Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jun 1939, p. 4

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I r- PACE FOUR THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY JUNE 28, 1939 ýýWHITBYPhone 618 ALL SHOWS DAYUGHT SAVING TIME THURSDAY- FRLDAY - SATURDAY Two Shows at 7.30 and 9.30 Hoiday Matin.. 5.turday at 1.30. THE SWEETHEARTS OEF9UR DAUGHTERS" REUNITED Child."'& Com.edy Treat- HOUDAY MAINE "AY WHITLEY in "A WESTERN WELCOME" MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY First Show et 7.30 Lait comploe Show et 8.50 IN PFERSON ON r£14ESTAGE ALOHA BAKER World'a Mot Travegod Girl Explore, Writoe, Radio, Film Artiat. Proenting a Ibrili- ing Advsnturo Film AUSTRA NEW ZEALANO 7$ Countries App.arfrs<Exchahrey Whi*b7 Md mDrw No Advoe,.lI Prims PLU$ OUR REGULAR- SCaoEM PROGRAN 31L giS I AU',. 'A AnADEDAI'ATIf tu. 1 SOCIALMAD PERSONA L Miüss Cidie Lavine, of New York. la bolidayilg wth ber mot.her. Mû' L. Lavine, Brock street SoUth. Mr. and Mri. L- W. Dudley spent cseveral <IBys last week at their suni- Imer cottage. Victoria Bm-ach. Col- borne. MIss Loix Sleight.holm bas beeri .sUccpstul tipa.sing ber NOMRIB School exslTi-lftiofls rt Peterboro Normal School- MisaÇat.hartrte Delong. nt Brook- in. spent several dt7a n town luit w-eek with frienc., Miss Elizabeth Pringle bas beei visiting vith her uncle and sunit, Mr. and MrLs tLE- Bootht. Picker- Mr. and Mr.,s W Smnith KellY. of Whitby and Mns Bernis. of Toronlto. vislted luit week wit.h Mr. and Mr3. L W. Dudley, Bt Ibeir cottage. Vic- torla Beac-h. Colbome1. Miss Wilma Richardson hubas ec succe.aIuIi pa...sng ber scn ;*ear ln Arts. B t Toronto Un.lveralty. iss Perr and her aUter. Misa Leils Perry'. of Montrms]. were wteek- end gueeta of their aunt. Mr,%. D j albrait.h. Pot Whltbmy. +4+ 4. 4 Mn James Jacksoni. o! Toronito, vlslted recertY with ber cousin- Mis. Joseph Kean and returned to go to ber summer home ln MuAkOka with her brother. Mr. W. relg. Mis. W. Ems la spcnditg two weekà nt ber suinmer home at AI- gonquixi Park. R.ev Russell O'Brien j, in BUr- linglon t.odsy attenditg a receptioti ln iti honor. and a farewell te Cli!! ord ParI~r. t Burllngton Unit-. ed ÇbUrcit. Thc choir of AIl Saints' arc go- lng on a picnile on Wedncsdey. June 28th Some aie goîng in lte after- noorn and some ln thc cvening 10 the park et Orono. Mr. and Mia Normait Thcmas. Mis. J. Parker and Miss Marlon Oree.n attended thc Piano Recitai given ln Osataa on Satu.rday eveni ing by Mirs. Josephine Pari-att.. AT. C M. Mr. and Mna. Wm Rail and 41augitter Margart. cfSricebvillie. :re spcndlng a 1ev deys viti Mr-. and Mia. W. C. Ton ansd tamliy. Dundaa street eut.. Mi-. W. C. Tovn atteudel lMt r-0.0Y. Convention itel inlitRoyal Connaugbt Botl, Hamlltout, tins weck. represextIng the Esuern Star Lodge. Whitby C*pt. Bateman andl Utut. Wooieott,cf lte BalvsUâon Arniy. leave 11115 veek for theii Bey uP-. polimextit n Tomnte. Capt. Slvyer aitd Cadet V. Dae& etcfTcroxtû will takte thier vork at te A. Dr. sud bMn. F. 8.Milleve in Cevelandl. Ohio. Ibis aok attend- ýithe lgU convttim ol f Lions Inter- national, se repreaeutatimn o!etbh %W"nity LiUs CIubý Dr. MUta a i te Club& accreary. NM I KJ . OrmiâtSn aW d&Ugli ter Joan. spent lhe week-end vitit friend*sin tOt&t.sv The annual piek b5etAndrevre Preshyterlaxi Chu-ch Suxidy Schoo andl cott;egitOn aIlbe beld ce Welutay. jisi sSt et Greenvoc P&Zk. CitilârenMviiibs traripeni cd hy buiss md pritcari. T1» ladieso!91tht Allai- Socws, of &q. Ja*lsvm Qtumotbell sayen ataOMaful auawbmrrlm a Tblite daivafleomsalas'. <>vsgte t4t vetWcon&itons %bu lm vas heu on the IBWe. Ibo Socioty ta vesy gi-atul t.go5auvio atmde *0 i elpel to make tiIs t» râe«"f *mate t tle . o r, br sus WbItY, aIen er 5 it oblems"a paneNt a prou$y pwite.A&san b«4 MM&IM jetisa 0'bn #"e Poe «ev cm1, mb 1 0, Wou -i -ai Um ie - of by the members of the plcW1c party. Duriflg the afiternoon a pro-. g-arnOf race for Young e.nd old wus run off lni charge of the boy& of MIS. POthergWII' clam, WhIle not a few took advantage of the occa- sion to have a dtp li the swIilIflng pool. The animais and birc1s, of cours. were a real attraction for &ornie of the arnaller folk&. Shortiy gfter five o'clcck the supper. wîth.- out whlch no pieniclà 5COMplete, was served. tables granint flflr the wel.ght of good thlngs followig prayer. w Uthe advanclng army 0f &harpened appetites. Belore the' supper WBs served. tbe superinten.. dent cf te Sunday Sebool. Dr. P. S, mjns, expressed his apprecituon wo those who had asslated ini any way in maklng the outing a succes& A brief addres wà& Rus madle by the Rev. Mr. OMrIef. The gauler- ing broke Up after qulte a flurnber had particIpated tn softball. Maj- orit3' cf the chlldren were trans. ported to the picliic grounds by buseg cf the OollâcUtt Coach Unes under the able direction of Vernon R.owe. AFIT&ELNOON TEA Thc Alacinoon Branet. of lthe Women's Auxillary. of Ail Balnt.a C1Iurc1. bell a very sucesaful af- te. -oon te&enmd sale of home ba.k.. lng on Thursday aflernOonlest et Uic borne o! Mma J. H. Perrv. centre st.reet north. The attendauce vas 900d notvIthsta.ndins thee act ltat several oUmerchurcli tes vere beid Lb. saine afteruoon. '.Meai"e@ were able 10 dl a neat sun t w Ieir tieaauxy Lhrough bbc sucomet t1itis af f air. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETINqG On Fr11»ai &ternocratBun.ny. nook, te spaclou home of Misa J M. McK.ee. Eeg. N., te June meet- ing of *e Womens Institute vas held. litex te BrooklIn brancit w" gucaca. Ttc gileats and members vers recelvel sud velcomel by te Presidiert, MUs. W. C. Town and te hostese. LMssMcK.ee.About 50 lad- ies vere preset. -The busieu va duisposed of as brieliy as possible. Toc progrsm vau iron by lte Brooklil brencit. Mma. Scott of Broodilu. expressel er pleasure of hemlng the opportUnltw Of vilit thte Whltby ladies. Mtiss MeDuf! gave a readlng andl MUn. N. J. Wite an inforfmai talk on ber vInter apett i Florida. Theae numbeis vers grcatly apprectatel. aI'ier vtici the csocial committeemeved dainty refresbment& Before cls- in# à hearty vote of thanka vas givea Miss Melee aud the WhltbY ladies for their cordial hospitalItY b>' taeBrooklinlabrnei. T-cMeccle- hig.tboed by alnglng te Natuona Au4buxi Laèdies pf lte Wi bra=lici ateqidlng*1 g t 86 4 on Wedncsday vilii blesse bW a~ pool office at 2:30 pin. Dylilghl Savltg imie. PAUSENGu1715TO PASTO& At fte cIme o«thet veiing ser- vice îh Wh.ltby Unitel Chus-ch on BwsdaiY evtnlug, te Choir sud Young People&& socity MaIe pie-. untiatito te tpester, the Rev. Russei O'Bicn. botorganlimS *xpresang Ibe1r' apprertatim thet ttndly interat lud effectve telpý Rev. Mi-. O'Bnlen hal giron titeut. on btait 0f tht chotMin Ocit- rude IKemp rm an su sdrese sud aaked thc R«c. Mr. ORrien 10 ac- rimpt an eniargel pktms "a.en re- conti>' of the choir by ont 0cf lis ==mbersbu. sMage 0. Ru«4y ont bebIf tthe Young PeoPWea ed Mi-. O*riuu te o MpI abaud' some petur.etofa vInter ace With t*tis gift vffl M i epresiosci apprerAtimos o!hlb.vos M1r oinienbau dm osefr Miyouas Uta wam ktadly iteut teket by Mb&&.Olnle A U"Re ut asexpies. aid ltai UMn <YEnte. son omt eo:tuwx wus, imabl e Wpreeu "w l pevil.vokmil thé& îte veul Mm eover. DMOeplU»m&e l O'Drit tiaùk e bteatuls auMWcithrt be b" lh &W oset ër #M W 'a u bp'ta t ahe annse Mil.* pel, u '1 e 0Mbm etuiatnsba s M tA ami I hope that eery succesa viii be yours in the future," Mr. O'Brlen stated. SPECIAL ATTRACTION AT SEOCI THEATRE On Monday. Tuesday and Wed- nesday. July 3. 4 and 5, Whitbyj and district vil sec on iLs streets a large yeilow car glrded with the automobile badges of practice.Ily eVwy country in the vorld. Our visiter la UMssAch Baker of Bol- lyvood. vit bau Juit oompleted an "Around the World" trtp by car. ab fertIbisia lepil traveller ha, covered over 85 tbousand miles ln ber specla car. Europe. Asie.. Afri- ce, Northt and SothtbAmerlos have ben iIncludel la her ltlneri". Site ta appeaninstu paa- et tue Brftk Theatre on tiec dates. presentinu a thmning adrentumfe im ofTUdia, AustralieandM New Zeeland. Tihis hlghly entereiUhgg femiture la cx- dlusive li titisdistrict Aloha Bak*r la a radiocarnatin- tatar wvo emes atrip Ike titi everyt»n YeersI marci t 0fnew matertal exiltitis metertal ervU as a bal lmforeUiules cif Radio dramatisatios witieh site broad- caste on ber return te the tu. 8. A. 8h. 1e aise »Ulikm Uov &a sprodue- ci- of travel exil eventure flm. MissBaker imakes e striklug filg- tire in rldlng boot@ and Ixeecheg. sleeveiess tunie of mllitery pattern. and bro*d leather bell. On ber 1sf t wyùlal an 8-ms bracelet of solld 9o1d. beauttfully and cixnnixigly vrought. the glft of a vrhlte Uus- stan family i Siberie on ber rigit làasi Oran nm i one 0 d escte se-rolxl nd orl c f viicit bas Launduy ABC's Are Civen For Young Brides Hov would you 11ke to b. con- fronted îi t housauda cf piee. of solled clothixig exid lnen evcry Monduy mornîn? Titata lte pi-chIent fee by Oudbm ylaundries. Antymie vite itndles such vol- umes o! clothig bas learnelte mnt efficient vey of tackliig te probtent. We@aaked for somne tu- gS«tions ltaI mlgbt be itelpfUl teO the hoffem.aker. "One cf th. most important thinga." saysa elaunlry expert, "là to use plexity of soep tb loose tthe soU. and pleuty of vater fer i-s ig. Mmera e use a mlld bleacit ln Lte eep suds. but for home laundry purpomesasbleaci uselorne veek i every four should keep iens Hlot RInses -AU germent., areput Ibrougit front fie te serinbatelles of cIter nater te vinasout aul cf the »ap. ir.te fli- cf tiem aren tset es ubot or botter titan lte ~op sds. tf clotits, are put loto vatercoer Un xitht »ao u*s fer Ut int elu s sp urd Lanform"l lu the falxricand lte (bens as u ga e will 100k gra." -But iIly 80 MUiy dt set niuses? ve aike. "Unlm.&U l p and ebunleela are reiovellionlabileWtthey an bound te be veaken t boat of te ltonmakes théescheetlcel more active se te mosI Importent that thbe Weeupletely rnà el Ocm thing it a bould ure bW dont otebe]oU es iM na slIas tUt: onstallte a bleit," leUmer 71M W* veut cMte lt* subjee eW staueluta endr MUiI M%4 am hoipt5d o te stab iefor We remOVOl Iy eelhitay launrY 1m etIou enrtput tr<Sb v mi hue ueatoet TMt Ii pie ai. mut ailu t tai sdeee. FabririactmilD seila vWb"i r wM W 4 b! hwSIBen ut altna bâfeimta1 0 ae e amtu VOM un& W* ltue - (aIm e etn te W$= BlI~ Announceinentas TmEA OPRzAýDInQc, EY mUs. Whftsltt, 3M Oentre St. Whitby. Por appoiniment phone 775, on Saturday, July 1. BAPTIST LADES AID, STRAW- berry Tuas.. at Mrs. MIchasls. "Ruatte Lodge." Frlday. June 30, from 3»3 to 8.30. Tea 25 cente. STRAWEERUY TEA. AUSPICES Miftlon Band. Unit.ed Churcit at h=oeif Mrs. Bull. 307 Byron Street Norti. Thuraday. June »th. Admlaukmn 25c: eblîdren 10e-. Everyone welcome. ,Births SIMIN-At St, JSeph's Rosptl. SudburY. Ontari, June 2th. 1939.' t* Mr. an4 Mn. J. Biikn. Jr.. (nee Doris Howard), a daughter WU.80-At the Oshawa General tH0 MrtalM Mmn. ,;une, 26,1939. to M. ad Ms ~0i&1 A.Wilson, Qf Whltby. a son XT(1e1l Davd). Weddinga THACRUK - YACABOSKY A very pretty iwelllng took place in St. Johnsa Anglican Oburcit, Port Whilby. on Saturday. June 24Lh, viten Rer. D. B. Langford united in maritge Rose Yacabosky, of WhIbhy and William Thacltuk. ef Tbonte. amId s IovclAy floral set- ting. ITtc veldlng music vias play- cd by MN Savege. 1%e bride vwu given imariage by bar bro*ther. Steve Yacabosky and vas prettlly gowned in white satin. made m rit nceus Unes vitit train. mer fuli lenglt Veil vas of ilusion net wttb conet of oranie blossoma.White streamers decor- atal the bridai bouquet o! Talismn ROsesasd Rab» Bret. Three iStranla <of pearta edorned the love- ly bride. Um Anus Yecsbosky attende ber alster as mad lo! honor attred in a floor length gova, cf pink chif- font. Thc bridesmaids vert Misses Aune and Ne i hacituk, saltmomf te groom, vito vertgovxtd ln blue chiffon. Their bnci dreqs va cf foywers man touler lengtit vella LMd caried a bouquet cf Carna- tions sud Roses. The groom vas suporteci by bMA brother Peter Thachuk. The usiter vere Steve Yscaboeky sud Henry Polack. Tomonte. A rfception vas beld aI Lthe home cf tbc bride.,par- ente. 7bey vii reide in Toronte. A mas- pretiiy weddng vas soient- nideLm saturda>' ataxioeuJulie ILt. vben DSoty May Itedman, Isusitter cUr.Mv.sd M . y a. Rela tai. fthe Townmù tulp c ea. becamée i. vt.of OaruceW. But»n, am ef M-. &suM . 0a u- SOUi Buhsm.oncfPrince AiberIOn- tarie, ToIIIceremSut vspelcrmad b>' a". JoaleiDonu". tormer Mi- lis.' eftlte groom, aI Cheik Lake, t ltae hom» of lte bride, ite pram. et upvarda 0of 1>' larIsie gunst& murrelatives audl rmis of t itam ~pair. lita beau- tiu m ria ms-h celle..eomspced ofea W"grs vt somai>'yelov roses. tbIitis- lahea-ovu.thelb.MWva el 'l. a' a B e ie ethr 11 baW vu auheU thbe vuaw muvin la Mnlge 1% beraidetu'.at simUt mrtue blv, betâstegan bcear m tria- bM»Mn vial. h "W M vas sIulalW hir uu brut 0: u a- fla -.rS ouI Rel bla vsdlg pr.>' Utai nI love Tb* a«J9 so pionssuppruvbldoai % iatl>1.1.1.Ibatables sau buleekajob". Ibro "tebleom viisit vrs la riait ariaI> Wb 51 alion aulaI nMos 1< t»A ieatu tuadolita nsvuiyve i gat Smom iudar vie mhbm tpe -Wbitje Wh» eyuem itsbopde0 - ut t but v Iite déa pn as- usi V»dutesorale«feram la a 0" va me>' earslW,> h OIratplita*r eIdeUtaclrb la e» t.l . - priet m- N* e ou ne I lb. in lunoade h i kv au Mbtgsu yl bagw u #auu w f *iau i. I. t- a - ~ - - ~m BRJiIWi;LS'I Housewives i ola riow To Contrai Pests Amolg lte enquiries for infor- mation on houschold inseets re-- celved by te division of entomolo- gy, cf the science service, Depart- ment of Agriculture. Ottawa, prob- ably the most numerotis relate to sucit conon pest.s as anis, cock- roaches. sllverfisll. clothes moths, carpet beetles. bouse filics, and bcd- I bugfs. Anti are partlcularly annoy- i ng lni kitchens and pantrle.s at this tiine of the year. vitere tbey arc ai- tracted b3' foodistuffs. especlally sweet and fatty substances. Cock- roaches and silverflsb may be1 troublesoife al thc ycar round. the former feedlng upon practically al kinds of foodstuffs, and the latter preferring materlals contalnnlg 1 starcit and glu.. Thlese three ktnds o! insece cari be controlled by the samne insecti- cidea: namely, by a mixture o! equal parts o! sodium fluoride and pyrethriufi powder, or by the f îrst- namned Insecticide aloie . The pow- der. wbicbh L a poison and sbould jbe iused wlth caution on ltat me- r ount. may (,e applied witit a small dust pin or insecticide puffer. blcwinq iL into the cracks and crev- ires where Uic Insecta occu r and in ot.her places wito they frequenrt. The preventiori o! damage by elothes mroths and carpet beetles is luas simple and requires care and forethought. Clotbing andother articles viticit these lnsects'ttack, viten no longer ln frequernt use. sbcUld be brusbed and beaten and 1Put away ln wel-made trunks or boxes, or moth bags. together withit e generous supply of naphthalene flakes. about a pound to each trunk. and several ounces toecd bag. Places whlch may % harbor the tnsects such as floor cracks.i Iba3eboards, furnace air shafLs. etc., sltould be cleaned eut st Ititervals. When avallable, a vacunin cleaner la useful for $.hls purpose and alze for preventrmg damage to rugs and uPholAtered furnittare. Bouse fliles. whleh breed ln filtit, aueh as menure and garbage. become nunierous vith thLe arrivri cf verniveether. Owing to Uieir structure and habits, these ineets are More important disease car- riers. Oontrol is mosi effective viten conducted on a communitv scaleb. Including lte incieration cf garbage and te proper treatt- jment and disposai of manuire. boors and windows of dwellings should be . screened and flics titat fInd their1 way intobouses should be promptlyi deetroyed by fly mvatters, sticky paper. pcisoned fly pada, or pyreth- erum fly spray. Pvfurther informatign on the \ie history azid control""cof these .insecte. lnclucling bcdbugs. wmrit> tta *the publlclty and extension divis- ionm, Department o! Agrictulture, 01- L ava. for a copy of Circulai No. J RECIPES Lemon MarshmiaUow Glazc-tn- --edenta* 'One quarter-pound package (16) rmarshnsallows. one- folUrth cup lenton lulce. one-fourth cup vater. Place -mnaraltmallows, lemoet lulce and water li saucepan &Md heastUntil marshmUallware titoroughly meltad. BMllvegrougly foS approxlmately threo minutes, or unWI mixture la elear. Prune Creen Wpl-Ingredienta: Orne MW otw-haif L cupa cookeci primes. ce4third cup powdered sUpg a>efornrth teaspoon grated fri orangerlnd, one-baif te.- spo netnamn. feu, grains sait. Mia-bailpet *ippiugcrean musuloto cherries (may be omit- tel. runes aMW eut fate amali plese, adt ugar. ornge rd. cli- maim &M musat wun mi. Whip ««meainutt thick --but nMM atUf. wb5ip pru emixture att ore=m a " p m ta' ture. 01111 tb«Os* _* doetM fru, STAYS FRES TWICE ASý LONG IN A NORGE! The "Double- Cooling" Syutem in the new Norge *'Lifetimne" models is a new, revolutionary principle for the Proper Preacivation of food. Increascd moist cold preserves foods without spoilage or decay. Corne in and scethle Norge-with "Lifetime Porcelain Finish" BOTH Outuide and rïWade- Norge 10-Year War- rmnty on Roflator gives double pro- tecton-end 14 other cenvenient NORGE fuatures. Investigate new Norge. Lower plices now in cifeet Convenient "Pay-as-you-wte" Plan. BOB -BUTT'S RADIO SHOP WHITBY Shilnglos 1 have Iust unlbaded a car of the bat. Eastsrn-Shinglos thât ever came mnto Whitby, Se. them and b. convinced. SPECIAL IXTRAS luneh $1.10 Per Square $4. Patching Shingles ORDER SIFORE IT IS T00 LAIE Coue shouil bave mpyes as wci .s a n .-..... ............r....... - - -& fituIt 1Sbi higher lowed t-bat h more are p tain fi prîncip order c NI. Bit INCQux Le Ga Lembei Freemt C). J. GRA order Huntle' E. Mut Parise. ner, M 1. Mcci Btigt 1ic), P. E. Thoi Nemi (c GRAI Namnesi dfvidual those w ditional foilowed HON( R. Cleir D. Hic> Mooritel Richard Switzer. -ky. PAS& b. Bain D. Brer M. Bro ters, S. on, nard's lows. oider: To Gallog lie; LW Law'rel TOi1 MacEt Smilth To 1 tores, Rl de te ni knowi at bl heen cfli at ti at Eu Riche a lad at1kA ied and;. prid .1 v1 'I i t t 1 ý ý ýý M Mýýý9w 9mrýw ý 111 - « r - -- A LI-_ .40 1 ý 1 ýi Bunch 73c

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