Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jun 1939, p. 2

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'fm à riI« TwJf% r4 TH-E wH-rrny GUTZETE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY JUNE 28,'1939 4 THE ThWhiby Gazette and Chronide PuUmae qOt7W4DA.damomrnngby limes Pub- bIlgpn y et CWam mLlted: C. IL undy. Pomd ;A.R Mowa.y, Vice-Prehldont. Gmydon M. aodtflw.Dlrsctor. &"nwhere In Canada 82.00 a year ln dvamle; 82».o 0,»"ymr esbocrin he eUnited e8tar r wothrr forelgn couftrlu. Io date to wtzlch the. subeCIp- Mmontg pald Ilu Idlated on us adârea label. Ad.- vetlds m atOs «M app>lcation. J.. LOR.g[m]801, Sdit'r dmd uuammanager. ?lephone: Ben 703: Resd ene. 3SU. WHrrBY, WimDAY. JUNE 28, lm3 Whitby Losea Two Fine Citizens Tise Towhn of Whitby this weck loses two %Iery fine citizens in the persons of Rev. Dr. HavyCarmichael. whe bam occupied Lthe pulpit ef St. Andrew's 'Church for tive years, and the Rex'. Russeli O'Brien, wbo closes a pastorate of three years at thse United Church. Dr. -Carmichael bas been noteti for bi& scholarly attaluments, his quiet dlgnity, and for bis most effective work in pio- motini the. cause of Christian unit>' in Wbltby, particularly in church circles. He bas aiseo been a valued member of thie Ro- tary Club and of the Ministerial Associa- tien, and lu the Ceuncils of bis church he ranka high lu esteem. Although Dr. Car- michael plans te retire trem the. active ministry, w. predict that he wiil stili be in aud will lu years te cerne occupy many c pulpit. Rev. Russel i'Brien, one of the. younger men iu the United Cburcb ministry, has distingul.bed himself in Wbitby fer his work for young people, and hi. interest lu unemployed youth. A master o! religlous education, b. brougbt te his charge ber. tbroe years mgo a wemltb et training which has stood him weIl, addlng mucii te a fruit- fuI mlnistry in Whitby and Almonds. He bas organized young peeple's work-; wce responsible fer thie successfisi Book Fair held about two years &go sud has been vi- tàlly interested lu the. cholr sud otiier cburcii organizations. He hais been much in demnd as a speaker at gatiierings et youth ln the. district, and elsewhere, and he is a very able speaker. Rev. Mir. O'Brien ha& aise been a valued member et the tiotary Club. H. takea tot hie nov church at Burlington biot only the. best wisi.s 'et bis congregation, but ot the -peo- pie of Whltby. Are Townaship Councils Noessary. In these imes et hesvy taxation vc have -hbard much Wak et «too much govern- ment," remms-ks tise St. Mmry's Journal- Argus, whlch eUes-s thie timelycomet *I the municipal field tise couusty mouac lias been singled eut for extiàction treu certain quartera. This argument ises been given -the. quietus by champions ef tise county parliament viio have Polited ent that already we are sutforluigfs-ontoo mucii cents-afization et Tes-otof munici- pal management. Municipal contra la loi- portant and se belevo It ta a practicel ne- ceulty for thse deveiopmeust ot democretie practice lis or country. Ces-taiuily thee mu- nicipal Counclls ares& traininig ground -for- leador3 inl, the large leglaltlre bodias. Iu many Cames us -memberu ef parliament ()E frm Mayonranmd Was-dens lus the mu- nii1fd. Audid t lu by exeMclslg tiscr talents a d riguta et citlzeusship lni th# e la field tha the common snus of menus Nuise Brtlah _Lusts-ls but tise lacis ef whlctisi a Bn luherent woakness et ps-ent totlir an countries whose Iuibltaatebave am aid practice dcsus tiisoug th ie. ceutlul Wocs) se-ontrol On.elocaldIvlelosVI"l ti etrexd 'oftumeappasm te have»Mi e or skmeeunnflceeamsy, l tise tovnalsp. muihrs ad buggy days 1*t "o a &ay toý*nvc eroud Uiceclrcmfelraeeof.1a f.nhp. Todaes most tovu"blps mWgUtbe ~tmavwud la a mattes' or lnste& Fiee ýtWIy apock h eUi cumlyla e »bîggo h ,A. aies te roac M-tse atue ié*t buWcwo« Seft tuie W the local sehool section. Ai present in this province w. have no leua than 7,000 achool districts, some of ýthein carrying on for the benefit et two or three pupils. Suggestas Pro fessional Auditors Advice that mîl qnunicipalities should en- gage none but qualitied professienal audi- tors in matters concerning municipal tunds was given by Attorney-General Conant tu the Ontario County Municipal Association et Sunderland, recently. Stressing that since and including the year 1981 twenty-six municipal otticimis were found guilty ef deta"ctioli5 amount- 1ing to $210.000 the Attorney-General sug- gested that instead of having laymen, whose competence and relimbility isn nt re- gulatoti by thse Municipal Act, te audit mu- nicipal books, properly qumlified protes- sional auditors should be employed. The Attorney-General demonstrated that 'False economy"* was alsd'a factor in im- proper handfling of municipal funds. Hé revealed that several officials who were involved in defalcatiens drew salaries ranging enly f rom $100 to $330 a year. He suggested that higiier remuneration mlgiit mû.e for "reter efticiency in handiing fundz. Hon. Mr. Conant said in part: "Tt is, et course, et the utmost import- ance that these officials should b. both competent an-d rellable. It ta impossible to speak as to t.heir capabilltica because no records are avallable. Figures reating tn their integrity, however, are available and arc rather disturbing. Since a&d lncluding the year 1931, twen- ty-six ef tii... officiais have been found guilty of defalcations snd have been sen- tenced te our jails or penitentaries. What concerna me most, bowever, ià that thie t.endency seenis te b. inereaing there hav- ý ing been convicted already 1939. 1 do net suggest froni thes figures that there is any greter moral turpitude ef crime prôclivity among tht. cimesoe per- sons or officis than otherwis. prevails. Tiiere arn about 1,8W0 municipal officiais in the. Province ef Ontario havlng tihe custody «,~ fonde, .o tiiat deflaln by twonty- ser o ettdei ur itlwIm a aa*th 1~ than nine yeaaM e s ot gst Usga c~pareil viti other groupe am on the. law of aveage. But tise resuits of tises defalcatiens ar e srlou *a ontiste nom- ber I mention la too iilgh Thèse. dtata rePs-oent a total et about $210,00.0 amd muat of noesalty by verydlturblisg i the financial stuceture et thi esicv mtuoipultl.. Thée numbor s' .toi because Ibel tisat undor propos'coutrel i le uisneceasary Mud avouable" Ha# eifDom A Raetd "Hu ~relief be. a racket," tise edîto, ef tise DunhaM Chromic&" s Il# oMas. wr iâ oqu Qu" by s«ringtdut i is bellt t la taet buoeoalg » if it has-t aCtualy =oun-ed e&bu*d. liecitas the CM of aamnIn bue eityo00s-ew, < ppe tie sMd 4Imq4k. are~a a Utuuf riab Ae -Wo Rnê kl 0F money for uothlng and encouragins men to le thoir- morale and sPirit of Inde- pondenco.Meet mon on relief want to work and should b. given it.onhmwho do not want to wrk should b. made to. Improoing County Police Syetem Although the. question of reorganifimtion of the. county police system was advocated at the. Jsnuary session of Ontario County Councfl by ReeveKing of Uxbrige Coui- cil at its June session did not eve diacua it, although it has been deait wltb by other coýunties in recent mootha. However. by August lat overy county in Ontario wll b. pollced by the. Provincial Police Force. Thus it ia hoped that tii... specially trained officers, co-operating with existlng covnty constables, wfIl gfve great- er protection te Ontario cîtizons overy. where, against the inroada cf the.criminal, &Md so far as Ontario County is concerned, no furtiier change In thé. police system may b. necuary. Lnder the. plan of regisâtration there will b. an Àcdtg iggh Constable froni the Provincial Police in complete Chamgeoftpro- vincial and county officerain each county. The province la asklng the. counties to pro. vide adequate accommodation for thé. pro- vincial mon, and wc tedl sure wiIl b. willlng to do this. The Pr...ApprWcated There inan oldsterootypedsa>ing tothe etfect that "many people awcar by nows- papers and others swéar at th.m," remarks tbe Sudbury Star Ia rocot issue. Recently the. Toronto Board of Trade passe a resolution, a copy of which has just been recelved 1>7 Th* Gazette and Chronicle eommondng th* nwspaper for thir coveage On th* Royal Visit, their ex- itensive treatment Otftthe tour through thse useium of picturca, and thc detailing of many incidents ini cosuioction wlth thse ap. pearance of Their Ma&Jetic. i Canadien centres. TU .Ternuto Cîty COMA »Abeoreoenty passéd a asplr wuiva for- lies gained favorable ecammout1« Ic p. port, aiother epimodeof irmt *UklemQ lnter.t osela whkh tlbwo. Dr. Stuaft Par. acvl4Sw odmowatiem «the FPreby tertan Ciurc Mn Caoade auwn te tii. support of thse puouon a ercsubicat in mut acsrM c. -- Wbm 10118b if O-ftu Ausmbly &&W dthattieW poWt« b. hM te Eorgot ceurtanra"0amb S tise f0 01 thi esembldy. Ds- Panrw ooold t » jtheorqust at &L bJ, d M8 fa Iù ft oii mts sauotimo.ho " thseMmi- Ibore quit* pIaI * hvutbteeii ci VIEW- UKOEA1A 5<W*SN-TO »000 iSANDE WASAOA BEACH 015.40 $31.15 '13.05 08.60 11* M=CESAMPY Fe"S ne WO* 0155<11 AU FOR YOUR COPY OP TOtoI<flO AM48a ctCLU. MWSON &AUE NIPOONO -VACATION TOURS" talwmt4m by moi@ ese DescribinO 30 Delightful Tours am 00.mmd s"e. '20.50 Coumd: Our Travel Bureau f» eb" eh u..ma RLVATI0NS- .For TSiun to An:>where *M".dbrt p mà.mm d £sit n.d.uucAny Time COMRU 84mIOm AIIO A MRS. G. DREW Duds St. West *Phone 675 TheBeatton1 pared for that -new day dawning for us, a Mosea wilI b. ready to lead us out of thse wilderneasof diarupted economic condi- tions, which have been of our own making. The. Attorney-General put his finger on the. key to the solution of the probleni when h. said 1I believe it is part of the. Divine plan .that if we are God fearing and law-abiding and willing to devote our en- orgies earnestly and honestly, we have ne preblema that are net capable of solution on the. basis of the greatest good to the greatest number.*" Rebuktes "Soapbox Orato ra" Strlking back at somne of the "soap box" orators, in their utterances in recent years, Col. Frank Chappeli, Director of Public Relations of General Motors of Canada, L-imited, in an address at a Rotary Club meeting in Bownianville recently quoted tacts and figures as related to General Motors in a rebuttal of these statements. Col. Chappell took the view that business in general bad been rather slack in offering a rebuttal to these public utterance.q with the consequence that the public had become di3illusioned about certain matters and public opinion ha& been gm-atly influenced. W. cannot entirely agree with Col. Chap- pell that public opfinion bas bec:i greatly intluenced. bUt do ngrec with him that business in general has been rather slack in refuting many of the st-atementsa which have been made by what may b. termed "subversive elements" from time te time. People are reading and thinking more and more for theniselves these days and arc net swayed to belleve that every statement made on public platfornis are the truth. The. Gazette and Chronicle la glad to sec the Director of Public Relations of a big lndustry like General Moeors coming eut in epen rebuttal te these 1soap-box" Orators and et the. same time ofterîng an explana- tien of what public relations ia trylng te do. W. hep.e thers In other Industries will 'rollow Wo., Chappeil'a lead andi they wIll find e ready synipathy in a larges' number of citizens tisai they suspect and alsc a ce- operation on the. part et the prouIn bnlng- Ing the tacts beoe' a public whIch le eager te lose the. vise!.truth.4 TmE mu i TAXI mont Pupe Use h - Good Cas ,Iomfrahle Wulftng8Ro3 Planning your vacation?ý Let us Iurnieh you with uravel infomation. Canadien National Rallway and Stearnahlp Tickets. BEILL TAXI -Phon. 4653I Kinsale s lsl wo ute Smett. Wed- 0a4V .thwsooo, liane lti.set tis ue a« UCs-a. LKliowb-ay, villi bu M&u Atiles'W. I adie8 «t&. plsaaenote ehta sdate On> maund, J* ID&3usdoss-os ate~ tl vS charge"e« tihe Mr- it es-1o. t *40I. o a boumthse nies - - oui b-- m svu mviii Mbo MMeu hite mio ~rgtouo aeu meltbo 0~mi me acsaalt viO 'nov pests mW btmfuly. i o Ehsi rdmaiveL. W.Md lita.~ bOIlPas-m m Md mi uva, lire* Osows mie O«omui»Meset Us-ae- OUW omla u m... b nt.s oï Woat eseainvs adaýlu lia .1 le. ietmm . birPktglin i I.M l au to! W -n smog W kelqun lu* ovelIp of Whltby. Britain Bjdyig From Canadians "Canada la now the largat sup- plie of tStoeketchup, Jutce, snd pure - ta the. UnItsd Kngdom umket, and dbistrectuoniin »Affl UérOScaual mportera lera to iok te aJistW greater extent to thse Domînion for supplies o1 tii.. pffducte.' Tii!, tastement vu maede in an extensve repot tote WDupes-t=et OTrade snd Commerce by J. a. Rngllah, Cana- dli TaYa49Cmm sonrat Lon- dmn 'RrItah umice rmnulactur- 00u Whosa" veUaed Zuropman tomateo P«c Mdl pUeaUntil receoty," ho ootl u tae o hsiqdit- tiaiti. rejleeta uab is r t gte outte of auppy A- Ir e1 on l40 4W by i- teaiatdiutuptgof 0<trade, and4 hlgsls tcoiabl ppcrt=Uy ~ex- upperb~g bulaluitomti.-pr-o- Mdni *beis "tise madmÙ anel- S-«M 4oms-0atmt Ib fflbeut e EDITORIAL POINT 'MUIý 1 wv TRANSPORTATION Ce Kas>' on Hoijiqysou, 87 tus tlune pnwatlclly oveycuowso hm tnu tottaise a Vacation thu ommer ia u eItiiedoekwdeon whes-to go liatto do ami ohe to do lt ,or la gettin; uts plans vin tuete sispe;se tissmas' nt ýbo a bei lme ITM te Md oual"tiewrmlag wbat nMay Blaise au tise dttromebetweot a mocees- b tuoiday mui ad a flop* 'Iroo may"niaise tbi t taks ottrylng to uruh" tWel- hlldya.Tses' have houa vant tise opus->Alrs, anhueacosilt S Chan&ge.S-lie, is et te oensorst Mid Pl" isbt tu to t*7tematseuP iI tv.veeisafor auhiseyhveflilaaedinitii dhetlf.They go otala bota4go bais-on lag flbl,-45 aitda ttseom usui tii. ma bastingdm uos th* s'omatlty- sm soictui heas amiboite. li hez. tw ia tiserfiniabouet this causa d,. 'e ria 4m ot M anbsn hIrs al. Itaahn~.Or hiattqave bnse- im- tn ye tie« mli la .uttwbMMif ehms 1

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