Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jun 1939, p. 3

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THE WHITBY CAZETTE AND CHRONICL,_WEDNESDAy, JUNE 289, 1939 WHITy-CIII KANAWHA HOTU WASAOA iEAcNf *8.60 q- yOUR cory Or 30 O DlgN i .Tou (bIT Trvel B<i .vaio ..rot to A n u here Any Turne Phone 675 Cars Ih you ltional lzs. D. Saundera znadians t-le largest Sý 't-chup? ,Putce, attc Unitedi Kingciom lied condit-ios ln g9 importera here il gi-cater e xt-cnt for supplies et rhss stat-ement- extensive repos-t it o! Trade anti -. Engitali. Cana- bulsoner at Lon- ume manulact-us- Fàuropean tomato it-il recent-iy," h. nov tindig tilt- g fi-rn their con- t any assurance rements can b. ice, t-bey as-rtturn- es o! aupplY ltk.- 1iteti by any y in- ýton o! trade, and natia. Thu aa e apport-unit--rex- -f Canadian pus-se, 01, hlgh concen- rt-s fustber t-la t- iigb percentage of ndtin tomato pro- f rom Europcan Cnit years. Brit-ish a have isucti ireg- Jaiuuary 1, 194o, st- liaslien set, 13r, million drieti Port-unately, he Rtian torlato pro- foundtito came W-able maximum. Iht i /t-h thbe pas- f obtalning atie- asa grcatly stimu- Canadian tornat lY In pus-ces of port~s of ketchup Iingdoin in 1938, 95 Per cent Qi- tomat-o .luice 86 87 cases; anti of- -r cent- or 323.082 * Erglisi.' tuait Puree and as-ted-as t-ofliav- epiici.lasome-; cotinental sup. -'ason being t-hat- s'Iln Canada have UMMan Pan cquip.- r makig htghlyi Oe. "In viev of -and for aupp4lop e Saya 'IL would t- th-.queton, cf libe givèns sOfiO e, DUbilnîn.» Grt ly t zapf * tht The day and * the * caP' Plis foni se'- of rep ers [ en >- A par ln. - - the f in; brig thbe rets Pol w e fol wa Po t-be f ro pri aij col Ne foc ble srt Mt~ t-ht tale mai un> On JRCH NEWS ALL SAINTS' CRURCa t-be Presbytes-o! Oshawa. The Ras'. At Ail Saint-s' Church next Sun- P. L. Juil, o! Brookln. Psaent0" day, tise Fourth attet r inity, there Uic Bay of Quinte Conference o! wlll be a celebrat-lon 0! t-li HoIy the Unitted Church ot Canada Winf Communion at- 8 arn. andiil a .m. preside and Iinduct t-be nev miiist.. anti evening prayer anti sermon at The ltev. JB. McNeely. of King 7 p.m. The rectos- viiipreach at - Stree~tUnitedi Chus-ch. Oshawa. viii baoth ses-viocs. The Sunday Scihool contiuct public vorship and prscd will mccl vit-h the cMornlng congre-ite -o, n h ev.Gog gat-lon and recQsu for Ibelr ovriles- Hhesrs-non, ati t-e Rer. George son. Parents are urgeri t-o brlngTeor o! s AncasUnti their chiltiren, even t-he lîttie ories. Ch urcli. Oshawa, vili atidres th t* cisurch so that t-bey May at-tend Minister andth -e congregation.,A Ssintay School Visitas-s will be large number of mesnbers o! Uic Most velcome at t-hc serices. Fresbyt.ery a.-e expectêdti t be an hanti. At thbe close o! the service PICNIC, JULY 5 la recefption a :11 rake place for thei Ail Saint-s' Suntiai school picnic new msîn:sl:er aii Latlli tcv Mr wiii b. helti on -Wednesdiay- July Park cornes t-o Wtvfi-rn Blora 5tb Thc bus viil leave t-be pari.sb wbcre lehm basben pastar for Uic îa.il at 1'30 ps-. andi go t-o OQawa- put five er un-Lrse-Làake vncs-ct-le sparts anti gamea viii be helti. The picole vIl return at 7 p.m. Parents are spec- ially invit-edti 1came ta the pics-uc. ST. JOHN'S. PORT WHITBY 93rd ANNIVERSARY The Ninety-thlrd Anniversari' of t-le Chus-ch, anti Dominion Day Suntiay, viilb. celebrateti on Sun- day next- by the followîng servsce.vý 8 a.m. anti il a.rn. Hait- Cornmux-uon 7 p.m. Evenlng I's-ycr. with spec.al musici at the t-vo latter services. Tlic Sunday School antiGd l Bible Class viii meet- at 10 a rn , the Beaver Bays' Bible Class Imniedi- at-ely alter t-h. mornîng service. andi t-le Adult Bible Cla-es at 3 p m On P'ritiay, June 301h. a group wyll meet- at the rectory for Es an- gelistie Study anti Pnsuyr at 8 m -Osn Monday aI 2 p.m - the mcnth- ly business and dtei-olional n.epiinz aftÊe Junior W. A. Wili b. el Il weather permiU-, ln the ReCnrs gartien; atherwise, in tii- S itida Sthoal Hall. We are tortunate in being able1 secure -ar t-ebe vcning serv ice a' o'clock, Sir Henr-y Da:n knowri Chairmnan o!f t- ,Dioc--s Centennar- Commrit-e 1; o give th. aticiess. Tues-e yl lie special m-asic by thr choir anti soloists at- bot-h service-s Misa Joan Wilson wllt sxng in 'h' raorning anti Mu P N Sprs-: ts t-he evening. ST. ANDREWS CtHURCIT Tise p*t0p:*: of S: Andrew's nerIc Sunda- snorrn:,: bsî le occupiei Dv t-hp -R-v Sanvàp, Lawrenîce, vho w, actn,; .s as n-irrator unti a neix niinis-te-r t' app-oneý,d. He will de c;are *hp epulit s acant- anti as- anounce lite name, of scierai wbo wl.1 prpacl: fo,, a clBeginnfig on -Si.nidav. and u-iti l-rher no- 71- iC i, tip . ' - ' I !st-ari a, 1130 i.'! civi( of :pe BirTlIST CHURCH fIomin ' or Dos o: hiin mid ne- S i xr-.- aptioChurcn TO' o" -pisrbe«Pi.e N-' ton Oxi Tht su'nr.gtlouglst mWi! hi A Mar- s NMax; - or the kinr, c. f ma n r-xý i ' ý .!- bs.: for t!îp Nation Srsi; a* l 1 arnandti î1'wn S;.v. a 10 arn Communion of tOc Lords Supper' ai ,, hf, îe f-of? tr 'mornisîg servic- Ps at-rr m.:sgon Thursdayai t Historie Chu rch Marks 93rd AnnivdrsarY ST. JORNs CHMUR - PORT W111T1T Bulit by devout pionces-sU9yearu ge- Thle asmiverusrservice, an to be ield on Sunday next, and ln t-b. tsenkng au aUttus a uste b. tr by Sir Henr *v Drayton. wecasy of thle Dwoesan cmte.snyCOIBIDtIU Rector of thbe churr isat-he Rer. D. B. Laniford. hai matie restitution1 In cour*. Mnqs Sanderron decli'-1 r-d ti: tzouh: 7 30 p Inii her The -aroC bus:.r.es.,s meeting aan wh .- -'-. Cn T;sîxia .uly 6tb THEF SALVATION AR.MY, WHITBY Thurzsday, J-o'..'e 30t-h. 8 pmn. a Captafn iM on;i-. e.co. INDUCT NEW INISTER a.soow On Tbursday evening o! tht-s w 7 p nm WP the nev muinistrr o! Wliitbv Usît&p m li Hr Chu-cii.t-be Rt. Clifi'.rd cG Par,: a: O nome M-A.., ii lie irrmally inducteti b'.- i sreet. - wet. %-etn : t be held for S.:ver anti Cadet V Ttso S:uîtay. Ju % tn evie -i l e he'f 1 a ni. 230 p-m an-i rlesday. Jonc sth, . 30 <mcOrague aui liebe hek e of M-Rock.'. Dunda,ý NOT ENOUGI- ENTHAUSIASM IN- CI-URCH- TODAY. PROFESSOR SAYS "If one person us needed ln t-he church t-otay l là t-liczcaiot- de- clared Prafessor R. J McCrackell. un 1. A-ýk GodtD 10 ake you a New Testament Cliutian -' be conclutiet Thie ssssonvas p;rbstda over 'b> t-be presuidrni. Mt-.s Omets Firilcy ia bier &ou hatint been in ù- b-fore .andi bad psrotrise e wouldr:' do any aut t-bing wa-% a st-upid imr ngto do.-r- irir Coto-e Aus T s a sc.Oua Charge. anci a-e can' dcaa tth ts t-ca iîgbly.7 a F1>. -ti a.d ashe n'mand- ed Il you 'ih lncus*,ody anc week for sentence. COUNTI RAU[ ME[S IWBFR~ Need $5,000 More For High Schools, Cauaang Frac- tional increase speKig t, e oug eope., ,-' Mr Robin Nicholsýon of M WiItt> sion ofth -e Whitby-Lindsay A-sc- couidtucteti a sang Serv-ice a-bile tht* e-sbs-.J 11- pea ciatiaiVof I3aptsst Chut-e" rnee* - Idel.gas, wrere aabbetips urit-h lra, jcommit-tee efcounty council aj- ing in First Baptist Churcb In Osh- J. H. Wailns of Oshawa. playin'y pointi to rcply t-o the varden'sa ad- ava lazI veck. His subjcct vas '"hn-:t-be piano andt Rev. John Osi-rurn af dres, ubunlucd a report yest-erdu.y type of Young People requinet Iin t-b' Uxbu-ldge plat cd vualin accomnpani- wbich tip-caste regret thsat legis- Chus-ch tadat-' nment Muýs Fi-ances Otobl a! Wtt- lat-lan lad matie It nectasar>' ho in- "Wa.a tiere ever a zeaot- lute by led thie' seçVlce o!fa-orhîp Mis-i ci-as-e litgb aelool costs. anti de- Christ?" h.'asked. 'TOr.' aas nu' Mirot (ef risang -My Tm-.-.anti p4ored the tendency -for niointUn; a trace ot îetîîeîgy or Ii.îicsne.ss i:. liter in :iu . e-scîi:ig bt-r. Charleaà costâ amonget a&L hgher govýes-niai; Hlm. He hat i bs body acdmurab.% no ag-ISsi 4t a tir discipliriet. bis mind al-rt-. lit-slart ,Aain Týixý " Wt- Tiiere waa an ics-eea! .173 s' aflamne I-Hepoureti aIl h i.% s b.ood l'l e W's---naue . -.Don- a Millii i~thbe cunty m-te Tise i-r Inta hls life's task Zeal lise an Ir- aki Pireo, .f Olîas. pre3ideci for a-as set ut il0MI ta rai.se $11# 4"112 fectious qiltt ,and the tspeakri U roll --a;, o4, sciet-be..andi for a Legilation pawseti livtheOnt-ario descrsbedth le effeet- o! Chrisýts ýen- specsa; fr-stor' Convention Eciioca Cloîernment ti 1938 inctraauth ie thuslasrn on Simons Peler unhn nn aîm assui:o t t-le Jubiee cen- t oustt- s as-e o! ccssti far coliat- Chist-saw potentiaittie.,;anti ar- scsstoîî gas.- hicI impi-es-tons a! put-nls trm ility t'O ase Isundreti cepte i hm an lits face salue srro! ftihe' -ssionu. pet- tell, Tii. aMaunt diemandeti icn New Testament î.s lue mo-.i Mr Cuuariris Knapp introducM --i frthte couniy for Ibis ptrpose ent-hussastir lbook evr ialtenu t-et Pliofes-%Or blcCrsu.keîsanti ltev Dx iIi-cr ývas t:,-.5 ascotnpared go many neople mistntierât-anti ,- .\4onroe à'àas s'o pzc!senteti ta thle wau: liS19.2=1 itn thbe previeus y -r t-iua.in. Borne people blieict-ha' ze-aI la a t-oic-n o? ignoranre. Peop.' viii o taan-, lengt-h.% init-le depar'- ment o! art. sport.%, bu,-InesxN. bu! they arc &o dreadfuliy corilposeti 1% t-be affaira wberc Chirist 1.i corccri -i cci. No Iieart is pure that U-s fot pas. siorlate. *"Chri3tlanlty 11 a thrillixng. eagerf dynamic pawerl Tlîcy vire ou - -standing days for tise ciscrcli alun thc zealots vere ti lt-s nildt't-. lc arceflot gi-cal days for the eiuurc-: wh.ch facesa. v,&orîti4n a tieperat., st-at-e." anti the profeseor potinteti out that- ln th-is our of Jutigment- the moen ahoulti be out- proclsming t-bc word ofOGot "Rave you beefi zealouts towardi Glodt I<*v is It it-i Ou i the fief i -of your fait-h? Why not carry lta eves-y depart-menc it-beIlite of 7cm chusci t-be irai hicb yoit carry Inta every at-ler plias. o! your lite?In t-h. dhurcli tlert a&-e sisteutibusiness unen visa never misa a chance lns busines but vie In-churcli vos-k Itndti t-bahheur fln- gelsaYe ail thuniba; t-bey neyer tiflanythlng for Christ-.ITi#e -*Cisurch is i go when t-le sea lot la àk&nd' XLu' Igat-herung arîid ipoke brieily M- Harold Vat-on and Mr Wtrin V.er't o! theie ipros isîli cabife- broughi greetivsas !o t-le assmnli- PoîlaaIn,. he nu"et-s. Mr Clasi Dus -i, of Osîawa alioweti mai-urt Picti.wes o." Kilcuo Camsp. Osuil .akr and Mn. Hano.id Wat.i.oini R.c G. V. Ci-abat commuenîcdhti iUeme TO FORERY 0 - bnci-a"- in tic la% rate as ecaus- ccl sisýo b!Ir-caxeil demanda fIr= the ChÈhireaA t Society andtihie buildii e! ttel's bridge ini Aspho- dei Towmsi'sp ih-st - "fc svl mac-e on t-be tebenture dcli.- The detienturrde ttu -ie endt- 0: a&,, w s-es-va 5 AIt tceen. o! 19"911 w*Jl have beeri f us-tis drenicelby 514,907. MOTOR HINTS 'Ils. anUal letal cSt- 01main- antng lise s-cadti paLE-ciati imat ed 1 o b. wiU tabosSiUO.MM t1A eetin per =et 0<e1 t-itis rOMUst Por HopsYcuth to'Hear niabe Sent-ence One W.ok 1, 1.,e o Heme10£vri't- P1.cdm usigllty te a Charge0! fSrtn a poStal noms endthicseaue- trq It kssoain i4t- 10 be à foegM. R. Banderasc. sue 15 POrn Hop vas remasidat iniieust-edy 0t-e ok for sentee by MsSImaau. -8, day eIteTimoms W. R, Ch" wlaoruso» mli $hat- thse aCeUotib ad br bioma atimalua .bo*blimt -a poaMnt- fr hmt mothein âin etage psfer 111 abe gave thse 4cl1bbtofi ole- e atroyeta frItes- ietm *Mt-by b»i astbe te uRobait-btmpm CM0-, Md a kt theUi pofla oêlaidu-o lissa lsllcl-hihad t-o Totle, ai0sM bis vsY lie e aopped ti aI Dut- t-on OS W» iU amti pseebd 001 put-auDow-,viu-bt-he "oe "reme .tc amtiI Ro atm Ir=t-e - suM s bt si f *m -bs 8Uao$W at-id Usai. (Pm 30 hi U îhie tard car- bqaesala ry auma-rop ta- Oce Paatir4 o utcf a pope- us- bas deereoW4 alit BRIN5 HOME WAÂTERLOOMEIALS Bellevllle. Junt 27 - COMPeting witlb outstandInS muscbsnS fs-ci Canada andi Unît-etiStatua. Sce- ville musian. Includîng a gUPI :>! youngstcs-s f rom thbe St iLbChla' Acadesny Bandi, acoreti convluiig-1 yv. as t-ici. returneti hame vit-h tour gold me<lalsand feus- fousth-place avairda f romthc WatcrIoo Mtusia Society festivae. i-OutstandIn2tg ere le-yes.r-old Boi>by Young o! Belleville. vie cap- t-us-dte csaxophone clam Men le chiudren up t-o 16 yes.rs otfa&e. Thse yeuthful as-tit gave aviy sMx y.an te many of lis competitors, but- n'àakhIi moret-ban matie up fer U»25 handicap 0f )yes-s Shls.naly. Doles-e Clapp iM tiaughter of lît. and mI'. O pAGE THRFE clam 0à t-tclal lkgolti metii O i-i. hl ruoti W-mcii Ui Sjeat- "Lov Peter. agd ane, earadt-bu-saSneyer Fall.i clam asui t-b ird s-culet-aui5O ______ 8st Michael'. vison lfeunti*i vas no trUmýpet clm list4& -miade a fine sisovlng. Ailt-lie cl Banti aise t ItiyL T7 Ma-1 c-bey captus-edtitbe ctuue-a thc clarisset section aides- 20 YOMJ. D.lfOI» riehous 'bile Ralpli Clappvus Sous-tbi n Cfsda og von fot-b iPrimala t-ho cwa-ljrt mu a M coOUJeauton opmtas 0ucos up Io24 vsra cf a.la t-be oscorne»M" CIa&$& Jaak Os-cnoustatanding Sl- 451e lD AkIiantia e uu«0 mabp RueXlii, lunem At.n.t t-he Savat-IcaAsny laihd voMthse i ranpor t ts-ch drvaby £MIL- J od&mc4 som sa a f t fl « ese- combs, Oanç~out mesud it t ' t-aient-ai MUulCsI& 1isthmader-ilst mipiodocts, luaPtUD1dOvi %» n ra-te M .- - Uit-y.!po- aiseu*uu.piuceh tourh pam River "s* ugU Ibol dittver caped i'ltiua M bkin V>gup Fn'. D4& stvoya MIIIOm 40ab ) 35 Me Joblsa a r vs e U battamowe Utai Laidy, Jse I-Il. cl ~c '@uiW U di'V5be 9 Jecimb*P UeIa - uadaet-1wsnn1 LEaSI ch . r d11 Motl -bY it-O. mm m 'aOVfetm4donuset. drivm :Ut *a2lmmh*tu t %filmWit sut-asu gla t-beboalama U Jtb: 115bvy teun* li Ick14, bfo 1 blasa qapsest -.aa Mmvomm vhse: pasul Uvo lbs - -u.an- "W Urne ou-Ivu kept.M aft aie atas-amWetblte hurla4,« dffl O et voatse- *wmm *t-v ll 1 I M4 wlitaa t'&b. ufe t-bs hu blav duonxed ora Ma1v-' seb wm m viof uaiIy Umg - lort-bsmU w tla. uWer aissUbsi.bovveLvu woî oMM . sa*" - wl* putaI l _____ Rost-y-.6 e selstat Oa ,ii iAd - tisubou" dAm^ l W t- ~m ie Mut Two WhtbyCRthW .,qun -- a.- fai iwa té OsgJi -' yiis-sexpoece. ensd Vtlt-ber.- fore bu loctet et- Whltby.. I tise at-udy for t-lc e dtdx-r- tion eh prncIal poice, Il appis- id t-bat thlic ounty etOnteÈ-to a&t Uic Unlitd CoMUst- o!f "lum- bas--atanti dDs-hai s h& u ah bave an attlUc" alpas-t--Umenem. Provincial CIlIces- D. P. mots-l bai been *aaigua to t-ls vos-, cIr- lut thes tivusp0o! ButWbllby enu sitaIlagtea, Nc viii for tise pieset bueloate t B ovmaavlle, but Il and whevisct tla foun te t-o morsto omical anti cciatm fW liast-o blis t-looc t Oshsawa. thc change vii l e mati, Prim esUvrd owity M anti vincial poiehng plm an v he r-e se duatvst-imatvus e o!fimci t-at-i ed at Pt-ou andi omat Port Ca ln augm *la hP0 Ob" es ConnUestula v h * tbeasubtof PO"iceOMfMe-sbiu boss obungu as-: Cas-Imbu, hutm It-lso tolmI. aI1 at- Ottava: Imerx htw*ft-o fous. t-licOnf*cetaI34l" Rier bay- tas liut oM eti; RSIMaDIaa, fr= ouc ta t-vso, $OsyielaidDu=ai- vill; Veca-»d albWU 14sb at mid:l tWOnt. fOn M-t-oo twoo-e, t1* tvalrenIa, ue- Petetl: UA MMuOx anti dits.fo4 mm e"t-o t-v tem t-li-es. t -a U ouDM.* M te nlt-, Mu cc tla- u- n W- alow- mtaid àJed bb Pou AdvorU.ensEhct SOV.r Toronto MOU BroclivIlle, lune 27 - Rarolid V. Qoulti of etCatbarunea, Ont., vas clechati presitient eft-bhe Poit- Ad- vurttgtlnAsscIlatIon of Canada at the eoetag sesson eftisae annual conrent-lonSatmisday. Qtui offce-,ts: lcprealdenti, J. R. rstan, ' iomo. aWti F. I. Rit-chia. Erockvllle: sectas-. J. Laky, uTo*le;tueas-c-,A. Tii- t-on, Toront-o. DIrectos-a:W. T. SUt-tcaTlonto; LE. CGoulti. Hamiltons; -George Svme>. Vauccves-: Mous-IceBrovu, Ca4ma.. George, kescr. Winnipeg: aeginau i lles- rtille:.* .A, 0db- but-t, 09*9 otsi;Ms - . Runtile. tAndo; Oves J. Cails-, montrs-lt- ant Om ugeMrt-lic outimnon Tise havor of prunea viiib. gret-' Ir lDM"na 1, l laplace Of soges-, gdu ior cern syrp la umdS" &ad silo o« UIon admia. Themp ma" b Md vtb ras-y gooti ssaP& v tu ail .*avthdt&ia tçý# jat, Moie,' vmiew cýén k, i.,reachatibis, Pnénuteallacitelive »i ooam i tIre mhn tter taklng onf.ffsos t-ators vAit-haeaiihow, b about las-laMII m erssi 11o1il At thse opealag ceemoù alea 8a-,st toes miob gis lowbout-b e cunti-*MOultki lcla dopt Wo toalesa IlIgltfor prfllmtn*lm -B$l lng o! am-ulypiota, elavraSovMui ba"d to observet-lh g.a laemur yperfocled asaUet-y àîé- vioc lm' a otz-elnm busuer cen- Min-lg o orS-zsted sguet âl bavlig dap.a1sating rutswb-h "isot tle ot wlu1vIht a"- e Dt-c the Ur oaagltheiii Uc -sAs, vli e. 'caa ln-the - - Maubcm=ns 11 11tuacm aift tamugut or »gbtmas-la %t Oolgtipand aitw -rsnçl obvlMY Aboê t der drpe lamb a « SIIo v'lr w blcli sinaIIt t5à )lbu l imare~ bos oat ii emr thes cat moq$sb tu ai a F MI=&. dU 'w 1 UNITED CNURW I18ONANT REVFLALS [Contrai 'Figure is a Native % PASTORlPRamioIFSRNISD NTARW Bishop of Indu -Who Drings FSiNAL MFSS t RA i P IF._PROliRAMChristian Church Challeng (Cotined romPage 1) Pay" Taibgt to Qui EfI OfRicer W. H. Clark Bein utkine place i India oday iere datoday along social and ?IIW01MS _ame igna of awakenlng in ai de- fines, Bishop ChIltambar gald th9t fective Christians anld Transferred From OshaWa partuients of lite and more particu- wooeen of the country, 50 long 111i Their Work A to .L blarly hIthe politicui and spiritual the backcground. were now much, to 10 YU'IYrealms. Thie BrItish govertiment the fore. They were dlscumalflland In th e losins sermon of hi& in - had been à benefit to India In more secklng to salve thle great prOblefflS latrY at Whitby United Churc1h on Toronto, June 21-Complets ar- vays t-han one he stated, and he of thleir country and of thifr dayp Buriday evening. thle Rev. Russell rangemients for the rediîst.riution believerd t-at In vears ta corne Uiey and were ci-en beginnlng to tRke 0 O'Brien pali tibte to th~e quie* on Aug. 1 of merobers of thbe Pro- votild be accerded that greater mca- hand in politics. The Bishop'8 wt<e* tngnifl=Chra isians h are cie- vincWa Police Force, in Une- vith sure of frcedom wilicli thbei nov for instance, a ýnative o! f idia, 18 Mg I à quiet way ef fective work the departznent*s poîicy of Main- sought. He pictured t-he ad lot of President a! the Women's CRIritBfl. tivErds brinslng od*<rkngdo t-aining the law enforcement branch the 30.000.00 outeasts. o! the mlt- Temperance Union of that CO=ftY Itol human he&ruta trouglicut the aIt-the higbest possible pcak of cf- lion st.ceped Ini superstition and cf Bishop Chitambar closed lis ad- ntion. The minuster wui presching f iciencýy. are announceci b3p lon. thle poverty-stricken condition o! dresa ith an earnest appeIaltA frii M t- ext hI the gosel 01oSiS- Gordion Conant. Attorney-General. Millions of the people. On thr othtr the Christlan Churcb migbt rouille Matthew -Ye are the light 01 Uic Mr. Canant, who spent long heurs hanci, Inila vas Mak.lng gret pro- iai re&ponlsibtlty and captuo fOt VerIti; 7e aret-the sat of t-he Earti iiin consultation wit.h o! licers of t-he gres i t-be development o! ber lUt- Christ the great religous enthusa andi hIi siib>ct wu .-Me Romance branc.i and I n studying th-e req-ulre- ulr msurces, thbe exploitat-Ion cà ta=s andi zeal nov so much i lMlt cf the Specticui.." ment3s of!thecdifferent counties be- viticli vere OPPOseti by the peop:le i-n Indla. The Christian Olsurch andtih*!s fore aninounicing the final plan. Malicf t-he ceuntry. The cry *India for The Bishop wa.s Introduoeci bya WorIti, saàci Mr. 0Qirien. ove a Cg i-et i oulti distribute the BYB115b1f t-licIndlan.s bati i-euited tia greatladmasoayD.Coe lvr dulteUcque Crsia eProv'>iincial Police In the respective industrial act-ivitty. Substantial pr.)s-y isoaDrChn lVs dul o te qietChrstiin eOPe -Secretary o! thIixternational Mis- *ho do t-heir vork e te & c_ -counhês on as f air and equit-abi. e us Wvabelng madntie he aUic sionary Counicil of'India. tire diurh members a mnaJority 01 basis as ilàl possible to ar-rive ati Uon of thle cashe systeni. the proha- teSekn whoce are insignificant se faras, havizgin bmind population, are& bition o! chlld marriAge. i educa- OhrSek, advertisti1 andi propoganda arl andi criMe Propefsty. lion andi vit-i achos and univer- 1rThe conference. which viii005- concerrned. '8ometimes l feel t-bat 'Mhe redistribution là necesusar it-les being openeci everywhere, In i t-ue un fil June 30, viii hear several wt miss the sgni canc oftheVer because since thbe force was reor- bi3 own distrct. --eBs sali 1 outst.anding men lncludlng Rev. J. quiet wigniflcant Christian& vho ganizeti in '1921, thcpolio. have! the obective vau every Chrisian 1. MacKay,.MMA., BD.. Suiperlntencl- WOe'k to brlng I Gods kidons t- be-cri all&ate<l more or leus hapha,- litentet-n five ycars. Encouracig e! nt Church of Ail Nations,Tronto; htumnn earta throughout thc ni- ardly. Vthe Attornev-Generaiaiei ievst.vr cgdn - Dr. Chone Oliîir, Secret-ary of 111e t-in, ice lre ar 11. ings. Endersed Ai Confeeme itaip ouIt-the deman o! alcohul Itentoa lsoayCucio bhing..oon doors oc tempi« and o! ' Mr. Canant, In announcing tht Prohibition. heat-at-et. was one of indus: Rev. Howparti Out-erbldtge. lowly buildings unnticed i t>ytiosei plan at Uice conference. said he wae thc foremost Itemrs on the. social DD., Principal Of thbe Cellegeo!O iso pasn througli the port&Lis, but 1serlously concerneti over Uic cvi- program tri Incita today. and pronf Literature. Kwansei Gakuin, Uni- nevrtcias~i ~dence o! incre.iig crime In somne Ithgtprogreas vasbeinc made iava sty, Kobe, Japan«. Rev. O0c. A. idit-1l7 siciUim nter. *andtes- sectioens, anti sud it- wa3 is tiesire. thc facIt tbat t-be great senport n W~illiams, PIck Secret-ary, Mission- senlai- sidtheinhbtr. LetU3particularli'. ho arouen citizens aiBmbay is tb have prohibition by ary anti Maintenance Fu.nd; Rey. tliank Qed for thse graceofo humsn- pester &ense o! oblation ini ass15t- the mont-h of August, R ~ . Cciae DSceayo Ity - this dependabie service uhich g -B.UCohrapprebenslon ai0 Qed do«s ioncur.- Continuing th, i~ rnaîrpol ic ntep n sionof Women Piaying Part thc Boardi of Home Missions; Dr. minister cempare th -le service o! mndorsecl by the con! erence btlegetdvbpeto s-W .Srnvy nea fba thoe uget Ciinividualsvi0e ! Te redistribution of Prov4pciall Qum igtd tdtvdubl Wh wU bepolice. sald Uic AttorneY-General. loyal so long as t-bey cari b.eat ~atti ffciv n rom St. Cat-barines to Picton; W. anti <et crade forvisaI tieyndoUt.1H lr.from Oshawa ho WhltbY: andi Se ic eer.colr wo t he. do at-cati o!j uly 1 as origirially pl n- , 50 S therland . from Torono 9 0 O T u S E layaIty - it vas egot-lsm. andi the certainlng f romn York Counly "il S tak e-elvll âMidn chus-ch o! Jeas Christ vas not buiit cision. Most of t-le men vbo art Athefi-melevie t-c i4nn.ER [O ormitie ypol ft- o lie transferreti must bave at lesIA3t tb anel tii-oa tylît T%0 quiet initinificant a mont-h t-o moite the nccessary ar- transfers o! personnel vili be madie:; Christ-lanaseho dotheir vork ef!ec- ranement& C. Taylor, fron Mindlen ho Lint- Utly for t-le love cf It arte cfottn- >rery county In Uic Province. aay; pR.'H. Havkshav. t crm Corn- Ten-DàY Couipetitions StAn dat-ion o! a permanent cOMznunItv vlUi t-be exception of York. viii bC yul ho Alexandtrta:sepbNeSm M yUs le t - U t c ofUiceeartt-e ligit 0o! siste. ti i p u l>îîc, < Pro-<>-- froinîigm to e llevile, J.A. - a s lda.t the vorl& Thuotuh theni ChriSt- ciaipolice ia accordance vli ht-he Rogrs. f roui Pet-erborough to Have- Train Army Pilota l"n q»ufliehave been kept alIve redistribution. york Ccunty. )Mr lck; D. J. Camnpbell f rom Campbiell. an t lrough thesa Qed utîl con- Conant muid In revicu, vas offereti ford ho Kingst-on; D. M. Camrth- lune h bult HI klgdon ! lre uv PovIcIa Poic ~ b.st~cm. f rom Belleville to Camnpbell-, Elmira. N.Y.. June 27-Bieie0 andi lovea. congdtered equit-ablu andi fair hIs-e- lord. beckoneti glder pilota Monday Us Before bqtùng hi&searmion the -lation ho thse Other cousità-es but The 4t4 men hIn1the force, skft- er t Oination.]aoaring conte3t Be.M-ORln epresuet islias clecideti anti aciviti Me iat t-be Atag. 1 redistribution. vii be got- under "ay a!lt-er a week-end 01 %bank amt appreciation le a&U those it- dôc net deSire thbe servioca 0f d.iatrtbUted aU follov: Provincial openIng ceremOnles aci preUlns7 ilie hati helpeti bsa n bis minis- tiiee police. -Mis lias matie Possible police In counlties 131; Provincial fliglits- *ry aund Mate litsthr^ec yeas t&y MmreProvincilPolice ithse ct-ber.policei districts, 83; imotos-cycle Ten thousandti pettors VWatod la witbl pleaant anti protit-able- countbes of thc province-" peUt-oOlti Ontario). lS. motos- Rarrs-aHUI.$13,» ê aoring Cmtr* e eXpreuoth -e hope t-bit t-be n"cuogmiaax». Mf. cycle patroî îNorUicrn Ont-arioi. createti by Cllemung County omitIda mialter ould reeive ic sune Il la desIrable and intended th&t'7. hcadqua-l-rs tasff. T0rote, i18: Elmira Sunday t-o vit-neu Ma - wlge_.learted support, ud 115 st mien@cf t-he provincial Police,.Ucth aufuseeiaiaa-hacua- a hwc oela bp u u muniuy otiti ie lchl blssoi b aelnghtgiso M t o e tes-'9; chauffeur, mecisanica in atart cf a fliglit hi arrusburg, Va Oed. be oatei t- t-e cosity loa01 euhisdltatt& 8. denal staffat he*d- Eliit pliots le!ftfor Harrisburg to lrmced In thewotinrt ro. 1,. andi clerical SWIf, ln Wini B *1»0 a!ard fer the shotoit -i -t -s - I me a S'- -----I i.

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