Brennan, Marlon Daniel, Don Alex- ander, Eva Smith and Harry Aikin- son. In second place was th-Cannif- ton play "Buddy," directed by Clay- ton Eggletou, witU EdiVU Walker Mlldred Twlddy, Clavion Ritz ,Stella Bradshaw, Hazeh Walker andi Horace Cascy taking part. Bayslde Young People won thîrd place lu tUe district -finals wlIth Ihrcir play "Trwo o! a Klind."1 Arthur Calvert was direcior, and. Coza Calvert. Georgina Sutherland, Mrs. E. Hart, Gordon Garrisoni and Bruce Chris- ie -omposed the cast. FeatUring VUe closiug today was an address this mornlng by Miss W. J. Paddock, who Voîd of social and mora- conditions lu North Frontenac County. Miss Paddock Is one e! the Iew ,womeu missionarles luý the home missions denartmnent. At tUe elosing -session fInal bust- *rtess, Selection o! nxi year's meet- ing place. and prestntalicn o!, di- plOlnas Vo studeuts successfulhy paslng wrltlen -tests durlng tUe week, w1If bc held. The Sunday School Lesson (The International Uniform Les- iis Genesis 1:27-31: I Corinthians Whether you be a preacher or 6:19. 20. I1 Corinthians 6:16-1; 1, not, a Christian, even a child, dthe Golden Text 'being I Corinth- should set an example Vo Uls fel. lans 6:20, "Ye were bought w:th a lows-not a boastful exaniple, but price: glorif y God therefore in your one that is much more needed andi body.9p) acceptable One that is simply rght livingr with "malice toward none, By NEWMAN CAMPBELL and charity toward al." This will "SQ GOD created man lu His pleaso our Father who art in Heav- dwxi Image in the iage of 00<1 en, as Pauil said, "For ye are the created He hlm; maie and f emale temple of the living God; as Gocl created Ho them. hatU said. 'I wÀll dwell lu them! "And God blessed them,'and 0Cod and I will Uc their God, and theY said unto them, Be !ruit!ul and shal h my people. multiply, and replenish the eartb, "Wherefore corne out from amTong and subdue It; andci have domnniou them, and bc re separate, sgith the over the fish of tUe sea, over the Lord-, and touch net the uncleari fowl of the air, and over every liv- thing; and I will receive you. ing thi-ng 'tUat moveth upon the ..And will be a Father unto Yeu, earth and ye shal ho my sons and dausrh- -"And God sald, Behold, I have ters, zaith tUe Lord Almlghty." given you every Uerb bearing iseed,_________ which la upon the face of tUe earth, and every tree, In the which is the Motorist Is Injured Ini fruit o! a tree y1elding seed; to you Collision With T-1-ck it shall ho for meat. "And to every beast o! tUe carth i Wherin her lahie.I hve îv 1 Lindsay, Jan. 30- A. J. Bren- zvery e n er b I lfor mI thae g nd ' 2ncf ' T 2ver gren hrb fr met, nd i -'ead and boCy- injuries, r.- -:sÎtrat- Was so." iug medical attention here when Made lu God's Image his car was lu collision with a truck So reads Genesis, the, first book driven by William Henley, o! town, o! the Bible, verses 27-30, and the aitUe intersecticn cf Quecu and subJect o! 'the lesson ls "Holding St. Peter streets. Life Sacred, a Principle o! Temper- Both vehicli were badly smashed aVe Living." Man la made in the in tUe crash. Mr. Brer*an was tak- imaie of God, therefore, -h should en to Ross Mernorial Hospital,w~here behave lilce a godllke belng as much Uc was treateci by Dr. H-. D. Logan, preached to others, I mysel! should as Possible. Hle should take great care o! bis wonderf ul body, keeping it le-an phyislcally and splritually. He should use It with great care. keeplng Il fit witi' worlc and play,1 keeping Uts mind clear with good thoughts, and not eating too much or driking too much or otherwise 'ýbuslng himuseif.- AIl this shoulci ho part o! the re- .irth o! a Christian when Uc Is converted to Christ. Whatever Uc lias been doiug, ha shoulci tben live Ueahthfully to make bis humble body a fitting temple for VUe Living God "Or know ye not that your body la a temple o! VUe Holy Spirit whicU Is lu you, which ye have !rcsn God? and ye are not your own," says Paul lu bis letter ta tUe Corlu- tblans. "For ye were bought wlth a price,." he continues, "glori!y God therefore lu your body."' i is through our bodies thac we do everythiug and enjoy tUe things o! tUe world-its beauty we see wvith our eyes; is fruits andi other f oods give pleasure Vo our sense of taste;, its music, bird-songs, the sound o! water ialliug. etc., we hear with our cars; sweet odor of field, Woods and flowers, we smell. And we touch the good earth, soit fabrics and many hings that bring us pleas- ure. It is wlth our hands that we paint, make music, do worlc that brings us joy and profit. It la with our bodies tUai we énjoy life and ghorify God, so we should keep them holy and clean for Ris sake. Bible Tells o! Heaven and Earth TUe Bible talks about Ucaven and- earth and1 the ife to corne. But it also talks about homes, work, eat- lng, drinking, frlendships and our bodies. "Every man that striveth for thingcys," says Paul Vo the Corinth- !ans. "But h keep under my body, and bring it into subJection; lest th>t by any means, when I have who laVer Uad the injured man re- rncvcc to his home. where ho will ,,e confinezl for several days. "Yo wverc 'bought wlth a ASMAM T from cost to 6ast the iost year-that's the new Oldsmobile for 1940! It's bigger -in length, in breadth, in rooniiness. It's bette -in styling, in performance, in economy,- It 'offers a host of new and finer quality features, iùcluding Sealed Beanx Safety Headlamps. And Oldambile offers three sensational new series, priced for everybody. The big, 95 h.p. Sixty is priced right down in the low-price field..The stun- nsng new Seventy seils at a popular price. The- luxurious, new Custom 8 Cruiser, with its superb new BodybyFisher, is the finet Eight everoffered at a medium price. Corne in at your carliest. opportunity. Drive the car that has everything bigner and better -the new Oldsmobile forl94O. Japan has a world monopoly of a cOninodlty whloh indirectly îs cf considerable importance to. health.î It la agar, a gelatin-like material «l made from seaweeds, whi-cU is Iunj dLsPensable as a culture medium i all baterlological laboratories. The world's smnallest known floN - :ring plant is wtr'cl about, one thlrty-second o! an inch In diam- eter. Creation of Eve price:, glorlfy Ood thereore ln 3'our body." I Cor, ~:2O, ~4oe I iii iii 2 ORILLIA STORE fifUfl[ DIBLAIE Damage 000 Estimnated at $50,- i Main Street Orillia, Jan. 30.-Is rigin stili a my.5tery o the firemen who have fought ahl day long, a fire wich completey guted two Orillia Main Sreet stores and for a time sri- ously threatenech surroundi.ng bus- nesses la estimated V- havé donc damage from $40000 o $50000. Breaking oui lu cther the base- meut cf Masou's shoe store or tUe ,aijoluing basement o! HugU Palm- ecr's smoke and sports goods shop, -eparated only by a VUin wooderi ..aritlcn, tUe fire created such -t columus o! bliuding smolre haint occupants o! hotU stores wcre lriven -oui without be!ng able te rescue a single article o! merchan- dise. Kari Palmer, fatUer o! the tôoý hacconisl, was forced to fiee into tUe winter wcather minus his over- shoes. Iu charge aitUte time, Uc was talkiug to Mr. and~JMrs. WU-- cahi wUh tUe lire engîne. iani Auglin of Ofilla. H1e suddeuly .smeiled smoke, Hie went tao tUe cel- lar doqr thrbugh which Uc Uad corne îp but ten minutes -before aiter attcniding Uls furuace. 'which he said Was -aIl but oui. I bpene4 tUe door," lie sa-d,*"a'nc was met by a blackc !og o! smoke. IV pà ured out. I Vried Vo get to my overshcoes. h couldn't. The Aughins and 1 Iled the store." 'l Rai. fr Life Lance Mason, owner of tuîe sUce store, sad he smelled smoi-ke"ýabout the gamne ime. aI turued lu the rire aLirrn,," lie sald, "then I. Uad to run for My ice." Magop sald he V hought the tire mnust, have started ithe Palme-r basement, but HugU Paimeré ,tI nuste have str'."M in the- Mason baserment. Firenien, wUo couldn't get »at te ource cf tU elire for hours because o! the bllnncn,,suf- focating smokre, -aid they weren'Vt Clertain where tUe fire siartcd. Lee Edwards, a fireman, in l- Iurerl when a lzder feli qn tis bead, striklng a q ,nri-g b lu w Other firemen gýà bed 1dm and saved hlmý' from' ?falJ!ng, but four stitches were necessary to stop tUe wound. When an, alarm camerne a E mInutes lat - clney-fra mile awéyï Edwards was one of a number o! firenmn Vo auswer'tUe Holding Life Sacred J- k L . L d'à God created mn M Na own image; God blessed îUia created beings and-gave mraie and.femnal created Hoe thom' qgays them dominion over &Uait 1e upon the - Qmneia :To rh By Alfred .L Buesclier I Z-3 Lead eafn Ilves and, I wIU be ftther pays the Lord- Almlghty. (ODNTEXT--I Cor. -6.20)- Toronto, Jan. 30 ,- TUe Ontario Budget will be brought down aitUte earllest possible moment, Prern'er Hepburn saidf as he revealed a week-end decision to can. cel recess, plans, !ormed prior to Prime Mînister Mackenzie King's decision to calI a general election. "I can't say at this time when the -Budget will be ready," he said, "but we are working overtime on it The Premier malntalned 'his close silence on Vhe elect'on issue and the part played by the Legislature's war program censure resolution ln the Federal Prime Minister's elec- lion announcement. H1e intiniated, at the samne tinie, that-he woul1 declare Nis stand dlrectly aiter tUe Flouse Is convened. Col. George Drew, Conservatîve Leader, It la understood, :will also leai with certain references to.him which were made by tUe Prime <inister in the House o! Cemýmosm. L, ;,~1tl believe4, ,yIll bg-ltr .'cted to tUe'claim tUai lis .tate- ments ln VUe Legislature, criticl4ing Uce King Admlnlstration's war ef- fort, were made as a member o! the Orgau'zation of Resources Commuittee and that, as a member Df a body appointed by the Legi.s- iture, Uc had a right and a duty ýo report. or "w, rld j er- ,~ lu ~at j LD MOTOR 'SALES tEast Phone.304 whitby SID CORRELL sul STAN bt"1TIN, proprietoru DAY and. NIGHT SERVICE HEATED CARS- CAREFUL ýDIIIVER$- PHONE85 149 BROCK STREET eNORTH- ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON aweture.-Oete1:14141; Iil tuulans 0:19, 20; Il Corinthians 6.16-7;1L As your body la a temple of -the I!oly spirit, glorify God ln your body, uald 1 . 1' Paul te the Corinthla a.. (50léen «7ext 1 By Alfred Jý Buescher 1